Innsworth, United Kingdom
Admin Agent & Newcomers’ Support Guide
(Last Updated April 2021)
Contact Information
B CO Commander Cell: +32 (0) 4788 08087
1st Sergeant Cell: +32 (0) 4708 72529
B CO, AFNorth BN
+32 (0) 4767 61603
Supported Organization
NATO HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, United Kingdom
U.S. Contingent Welcome Book
Last revised Aug. 5, 2020
Welcome and congratulations on being selected for this post. This is not an
easy PCS; take the time to read this packet in its entirety and stay closely
connected with your sponsor. We look forward to you joining the team.
Table of Contents
hapter 1: Working in NATO and HQ ARRC
(Introduction, Background,
Chapter 2: Before You Arrive
Chapter 3: Arrival and In-processing
Chapter 4: Driving in the UK
Chapter 5: Housing
Chapter 6: Medical and Dental Care
Chapter 7: Childcare, Schools and Adult Education
Chapter 8: Pet Travel and Veterinary Services
Annex 1: Newcomer Checklist
Annex 2: Sponsor Checklist
ARRC official website:
ARRC Official Facebook:
to the ARR
Prior to Official Orders
Attend overseas moving workshop at losing
Gather questions for sponsor
Ensure all forms of Identification are current
all family members (renew if needed)
Obtain Wills and POAs
Apply for Personal Passports (If you don’t
already have them)
Ensure your pets are allowed in the UK and
research entrance requirements
Complete any pending professional or personal
requirements in the US (i.e. medical/dental work,
official photos, car repairs, etc.)
Once Official Orders are received
o Ensure you also receive NATO Orders
o Schedule overseas medical screening for all
family members to include: EFMP, vaccinations,
o Schedule appointment with Transportation
Management Office
o Start to Ident
ify property for each of
three possible shipments
naccompanied Baggage
Household Goods
Non-Temporary Storage
o Apply for No-Fee Passports for Family
Members/Official Passports for Soldier
o Schedule appointment for Vehicle shipment (if
o Ensure verification of title or release
letter from lien holder
o Contact U.S. financial institutions for updated
chip/pin credit/debit cards
has Overseas PCS program
o Work with Sponsor to schedule temporary lodging in
the UK
Three Months Out
Notify US housing property
manager of move
out date
Develop relocation spending plan
Receiving your entitlements (Dislocation
Allowance, Temporary Lodging Allowance,
Overseas Housing Allowance, and Cost of Living
Allowance) will take a few months to receive
Ensure Government Travel Card is valid and
limit is
increased to $10K
Two Months Out
Book flights with Official Travel
UK Army provides transportation from
Birmingham, Bristol, and London Heathrow
If travelling with pets you must come
through London Heathrow.
Complete all annual required training. (350-1, Anti-
Terrorism, etc.)
Contact Insurance Companies
Ship Unaccompanied Baggage
Check phones to see if they are unlocked and
to be used in the UK
Schedule vet appointment to pre check all
requirements such as vaccines and microchip to
ensure paperwork is in order
Apply for a military star card (if you don’t have
one), it is needed to get a fuel card in the UK.
One Month Out
o Ensure all travel arrangements are still valid
o Prepare to hand carry important documents (i.e.
passports, orders, medical records)
o Have sponsor set up PSC Box at the National
Support Element (NSE)
Schedule final vet appointment to complete health
One to Two Weeks Out
Arrange for rental car/shuttle service at
losing installation and in UK (if needed)
File change of address with USPS to PSC Box
Mail any “first need items” to the PSC box in the
National Support Element at the ARRC
Research Links (as needed)
o Housing in the UK
o Each letting (rental) company has their own
website with their listings
o Traveling with Pets
o Schooling Options in the UK
o Look on the housing sites above for schools in
those areas. Many public schools will be
oversubscribed, this can be worked through
appeals pro
cess with school liaison team
o Private school options are available and will
generally not be overbooked. Currently NDSP is
paying for private
school for Year 1
(kindergarten) and above
Chapter 1: Working in NATO and HQ ARRC
Audentis Fortuna Iuvat
Fortune Favours the Bold
The Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) is the land component of NATO’s Rapid Reaction Forces
under the permanent operational command of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).
HQ, ARRC is a highly capable multinational NATO headquarters. It is fully ready for rapid
deployment worldwide within five to thirty days and contains dedicated and integrated support to
sustain and protect the headquarters once deployed.
The ARRC consists of military and civilian staff from contributing nations. The ARRC is trained,
prepared and ready to deploy within days anywhere as directed by SACEUR to undertake combined
joint military operations
ranging the full spectrum of operations.
HQ, ARR C’s Mis s ion (as of April 2020):
HQ, ARRC, is to be prepared to deploy under NATO, EU,
national or multinational requirements as:
Corps HQ
Land Component Command HQ
Theatre-level Joint Task Force HQ
HQ ARRC is currently located in Imjin Barracks, Innsworth UK with a peacetime establishment of over
personnel. It comprises staff from contributing nations (Albania, Canada, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey,
United Kingdom, and the United States). As the
Framework Nation, the UK provides the infrastructure, administrative support, communications and
60% of the staff.
The ARRC was born out of NATO’s Strategic Concept, endorsed at the Rome Summit in 1991. It was
activated in
Bielefeld, Germany the following year, and subsequently it was moved to Innsworth, UK
in 2010. For over a decade, HQ, ARRC was NATO’s only high readiness corps headquarters. As a
result of the ARRC’s success, six similar HQs have been created. Currently the ARRC consists of a
standing headquarters and beneath it can be as many as four assigned
divisions, plus a number of
independent brigades as well as corps troops. When not acting as the land component to the NATO
Ready Force (NRF), the ARRC has no dedicated troops of its own. However, it retains training
affiliations with several NATO member-state divisions and smaller elements. HQ, ARRC trains and
conducts operations with other force elements from across the Alliance, demonstrating military
capability and political will from the outset. Under the direct command of Supreme Allied Command
Europe (SACEUR), HQ, ARRC is at a permanent state of high readiness. HQ, ARRC is trained and
prepared to deploy anywhere as the NATO spearhead.
HQ ARRC Structure
The Commander, ARRC (COMARRC) and Chief of Staff, ARRC (COSARRC) are UK lieutenant and
major generals and the Deputy Commander (DCOMARRC) is an Italian major general. The other
appointments, as with the training and exercise costs, are shared among the contributing nations.
ARRC Operations
The ARRC is expected to undertake combined joint military operations across the entire spectrum of
conflict. The existence of the ARRC as a multinational Corps or Land Component Command, and the
commitment by the contributing nations, demonstrates NATO’s resolve to counter any aggression
against a member state. The ARRC is also prepared to reinforce other NATO or national formations
as required. The speed and flexibility of the ARRC allows it to deploy rapidly to any potential trouble
spot to assist in-place national forces or delay an aggressor until the arrival of additional long-term
Customs and Courtesies
The US personnel render appropriate military courtesies to senior officers of all NATO nations.
Additionally, when a senior officer enters your work area, you should stand and recognize his or her
presence. That being said, it should be understood that different nations have different customs
with regard to saluting.
In the British Army, for example, it is common for an enlisted man to only render a salute the first time
in a duty day that he sees an officer, and then again in the afternoon. But this is only the official
policy, which is greatly modified by
individual “regimental traditions.” Accordingly, sometimes they
may not render a salute at all but instead walk at a position that looks like ‘attention.’ It all depends
upon the customs and courtesies of their individual unit. (The Turks, Germans, and Italians are,
generally, more like the US in this regard. If it moves, and it outranks you, salute it.)
When in the Imjin Briefing Center (the IBC) for a “Scale A” (all hands) event, the Corps Sergeant
Major will call the room to Sit Up,” do NOT STAND UP. You will see the British come to a stiff-
armed position of attention, while seated. This is their norm.
Consumption of Alcohol
Consumption of alcohol has recently been updated by the UK Army and adopted by the ARRC.
Alcoholic beverages will not be consumed prior to 1800 Monday to Friday and prior to 1400 on a
Weekend. Exceptions to this (i.e. Imjin Music Festival, National Days, etc.) will be requested through
appropriate channels.
Social Activities and Organizations
American Spouses Coffee Group. The US spouses have a “coffee meeting generally
monthly where information is distributed. These usually take place at restaurants and/or
pubs in the general area. The group also uses a WhatsApp Chat channel to help with
communications and morale support when US Soldiers are deployed or on exercise.
The ARRC Social Club (ASC), a pan-HQs spouse group, holds a coffee morning at the
Officer's Mess monthly from 10:30-12:00. This is an informal multinational group. ASC
distributes a monthly newsletter and once each month holds a luncheon that is hosted by a
different nation each time. AIC’s major fundraiser is the International Food Festival
wherein all nations are asked to participate. (Strongly recommended for spouses)
The Officer’s Mess is similar to our Officer’s Club but with a BOQ associated with it. Many
British Army Soldiers and Officers spend the work-week living in a room in the Mess, and
travel “home” to their families on the weekend. This is normal in their Army. Because of this
situation, the Mess serves three meals a day.
Additionally, the Mess hosts other events throughout the year, which includes summer and
winter formals (usually Black Tie/Tuxedos, or Dress uniforms), Burns Night, and Oktoberfest,
as well various informal events.
Attendance by you and your spouse is highly encouraged.
Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess (WOSM) is similar to our NCO Clubs in the states. The
WOSM also has a similar BOQ/BSQ associated with them. The WOSM also serves three
meals a day, has a small bar and a recreation area available to members. They also hold
similar events as those in the Officer’s Mess throughout the year, and attendance is highly
encouraged as well.
The British place a strong distinction between Officers and NCOs. Only on one night per year
do the two messes formally join for drinks.
ARRC Manning and Holidays
HQ ARRC employs a manning designation system to ensure that the headquarters is manned to
appropriate levels during various periods of the year. HQ, ARRC, as determined by the Chief of Staff,
(COSARRC), will adopt one of four manning levels. These levels are updated annually and posted
on the ARRC Intranet.
Full Manning. During designated exercise periods and other key events, the HQ ARRC will
be fully manned. In such periods, only minimum numbers of staff are to be away on courses
or training. Leave is not normally permitted during these times.
