Transportation Asset Management Case Studies
Presented by
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Highway
Practices in Idaho, Michigan and Virginia
Cover: Perrine Bridge, courtesy of Idaho Transportation Department
Note from the Director
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Inspector General (OIG) recommended in Janu-
ary 2009 that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) evaluate the State Departments of Trans-
portation’s implementation and use of Bridge Management Systems (BMS) and provide technical assis-
tance to them as needed.
With such factors as an aging national infrastructure and limited funds weighing heavily on transporta-
tion agencies, State DOTs are looking for innovative and proactive ways to manage and maintain their
transportation assets and to maximize the performance of both their transportation systems and or-
ganizations. Transportation asset management is a strategic approach to managing transportation
infrastructure assets and their performance. The goal of transportation asset management is to mini-
mize the whole-life costs for managing and maintaining transportation assets.
A transportation asset management performance based approach can provide valuable information for
planning, programming, and overall management of the transportation network. Information from
management systems is essential in transportation decision-making and helps organizations establish
realistic agency goals, setting investment levels across assets.
The FHWA Office of Asset Management, Pavements and Construction will continue to advance the
concepts and initiatives of asset management through such tools as the new AASHTO Transportation
Asset Management Guide, various webinars, peer-exchanges, training and workshops. We are combin-
ing our efforts to better manage our transportation assets.
In an effort to provide technical assistance to the bridge community, we have undertaken a number of
activities to share information on best practices. We have developed publications that include case
studies of best practices from State DOTs or other organizations on various topics including bridge
management and culvert management. Recently, we conducted a review of Bridge Management prac-
tices in Idaho, Michigan, and Virginia with the goal to identify and promote best practices.
On behalf of the FHWA, we are pleased to present you the Bridge Management Systems Case Study of
Idaho, Michigan, and Virginia. I believe the case study will be helpful as you work toward implement-
ing and advancing bridge management systems in your agency
Butch Wlaschin
Director, Office of Asset Management, Pavement, and Construction
Note to the Reader
The Transportation Asset Management Case Study series is the result of a partner-
ship between State departments of transportation and the FHWA Office of Asset
Management. The FHWA provides the forum from which to share information, and
the individual states provide the details of their experiences. For each case study
report, the FHWA and a contractor interviewed State transportation staff, and the
resulting material was approved by the State. As such, the reports rely on the
agencies’ own assessment of their experience. Readers should note that the re-
ported results may or may not be reproducible in other organizations.
Case studies were prepared by George Hearn using information provided by State
DOTs and by the USDOT FHWA. Contributors include:
Idaho Transportation Department: Matt Farrar, Kathleen Slinger
Michigan Department of Transportation: David Juntunen, Amy Gill, Linda Reed,
Robert Kelley, Richard Kathrens
Virginia Department of Transportation: Kendal Walus, Adam Matteo, Jeffery
Milton, Prasad Nallapaneni
USDOT FHWA: Shyan-Yung Pan, Wade Casey, Sonny Jadun, Larry O’Donnell
AASHTO American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
BCFS Bridge condition forecasting system
BMS Bridge management system
BSIR Bridge safety inspection report
CPM Capital preventive maintenance
CSM Capital scheduled maintenance
DBSIE District bridge safety inspection engineer
DMV Division of Motor Vehicles
DOT Department of Transportation
ECR Epoxy-coated rebar
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FO Functionally obsolete
FY Fiscal year
HBP Highway bridge program
HMA Hot-mix asphalt
ITD Idaho Transportation Department
LHTAC Local Highway Technical Assistance Council
MBIS Michigan bridge inspection system
MBRS Michigan bridge reporting system
MDOT Michigan Department of Transportation
N/A Not applicable
NBI National Bridge Inventory
NBIS National Bridge Inspection Standards
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
OIG Office of Inspector General
QA Quality assurance
QC Quality control
S&B Structure and Bridge Division
SD Structurally deficient
SF Square feet
STC State Transportation Commission
STIP Statewide transportation improvement program
TAMC Transportation Asset Management Council
Idaho: Transportation asset management system
Virginia: Turnkey asset maintenance services
TMS Transportation management system
US United States
USDOT United States Department of Transportation
VDOT Virginia Department of Transportation
Executive Summary
Bridge management practices of departments of transportation (DOTs) in three US states, Idaho, Mich-
igan and Virginia, are reported. These DOTs are examples of the success that is possible for asset man-
agement practices applied to bridges and culverts. Idaho, Michigan and Virginia employ bridge man-
agement practices that include four features:
Measurement of performance of bridges and culverts with targets for performance.
Work programs that respond to performance measurements and targets.
Reporting to stakeholders on performance of bridges and culverts.
Commitment within DOTS to preservation of existing assets.
Idaho, Michigan and Virginia measure the performance of bridges and culverts using National Bridge
Inventory (NBI) general condition ratings. Idaho reports network-level performance as the percentage
of structures in good condition. Michigan and Virginia report the percentage of structures in fair or
good condition. The lowest NBI general condition rating for a structure determines its classification.
These DOTs identify structures in fair condition as having all NBI condition ratings at 5 or higher (Table
1). Idaho TD reports percentages for deck area on structures. Virginia and Michigan report percent-
ages for counts of structures. Virginia identifies its performance classifications as red, yellow and
green, rather than poor, fair and good. Red structures are structurally deficient (SD). Yellow structures
are functionally obsolete (FO). Green structures are neither deficient nor obsolete.
Table 1
Structure Condition &
NBI General Condition Ratings
Structure Condition
Good Fair Poor or SD
Idaho TD 6 5 4
Michigan DOT 7 5, 6 4
Virginia DOT - - 4
Transportation departments in Idaho, Michigan and Virginia employ preservation as a means of bridge
management. Structures in fair or good condition that have adequate traffic capacity and adequate
load rating are preserved more easily than they could be rebuilt or replaced. But needs at structures in
poor condition may seem to be more urgent. Funding, always limited, can be exhausted in projects
for structures in poor condition if priorities are evaluated among structures as a single population. The
adaptation seen in practices in Idaho, Michigan and Virginia is a segmentation of structure populations,
and a separation of work programs. Based on their general conditions, structures are identified as
good, fair or poor, and so become candidates for maintenance to preserve good conditions, for repairs
to avoid poor conditions, or for rehabilitations to remedy poor conditions. There are budgets directed
to each work category, and projects are selected and prioritized within each work category. This allows
structures in good and fair condition to receive needed maintenance and repair.
Each State’s strategy for management of structures is quantified as the mix of funding directed to pre-
ventive maintenance at healthy structures, to repair of structures with defects, and to rehabilitation of
structures with major defects. Idaho, Michigan and Virginia each identify three categories of work to
keep bridges and culverts in service. The categories provide actions for 1) Cleaning and patching; 2)
Deck overlays, painting, and repair or replacement of devices such as joints, and; 3) Rehabilitation in-
cluding work such as deck replacements. The names of the work categories differ (Table 2). At Idaho
TD, the work categories are operation, preservation and restoration. Michigan identifies scheduled
maintenance, preventive maintenance and rehabilitation. Virginia has work categories for preventive
maintenance, restorative maintenance and rehabilitation.
Table 2
Work Categories
for Structures
Typical Actions
Work Category
Idaho TD Michigan DOT Virginia DOT
Clean, patch Operation
Overlays, Joint
Deck replacement
Restoration Rehabilitation Rehabilitation
Strategies are adjusted in response to performance measures. Projects are selected to be consistent
with strategies, to deliver programs that balance needs statewide, and to recognize the limited capaci-
ties in DOT district offices to develop and manage projects. Strategies are set by bridge management
staff. Staff make use of outputs from BMS. Once strategies are set, decisions in selection and prioriti-
zation of projects begin with BMS data, usually as lists of structures needing work. Lists are reviewed
and revised in consultations among DOT staff in district offices and the central office.
Transportation departments in Idaho, Michigan and Virginia use Federal highway bridge program (HBP)
funds for preventive maintenance of bridges and culverts under agreements with the USDOT FHWA.
Actions for preventive maintenance include repairs, deck overlays, joint replacements, and corrosion
protection including painting (Table 3).
