Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
(FATCA): Entity Classification Guide
October 2015
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Which W-series form should I complete for the entity? ............................................................................ 3
1.1. Does the entity need to provide a Form W-9? ........................................................................................ 4
1.2. Is the entity acting as a beneficial owner or an intermediary?................................................................... 4
1.3. Does the entity need to provide a Chapter 3 Status on the W-form? ......................................................... 5
2. Classification Overview ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Which Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA) does the entity fall under and why does it matter? ................... 6
2.2. FATCA Entity Classification Process Overview ...................................................................................... 7
3. Is the entity a Financial Institution? ....................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Completion of W-8 series form as a Financial Institution (FI) ................................................................... 9
3.2. How to determine if the entity is a Financial Institution (FI)?..................................................................... 9
3.3. If the entity is a Financial Institution (FI), what next? ............................................................................. 11
3.4. If the entity is not a Financial Institution (FI) what next? ........................................................................ 12
4. FIs in IGA jurisdictions: Is the entity a type of Non Reporting IGA Financial Institution (FI)? ....................... 13
4.1. Is the entity an Exempt Beneficial Owner? .......................................................................................... 13
4.2. Is the entity a Deemed Compliant Investment Entity? ........................................................................... 14
4.3. Is the entity a Registered / Certified Deemed Compliant Entity? ............................................................. 15
5. FIs in non IGA jurisdictions: Is the entity a type of US Treasury Regulations Non Reporting Financial
Institution (FI)? ................................................................................................................................ 16
5.1. Is the entity an Exempt Beneficial Owner? .......................................................................................... 16
5.2. Is the entity a Deemed/ Certified Deemed Compliant Investment Entity?................................................. 17
5.3. Is the entity a Registered or Certified Deemed Compliant Entity? ........................................................... 18
6. Is the entity a Non Financial Foreign Entity (NFFE)? ............................................................................ 19
6.1. NFFEs other than Passive NFFEs ...................................................................................................... 20
6.2. Passive NFFEs ................................................................................................................................ 21
7. Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 22
What is FATCA?
The US Treasury has enacted a piece of legislation known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
which aims to detect and deter US Persons from using non-US financial organisations to evade US tax. It requires
Financial Institutions (FIs) such as HSBC Global Private Bank (GPB) to identify customers that are US Persons and
accounts owned either directly or indirectly by US Persons. Further, many countries have signed ‘Intergovernmental
Agreements’ (“IGAs” or “Agreements”) with the US to agree to implement this legislation domestically.
For HSBC Global Private Bank (GPB) (“us/we”) to comply with this legislation, we require you to complete the
appropriate IRS (Internal Revenue Service) W-series form confirming the entity’s FATCA classification (also known
as Chapter 4 status). It is the information on this form (and supporting documentation where appropriate) that we
will rely upon to fulfil our legislative reporting requirements where necessary in respect of FATCA and US Persons.
Why have I received this document?
The entity classification rules under FATCA are complex and determining the entity’s FATCA classification is not a
straight forward process. Further, some entities will find that they have multiple classifications available to them and
will need to consider which classification is the most appropriate for them. We are not able to provide tax advice or
advise customers on their FATCA classification.
This document is not intended to answer all questions or cover all scenarios but should give you an introduction to
the FATCA entity classifications and a summary of the key determining factors, using visual decision trees to
summarise these. Detailed classification definitions are outlined in the glossary to this document.
If you do not wish to use this document we would strongly recommend you seek appropriate tax advice to assist
you with the classification process.
The steps required are as follows:
Step A
Which W-series form should I use?
You must document the entity’s FATCA classification on the appropriate W-series form. The flow chart
in Section 1 outlines the considerations necessary to determine which W-series form to complete.
Section 2 then provides links to the various W-series forms and guidance on how to complete them.
Step B
Determine the applicable entity classification rules
The classification rules differ depending on the entity’s jurisdiction of tax residence. Section 3 outlines
the relevant local rules that you will need to take into consideration when determining the entity’s
Step C
Determine the entity’s FATCA classification
With reference to the appropriate legislation, you should then determine the FATCA classification by
considering the nature and activities of the entity. In some cases, there will be multiple options
available. In these situations, we recommend you seek appropriate tax advice.
The high level classification process is outlined in Section 3, followed by the definition of Financial
Institutions in Section 4. The remaining sections then detail the Financial Institution classifications in
Sections 5 and 6 and the Non Financial Foreign Entity classifications in Section 7.
Case studies and examples of Financial Institutions and Non Financial Foreign Entities are provided on
pages 10 and 21 respectively.
Some entity classifications will require you to provide additional documentation to us.
These classifications have been highlighted with the following symbol:
In these cases, the additional documentation requirements are clearly detailed.
What if I still don’t know what the entity’s FATCA classification is?
If you get to the end of this document and are still unclear how to establish the entity’s FATCA classification or are
uncertain of its classification, you will need to seek appropriate tax advice. Your Relationship Manager at HSBC
Global Private Bank will not be in a position to provide assistance beyond the information contained within this
guide given the complexity of the entity classification rules and given that by law the Bank is not permitted to give
tax advice.
This document is not intended and cannot be used as a substitute for a detailed analysis of the Foreign Account
Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Intergovernmental Agreements or related documents. This document does not
constitute or should not be construed as tax advice. In case of uncertainty, please obtain professional tax advice.
This document is intended to assist you in identifying and completing the documentation necessary for FATCA
classification purposes, based on FATCA information currently available.
This document contains visualizations of the "decision tree" in a simplified form. To accurately determine the
FATCA please refer to the textual description.
We recommend that entities seek professional tax advice in the case of uncertainty or if there are several
classifications that may be applicable to the entity.
1. Which W-series form should I complete for the entity?
We require you to complete an IRS W-series form confirming the entity’s FATCA classification. There are a suite of
W-series forms and you will need to establish which is the correct form to provide us with. To do so, you must
consider the entity’s US/non-US status and whether it is the beneficial owner or an intermediary in respect of the
account in question.
Please consult the below flow diagram and the indicated sections within this guidance document to help determine
which W-series form you should complete. Further guidance on which form to complete can be found on the W-
series forms themselves and in the IRS instructions to these as set out below.
Please see the below links to the W-series forms and accompanying IRS instructions. Further information, including
FAQs, is also available on the FATCA section of our website at:
Non-US intermediaries and flow-through entities that are
Non-US entities and certain US branches.
These entities will also need to provide the relevant W-series
form(s) for the beneficiaries. See Section 1.2.
US Entity
Non-US government, international organisation, Non-US
central bank of issue, Non-US tax-exempt organisation or
foreign private foundation
Beneficial owners that are non-US entities
Non-US person claiming that income is effectively connected
with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States
W-9 Form:
W-9 Form Guidance:
W-8BEN-E Form:
W-8BEN-E Form Guidance:
W-8BEN Form:
W-8BEN Form Guidance:
W-8IMY Form:
W-8IMY Form Guidance:
W-8EXP Form:
W-8EXP Form Guidance:
W-8ECI Form:
W-8ECI Form Guidance:
Section 1.1
Section 1.2
1.1. Does the entity need to provide a Form W-9?
US entities should complete a Form W-9. Should the entity be a US entity, there is no further need to consult this
guide as the remainder of the guide deals with the classification of non-US entities.
Broadly a US entity is any of the following:
A Corporation or Partnership created or organised in the US or under the law of the US or of any state in the
An estate of a US person or a trust if a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision
over the administration of the trust and one or more US persons have the authority to control all substantial
decisions of the trust.
The US government or any agency/instrumentality thereof.
You should obtain tax advice if you are unsure whether the entity is considered a US entity.
Please also note that a Form W-9 and, outside the US, a secrecy waiver from the substantial US owner (in
addition to a Form W-8BEN-E from the entity) may be required if you conclude that the entity is a Passive
NFFE AND it has ‘substantial US owners (defined below).
Substantial US owners
In general, substantial US owners in the case of corporations are any persons that own directly or indirectly more
than 10% of the stock of such corporation and in the case of a trust, any person treated as an owner of any portion
of a trust treated as a grantor trust under US tax law and any person that holds directly or indirectly more than 10%
of the beneficial interests of the trust AND that are specified US persons. Generally a “specified US person” is any
US person other than those specifically excluded, such as a publicly-traded corporation and affiliates thereof, a tax-
exempt organisation, a US or state governmental entity, a bank, a broker, a dealer, a regulated investment
company, a real estate investment trust, a common trust fund, a charitable trust and certain tax-exempt trusts.
A US person in respect of an individual is commonly a citizen or resident of the United States and they can be
treated as a US person even if they reside permanently outside the US or even if they hold a non-US passport.
The Bank may already have the appropriate documentation on file in respect of the entity’s US owners. Therefore if
you conclude that the entity is a Passive NFFE or Owner Documented FFI (“ODFFI”) and there are US persons
amongst the entity’s owners we recommend you contact your Relationship Manager to confirm what documentation
is already held on file in respect of those US persons. Generally a Passive NFFE must provide a list of its
substantial US owners on the Form W-8BEN-E or on a withholding statement provided with a Form W-8IMY. An
ODFFI must provide W-series tax forms for all its underlying beneficial owners. Curative documentation is required
for all non-US owners with US indicia (including W-series forms in the case of a Passive NFFE with non-US owners
that have US indicia).
1.2. Is the entity acting as a beneficial owner or an intermediary?
Determining who the beneficial owner of an account is can be complex. Generally, an account holder is the
beneficial owner of that account if they own the assets or income within the account or they are entitled to them.
An account holder is acting as an intermediary if they receive amounts from the account on behalf of another
person or as a “flow-through entity. Common examples include qualified intermediaries (QIs), nonqualified
intermediaries (NQIs), non-US simple trusts, non-US grantor trusts, and non-US partnerships. Where the entity is
acting as an intermediary, we will require you to provide the Form W-8IMY (unless you consider another form more
appropriate) and with this, a withholding statement containing pooled information for QIs or, in the case of
nonqualified intermediaries and non-withholding non-US partnerships and trusts the details of the beneficial owners
and income allocation percentages and, the appropriate W-series form(s) for those beneficial owners.
The determination of US trust type is a complex process. The box below provides common examples where the
settlor is a non-US person and the trust is not marketing itself to third parties (i.e., it is a trust established for the
benefit of family members, relatives or charities).Tax advice should be sought if you are unsure of the trust
type under US tax law.
1.3. Does the entity need to provide a Chapter 3 Status on the W-form?
This document focuses on the types of FATCA entity classification and how to determine these for the entity.