Routine Manning. For most of the year, the ARRC is on routine manning. With Deputy Chief
of Staff Operations (DCOS OPS) and Branch Chief’s approval, personnel may take leave
during routine manning periods. Deputy Chiefs of Staff (DCOS) and Branch Chiefs must
ensure that sufficient personnel are present conducting normal business.
Minimum Manning (Maximum Leave). During Minimum Manning, HQ, ARRC is to be
manned at minimum levels to permit the maximum number of personnel to take leave.
Generally the U.S. is not granted our federal holidays due to keeping in line with UK
holidays and minimum manning. The U.S. senior does grant exceptions to Thanksgiving
and Independence Day.
Stand Down Manning. Over the Christmas / New Year leave period, designated long
weekends and days designated as HQ, ARRC Holidays, all HQ staff (less Staff Duty Officer
(SDO) and Duty NCO) will stand down.
Chapter 2: Before You Arrive
Your Sponsor
Since Imjin Barracks does not have all the services of a US Military Post, your sponsor will play a
pivotal role in
preparation for your arrival and during the first few weeks after you arrive. Your
sponsor may contact you directly before you receive official notification, take the time to develop a
good relationship and establish communication links with your sponsor. You will find that email is
probably the best method to communicate based upon the time zone differences and personal
availability. The HQ, ARRC has a Facebook page that can be accessed so that you and your family
can see what events are ongoing or may be occurring upon your arrival. When communicating by
phone/SKYPE/VODAFONE, remember that Imjin Barracks is 5 hours ahead of the US East Coast
and 8 hours ahead of
the US West Coast.
Prior to arriving, ensure you provide your sponsor with the appropriate information such as: your flight
arrival date, time, flight number, number of family members, pets (if applicable), amount of baggage
you have, TDY enroute info, travel arrangements and contact numbers. It is highly recommended
that you fly into
Birmingham International Airport because it is closer to Imjin Barracks. You may fly
into Heathrow International Airport (HIA) as well, just be aware that the travel time from HIA to Imjin
Barracks is approximately 2- 2.5 hours. If you are traveling with pets, your only option is HIA. Your
sponsor will exhaust all means to coordinate for transport (van from the UK Army) to pick you and
your family up at the airport. An US representative will also be present to greet you upon arrival.
Please ensure your branch managers annotate port calling into either of the above airports. In the
past, when the ARRC was in Germany, the port call has been Belgium.
Getting established can be a lengthy process, do not rush to come to work. The ARRC will still be
here. Priority is establishment of your household!!
Calling from the US to the UK
When telephoning from the US to the UK:
Direct Access: 011
Country Code: 44
Area Code: 4-digits (xxxx)
Telephone Number: 6-digits (xxx-xxx)
Your number: (011) 44 xxxx-xxxx
UK DSN Access: 314-xxx-xxxx
Commercial numbers advertised for use within the UK will start with a “0.” For dialing from outside the
country, replace the “0” with the country code “44.”
Contact your military passport office immediately upon receipt of your orders. No-Fee passports will be
required. No-Fee passports are only authorized for entrance into the UK. You will need a tourist passport
for travel in and around Europe.
Visas are no longer needed for family members. Families must schedule an appointment at RAF
Croughton Passport Office to apply for Vignettes added to their No-Fee passports after arrival. This is
an important process since the UK has left the European Union. Vignette photos can be obtained at a
local Timpsons shop. Please ensure that your losing installation is aware of this and they do not have
you apply for your Visas.
Pets- see Ch. 8
Move Preparation
The Furnishings Management Office at RAF Croughton has the following loaner furniture available to
request if your household goods have not arrived from CONUS. Note: these items are loaned for a
maximum of 90 days.
Bedframe, Double (1)
Bedframe, Single (1)
Chair, Dining (Max 6)
Chair, Easy (2)
Chest, 2dwr, (1 per
Chest, 4dwr, (1 per
Chest, 5dwr, (1)
Crib, Toddler/Large (1 per
High Chair (1 per
Lamp, Table 240V (1
per table)
Mattress, Double (1)
Mattress, Single (1 per
Mirror (1)
Nightstand (2)
Sofa (1)
Table, Coffee (1)
Table, Dining (1)
Table, End (2)
The following items are available to request free of charge once you move into your PERMENANT
residence. Ensure the owner and the property supports such items. Note: these items are loaned
for the duration of your tour.
Dryer, Clothes, Condenser
Range 18” Cooker (1)
Range 24” Cooker (1)
Refrigerator, Freezer/UK
Upright Freezer (MFH) (1 if
Washer, Clothes/UK (1)
Transformer (2)
Wardrobe Folding (1 per
To arrange for loaner furniture you will need: PCS orders (with dependents), furniture request form,
authorization for payroll deduction, landlord/letting agent concurrence, pet owner/smokers form, copy
of lease (signed).
The Furnishings Management Office Customer Service contact details are:
DSN: 314-236-8758
Comm: 01280-708758
Hours of operation: Mon - Fri 0800-1200 / 1300-1500 (Office closed 1200-1300 for lunch)
Since all electricity is 220 volts with a three prong plug, you will need transformers to operate your
110V appliances. Ensure you check your appliances to determine if they are dual voltage-that is,
they can operate on 110V or 220V.
Many people who come to the UK prefer not to use certain 110V appliances because they require
transformers. In particular the high wattage drawing items such as microwave ovens, coffee makers
and toasters are placed in storage, sold or given away. Due to counter space availability, a large
transformer is a cumbersome item in a moderate to small-sized kitchen. These items can be replaced
with 220V items in the UK. Note: Appliances which have timers/clocks do not
work on transformers
(i.e. bread makers) and heating appliances work slower, and the motor will eventually burn up due to
incorrect voltage supplied.
Preparing Financially
The initial startup costs for getting settled in the UK can be higher than in most locations, so financial
planning for your move is important. There are a few steps that can be accomplished prior to your
arrival that will ensure a smooth transition. Do not bring US cash and exchange at airport or
exchange centers. The exchange rate is .20 cents lower than international rates. If you would like to
obtain pounds prior to arrival, purchase them at a local bank in the US.
General Info
Due to UK/European Union banking law, it is often difficult to open new bank accounts, investment
accounts, or mutual
funds in the US after arriving in the UK. You may continue to use accounts
opened prior to your arrival with no problems.
You will be establishing a local British Sterling account upon arrival with the assistance of your
sponsor. Most banks will allow Soldiers to establish an account with their Passport (as proof of
identity), temporary address (hotel) (bring a statement from the hotel addressed to you there), and a
copy of your military orders. The US National Support Element will provide you a reference letter
with address you can use.
Writing a check from your US Bank account to your UK account can take from 5 days to 4 weeks.
Additionally, wire transfers can be costly. One of the easiest solutions that several families have used
is temporarily increasing their withdrawal limit from their US Bank and withdrawing GBP from a
cashpoint (ATM) in the bank and immediately depositing it into their UK account.
The UK has used Chip and Pin for all debit and credit cards for several years and is now going to
contactless cards. Try to ensure that prior to your arrival that you have a chip and pin card from your
US Bank and that it is activated.
Community Bank, a subsidiary of Bank of America, is located at RAF Croughton (90 minutes from
Imjin Barracks) and the easiest bank to establish an account. Since it is not a foreign bank, DFAS
will directly deposit money into this bank. Unfortunately, Community Bank is not the most user-
friendly bank for the following reasons:
Very limited online banking services. Online money transfers from a US Dollar account to a
British Sterling account take 5-7 business days. Transfers can be completed within 24
hours via telephone fax or email with digital signature.
Exchange rates are not good (they are 0.4 points lower than rates listed on NY Stock
Do not provide Chip and Pin card (UK version of a credit card; some businesses only accept
Can only withdraw British Pounds from your British Sterling account via a Community Bank
ATM. If you use your ATM card to withdraw money from a local ATM, it will take the money
from your US Dollar account and charge the Community Bank exchange rate and a foreign
conversion fee.
Lloyds Bank will allow Soldiers to establish a UK account with the documents listed earlier:
Sponsor can set appointment up for you prior to arrival
No set-up fees for a basic account
Offers direct debit for payments
Chip and pin and contactless cards available
No transfer fee from Lloyd’s on transfers into account from US Banks
HSBC will allow Soldiers to establish an account at a UK branch with the documents listed earlier:
No set-up fees for a basic account
Offers direct debit for payments
Chip and Pin cards available
£8 transfer fee applies to electronic funds transfers if the money arrives in the account in US
Dollars and £6 if the money arrives in account in British Pounds
No transfer fees if you deposit cash (Pounds or Dollars) and will only pay exchange rate.
Checks drawn on a US bank take at least 5-7 business days to clear (this also applies to
Community Bank) and cost £8
Has US branches and can set up accounts for the UK before you PCS. Soldiers have done this and have
found it very useful, may require to change direct deposit
One Recommended Option for Banking in the UK (HSBC)
Once you have official orders, but at least a month prior to departing the United States, you can open a
US HSBC account online ( Once your US dollar account is opened, you can utilize
HSBC’s International Banking to open a Great Britain Pound (GBP) account prior to departing the
United States ( This international banking
service will send you your UK debit card to a US address, allowing you to activate your account prior to
arriving to the UK. One significant benefit of having these two HSBC accounts is the ability to utilize
Global Transfers between the accounts to transfer money from USD ($) to GBP (£) at the current
exchange rate, on the same day, and without fees (
money/global-transfers/). However, in order to fully realize these benefits, you must be a “Premier”
HSBC member. The easiest way to ensure “premier” status is to change your MyPay direct deposit to
arrive in your new USD HSBC account. This website outlines the requirements for HSBC Premier:
Step by step Guide:
1. Ensure Premier eligibility (direct deposit pay into HSBC US)
2. Open HSBC US Premier checking account
3. Open HSBC UK Premier checking account
4. Establish Global Transfer link between USD and GBP accounts
Other banks include Barclay’s and Holt’s Bank.
