Items to Accompany your Application
1. $40.00 Application Fee Cash or Money Order Form Only. Anyone 18 years
of age or older must complete application for occupancy approval with
separate application fee.
2. Your last three (3) paycheck stubs
In Order to qualify you must:
1. Lease Holder Must be at least 18 years of age.
2. Have verifiable income of at least 3 times the rent amount.
3. No Evictions or Foreclosures within last 3 years.
4. No unpaid utility bills
5. No Civil Judgments
6. Convicted Felons* and Registered sex offenders will be disqualified.
We run credit check, criminal background check and sex offender check. Job and
Landlord Housing history must be verifiable as favorable.
We do not permit aggressive breed dogs. Pet Fee $300.00 for approved pets.
No Pet May Enter Property Without Written Permission from Landlord.
You may submit your application one of three ways:
1. Fax: 636-600-8626
2. Email:
3. US Mail: Red Hawk Estates
111 Maple Shade Drive
Old Monroe, MO 63369
Thank you for your interest in Red Hawk Estates. We hope to see you soon!
* All Class A Felons will be denied. Class B C & D Felons will be considered if case disposed by Court 25 years from date of application
Berkley Real Estate 636-665-5205
Desired Move In Date ____________ Your Email ________________________________________________________
APPLICATION FOR: Lot Lease Rental Purchase
Name ________________________________________ Spouse (if applicable) __________________________________________
First MI Last First MI Last
Current Address _________________________________________________________ City __________________ State________
Zip Code _____________________ Dates at Address _____________________________ Cell Phone _________________________
Current Landlord/Lender ___________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
Previous Address ________________________________________________________ City __________________ State________
Zip Code _____________________ Dates at Address _____________________________
Previous Landlord/Lender ___________________________________________________ Phone __________________________
List All Other Occupants to Occupy the Premises
Name Relationship DOB Age Sex
__________________________________________________ ___________________________ ______ ____ ________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________ ______ ____ ________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________ ______ ____ ________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________ ______ ____ ________
Employment / Personal Information
Applicant Spouse / Co Applicant (if applicable)
Date of Birth ___________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________________________
Social Security ___________________________________ Social Security ___________________________________
Driver License # ___________________________________ Driver License # ___________________________________
Employer ___________________________________ Employer ___________________________________
Address ___________________________________ Address ___________________________________
How Long ___________________________________ How Long ___________________________________
Position ___________________________________ Position ___________________________________
Monthly Income ___________________________________ Monthly Income ___________________________________
Supervisor ___________________________________ Supervisor ___________________________________
Work Phone ___________________________________ Work Phone ___________________________________
Work Fax ___________________________________ Work Fax ___________________________________
Work E-mail ___________________________________ Work E-mail ___________________________________
Prior Employer ___________________________________ Prior Employer ___________________________________
How Long ___________________________________ How Long ___________________________________
Position ___________________________________ Position ___________________________________
Monthly Income ___________________________________ Monthly Income ___________________________________
Supervisor ___________________________________ Supervisor ___________________________________
Work Phone ___________________________________ Work Phone ___________________________________
Work Fax ___________________________________ Work Fax ___________________________________
Work E-mail ___________________________________ Work E-mail ___________________________________
Vehicle Info
Year ____________ Make ______________________________ License __________________________
Year ____________ Make ______________________________ License __________________________
Year ____________ Make ______________________________ License __________________________
Boat or Trailer? Yes No No trailer parking on driveways. If Yes, Describe
Parking is limited to assigned driveway only. Vehicles over 20 feet or licensed over 24,000 lbs are not allowed
Do you have any pets? Yes No (policy limits pet at two) No pet shall enter property without written permission from landlord
List Type, Breed, Age _____________________________________ List Type, Breed, Age _________________________________
Character Reference
Name ___________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State _________ Zip _____________Phone ________________________________
Contact In Case of Emergency:
Name ______________________________________ Address ______________________________ Relationship ______________
City __________________________________ State _________ Zip _____________Phone ________________________________
Do you own your own home? Yes No Year Make _____________ Size ______X_____
Have you or your spouse ever been sued for non-payment of rent? Yes No
Have you or your spouse ever been evicted or asked to move out? Yes No
Have you or your spouse ever declared bankruptcy? Yes No
If YES to any of the above questions, please explain:
Please Tell Us How You Heard About or Who Told You About The Property
All pets must be approved in writing prior to the pet being on the property.
Tenants with unauthorized pets are charged a fee of $10 per day any pet is on property unauthorized.
Any dog demonstrating aggressive behavior will be banned from the property and owner forced to remove it immediately.
Commercial Vehicles may not be parked on the property without written permission from Landlord.
Trailers, Boats, RV Vehicles, ATVs and the like may not be parked on the property without written permission from Landlord.
Unlicensed or inoperable motorized vehicles may not be operated or stored on the property without written permission from
Acceptance of this application and any monies deposited is not binding upon the Owner/Agent until approved for leasing by the Owner/Agent. It is further
understood and agreed that if application is approved, any monies deposited with this application will be held as an initial security deposit amount payment.