However when completing the applicable W-series form, entities must also document their Chapter 3 status. The
Chapter 3 determination requires you to classify the entity as one of the following depending on whether the entity is
completing a Form W-8BEN-E or a Form W-8IMY:
Qualified Intermediary
Non-Qualified Intermediary
Complex Trust
Territory Financial Institution
Grantor Trust
US branch
Simple Trust
Withholding foreign partnership
Private Foundation
Withholding foreign trust
Central bank of Issue
Nonwithholding foreign partnership
Tax-exempt organisation
Nonwithholding foreign simple trust
Nonwithholding foreign grantor trust
Disregarded entity
Similarly, the Type of Entity line should be completed on Form W-8EXP and Form W-8ECI.
In particular, if the entity is a trust, the determination of trust type under US tax law (e.g., foundations assimilated to
trusts) can be complex. Whilst we have provided common examples for trusts in Section 1.2, you should consider
seeking appropriate tax advice if you are unsure as to the entity’s Chapter 3 status.
Entities set up as a corporation, e.g., a PIC, would generally tick the “Corporation check box, LLCs should tick
“Corporation”, “Partnership” or “Disregarded entity” as applicable.
Once you have determined which W-series form must be completed, please proceed to Section 2 on the
next page in order to determine the entity’s FATCA classification.
Non-US Grantor trust: Trusts where the settlor of the trust can revoke the trust or the settlor and/or their spouse
are the only ones entitled to income whilst alive. In that case, the grantors are considered to be the beneficial
Non-US Simple trust: Trusts where all income in the year must be distributed. No income can be accumulated for
charitable purposes and no distributions in excess of income can be made for the year. The beneficiaries of the
trust are considered to be the beneficial owners.
Non-US Complex trust: Trusts that are not deemed to be simple or grantor trusts (generally irrevocable and
discretionary trusts). The trust itself is considered to be the beneficial owner and would provide a Form W-8BEN-E.
2. Classification Overview
2.1. Which Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA) does the entity fall under and
why does it matter?
Although FATCA is a piece of US legislation, a number of governments have entered into IGAs with the US and
have effectively implemented FATCA into domestic law.
As such, there are variances across the IGAs and domestic law in the types of FATCA classification. Given this, you
will need to consider if the entity’s country of tax residence has signed an IGA as this information will be necessary
to understand the entity’s FATCA classification. A full list of the IGAs that have been signed is available on the IRS
website (
Tax authorities in each jurisdiction are also in the process of issuing country specific guidance notes in respect of
FATCA. . Therefore, you should consult the IGA of the entity’s tax residence, together with any locally issued
guidance from the tax authorities, to determine the entity’s final FATCA classification.
Entities that are tax resident in jurisdictions with no IGA in place should refer to the US Treasury Regulations which
can be found on the IRS FATCA website:
This document does not provide guidance on tax residence. If you are unsure of the entity’s tax residence
you should seek tax advice.
2.2. FATCA Entity Classification Process Overview
The flow chart below summarises the key considerations that you should take to help reach the classification
options available to the entity. You should consult this document where referenced below for assistance in
determining the entity’s classification.
(with reference to the
entity’s tax residence
and applicable
classification rules as
identified in section 3.1):
Is the entity a
Financial Institution?
Is the entity tax
resident in a
jurisdiction that has
signed an IGA?
Does the entity meet
any of the Exempt
Beneficial Owner
Does the entity meet
any of the Deemed
Compliant Investment
Entity classifications?
Does the entity meet
any of the other
Deemed Compliant
Registered Deemed
Local Client Base
Non reporting members
of participating FFI group
Restricted Fund
Qualified Credit Card
Issuers and Servicers
Certified Deemed Compliant
Local Bank
FFIs with only low-value
Limited life Debt
Investment Entity
Investment advisors and
Registered Deemed Compliant
Local FFI
Non reporting members of
participating FFI group
Restricted Fund
Qualified Credit Card
Issuers and Servicers
Certified Deemed Compliant
Local Bank
FFIs with only low-value
Limited life Debt Investment
Investment advisors and
Restricted Distributor
Territory FI
Reporting Model 1 or 2 FFI
Deemed Compliant
Investment Entities
Trustee documented trust
(IGA only)
Sponsored Investment
Sponsored Closely Held
Investment Vehicle
Owner Documented FFI
Collective Investment
Exempt Beneficial Owners
International Organisation
Central Bank
Retirement Plan
Entity wholly owned by
NFFEs other than Passive NFFEs
Publicly Traded or affiliate thereof
Active NFFE: <50% Passive Income
Entity in liquidation/bankruptcy
Excepted Territory NFFE
Excepted Inter-affiliate FFI
Start-up company
Nonfinancial group entity
Non-profit or 501(c) organisation
Passive NFFE
Sponsored Direct Reporting
Direct Reporting
Section 3.2
for guidance
See Section
2.1 for
Section 4.1
for guidance
Section 4.2
for guidance
Section 4.3
for guidance
Section 5.1
for guidance
Section 5.2
for guidance
Section 5.3
for guidance
Section 6 for
Participating FFI
Does the entity
meet any of the
other than
Does the entity meet
any of the Exempt
Beneficial Owner
Does the entity meet
any of the Deemed
Compliant Investment
Entity classifications?
Does the entity meet
any of the other
Deemed Compliant
A non-US entity that is not classified as one of the above classifications will be considered a Nonparticipating FFI.
Document Reference
The above classification overview, in the below simplified format, is positioned at the start of each
subsequent section. The red outline identifies the part of the classification process under consideration.
3. Is the entity a Financial Institution?
3.1. Completion of W-8 series form as a Financial Institution (FI)
If the entity has already undertaken an exercise to determine its status as a FI, you should complete the applicable
W-8 series form as a Reporting Model 1 FFI, Reporting Model 2 FFI or Participating FFI (unless a Non-
Reporting IGA FFI), as determined by the entity’s jurisdiction of tax residence. Please complete the relevant W-
series form as identified in Section 1 and include the entity’s Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN)
(generally in box 9 of the W-series Form).
If you are unsure of the entity’s FATCA classification, please proceed through this section for further guidance.
3.2. How to determine if the entity is a Financial Institution (FI)?
Broadly, there are five types of FI definition as set out below. You will need to consider all the FI definitions to
establish whether the entity is a FI. It may be possible for the entity to meet more than one definition of FI.
Please consider ALL of the descriptions and examples below and consider if the entity falls into any of the
categories. If the entity falls within one or more of these categories, it will be a FI. If the entity does not fall within
any of these categories and you are comfortable that there are no local variances that would mean otherwise, the
entity will be a Non Financial Foreign Entity (NFFE).
We note that you may see references in this document to a ‘FFI’, this stands for Foreign Financial Institution and is
the terminology used in the US regulations. Broadly the definition of a FI is aligned across US legislation and local
country’s legislation but we would recommend that you refer to the entity’s local legislation or seek independent tax
advice to verify if the entity is a FI as the exact definitions may vary depending on which jurisdiction the entity is tax
resident in.
Further, FIs may be required to register with the IRS and may have the responsibility to carry out a number
of additional obligations under domestic or US law. Therefore if you consider that the entity is a FI we
recommend you seek tax advice to understand the entity’s obligations further.
3.2.1. Investment Entity
Does the entity conduct any of the following activities
for or on behalf of a customer:
Trading in money market instruments;
Individual and collective portfolio management; or
Otherwise investing, administering, or managing
funds or money on behalf of other persons
Does this consist of a significant portion of the entity’s
business (more than 50%)?
Is the entity’s income primary attributable (more than
50%) to investing, reinvesting or trading in financial
assets and the entity is managed by a Financial
Is the entity or its activities professionally managed?
Trusts with a professional trustee;
Fund managers;
Professionally managed personal investment
Funds with a fund manager
Note: The above is guidance only. There are different definitions for an "investment entity" under the Treasury
Regulations and IGAs. Under the Treasury Regulations, a two-part test must be satisfied: (i) an income test; and (ii)
the entity must be managed by a "professional manager". Under the IGA definition, only professional management
is required to meet the investment entity definition unless the local IGA allows the US Treasury Regulations to be
applied in lieu of corresponding definitions in the Agreement. Further guidance is expected from the IRS in this
regard and it is therefore recommended that you seek tax advice if you believe the entity may meet any of these
Case Study: Trusts
Trusts may fall under the definition of Investment Entity where the trust is professionally managed. A trust will be
professionally managed where ANY of the below are true:
The trustee is a
Financial Institution.
The trustee (on behalf of the trust)
engages a Financial Institution to
manage the trust.
The trustee (on behalf of the trust) engages a
Financial Institution to manage the trust’s financial
A Financial Institution will manage the
trust where it has been appointed by
the trustees to carry out the day to
day functions including management
functions of the trust on behalf of the
A Financial Institution manages the financial assets
of the trust where it manages the investment
strategy for the assets.
This will usually be where the trust has appointed a
discretionary fund manager to manage the portfolio.
The holding or acquisition of a retail type product or
service (such as units purchased in investment
funds) will not meet this condition. Likewise, the
holding of a fixed asset (such as insurance products
or investment bonds) will not constitute professional
management of the assets of the trust.
Professionally Managed
Trusts, Personal Investment Companies, LLCs
and Partnerships and Investment Funds may fall
into the investment entity definition for being
professionally managed.
An entity will be professionally managed if it is
managed by a FI. A FI will manage an entity where
it has been appointed to carry out the day to day
functions of that entity.
Entities that have appointed a discretionary fund
manager will generally be considered to be
professionally managed.
The principles in the below trust case study are
relevant to the above entity types. See also related
discussion in Section 6.2.
3.2.2. Custodial Institution
Does the entity hold financial assets for the account of
Financial assets include securities (such as corporation
stocks, notes, bonds, debentures, partnership interests,
commodities, notional principal contracts, and insurance
or annuity contracts).
Is this a substantial part of its business (more than 20%
of income)?
If yes to the above, the entity is likely to be a custodial
Custodial banks;
Trust companies;
Clearing organisations and nominees;
Entities carrying out regulated activities, e.g. in the
UK by the FSMA;
Employment Benefit Trust holding shares for an
employee after they have been granted
3.2.3. Depositary Institution
Does the entity accept deposits in the ordinary course of
a banking or similar business?
Entities carrying out regulated activities, e.g., in the UK
by the FSMA generally are:
Saving or Commercial Banks;
Credit Unions;
Industrial and Provident Societies;
Building Societies;
Entities that issue payment cards that can be pre-
loaded with funds in excess of $50,000 to be spent
at a later date
3.2.4. Specified Insurance Company
Does the entity carry out insurance activities?
Does it issue Cash Value Insurance or Annuity
An Insurance company that only provides the following
services would generally not be treated as a FI:
General Insurance;
Term life insurance; or
Reinsurance companies that only provide indemnity
reinsurance contracts.