You may obtain more information at the following web sites:
Initial Fees
You will encounter a number of fees upon arrival in the UK. The list below depicts some of the costs
you will incur:
Hotel/Apartment Rentals (for up to 21 days). Refunded. Details to follow during in-processing
Vehicle Conversion to meet Ministry of Transportation requirements: £200-£700 can be as
high as 1500 depending on the make and model of the vehicle
TV License: £150.00 per household for color TV
First Month Rent - you are entitled to receive a 1st month rent advance which you will pay back
within 12 months.
Security Deposit (usually equal to at least one month’s rent) you are entitled to receive a security
deposit advance which you will pay back upon move out
The British pound rate changes daily, check online for the latest rate.
US Banking
For your US Bank account, if you bank with USAA let them know that you are PCSing overseas and
they will walk you through the steps for your bank accounts and any other products that you have
with them. They will also lower the interest rates on your credit cards to 4% and won’t charge you
foreign transaction fees for at least the first year. If you do not bank with USAA, contact your financial
institution to see if they offer similar services.
Items to Hand Carry
You should have orders and accompanying paperwork with you when you travel. If your spouse or
children are traveling separately, they should carry their own set. Also, carry important financial
papers, proof of auto insurance, birth and marriage certificates, social security numbers, ID cards,
passports for service member and all dependents (both tourist and official/no-fee), custody papers,
adoption papers, vehicle ownership, registration and licensing papers, school transcripts, medical,
dental/shot records, current medical exam for each child to prevent delays in school, CDC and sports
program enrollment. Also, ensure that your bank will allow you to withdraw GBP from local cashpoints
(ATMs) upon arrival.
Unaccompanied Baggage
This is the shipment of airfreight to the UK that is available within 35 to 45 days of shipment. Check
with your
transportation office for the proper weight allowances, and how long the shipment will take
to arrive. Make
sure you are under your weight limits so that it will be airfreighted, and ship it early
so that it is here when you arrive.
Below are some items people include in unaccompanied baggage:
Some of the next seasons clothes, since your household goods may be delayed in arriving
and the season may change unexpectedly early
Uniforms, boots, and other military items
One or two church and/or evening dresses; dress blues
A TV and DVD/VCR and your favorite movies
You can borrow AAFES VHS first run American movies from the NSE and can buy them at
RAF Croughton, our closest USAF Base. If you have a multi-system DVD/VCR that is
capable of playing both US and European videos, then you may also rent videos from the
British stores. If you do not have a multi-system VCR player, you will not be able to play
European videos.
Other Items
Children’s toys, books, games, DVDs (note that US DVDs are not compatible with UK DVD
players and vice versa, so also pack your US DVD player)
Books, exercise equipment, bicycle, or entertainment/hobby items for yourself
Bathroom towels bed linens (blankets/pillows), and dish towels
Dishes (preferably non-breakable), pots and pans, silverware, cooking utensils, cookbooks
Small appliances: coffeepot, radio, CD player
Broom, dustpans, mop and/or vacuum
School items such as back packs and supplies
Baby furniture: crib or playpen, walker, etc.
Any items that might make your quarters feel more like home until your household good
arrive, pictures, a vase for flowers, etc.
For receipt of unaccompanied baggage and household goods contact the Personal Property
Shipping Office. For prompt service, make an appointment in advance. If at any time you need
assistance or experience doubt about the quality of service you are receiving from the contractor,
contact the Personal Property Shipping Office immediately. Don’t wait for the packers to leave
to make your inquiry.
This is a full Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) shipment area. Personnel are authorized to
ship their full weight allowances.
Some families will hand carry or mail to the PO BOX their children gaming systems (X-
Box/Wii) so that it’s available in the hotel or apartment.
Long Term Storage
Long Term storage in CONUS should be listed in your orders, if not, contact your local transportation office for
more details. Because the homes in the UK are typically smaller than what one is accustomed to in the states, it is
recommended that you store some of your furniture (formal dining/refrigerator/freezers/formal living
area/riding lawn mowers/anything that is not dual voltage you can live without (Christmas lights)/washing
machine and dryer, etc.) into long term storage. It’s recommend to bring mowers and weed eaters, to avoid
purchase here, if you have a garden. RAF Croughton does provide two large transformers which may fit your tv
and other items but is not powerful enough to operate vacuums and other items.
Rental Car
Rental cars are available in and around Imjin Barracks upon your
arrival. Listed below are car rental agencies with their postcode
National Car Rentals- Gloucester (GL2 5JA)
Avis Rent a Car- Gloucester (GL1 2SG)
Thrifty Car & Van Rental- Gloucester (GL1
5 SY)
Hertz Rent a Car- Cheltenham
(GL51 0TF)
Midland Vehicle Rental- Cheltenham (GL51 8HF)
Sponsorship and Housing
The US government housing does not exist at Imjin Barracks. Therefore, all personnel will receive
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) and enter into rental contracts. You should consider two
housing options prior to arrival, UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) or renting on the economy. Renting
accommodation through the UK MOD, either a Single Family Accommodation or a room in the
Officer’s Mess/NCO Mess/Junior Ranks Mess. There is limited availability in MOD housing. Your
sponsor can explain the British Mess System. Generally, the US rents from local landlords as MoD
housing supports other NATO nations. Their housing allowances are smaller than what the Army
If you decide to rent a house on the local economy, the following websites provide information on the
types of houses available in the area: ;
Begin the search by entering Innsworth into the box following “Find property in.Then choose
Innsworth, Gloucester, Gloucestershire and select “To Rent.” On the following page, enter your
specific requirements. Recommend limiting the search radius to 10 miles initially due to travel times.
Your sponsor will assist you in looking for places, but the rental
market is volatile and the “good”
homes typically Rent (LET) relatively quickly. Be prepared to stay in your temporary lodging/billeting
for at least 15 days. Or you can select Cheltenham as a search parameter.
Temporary Billeting
There are a number of temporary rental/holiday/letting properties available in the vicinity of Imjin
Barracks. However, costs need to be considered. OCONUS temporary housing costs are covered
with Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) not Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE). Determining your
authorized TLA can be complicated and based on a number of factors as described in the defense
travel FAQs (link It is important that you renew
your TLA every 10 days. RAF Croughton’s TLA policy is posted on the US website. Note, make sure
you are inside your TLA allowance before you choose a temporary lodging.
Here is a list of possible apartments: (highly recommended by all that have PCS’d here and used them)
** Other rentals can be found if you look for temporary lodging in Gloucester or Cheltenham on google,
bing, etc.
As your arrival time draws near coordinate with your sponsor to establish a P.O. Box with an APO
address at the US NSE. All US personnel have a P.O. Box and this serves as your permanent mailing
address. You can mail boxes to yourself, thus limiting the amount you have to travel with in the
airports. Keep in mind that if you’re deployed or you’re moving from another APO address, it is free to
send letters, boxes, and packages from APO to APO.
First Last Name
PSC 38, Box XX
APO AE 09403
Chapter 3: Arrival and In-processing
Your Arrival
When making your travel plans you must ensure that you and your family members are Port Called
into the necessary airport for your needs as described in the previous chapter. This has been an
issue with some Soldiers orders in the past, with a Port Call into Brussels, Belgium and then follow
on to the UK. This can be easily corrected by contacting your branch representative at Human
Resources Command for an amendment to orders. Please ensure you keep your sponsor or the US
NSE informed of your plans.
As long as you have made arrangements with your sponsor, he/she will be waiting for you just
outside of Customs with a driver and vehicle from the ARRC Support Battalion to bring you to Imjin
Barracks. If transportation from the ARRC Support Battalion cannot assist, then the Sponsor will
coordinate with NSE for other transportation options.
Reporting Procedures
Sponsors will bring new ARRC personnel to the US National Support Element (NSE) to start in-
processing on the first duty day after arrival. If the Soldier and family arrive on the weekend/holiday,
then the Soldier and sponsor need to come the very next working day. Be prepared to turn in the
following documents:
- copy of orders - DA 31
- flight itinerary - receipts for travel voucher - government credit card information
- lodging address and phone number - copy of last evaluation report
- APFT Card - Weapons Qualification Card
- family information (birthdays and anniversaries)
The NSE will issue a copy of the in-processing Checklist to the new Soldier. The sponsor will then
assist the new Soldier through the process including escorting him/her to RAF Croughton to in-
process there.
Ration Card
The Commander’s Support Staff office at RAF Croughton issue ration card for coffee, cigarettes and
spirits purchases as well as Value Added Tax (VAT) exemption on products and services through
certain vendors that are over £100. One example of where this VAT exemption can be used is if you
ship a vehicle from the US when you get it
converted to UK driving standards. This process will save
you 20%.
Inbound POV Shipments
Incoming POV shipments are routed through the Vehicle Processing Center (VPC) located at RAF
Mildenhall, UK where they will have to be picked up. RAF Mildenhall, is 3-4 hour drive from Imjin
Barracks. Once you pick your vehicle up you will need to complete a MOT test at a local garage and
then take the MOT test and all other documents pertaining to the vehicle to the Vehicle Registration
Office at RAF Croughton and all documents to process a temporary license allowing to operate your
vehicle in the UK. Prior to you vehicle arrival you must obtain 3AF Form 156. This is you tax exempt
document. The VPC needs this document to clear customs. Your sponsor will help obtain the appropriate
documents at RAF Croughton.
The RAF Croughton vehicle registration office will process a registration request for your vehicle that will
arrive in the mail at an address you provide. Once you receive this document, you will need to fax or return
to the vehicle registration office for Service Member Overseas License and documents you will need for a
Fuel Ration Credit Card (Through RAF Croughton AAFES). For more information, refer to Chapter 4
(Driving in the UK).
Unaccompanied Baggage/Household Goods
Delivery of Unaccompanied Baggage and Household Goods are to be coordinated through the Traffic
Management Office at RAF Croughton, Building 202 DSN: 236-8047 Commercial: 01280-708-047
Hours: Monday-Friday 0800-1630. Initial coordination should be made with this office as soon as you
arrive so you can obtain an estimated delivery date. Your sponsor will assist with this coordination.
The following is provided for planning:
Delivery of Unaccompanied Baggage: under 600 pounds 30-45 days. Over 600
pounds 45-60 days (unaccompanied baggage under 600 pounds will go by air. Over
600 pounds goes by ship)
Household Goods from CONUS to Europe: 7.5-12 weeks depending on multiple factors
(peak season for shipment, customs inspection, etc.)