Table 3
Idaho TD Michigan DOT Virginia DOT
Deck overlays,
Joint replace,
Deck Rehabilitation
Deck overlays,
Joint replace,
Slope repair
Joint replace, Deck overlays,
Painting/Coating, Cathodic protection,
Electrochemical chloride extraction,
Scour countermeasures,
Retrofit fracture-critical members,
Cleaning/washing structures
State maintenance crews perform cleaning, minor repairs, and clearing of embankments and channels.
Virginia DOT’s crews do some larger repairs on structures on secondary roads (Table 4).
Table 4
Work by State
Maintenance Crews
Idaho TD Michigan DOT Virginia DOT
Clean, Painting,
Sealing, Patching,
Debris removal
Repairs, Patching,
Spot painting,
Brush cutting
Maintenance, repairs and
rehabilitation of struc-
tures on secondary roads
Projects for replacements and improvements are included in statewide transportation improvement
programs (STIPs). Virginia DOT has, in addition to STIP, a dedicated fund program to replace SD bridges
on non-interstate routes.
Public accountability for management of bridges and culverts is provided by frequent reporting on
bridge conditions. Internet dashboards at each of these transportation departments report network-
level performance as percentages of structures meeting goals for general condition. Dashboards ad-
dress many aspects of performance of transportation systems including measures of traffic safety,
traffic operations, pavement conditions, structure conditions, financial management, program (con-
struction) delivery, access to transportation services and user satisfaction (Table 5).
Table 5
Performance Measures
Idaho TD Virginia DOT Michigan DOT
Bridge condition
Pavement condition
Traffic operations
Project delivery Public transit
Project costs Intermodal facilities
DOT administration Risk/Vulnerability
DMV services Airport pavements
Idaho, Michigan and Virginia apply asset management principles to physical assets that include struc-
tures and pavements, and to operational and administrative aspects of department activities. These
states implement data systems to support asset management, including comprehensive systems for
management of multiple asset classes. Table 6 lists data systems for asset management developed by
or for these DOTs.
The abilities among DOT staff have increased greatly since the earlier days of automated bridge man-
agement systems. DOT staff know what the program outcomes ought to be. Staff know that work can-
didates and projects must have adequate scope and be reasonably coordinated along routes and
throughout a State. Staff abilities are evident in the ownership role taken by DOTs in BMS analysis and
analytical software. Virginia DOT extends Pontis capabilities with a post-processor to make realistic
work plans for bridges. Michigan DOT uses Markov deterioration models expressed in NBI condition
ratings that offer recommendations for projects to add to existing work plans using unencumbered
portions of budgets. Idaho has applied an analysis of improvements to performance that could be, and
subsequently were, achieved by dedicated funding for preventive maintenance of structures.
Table 6 - Data Systems for Asset Management
Idaho TD Michigan DOT Virginia DOT
, including Bridge Condition Forecasting System Roadway Network System
Financial Planning TMS
, including Optimizer for Pontis
Pavement Management Bridge Reporting System
Maintenance Management Bridge Inspection System
Fleet and Equipment System Congestion Management
Network Management Intermodal Management
WebCars (vehicle crash data) Pavement Management
Public Transportation Management
Safety Management
Asset management enjoys political support in Idaho, Michigan and Virginia. The focus on performance
and reporting underscores the importance of asset management to these DOTs and their State gov-
ernments. The transportation departments get direction on asset management goals and methods
from advisory boards or councils. Michigan DOT has an internal transportation asset management
program that interacts with a Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC). TAMC, a part of
Michigan State government, oversees asset management activities of all State and local agencies. Ida-
ho TD has a bridge asset management unit and a separate transportation asset management unit. Both
report to Idaho’s State Transportation Board.
Asset management has mandates in State law. State law in Michigan and in Virginia defines terms in
preservation, maintenance and asset management. Michigan law establishes the TAMC and creates its
central role in statewide direction of asset management. Virginia law requires the use of asset man-
agement procedures, and periodic reporting on asset conditions and on the budgets and programs
intended to maintain assets.
Asset management of structures has improved conditions of structures. Idaho has increased the per-
centage of structures in good condition from 67% in 2006 to 73% in 2010. Michigan increased its per-
centage of good and fair bridges from 79% in 1998 to 91.6% in 2011. Virginia increased its percentage
of fair and good structures from 90.3% in 2000 to 92.3% in 2011.
Transportation Asset Management System (TAMS)
Transportation Management System (TMS)
Bridge management has been an evolving area of practice among US State DOTs for more than twenty
years. During that time, states have made steady progress in development of bridge management
practices, in measurement of performance of bridges and culverts, and in capabilities of data systems.
This progress is documented in case studies of bridge management experiences of California, Florida,
and South Dakota published in 2007
, and in case studies of bridge management practices of Idaho,
Michigan and Virginia presented here.
Transportation departments in Idaho, Michigan and Virginia have bridge management practices that
are similar in outline, but different in detail. Specific targets for performance measures differ. Specific
activities identified as structure preservation or structure restoration differ. Levels of funding directed
to preservation and to restoration differ. But each DOT has a program to preserve structures. Each
DOT tracks structures in good or fair condition as a performance measure. Each DOT evaluates work
strategies in terms of performance measures. And each DOT has made improvements in recent years
in performance measures for structures.
The Idaho Transportation Department’s (ITD) practice for management of bridges and culverts is data-
driven and expert-mediated. The practice is data-driven because project selection and prioritization
begins with BMS data on structure conditions and work needs. It is expert-mediated because ITD staff
in both central and district offices advance or delay specific work candidates based on knowledge of
local needs together with global assessments of contributions to statewide mobility. In short, data on
structure condition, age and service are examined to identify work candidates and to select appropri-
ate actions. Projects indicated by data are reviewed jointly by ITD staff in the central office and in dis-
trict offices to arrive at work programs.
ITD has funding dedicated to structure preservation and to structure restoration. These dedicated
funds are part of ITD’s focus on performance of structures and networks. Preservation and restoration,
together, have allowed ITD to shift away from a worst-first approach to work programming.
ITD’s management of structures responds to, and is guided by, performance measures. ITD’s goal is to
have 80% of State-owned bridges in fair or good condition
ITD is guided by a seven-member Transportation Board appointed by the Governor of Idaho. The Board
sets policy and general direction for ITD
. ITD has six divisions
. ITD’s Highway Division is responsible
Using ITD’s definitions of fair and good conditions. See Table 1.
for State-owned roads and bridges. In ITD’s Highway Division, the Bridge Section has a unit for Bridge
Design and a unit for Bridge Asset Management. The Bridge Asset Management Unit keeps data on
structure inventory and conditions, operates bridge management software, and performs structure
inspections and load ratings. The Bridge Design Unit develops and programs projects in preservation
and restoration of State-owned bridges and culverts.
Idaho has a Local Highway Technical Assistance Council
(LHTAC) that assists local agencies in construc-
tion and maintenance of local roads.
Inventory of Structures
There are nearly 4200 bridges and culverts in Idaho (Figure 1). Of these, 3681 meet the national bridge
inspection standards (NBIS) definition of a bridge
; others are short spans
. There are 1800 State-
owned bridges and culverts. ITD manages more than 1700 sign structures. ITD has one movable bridge;
a border bridge shared with Washington State.
Figure 1 - Idaho Structures (year 2011)
Structures Count
NBIS Structures
State-owned, highway bridges > 20’ 1300
County or locally owned
highway bridges > 20’
Non-NBIS Structures
State-owned, highway bridges ≤ 20’ 500
Ancillary Structures
Overhead sign structures 1743
In 2011, ITD reported 52 SD bridges and 201 FO bridges in the State-owned inventory (Table 7). Bridges
owned by local agencies include more than 295 SD bridges.
Table 7
ITD SD/FO Bridges
Interstate 16 129
US Route 15 19
State Highway 20 13
Other 1 40
Facts and Figures 2010 (2010) ITD, 48p.
Administration, Aeronautics, Highways, Motor Vehicles, Transportation Planning, Public Transportation
Bridges and culverts on public roads with span greater than 20 ft.
Bridges and culverts with spans between 10 ft. and 20 ft.
Year 2011 counts from ITD Bridge Asset Management Unit.
Management of In-Service Structures
ITD manages in-service bridges and culverts with programs for operations maintenance, preservation
and restoration (Table 8). Operations maintenance includes cleaning, channel clearing, minor repairs
and some painting and coating activities
. Preservation includes repairs and replacements of compo-
nents, some rehabilitation, and painting. Preservation also includes preventive maintenance activities
such as crack sealing, seal coating, and thin overlays
. Some preventive maintenance activities are
eligible for Federal HBP funds. Restoration includes rehabilitation and replacement. Rehabilitation
projects can be preservation or restoration depending on extent and cost.