3.2.5. Holding Companies and Treasury Centres of Financial Groups
Is the entity a holding company of one or more entities that are
FIs? Or;
Is the entity a treasury centre whose primary activity includes
entering into hedging and financing transactions with or for FIs?
The treatment of holding companies and
treasury centres varies across jurisdictions.
Please consult your professional tax advisor
to determine the relevant requirements.
Proceed to Section 3.3 if you DO consider that the entity meets one of the above categories of FI. If you do
NOT consider that the entity meets any of these definitions, it is likely to be a Non Financial Foreign Entity
(NFFE) and you should proceed to Section 3.4.
3.3. If the entity is a Financial Institution (FI), what next?
If you consider that the entity should be classified as a FI, you should consider seeking tax advice as the entity may
need to register with the IRS as a Reporting Model 1, Reporting Model 2 or Participating Financial Institution and
may have certain FATCA obligations.
FIs that meet certain conditions may not have to register and may not have any due diligence and reporting
obligations under FATCA. To determine if this is the case, you will need to consider if the entity is a Non-Reporting
FI and consider the relevant legislation for the entity’s jurisdiction of tax residence. For a reminder of the
significance of this consideration, please see Section 2.1.
FIs that are tax resident in a jurisdiction with an IGA in place should proceed to Section 4 and refer to the relevant
IGA to determine if they are a Reporting FI or a Non Reporting FI and to confirm their classification. If the entity is a
FI and does not meet any of the Nonreporting FI classifications in Section 4, you should complete the W-series
form as a Reporting FI.
FIs that are tax resident in jurisdictions with no IGA in place should proceed to Section 5 and refer to the US
Treasury Regulations to determine if they are a Reporting FFI or a Non Reporting IGA FFI and to confirm their
classification. If the entity is a FFI and does not meet any of the classifications in Section 5, you should complete
the W-series form as a Reporting Model 1 FFI, Reporting Model 2 FFI, Participating FFI or Nonparticipating FFI.
3.4. If the entity is not a Financial Institution (FI) what next?
If you do not think the entity meets any of the above definitions, proceed to Section 6 to understand the
classifications for non Financial Institutions, known as Non-Financial Foreign Entities (NFFEs). There are a number
of types of NFFE; an NFFE may be classified as a Passive NFFE. Passive NFFEs are required to provide
information on the US owners of the entity (known as ‘substantial US owners’). See Section 1.1 for further details.
NFFEs generally will not be required to register with the IRS (unless they are Direct Reporting NFFEs or Sponsored
Direct Reporting NFFEs), but still need to provide us with the appropriate W-form documenting their chapter 4
status for FATCA purposes.
4. FIs in IGA jurisdictions: Is the entity a type of Non Reporting IGA
Financial Institution (FI)?
This section summarises the Non-Reporting FI classifications options available for entities that are tax resident in a
country that has signed an IGA (see Section 2). For all Non-Reporting IGA FI classifications, account holders
should complete section XII on the Form W-8BEN-E or section XVIII on the Form W-8IMY (where the entity is an
intermediary or flow through entity). When completing the applicable W-series form (Section 1), entities must state
(in section XII/XVIII) which IGA jurisdiction they are tax resident in and state their FATCA entity classification.
The below guidance should be used with reference to Annex II of the entity’s applicable IGA as there are local
variances and we would recommend obtaining independent tax advice if you think the entity meets one of these
4.1. Is the entity an Exempt Beneficial Owner?
Exempt Beneficial Owners (EBOs)
The entity is a
non US
government or
International or
whose income
does not benefit
private persons
Central Bank
An institution that
is the principal
authority in issuing
intended to
circulate as
Retirement Plan
A fund to provide
retirement benefits
to current or former
employees. Each
IGA lists retirement
funds that qualify
as Exempt
Beneficial Owners
Entity wholly
owned by EBOs
An Investment
Entity where the
equity interest is
wholly owned by
an Exempt
Beneficial Owner
and any debt
interest by an
Exempt Beneficial
Owner or
In line with the red reference numbers in each classification box above, detailed definitions have been set out in the Glossary
(Section 7).
Additional Documentation Requirements
An Entity wholly owned by EBOs must complete a FFI Owner Reporting Statement which can be found at HSBC’s
FATCA website: In addition, the legislation requires us to obtain documentation from those
owners. HSBC Global Private Bank policy requires this to be the appropriate W-series form to align with existing
bank policies.
If you believe the entity does NOT meet any of the above descriptions, please proceed to Section 4.2.
4.2. Is the entity a Deemed Compliant Investment Entity?
If the entity is an Investment Entity there may be multiple classifications available to it. If you believe the entity does
do not meet any of the below descriptions, please proceed to Section 4.3.
Deemed Compliant Investment Entities
The trustee as a
Institution for
FATCA purposes
itself, undertakes
for the trust
An Investment
Entity whose
are undertaken by
a sponsor
See detail below
Closely Held
An Investment
Entity with 20 or
fewer owners with
a sponsor
See detail below
Documented FFI
An entity that
provides to us
details of all
owners and
documentation for
these owners and
therefore does not
require registration
Investment Entities
that are regulated
as Collective
Vehicles where the
interests in the
entity meet certain
In line with the red reference numbers in each classification box above, detailed definitions have been set out in the Glossary
(Section 7).
Additional Documentation Requirements
Owner Documented FFIs must complete a FFI Owner Reporting Statement which can be found at HSBC’s FATCA
In addition, the legislation requires us to obtain documentation from those owners. HSBC Global Private Bank policy
requires this to be the appropriate W-series form to align with existing bank policies.
Sponsored Entities
There are some classification options where the entity agrees with another entity that it will be its sponsor. By
sponsoring the entity, the sponsor agrees to take on a number of FATCA obligations on its behalf and is likely to
need to register with the IRS.
Should you be interested in a sponsoring arrangement we recommend that you discuss this with the potential
sponsor and obtain tax advice.
HSBC would not generally act as a sponsoring entity except where HSBC are responsible for administering the
4.3. Is the entity a Registered / Certified Deemed Compliant Entity?
There are further registered deemed-compliant and certified deemed-compliant entity classifications available:
Registered Deemed Compliant (RDC)
Local Client Base
The entity has a local
client base (at least
98% of its accounts are
held by residents of its
Non reporting member
of participating FFI
A Financial Institution
part of a participating
FFI group that
implements procedures
to close or transfer
reportable accounts to
another FI within the
Restricted Fund
Entity with prohibitions
on the sale of units in
the fund to specified US
Persons, NPFIs and
Passive NFFEs with
substantial US owners.
Qualified Credit Card
Issuers and Servicers
The entity is an issuer of
credit cards that accept
deposits only when a
customer makes a
payment in excess of a
Certified Deemed Compliant (CDC)
Local Bank
The entity must be
operating solely as a
bank and must not have
a fixed place of
business outside of its
country of incorporation.
FFIs with only low-
value accounts
For FIs that are not
investment entities that
have no accounts with a
value exceeding
Limited life debt
investment entity
A securitisation
company created to hold
debt until maturity or
until liquidation of the
Investment advisors
and managers
Entity must be in the
business of providing
investment advice
and/or managing
investments for clients.
In line with the red reference numbers in each classification box above, detailed definitions have been set out in the Glossary
(Section 7).
5. FIs in non IGA jurisdictions: Is the entity a type of US Treasury
Regulations Non Reporting Financial Institution (FI)?
This section summarises the Non-Reporting FI classifications options available under the US Treasury Regulations
(see Section 2) which apply to entities in non IGA jurisdictions. The relevant W-8BEN-E or W-8IMY sections for
entities to complete are listed for each classification.
Detailed definitions for each classification can be found in the Glossary (Section 7), referenced by the red
numbers in each box below. We recommend obtaining tax advice if you think the entity meets one of these
5.1. Is the entity an Exempt Beneficial Owner (EBO)?
If you believe the entity does not meet any of the below descriptions, please proceed to Section 5.2.
Exempt Beneficial Owners
The entity is a
government or a
government of a
US possession
Complete Part
W-8IMY: n/a
International or
whose income
does not benefit
private persons
Complete Part
W-8IMY: n/a
Central Bank
An institution that
is the principal
authority in issuing
intended to
circulate as
Complete Part
Complete Part
Retirement Plan
A fund to provide
retirement benefits
to current or former
Complete Part XV
Complete Part
Entity wholly
owned by EBOs
Where the equity
interest is owned
by an EBO and
any debt interest
by an EBO or
Complete Part
W-8IMY: n/a
In line with the red reference numbers in each classification box above, detailed definitions have been set out in the Glossary
(Section 7).
Additional Documentation Requirements
An Entity wholly owned by EBOs must complete a FFI Owner Reporting Statement which can be found at HSBC’s
FATCA website: In addition, the legislation requires us to obtain documentation from those
owners. HSBC Global Private Bank policy requires this to be the appropriate W-series form to align with existing
bank policies.
A possession in this context means American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands
5.2. Is the entity a Deemed/ Certified Deemed Compliant Investment Entity?
If you do not consider the entity to be an Exempt Beneficial Owner as set out in Section 5.1, you will need to
consider if the entity meets any of the below registered deemed compliant or certified deemed compliant FFI
classifications. If the entity is an Investment Entity there may be multiple classifications available to it. If you believe
the entity does not meet any of the below descriptions, please proceed to Section 5.3.
Deemed/ Certified Deemed Compliant Investment Entities
Investment Entity
A registered investment
entity whose FATCA
responsibilities are
undertaken by a
See 6.2.1 below
Registered Deemed
Compliant or if no
GIIN obtained:
W-8BEN-E: Complete
Part IV
W-8IMY: Complete
Part X
Sponsored Closely
Held Investment
A closely held
investment entity whose
FATCA responsibilities
are undertaken by a
See 6.2.1 below
W-8BEN-E: Complete
Part VII
W-8IMY: Complete
Part XIV
Owner Documented
An entity that provides
to us details of all
owners and
documentation for these
owners and therefore
does not register.
W-8BEN-E: Complete
Part X
W-8IMY: Complete
Part XI
Qualified Collective
Investment Vehicles
Investment Entities that
are owned solely
through PFFIs or by
large institutional
Registered Deemed
In line with the red reference numbers in each classification box above, detailed definitions have been set out in the Glossary
(Section 7).
Additional Documentation Requirements
Owner Documented FFIs must complete a FFI Owner Reporting Statement which can be found at HSBC’s FATCA
website: In addition, the legislation requires us to obtain documentation from those owners.