Household Goods from the Pacific to the European Theater: at least 90 days
Automobile delivery has the same time line as Household Goods
Household Goods Claims
All personnel have 75 days to file the notification of damage paperwork. Call the Legal Office for
information and appointments.
Claims Office
RAF Croughton, UK
Tel: 011-44-1280-708-652
Mon-Fri (0730-1630)
Chapter 4: Driving in the UK
Dri ve r’s Lice nses
You will need to have a valid driving license issued by a US state or European nation. Ensure your
license is still valid prior to your arrival in the UK. Some states automatically extend the validity of
licenses for military members stationed overseas, but this does not apply to Family members. Check
with your state’s department of motor vehicles for further information and to renew, if needed, online.
You must also acquire a USAFE permit to drive in the UK (3AF Form 435). To obtain this permit and
a fuel ration card, you will need to complete a computer-based test on the British Driving Theory and
receive a local conditions brief, both completed in the NSE. You can review the British Driving Theory
at http://theory-,, you will also need a Military
card to receive a fuel ration card.
Auto Insurance
You must have motor insurance before you can drive your vehicle on UK roads. Third party insurance
is the legal minimum. This means you’re covered if you have an accident causing damage or injury to
any other person, vehicle, animal or property. It doesn’t cover any other costs like repair to your own
Insurance Companies
Some stateside companies will
continue to insure you overseas, such as USAA and GEICO, which
can be contacted once in country through a UK 0800 number. The best advice is to shop around and
compare prices. Most personnel choose to stay with US Insurance Company that they have prior to
PCS as rates are more competitive.
POV Pickup & Registration
Vehicles shipped from CONUS to the UK can take 30-60 days. Once the vehicle arrives, you will
need to complete a MOT test at a local vehicle garage and take the MOT test and all other
registration documents to RAF Croughton Vehicle Registration Office to begin the process of
registering your vehicle in the UK. *Note, depending on the required modifications, you may be able
to operate your vehicle with a pending appointment. The modifications are usually head beams and
rear fog lights. Total cost typically under 400 pounds. You are typically authorized 30 days to
complete all modifications needed. If there is time, research if it is possible to transform your vehicle
in the US, this will save you tons of money. Key aspects are rear amber turn signals, amber side
lights, rear fog light. This leaves the adjustment of the headlights here in the UK.
Step 1
Upon arriving, visit to find the whereabouts of your vehicle. If your
vehicle has arrived to the RAF Mildenhall VPC then you will receive a notification email from them.
Initially, your vehicle will be quarantined. You will next need to get a Customs & Excise (C&E) Form
941. To get this form, bring your stateside vehicle title or registration, military/civilian ID card, and
orders to the Pass & Registration office at RAF Croughton and they will process the necessary
paperwork to ensure your vehicle is imported into the country tax-free. These forms need to be
completed before the RAF Mildenhall VPC will release your vehicle for pick up.
If you are driving into the UK from the continent, then your first step is to go to your local Vehicle
Registration office and de-register your vehicle before departing your current home station. Note that
if your existing registration will expire 90 days or less after you de-register, you will be required to pay
an additional $30 registration fee; otherwise de-registration is free. You will be issued shipping plates,
valid for 90 days, which you may use to drive your vehicle to the UK.
Step 2
In order to pick up your vehicle, you will need the following:
- a valid UK Certificate of Motor Insurance (policy letter or green card does not count) ID card
- Vehicle Inspection and Shipping form (DD Form 78)
- 3AF Driving Permit (3AF Form 435)
- stateside driver’s license
- military/civilian ID card
- your white copy of the Customs and Excise Form 941.
You will have to remove any previous base installation decal from your vehicle. RAF Croughton
Vehicle Processing will provide all of these documents from the Step 1 visit.
Note: From RAF Mildenhall, you will place your stateside plates back onto your vehicle and drive
with the stateside plates until the vehicle is fully registered and you have UK plates. It is illegal to
drive without plates and you may be fined.
By the law, you have 30-days to make sure your vehicle is roadworthy and adjust your lights to
conform to UK requirements. During this 30-day period, you may drive around with your current
license plate. These are the standard changes required to US-made vehicles
your vehicle is less than 3 years old, a personal import, a left-hand drive vehicle, or other vehicle not
for use in the UK, it must undergo a Single Vehicle Approval (SVA) inspection;
otherwise it will require a yearly Ministry of Transport (MOT) inspection.
Note: If your vehicle fails its inspection or you do not get it inspected after the 30-day period, it must
be stored or parked off-road until it passes the required inspection. Driving is only permitted to and
from a pre-arranged inspection.
Step 3
Take the following documents to Pass & Registration at RAF Croughton for UK registration:
C&E Form 941 (pink form) or de-registration from Germany
UK Certificate of Insurance (not green card or policy paperwork)
Inspection Certificate (MOT or SVA) (ensure VIN is accurate)
Certificate of Registration or Title (Marriage certificate required if not in the sponsor's name)
The Pass and Registration office will forward the original documents to DVLA for request for your first
year’s road tax disc and British vehicle registration document.
Step 4
It is your responsibility to have the plates made. The best place to have them made is at RAF
Croughton “Arts and Crafts center” COMM: 01280 708446. Put them on the vehicle as soon as
possible. You will need to have your documents from DVLA to order the plates. Cost currently
under 20 pounds. Plates can also be aquired at most dealers, especially if you need customized
size. For more information go to: These
plates can be made by any local auto dealer and will save you a trip to RAF Croughton.
You will then receive the V-5c Registration document (4-page blue document) about 7 to 10 days
Step 5
Finally, return to RAF Croughton Pass & Registration with your UK plate number, V-5c
registration form, proof of insurance, ID card, USAFE driver's permit, and MOT/SVA Certification
to update the back side of your driving permit with your new UK license plate number.
Step 6
Take all documents to the RAF Croughton PX along with your Military STAR Card to complete
documents for an AAFES Fuel Credit Card. This fuel credit will allow you to purchase fuel on the
economy at select gas stations at a US rate.
POV Claims
You have 60 days to claim any damages on your vehicle.
RAF Croughton VPC
Tel: 011-44-1280-70-8611
Mon-Fri (0730-1600)
Any damages noted at the time of vehicle pick up must be recorded and verified at the time of
pick up. Call the legal office for further information. If you have any comments or questions
please contact Pass and Registration at Croughton. DSN: 236-8611 COMM: 01280 708611.
Children Safety Seats
It is the driver's responsibility to ensure that children under the age of 14 years are restrained correctly
in accordance with the law. All children travelling in cars must use the correct child restraint until they
are either 135 cm (4' 5") in height or the age of 12 (whichever they reach first). Afterwards, they must
use an adult seat belt. There are very few exceptions, and the main ones are set out below.
Children up to 3 years old
In the Front Seat: The child MUST use the correct child restraint. It is illegal to carry a child in a
rear-facing child seat in a front seat that is protected by an active frontal airbag.
In the Rear Seat: The child MUST use the correct child restraint. In a licensed taxi or licensed hire
car, if a child restraint is not available, then the child may travel unrestrained in the rear. This is the
only exception for children under 3, and has been introduced for practical rather than safety reasons.
You should always think about ways to make sure that a child seat is available.
Children aged 3 and above, until they reach either their 12th birthday or
135 cm in height
In the Front Seat: The child MUST use the correct child
In the Rear Seat: The child MUST use the correct restraint, where seat belts are fitted
There are three exceptions where there is not a child seat available. In each case the child MUST
use the adult belt instead. They are: In a licensed taxi or private hire vehicle, if the child is travelling
on a short distance for reason of unexpected necessity, if there are two occupied child restraints in
the rear which prevent the fitment of a third
Children over 1.35 meters in height or who are at least 12
years old
In the Front Seat: The adult seat belt MUST be worn
if available
In the Rear Seat: The adult seat belt MUST be worn if available
Passengers over 14 years old: Adult seat belts must be used. It is the responsibility of the individual
passenger to wear a seat belt if one is available.
Motorcycle Requirements
If you are a motorcyclist or think you might be interested in motorcycling while stationed in Europe,
there are a few things you should know first before making any riding plans or financial obligations.
You must complete a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) approved safety course in order to get the
required motorcycle endorsement on your USAFE driver's permit before you can ride your
motorcycle in Europe. The frequency and availability of student slots are limited. You are highly
encouraged to attend one of these safety courses the MSF offers at your stateside location prior to
PCSing here to avoid any unnecessary delays in licensing. See your base safety office for details.
Motorcycle refresher training is required every 3 years.
V5c Renewal
About 15 days before it will expire, you will receive a renewal notice in the mail. Bring the renewal
notice, current UK
certificate of insurance, V5c, current MOT, and a banker’s draft for the required
amount of road tax (6 months or 12 months) to the Pass & Registration Office in Croughton. They
will send in the package and your road tax will be returned to Pass & Registration in about 7-10
days. **Please remember that you may not drive your vehicle without paying taxes.
Tax-Free Fuel
Tax-free gasoline is rationed in the UK, although most people never exceed their authorized
amounts. Prices fluctuate with the dollar and pound rates so beware if your car is a gas guzzler.”
You will receive 400 liters of fuel per month per authorized vehicle (one for the sponsor and one for
the spouse). In order to receive your fuel card, you must have a Military STAR Card. Consider
applying for the STAR Card prior to departure from the US to speed processing time for the Esso
Fuel Card; fuel prices on the economy are considerably higher than the tax-free rates. Application
for the fuel
card can be accomplished at the RAF Croughton PX.
Chapter 5: Housing
UK Houses
Most British houses do not have cellars or basements. If you own oversized furniture, such as an
eight-foot sofa, large dresser or king-size bed, you may find a homes with rooms large enough to
accommodate your furniture, but narrow staircases, passageways and doorways may prevent you
getting the furniture inside the home. Also note, that central heating is not common in older homes.
Most homes have radiator-style heaters attached to the walls. Carefully consider what electrical items
you ship due to the differences in electrical voltage between the US and the UK.