Table 8
& Activities
Program Activities
Clean structure, Clear drains
, Coating and sealant applications
Minor deck patching
Railing repairs
Debris removal, Stabilizing banks
, Correcting erosion problems
Structure improvements, Rehabilitation
Rail modification
Deck protection systems, Crack Sealing, Seal Coating, Repairs
, Replacements
Joint repairs
and replacements
Incidental repairs
Structure rehabilitation, Replacement
Deck replacement
Incidental repairs
Local bridge
Structure rehabilitation, Replacement
Deck replacement
Structure Management by Local Agencies
Local governments and agencies in 191 cities, 33 counties, 64 local highway districts, 5 metropolitan
planning districts, and one transportation management area (metro-Boise)
manage highway struc-
tures. Idaho’s LHTAC develops uniform standards for local highway maintenance, construction, opera-
tion and administration. LHTAC makes recommendations to the Idaho Transportation Board for the
prioritization and use of Federal funds for local highway projects.
Maintenance Manual (2011) ITD,
Idaho’s Transportation Vision (2004). Idaho Transportation Partners 84p.
Federal-aid eligible preventive maintenance activity.
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (2011). ITD, 121p.
Work Programming
Operations maintenance to clear drains and make minor repairs is managed in ITD districts. Needs in
operations maintenance are identified in road surveys by maintenance foreman, and collected from
lists of needs that ITD’s Bridge Asset Management Unit sends to districts four times each year. The
bridge asset management unit compiles lists of work needs from reports of safety inspection.
Bridges and culverts are programmed for preservation or for restoration based on their condition and
age. Guidelines are flexible. In general, structures having an NBI general condition rating at 5 or lower
are restored. Structures in good condition are preserved. Structure age is important. Younger struc-
tures are preserved. Older structures are restored.
ITD’s central Bridge Design Unit develops programs for structure preservation and restoration. The
Unit collects lists of structures, their conditions and their needs from the BMS. The Unit examines
structural deficiencies, scour-critical status, structure age, NBI general condition ratings and element-
level condition reports. Knowledgeable input is sought and used. Bridge inspectors are asked to identi-
fy their top work candidates. As projects emerge, the Unit considers route, average daily traffic, and
location to form balanced statewide programs. Project selections are reviewed and refined in face-to-
face meetings with staff in each of ITD’s six districts. District staff have a great influence in decisions on
projects. The final, consensus list of projects goes forward to ITD’s STIP.
SD bridges and culverts are programmed for replacement under ITD’s bridge restoration program.
Functional improvements are made when structures are replaced or rehabilitated; that is, functional
defects are addressed when structures are programmed for work due to poor or deficient condition.
Projects for structures are added every year as the fifth year of a continuing STIP. The STIP delivers
projects for preservation and restoration of pavements and structures, as well as projects for highway
expansion and safety. Projects are added to the STIP after approval by the Idaho Transportation Board.
Bridges and culverts owned by local agencies are prioritized for restoration or replacement according
to their NBI sufficiency ratings. LHTAC gets sufficiency ratings for structures from ITD, and coordinates
with local bridge owners to develop work programs. Once prioritized, projects are programmed to the
extent of available funding.
Performance Measures
ITD tracks performance measures that include traffic fatalities, on-time completion of projects, com-
parison of construction costs and estimates, conditions of pavements, and conditions of bridges
ITD’s strategic plan identifies performance measures and goals
(Table 9). ITD reports performance
measures at an internet Dashboard
(Figure 2).
Annual Accountability Report (2010) ITD, 24p.
2011 Strategic Plan (2011). ITD, 2p.
Table 9 - ITD Performance Measures and Goals
Asset Performance Measure Goal
Safety Five-Year Annual Fatality Rate Per 100 Million Miles Traveled 1.38
Pavements in Good or Fair Condition 82%
Bridges in Good Condition 80%
Percentage of Current-Year Projects Developed on Time 100%
Bid Amounts Between 90% and 110% of Construction Budgets 100%
User satisfaction
Completion Time for Title Requests 7 Days
Internet Transactions Processed by DMV annually 225,000
Performance of bridges and culverts is measured as the percentage of network deck area on state-
owned structures in good condition
. Currently (year 2011) structures in good condition make up 73%
of state-owned deck area, fair structures make up 20% of deck area, and poor structures make up 7%.
Structures in good condition have increased from 67% to 73% of network deck area in the last five
Figure 2 - ITD Dashboard (portion)
see Table 1
Bridge Management - Data Systems
ITD uses AASHTOWare Pontis bridge management analytical software to store inventory data, condi-
tion data, and inspectors’ recommendations for work on bridges and culverts
. The Pontis database
includes data for both State-owned and locally-owned bridges (Figure 3).
Figure 3 - ITD Bridge List (portion)
ITD is developing other data systems for management of transportation assets and operations
. These
include a financial planning system, pavement management system, maintenance management sys-
tem, fleet and equipment system, mobility (network) management system, and safety (WebCars) man-
agement system.
Systems for pavement management and maintenance management are integrated under a Transpor-
tation Asset Management System (TAMS); a data system developed for ITD
. The maintenance man-
agement system will generate and track work orders including work orders for needs at structures.
Maintenance actions will be coded in a numbering series presented in ITD’s maintenance manual
TAMS may eventually integrate data from Pontis BMS.
BMS Analyses
In 2009 as part of a study of transportation funding, ITD analyzed the outcomes in structure conditions
that would result from funding directed to structure preservation and restoration. In the analysis,
structure conditions were related to structure age. Costs for preservation and restoration projects
were expressed in terms of bridge deck area. Various budget levels were investigated. Greater or lesser
budgets delivered preservation and restoration at greater or lesser aggregate quantity of bridge deck.
In the analysis, costs for projects were costs to preserve or restore conditions, plus costs to remedy
structural deficiencies and functional obsolescence. The analysis showed that funding directed to a mix
of preservation and restoration projects would lead to better conditions among structures. One result
of the study is ITD’s current strategy for management of in-service bridges and culverts. ITD’s strategy
directs approximately 20% of funding to preservation and 80% of funding to restoration.
Management of Idaho’s Bridges (2009). ITD, Technical Report 18, 4p.
The Transporter (2010) ITD, webpage,
Bridge Management Staff
Management of in-service structures is performed by the ITD Bridge Design Unit and ITD Bridge Asset
Management Unit. Both units report to the ITD Chief Engineer. The Bridge Design Unit identifies struc-
tures needing work and develops work programs. The Bridge Asset Management Unit is responsible for
safety inspections and load ratings, and operates ITD’s implementation of Pontis BMS. BMS analytical
software is operated by a full-time database manager with part-time participation by the Bridge In-
spection Engineer
and the State Bridge Engineer
The Bridge Design Unit has a staff of twelve engineers (including three squad leaders) and six techni-
cians. The Bridge Asset Management Unit has three engineers, four bridge inspectors, one bridge
equipment specialist and one BMS database manager.
ITD has a Transportation Management Unit that operates TAMS software and oversees its continued
Bridge Inspection
ITD’s Bridge Asset Management Unit is respon-
sible for inspection of the entire population of
4200 State- and locally-owned highway struc-
. Underwater inspections are performed
at 232 bridges. Safety inspections collect both
NBI general condition ratings and element-level
condition reports. ITD has developed additional
bridge elements, beyond the set of AASHTO
commonly recognized elements.
ITD’s bridge
elements include bridge wingwalls, bridge gus-
set plates, submerged abutments and sub-
merged piers (Table 10).
Locally-owned bridges and culverts are inspect-
ed by consultants managed by ITD’s Bridge Asset
Management Unit. Inspectors’ recommendations for work on structures are transmitted to bridge
owners. ITD reports data on structure inventory, conditions and sufficiency ratings to LHTAC and to
bridge owners for their use in prioritizing work.
Quality Review of Inspection Data
ITD’s procedures for quality review and assurance include periodic field review of each ITD inspection
team leader, and each consultant inspection team. The ITD Bridge Inspection Engineer makes field
Head of ITD Bridge Asset Management Unit
Head of ITD Bridge Design Unit
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
AASHTO Guide For Commonly Recognized (CoRe) Structural Elements. (1997). AASHTO, Washington, 60p.
