Transaction Processing
11 June 2024
Summary of Changes, 11 June 2024....................................................................................18
Applicability of Rules in this Manual....................................................................................... 23
Chapter 1: Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System......................................................................................27
1.2 Authorization Routing—Mastercard POS Transactions........................................................... 27
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions............................................28
1.3.1 Routing Instructions and System Maintenance................................................................28
1.3.2 Chip Transaction Routing......................................................................................................28
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing.............................................................................................29
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System.............................................................29
1.5 Gateway Processing.......................................................................................................................29
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System.............................................................30
Variations and Additions by Region....................................................................................................30
Asia/Pacific Region................................................................................................................................30
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System....................................................... 30
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System....................................................... 30
Canada Region.......................................................................................................................................31
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions...................................... 31
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing.......................................................................................31
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System....................................................... 31
Europe Region.........................................................................................................................................31
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System.................................................................................31
1.2 Authorization Routing—Mastercard POS Transactions......................................................32
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions...................................... 32
1.3.2 Chip Transaction Routing................................................................................................32
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing.......................................................................................32
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System—SEPA Only................................. 32
Latin America and the Caribbean Region......................................................................................... 33
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System....................................................... 33
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System....................................................... 33
United States Region............................................................................................................................ 33
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System.................................................................................33
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions...................................... 33
1.3.1 Routing Instructions and System Maintenance.......................................................... 33
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing.......................................................................................34
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System....................................................... 34
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules................................................................................34
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions...................................... 35
Chapter 2: Authorization and Clearing Requirements............................................... 36
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements......................................................................................... 40
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements..................................................................................41
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements..............................................................................................41
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements...................................................................................... 43
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service.................................................................................................43
Accumulative Transaction Limits.............................................................................................44
Chip Cryptogram Validation in Stand-In................................................................................44
2.2.3 ATM Transaction Requirements for Mastercard Credit Card Issuers............................44
2.3 Authorization Responses............................................................................................................... 45
2.4 Performance Standards................................................................................................................ 45
2.4.1 Performance Standards—Acquirer Requirements............................................................45
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements................................................................46
Issuer Failure Rate (Substandard Level 1)............................................................................. 46
Issuer Failure Rate (Substandard Level 2)............................................................................. 46
Calculation of the Issuer Failure Rate.....................................................................................46
2.5 Preauthorizations............................................................................................................................46
2.5.1 Preauthorizations - Mastercard POS Transactions......................................................... 46
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro POS Transactions............................................................... 47
2.5.3 Preauthorizations - ATM and Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions.....................47
2.6 Undefined Authorizations..............................................................................................................48
2.7 Final Authorizations........................................................................................................................48
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period..................................................49
2.9 Multiple Authorizations..................................................................................................................49
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Completion Messages..............................................................................51
2.10.1 Mastercard and Debit Mastercard Transactions........................................................... 51
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions..........................................................................................................52
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals............................................................................................................ 52
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals - Acquirer Requirements.......................................................52
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals - Issuer Requirements............................................................53
2.11.3 Reversal for Conversion of Approval to Decline..............................................................54
2.11.4 Reversal to Cancel Transaction......................................................................................... 55
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals .......................................................................................................... 55
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections.......................................................................................57
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements............................................................... 58
2.13.2 Refund Transactions - Issuer Requirements....................................................................59
2.14 Balance Inquiries...........................................................................................................................60
2.15 CVC 2 Verification for POS Transactions.................................................................................60
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transactions—
Brazil Only...............................................................................................................................................61
2.17 Euro Conversion—Europe Region Only...................................................................................... 61
2.18 Transaction Queries, Disputes, and Errors...............................................................................61
2.18.1 Compliance with Dispute Procedures.............................................................................. 61
2.19 Chargebacks for Reissued Cards............................................................................................... 61
2.20 Correction of Errors......................................................................................................................61
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway Identifier (MPG ID)..................................................................62
2.22 Co-badged Cards - Acceptance Brand Identifier....................................................................62
Variations and Additions by Region....................................................................................................63
Asia/Pacific Region................................................................................................................................63
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements....................................................................................63
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements............................................................................ 63
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................ 64
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements.................................................................................64
2.3 Authorization Responses.................................................................................................... 64
2.5 Preauthorizations......................................................................................................................64
2.5.1 Preauthorizations - Mastercard POS Transactions....................................................65
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions.......................................................... 65
2.7 Final Authorization....................................................................................................................65
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period............................................ 65
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals—Acquirer Requirements........................................................66
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals......................................................................................................66
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections .................................................................................66
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements..........................................................66
Canada Region.......................................................................................................................................67
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements....................................................................................67
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements............................................................................ 67
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................ 67
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals......................................................................................................68
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections................................................................................. 68
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements..........................................................68
Europe Region.........................................................................................................................................68
