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Swim & Fitness Center
MEMBERSHIP TYPE: (select one)
All Summer Memberships are a 5-month contract, running from 5/1/24 - 9/30/24. No early
termination permitted. Pilates not included.
KEY CARD NUMBERS: ___________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ ____________________________
Member 1 Name:
Birth Date:
______________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________
Member 2 Name:
Birth Date:
Fitness Classes: Y or N
Cell Phone: ______________
Home Address:
Billing Address:
(if different from
Have you been a member of Red Hawk Swim & Fitness in the past?: Y or N
If yes, when?: __________________________________
Only pre-qualified and listed individuals will be offered Dependent privileges.
Included Dependents: Dependents are defined as unmarried children under the age of 22 who live at home.
Birth Date
Each additional Dependent will be an additional $20.00 per month, per Dependent.
Birth Date
Caretaker Dependents $45 per month (manager approval required)
Birth Date
Managers Initials for
For Red Hawk Use Only:
S&F Sales Associate:
Print Name
Membership Commencement Date: ___
Contract Period: 5/1/2024 to 9/30/2024 (no cancellation permitted)
Membership Fees:
Summer Family ($220 per month) $ ___
Additional Dependents (when over 4, $20 each) $ ___
Summer Couple ($200 per month) $ ___
Summer Single Swim and Fitness ($120 per month) $ ___
Caretaker Dependent ___ $ ___
($45 each per month, max of 2)
First month’s dues (pro-rate if not 1
day of month): $ ___
Administration Fee:
$60 charged to all memberships $ ___
Total Amount Due Today: $ ______
Regular Monthly Rate: $ ______
Will be charged on or about the 5
of each month
GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY STATEMENTS about the operation of swim and/or fitness or exercise
or group exercise classes implemented or published by the State of Nevada, the Governor of the State of
Nevada, Washoe County Health District, or any other agency or governmental body with jurisdiction
over Red Hawk Swim & Fitness.
It is the intention of The Swim & Fitness Center at Red Hawk to provide facilities and amenities for
the enjoyment of its members and guests. The Center desires to provide its services in a safe and healthy
manner for all of its guests and employees. However, some operations may be restricted or modified from
time to time to accommodate COVID-19 guidelines, rules, regulations, and directives, or other similar
The Swim & Fitness Center at Red Hawk may, from time to time, make changes to its operations,
operation hours, facilities, and amenities available, to accommodate the safety and health of its members,
guests and employees, those changes will be posted around the facility, and as practicable, sent out by email
notification as well.
Therefore, this agreement is offered in consideration of the foregoing and all conditions,
restrictions, guidelines, and circumstances related to and arising from COVID-19 and similar matters,
and all parties entering into this agreement mutually agree to these conditions and circumstances, as they
proceed to enter into, execute and deliver this agreement to each other.
THIS MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made by and between RED HAWK LAND
COMPANY, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company (“Owner”), doing business as THE SWIM & FITNESS
CENTER AT RED HAWK (Center), and ___________________, an individual, and
_____________________, an individual (collectively and individually referred to herein as Member”).
Section 1.01 Nature of Membership. Membership does not confer or carry with it any interest in
the property or assets of the Center, or any right on the part of Member to participate in the management or
operations of the Center, financially or otherwise. Membership confers solely the non-exclusive right to use
and enjoy the facilities of the Center in accordance with the Centers rules and regulations (Rules and
Regulations), which may be changed from time to time without prior notice by the Center and without the
consent of Member.
Section 1.02 Conditions of Membership. Membership is open to any family or individual of
good character and responsible credit background without regard to race, sex, ethnic background, or religion.
A family is defined as a married couple and any dependent children, under the age of eighteen (18), who
live at home. All applications for membership are subject to approval by the Center, which shall have sole
discretion to approve or reject applicants for any legal reason whatsoever. The Center may, at its sole
discretion, place applicants on a waiting list pending the availability of memberships in the Center and upon
such terms and conditions as the Center may establish from time to time. Member shall be subject to the
Rules and Regulations, including any revisions thereof. The categories of membership in the Center may
be changed from time to time in Owner’s sole discretion.
Section 1.03 Payment of Enrollment Fee. New and rejoining Members are subject to any
applicable enrollment fee which the Center deems appropriate. The amount, manner, and time of payment
of such fee shall be established by the Center and may be changed from time to time. No portion of such
fee will be refunded upon termination of membership.