Single-Point Urban Interchange, Idaho
reviews of ITD team leaders. ITD team leaders, located in ITD districts, make field reviews of consult-
ant inspection teams. Office reviews are made of a sample of reports from inspections performed by
ITD team leaders, and of all reports from inspections performed by consultants. Reports from inspec-
tion consultants are reviewed by ITD inspection team leaders and by the ITD database manager.
Table 10
ITD Additional
Structure Elements
and Flags
No. Name Unit
Structure Elements
162 Unpainted Gusset Plate(s) EA
163 Painted Gusset Plate(s) EA
209 Reinforced Concrete Wingwall EA
208 Timber Wingwall EA
224 Painted Steel Submerged Pile EA
218 Reinforced Concrete Submerged Abutment LF
219 Reinforced Concrete Submerged Pier Wall LF
Smart Flags
364 Steel Connection Distress EA
Scour Monitoring
ITD uses BridgeWatch
for real-time monitoring of 250 scour-vulnerable bridges. BridgeWatch uses
weather data and stream flow data to post alerts for individual bridges according to stream flow condi-
tions specified by ITD.
ITD publishes manuals for inspection, maintenance and evaluation of structures, and reports on trans-
portation performance, capital programs, department administration and department goals and strat-
ITD manuals related to bridge management include a bridge inspection coding guide
, a maintenance
, a bridge evaluation manual
, and a manual for funding of local highway jurisdictions
publishes annual accountability reports
, reports of projects and costs in the current STIP
, reports on
formation and inputs to the STIP
, a strategic plan
, a long-range plan
, and ITD’s Vision
. ITD pub-
lishes annual facts and figures reports5 that outline ITD organization, administration and funding.
Budgets for In-Service Structures
ITD’s six divisions6 have a combined annual budget of $539M (FY 2010). The highway division receives
87% of the total. Preservation and restoration of State-owned bridges and culverts are funded at about
Idaho Bridge Inspection Coding Guide (2010) ITD, 185p.
ITD Manual For Bridge Evaluation - Section 6: Load Rating (2010) ITD, 44p.
Manual on Local Highway Jurisdictions Funding (2003) LHTAC, 25p.
Capital Investment Program - All Districts - By Program (2010) ITD Office of Transportation Investment, 97p.
Idaho On The Move (2010). ITD, 48p.
$48M per year; 9% of ITD’s total budget. Funding for local and off system structures is about $14.7M
per year (Figure 4).
Funding for major work on local bridges and culverts is mostly Federal-aid funding. Allocation and use
of Federal funds for local roads is controlled by the Idaho Transportation Board
5-Yr Funding
$ Thousands
Preservation - ITD Bridges 46,910
Restoration - ITD Bridges 190,924
Local Bridges 38,815
Off System Bridges 35,026
Figure 4 Bridge Programs in ITD’s 2011-2015 STIP
Bridge Management Achievements
ITD is improving the conditions of its bridges and culverts by funding programs for preservation and
restoration, by using inventory and condition data to identify work candidates, and by engaging the
inputs of bridge inspectors and ITD district personnel to assemble effective work programs.
ITD invested in work to develop deterioration models and cost models in Pontis, but has found that a
staff-managed process to identify work candidates is effective.
Bridge Management Future
ITD’s bridge management process has improved Idaho’s efforts to reach performance goals. ITD notes
that the AASHTOWare Pontis BMS is currently undergoing changes that affect element-level inspec-
tions and bridge deterioration modeling. ITD looks forward to incorporating these changes in its bridge
management process in the future. Resources are limited though, both in availability of ITD staff and in
funding to engage consultants to maintain models for deterioration and for costs. ITD uses Pontis to
complement, rather than supplant, engineers’ judgment in selection of work candidates and projects.
The Michigan DOT executes programs for preventive maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement to
manage in-service bridges and culverts, uses performance measures to direct work programs and to
monitor progress in networks, applies deterioration models in programming and budgeting, and relies
on deterioration models as meaningful predictors of structure conditions to be achieved, or incurred,
by greater or lesser funding for programs.
Michigan DOT’s deterioration models are notable. Michigan DOT forms Markov chains for NBI condi-
tion ratings, and tracks each structure by its lowest condition rating. The resulting models employ
relatively few transition probabilities. Calibration of models each year and for each DOT region is prac-
Bridge Inspection, Michigan DOT
Recent history of bridge programs at Michigan DOT is instructive. A strategic plan to improve deficient
bridges and preserve good bridges was implemented more than a decade ago. Michigan DOT estab-
lished funding allocations for preventive maintenance and rehabilitation of bridges in good and fair
condition, and for replacement of bridges in poor condition. Since adopting this strategy, conditions
among Michigan DOT bridges have improved, and the number of SD bridges has been reduced by more
than half (Figure 5).
Figure 5
Michigan SD
Structures (State-owned)
Michigan DOT is guided by a State Transportation Commission (STC) that is assisted by TAMC. STC sets
policy for system preservation and development, and for long-term planning for all modes of transpor-
. TAMC establishes methods and standards for asset management processes
. For bridge
management, Michigan DOT’s Bridge Operations Section interacts with bridge engineers in DOT re-
gions to develop programs for work, to monitor conditions, and to evaluate the success of programs
for bridges and culverts. The Section collects and digests data on structure conditions, computes per-
formance measures, and reports these to the TAMC, to Michigan State government and to the public.
Strategic Plan for Trunkline Bridges
In 1998, Michigan DOT established a strategic plan
for bridges on trunkline
roads. The plan identi-
fied bridge condition as a performance measure, set goals for bridge condition, and established work
categories for bridges. The strategic plan allowed Michigan DOT to transition from ‘worst first’ pro-
gramming to a balance of preventive maintenance, rehabilitations and replacements.
2011 System Performance Measures Report. Michigan DOT, 80p.
About the State Transportation Commission (2011),1607,7-151-
Transportation Asset Management Council (2011)
Strategic Investment Plan for Trunkline Bridges (1998). Michigan DOT, 30p.
Trunkline roads include interstate routes, US routes and State routes.
The plan worked. More than 90% of freeway
bridges are in good or fair condition
today (year 2011)
compared to 76% in 1998
Inventory of Structures
Michigan DOT maintains 4400 state-owned bridges and culverts having over 49 million square feet (SF)
of deck area. Nearly 1700 bridges are freeway bridges. Michigan DOT maintains about 40% of the
bridges in the State, and about 75% of bridge deck area. Local agencies own and maintain 6400 bridges
and culverts. Michigan DOT also manages short spans
, pedestrian bridges, railroad bridges, high mast
lights, and sign structures. Counts of structures are shown in Figure 6.
Structures Count
NBIS Structures
State-owned, highway bridges > 20’ 4403
Toll authority owned
highway bridges > 20’
County or locally owned
highway bridges > 20’
Other highway bridges > 20’ 30
Non-NBIS Structures
State-owned, highway bridges ≤ 20’ 1060
Pedestrian bridges 173
Railroad bridges 127
Ancillary Structures
High mast lights 350
Overhead sign structures ~1000
Figure 6 Michigan Structures
Management of In-Service Structures
Michigan DOT applies programs for preventive maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement in its
management of in-service bridges and culverts
(Table 11). Preventive maintenance includes activities
identified as Capital Scheduled Maintenance (CSM)
and activities identified as Capital Preventive
(CPM). CSM keeps structures in good condition using activities such as structure wash-
Bridges that carry or cross controlled-access roads.
Good = NBI condition ratings 7 and higher; Fair = NBI condition ratings 5 and 6.
Transportation System Performance Measures (2011). Michigan DOT,
Bridges and culverts with span between 10 ft and 20 ft.
Counts are from MDOT’s response to questionnaire for BMS case study, 2011.
Typical Work Activities For Bridge Preservation Components (2008) Michigan DOT 1p.
Bridge Capital Scheduled Maintenance Manual (2010) Michigan DOT, 59p.