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements....................................................................................68
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements ....................................................................................... 70
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service........................................................................................... 71
2.2.3 ATM Transaction Requirements for Mastercard Credit Card Issuers...................... 71
2.3 Authorization Responses..........................................................................................................71
2.4 Performance Standards...........................................................................................................72
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements...........................................................72
2.5 Preauthorizations......................................................................................................................72
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions.......................................................... 72
2.5.3 Preauthorizations—ATM and Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions................73
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2.7 Final Authorizations..................................................................................................................74
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period............................................ 74
2.9 Multiple Authorizations............................................................................................................ 75
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals.......................................................................................................75
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals - Acquirer Requirements..................................................75
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals—Issuer Requirements.......................................................76
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals......................................................................................................76
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections................................................................................. 77
2.13.1 Refund Transactions—Acquirer Requirements.......................................................... 77
2.13.2 Refund Transactions—Issuer Requirements...............................................................77
2.14 Balance Inquiries......................................................................................................................77
2.15 CVC 2 Verification for POS Transactions............................................................................77
2.17 Euro Conversion.......................................................................................................................78
2.22 Co-badged Cards - Acceptance Brand Identifier.............................................................. 78
Latin America and the Caribbean Region......................................................................................... 79
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................ 79
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements.................................................................................79
2.5 Preauthorizations......................................................................................................................79
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro POS Transactions..........................................................79
2.9 Multiple Authorizations............................................................................................................ 79
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Multiple Completion Messages.........................................................81
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions....................................................................................................81
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless—Brazil Only.......83
Middle East/Africa Region....................................................................................................................83
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements ...................................................................................83
2.7 Final Authorizations .................................................................................................................83
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals......................................................................................................83
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway Identifier (MPG ID).............................................................83
United States Region............................................................................................................................ 83
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements....................................................................................84
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements............................................................................ 84
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................ 84
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements.................................................................................84
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service........................................................................................... 84
2.4 Performance Standards...........................................................................................................86
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements...........................................................86
2.5 Preauthorizations......................................................................................................................86
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions.......................................................... 86
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals.......................................................................................................87
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals—Acquirer Requirements.................................................. 87
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals—Issuer Requirements.......................................................87
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections................................................................................. 87
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements..........................................................87
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.14 Balance Inquiries......................................................................................................................87
2.18 Transaction Queries, Disputes, and Errors .........................................................................87
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules................................................................................87
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................ 88
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service........................................................................................... 88
2.5 Preauthorizations......................................................................................................................88
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions.......................................................... 88
2.9 Multiple Authorizations............................................................................................................ 88
2.10 Multiple Clearing and Multiple Completion Messages......................................................90
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions....................................................................................................90
Chapter 3: Acceptance Procedures.........................................................................................93
3.1 Card-Present Transactions............................................................................................................96
3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance Procedures......................................................................... 96
Suspicious Cards.........................................................................................................................96
3.1.2 Maestro Card Acceptance Procedures............................................................................... 97
3.2 Card-Not-Present Transactions................................................................................................... 97
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization...........................................................................................................97
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures................................................ 97
Authorization of Lodging, Cruise Line, and Vehicle Rental Transactions.......................... 98
Authorization When the Cardholder Adds a Gratuity..........................................................99
Card-Not-Present Transaction Declines.................................................................................99
Use of Card Validation Code (CVC) 2...................................................................................100
Capture Card Response.......................................................................................................... 100
3.3.2 Maestro POS Transaction Authorization Procedures....................................................100
3.4 Mastercard Cardholder Verification Requirements................................................................100
CVM Not Required for Refund Transactions.............................................................................102
Use of PIN for Mastercard Magnetic Stripe Transactions......................................................102
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements......................................................................102
3.6 Use of a PIN for Transactions at ATM Terminals and Bank Branch Terminals...................103
3.7 Use of a Consumer Device CVM................................................................................................ 103
3.8 POI Currency Conversion.............................................................................................................104
3.8.1 Cardholder Disclosure Requirements............................................................................... 105
3.8.2 Cardholder Disclosure - Transaction Receipt Information............................................106
3.8.3 Priority Check-Out...............................................................................................................106
3.8.4 Transaction Processing Requirements............................................................................. 106
3.9 Multiple Transactions—Mastercard POS Transactions Only.................................................107
3.10 Partial Payment—Mastercard POS Transactions Only........................................................107
3.11 Specific Terms of a Transaction...............................................................................................108
3.11.1 Specific Terms of an E-commerce Transaction............................................................108
3.12 Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damage—Mastercard POS Transactions Only.....................108
3.13 Transaction Receipts..................................................................................................................109
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt
3.13.2 ATM and Bank Branch Terminal Transaction Receipt Requirements........................111
3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date Omission..........112
3.13.4 Prohibited Information.....................................................................................................112
3.13.5 Standard Wording for Formsets.................................................................................... 113
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services............................................................................113
3.14.1 Refund Transactions......................................................................................................... 114
3.15 Transaction Records...................................................................................................................115
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment Time Frames........................................................................ 115
3.15.2 Retention of Transaction Records...................................................................................116
Variations and Additions by Region..................................................................................................116
Asia/Pacific Region............................................................................................................................. 116
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services.......................................................................116
3.14.1 Refund Transactions....................................................................................................116
3.15 Transaction Records............................................................................................................. 116