Section 1.04 Dues and Charges. Monthly dues and shall be paid in advance of Members use of
the Center. The current dues and charges for each category of membership in the Center shall be subject to
increase at any time. The obligation to pay dues is not dependent on the availability of any or all of the
Centers facilities at all times, or the type or quantity of the classes or equipment offered at the Center.
Repairs, maintenance, programs, special events, government or government agency guidelines for closure,
shutdown, or cleaning, and/or any other circumstances may make it necessary, and the Center reserves the
right, to restrict use of, or close one or more of the facilities, and to change the type and quantity of the
classes and equipment offered at the Center. Dues will not be reduced or suspended during the time when
one or more of the facilities are not available.
Section 1.05 Voluntary Resignation / Cancellation.
a. All Summer Memberships are a contracted period thru 9/30/2024, and dues paid are non-
b. There is no cancellation for Summer Memberships, the term of the contract shall run thru
September 30 of the current year that the Membership Agreement was signed.
MEMBER MUST SIGN stating they have read and understand the cancelation provision set forth in this
Section 1.05
Section 1.06 Involuntary Termination and Suspension. The Center may immediately and
without advance notice, terminate or suspend the membership or privileges thereunder of Member for failure
to comply with the terms of this Membership Agreement, with any of the Rules and Regulations, or for any
conduct which the Center determines in its sole discretion to be improper or in any way contrary to the best
interests of the Center and its membership. Any violence or threats against any Center staff member or
employee, or any other member or any guest at the Center, or against any of Center’s property may result
in termination of Membership. A terminated Member will remain liable for all dues and other indebtedness
incurred prior to termination of the membership. A suspended Member will remain liable for all dues and
other indebtedness incurred prior to and during the period of suspension of the membership. Closure of the
Center as a result of a pandemic, virus, or any other governmental shutdown, closure, or guidelines for
closure for the safety of members, guests, and/or employees is not a termination of membership.
Section 1.07 Reinstatement. Reinstatement of any resigned or terminated Membership shall be
at the sole and absolute discretion of Owner. However, any Member wishing to rejoin the Center must
submit a new membership application and comply with all of the terms and conditions of membership
agreement and Center, including, payment of a new member initiation fee.
Section 2.01 Assumption of Risk. Member knows, understands, and appreciates the risk of entry
upon and use of the Centers facilities, including, but not limited to, loss of or damage to personal property,
illness or sickness of any kind type or nature, serious or catastrophic personal injuries, and death. Member
confirms that he/she is voluntarily assuming the risk of participating in the Centers fitness activities and
entering upon and using the facilities and equipment, and Member hereby expressly assumes all risk that
he/she may suffer personal, bodily, or mental injury, illness or sickness of any kind type or nature, or death,
economic loss, or damage as a result of his/her entry upon or use of the facilities or equipment or
participation in the Centers activities. Member acknowledges and agrees that he/she is solely responsible
for his/her safe and responsible entry upon and use of the facilities and equipment, whether or not supervised
by the Centers representatives, and that the Center shall not be liable for any injuries, illness or sickness of
any kind type or nature, or any damage to Member or any of Members guests, or the property of Member
or any of Members guests, including, but not limited to, articles damaged, lost, or stolen in or about the
Center or from lockers, or for loss or damages to any property, including, but not limited to, automobiles
and the contents thereof.
Section 2.02 Release and Waiver of Claims. In consideration of being permitted to enter upon
the facilities and use the equipment and participate in the Centers activities, on behalf of him/herself and
Members guests (as defined in the Membership Application Form) and each of their respective spouses,
children (including unborn), heirs, representatives, guardians, successors and assigns (collectively, the
Member Parties), Member releases and discharges the Center, Owner, and their respective affiliated
organizations and each of their owners, partners, members, directors, officers, employees, contractors, and
agents (collectively, the Center Parties) from any and all claims, causes of action, or liability for any
damages to or loss of property, injuries, illness or sickness of any kind type or nature, or death that any of
the Member Parties may suffer in or about the Center resulting from any of the Member Parties participation
in the Centers activities or entry upon or use of the facilities or equipment, whether or not the same arises
from or results from any act, conduct or omission of any of the Center Parties.
Section 2.03 Indemnification. Member agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend the
Center Parties from all claims, demands, causes of action, or liability, including, but not limited to, attorneys
fees, expenses, costs, and all consequential damages for any loss, damage, or injury to persons, illness or
sickness of any kind type or nature, or property arising from or relating to any of the Member Parties
participation in the Centers activities or entry upon or use of the facilities or equipment, whether or not the
same arises from or results from any act, conduct, or omission of any of the Center Parties.