Project Scoping Manual (2009) Michigan DOT, 462p.
ing, joint repairs, drain maintenance, crack sealing, and removal of debris and vegetation. CPM is ap-
plied to structures in fair condition. CPM activities include painting, joint replacements, deck overlays,
pin/hanger replacements and scour countermeasures. Rehabilitation of in-service bridges includes
deck overlays, and major repairs to superstructures or substructures. Michigan DOT’s replacement
program includes deck replacement, superstructure replacement and substructure replacement, as
well as complete replacement of structures.
Table 11 - Michigan DOT Actions for In-Service Structures
Capital Scheduled Maintenance Capital Preventive Maintenance
Superstructure washing Pin & hanger replacement
Vegetation control Complete painting
Drainage system cleaning / repair
Zone painting
Spot painting
Joint replacemen
Joint repair
Epoxy overlay
Concrete sealing
Deck patching
Minor concrete patching and repair
Scour countermeasures
Concrete crack sealing
HMA overlay with waterproofing membrane
Approach pavement relief joints
HMA cap (no membrane)
Slope paving repair
Minor substructure repair
Reseal construction joints
Concrete overlay shallow Extensive substructure repair
Concrete overlay deep Substructure repair
Superstructure repairs Substructure replacement
Beam end repairs Replace bridge rail
Diaphragm repair/replacement Widen bridge
Bearing rehabilitation
Deck replacement Culvert replacement
Superstructure replacement Structure replacement
Maintenance by Local Agencies
Local agencies in Michigan manage and inspect their own bridges and culverts. There are local road
agencies in 83 counties and approximately 450 municipalities. Work programming for locally-owned
structures is administered by the Michigan DOT Local Agency Program assisted by a Local Bridge Advi-
sory Board and by seven Regional Bridge Councils. Michigan’s TAMC publishes a guide to bridge asset
management for local agencies
that includes relevant State law, an overview of NBIS, and sample
Federal-aid eligible preventive maintenance activity.
Asset Management Guide for Local Agency Bridges in Michigan (2011) TAMC, 78p.
asset management plans for structures. Asset management plans identify maintenance and preserva-
tion activities, relate condition data to selection of activities, provide intervals for scheduled mainte-
nance, and list likely service life of repairs.
Work Programming
Michigan DOT follows a collaborative process to develop work programs for bridges and culverts. DOT
regions propose new projects in response to an annual call for projects from the central Bridge Opera-
tions Section. The annual call begins in September each year with instructions transmitted from DOT
central office to DOT regions. Instructions to regions include proposed strategies. Strategies, set by the
central Bridge Operations Section, are expressed as the mix of funding directed to preventive mainte-
nance, rehabilitation, and replacement. DOT regions respond with projects, costs and expected out-
comes. The Bridge Operations Section analyzes regions’ selections and their contributions to goals for
network performance.
Selection Criteria
Conditions of structures determine assignments to pro-
grams. Structures in good condition are assigned for pre-
ventive maintenance, structures in fair condition are as-
signed for rehabilitation, and structures in poor condition
are assigned for replacement.
Michigan DOT publishes decision matrices for preventive
maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of bridge
Decision matrices identify repair options in re-
sponse to deck conditions, and the expected duration (life)
achieved by each repair. A portion of the decision matrix for
decks with uncoated reinforcing steel is shown in Table 12.
Big Bridges
Michigan DOT has thirty-one Big Bridges. These include movable bridges, unique bridges and bridges
with deck area in excess of 100,000 SF. The central Bridge Operations Section manages safety inspec-
tions, work planning, and work programming for big bridges. Michigan DOT develops 50-year plans for
each big bridge showing the anticipated years and costs of projects for preventive maintenance and
Scour Vulnerability
Michigan DOT prioritizes projects for scour-vulnerable structures using assessment methods developed
. The NCHRP report, intended to help DOTs recognize and mitigate hazards in general,
presents six steps to vulnerability assessment and response: 1) Identify critical assets; 2) Assess vulner-
Bridge Deck Preservation Matrix Decks With Epoxy Coated Rebar (ECR) (2011) Michigan DOT 2p.
Bridge Deck Preservation Matrix Decks With Uncoated “Black” Rebar (2011) Michigan DOT 2p.
A Guide to Highway Vulnerability Assessment for Critical Asset Identification and Protection (2002). NCHRP
20-07/Task 151B, 42p.
Deck Repair, Michigan DOT
abilities; 3) Assess consequences; 4) Identify countermeasures; 5) Estimate costs of countermeasures,
and; 6) Review operational security. Michigan DOT identifies scour-vulnerable structures and then
combines the risk of scour-related failure at structures with the impacts on mobility resulting from loss
of structures. Structures that possess both greater potential for failure and greater importance to net-
works are the higher priorities for scour remediation.
Table 12 - Bridge Deck Preservation - Decks with Uncoated Reinforcing Steel
Deck Condition State
Top Surface Bottom Surface
≥ 5
N/A N/A N/A Seal Cracks/Healer Sealer 1 to 4
≤ 5% > 5 ≤ 2% Epoxy Overlay 10 to 15
≤ 10% ≥ 4 ≤ 25% Deck Patch 3 to 10
4 or 5
10% to
5 or 6 ≤ 10% Deep Concrete Overlay 25 to 30
10% to
Shallow Concrete Overlay 20 to 25
HMA Overlay + membrane 8 to 10
2 or 3 > 25% HMA Cap 2 to 4
< 3 >25%
> 5 < 2% Deep Concrete Overlay 20 to 25
4 or 5 2% to 25%
Shallow Concrete Overlay 10
HMA Overlay + membrane 5 to 7
2 or 3 >25%
HMA Cap 1 to 3
Replace Deck use Epoxy Coated Rebar 60+
Performance Measures
Michigan DOT tracks performance of pavements, bridges, intermodal assets, public transportation,
safety, and airport runways. Performance of bridges and culverts is measured using NBI general condi-
tion ratings. Michigan DOT’s goal is to have at least 85% of non-freeway structures and at least 95% of
freeway structures with no NBI general condition ratings less than 5 (Figure 7).
BSIR = Bridge Safety Inspection Report
Figure 7 - Michigan DOT Freeway Bridge Condition
Bridge Management - Data Systems
For management of bridges and culverts, Michigan DOT uses data systems that include AASHTOWare
Pontis BMS, and two applications developed by Michigan DOT: a Transportation Management System
(TMS) that holds inventory and condition data for most transportation assets, and a Bridge Condition
Forecasting System (BCFS) (Figure 8) that models deterioration and evaluates the outcomes of pro-
posed bridge programs.
Figure 8 - Michigan DOT BCFS
2010 Annual Report Dashboard (2011). TAMC,
TMS is a central database with web-accessible portals adapted to management areas that include
structures, pavements, congestion, safety, public transportation, intermodal transportation, and air-
port runways. For bridges and culverts, portals in TMS include:
Michigan Bridge Reporting System (MBRS) - Access to structure inventory and condition data; access to
lists of critical structures, SD bridges, and Federal-aid eligible structures; access to work pro-
grammed for structures (Figure 9).
Michigan Bridge Inspection System (MBIS) Portal to assign, track and report safety inspections for
bridges and culverts.
Figure 9
Michigan Bridge
Reporting System
Bridge Condition Forecasting System
Michigan DOT has developed BCFS, an application to forecast network-level conditions of bridges from
current conditions, budgets, deterioration transition probabilities, and improvement probabilities.
BCFS operates with NBI general condition ratings. Deterioration models and improvement probabilities
are expressed in the 9-0 NBI scale. BCFS operates on an input population of structures expressed as
counts of structures at each NBI condition rating. BCFS can analyze structures statewide, or within one
DOT region. BCFS employs three work programs: Preventive maintenance, rehabilitation, and replace-
ment. Each program is represented as a single generic action. In consequence, BCFS operates with
three average costs only. Work programs are expressed as budget amounts. BCFS applies as many pro-
jects in each program as the program’s budget allows.
BCFS uses lists of programmed work to compute unencumbered budgets and to avoid duplication of
work. Future conditions are the combination of improved conditions at structures included in work
programs and continued deterioration at other structures. Forecasts of future condition include antici-
pated effects of programmed work and BCFS-generated projects.
Pontis BMS
Michigan DOT uses Pontis BMS to generate lists of potential work candidates and activities. Agency
rules for Pontis have been developed and refined through repeated use to achieve outputs from Pontis
that are consistent with Michigan DOT policy for programs. Pontis’ lists of potential projects are trans-
mitted to DOT regions for their use in development of work programs.