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment Time Frames...................................................................117
Canada Region.....................................................................................................................................117
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization...................................................................................................117
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures.........................................117
Europe Region......................................................................................................................................117
3.1 Card-Present Transactions....................................................................................................117
3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance Procedures..................................................................117
3.2 Card-Not-Present Transactions........................................................................................... 117
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization...................................................................................................118
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures.........................................118
Authorization of Lodging, Cruise Line, and Vehicle Rental Transactions.................. 118
Authorization When the Cardholder Adds a Gratuity..................................................118
3.3.2 Maestro POS Transaction Authorization Procedures.............................................. 118
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements................................................................119
3.8 POI Currency Conversion....................................................................................................... 119
3.13 Transaction Receipts............................................................................................................ 119
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt
3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date Omission.... 121
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services.......................................................................121
3.14.1 Refund Transactions....................................................................................................121
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.......................................................................................122
3.4 Mastercard Cardholder Verification Requirements.......................................................... 122
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements................................................................122
Middle East/Africa Region................................................................................................................. 122
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services.......................................................................122
3.14.1 Refund Transactions....................................................................................................122
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
United States Region..........................................................................................................................123
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization...................................................................................................123
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures.........................................123
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements................................................................123
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules............................................................................. 124
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services.......................................................................124
3.14.1 Refund Transactions....................................................................................................124
Chapter 4: Card-Present Transactions...............................................................................125
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals..................................................................................... 129
4.2 Offline Transactions Performed on Board Planes, Trains, and Ships.................................. 129
4.3 No-CVM Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions—Europe
Region Only...........................................................................................................................................130
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals............................................................................131
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions...............................................................................................131
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions..........................................131
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions............................................... 132
4.6 Contactless Transactions at ATM Terminals............................................................................133
4.7 Contactless-only Acceptance.....................................................................................................133
4.8 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions at POS Terminals...............................134
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions....................................................................................135
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals.........................................................................136
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions...................................................................... 137
4.10.2 Electric Vehicle Charging Transactions..........................................................................138
4.11 PIN-based Debit Transactions—United States Region Only...............................................139
4.12 PIN-less Single Message Transactions—United States Region Only................................. 139
4.13 Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions.................................................................. 139
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions........................................................140
4.14.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Cash Disbursement Services.................................... 140
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts...................................................................... 140
4.14.3 Discount or Service Charges............................................................................................141
4.14.4 Mastercard Acceptance Mark Must Be Displayed.......................................................141
4.15 Encashment of Mastercard Travelers Cheques.................................................................... 141
4.16 ATM Transactions.......................................................................................................................142
4.16.1 “Chained” Transactions....................................................................................................142
4.16.2 ATM Transaction Branding...............................................................................................142
4.17 ATM Access Fees.........................................................................................................................142
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees - Domestic Transactions...................................................................142
4.17.2 ATM Access Fees - Cross-border Transactions.............................................................143
4.17.3 ATM Access Fee Requirements........................................................................................143
Transaction Field Specifications for ATM Access Fees.......................................................143
Non-discrimination Regarding ATM Access Fees................................................................143
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Notification of ATM Access Fee............................................................................................. 143
Cancellation of Transaction....................................................................................................143
Sponsor Approval of Proposed Signage, Screen Display, and Receipt............................143
ATM Terminal Signage.............................................................................................................144
ATM Terminal Screen Display................................................................................................. 144
ATM Transaction Receipts.......................................................................................................144
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals........................................................................145
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories................................................................................ 145
4.18.2 Screen Display Requirement for Merchandise Categories.........................................146
4.19 Shared Deposits—United States Region Only.......................................................................146
Variations and Additions by Region..................................................................................................147
Asia/Pacific Region............................................................................................................................. 147
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals................................................................................147
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions.........................................................................................147
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.................................... 147
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions...............................................................................147
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals....................................................................148
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions.................................................................148
4.17 ATM Access Fees...................................................................................................................148
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions..............................................................148
Canada Region.....................................................................................................................................149
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions...............................................................................149
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals....................................................................149
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions.................................................................149
4.17 ATM Access Fees...................................................................................................................149
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions..............................................................149
Europe Region......................................................................................................................................150
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals................................................................................150
4.2 Offline Transactions Performed on Board Planes, Trains, and Ships............................. 150
4.3 No-CVM Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions.....................150
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals...................................................................... 151
4.5 Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions...................................................................152
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.................................... 152
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions..........................................152
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions...............................................................................153
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals....................................................................157
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions.................................................................158
4.13 Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions.............................................................158
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions.................................................. 159
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts.................................................................159
4.17 ATM Access Fees...................................................................................................................159
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees - Domestic Transactions..............................................................159
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals...................................................................159
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories...........................................................................159