Section 3.01 Billing. Member Dues are owing regardless of whether the Center is open or must
close because suggested or required by any governmental agency or for any matter related to a governmental
agency suggestion or mandate. Dues will be debited from Member’s designated bank account on or about
the fifth (5
) day of each month. The monthly charge will reflect the next month’s dues and any past month’s
charges. Any outstanding balance not paid by the fifteenth (15
) of each month will again be attempted to
be debited from Member’s designated bank account.
Section 3.02 Late or Returned Item Charges. A charge of THIRTY-FIVE DOLALR ($35), will
be assessed for returned checks, insufficient funds, closed accounts, frozen or declined credit cards or similar
circumstances, which result in late or delayed payment to the Center. Member is responsible for providing
accurate and updated information on his/her account to ensure timely receipt of payment, including,
without limitation, current credit/debit card account information. These late charges and fees will continue
to accrue monthly against Member’s past due account balance until the balance, late charges and fees are
paid in full. The Center reserves the right to re-attempt collection of Member’s outstanding balance until
such time as Member’s account is current.
If Member Dues are not fully paid by the 15
of the month, the Member’s access to all facilities will be
suspended until the account is brought current.
MEMBER MUST SIGN stating they have read and understand the provisions set forth in this Section
Section 3.03 Damages. Member shall be responsible for any damage to the Centers property
caused by Member or any Member Party.
Section 4.01 Modifications. All fees, dues, charges, and the Rules and Regulations are subject to
change by the Centers management from time to time. Members may be notified of such changes in any
manner which the management of the Center deems appropriate.
Section 4.02 Photos and Videos. At times the Center may take photos or videos to be used for
marketing purposes. Members agree to allow their likeness and images to be used by the Center.
Section 4.03 Approval of Application. Membership is subject to approval by the Center and shall
not be effective unless and until this Agreement is executed by the Center. Member acknowledges that
he/she has carefully read this Agreement and understands its terms and conditions, including the waiver
and release of liability, and agrees to be bound by all of its terms and conditions. Member is signing this
Agreement of his/her own free will and intends for his/her signature to be a complete and unconditional
release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
Section 4.04 Governing Law. The laws of the State of Nevada (without giving effect to choice
of law or conflict of law principles) shall govern this Agreement. Any action to interpret or enforce the terms
of this Agreement shall brought in a court of competent jurisdiction or other appropriate venue in Washoe
County, Nevada.
Section 4.05 Severability. Should any part of this Agreement be rendered or declared invalid by
a court of competent jurisdiction of the State of Nevada, such invalidation of such part or portion of this
Agreement should not invalidate the remaining portions hereof, and they shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 4.06 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Rules and Regulations contain the
entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersede all prior
arrangements, written or oral, between the parties.
Section 4.07 Waiver. The Centers failure to require performance of any provision of this
Agreement shall not affect the Centers right to require performance at any time thereafter, nor shall a waiver
of any breach or default under this Agreement constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default or a
waiver of the provision itself.
Section 4.08 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more counterparts,
each of which when taken with the others shall be one and the same instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective as of the day
and year first above written.
I/we agree to be bound by the terms found in the Membership Agreement and the Rules & Regulations as they
now exist and as they may be amended or supplemented. I/we agree to indemnify and hold harmless from
liability the Center, its management, and its owners from any injury to my/our body or property or the body or
property of my/our Dependents, Extended Family Guests, or Member Guests incurred as a result of using the
Center facilities.
Signature of Applicant
Signature of Applicant
a Nevada limited liability company
Print Name:
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I authorize any and all membership charges and delinquent charges incurred on my account with the Center
to be charged to the account listed below. I certify that the below listed account is issued to me and agree that
all disputes on my account relating to the Center will be promptly brought to the attention of the Center. I
understand that I am obligated to keep a valid approved ACH account on file with the Center at all times. In
the event I fail to update the ACH account information on file with the Center, I acknowledge and agree that
I will be subject to a $35 charge per section 3.02.
PRIVACY DISCLOSURE: The payment information collected to administer your membership account is
treated confidentially and will not be shared with anyone except financial institutions and those employees
used to process payments. Your payment information is NOT shared, sold, or made public in any way.
Date Signature of Applicant
SF #:___________
Accountholder Name:
(As it appears on the account)
Accountholder Signature:
Routing Number: ___________________
Account Number:_____________________________
Type of Account (Please select one):_____Checking_____Savings