HSBC Global Private Bank policy requires this to be the appropriate W-series form to align with existing bank
Sponsored Entities
There are some classification options where the entity agrees with another entity that it will be its sponsor. By
sponsoring the entity, the sponsor agrees to take on a number of FATCA obligations on its behalf and is likely to
need to register with the IRS.
Should you be interested in a sponsoring arrangement we recommend that you discuss this with the potential
sponsor and obtain tax advice.
HSBC would not generally act as a sponsoring entity except where we are responsible for administering the entity.
5.3. Is the entity a Registered or Certified Deemed Compliant Entity?
If you do not consider the entity to meet any the classifications set out in Section 5.1 and Section 5.2 it may fall
into one of the Registered or Certified Deemed Compliant classifications below:
Registered Deemed Compliant
Local FFI
The entity has a local
client base (at least
98% of its accounts are
held by residents of its
Non reporting member
of participating FFI
A Financial Institution
part of a participating
FFI group that
implements procedures
to close/transfer
reportable accounts to
another FI in the group.
Restricted Fund
Entities with prohibitions
on the sale of units in
the fund to specified US
Persons, NPFIs and
Passive NFFEs with
substantial US owners.
Qualified Credit Card
Issuers and Servicers
The entity is an issuer of
credit cards that accept
deposits only when a
customer makes a
payment in excess of a
For the above classifications, complete the Registered Deemed Compliant box on form W-8BEN-E (or W-8IMY if
Certified Deemed Compliant
Local Bank
The entity operates solely as a
bank and has no fixed place of
business outside of its country
of incorporation.
W-8BEN-E: Complete Part V
W-8IMY: Complete Part XII
FFI with only low-value
For FIs that are not investment
entities that have no accounts
with a value exceeding $50,000
W-8BEN-E: Complete Part VI
W-8IMY: Complete Part XIII
Limited life debt investment
Securitisation companies
created to hold debt until
maturity or until liquidation of the
W-8BEN-E: Complete Part VIII
W-8IMY: Complete Part XV
Investment advisors and
Entity must be in the business of
providing investment advice
and/or managing investments
for clients.
W-8BEN-E: Complete Part IX
W-8IMY: n/a
Restricted Distributor
Entity subject to restrictions on
who it can distribute to and
where it can operate
W-8BEN-E: Complete Part XI
W-8IMY: Complete Part XVI
Territory FI
A FI that is not an investment
entity that is organized under
the laws of a possession
of the
W-8BEN-E: Complete Part
W-8IMY: Complete Part V
In line with the red reference numbers in each classification box above, detailed definitions have been set out in the Glossary
(Section 7).
A possession in this context means American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands
6. Is the entity a Non Financial Foreign Entity (NFFE)?
Non-US entities that do not meet any of the Financial Institution (FI) definitions are Non Financial Foreign Entities
(NFFEs). If you have already registered the entity with the IRS as a Direct Reporting NFFE or a Sponsored Direct
Reporting NFFE, please provide the entity’s Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) on the Form W-8BEN-
E or Form W-8IMY (where the entity is an intermediary or flow through entity). It is not necessary for you to continue
through the remainder of this document.
If you have determined that the entity is not a FI, but are unclear what type of NFFE the entity is, please refer to the
below to assist your decision making.
Unless the entity meets any of the below NFFE definitions, it will be a Passive NFFE for the purpose of the
completion of the W-series form and we will require you to provide additional documentation as detailed on
the following page.
6.1. NFFEs other than Passive NFFEs
Publicly Traded NFFE
and NFFE affiliates
The entity’s stock is
regularly traded on an
established securities
W-8BEN-E: Complete
W-8IMY: Complete
Active NFFE:
<50% Passive Income
Less than half of the
entity’s gross income
and assets are passive.
Passive means derived
from or related to
financial assets
W-8BEN-E: Complete
Part XXV
W-8IMY: Complete
Part XXV
Entity in
The entity was not a FI
in the past 5 years and
is in liquidation or
W-8BEN-E: Complete
Part XX
W-8IMY: Complete
Excepted Territory
An entity organised in a
possession of the US
that does not maintain
financial accounts
W-8BEN-E: Complete
W-8IMY: Complete
Excepted inter-affiliate
A FI in a group structure
that does not maintain
accounts for third parties
W-8BEN-E: Complete
W-8IMY: n/a
Start-up company
The entity is not yet
operating a business
and has no operating
history, but has intent to
operate a non-FI
W-8BEN-E: Complete
Part XIX
W-8IMY: Complete Part
Non-financial group
entity (holding
company, treasury
center or captive
finance company)
Holds the stock of, or
engages in financing
and hedging
transactions to an entity
that engages in trade
other than that of a FI,
and does not provide
those services to any
non-related entity.
W-8BEN-E: Complete
W-8IMY: Complete Part
Non-profit or 501(c)
The entity has been
established for religious,
charitable, scientific,
artistic, cultural or
educational purposes.
NFFEs which do not
meet the glossary
definition may meet the
relevant IGA definition.
An alternative
certification may be
provided in this instance.
W-8BEN-E: Complete
Part XXII or XXI
In line with the red reference numbers in each classification box above, detailed definitions have been set out in the Glossary
(Section 7).
If you do not believe the entity meets any of the above definitions and it is a not a Financial Institution, then
the entity is likely to be a Passive NFFE. Section 6.2 contains guidance on Passive NFFEs.
6.2. Passive NFFEs
Passive NFFE
Entity is not active or a
withholding foreign partnership or
withholding foreign trust for US
Treasury Regulation purposes.
W-8BEN-E: Complete Part
W-8IMY: Complete Part XXVI
Sponsored Direct Reporting
A registered NFFE where a
sponsor has agreed to report all
direct and indirect substantial US
owners to the relevant authorities.
W-8BEN-E: Complete Part
W-8IMY: Complete Part XXVII
Direct Reporting NFFE
Entity that elects to report
information about its direct or
indirect substantial U.S. owners to
the relevant authorities
W-8BEN-E/W-8IMY: Direct
Reporting NFFE Box
In line with the red reference numbers in each classification box above, detailed definitions have been set out in the Glossary
(Section 7).
Additional Documentation Requirements
Passive NFFEs must complete Part XXVI of Form W-8BEN-E or Form W-8IMY and provide details of substantial
US owners in Part XXX of the Form W- 8BEN-E or on a withholding statement associated with a Form W-8IMY (if
However, in order to align with existing Bank policies HSBC Global Private Bank policy requires an entity customer
to provide additional documentation in respect of any US owner(s) of an entity, i.e., a Form W-9 and, outside the US,
a secrecy waiver. This documentation may already be held on file. If any US Persons are amongst the entity’s
owners we recommend you contact your Relationship Manager to firstly confirm what documentation is already held
on file in respect of these persons. Section 1.1 sets out more detail on ‘US persons’ and required documentation.
Case Study Recap
An entity that does not meet the definition of Financial Institution (Section 3), and does not meet any of the Excepted NFFE
classifications, will be a Passive NFFE.
Examples: Trusts, Personal Investment Companies (PICs), LLCs, and Partnerships that are NOT professionally managed generally
will be considered Passive NFFEs (Section 3.2).
IMPORTANT NOTE: A non-US entity (such as a PIC or trust) that is professionally managed generally will be considered to be an
Investment Entity and therefore a FFI. Such entity may be an Owner Documented FFI, Participating FFI, Reporting Model1 FFI,
Reporting Model 2 FFI, Non Reporting IGA FFI or Nonparticipating FFI.
7. Glossary
Below are the model definitions for each FATCA entity classification. These definitions have been taken from the
model IGAs. You should refer to the entity’s local Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) or if no IGA is in place, the
US Treasury Regulations, to validate whether there are any local variances.
Key abbreviations used in this document
Exempt Beneficial Owner
Financial Institution
Inter-Governmental Agreement
Internal Revenue Service
Non Financial Foreign Entity
Participating Foreign Financial Institution as defined in the US FATCA regulations
Section 4
Exempt Beneficial Owners
1. Governmental
The government of the FATCA Partner or any political subdivision thereof (e.g. state,
county, municipality),
Any wholly owned agency or instrumentality of the FATCA Partner,
Any person, organisation, agency, fund or other body, however designated that
constitutes a governing authority of the FATCA Partner. The net earnings of the
governing authority must be credited to its own or the FATCA Partner accounts with no
portion inuring for the benefit of a private person. This definition does not include any
individual who is a sovereign or official acting in a private capacity,
Any Entity that is separate in form from the FATCA Partner or that otherwise constitutes
a separate juridical entity, provided that:
a. The Entity is wholly owned and controlled by one or more FATCA Partner
Governmental Entities directly or indirectly;
b. The Entity's net earnings are credited to its own or to other FATCA Partner
Governmental Entities with no portion inuring for the benefit of a private person; and
c. Upon dissolution, the Entity's assets vest in one or more FATCA Partner
Governmental Entities.
2. International
Any international organisation or intergovernmental organisation or supranational
organisation that:
1. Is comprised primarily of non-US governments;
2. Has in effect a headquarters agreement with a FATCA Partner; and
3. The income of which does not insure to the benefit of private persons
3. Central Bank
An institution that is by law or government sanction the principal authority, other than the
government of [FATCA Partner] itself, issuing instruments intended to circulate as currency.
Such an institution may include an instrumentality that is separate from the government of
[FATCA Partner], whether or not owned in whole or in part by [FATCA Partner].
4. Retirement
Treaty Qualified
Retirement Fund
A fund established in [FATCA Partner], provided that the fund is entitled to benefits under
an income tax treaty between [FATCA Partner] and the United States on income that it
derives from sources within the United States and is operated principally to administer or
provide pension or retirement benefit.
A fund established in [FATCA Partner] to provide retirement, disability, or death benefits, or
any combination thereof, to beneficiaries that are current or former employees (or persons
designated by such employees) of one or more employers in consideration for services
rendered, provided that the fund:
Broad Participation
Retirement Fund
Narrow Participation
Retirement Fund
Pension Fund of
an Exempt
Beneficial Owner
1. Does not have a single beneficiary with a right to more than five percent of the fund’s
2. Is subject to government regulation and provides annual information reporting about its
beneficiaries to the relevant tax authorities in [FATCA Partner]; and
3. Satisfies at least one of the following requirements:
a. The fund is generally exempt from tax in [FATCA Partner] on investment income
under the laws of [FATCA Partner] due to its status as a retirement or pension plan;
b. The fund receives at least 50 percent of its total contributions from the sponsoring
c. Distributions or withdrawals from the fund are allowed only if specified events
related to retirement, disability, or death occur (except rollover distributions to other
retirement funds or retirement and pension accounts), or penalties apply to
distributions or withdrawals made before such specified events; or
d. Contributions (other than certain permitted make-up contributions) by employees are
limited by reference to earned income of the employee or may not exceed $50,000
A fund established in [FATCA Partner] to provide retirement, disability, or death benefits to
beneficiaries that are current or former employees (or persons designated by such
employees) of one or more employers in consideration for services rendered, provided that:
1. The fund has fewer than 50 participants;
2. The fund is sponsored by one or more employers that are not Investment Entities or
Passive NFFEs;
3. The employee and employer contributions to the fund (other than transfers of assets
from treaty-qualified retirement funds described in paragraph A of this section or
retirement and pension accounts described in subparagraph A(1) of section V of this
Annex II) are limited by reference to earned income and compensation of the employee,
4. The employee and employer contributions to the fund (other than transfers of assets
from treaty-qualified retirement funds or retirement and pension accounts) are limited by
reference to earned income and compensation of the employee, respectively
5. Participants that are not residents of the FATCA Partner are not entitled to more than
20% of the fund’s assets; and
6. The fund is subject to government regulation and provides information reporting to the
tax authorities in the FATCA Partner.