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.......................................................................................160
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals...................................................................... 160
4.5 Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions...................................................................160
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions..........................................160
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions...............................................................................160
4.17 ATM Access Fees...................................................................................................................162
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions..............................................................162
Middle East/Africa Region................................................................................................................. 163
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions...............................................................................163
United States Region..........................................................................................................................163
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals................................................................................163
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions.........................................................................................164
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.................................... 164
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions..........................................165
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions...............................................................................165
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals....................................................................166
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions.................................................................166
4.11 PIN-based Debit Transactions............................................................................................166
4.12 PIN-less Single Message Transactions.............................................................................. 166
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions.................................................. 167
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts.................................................................167
4.14.3 Discount or Service Charges......................................................................................167
4.17 ATM Access Fees...................................................................................................................168
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions..............................................................168
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals...................................................................168
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories...........................................................................168
4.19 Shared Deposits....................................................................................................................168
4.19.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Shared Deposits.................................................... 168
4.19.2 Terminal Signs and Notices........................................................................................169
4.19.3 Maximum Shared Deposit Amount.......................................................................... 169
4.19.4 Deposit Verification.....................................................................................................169
4.19.5 ATM Terminal Clearing and Deposit Processing.....................................................170
4.19.6 Shared Deposits in Excess of USD 10,000.............................................................. 170
4.19.7 Notice of Return...........................................................................................................170
4.19.8 Liability for Shared Deposits......................................................................................170
Chapter 5: Card-Not-Present Transactions....................................................................172
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions...........................................................................................175
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements............................................................................. 175
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements............................................................................................................177
5.1.3 Use of Static AAV for Card-not-present Transactions..................................................178
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
5.1.4 Debit Small-Ticket Digital Transaction Program: Brazil Only...................................... 178
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transactions...................................................... 178
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions.................................................................................................179
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions...............................................................................................180
5.4.1 Subscription Billing Merchants..........................................................................................183 Applicability of Standards.........................................................................................184
5.4.2 Negative Option Billing Merchants...................................................................................184
5.4.3 China Domestic Recurring Payment Transactions ........................................................186
5.5 Installment Billing.........................................................................................................................186
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing.......................................................................... 187 Definitions....................................................................................................................187 Transaction Processing Procedures......................................................................... 187
5.5.2 Multiple-Authorization Installment Billing.......................................................................188
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery............................................................... 190
5.6.1 Transit First Ride Risk Framework.................................................................................... 191
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater..............................................................................................193
5.8 Authentication Requirements—Europe Region Only.............................................................. 194
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions................................................................................................194
5.10 Mastercard Micropayment Solution—United States Region Only.....................................195
Variations and Additions by Region..................................................................................................196
Asia/Pacific Region............................................................................................................................. 196
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions......................................................................................196
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements........................................................................197
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements.......................................................................................................197
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transactions.................................................197
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions........................................................................................... 198
5.4 Credential-on-File Transactions........................................................................................... 199
5.4.2 China Domestic Recurring Payment Transactions...................................................199 Transaction Requirements for Acquirers .......................................................... 199 Transaction Requirement for Issuers..................................................................201
5.5 Installment Billing....................................................................................................................202
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing.....................................................................202 Transaction Processing Procedures....................................................................202
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater.........................................................................................202
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions..........................................................................................202
Canada Region.....................................................................................................................................202
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater.........................................................................................202
Europe Region......................................................................................................................................202
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions......................................................................................202
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements........................................................................203
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements.......................................................................................................204
5.1.3 Use of Static AAV for Card-not-present Transactions............................................205
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Maestro Transactions.................................205
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5.2.1 Definitions....................................................................................................................... 205
5.2.2 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—Cardholder Authority.....................206
5.2.3 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—Transactions Per Cardholder
5.2.4 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—CVC 2/AVS Checks.........................206
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions........................................................................................... 207
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions..........................................................................................207
5.5 Installment Billing ...................................................................................................................209
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing.....................................................................220 Transaction Processing Procedures....................................................................220
5.5.2 Multiple-Authorization Installment Billing................................................................. 220
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery..........................................................221
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater.........................................................................................221
5.7.1 Issuer Requirements.......................................................................................................221
5.7.2 Acquirer Requirements..................................................................................................222
5.8 Authentication Requirements...............................................................................................223
5.8.1 Acquirer Requirements..................................................................................................223
5.8.2 Issuer Requirements.......................................................................................................224
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions..........................................................................................224
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.......................................................................................226
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions......................................................................................226
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements........................................................................226
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements.......................................................................................................226
5.1.4 Debit Small-Ticket Digital Transaction Program: Brazil Only.................................227
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater.........................................................................................228
