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Electronic Theses & Dissertations
Graduate School > Electronic Thesis & Dissertations
What You Need To Do
Bound Copies
Forms to Complete
PDF Files
Submitting ETDs
Thesis/Dissertation Guide
Publishing/Copyright Charges
Article-style Dissertations
ProQuest Submission
Video-ETD at UA
ETDs at UA Libraries Site
What You Need to Do
The following is the sequence of events in the ETD process:
The student completes all of the normal thesis and dissertation
steps and submits the ETD to ProQuest (PQ) at the PQ website.
PQ automatically sends you an e-mail confirming that your
submission to PQ is completed. Please print and keep this e-
mail--it is your proof that you submitted online and before the
PQ notifies the Graduate School of the submission.
The Graduate School verifies that the submission meets Graduate
School standards.
The Graduate School notifies PQ and the student that the
submission is accepted.
When the ETD is accepted, UA Libraries receives a copy of the ETD
file and archives it.
Now that you know the basic steps, be sure to review the sections on
master’s and doctoral degrees in the online Graduate Catalog for
information on completing a thesis or dissertation.
Discuss with your committee which style guide you need to follow and the
arrangements they want you to make for having your work edited.
Remember, however, that it is your responsibility to edit the manuscript
according to the appropriate style guide, to follow the guidelines in A
Student Guide to Preparing Electronic Theses and Dissertations,
and to submit to ProQuest (PQ) a manuscript whose content, formatting,
and style are correct.
Prepare for the thesis or dissertation proposal to be defended at least
one full semester before final defense. In most cases, dissertation
proposal defenses typically occur two, three or more semesters before
final defense. Plan for the final defense of your thesis or dissertation at
least 8 weeks before your commencement date.
Forms to Complete
1. As soon as possible after the successful oral defense of your thesis
or dissertation proposal, submit the form for Appointment or
Change of Master’s Thesis Committee or form for
Appointment or Change of Doctoral Dissertation
Committee. With this form, your advisor, department, and you
are asking the graduate dean to evaluate the qualifications of the
proposed committee and approve your going forward with that
committee. The dean will inform you and your committee chair of
any problems in constituting the committee or that the committee
meets requirements.
2.!!!!!No later than the end of the 1st week of classes in the semester
you intend to graduate, submit your Application for Degree.
3. If any changes have occurred in the composition of your committee
since its members were first approved by the graduate dean,
these changes must be submitted to the Graduate School on the
thesis or dissertation committee appointment form whose link is
4. At or immediately after your final (oral) defense meeting, obtain
the original signatures of your committee members and your
department chairperson on the Committee Acceptance Form
for Electronic Thesis or Dissertation. Submit that form with
original signatures to the Graduate School as soon as possible
after it has been signed, but no later than the date when the ETD
is submitted to ProQuest. Unlike paper-submitted theses and
dissertations, there is NO “Signature Page” included at the
beginning of your ETD. The Committee Acceptance Form takes
the place of the Signature Page and is turned in to the Graduate
School. Be sure not to include the Committee Acceptance form as
part of the PDF file you upload at the PQ site. Although the
committee Signature Page is no longer included, please list your
Committee Chair and the names of your committee members on
the Title Page of your thesis or dissertation (see "Sample
Preliminary Pages" for layout).
Note. The Graduate School needs the original Committee
Acceptance Form with original signatures and cannot accept this
form via e-mail or fax.
5. At least 6 weeks before the date of commencement, the Survey
of Earned Doctorates must be submitted to the Graduate School
(doctoral students only). See Graduate School Deadlines for the
specific due dates for each semester. Follow the link above to the
NORC web site to electronically complete the survey. Once you
have completed the survey you must send confirmation to the
Graduate School. You can either send us a copy of the certificate
of completion which you receive at the end of the web survey or
send us the confirmation email which you can request near the
end of the survey. Confirmation emails should be sent to:
PLEASE NOTE: Your thesis or dissertation will not be approved unless and until
you have completed and submitted the above form 4 (for all master’s and doctoral
candidates) and 5 (for all doctoral candidates).
Final (Oral) Defense. Each masters or doctoral candidate must be
given a final oral examination by the thesis or dissertation committee.
Well in advance of your intended graduation date, check with all
members of your committee to determine their availability for the final
defense. Remember that your committee members have numerous other
Discuss the date, time, and location for your defense and the date by
which you are expected to submit a completed, error-free, paginated
paper or electronic copy of your thesis or dissertation to each committee
member. At UA the minimum lead time for submitting the advisor-
approved, ready-to-defend manuscript to all of your other committee
members for review is 2 weeks before final defense.
After the Oral Defense. Prepare your final document for submission.
You must edit carefully your successfully defended document and then
prepare a PDF file of the manuscript, ready for submission to PQ.
You may need assistance in preparing a PDF for submission. There is an
excellent tutorial available for you, and if you choose, ProQuest will
convert your final document to PDF for you at their website and e-mail it
to you.
Once the PDF is prepared, you submit your thesis or dissertation online at
the ProQuest Submission Site for UA Students. Follow PQ's detailed
online instructions.
The PQ site has the following “Submission Steps” checklist to assist you
through the process:
Publishing Options
Contact Information
Dissertation/Thesis Details
Supplemental Files (optional)
Notes (optional)
Register U.S. Copyright
Order Copies
Shipping Address
Note. You can practice as often as you want at the ProQuest (PQ)
site before you make your final submission. At the PQ site click the
About ETD Administrator tab. In the demo box click “Test student
submission. To save time whenever you return to the site, make a note
of the PQ username and password you select the first time you log in.
The Graduate School will review your submitted manuscript. When the
Graduate School completes its review of the thesis or dissertation you
submitted to PQ, we will notify you by email. Typically you can expect to
receive the Graduate School's email within 14-21 business days of when
you hit the Submit button at the PQ site. The email from the Graduate
School either will say that the thesis or dissertation has been accepted or
that it requires more editing. If editing and resubmission are required,
you will be given specific information regarding what needs to edited.
Requirements for Graduation are Completed When
The thesis/dissertation submission and approval processes are
All grades have been cleared
All outstanding fees have been paid
Until you have completed this process, the Graduate School cannot offer
assurance to a third party (such as a prospective employer) that you
have completed the degree.
Once the degree has been officially awarded, degree verification can be
obtained through Student Clearinghouse. Official transcripts can be
requested 24 hours per day/7 days per week online from the Office of
University Registrar or call (205) 348-2020.
Note. Leaving the Tuscaloosa area before the approval process is
completed does not in any way alter these requirements or
extend these deadlines.
No signatures are permitted anywhere in an ETD. For
example, you first must remove signatures from the IRB
approval notice if you include it in an appendix.
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