A fund established in the FATCA Partner by an Exempt Beneficial Owner to provide
retirement, disability, or death benefits to beneficiaries or participants that are:
a. Current or former employees of the Exempt Beneficial Owner (or persons designated by
such employees); or
b. Not current or former employees, if the benefits provided to such beneficiaries or
participants are in consideration of personal services performed for the exempt beneficial
5. Investment
Entity Wholly
Owned by EBOs
An entity that is a FATCA Partner FI solely because it is an Investment Entity, provided that
each direct holder of:
a. An Equity interest in the entity is an exempt beneficial owner, and
b. Of a debt interest in the entity is either a Depository Institution (with respect to a loan
made to the entity) or an exempt beneficial owner.
Investment Vehicles
6. Trustee
A trust established under the FATCA Partner's laws to the extent that the trustee is a
Reporting US FI, Reporting Model 1 FFI, or Participating FFI and the trustee reports all the
information required to be reported pursuant to the IGA as would be required if the trust
were a Reporting Financial Institution.
7. Sponsored
An Investment Entity established in the FATCA Partner that is not a QI, withholding foreign
partnership, or withholding foreign trust pursuant to US Treasury Regulations, which has a
Sponsoring Entity.
8. Sponsored
Closely Held
The requirements to qualify as a sponsored closely held investment vehicle are the
The FI must be a FI solely because it is an Investment Entity and is not a US Qualified
Intermediary, withholding foreign partnership or withholding foreign trust;
The FI does not hold itself out as an investment vehicle for unrelated parties, and has
20 or fewer individuals that own its Debt and Equity Interests;
The Sponsoring Entity is a US RFI, Reporting Model 1 FFI or Participating FII and is
authorised to act on behalf of the FI and agrees to perform on its behalf all due
diligence, withholding and reporting responsibilities which would have arisen if the FI
were a RFI;
In addition, the Sponsoring Entity must:
1. Register with the IRS as a sponsoring entity;
2. Agree to undertake all FATCA compliance, withholding and reporting on behalf of the
Sponsored entities;
3. Identify each sponsored FI in all reporting completed on behalf of such sponsored FI;
4. Not have its status as a sponsor revoked.
9. Owner
Documented FFI
An Owner-Documented FFI must meet the following requirements:
Is a FFI solely because it is an investment entity:
Must not be owned by, nor be a member of a group of an expanded affiliated group with
any FI that is a Depository Institution, Custodial Institution or Specified Insurance
Does not maintain financial accounts for any NPFFIs;
Must provide the required documentation and agree to notify designated withholding
agent which is undertaking the reporting on behalf of the Owner Documented Financial
Institution if there is a change in circumstances.
The FI undertaking obligations on behalf of the Investment Entity must agree to report
the information required on any Specified US Persons but will not need to report on any
indirect owner of the owner documented entity that holds its interest through:
Model 1 FFI;
Deemed Compliant FI (other than an Owner Documented FI),
Entity that is a US Person,
Exempt Beneficial Owner,
Excepted NFFE.
Registered Deemed Compliant
10. Collective
To qualify for this classification, an entity must be a CIV. CIVs are Investment Entities
established in the FATCA Partner and regulated as a collective investment vehicle,
provided that all the interests in the vehicle, including debt interests in excess of $50,000,
are held by or through one or more:
Exempt Beneficial Owners;
Active NFFEs;
US Persons that are not Specified US Persons; or
FIs that are not NPFI.
11. Local Client
A FI that meets the following requirements:
1. The FI must be licensed and regulated as a FI under the FATCA Partner's laws;
2. The FI must have no fixed place of business outside of the FATCA Partner other than a
location that is not publicly advertised and from which the FI performs solely
administrative support functions;
3. The FI must not solicit customers or Account Holders outside the FATCA Partner;
4. The FI must be required under the FATCA Partner's laws to identify resident Account
Holders for purposes of either information reporting or withholding of tax or for satisfying
the FATCA Partner’s AML due diligence requirements;
5. At least 98% of the Financial Accounts by value maintained by the FI must be held by
the FATCA Partner or EU Member State residents (including Entities);
6. On or before 1 July 2014, the FI must implement policies and procedures:
a. To prevent the FI from providing a Financial Account to any NPFI; and
b. To monitor whether the FI opens or maintains a Financial Account for any Specified
US Person who is not a FATCA Partner resident at the time of opening but
subsequently ceases to be a resident of the FATCA Partner or any Passive NFFE
with Controlling Persons who are US residents or citizens not resident of the FATCA
7. Such policies and procedures must provide that if any Financial Account held by the
above described persons is identified, the FI must report such account as though the FI
were a RFI or close the account;
8. With respect to a Pre-existing Account held by an individual not resident of the FATCA
Partner or by an Entity, the FI must review those accounts in accordance with the
procedures applicable to Pre-existing Accounts to identify any US Reportable Account or
Financial Account held by a NPFI, and must report such account as though the FI were a
RFI or close the account;
9. Each Related Entity of the FI that is a FI must be incorporated or organized in the
FATCA Partner and, with the exception of any Related Entity that is an Exempt
Beneficial owner retirement fund, meet the same requirements for a Local Client Base
FI; and
10. The FI must not have policies or practices that discriminate against opening or
maintaining Financial Accounts for individuals who are Specified US Persons and
residents of the FATCA Partner.
12. Non reporting
member of
participating FFI
A FFI that is a member of a participating FFI group if it meets the following Requirements:
1. By the later of June 30, 2014, or the date it registers with the IRS, the FFI implements
policies and procedures to ensure that within six months of opening a U.S. account or an
account held by a recalcitrant account holder or a nonparticipating FFI, the FFI either
transfers such account to an affiliate that is a participating FFI, reporting Model 1 FFI, or
U.S. financial institution, closes the account, or becomes a participating FFI.
2. The FFI reviews its accounts that were opened prior to the time it implements the
policies and procedures (including time frames) using the procedures described in
§1.1471-4(c) applicable to preexisting accounts of participating FFIs, to identify any U.S.
account or account held by a nonparticipating FFI. Within six months of the identification
of any account described in this paragraph, the FFI transfers the account to an affiliate
that is a participating FFI, reporting Model 1 FFI, or U.S. financial institution, closes the
account, or becomes a participating FFI.
3. By the later of June 30, 2014, or the date it registers with the IRS, the FFI implements
policies and procedures to ensure that it identifies any account that becomes a U.S.
account or an account held by a recalcitrant account holder or a nonparticipating FFI due
to a change in circumstances. Within six months of the date on which the FFI first has
knowledge or reason to know of the change in the account holder’s chapter 4 status, the
FFI transfers any such account to an affiliate that is a participating FFI, reporting Model 1
FFI, or U.S. financial institution, closes the account, or becomes a participating FFI.
13. Restricted Fund
Investment Entities can obtain Restricted Fund Status where they impose prohibitions on
the sale of units in the fund to specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with
Controlling US Persons and meet the following requirements:
The FI is an Investment Entity;
The FI is regulated as an investment fund in FATCA Partner and in all of the countries it
is registered and operates;
Interests issued by the fund are redeemed by or transferred by the fund rather than sold
by investors on any secondary market;
Interests not issued by the fund are sold only through distributors that are FIs,
Registered Deemed Compliant FIs, non-registered local banks, or restricted distributors.
The FI prohibits sales or other transfers of Debt or Equity Interests to specified US
Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with Controlling US Persons;
The prohibition described above must be stated in the FI’s prospectus;
The FI ensures that each distribution agreement requires the distributors to notify any
change of its status within 90 days of the change;
The FI certifies to the Competent Authority with respect to any distributor that ceased to
qualify as a distributor;
The FI reviews the Pre-existing Direct Accounts that are held by the Beneficial Owner of
the interest in the FI in accordance with the procedures applicable to Pre-existing
The FI certifies to the competent authority either that it did not identify any US account
or account held by a NPFI or, in case of such identification, the FI will either redeem or
transfer to an affiliate, a PFI, a Model 1 FI, a US FI, such accounts;
The FI implement the policies in procedures to ensure that it either:
a. Does not open or maintain an account for, or make a withholdable payments to any
specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with Controlling US Persons and, if
such accounts are discovered, closes all such accounts within 6 months; or
b. Reports on any account held by, or any withholdable payments made to specified US
Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with Controlling US Persons.
14. Qualified Credit
Card Issuers
and Servicers
To qualify for this classification, a FI must meet the following requirements:
1. The FI is a FI solely because it is an issuer of credit cards that accept deposits only
when a customer makes a payment in excess of a balance due with respect to the card
and the overpayment is not immediately returned to the customer; and
2. On or before 1 July 2014, the FI implements policies and procedures to either prevent a
customer deposit in excess of $50,000, or to ensure that any customer deposit in excess
of $50,000 is refunded to the customer within 60 days. Customer deposits do not include
credit balances in relation to disputed charges but include credit balances resulting from
merchandise returns.
Certified Deemed Compliant
15. Local Bank
FIs that are licensed and regulated by the FATCA Partner's laws and operate as a bank or a
credit union or similar cooperative credit organisation that is operated without profit.
They must meet the following requirements:
1. The FI’s business consists primarily of receiving deposits from and making loans to, with
respect to a bank, unrelated retail customers and, with respect to a credit union or similar
cooperative credit organisation, members, provided that no member has a greater than
5% interest in such credit union or cooperative credit organisation;
2. The FI must have no fixed place of business outside of FATCA Partner other than a
location that is not publicly advertised and from which the FI performs solely
administrative support functions;
3. The FI must not solicit customers or Account Holders outside FATCA Partner;
4. The FI must not have more than $175m in assets on its balance sheet and not more than
$500m in total for a group of Related Entities;
5. Any Related Entity and any Related Entity that is a FI must be incorporated or organized
in the FATCA Partner and, with the exception of any Related Entity that is an Exempt
Beneficial owner retirement fund or a FI with only low-value accounts, meet the same
requirements described above.