Middle East/Africa Region................................................................................................................. 228
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions......................................................................................228
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements........................................................................229
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements.......................................................................................................229
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater.........................................................................................229
United States Region..........................................................................................................................229
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater.........................................................................................229
5.10 Mastercard Micropayment Solution..................................................................................229
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules............................................................................. 230
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions .....................................................................................230
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements........................................................................230
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements.......................................................................................................231
Chapter 6: Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions.............................232
6.1 Payment Transactions.................................................................................................................234
6.1.1 Payment Transactions—Acquirer and Merchant Requirements.................................. 234
6.1.2 Payment Transactions—Issuer Requirements.................................................................235
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions..................................................................................................236
6.3 MoneySend Payment Transactions...........................................................................................236
6.4 China Deposit Transactions – China Only................................................................................ 236
6.5 China Funds Transfer Transactions – China Only................................................................... 236
6.6 Funding Transactions...................................................................................................................237
Variations and Additions by Region..................................................................................................237
Asia/Pacific Region............................................................................................................................. 237
6.4 China Deposit Transactions – China Only...........................................................................237
6.4.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Maximum Transaction Amount Limit...................238
6.4.2 ATM Access Fee.............................................................................................................. 238
6.4.3 Account Verification.......................................................................................................238
6.4.4 Failed Transaction..........................................................................................................238
6.5 China Funds Transfer Transactions – China Only..............................................................238
6.5.1 China Funds Transfer Transaction Terms...................................................................238
6.5.2 Non-discrimination Regarding Maximum Amount Limit.........................................239
6.5.3 ATM Access Fee.............................................................................................................. 239
6.5.4 Account Verification.......................................................................................................239
6.5.5 Funds Availability............................................................................................................239
Europe Region......................................................................................................................................240
6.1 Payment Transactions............................................................................................................240
6.1.1 Payment Transactions—Acquirer and Merchant Requirements.............................240
6.1.2 Payment Transactions—Issuer Requirements........................................................... 240
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions............................................................................................ 241
6.3 MoneySend Payment Transactions......................................................................................241
Middle East/Africa Region................................................................................................................. 241
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions............................................................................................ 241
United States Region..........................................................................................................................243
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions............................................................................................ 243
Chapter 7: Terminal Requirements.......................................................................................244
7.1 Terminal Eligibility.........................................................................................................................246
7.2 Terminal Requirements................................................................................................................246
7.2.1 Terminal Function Keys for PIN Entry...............................................................................247
7.2.2 Terminal Responses.............................................................................................................248
7.2.3 Terminal Transaction Log................................................................................................... 248
7.2.4 Contactless-enabled Terminals and Contactless Reader Requirements...................248
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements.......................................................................................................249
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals...............................................................................249
7.3.2 Contactless-only POS Terminals.......................................................................................250
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.......................................................................... 250
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements.......................................................252
7.5.1 ATM Terminals......................................................................................................................253
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
7.5.2 Bank Branch Terminals....................................................................................................... 253
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals................................................ 253
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements...................................................................................................254
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements.................................................................................254
Hybrid POS Terminal and Chip-only MPOS Terminal Displays.........................................255
7.6.2 Hybrid ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements................................. 255
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Functionality.............................................................. 256
Variations and Additions by Region..................................................................................................257
Asia/Pacific Region............................................................................................................................. 257
7.2 Terminal Requirements...........................................................................................................257
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements................................................................................................. 257
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals.......................................................................... 258
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.....................................................................258
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements................................................. 259
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements..............................................................................................259
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements............................................................................259
Canada Region.....................................................................................................................................260
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements................................................................................................. 260
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals..........................................................................260
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.....................................................................260
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements................................................. 260
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals...........................................261
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-enabled POS Terminals...................................... 261
Europe Region......................................................................................................................................261
7.1 Terminal Eligibility................................................................................................................... 261
7.2 Terminal Requirements...........................................................................................................261
7.2.4 Contactless-enabled Terminals and Contactless Reader Requirements..............261
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements................................................................................................. 262
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals.......................................................................... 262
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.....................................................................264
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements................................................. 264
7.5.2 Bank Branch Terminals..................................................................................................264
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals...........................................265
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements..............................................................................................265
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements............................................................................265
7.6.2 Hybrid ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements............................266
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.......................................................................................267
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements................................................................................................. 267
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals..........................................................................267
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements..............................................................................................268
Middle East/Africa Region................................................................................................................. 268
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements................................................................................................. 268
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals.......................................................................... 268
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements..............................................................................................269
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements............................................................................269
United States Region..........................................................................................................................269
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements................................................................................................. 269
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals..........................................................................269
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.....................................................................270