Housing Options
Items to understand:
In the UK, rentals are referred to as lettings
Rental property companies are called letting agencies
Houses are listed by postal code. A postal code, unlike a US zip code, refers to a specific
area which will
include a few houses (6-10). Houses can have numbers or names
Flats are apartments, semi-detached homes are duplexes (two homes with a common wall)
Detached homes are stand-alone single family homes. Terraced houses are town houses
The US Government housing does not exist at or near Imjin Barracks. There are two housing options:
1) use the UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) provided Housing within nearby residential neighborhoods
or 2) rent a house on the economy using the Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) provided by the
Army. Your Sponsor can assist you in finding the best accommodation available. One item to
remember is that all rental and utility payments must be made by direct debit from a Great British
Pound Sterling (GBP) account from a UK bank. Landlords and utility companies do not accept
checks or credit card payments.
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)
OHA is defined in terms of “with dependents” or “without dependents” rates and the Soldier’s rank.
Your OHA payments
equal your monthly rental payment; you will not “pocket” money related to
housing. You can view current rates at using
location United Kingdom, Cheltenham (INCL Imjin Barracks) (E), GB179.
UK Ministry of Defense Housing
You can rent a home (if accompanied) or a room in the Officers’ or Sergeants’ Mess (if
unaccompanied or single;
sponsors can explain the British Mess System). Families can apply for
MOD Estates housing, known as Service Family Accommodation (SFA), as a first step. Rent is
extremely reasonable, however, you do not receive the difference between your max OHA rate and
the monthly rent for MOD housing. If you apply
for SFA, you only make the decision to accept or decline the quarters after arrival; you maintain the
ability to refuse the quarters until you sign for the keys. To enter the SFA wait list, fill out the MOD
Form 1132:
Families pay rent to Defense Estates for MOD provided quarters. SFA homes are located in four
areas surrounding Imjin Barracks. “The Patch” (unofficial)/Innsworth (official name) is located across
the street from Imjin Barracks and is similar to living on-post in the US. The other housing areas are
in Churchdown, Tewkesbury and Gloucester and are within a 10 mile radius of Imjin Barracks. These
homes are located on the economy, but they are managed by the MOD for lease to military families.
Go to for more information.
Housing on the Local Economy
The housing office at RAF Croughton serves as our housing referral office. They help ensure you are
protected and you get financially compensated. The Legal Office at RAF Croughton must review all
leases to ensure the landlord includes specific military clauses. You can obtain more information
from their website at:
RAF Croughton is also part
of the Armed Forces Housing Referral Network (AHRN). You can access AHRN at
Listed below are letting agencies that operate locally. Most web sites provide MultiMap or MapQuest
connectivity to show
where the properties are located. The postal code listed for each property will
enable use of MapQuest, Google Maps or a Satellite Nav unit to get accurate directions. Note: Not all
postings are vetted but it is a good research start point. (one of the best sites; used by most ARRC
You are strongly advised to check the websites above to get an idea of the different housing options
that may be available. Print out the homes that interest you before arrival in the UK. The turn-over
rate is very rapid and the homes you like may not be available by the time you arrive, but your initial
work will give us a good starting point on what your wants and needs are.
Before a lease is signed, have your Sponsor walk through the house with you. The US contingent’s
Deputy Senior National Representative (DSNR) will be notified on any home greater than 15 miles
from Imjin Barracks. Nothing prevents you from living far from the base, but there can be challenges
being further away from the Imjin Barracks. Just keep in mind, no matter where you live, it can be a
thirty minute drive. Traffic is dense and roads are narrow. School options are important and will
help determine where you might reside.
Choosing a Location
There are many items to consider when choosing a location. Living in Cheltenham or Gloucester
offers the following benefits:
Cheltenham: historic, Victorian city of about 100,000 dominated by white stone structures and
outdoor shops
Gloucester: more of a city feel than Cheltenham with a population of about 100,000; great
reputation for sports
and has a wonderful cathedral
Both towns are steeped in history: Cheltenham was founded in 1086 by the Saxons;
Gloucester was founded in
75 AD by the Romans
Living in town increases the opportunities to use public transit or
cycle to work. Drawbacks to living in town include:
Homes within price range are smaller than in the countryside although they are still generally
bigger than MOD Estates houses.
Parking can be a challenge, particularly for downtown addresses
Living in the countryside or a village offers the following benefits:
Most villages/countryside areas are pleasant
The homes are generally larger.
Drawbacks to living in the country
Travel time to Imjin Barracks and schools could be 15-45 minutes depending on distance, traffic
and weather.
The school your children will attend may impact where you choose to live. The Education Chapter will
give more information on this but for a lot of service members being close to the “fee-paying” school
of choice is important. Most fee paying schools have “US” type bus routes but they are limited to high
density areas.
Financial Considerations
There are several considerations with utilities: tax exemption, meter readings, direct deposit, hookup
fees, pet waivers/policy, etc. The RAF Croughton Housing webpage can provide more detail. Below
are some key questions that will help you have a successful lease/utility experience.
Do I need a letting agent? If viewing a property which is being let without a letting agent, the
RAF Croughton Housing Office can provide a standard lease template. In these cases, request
a housing office representative to
inspect the property to confirm it is at an acceptable
Ensure that a military clause is included in your lease (Required)
Does the property manager have property inspection sheets to note property details?
Can the lease have a “move at landlord expense” clause to protect you if the landlord terminates
the lease early?
Is there a detailed inventory/conditions list signed by yourself and the property manager? It is
very important all
damage is reported and documented prior to signing to reduce
complications when you leave.
Has my sponsor and the RAF Croughton Legal Office looked at my potential lease? (Required)
How much is the deposit? Most letting agencies require 1.5 monthsrent as a deposit, plus
the first month’s rent upon signing the lease. Talk to the NSE about the Advanced Housing
Allowance procedure to offset some of this cost. Renewal fees are not reimbursed, so ensure
you know that cost upfront. Pets may also incur an additional deposit.
Where are the gas, electric and water meters, what are their readings, and what is the average
annual usage? It is advised that you record meter readings every month. The Utility
Companies read meters 1-3 times a year. Your payments are anticipated charges against an
annual bill. Make sure that the payment is high enough or there will be a lump sum you will
have to pay at the end of the year.
What are the local government and utility taxes? Tenants will receive a bill for Council Tax
from their local government/authority. If the landlord does not pay these taxes, this bill needs
to be brought to the RAF Croughton Legal Office as soon as you receive it. The US Service
Members are exempt during our stay here…you DO NOT pay this tax. However, if ignored,
you will receive a court summons for nonpayment of taxes.
Have I completed the Moving In Housing Allowance (MIHA) DD Form 2556, Part B at the NSE?
Have I competed Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) DD Form 2367 at the NSE?
RAF Croughton UK Referral Assistance brochure is at: Understand that many of
the agencies and services / utilities listed are relative to the RAF Croughton area and may or will
not apply to Gloucestershire County
CHAPTER 6: Medical and Dental Care
Medical Emergencies
Call 999 (the UK equivalent to 911) or go to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department
Even during working hours, if it is a serious illness or a threat to life, limb, or eyesight the best
emergency care will be provided by a local Emergency Care Centre.
All Service Members (SMs) and dependents seen at an Emergency Care Centre must contact the
TRICARE Service Centre the next duty day after any emergency, especially if there has been an
0800 023 4384
General Healthcare Information
All military personnel and dependents receive their primary and specialty care (medical, dental,
vision, etc.) through the TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) Prime Remote and International SOS
(ISOS) programs. Emergency services should be sought via the closest provider at the time of
incident to include National Health Care System (NHS), private, US/UK military or other emergency
services. The Imjin Barracks Military Treatment Facility will see all NATO SMs for basic sick call and
some medical readiness exams. The closest Military Treatment Facility (MTF) is located at RAF
Croughton (approximately 90 minutes from Imjin Barracks). RAF Croughton is primarily responsible
for Medical Readiness examinations for SMs. All other services at RAF Croughton are provided
solely on a space available basis for both Sponsors and dependents. Prescriptions may be obtained
through the TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (TMOP) program, the NHS (in conjunction with
TRICARE) or the RAF Croughton Pharmacy.
It is your responsibility to maintain the hard copy of your medical records and the record or your
family while assigned to HQ, ARRC. An explanation of the above-mentioned programs and facilities
can be found in the pages that follow.
Imjin Barracks MTF:
0142 527 1261 (EXT 5999)
RAF Croughton MTF:
0128 070 8737 or DSN 236-8737
Please report any access to care issues you encounter to the US Contingent in the HQ, ARRC
Medical Branch so
that we can improve the process for everyone.
Before PCS’ing to HQ, ARRC:
As a rapid reaction element stationed in a remote location it is important for SMs to arrive physically
ready for deployment. Additionally, SMs should make the following arrangements/preparations for
themselves and their dependents (if applicable) prior to arrival:
Projected 6 month green Medical Readiness Status (MEDPROS)
Up to date immunizations and boosters to include but not limited to Typhoid, Anthrax and
Small Pox (can be
waived for families with young children)
Enrollment in the TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (TMOP) program; primary care managers
at losing unit station are able to enroll SMs and their dependents (a sponsor can provide the
APO address)
No less than 90 days (180 days preferred) of prescription medications (to include allergy, pain
relief, etc.)
Hand carry hard copies of medical and dental records
Update your Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) for you and your family
SMs may enroll themselves and their dependents (if applicable) in TOP Prime Remote.
Enrollment is required to participate and can be completed prior to PCS’ing or during in-
processing. Information on enrollment can be obtained at: TOP Prime Remote Enrollment.
Facilities/ programs accessible to SMs and dependents
It is the aim of the US Military Health System to ensure healthcare is available to SMs and
families within a
reasonable distance of the SM’s duty station. In most cases, regular and
specialty healthcare
services can be coordinated through TOP Prime Remote/ISOS and is
accessible in the vicinity of Imjin Barracks. If you need assistance in coordinating approval
for services at a nearby location do not hesitate to contact your
US representative in HQ,
ARRC Medical Branch for assistance.
TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) Prime Remote/International SOS (ISOS)
The TOP Prime Remote is a TRICARE Prime option offered in designated remote overseas locations
for active duty SMs and dependents. TRICARE has partnered with ISOS to identify the best local
providers and facilities and develop a network of
licensed, qualified physicians in remote overseas
areas. Enrollment is required to participate and can be completed prior to PCS’ing or during in-
Once enrolled in TOP Prime Remote, all medical care is coordinated through TOP Prime Remote
Customer Service Center. ISOS will refer SMs/dependents to a General Practitioner (GP) or
Specialist (to include dental, optometry, behavioral health, pain management, physiotherapy, etc.)
within the network. TOP Prime Remote will then fax the provider a guarantee of payment
memorandum releasing the SMs and dependents from payment of the visit. If coordination with
TOP Prime Remote doesn’t take place in non-emergency incidents or if a physician refers a
SM/dependent to a non-network provider, the SM/dependent may have to pay for the care and file
a claim for reimbursement. Failure to obtain pre-authorization prior to treatment may result in
SM liability for Payment.
Further information on TOP Prime Remote please use the following link: TOP Prime Remote
UK National Healthcare System (NHS)
As serving NATO personnel or the accompanying spouse/child (under 16) of serving NATO
Personnel you are exempt
from charges for NHS treatment, except any statutory charges such as
If you choose to use the NHS system you will need to register for a NHS number with the initial
facility you use in the system. You may need to provide proof of NATO service or residency in the UK
with your resident visa. Once registered in the system you will want to have the registration number
accessible anytime you access health services in the UK. Note that although you are eligible to
access the NHS services nearest you, it is up to the practice to decide whether to accept new
patients or not.
*In the UK, the word “surgery” is used when referring to a doctor’s office or clinic. The abbreviation
“GP” is short for General Practitioner. A GP is a medical doctor who specializes in general practice
and will typically work in a surgery or larger hospital.
If your NHS GP decides to refer you to a hospital for specialized treatment, then this will not
necessarily be free of charge. Special treatment can be coordinated with TRICARE; however, it is
essential that in non-emergent situations this treatment be authorized prior to attending any
For more information regarding the NHS and how to locate a “surgery” near you please use the
following link: National Healthcare System (NHS).
Innsworth Medical Clinic
All NATO military members are permitted to use the British Medical Clinic on Innsworth. The British
Clinic is available during normal duty hours, with a doctor on call during the non-duty hours.
Registration during in-processing with the Imjin Barracks clinic is recommended. Coordination with
the US Contingent medic to complete certain Medical Readiness Exams on location at Imjin Barracks
is a possibility. Be aware that the care is provided at no cost on the equivalent cost basis as it is
provided to a UK Soldier; SMs should request a fee schedule prior to receiving any recommended
Some UK Medical providers have different views or methods of treatment from what is expected
in the US. It is
important that any concerns are vocalized directly to the provider or facility at the
time of the concern. Issues or
complaints with the NHS system must be submitted through the
NHS system. A change in provider or second
opinion may be arranged by submitting a request
to TOP Prime Remote.
US Military Services - RAF Croughton Clinic
SMs and dependents may use the RAF Croughton medical and dental clinics on a space available
basis. TOP Prime Remote is the recommend method for access to care for SMs assigned to Imjin
Barracks so general appointments at RAF Croughton will not result in travel reimbursement. Services
provided at RAF Croughton include Family Practice,
Pharmacy, Audiology, Immunizations,
Laboratory, General Dentistry, Behavioral Health Services, Family Advocacy, Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Treatment (ADAPT) and Public Health.
RAF Croughton is the nearest US Military Treatment Facility (MTF) with the ability to update Medical
requirements for Active Duty SMs. Check with US Contingent members of the Medical
Branch to find out if there are other options to update specific readiness requirements without travel.
In special cases SMs may be referred to another military facility for specific examinations or follow up
appointments. Travel re-imbursements for referrals or exams scheduled at other military locations
must be pre-approved. As each case presents its own unique challenges and justification it is advised
that you work with the US Contingent in the HQ, ARRC Medical Branch to ensure that authorization
for travel re-imbursement is approved prior to attending your appointment.
24 hour Nurse Advice Line: 00800 475 92330
Medical Appointments: 01280 708 737 (DSN 236-8737)
Dental Appointments: 01280 708 819 (DSN
Use of Military Health Systems for Optometry, Audiology, Age/MOS Specific Physical Exams
and other Specialized Procedures
RAF Lakenheath and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC) may be the nearest military
medical facility for a specific exam, equipment fitting (advanced dentistry, military eye wear, custom
ear protection), CT scan,
ETS/RET physical, 50+ physical, etc.). If SMs are in need of one of these
services travel re-imbursement must be justified
and pre-authorized. It is recommended SMs work
with the US Contingent Medical Branch, the RAF Croughton MTF and US Contingent finance
representatives to coordinate for these appointments.
In most cases prescriptions written by US providers are not fill-able by UK pharmacies and
prescriptions written by UK providers are not fill-able by US Military pharmacies. Over the counter
(OTC) medications can be purchased at most local drug and grocery stores. In many cases names
and formularies are different than what you may be used to in the US. To help prevent an avoidable
adverse drug event
(ADEs) always use caution with over the counter options, avoid mixing over the
counter options with other OTC
medications or prescribed medications unless advised to do so by a
physician. For acute or prolonged symptoms seek
medical treatment as advised above. If in doubt,
always seek medical advice. Note that OTC drugs aren't covered through TRICARE outside of the
Existing prescriptions and refills
TRICARE prescription drug coverage is available to all TRICARE-eligible beneficiaries who are
enrolled in the DEERS. The TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery or TRICARE Mail order Pharmacy
(TMOP) is your least expensive option when not using the military pharmacy and it's safe, convenient
and easy to use even when you're traveling on a temporary assignment or if you move. or go to your AKO, Select: Self Service-My Medical-
TMOP Registration
You can also:
Get up to a 90-day supply for most medications, primarily prescriptions required on a regular
Request refills by mail, phone or online
Send prescriptions to any address in the US and US Territories, including temporary and
APO/FPO addresses
Prescriptions cannot be mailed to private foreign addresses
Refrigerated medications cannot be shipped to APO/FPO addresses
Home delivery to APO/FPO addresses is subject to local laws. There is a chance that
prescription medications sent to APO/FPO addresses may be seized by local nation customs
authorities. If prescriptions are seized, contact Express Scripts at 1-877-363-1303 (within the
US) or 00800 363 13030 (within the UK) to discuss alternative methods
for prescription fills
Issues or delays when using the mail order system can be temporarily rectified by contacting TOP Prime
Remote /ISOS or contacting the RAF Croughton Pharmacy for an immediate refill.
Key Steps:
Update DEERS: If not done so already, update DEERS to current APO address. To do so access
AKO with CAC, Select Self Service, My Family, My DEERS or go to: TRICARE DEERS
Register for TMOP and activate account: Express Scripts
Submit New Prescriptions:
Online: Use the Fill a New Prescription form to fill a brand new 90-day home delivery
prescription or switch a current retail prescription to Home Delivery
Mail: Fill out the Mail Order Registration Form (PDF file) and then mail the form and 90-day
prescription to the address listed on the form
Phone: Call 1-877-363-1296 and have your prescription bottle handy. A patient care
advocate will work with SM/dependents’ doctor to transfer maintenance medications to Home
This is not an automatic process; if a refill is not requested it will not be released!
Provide a good email address and keep addresses up to date - The email address is
how the Pharmacy Operations Center will communicate any issues with prescriptions
The activation process must be completed for each dependent who wishes to use this
website. Each dependent, including the sponsor, will have a unique username and password for
his/her online account
Actively look for email and if emails are not received contact the Pharmacy Operations Center
See the Frequently Asked Questions section at TMOP FAQs
New Prescriptions
TOP Prime Remote/ISOS: Preauthorization for new appointments through TOP Prime
Remote/ISOS will ensure that the initial costs of new prescriptions are covered in the authorization.
Prolonged prescription coordination should be coordinated by contacting a TOP Prime Remote
representative to coordinate prescription fill under your existing
authorization number.
NHS: You or your accompanying dependent may be eligible for free NHS prescriptions if, at the time
the prescription is dispensed, you or your accompanying dependent: are 60 or over, are under 16,
are 16-18 and in full-time education, are pregnant or have had a baby in the previous 12 months and
have a valid maternity exemption certificate (MatEx), have a specified medical condition and have a
valid medical exemption certificate (MedEx), are an NHS inpatient.
Ask your UK provider how to enroll in the NHS prescription program if you believe you may qualify
under one of the listed categories.
RAF Croughton Pharmacy
Prescription services are available at RAF Croughton and can be picked-up during all normal MTF
operating hours. In most cases RAF Croughton cannot fill prescriptions written by UK physicians and
therefore an appointment must be made with a military physician in order to confirm the prescription
is accurate. For any questions or to confirm prescription requirements and stock please contact the
pharmacy at: 01280 708 737 or DSN: 236-8737.
TRICARE Dental Program
TRICARE offers the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP). The TDP benefit, administered by United
Concordia Companies, Inc. (United Concordia), is a voluntary, premium-based dental insurance
program available worldwide to eligible family members of active duty SMs.
While OCONUS, SMs are covered through TOP Prime Remote/ISOS in the same way as other
medical appointments mentioned above. SMs can call CONUS 844-653-4060 for benefits
question or the International SOS at 02087628384.