If applicant withdraws this application, the processing fee will be retained as liquidated damages. It is further agreed and understood that if a home or pad
is held for an applicant for more than three (3) days after the receipt of the security deposit monies and the applicant withdraws the application, the
Landlord shall retain all monies deposited as liquidated damages. If this application is not approved,
less the application fee
, all monies deposited will be
refunded. Applicant(s) further irrevocably authorize(s) Berkley Real Estate LLC, Red Hawk Estates and or Route 66 Estates, to transfer to the Owner-
Landlord at any time, without liability to anyone, any and all deposits herein mentioned or otherwise required in connection with the occupancy of the
applicant(s). Applicant(s) hereby acknowledge(s) and authorizes that the Owner-Landlord, Berkley Real Estate LLC, Red Hawk Estates, Route 66 Estates any
affiliate, agent or employee thereof, may procure any investigative consumer reportas defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. a(d), concerning
the applicant(s), including information as to the character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living of the applicant(s) and that the
applicant(s) that have the right within a reasonable period of time hereafter to request a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the
investigation requested. Applicant(s) hereby authorize(s) the Owner-Landlord and their respective affiliates, agents and employees to disclose to others any
information about the applicant(s) possessed by them to extend such disclosure is not otherwise prohibited by law.
Applicant Signature ______________________________________________________ Date __________________
Applicant Signature _______________________________________________________ Date _________________
111 Maple Shade Drive
Old Monroe, MO 63369
(P) 636-665-5205 (F) 636-600-8626 (E)
Employment Verification
Dear Employer,
I ______________________________________________________________ have submitted application for occupancy at
Red Hawk Estates and hereby authorize you to release my requested employment information.
__________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Authorizing Signature Last 4 digits of SSN#
Employer Name__________________________________________________________
Employer Address________________________________________________________
Phone (_______)_______-_______ Fax (_________) ________- _________ Email ____________________________________
Employer Verification- TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYER
1. Is the applicant currently employed with your company? ________
2. Is the above mentioned employee newly hired? _________
3. Employment start date________________
4. Type of employment____________________
5. Full time or Part time? _________________
6. Is the employee considered to be temporary hire ______________
7. Employee Position __________________________
Hourly Pay Rate Average tips per day Gross pay amount Next pay date
$_____________ $________________ $______________ _____________
I understand that the information I am providing will be used to determine the above-name employee’s determination for
______________________________ ___________________________
Employer’s Signature Date
Thank you for taking the time to complete this verification - we know how valuable your time is. Please return this
form by fax to 636-600-8626 or email at
111 Maple Shade Drive
Old Monroe, MO 63369
(P) 636-665-5205 (F) 636-600-8626 (E)
Employment Verification
Dear Employer,
I ______________________________________________________________ have submitted application for occupancy at
Red Hawk Estates and hereby authorize you to release my requested employment information.
__________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________
Authorizing Signature Last 4 digits of SSN#
Employer Name__________________________________________________________
Employer Address________________________________________________________
Phone (_______)_______-_______ Fax (_________) ________- _________ Email ____________________________________
Employer Verification- TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYER
1. Is the applicant currently employed with your company? ________
2. Is the above mentioned employee newly hired? _________
3. Employment start date________________
4. Type of employment____________________
5. Full time or Part time? _________________
6. Is the employee considered to be temporary hire ______________
7. Employee Position __________________________
Hourly Pay Rate Average tips per day Gross pay amount Next pay date
$_____________ $________________ $______________ _____________
I understand that the information I am providing will be used to determine the above-name employee’s determination for
______________________________ ___________________________
Employer’s Signature Date
Thank you for taking the time to complete this verification - we know how valuable your time is. Please return this
form by fax to 636-600-8626 or email at
111 Maple Shade Drive
Old Monroe, MO 63369
(P) 636-665-5205 (F) 636-600-8626 (E)
Dear Landlord,
I / We ____________________________________________________________________________have submitted application to
Print Tenant Name (s)
Red Hawk Estates and hereby authorize you to release my requested residency information.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Authorizing Signature Authorizing Signature
Last 4 digits of SSN# _____________________ Last 4 digits of SS# ______________________
To Be Completed by Landlord
Please verify dates of occupancy ___________________ to ___________________
Please verify monthly rent. $ ____________ Please verify the number of occupants for the premises. _________
Does tenant pay rent on time or do you have to chase rent? _____________________________________________
Is there a current balance due for this tenant? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, what is the balance? _____________
Have you ever started eviction proceedings on tenant? Yes _____ No _____
Does tenant get along with neighbors? Yes _____ No _____
Is tenant polite and understanding when dealing with you? Yes _____ No ______
Does tenant maintain a neat and tidy home? Yes _____ No _____
Does tenant have pet (s)? Yes _____ No _____
If tenant has pet (s), are they well-behaved and supervised? Yes _____ No _____
Would you re rent to the tenant? Yes _____ No _____
If you have any comments you would like to add, please feel free to list in the space provided.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this verification - we know how valuable your time is. Please return this
form by fax to 636-600-8626 or email at