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements................................................. 270
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements..............................................................................................270
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-enabled POS Terminals...................................... 270
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules............................................................................. 271
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements..............................................................................................271
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements............................................................................271
Hybrid POS Terminal and Chip-only MPOS Terminal Displays....................................271
Appendix A: Geographic Regions............................................................................................272
Asia/Pacific Region............................................................................................................................. 273
Canada Region.....................................................................................................................................274
Europe Region......................................................................................................................................274
Single European Payments Area (SEPA)...................................................................................275
Non-Single European Payments Area (Non-SEPA)................................................................. 275
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.......................................................................................276
Middle East/Africa Region................................................................................................................. 277
United States Region..........................................................................................................................278
Appendix B: Compliance Zones............................................................................................... 279
Compliance Zones...............................................................................................................................280
Appendix C: Transaction Identification Requirements............................................. 285
Transaction Date.................................................................................................................................286
Contactless Transactions...................................................................................................................286
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions......................................................................... 288
Contactless-only Transactions.................................................................................................... 290
Payment Transactions........................................................................................................................292
Electronic Commerce Transactions..................................................................................................294
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions...............................................................................296
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Chip Data.................................296
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Digital Payment Data............298
Merchant-initiated Transactions following Digital Secure Remote Payment
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions.......................................................................301
Transaction Type Identifier (TTI).......................................................................................................302
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Merchant Country of Origin.............................................................................................................. 302
China Deposit Transactions...............................................................................................................302
China Funds Transfer Transactions..................................................................................................303
Cardholder-initiated Transactions (CITs)........................................................................................305
Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs)..........................................................................................306
Appendix D: Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions..................... 310
CAT Transactions.................................................................................................................................311
CAT Level Requirements.....................................................................................................................311
Dual Capability for CAT 1 and CAT 2......................................................................................... 312
CAT Level 1: Automated Dispensing Machines (CAT 1)..........................................................312
CAT Level 2: Self-Service Terminal (CAT 2)...............................................................................313
CAT Level 3: Limited Amount Terminals (CAT 3)......................................................................314
CAT Level 4: In-Flight Commerce (IFC) Terminals (CAT 4).....................................................315
CAT Level 6: Electronic Commerce Transactions (CAT 6).......................................................318
CAT Level 7: Transponder Transactions (CAT 7).......................................................................318
CAT Level 9: Mobile POS (MPOS) Acceptance Device Transactions (CAT 9)......................319
Appendix E: CVM and Transit Limits....................................................................................320
CVM and Transit Limits......................................................................................................................321
Appendix F: Digital Goods and Lodging Merchant Services................................. 322
Digital Goods Purchases.................................................................................................................... 323
Guaranteed Reservations..................................................................................................................324
Advance Resort Deposit.....................................................................................................................325
Appendix G: Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display..........................................326
Screen and Receipt Text Standards.................................................................................................328
Models for ATM Access Fee Notification at ATM Terminals.........................................................329
Models for Standard Signage Notification of an ATM Access Fee.............................................329
Asia/Pacific Region........................................................................................................................329
Canada Region...............................................................................................................................330
Europe Region.................................................................................................................................331
United Kingdom........................................................................................................................331
Latin America and the Caribbean Region..................................................................................332
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico,
and Venezuela...........................................................................................................................333
Middle East/Africa Region............................................................................................................333
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United States Region.................................................................................................................... 334
Models for Generic Terminal Signage Notification of an ATM Access Fee................................335
Asia/Pacific Region........................................................................................................................335
Canada Region...............................................................................................................................336
Europe Region.................................................................................................................................337
United Kingdom........................................................................................................................337
Latin America and the Caribbean Region..................................................................................338
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico,
and Venezuela...........................................................................................................................339
Middle East/Africa Region............................................................................................................340
United States Region.................................................................................................................... 340
Models for Screen Display Notification of an ATM Access Fee................................................... 341
Asia/Pacific Region........................................................................................................................341
Canada Region...............................................................................................................................343
Europe Region.................................................................................................................................343
United Kingdom........................................................................................................................344
Latin America and the Caribbean Region..................................................................................345
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico,
and Venezuela...........................................................................................................................345
Middle East/Africa Region............................................................................................................346
United States Region.................................................................................................................... 347
Model for an ATM Access Fee Transaction Receipt....................................................................... 348
Model Screen Offering POI Currency Conversion..........................................................................348
Model Receipt for Withdrawal Completed with POI Currency Conversion.............................. 349
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments.........................................................350
Model Receipt Texts for Installments...............................................................................................360
Appendix H: Definitions................................................................................................................362
Notices.................................................................................................................................................... 406
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Summary of Changes, 11 June 2024
This is a summary of the changes that have occurred since the previous publication of the
Chapter Number Rule Name Source or Explanation of Revision
Throughout Removed outdated effective dates
and obsolete information.
Chapter 2 Authorization and
Clearing Requirements
2.1 Acquirer Authorization
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
2.10.1 Mastercard and Debit
Mastercard Transactions
(renumbered) Mastercard and Debit
Mastercard Transactions
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals -
Acquirer Requirements
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals -
Issuer Requirements
Europe Region
2.1 Acquirer Authorization
Additional U.S. Region and U.S.
Territory Rules
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
GLB 8390.1 Revised Standards for
Use of the Transaction Link
Summary of Changes, 11 June 2024
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter Number Rule Name Source or Explanation of Revision
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway
Identifier (MPG ID)
2.22 Co-badged Cards -
Acceptance Brand Identifier
Europe Region
2.22 Co-badged Cards -
Acceptance Brand Identifier
Middle East/Africa Region
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway
Identifier (MPG ID)
AN 7118 Revised Standards for
Acquirer Mandate to Populate the
Merchant Payment Gateway
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro
POS Transactions
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
Latin America and the Caribbean
2.5 Preauthorizations
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro
POS Transactions
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Multiple
Completion Messages
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
LAC 9404.1 Revised Standards for
Incremental Preauthorization and
Multiple Completions for Card-not-
present Maestro Transactions in
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals Clarified use of partial and full
reversals, including when following
a partial approval.