Michigan DOT uses Pontis to forecast the number of years until structures reach poor condition; that
is, have at least one NBI general condition rating of 4 or lower. The analysis uses Pontis’ deterioration
models together with the NBI translator.
Bridge Management Staff
Bridge management is the responsibility of Michigan DOT’s Bridge Operations Section, a part of the
DOT Construction Field Services Division. The Section performs activities in management, inspection,
and load rating. The Section provides technical guidance for bridge fabrication, erection, assembly,
construction quality assurance, fracture critical members, and mechanical and electrical systems for
movable bridges.
The Bridge Operations Section develops policies on preventive maintenance, rehabilitation and re-
placement work, provides guidance to regions in annual calls for projects, sets budgets for work pro-
grams, and analyzes the impacts of work programs on conditions of structures. The Section maintains
structure data and data applications. This entails annual updates to cost workbooks and annual calibra-
tion of deterioration models in BCFS. Bridge management activities are performed by three to four
staff in the DOT central office, and one or two staff in each of seven regional offices. Bridge manage-
ment activities are led by the State Bridge Operations Engineer.
Data Collection
Michigan DOT inspects all State-owned bridges and culverts having span of 10 feet or greater
. Michi-
gan DOT collects both NBI general condition ratings and element-level condition reports. Michigan
DOT’s data record for structure inventory and appraisal includes NBIS data items plus additional
. Additional data items identify railing type and paint type, and provide additional information
on load posting, and on pins and hangers.
Michigan DOT has developed additional bridge elements and smart flags, beyond the set of AASHTO
commonly recognized elements
. Additional elements provide for a range of concrete reinforcing
materials and types of joints. Additional smart flags indicate conditions of decks, false decking, con-
crete coatings, hard contact at ends of beams, and anchors in concrete for sign or utility attachments
to structures.
Pontis Bridge Inspection Manual (2009) Michigan DOT, 101p.
Michigan Structure Inventory and Appraisal Coding Guide (2009) Michigan DOT, 125p.
Michigan DOT collects a subset of inventory data for structures that do not carry roadways. These data
include structure type, length, location and the agency having maintenance responsibility.
Quality Control. Quality Assurance.
Michigan DOT conducts independent review of 10% of safety inspection reports for quality control
(QC). Reviews are performed by peer team leaders, and include field verification of reports. Reviews
are logged by report, inspector, and reviewer.
Michigan DOT conducts quality assurance (QA) review of DOT regions every eight years; typically re-
viewing one region per year. Central office inspection activities undergo QA review, too, at 8-year in-
terval. QA reviews examine inspection reports, load ratings, structure inventory and appraisal data,
and element-level data. Michigan DOT manages QA reviews of bridge programs of local agencies. Most
QA reviews of local agencies are performed by consultants to Michigan DOT.
Michigan DOT issues publications related to bridge management data systems and data coding
maintenance activities
, costs of activities
, planning
34,55,56, 57
, and performance
50,58,59, 60
Michigan DOT reports annually on conditions and performance measures for transportation assets
TAMC prepares a similar, but separate, annual report on performance
. The DOT report is posted at
an interactive website
. Data from TAMC’s report is posted as an internet dashboard (Figure 10)
Michigan DOT publishes average unit costs for activities in preventive maintenance
, and in structure
rehabilitation and replacement
. Costs are prepared by the Bridge Operations Section as Excel work-
books, and are available to DOT regions for project development.
Capital Scheduled Maintenance Bridge Project Cost Estimate (2010) Michigan DOT, Excel workbook.
Bridge Repair Cost Estimate (2010) Michigan DOT,
MI Transportation Plan Moving Michigan Forward 2005-2030 State Long-Range Transportation Plan (2007).
Michigan DOT, 32p.
State Long-Range Transportation Plan, 2005-2030, Highway/Bridge Technical Report (2006) Michigan DOT, 120p.
2011-2015 Five-Yea Transportation Program (2011) Michigan DOT, 70p.
Driven by Excellence A Report on Transportation Performance Measurement at MDOT (2010) Michigan DOT, 28p.
Highway Bridge Report - Listed By County (2011) Michigan DOT, 142p.
Michigan’s Roads and Bridges 2010 Annual Report (2010). TAMC, 41p.
Figure 10 - Michigan TAMC Dashboard
Budgets for Bridge Programs
Michigan DOT’s annual baseline budget for in-service bridges and culverts
is $185 million combined
State and Federal funds. Average allocations are shown in Figure 11. Funding for preventive mainte-
nance, rehabilitation, and replacement is 88% of the program for in-service structures. The relative
funding levels of 23% for preventive maintenance, 31% for rehabilitation, and 46% for replacement are
the current DOT strategy. The allocation shown for Big Bridges is an average annual amount; it can vary
significantly year to year. Special Needs are essential repairs at structures in poor condition. Emerging
Technologies are project-level trials of new methods and materials.
Million $
Big Bridges 16.0
Special Needs 3.0
Emerging Technologies 3.0
Preventive Maintenance 35.9
Rehabilitation 48.9
Replacement 78.2
Figure 11 Michigan DOT Budgets for In-Service Structures
Structures with span 10 ft and greater.
In the current year (FY 2011), budget allocations provide projects for 198 bridges and culverts
. These
include preventive maintenance projects for 84 structures, rehabilitation of 62 structures, and re-
placement of 52 structures.
Michigan State government has determined that current funding for preservation of transportation
assets is not adequate. In 2009, a task force studied transportation funding outlooks and alternatives
Among its findings, the task force noted that declines in revenues from motor fuels taxes and increases
in material and construction costs is moving Michigan from under-investing in transportation assets to
dis-investing. The task force predicted that without new funding sources, poor conditions along State
trunkline routes could increase from the current level of 10% of pavements and structures to 35% by
the year 2015.
Improving Management of Structures
Michigan DOT identifies steps to improve management of highway structures. These include expanded
use of Federal HBP funds for preventive maintenance of locally-owned structures, the use of Federal
HBP funds for highway structures affected by comprehensive projects along road corridors, and the
consideration of relative benefits of structure preservation and structure functional improvements.
Coordination of work on structures within larger road projects can offer cost savings. The preservation
of structures that are functionally obsolete can sometimes be a useful alternative to replacement or to
taking no action at all.
Improving Data Systems
Michigan DOT identifies several areas of development for bridge management software. These include
a database of transition probabilities for bridge elements, offering both national and regional values; a
software utility to link contract pay items to costs of actions in BMS; greater capabilities in BMS to es-
timate costs of individual projects, and make comparisons among project alternatives, and; inclusion of
structure vulnerability and criticality in automated programming of work. Michigan DOT’s current
practice in prioritizing scour-vulnerable structures provides a model for this approach.
Michigan DOT could expand its use of data systems for management of structures. Michigan DOT is
limited at present by lack of staff and of funding for information technology and particularly for devel-
opment of web-based applications.
These are 178 highway bridges, 7 culverts, and 13 pedestrian bridges.
Transportation Solutions A Report on Michigan’s Transportation Needs and Funding Alternatives (2009). Michigan
Transportation Funding Task Force, 84p.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) maintains State-owned bridges and culverts, and
monitors the conditions of all structures on public roads in the State. VDOT’s role in structure mainte-
nance includes direct work by State crews and contractors, oversight of autonomous asset mainte-
nance contractors, QA reviews of local government bridge construction programs, and guidance to
local government bridge owners. Most maintenance of State-owned structures is performed by con-
tractors. All operations maintenance on interstate routes is delivered by asset maintenance contactors.
In some Virginia counties, maintenance of secondary roads is managed by county governments using
State-provided funds.
State law
requires the use of asset management processes, and periodic reporting on conditions of
transportation assets. Managed assets include pavements, pavement markings, bridges, culverts, signs,
guardrails, ditches, shoulders and cross pipes.
Deck Replacement, Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcing Steel, Virginia DOT
For bridges and culverts, VDOT has work programs that deliver projects for rehabilitation, restoration
and preventive maintenance together with service maintenance (deck washing, for example). VDOT
Virginia General Assembly, Appropriation Act Item 444 A. (Special Session I, 2006)
Code of Virginia (2007). § 33.1-13.02.
implements six-year improvement plans that deliver projects for structures, and has a dedicated-fund
program to replace deficient structures on non-interstate routes.