Family members enrolled in the TRICARE Dental Program and located in OCONUS locations have
the option of working through TOP Prime Remote/ISOS or directly with TRICARE’s partner
company, United Concordia. United Concordia encourages members to complete online registration
for enrollment, claims processing, and
customer service for the TRICARE Dental Program. The
United Concordia logon page can be found here: United Concordia
For more information on the TRICARE Dental Program please use the following link: TRICARE Dental
Quick overview of your options
Over the phone medical consultation
Access to ALTHA
Direct referral to specialty providers
Coverage everywhere you travel including the US
DOD preferred method to access care for both SMs and families: Pre-authorization IS required
Issues with provider claims may become your responsibility to fix/appeal
Military profiles require coordination
Dental for family requires registration
Rx fills are reimbursement based
SM responsibility to ensure that visit/care is recorded in their medical record
UK’s approach to medical care is different than US approach
No authorizations required
Free prescriptions for children and special conditions
Free dental and optometry for children up to 18/21
In house referral process
No visibility of medical history
Military profiles require coordination
Adult Rx fills are reimbursement based
Referrals to non-NHS providers require TRICARE coordination or claim filing
SM responsibility to ensure that visit/care is recorded in their medical record
UK’s approach to medical care is different than US approach
Air Force MTFs
Access to your medical history
US certified physicians
Direct ALTHA entries
Dental and refill pharmacy services are easy to use
Limited capabilities at RAF Croughton
Inter-service coordination may be required (referrals, MEDPROS entry)
Sister services are secondary
Families are seen on space available basis only
Rx by non-US providers cannot be filled
Imjin Barracks MTF
SMs get equivalent care and treatment as their UK counterparts
Easy accessibility to physical therapy and pharmacy
Willing to coordinate for medical readiness exams within their capabilities
Referrals will be within the NHS System with the ability to seek private care for further treatment
Cannot see family members
Limited capabilities
SM responsibility to ensure that visit/care is recorded in the medical record
UK’s approach to medical care is different than US approach
Lastly, Consider yourself forewarned…
Chapter 7: Childcare, Schools and Adult Education
Points of Contact
School Liaisons for the US Contingent are:
CPT Kimberly A. Hanrahan-Havern -
SSG Elvis N. Umanzor -
Please contact the School Liaison team as soon as possible for assistance during this process to
answer any questions you may have as the British school system is significantly different.
** It is highly recommended that any/all parents with school-aged children contact the U.S.
Schools Liaison Officer (SLO) as soon as possible following assignment notification in order to receive
a briefing on the UK state school registration process and additional guidance from the International
Liaison Office.
Childcare and Preschool
Childcare and Preschool services are available in the immediate area surrounding Imjin Barracks;
most operate on a first come/first serve or space available basis.
In the UK, children beginning at age 3 are entitled to a free, state-sponsored education. Education is
compulsory for 5 year olds and older.
Children aged 3 and 4 are entitled to 15 free hours per week in the UK (utilizing what are called
Vouchers’). US parents are entitled to this benefit. Parents may also apply to send their
four year old children to UK State schools (equivalent to US public schools).
Enrollment in UK preschool (called Reception, or year 0) is very time sensitive and is linked to
your physical living address. The normal enrollment window closes in January; long before
most service members have orders and well-before most incoming service members locate
their family’s place of residence.
Given these constraints, it is strongly advised to wait until your PCS is complete and you are
settled in your final residence before completing the enrollment process.
For information regarding reception enrollment visit
Day Nursuries
The following nurseries are located directly adjacent to Imjin Barracks: Noah’s Ark and The Old
Station Yard
Nursery. Enrollment spaces are limited; however, station personnel have priority for
admission. Noah’s Ark does not provide a pre-school education.
You can also visit for a comprehensive list of day nurseries available in the
local county of Gloucestershire.
Non-DOD Schools Program (NDSP)
The Non-DOD Schools Program (NDSP) has the responsibility to support educational services at
government expense to authorized command-sponsored dependents of military members and DOD
civilian employees assigned to overseas areas where no DOD Dependents School is available within
the commuting area. Approval for the enrollment of an eligible minor dependent of a DOD sponsor
must be obtained from DODDS-Europe prior to enrolling a child in a non-DOD school.
Before you commit to tuition, fees or register at any school, please familiarize yourself with the
information provided at and ensure you are properly enrolled with
NDSP before making any commitment.
The transition from a US school to a UK school can be a difficult transition. The curriculum and
structure are completely different, especially for US grades 9-12. Please familiarize yourself with the
NDSP Guide to British Education PDF:
For children in grades 9-12, it will explain the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
and the Advanced Level General Certificate of Education (A-levels).
Upon receipt of assignment orders to the ARRC, contact the ARRC School Liaison Officer (SLO)
(through your sponsor). The SLO will provide information on available schooling options.
Parents may not make a commitment of US Government funds to any educational
institution without completing the following steps to obtain approval from the
approving authority
Note minimal age requirements on home page
Gather information about the educational options available and decide which
option is best for your dependents
If possible, wait until you arrive in country and visit each of the schools that you are
interested in for your children
Once you have made your visit(s) and decided on the school, then you will need to register with
NDSP you can get this through your SLO). This document will
walk you step-by-step through the
online registration process. NDSP will process the request and send email notification to the SLO
and sponsor upon receipt of the complete packet. The packet is complete when all necessary
documents and signatures are included. Upon receipt of approval from NDSP (traditionally notified
via email), NDSP will contact the school directly reference billing, payments, etc.
Grades K-12 Overview
HQ ARRC does not have any Department of Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) in the immediate
area (elementary,
middle, or high school). The closest elementary school is at RAF Croughton,
approximately 90 minutes away from HQ, ARRC. The closest junior high and high school are located
at RAF Alconbury, approximately 130 miles away.
Please note: NDSP does not cover Pre-K or Childcare.
Per Non-DOD Schools Regulation 1035.1, paragraph 4.10, placement of students in locations not
served by DODDS schools (e.g. HQ ARRC) is as follows:
UK state schools placement rates are highly dependent on attendance limits/mandates which are
enforced; parents wishing to register their children will be required to research prospective
schools in the
area(s) they are interested in and then contact the schools to obtain admission
Grades Kindergarden - 12: Dependent children are eligible to attend either UK public ('state’) schools
or UK private schools (tuition-paying) - reimbursed by NDSP.
If interested in having your children attend UK private schools, it is recommended that parents
these schools in advance of PCSing and to visit all these schools upon arrival in the UK.
Typically it takes less than one week to complete enrollment requirements before your child (ren)
can begin school.
All schools require uniforms, NDSP does not cover uniform costs, and operate a 6
day a week school curriculum for school aged children aged
9-18 (except for the following schools
that operate on a 5 day a week curriculum: St. Edwards, King’s, and Kingham Hill).
If attending UK private (or public) schools, students will attend (UK) GCSE courses during grades
9 and 10, and (UK) A-levels during grades 11 and 12.
Arriving grade 10 students will likely experience a difficult transition beginning their UK
education in
middle of the 2-year GCSE program; arriving grade 12 students will experience
less difficulty.
In all cases, it is recommended that grade 9 to 12 students supplement their UK education with
(US) courses offered by the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) Virtual
School program.
Grade 9 to 12 dependent children are eligible to enroll full-time in online courses through the
Virtual High School program.
Only dependent children attending the DODEA Virtual School full-time will be eligible to receive
a U.S.
high school diploma (if education is completed in the UK). With one exception, Kingham
Hill has an accredited US High School program from the state of Virginia. The school does hold
US classes and US students do not take the GCSEs. Graduating students receive a high
school diploma. The school is 30 miles from post centered in the Cotswold AONB. It does offer
a weekly boarding program to reduce travel.
Below is a listing of some of the UK private schools available under NDSP.
(UK) Independent/Private Schools in the area
Cheltenham College and Cheltenham College Preparatory School
Phone Number: 0044 (0) 1242 522 697
Dean Close School
Phone Number: 0044 (0) 1242
Kingham Hill School
Phone Number: 0044 (0) 1608 658999
Email: a.curwen@kingham-
Rendcomb College
Phone Number: 0044 (0) 1285 831213
Saint Edwards School
Phone Number: 0044 (0) 1242-538900
The King’s School
Phone Number: 0044 (0) 1452 337337
Wycliffe College
Phone Number: 0044 (0) 1453
UK State and Grammar Schools:
Attendance at UK State schools still remains authorized for all ages and some members of the
contingent choose this option to facilitate dependents attending the same school or when the locations
and available of state schooling is more convenient. Additional information for the process of enrolling
in State schools in Gloucestershire is available at . The
mapping tool is useful to identify schools available in each area.
Pate’s Grammar School is the only Grammar school available in the area. Pate’s is a selective
school. Admission to the school has always been by competitive test. Places have always been
offered to the children achieving the highest rank order scores in the Admissions Test. Additional
information for Pate’s Grammar school can be found at .
Adult Education Opportunities through US Sources
RAF Croughton is the nearest USAF operated facility. It is approximately 90 minutes from Imjin
Barracks. Most US based educational opportunities will be provided through its education center.
Chapter 8: Pet Travel and Veterinary Services
Importing Your Pet
Not every pet is suitable for international travel. Consider the health, age and experience of the pet.
Long flights, long delays in airports and then the changes in climate and environment once reaching
the final destination may cause more difficulties than some owners and pets would wish to
experience. If the pet has any medical problem, veterinary advice should be sought before preparing
to travel abroad. Special attention should be made to ensure that the pet's ears are clear of infection
before travel.
Another consideration is the cost of international travel with a pet. There are veterinary expenses
involved including examinations, vaccinations, laboratory tests, documentation, other treatment, a
crate, quarantine (should there be a problem with documentation), and shipping costs
also need to
be taken into account. You may consider pet insurance to offset some of the medical expenses.
Recent rules and airline regulations may prevent you from bringing your pet. Research your airline
if you are traveling with a pet. Importing pets can only be done through London Heathrow.
The Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs has a wonderful resource when traveling
from the US to the UK with a pet They provide documents that
outline what you need to do before arriving at your UK destination. Always check the website for
changes to their policy. The key point is you are responsible for ensuring your pet meets all the
rules for entering the UK. Please also refer to the above web page for the most up to date
information, the steps are laid out quite clearly in an
easy to follow manner.
The Pet Travel Scheme helpline is also very useful:
Telephone: 0370 241 1710
Email: pettrav[email protected]
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm (closed on bank holidays)
Another great resource is Silver Birch Pet Jets
Telephone: 01353 863297
The rules are different when entering the UK from non-approved countries, members of the EU and
approved non-members of the EU.
Your pet must have a Microchip
The UK does not specify a particular type or brand of microchip to be used but, in Europe,
International Standards Organization (ISO) Standard microchips meeting specifications 11784 or
Annex A of ISO Standard 11785 are generally used.