Middle East/Africa Region
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals
MEA 9472.1 Revised Standards for
Partial Approval Support in Jordan
Summary of Changes, 11 June 2024
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter Number Rule Name Source or Explanation of Revision
2.13.1 Refund Transactions -
Acquirer Requirements
Canada Region
2.13 Refund Transactions and
2.13.1 Refund Transactions -
Acquirer Requirements
United States Region
2.13 Refund Transactions and
2.13.1 Refund Transactions -
Acquirer Requirements
AP/EUR/LAC/MEA 9245.1 Revised
Standards for Online Authorization
of Refund Transactions in the Asia/
Pacific, Europe, Latin America and
the Caribbean (excluding Brazil),
and Middle East/Africa Regions
Chapter 3 Acceptance Procedures 3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance
AN 8396 Revised Standards for
Retiring of Mastercard HoloMag for
Vendors; AN 8397 Revised
Standards for Retiring of
Mastercard HoloMag for Issuers
3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance
Canada Region
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction
Authorization Procedures
United States Region
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction
Authorization Procedures
AP/EUR/LAC/MEA 9245.1 Revised
Standards for Online Authorization
of Refund Transactions in the Asia/
Pacific, Europe, Latin America and
the Caribbean (excluding Brazil),
and Middle East/Africa Regions
3.8.2 Cardholder Disclosure -
Transaction Receipt Information
Moved transaction receipt
information required when POI
currency conversion occurs to
sections 3.13.1 and 3.13.2;
replaced text with a reference to
the relevant sections.
3.13 Transaction Receipts
Europe Region
3.13 Transaction Receipts
GLB 9410.1 Revised Standards for
Transaction Receipts
Summary of Changes, 11 June 2024
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter Number Rule Name Source or Explanation of Revision
3.15 Transaction Records
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment
Time Frames
United States Region
3.15 Transaction Records (deleted)
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment
Time Frames
AN 8665 Revised Standards for
Late Presentment Chargebacks
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment
Time Frames
AN 8471 Revised Standards for
Payment Transactions
Chapter 4 Card-Present
Europe Region
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees - Domestic
EUR 8680.2 Revised Standards for
ATM Surcharging on Domestic
Transactions in Countries in the
European Economic Area and the
United Kingdom, Excluding Poland
Chapter 7 Terminal Requirements Europe Region
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS
EUR 9345.1 Revised Standards for
Online PIN Support at Contactless
POS Terminals in Israel. Also
deleted Europe region section
"MCL 3.0 and CDCVM Support,"
due to redundancy with global
section 7.2.4.
7.5.2 Bank Branch Terminals GLB 9410.1 Revised Standards for
Transaction Receipts
Appendix D Cardholder-Activated
Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Level 4: In-Flight Commerce
(IFC) Terminals (CAT 4)
GLB 9410.1 Revised Standards for
Transaction Receipts
Summary of Changes, 11 June 2024
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter Number Rule Name Source or Explanation of Revision
Appendix E CVM and Transit Limits CVM and Transit Limits AN 8542 Revised Standards for
Transit-Related CVM Limit
Changes in Japan
AN 8645 Revised Standards for
CVM Limits in El Salvador,
Guatemala, Nicaragua, and
AN 9025 Revised Standards for
Contactless Transit Aggregated
Limits in Chile
EUR 9308.1 Revised Standards for
First Ride Risk Limit for Domestic
Transit Transactions in Portugal
GLB 9346.1 Revised Standards for
CVM Limits in Lebanon and
AP 9372.1 Revised Standards for
First Ride Risk Limit for Domestic
Transit Transactions in Vietnam
Summary of Changes, 11 June 2024
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Applicability of Rules in this Manual
This manual contains Rules for Activities.
The Rules
in this manual pertain to the processing of Transactions and Payment Transactions.
As used herein, a Transaction means a transaction resulting from the use of a Mastercard
, or Cirrus
Card, Access Device, or Account, as the case may be. As used herein, a
Payment Transaction means a Payment Transfer Activity (PTA) Transaction that transfers
funds to an Account. A Payment Transaction is not a credit that reverses a previous purchase
(includes MoneySend Payment Transactions, Gaming Payment Transactions, and China Funds
Transfer Payment Transactions).
For the purposes of Standards applicable to Payment Transactions, Issuer means the Receiving
Institution (RI), and Acquirer means the Originating Institution (OI).
The below table describes the applicability of the Rules for particular types of Transactions or
Payment Transactions. Please note that the term “POS Transaction” refers to a Transaction
that occurs at a Merchant location, whether in a Card-present environment at an attended or
unattended POS Terminal, or in a Card-not-present environment. In a Card-not-present
environment, this may include electronic commerce (“e-commerce”), mail order, phone order, or
recurring payment Transactions.
Rules relating to…
Apply to…
Mastercard POS Transactions A POS Transaction conducted with a Mastercard Card. A China
domestic POS Transaction conducted with a Mastercard Card
(includes a “Debit Mastercard” Card).
Maestro POS Transactions A POS Transaction conducted with:
A Maestro Card, or
A Mastercard Card issued from a country or territory other than
China using a BIN identified by the Corporation as “Debit
Mastercard” and routed to the Mastercard
Single Message
ATM Transactions A Transaction conducted with a Mastercard, Maestro, or Cirrus Card
at an ATM Terminal and routed to the Interchange System.
Manual Cash Disbursement
A cash withdrawal Transaction conducted at:
A Customer financial institution teller or Bank Branch Terminal
with a Mastercard Card, or
A Bank Branch Terminal with a Maestro or Cirrus Card and routed
to the Interchange System.
If a particular brand or brands is not mentioned in a Rule that applies to Transactions, then the Rule applies to
Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus.
In Mainland China, the Standards relating to POS Transactions apply to all domestic Transactions.