Inventory of Structures
VDOT has responsibilities for nearly 13000 bridges and 8000 culverts
(Figure 12). Ninety-three per-
cent of these structures are owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Thirty-nine percent of structures
are on interstate and primary road systems. About 8% of bridges and culverts statewide are SD. VDOT
manages six tunnels, and more than 10000 sign structures, signal structures and high mast lights.
Structures Count
NBIS Structures
State-owned, highway bridges
and culverts > 20’
Toll authority owned,
highway bridges > 20’
County, or locally owned,
highway bridges > 20’
Other highway bridges > 20’ 124
Non-NBIS Structures
State-owned, highway bridges ≤ 20’ 2,694
County, or locally owned,
highway bridges ≤ 20’
Other highway bridges ≤ 20’ 17
Pipes, smaller culverts ≤ 20’ 4,942
Pedestrian bridges 15
Ancillary Structures
High mast lights 672
Overhead sign structures 1,362
Traffic signal structures 8,653
Tunnels 6
Luminaires 17,656
Sign structures (Cantilever, Bridge Mount-
ed, or Butterfly)
Camera poles 420
Figure 12 Virginia Structures
Includes short spans and structures not owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia
Management of In-Service Structures
VDOT lists standard activities
for work on in-service bridges and culverts (Table 13). Standard activi-
ties identify structure component (Bridge, Deck, Superstructure, Substructure, and Culvert) and work
category (Preventive Maintenance, Restorative Maintenance, Rehabilitation, Replacement, and Inspec-
tion/Engineering). Preventive maintenance includes cleaning/clearing of structures and channels, zone
coating, and minor repairs. Restorative maintenance
includes most repairs to structures. Rehabilitation in-
cludes major repairs and replacements of decks or su-
perstructures. Replacement is complete replacement
of structures. Inspection/engineering includes safety
inspections, load ratings and maintenance administra-
VDOT has planned-preventive maintenance activities
that are performed at set intervals to stay ahead of
potential deterioration (Table 14). Planned-preventive
maintenance activities are eligible for the Federal HBP
funds under an agreement between VDOT and the
VDOT has goals for its structure inventory: 1) Reduce the number of SD structures, 2) Restore struc-
tures that may become deficient, 3) Improve structure capacity as required for system growth, 4) Pre-
serve structures that are in good condition
, and 5) Furnish new structures that are more resistant to
deterioration than existing structures. In new construction, VDOT is eliminating deck joints, and using
protective systems and corrosion-resistant materials.
Recording and Tracking Bridge Maintenance Work (2010) IIM-S&B-85.1, VDOT, 5p.
Structures with all NBI general condition ratings 6
Bridge Replacement, Virginia DOT
Table 13 – VDOT Maintenance Activities
Category Activities
Deck cleaning, Sealing, Thin-bonded overlay
Remove/replace joint seals, Repair/patch joint walls
Superstructure cleaning, Paint beam ends
Clean/lubricate bearings
Substructure cleaning, Culvert cleaning
Stream bank stabilization, Debris/vegetation removal
Asphalt overlay/membrane, Rigid overlay, Latex/silica fume overlay, Deck patching
Repairs to rails, parapets, curbs, safety walks
Apply wood preservatives, Repair/replace timber deck boards, Tighten/replace deck
Reconstruct joints, Close joints, Install/repair relief joints
Bearing align, repair or replace
Paint, overcoat, recoat, and zone coat
Superstructure repairs
Substructure repairs, Settlement repair
Culvert repairs, Repair damaged headwalls/endwalls
Fill scour holes, Rip-rap, Other scour countermeasures
Replace bridge deck or superstructure
Replace/major repair of substructure
Extend culvert, Sleeve installation, Flowline restoration
Replacement Replace bridge or culvert
Inspection &
Safety inspection, Load rating analysis, Work scheduling, Planning/budgeting, Work
oversight, Develop plans, specifications and/or contract documents for rehabilitation
or replacement
Maintenance Delivery
VDOT uses State crews, project-level contracts, ‘as-needed’ contracts and asset maintenance contracts
to maintain bridges and culverts. District-wide, as-needed maintenance contracts are set-up with bid
items for commonly-needed work at structures. Turnkey Asset Maintenance Services (TAMS) contracts
provide minor maintenance and incident management on interstate highways. VDOT makes great use
of contract maintenance. In FY 2008, $891 million of $1.20 billion (74%) of highway maintenance ex-
penditures were paid to the private sector
Maintenance by Local Agencies
Some cities and towns in Virginia manage structures and other transportation assets on their road
systems. Funding for local maintenance include local governments funds and street maintenance pay-
Federal-aid eligible preventive maintenance activities.
Annual Report on Initiatives for Outsourcing, Privatization and Downsizing within VDOT (2008) VDOT, 22p.
ments from VDOT. Safety inspections of locally-owned structures are executed by local governments
and reported to VDOT. VDOT performs QA reviews of local government bridge programs.
Table 14
Bridge Management Services
Bridge deck washing (concrete) 1
Bridge deck sweeping 1
Seats and beam-ends washing 2
Cutting and removing vegetation 2
Routine maintenance of timber structures 2
Removing debris from culverts 5
Preventive Maintenance
Cleaning and lubricating bearing devices 4
Scheduled replacement of pourable joints 6
Scheduled replacement of compression seal joints 10
Scheduled beam ends painting 10
Installation of thin epoxy concrete overlay 15
Virginia has transferred (‘devolved’) maintenance responsibilities for secondary roads to some county
. Maintenance by counties is supported by State funding. Counties that maintain assets
on secondary roads report the conditions of assets to VDOT.
Work Programming
VDOT examines structure conditions, status, and estimated costs to select work candidates and identi-
fy appropriate actions. When funding is available, in-service structures are replaced if they are SD and
if their NBI sufficiency rating is 50 or less, or if rehabilitation costs exceed 65% of replacement costs.
Structures are eligible for rehabilitation if their NBI sufficiency rating is 80 or less, and at least one NBI
general condition rating is below 6. Structures are eligible for restorative maintenance if at least one
NBI general condition rating is below 6 and limited repairs are needed. Preventive maintenance is
usually applied to structures that have no NBI general condition ratings below 6.
Functional obsolescence and weight restrictions at structures are addressed in projects for replace-
ment or rehabilitation. Functional obsolescence and weight restrictions, by themselves, usually do not
make structures candidates for work unless improvement of structures would have a significant effect
on commerce.
Most of the projects in VDOT’s structure maintenance program involve rehabilitation, restorative
maintenance and preventive maintenance. A dedicated-fund program replaces SD structures that are
Bridge Preservation (2011) VDOT, ppt, Structure and Bridge Annual Leadership Training, 76 slides.
Code of Virginia (2004). § 33.1-23.5:1.
not on interstate routes. Some projects for replacement
or rehabilitation are delivered as part of Virginia’s Six-
Year Improvement Plans
Bridge Risk
VDOT identifies risk in terms of the number of struc-
tures that may become SD if not repaired. At-risk struc-
tures have at least one NBI general condition rating
equal to 5, but no condition ratings below 5. These
structures are candidates for restorative maintenance
(Table 13). In 2011, VDOT had 1720 SD structures and
4720 structures at risk.
Review, Improvement of Bridge Programs
VDOT forms topical index committees to develop and update specifications, standards, details, and
design aids. There are six main committees (Table 15); each is chaired by an engineer from VDOT’s
Structure and Bridge Division (S&B). More than forty sub-committees deal with specific sub-topics.
Table 15
VDOT Topical
Index Committees
Design of Structures
Concrete Design
Steel Design
Geotechnical Design
Miscellaneous Design (sign structures, culverts, other structures)
Inspection & Bridge Management
Efforts to improve bridge programs include regular meetings of S&B engineers to review practices and
policies. There are monthly meetings of leadership within the central S&B group, monthly meetings of
S&B staff in each DOT district
, quarterly meetings between the State Structure and Bridge Engineer
and District Bridge Engineers, and annual meetings of central S&B staff with S&B staff in all districts.