16. FFI with only
A FI that meets the following requirements:
1. The FI is not an Investment Entity;
2. Each Financial Account maintained by the FI or any Related Entity must not exceed
$50,000 taking into account aggregation and currency translation;
3. The FI must not have more than $50m in assets on its solus balance sheet (and its
consolidated balance sheet where it is in a group) at the end of its most recent accounting
17. Limited life
Special Purpose Vehicles created to hold debt until maturity or until liquidation of the vehicle
will be regarded as Certified Deemed Compliant FI.
To qualify for this transitional relief the securitisation vehicle must:
Have been established prior to 17 January 2013; and
Meet the definition of a securitisation company set out in FATCA Partner's laws.
18. Investment
Advisors and
An Investment Entity established in the FATCA Partner that is a FI solely because it:
a. Renders investment advice to, or acts on behalf of, or
b. Manages portfolios for, or acts on behalf of, a customer for the purposes of investing,
managing, or administering funds deposited in the name of the customer with a FI other
than a NPFI.
Section 5
Exempt Beneficial Owners
19. Governmental
Any foreign government, any political subdivision or a foreign government;
Any wholly owned agency or instrumentality that is an integral part, controlled entity, or
political subdivision or a foreign sovereign;
Integral part - Any person, body of persons, organisation, agency, bureau, fund,
instrumentality, other body that constitutes a governing authority of a foreign country.
The net earnings of the governing authority must be credited to its own or the foreign
sovereign accounts with no portion inuring for the benefit of a private person. This
definition does not include any individual who is a sovereign or official acting in a private
Any Entity that is separate in form from the foreign government or that otherwise
constitutes a separate juridical entity, provided that:
a. The Entity is wholly owned and controlled by one or more foreign Governmental
Entities directly or indirectly,
b. The Entity's net earnings are credited to its own or to other foreign Governmental
Entities with no portion inuring for the benefit of a private person, and
c. Upon dissolution, the Entity's assets vest in one or more foreign Governmental
20. International
Any entity described in section 7701(a)(18) and also includes any intergovernmental or
supranational organisation that:
1. Is comprised primarily of foreign governments;
2. That is recognized as an intergovernmental or supranational organisation under a foreign
law similar to 22 U.S.C. 288-288f or that has in effect a headquarters agreement with a
foreign government; and
3. The income of which does not inure to the benefit of private persons.
21. Central Bank
An institution that is by law or government sanction the principal authority (other than the
government itself) issuing currency. Such an institution is generally the custodian of the
banking reserves of the country under whose law it is organized. The institution may be
separate from the foreign government itself.
22. Retirement
Treaty Qualified
Retirement Fund
Retirement Fund
A fund established in a country with which the US has an income tax treaty in force, provided
that the fund is entitled to benefits under such treaty on income that it derives from sources
within the US as a resident of the other country that satisfies any applicable limitation on
benefits requirement; and is operated principally to administer or provide pension or
retirement benefits.
A fund established to provide retirement, disability, or death benefits, or any combination
thereof, to beneficiaries that are current or former employees (or persons designated by such
employees) of one or more employers in consideration for services rendered, provided that
the fund:
1. Does not have a single beneficiary with a right to more than 5% of the fund’s assets;
2. Is subject to government regulation and provides annual information reporting about its
beneficiaries to the relevant tax authorities in the country in which the fund is established
or operates; and
3. Satisfies one or more of the following requirements:
Retirement Fund
Pension Fund of an
Exempt Beneficial
a. The fund is generally exempt from tax on investment income under the laws of the
country in which it is established or operates due to its status as a retirement or
pension plan;
b. The fund receives at least 50 percent of its total contributions from the sponsoring
c. Distributions or withdrawals from the fund are allowed only if specified events
related to retirement, disability, or death occur (except rollover distributions to other
retirement funds or retirement and pension accounts), or penalties apply to
distributions or withdrawals made before such specified events; or
d. Contributions (other than certain permitted make-up contributions) by employees are
limited by reference to earned income of the employee or may not exceed $50,000
A fund established to provide retirement, disability, or death benefits to beneficiaries that are
current or former employees (or persons designated by such employees) of one or more
employers in consideration for services rendered, provided that:
1. The fund has fewer than 50 participants;
2. The sponsoring employer(s) are not Investment Entities or Passive NFFEs;
3. The employee and employer contributions to the fund (other than transfers of assets
from treaty-qualified retirement funds or retirement and pension accounts) are limited by
reference to earned income and compensation of the employee, respectively;
4. Participants that are not residents of the country in which the fund is established are not
entitled to more than 20% of the fund’s assets; and
5. The fund is subject to government regulation and provides information reporting to the
tax authorities in the country in which the fund is established or operates.
A fund established and sponsored by an exempt beneficial owner or an exempt beneficial
owner described in an applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA to provide retirement, disability, or
death benefits to beneficiaries or participants that are:
a. Current or former employees of the exempt beneficial owner (or persons designated by
such employees), or
b. Not current or former employees, if the benefits provided to such beneficiaries or
participants are in consideration of personal services performed for the exempt beneficial
23. Investment
Entity Owned
by an EBO
An entity that is a FFI solely because it is an Investment Entity, provided that each direct
holder of:
a. An Equity interest in the entity is an exempt beneficial owner, and
b. Of a Debt interest in the entity is either a Depository Institution (with respect to a loan
made to the entity) or an exempt beneficial owner either under the regulations or
applicable Model 1 or Model 2 IGA.
Investment Vehicles
24. Sponsored
A registered deemed-compliant FFI under the Treasury Regulations that is an Investment
Entity that is not a QI, withholding foreign partnership, or withholding foreign trust which has
a Sponsoring Entity that is not a NPFFI.
25. Sponsored
Closely Held
The requirements to qualify as a sponsored closely held investment vehicle are the following:
The FFI must be a FFI solely because it is an Investment Entity and is not a qualified
intermediary, withholding foreign partnership or withholding foreign trust;
The FI does not hold itself out as an investment vehicle for unrelated parties, and has 20
or fewer individuals that own its Debt and Equity Interests;
The Sponsoring Entity is a US FI, Reporting Model 1 FFI or PFFI and is authorised to act
on behalf of the FI and agrees to perform on its behalf all due diligence, withholding and
reporting responsibilities which would have arisen if the FI were a PFFI;
In addition, the Sponsoring Entity must:
1. Register with the IRS as a sponsoring entity;
2. Agree to undertake all FATCA compliance, withholding and reporting on behalf of the
Sponsored entities and maintains all documentation for at least 6 years;
3. Identify each sponsored FFI in all reporting completed on behalf of such sponsored
4. Perform all verification procedures; and
5. Not have its status as a sponsor revoked.
26. Owner
The FFI may only be treated as an owner-documented FFI with respect to payments
received from and accounts held by a designated withholding agent (US financial institution,
PFFI, or reporting Model 1 FFI that agrees to perform the 4th and 5th bullet points below). A
FFI will only be treated as a deemed-compliant FFI with respect to a payment or account for
which it does not act as an intermediary.
An Owner-Documented FFI must meet the following requirements:
Is a FFI solely because it is an investment entity:
Must not be owned by, nor be a member of a group of an expanded affiliated group with
any FI that is a Depository Institution, Custodial Institution or Specified Insurance
Does not maintain financial accounts for any NPFFIs;
Must provide the required documentation and agree to notify designated withholding
agent which is undertaking the reporting on behalf of the Owner Documented Financial
Institution if there is a change in circumstances; and
The designated withholding agent agrees to report to IRS or foreign government in the
case of a Model 1 FFI all of the information that a PFFI would be required to report but
will not need to report on any indirect owner of the owner documented entity that holds
its interest through:
Deemed Compliant FFI (other than an Owner Documented FFI),
Entity that is a US Person,
Exempt Beneficial Owner,
Excepted NFFE.
27. Qualified
QCIVs are Investment Entities that is a FFI solely because it is an investment entity and is
established and regulated as a collective investment vehicle in its country of incorporation or
organisation or in all of the countries its registered and all of the countries in which it
operates, provided that all the interests in the vehicle, including debt interests in excess of
$50,000, are held by or through one or more:
PFFIs or registered deemed compliant FFIs;
Retirement plans that are exempt beneficial owners;
Non-profit organisations that is not a FFI;
US Persons that are not Specified US Persons;
Nonreporting IGA FFI; or
Exempt Beneficial Owners;
In the case that a FFI is part of an expanded affiliated group, all other FFIs in the expanded
affiliated group are participating FFIs, registered deemed compliant FFIs, sponsored FFIs,
non-reporting FFIs or exempt beneficial owners.
Registered Deemed Compliant
28. Local FFI
A Local FFI, under the Treasury Regulations, is a registered deemed-compliant FFI that
meets the following requirements:
1. The FFI must be licensed and regulated as a FI under the laws of its country of
incorporation or organisation (which must be a FATCA-compliant jurisdiction);
2. The FFI must have no fixed place of business outside of its country of incorporation other
than a location that is not publicly advertised and from which the FI performs solely
administrative support functions;
3. The FFI must not solicit customers or Account Holders outside its country of incorporation
or organisation;
4. The FFI must be required under the laws of its country of incorporation or organisation to
identify resident Account Holders for purposes of either information reporting or
withholding of tax or for satisfying such country's AML due diligence requirements;
5. At least 98% of the Financial Accounts by value maintained by the FFI must be held by
residents (including Entities) of the country in which the FFI is incorporated or organized;
6. By the later of June 30, 2014 or the date it registers as a deemed-compliant FFI, the FFI
must implement policies and procedures:
a. To prevent the FFI from providing a Financial Account to any NPFI; and
b. To monitor whether the FFI opens or maintains a Financial Account for any Specified
US Person who is not a resident of the country in which the FFI is incorporated or
organized, an entity controlled or beneficially owned by one or more specified U.S.
persons that are not residents of the country in which the FFI is incorporated or
organized, or a nonparticipating FFI;
7. Such policies and procedures must provide that if any Financial Account held by the
above described persons is identified, the FI must report such account as though the FI
were a Reporting FFI or close the account;
8. With respect to a Pre-existing Account held by a non-resident of the country in which the
FFI is organized or held by an entity, the FFI must review those accounts in accordance
with the procedures applicable to Pre-existing Accounts to identify any US Reportable
Account or Financial Account held by a NPFI, and must report such account as though
the FI were a Reporting FFI or close the account;
9. Each member of an expanded affiliate group, Entity of the FI that is a FI must be
incorporated or organized in the FATCA Partner and, with the exception of any Related
Entity that is an Exempt Beneficial owner retirement fund, meet the same requirements
for a Local Client Base FI; and
10. The FFI must not have policies or practices that discriminate against opening or
maintaining Financial Accounts for individuals who are Specified US Persons and
residents of the country in which the FFI is organized or incorporated.