-ISO Standards are used in Europe, so vets and transport companies who undertake pet travel
checks are likely to have only ISO-compatible scanners. If the microchip does not meet either of
these ISO Standards, it is your responsibility to ensure that the microchip can be read upon entry to
the UK. This may mean that you will need to provide a microchip reader (at your expense) to allow
the chip to be read. Some ports of entry may have equipment capable of reading other types of
microchip and you should check with them before you travel. If you do not, your animal may be
refused entry and placed into quarantine and released once it has met all of the requirements of the
Pet Travel Scheme.
Is your pet vaccinated against rabies? Rabies has been eliminated from animals in the UK, so
you will not be
able to update your current vaccine in the UK, but as long as you enter the country
with a vaccine that is at least 21 days old, you are prepared to travel. Also, a vet must treat for
tapeworm 1-5 days before arriving into the UK. A health form is completed for each pet, and the
treatment for tapeworm and rabies is documented.
*If you have a new microchip put in, you must revaccinate your dog with rabies…the certificate MUST
state the microchip number of the animal, the rabies vaccination must be done 21 days PRIOR to
Are you travelling with your pet on an approved route to ensure acceptable entry into the UK?
Entry into the UK must occur at the London Heathrow airport only. The airline most
widely used is
United Airlines for pet travel. Make sure you have copies of all your pets paperwork in your carry-on
bag, and the originals are ready to be tucked onto the carrier. You should bring a
Ziploc of food for
your pet. Do not feed your pet before the flight, they might get sick. Remember, it is the pet owner's
responsibility to provide:
Equipment for the pet - bottled water, non-tipping water container, appropriate snacks for long
journeys, feeding bowl, etc.
In addition, the pet owner is best advised to bring equipment with them for any dog "accidents," e.g.
plastic bags, disposable dog mat, shredded newspaper, etc.
Section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 prohibits four types of dog:
Pit Bull Terrier
Japanese Tosa
Dogo Argentino
Fila Brasileiro
* It is also an offence to breed from, sell or exchange (even as a gift) a prohibited type of a dog
It is important to note that, in the UK, dangerous dogs are classified by “type,” not by breed label. This
means that whether a dog is considered dangerous, and therefore prohibited, will depend on a
judgment about its physical characteristics, and
whether they match the description of a prohibited
“type.” This assessment of the physical characteristics is made by a court.
There is additional legislation that dog owners should become aware of at:
If you wish your dog to travel with you by ferry or train:
Notify Euro star or the ferry company, when making a reservation, that a dog will be travelling - give
the size and weight of the dog
Plan ahead and request any assistance, pre-book seats, etc., if required, with the company
Check if the dog can accompany the owner/user on the ferry or must remain in the car
Have the dog's necessary documentation readily available
Veterinary Services
The Southern European District Veterinary Command (SEDVC) unit at RAF Feltwell (approximately 3
hours from Imjin Barracks) is the only US military vet clinic for all of the UK. Satellite clinics are held at
RAF Alconbury, RAF Croughton, RAF Fairford, RAF Menwith Hill, and RAF St. Mawgan as mission
Veterinary Services Clinic Building 80, RAF Feltwell DSN: 314 226-7097
Commercial: 01638-527097
Hours: Monday through Friday 0830-1200 and 1300-1630
RAF Feltwell Veterinary Clinic
Unit 5095 Box 280
APO AE 09461-5280
There are MANY veterinarians in and around Gloucestershire, if you need help locating one, please
ask your sponsor or on the US ARRC HQ Facebook page.
Other useful information:
As soon as you receive orders and go to make your travel itinerary, let the travel office know you will
be traveling with a pet so they can make sure to put you on an airline that will transport pets. After you
have your flight confirmation, call the airline and ask what is needed to book your pets flight.
The rules for the crate dimensions are extremely specific, please be sure to read/discuss in advance
with the airline so you do not show up and get turned away due to the crate being too small.
If flying United:
If you are having your pet come after you get settled, you can search for quotes here: or
This is also quite a helpful Facebook page: PCSing with Pets to the UK, the main contact for this
page is Dean Faulkner.
Flying a pet can be very expensive: Please see the following Operation Military Pets Assistance
May you enjoy your furry friend during your time in England!
Newcomer Checklist
Prior to Official Orders
Ensure all forms of Identification are current
for all family members (renew if needed)
Update Wills and POAs (as needed)
Apply for No Fee Passport and Tourist Passports for all PCS’ing Family Members (as needed) *Note, with
ORDERS, the installation will process a No Fee for all Family Members and Official Passport for Service Member
on PCS ORDERS. However, if ORDERS arrive late, this may not be a realistic cost saving options to meet report
Ensure your pets are allowed in the UK and
research entrance requirements
Schedule vet appointment to pre check
All requirements such as vaccines, microchip and health certificate
Research useful links from welcome book intro
Once Official Orders are received
o Ensure you also receive NATO Orders
o Schedule overseas medical screening for all family members to include: EFMP, vaccinations, etc. *Note, once
screening is complete. You will need to return to installation ORDERS to get Family Travel Orders Amendment to
Service Member PCS ORDERS
o Schedule appointment with Transportation
Management Office.
Unaccompanied Baggage
Household Goods
Non-Temporary Storage
o Apply for No-Fee Passports for Family Members and Official Passports for Soldier and Family Members.
*Note, Official Passports is not required for Family Members entry into UK, however, Tourist Passport (Blue
Passport) is required
o Schedule appointment for Vehicle shipment (if desired)
o Ensure verification of title or release letter from lien holder
o Ensure insurance company is aware of vehicle location change
o Contact U.S. financial institutions for updated
chip/pin credit/debit cards
o Work with Sponsor to schedule temporary lodging in the UK
o Join ARRC Community (Closed group): and
3 2 Months Out
Notify US housing property
manager of move out date. Note, most installations require ORDERS to break lease
Ensure Government Travel Card is valid and
limit is increased to $10K
Ensure personal Credit Card is valid. *Note, you will most likely use your credit while in transient to pay for up-front cost
until you in-process and receive Dislocation Allowance, Temporary Lodging Allowance, Overseas Housing Allowance, and
Cost of Living Allowance)
Book flights with Official Travel
UK Army provides transportation from
Birmingham, Bristol, and London Heathrow Airport. If travelling with
pets you must come through London Heathrow.
Check phones to see if they are unlocked and
able to be used in the UK
Apply for a military star card (if you don’t have one), it is REQUIRED to enroll into the Service Members Overseas
Fuel Card program in the UK
1 Month Out
o Ensure all travel arrangements are valid
o Prepare to hand carry important documents (i.e. passports, orders, medical/dental records, school records)
o Have sponsor set up PSC Box at the National
Support Element (NSE)
Things to Consider 1 2 Weeks Out
Vehicles at both losing and gaining location. *Note, you will be able to drive in the UK with a valid US license
File change of address with USPS to PSC Box
Mail any “first need items” to the PSC box in the National Support Element at the ARRC
Recommended Research Links
o Housing in the UK *Note, you will have plenty of time to search for a home (up to 21 days), but the process goes
more quickly if you utilize home search engines to screen available housing
o Traveling with Pets
o Schooling Options in the UK
o Contact your Sponsor to discuss school options.
o Private and public education are options.
Required Online Training
o SERE 100.2
o Anti-Terrorism Level I
o Cyber Awareness
o Information Security Program
Training can be completed on JKO
• Please bring a copy of all certificates when inprocessing at the National Support Element (NSE)
Sponsor Checklist
Relocation can be a stressful experience for both service members and their families, especially to Imjin Barracks. Your
role as a sponsor helps smooth their transition to a new community, and helps create and maintain unit cohesion. The
following checklist will help you execute your duties as a sponsor. Please keep it handy and review it often as you work
through the sponsorship process. The checklist is divided into pre-arrival, arrival and post-arrival tasks.
Complete the Electronic Sponsorship Application and Training.
Contact the newcomer via phone or email to say hello and explain the sponsorship process.
Ask questions about the newcomer's needs. You might consider this checklist as a guide during your conversations.
Send the company welcome letter along with the updated welcome book. Emphasize the importance to review
welcome book with their spouse.
Request a copy of their PCS orders and ensure their losing unit produce NATO Orders before travel.
Emphasize the need of an active GTC with limits increased to $10,000, an AAFES Star Card for fuel card, and to enable
travel notification to their banking institution mitigate issues in accessing accounts in the UK.
Make temporary lodging arrangements for the newcomer and communicate details by personal email or phone.
Arrange a post office box for the newcomer and communicate details by personal email or phone.
Help newcomer understand OHA and other entitlements using the Defense Travel Calculators.
Ensure the family has contact information for schools, medical care, child care and other resources, most of this is
covered in welcome book but you should be able to provide additional assistance as every family has different needs.
If you don’t know, make every effort to help find a POC to help alleviate and unneeded hardship.
Brief your supervisor and NSE about the sponsorship process and if there are any problems.
Day of Arrival
Personally meet your newcomer on arrival, or make other arrangements if you are unable to do so due to duty
commitments. Make sure you let the newcomer and family know by email or phone who will be meeting them on
arrival or where to find transportation, if necessary.
Make sure to bring transportation to accommodate the entire family, including pets. Make sure the newcomer is met
by a friendly face. Transportation can be scheduled through ARRC Support Battalion.
Personally take the newcomer and family to their lodging facility and assist in any last minute needs like groceries or
Show the newcomer around installation facilities such as the Costa, Imjin Costcutters, gym, chapel, messes, and
medical facilities.
Day 1 and as time allows
Escort the newcomer to the US NSE and help assist with badging, in-processing and house hunting procedures.
Offer assistance with vehicle registration (Light Conversion, DVLA and MOT).
Offer assistance with transportation needs.
Offer help getting the family settled into their home. Obtain loan closet items, if available, from the NSE.
Personally take the newcomer to RAF Croughton to in-process (Driver’s Permit, Vehicle Registration, Fuel Card,
Furniture, Medical and Dental)
Introduce the newcomer to supervisor, key personnel and fellow co-workers. Schedule a newcomer’s meeting with the
U.S. Senior National Representative and Deputy SNR.
Coordinate with their respective section to help initiate ARRC in-processing (NATO Security Clearance, Badging, NS
Account, NIPR Account, DTS)
Register for NHS number through local General Practitioner (GP) or through the ARRC Medical Clinic
Ensure newcomer (and spouse) is added to WhatsApp and Facebook social groups as needed