Performance Measures
VDOT’s annual reports
present performance measures for structures that include counts of: 1) SD
structures; 2) FO structures; 3) Deficient structures (the sum of SD and FO structures); 4) SD structures
restored or deteriorated; 5) Weight-posted structures; and values of 6) Bridge health index; and 7)
Structure age. Performance measures for other transportation assets include pavement condition,
VDOT Six-Year Improvement Program,
VDOT has nine districts: Bristol, Salem, Lynchburg, Richmond, Hampton Roads, Fredericksburg, Culpeper, Staun-
ton, and Northern Virginia
State Of The Structures And Bridges Report (2011). VDOT, 72p.
Jointless Bridge - Virginia DOT
pavement ride quality, and need for repairs of ditches, shoulders, cross pipes, signs and pavement
Two measures, SD structures and FO structures, are reported at VDOT’s internet Dashboard
13). The Dashboard also shows measures of pavement conditions, traffic safety, traffic congestion,
DOT expenditures compared to budgets, DOT administrative performance, inputs from citizens, and
on-time delivery of projects.
Figure 13
VDOT Dashboard
VDOT applies level-of-service grades to service maintenance of transportation assets. For bridges,
level-of-service is related to deck ride quality, and response time to restore ride quality
VDOT has goals to limit the percentages of SD bridges and culverts (Table 16). Goals vary by road sys-
tem. The statewide goal is structural deficiency at not more than 8% of bridges and culverts.
Biennial Report on the Condition and Performance of Surface Infrastructure in the Commonwealth of Virginia. HB
2838/SB 1128 (2007). VDOT, 33p.
Biennial Report on the Condition of and Investment Needed to Maintain and Operate the Existing Surface Trans-
portation Infrastructure for FY 2011 and FY 2012 (2009). VDOT, 87p.
Table 16
Performance Measures
and Goals
SD Structures
System 2011 Value Goal
Statewide 8.2% ≤ 8%
Interstate Roads 3.4% ≤ 3%
Primary Roads 5.7% ≤ 6%
Secondary Roads 10.4% ≤ 11%
Locally-maintained roads 8.7% ≤ 8%
Bridge Management - Data Systems
VDOT uses Pontis BMS analytical software in bridge inspection, inspection QC, identification of work
candidates, statewide budgeting for in-service structures, allocation of budgets to DOT districts, report-
ing on structure conditions, computation of investment needs for structures, and for maintaining all
bridge and culvert inventory data.
VDOT is developing a bridge programming tool, called the Optimizer, that uses Pontis outputs to form
coherent work plans for structures. The Optimizer will provide realistic scoping for bridge projects, and
will propose projects that conform to VDOT criteria for bridge programs.
Bridge Management Staff
VDOT has four full-time staff members in its central S&B division who use bridge management soft-
ware on a regular basis. The Assistant State Structure and Bridge Engineer for maintenance works with
three other engineers on statewide maintenance planning and bridge management. These engineers,
a BMS team, review element-level condition data from safety inspections, and investigate unusual or
unexpected condition reports. The BMS team assists in selection of structures for repair, rehabilitation
and replacement. The BMS team reviews plans for maintenance and repair of structures, and manages
the distribution of VDOT’s dedicated bridge fund. The BMS team reviews completed maintenance
work on structures. The BMS team is supplemented by individuals in district bridge offices.
The BMS team prepares policy memos for bridge and culvert maintenance and rehabilitation
. The
BMS team identifies best practices in bridge and culvert maintenance and rehabilitation, and evaluates
the performance of new materials and systems for bridges and culverts.
Data Collection
In safety inspections, VDOT collects both NBI general condition ratings and element-level condition
. VDOT defines ten additional structure elements and eleven additional smart flags, beyond the
set of AASHTO commonly recognized elements
. Additional elements include types of sidewalk, steel
girders supporting timber deck, slopes, wingwalls, and slabs under fill. Additional smart flags address
Instructional and Informational Memoranda of the Structures and Bridge Division are posted at
Element Data Collection Manual (2007). VDOT, 92p.
utilities on structures, drains, lighting, pavements over culverts, debris in channels, and deck replace-
ment needs.
Quality Control, Quality Assurance
District Bridge Safety Inspection Engineers (DBSIE) review all inspection reports for structures in DOT
districts. DBSIEs perform QC review of inspection teams each quarter. VDOT central office performs
annual QA reviews of the inspection programs of all DOT districts.
Districts offices perform QA reviews of local agency bridge programs. QA for local agencies includes
office review of bridge and culvert inspection folders, and field verification of a sample of inspection
VDOT makes annual reports of conditions of transportation assets
and biennial reports of invest-
ments needed to maintain and improve assets
. Reports on asset conditions include current values,
trends and goals for performance measures. Biennial reports on investments identify the maintenance
and improvement needs for nine asset classes (Table 17). Biennial reports include estimated costs for
needed maintenance and improvement of assets during the next biennium, current values of perfor-
mance measures, and, in some reports, the total funding needed to remedy all deficiencies and de-
Table 17
VDOT Reporting on
Transportation Assets
Pavements Pavement markings Cross pipes
Bridges/culverts Guardrails Ditches
Tunnels Signs Shoulders
Budgets for Bridge Programs
Annual funding for bridges and culverts is $510M (FY 2011), with about 50% going to projects in six-
year plans, 16% to the dedicated bridge fund, 26% to preventive maintenance, restorative mainte-
nance and rehabilitation, and 8% to service maintenance (Figure 14). Virginia’s 2012-2017 six-year plan
provides $258M per year (average) for projects for bridges and culverts. The dedicated bridge fund
provides about $80M per year. Maintenance funding is about $172M per year. Dedicated bridge funds
and maintenance funds are allocated by the DOT central office to the DOT districts on the basis of total
needs, historical levels of expenditures, and available funds. Maintenance funds are applied to in-
vestments in structures ($131M) and service for structures ($41M). Investments include activities in
preventive and restorative maintenance, and rehabilitations. Service for structures include deck wash-
ing, bridge inspection and bridge load rating.
$ Millions
Six-Year Plan, Bridge and culvert projects 258
Dedicated Bridge Fund
(structure replacement, non-interstate roads)
Prevention, Restoration, Re-
Service for Structures 41
Figure 14 Annual Budgets for In-Service Structures (year 2011)
VDOT identifies funding needs for several levels of performance for structures. Funding of $4.67B
would replace all SD bridges and culverts. Funding of $850M would reduce the number of SD bridges
and culverts to meet current goals for performance (Table 16). Funding of $344M would provide all
restorative maintenance needs in the next biennium. Funding of $99.1M would provide all preventive
maintenance activities during the next biennium.
Bridge Management Achievements
VDOT’s management of bridges and culverts is part of a department-wide commitment to asset man-
agement of transportation infrastructure. VDOT makes programmatic use of performance measures,
and reports performance measures to Virginia government and citizens. VDOT uses, and enhances,
BMS analytical software to identify work candidates and actions for candidates. VDOT pursues simul-
taneous programs for planned-preventive maintenance, for restoration and rehabilitation, and for
replacement. Simultaneous, but separate, programs and funding ensure that preventive maintenance
and restoration go forward, even though there are pending needs for replacement of deficient struc-
VDOT identifies two avenues for further improvement of management of bridges and culverts. One is
funding. Policy at the Federal level to recognize and reward states’ success in structure preservation
would support current practices and prompt State DOTs to increase preservation efforts. The other is
BMS analytical software. A better, user-friendly interface for BMS analytical software is needed. Better
project-level analysis and tracking are needed. An update to the NBI translator is overdue, both to
correct its existing limitations, and to accommodate newly defined national bridge elements
AASHTO Bridge Element Inspection Manual (2011) AASHTO, 172p.
USDOT Federal Highway Administration Shyan-Yung Pan
Office of Asset Management
Idaho Transportation Department Matthew M. Farrar
Bridge Engineer
Kathleen Slinger
Bridge Asset Management Engineer
Michigan Department of Transportation David Juntunen
Bridge Operations Engineer
Virginia Department of Transportation Kendal R. Walus
State Structure and Bridge Engineer
804-786-4575, [email protected]
AASHTOWare® is a registered trademark of the American Association of State Highway Transportation
Officials (AASHTO). Pontis® is a registered trademark and proprietary software product of AASHTO.
Quality assurance statement
The FHWA provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a man-
ner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the
quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. The FHWA periodically reviews quality issues
and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.
Photography Credits
Photographs courtesy of Idaho Transportation Department, Michigan Department of Transportation,
and Virginia Department of Transportation.
Front Cover: Perrine Bridge, Twin Falls, Idaho