29. Non reporting
member of
FFI group
A FFI that is a member of a participating FFI group if it meets the following Requirements:
1. By the later of June 30, 2014, or the date it registers with the IRS, the FFI implements
policies and procedures to ensure that within six months of opening a U.S. account or an
account held by a recalcitrant account holder or a nonparticipating FFI, the FFI either
transfers such account to an affiliate that is a participating FFI, reporting Model 1 FFI, or
U.S. financial institution, closes the account, or becomes a participating FFI.
2. The FFI reviews its accounts that were opened prior to the time it implements the policies
and procedures (including time frames) using the procedures applicable to preexisting
accounts of participating FFIs, to identify any U.S. account or account held by a
nonparticipating FFI. Within six months of the identification of any account described in
this paragraph, the FFI transfers the account to an affiliate that is a participating FFI,
reporting Model 1 FFI, or U.S. financial institution, closes the account, or becomes a
participating FFI.
3. By the later of June 30, 2014, or the date it registers with the IRS the FFI implements
policies and procedures to ensure that it identifies any account that becomes a U.S.
account or an account held by a recalcitrant account holder or a nonparticipating FFI due
to a change in circumstances. Within six months of the date on which the FFI first has
knowledge or reason to know of the change in the account holder’s chapter 4 status, the
FFI transfers any such account to an affiliate that is a participating FFI, reporting Model 1
FFI, or U.S. financial institution, closes the account, or becomes a participating FFI.
30. Restricted
Under the Treasury Regulations, a registered deemed-compliant FFI includes investment
entities obtain Restricted Fund Status by imposing prohibitions on the sale of units in the
fund to specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with substantial US owners and
meet the following requirements:
The FFI is an Investment Entity;
The FFI is regulated as an investment fund in FATCA Partner and in all of the countries it
is registered and operates;
Interests issued by the fund are redeemed by or transferred by the fund rather than sold
by investors on any secondary market (a fund is not disqualified from meeting this
requirement strictly because it issued bearer interest as long as it ceased issuing prior to
31 December 2012 and establishes a policy to redeem all interests by 1 January 2017.
The fund should also perform pre-existing account due diligence and any withholding
prior to making a payment);
Interests not issued by the fund are sold only through distributors that are PFFIs,
Registered Deemed Compliant FFIs, non-registered local banks, or restricted
The FFI prohibits sales or other transfers of Debt or Equity Interests by the later of 31
December 2014 or 6 months after the date the fund registers as a deemed-compliant FFI
to specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with substantial US owners;
The prohibition described above must be stated in the FI’s prospectus by the later of 31
December 2014 or 6 months after registering as a deemed-compliant FFI;
The FFI ensures by the later of 31 December 2014 or 6 months after registering as a
deemed-compliant FFI that each distribution agreement requires the distributors to notify
any change of its status within 90 days of the change;
The FFI must terminate its distribution agreement within 90 days with any no restricted
distributor and either redeem the shares issued by that distributor, convert the interests
to direct holdings in the fund, or transfer to a restricted distributor;
The FFI reviews the Pre-existing Direct Accounts that are held by the Beneficial Owner
of the interest in the FFI in accordance with the procedures applicable to Pre-existing
Accounts and identifies any US or NPFFI accounts;
By the later of 31 December 2014 or 6 months after registering as a deemed-compliant
FFI, the FFI must certify to the IRS either that it did not identify any US account or
account held by a NPFI or, in case of such identification, the FI will either redeem or
transfer to an affiliate, a PFI, a Model 1 FI, a US FI, such accounts and withhold and
report as if it were a PFFI;
By the later of 30 June 2014 or 6 months after registering as a deemed-compliant FFI,
the FFI implement the policies in procedures to ensure that it either:
a. Does not open or maintain an account for, or make a withholdable payments to any
specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with Controlling US Persons and, if
such accounts are discovered, closes all such accounts within 6 months; or
b. Withholds and reports on any account held by, or any withholdable payments made to
specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with substantial US owners.
c. If the FFI is part of an expanded affiliated group, all other FFIs are PFFIs,
registered deemed-compliant FFIs, sponsored FFIs, nonreporting FFIs, or exempt
beneficial owners.
31. Qualified Credit
Card Issuers
and Servicers
A FFI, that under the Treasury Regulations is a registered deemed-compliant FFI, that meets
the following requirements:
1. The FFI is a FFI solely because it is an issuer of credit cards that accept deposits only
when a customer makes a payment in excess of a balance due with respect to the card
and the overpayment is not immediately returned to the customer; and
2. By the later of 30 June, 2014, or the date it registers as a deemed-compliant FFI, the FFI
implements policies and procedures to either prevent a customer deposit in excess of
$50,000, or to ensure that any customer deposit in excess of $50,000, is refunded to the
customer within 60 days. Customer deposits do not include credit balances in relation to
disputed charges but include credit balances resulting from merchandise returns.
Note that a credit card servicer that meets the above requirements is also eligible for this
Certified Deemed Compliant
32. Local Bank
A nonregistering Local bank, under the Treasury Regulations, is a certified deemed-
compliant FFI that must meet the following requirements:
1. The FFI operates solely as (and is licensed and regulated by the laws of the country of
incorporation or organisation and operates as) a bank, or a credit union or similar
cooperative credit organisation that is operated without profit.
2. The FFI’s business consists primarily of receiving deposits from and making loans to, with
respect to a bank, unrelated retail customers and, with respect to a credit union or similar
cooperative credit organisation, members, provided that no member has a greater than
5% interest in such credit union or cooperative credit organisation;
3. The FFI must have no fixed place of business outside of country of incorporation or
organisation other than a location that is not publicly advertised and from which the FI
performs solely administrative support functions;
4. The FFI must not solicit customers or Account Holders outside the country of
incorporation or organisation. Having a website will not cause a local bank to not meet
this requirement as long as accounts cannot be opened on the website, the website does
not indicate the FFI will maintain accounts for non-residents, and does not target US
customers or account holders;
5. The FFI must not have more than $175m in assets on its balance sheet and not more
than $500m in total for a group of expanded affiliated group;
6. With respect to a FFI that is part of an expanded affiliated group, each member is
incorporated or organized in the same country and, with the exception of any member
that is an Exempt Beneficial owner retirement fund or a FI with only low-value accounts,
meet the same requirements described above.
33. FFI with only
A FFI, that under the Treasury Regulations is a certified deemed-compliant FFI, that meets
the following requirements:
1. The FI is not an Investment Entity;
2. Each Financial Account maintained by the FFI or any member of an expanded affiliated
group, must not exceed $50,000 taking into account aggregation and currency
3. The FI must not have more than $50 million in assets on its solus balance sheet (and its
consolidated balance sheet where it is in a group) at the end of its most recent
accounting year.
34. Limited life
Under the Treasury Regulations, a limited life debt investment entity ('LLDIE') is a certified
deemed-compliant FFI. A FFI will be treated as a LLDIE if the FFI is the beneficial owner of
the payment (or of payments made with respect to the account) and the FFI meets the
following requirements.
a. The FFI is an investment entity that issued one or more classes of debt or equity interests
to investors pursuant to a trust indenture or similar agreement and all of such interests
were issued on or before January 17, 2013.
b. The FFI was in existence as of January 17, 2013, and has entered into a trust indenture
or similar agreement that requires the FFI to pay to investors holding substantially all of
the interests in the FFI, no later than a set date or period following the maturity of the last
asset held by the FFI, all amounts that such investors are entitled to receive from the FFI.
c. The FFI was formed and operated for the purpose of purchasing or acquiring specific
types of debt instruments or interests therein and holding those assets subject to
reinvestment only under prescribed circumstances to maturity.
d. Substantially all of the assets of the FFI consist of debt instruments or interests therein.
e. All payments made to the investors of the FFI (other than holders of a de minimis interest)
are either cleared through a clearing organisation or custodial institution that is a
participating FFI, reporting Model 1 FFI, or U.S. financial institution or made through a
transfer agent that is a participating FFI, reporting Model 1 FFI, or U.S. financial
f. The FFI's trustee or fiduciary is not authorized through a fiduciary duty or otherwise to
fulfil the obligations of a participating FFI and no other person has the authority to fulfil the
obligations of a participating FFI on behalf of the FFI.
35. Investment
Advisors and
A FFI that under the Treasury Regulations is a certified deemed-compliant FFI, that does not
maintain financial accounts and is a FFI solely because it:
i. Trades in money market instruments(checks, bills, certificates of deposit, derivatives,
etc.); foreign currency, foreign exchange, interest rate, and index instruments,
transferable securities, or commodities futures;
ii. Individual or collective portfolio management; or
iii. Otherwise investing, administering, or managing funds, money, or financial assets on
behalf of other persons.
36. Restricted
Under the Treasury Regulations, a registered deemed-compliant FFI includes investment
entities obtain Restricted Fund Status by imposing prohibitions on the sale of units in the
fund to specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with substantial US owners and
meet the following requirements:
The FFI is an Investment Entity;
The FFI is regulated as an investment fund in FATCA Partner and in all of the countries
it is registered and operates;
Interests issued by the fund are redeemed by or transferred by the fund rather than sold
by investors on any secondary market (a fund is not disqualified from meeting this
requirement strictly because it issued bearer interest as long as it ceased issuing prior to
31 December 2012 and establishes a policy to redeem all interests by 1 January 2017.
The fund should also perform pre-existing account due diligence and any withholding
prior to making a payment);
Interests not issued by the fund are sold only through distributors that are PFFIs,
Registered Deemed Compliant FFIs, non-registered local banks, or restricted
The FFI prohibits sales or other transfers of Debt or Equity Interests by the later of 31
December 2014 or 6 months after the date the fund registers as a deemed-compliant FFI
to specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with substantial US owners;
The prohibition described above must be stated in the FI’s prospectus by the later of 31
December 2014 or 6 months after registering as a deemed-compliant FFI;
The FFI ensures by the later of 31 December 2014 or 6 months after registering as a
deemed-compliant FFI that each distribution agreement requires the distributors to notify
any change of its status within 90 days of the change;
The FFI must terminate its distribution agreement within 90 days with any non restricted
distributor and either redeem the shares issued by that distributor, convert the interests
to direct holdings in the fund, or transfer to a restricted distributor;
The FFI reviews the Pre-existing Direct Accounts that are held by the Beneficial Owner
of the interest in the FFI in accordance with the procedures applicable to Pre-existing
Accounts and identifies any US or NPFFI accounts;
By the later of 31 December 2014 or 6 months after registering as a deemed-compliant
FFI, the FFI must certify to the IRS either that it did not identify any US account or
account held by a NPFI or, in case of such identification, the FI will either redeem or
transfer to an affiliate, a PFI, a Model 1 FI, a US FI, such accounts and withhold and
report as if it were a PFFI;
By the later of 30 June 2014 or 6 months after registering as a deemed-compliant FFI,
the FFI implement the policies in procedures to ensure that it either:
a. Does not open or maintain an account for, or make a withholdable payments to any
specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with Controlling US Persons and, if
such accounts are discovered, closes all such accounts within 6 months; or
b. Withholds and reports on any account held by, or any withholdable payments made to
specified US Persons, NPFIs and Passive NFFEs with substantial US owners.
c. If the FFI is part of an expanded affiliated group, all other FFIs are PFFIs,
registered deemed-compliant FFIs, sponsored FFIs, nonreporting FFIs, or exempt
beneficial owners
37. Territory FI
The term territory financial institution means a financial institution that is incorporated or
organized under the laws of any U.S. territory, not including a territory entity that is an
investment entity but that is not a depository institution, custodial institution, or specified
insurance company.
Non Foreign Financial Entity Requirements
NFFE Classifications
38. Publicly
Traded NFFE
and NFFE
A publicly traded NFFE is an excepted NFFE that is a corporation whose stock is regularly
traded on one or more established securities markets (within the meaning of the Treasury
Regulations) for the calendar year. An NFFE that is an affiliate (i.e., in the same expanded
affiliated group) of a publicly traded NFFE is also an excepted NFFE
39. Active NFFE:
<50% Passive
Less than 50% of the NFFE’s gross income for the previous calendar year or other appropriate
reporting period is passive income; and
Less than 50% of the assets held by the NFFE during the previous calendar year or other
appropriate reporting period produce or are held for the production of passive income.
Please read in conjunction with the definition of Passive NFFE in #46
40. Entity in
A foreign entity that was not a financial institution or passive NFFE at any time during the past
five years and that is in the process of liquidating its assets or reorganizing with the intent to
continue or recommence operations as a nonfinancial entity.
41. Excepted
The entity identified is organized in a possession of the United States and;
Does not accept deposits in the ordinary course of a banking or similar business,
Does not hold, as a substantial portion of its business, financial assets for the account of
others, or
Is not an insurance company (or the holding company of an insurance company) that
issues or is obligated to make payments with respect to a financial account; and
All of the owners of the entity identified in Part I are bona fide residents of the possession in
which the NFFE is organized or incorporated.
42. Excepted
This category applies to an entity that is a member of a participating FFI group if:
The entity does not maintain financial accounts (other than accounts maintained for
members of its expanded affiliated group);
The entity does not hold an account (other than a depository account in the account in
which the entity is operating to pay for expenses in that country) with or receive payments
from any withholding agent other than a member of its expanded affiliated group;
The entity does not make withholdable payments to any person other than to members of
its expanded affiliated group that are not limited FFIs or limited branches; and
The entity has not agreed to be a sponsoring entity or otherwise act as agent for FATCA
purposes on behalf of any FI including members of its expanded affiliated group.
The term participating FFI group means an expanded affiliated group that includes one or
more participating FFIs and any other FFI that is a member is a PFFI, deemed compliant
FFI or exempt beneficial owner. The term participating FFI group also means an expanded
affiliated group in which one or more members of the group is a reporting Model 1 FFI and
each member of the group that is a FFI is a registered deemed-compliant FFI,
nonreporting IGA FFI, limited FFI, or retirement fund that is an exempt beneficial owner.
43. Start-Up
a. A foreign entity that is investing capital in assets with the intent to operate a new business
or line of business other than that of a financial institution or passive NFFE for a period of
1. In the case of an entity intending to operate a new business, 24 months from the initial
organisation of such entity; and
2. In the case of an entity with the intent to operate a new line of business, 24 months from
the date of the board resolution (or its equivalent) approving the new line of business,
provided that such entity qualified as an active NFFE for the 24 months preceding the
date of such approval.
An entity will not be meet this classification if the entity functions (or holds itself out) as an
investment fund, such as a private equity fund, venture capital fund, leveraged buyout fund, or
any investment vehicle whose purpose is to acquire or fund companies and hold interests in
those companies as capital assets for investment purposes.
44. Non-financial
group entity
center or
Treasury centers (defined below) are treated as excepted nonfinancial entities in the FATCA
regulations if they are members of a nonfinancial group.
Except as noted below, an entity is a treasury center if the primary activity of such entity is to
enter into investment, hedging, and financing transactions with or for members of its expanded
affiliated group for purposes of
i. Managing the risk of price changes or currency fluctuations with respect to property that is
held or to be held by the expanded affiliated group (or any member thereof);
ii. Managing the risk of interest rate changes, price changes, or currency fluctuations with
respect to borrowings made or to be made by the expanded affiliated group (or any
member thereof);
b. Managing the risk of interest rate changes, price changes, or currency fluctuations with
respect to assets or liabilities to be reflected in financial statements of the expanded
affiliated group (or any member thereof);
i. Managing the working capital of the expanded affiliated group (or any member thereof)
such as by pooling the cash balances of affiliates (including both positive and deficit cash
balances) or by investing or trading in financial assets solely for the account and risk of
such entity or any member of its expanded affiliated group; or
ii. Acting as a financing vehicle for the expanded affiliated group (or any member thereof).
An entity is not a treasury center if any equity or debt interest in the entity is held by a person
that is not a member of the entity's expanded affiliated group and the redemption or retirement
amount or return earned on such interest is determined primarily by reference to:
i. The investment, hedging, and financing activities of the treasury center with members
outside of its expanded affiliated group; or
iii. Any member of the group that is an investment entity or passive NFFE.
45. Non-profit or
A non-profit organisation is an excepted nonfinancial entity if it meets all of the following
1. It is not organized in the US and It is established and operated in its jurisdiction of
residence exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, artistic, cultural, athletic, or
educational purposes
2. It is exempt from income tax in its country of residence;
3. It has no shareholders or members who have a proprietary or beneficial interest in its
income or assets;
4. The applicable laws of the entity’s country of residence or the entity’s formation documents:
Do not permit any income or assets of the entity to be distributed to, or applied for the benefit
of, a private person or non-charitable entity other than pursuant to the conduct of the entity’s
charitable activities, or as payment of reasonable compensation for services rendered, or as
payment representing the fair market value of property which the entity has purchased; and
require that, upon the entity’s liquidation or dissolution, all of its assets be distributed to a
governmental entity or other non-profit organisation, or escheat to the government of the
entity’s country of residence or any political subdivision thereof.
A 501(c) entity is an excepted NFFE if it is described in Internal Revenue Code section 501(c),
other than an insurance company described in section 501(c)(15).
Passive NFFE Classifications
46. Passive NFFE
A Passive NFFE is not a FFI or an excepted NFFE and meets the following criteria:
50% or more of the NFFE’s gross income for the previous calendar year - or other
appropriate reporting period - is passive income; and
50% or more of the weighted average percentage of assets (tested quarterly) held by it
are assets that produce or are held for the production of passive income
Please read in conjunction with the definition of Active NFFE in #39
Passive income generally includes:
Dividends including income equivalent to dividends
Interest including income equivalent to interest and certain returns from investments
in insurance contracts
Certain rents and royalties other than those derived from an active trade or business
Net gains from transactions, including forwards and similar transactions relating to
certain types of transactions in commodities
Certain foreign currency exchange gains
Net income from notional principal contracts
Amounts received under cash value insurance contracts or amounts earned by an
insurance company in connection with its reserves for insurance and annuity
Net gains from the sale of assets that give rise to any of the above types of income
Passive income excludes:
Any income from interest, dividends, rents or royalties that is received or accrued
from a related person to the extent such amount is properly allocable to income of
such related person that is not passive income.
Income generated by certain commodities dealers and securities dealers in the
ordinary course of business.
47. Sponsored
Reporting NFFE
A sponsored direct reporting NFFE is a direct reporting NFFE and if another entity, other
than a nonparticipating FFI, has agreed with the NFFE to act as its sponsoring entity.
48. Direct
Reporting NFFE
A direct reporting NFFE means a NFFE that elects to report information about its direct or
indirect substantial U.S. owners to the IRS and meets the following requirements:
Registers with the IRS to obtain a GIIN;
Report directly to the IRS on Form 8966 information about its substantial US owners
(i.e., name, address, and TIN of each substantial US owner),payments made to the
substantial US owners (including equity redemptions), value of each substantial US
owner's equity interest, information about the NFFE (i.e., name, address, and GIIN), and
any other information required by Form 8966);
Obtains a written certification (either on a withholding certificate or written statement)
from each person that would be treated as a substantial US owner if such person were a
specified US person. The written certification must indicate whether the person is a
substantial US owner of the NFFE and if so, it must contain the name, address, and TIN
of the person. If the NFFE has reason to know the certification is unreliable or incorrect
and the owner does not correct the information within 90 days, the NFFE should report
the person on a Form 8966;
Keep records (for 6 years) that the NFFE produces in the ordinary course of its business
that summarizes the activity relating to its transactions with respect to the equity of the
NFFE held by each of its substantial US owners for any calendar year in which the
owner was required to report;
Respond to requests from the IRS about its substantial US owners;
Make periodic certifications to the IRS within 6 months of each certification period
(beginning 3 years after the issuance of the GIIN). Certification requires the officer of the
NFFE to state the NFFE has not had any events of default, or if there was default,
appropriate measures were taken to remediate such failures and prevent such failures
from recurring, and for failures to report, the NFFE has corrected the filings; and
Not had its direct reporting NFFE status revoked by the IRS
A sponsored direct reporting NFFE is a direct reporting NFFE and if another entity, other
than a nonparticipating FFI, has agreed with the NFFE to act as its sponsoring entity.
Note: Please note that the definition of Active NFFE under an Inter-Governmental Agreement is not the
same as under the US Regulations. The NFFE terms contained on the W-8BEN-E are from the US
Regulations.Therefore if the entity is based in a jurisdiction with an Inter-Governmental Agreement and the
entity is classified under the Inter-Governmental Agreement as an Active NFFE, you will need to consider
which type of NFFE classification as defined by US Regulations the entity meets and certify accordingly.