Applicability of Rules in this Manual
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Rules relating to… Apply to…
Payment Transactions A PTA Transaction that transfers funds to an Account. A Payment
Transaction is not a credit that reverses a previous purchase. Includes
MoneySend Payment Transactions, Gaming Payment Transactions,
and China Funds Transfer Payment Transactions.
Modifying Words and Acronyms
From time to time, the meanings of the above terms are modified by the addition of another
word or acronym. For example, a Debit Mastercard POS Transaction means a Transaction
resulting from the use of a Debit Mastercard Card at the point of sale (POS). However, for ease
of use, not every modifying term is defined. While Mastercard alone interprets and enforces its
Rules and other Standards, these Transaction Processing Rules endeavor to use defined terms
and other terms and terminology in a plain manner that will be generally understood in the
payments industry.
Variations and Additions to the Rules for a Geographic Area
Variations and/or additions (“modifications”) to the Rules are applicable in geographic areas,
whether a country, a number of countries, a region, or other area. In the event of a conflict
between a Rule and a variation of that Rule, the modification is afforded precedence and is
applicable. The Rules set forth in this manual are Standards and Mastercard has the sole right
to interpret and enforce the Rules and other Standards.
Applicability of Rules in this Manual
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter 1 Connecting to the Interchange System and
Authorization Routing
The following Standards apply with regard to connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization
routing. Where applicable, modifications by region and/or country are provided at the end of this
chapter in the section titled, “Variations and Additions by Region.
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System..................................................................................................... 27
1.2 Authorization Routing—Mastercard POS Transactions...........................................................................27
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions...........................................................28
1.3.1 Routing Instructions and System Maintenance...............................................................................28
1.3.2 Chip Transaction Routing.....................................................................................................................28
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing............................................................................................................29
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System............................................................................29
1.5 Gateway Processing...................................................................................................................................... 29
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System............................................................................30
Variations and Additions by Region...................................................................................................................30
Asia/Pacific Region...............................................................................................................................................30
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System.......................................................................30
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System...................................................................... 30
Canada Region......................................................................................................................................................31
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions..................................................... 31
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing...................................................................................................... 31
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System.......................................................................31
Europe Region........................................................................................................................................................31
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System................................................................................................31
1.2 Authorization Routing—Mastercard POS Transactions.....................................................................32
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions..................................................... 32
1.3.2 Chip Transaction Routing............................................................................................................... 32
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing...................................................................................................... 32
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System—SEPA Only.................................................32
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.........................................................................................................33
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System.......................................................................33
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System...................................................................... 33
United States Region........................................................................................................................................... 33
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System................................................................................................33
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions..................................................... 33
1.3.1 Routing Instructions and System Maintenance..........................................................................33
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing...................................................................................................... 34
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System.......................................................................34
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules...............................................................................................34
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions..................................................... 35
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System
A Customer must maintain the necessary equipment and procedures to process Transactions
and/or Payment Transactions and to connect to the Interchange System, using a
telecommunications circuit established by the Interchange System that is equipped with back-
up service. Before processing Transactions and/or Payment Transactions and on an ongoing
basis thereafter, the Customer must perform testing and obtain any necessary certifications of
its equipment, procedures, and Interchange System connections as may be required by
to ensure compatibility with its technical specifications then in effect.
Each Principal and Association must establish and maintain, at its own expense, a data
processing facility that is capable of receiving, storing, processing, and communicating any
Transaction and/or Payment Transaction sent to or received from the Interchange System, and
may connect at least one data processing facility directly to the Interchange System. Such
facility may be established and maintained by the Customer’s parent, its wholly-owned
subsidiary, or an entity that is wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by the Customer’s parent, or
with the prior written agreement of Mastercard, by the Customer’s designated third party
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” and “United States Region” sections
at the end of this chapter.
1.2 Authorization Routing—Mastercard POS Transactions
On an ongoing basis, an Acquirer of Mastercard POS Transactions and any Customer providing
Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursements must recognize and use all active Mastercard bank
identification numbers (BINs) for purposes of obtaining Transaction authorizations, and obtain
such authorizations on behalf of each of its Merchants as the Standards require. The Acquirer
must use Account range files provided by the Corporation for this purpose. Such files must be
used by the Acquirer, its Merchants, and any entities that handle Account range files on behalf
of the Acquirer or the Acquirer’s Merchant within six calendar days from the date that each
updated file is made available by the Corporation. After downloading an updated Account range
file from the Corporation, an Acquirer must return an acknowledgment file to the Corporation
confirming that:
The Acquirer has updated its systems accordingly; and
Each of the Acquirers Merchants and entities that handle Account range files on behalf of
the Acquirer or the Acquirers Merchant have updated their systems accordingly as well.
Alternatively, the Acquirer must submit all authorization requests containing an Account number
with a BIN in either the 222100 to 272099 BIN range or 510000 to 559999 BIN range to the
Interchange System for routing to the Issuer.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions
An Acquirer must recognize and use all active Account ranges that are included in the
Corporation’s Financial Institution Table (FIT) or other Account range file obtained through the
Corporation and must follow the Issuer’s routing instructions, if any, set forth in those files. Such
files must be used by the Acquirer, its Merchants, ATM Terminals, Bank Branch Terminals, and
any entities that handle such files on behalf of the Acquirer or the Acquirer’s Merchant within six
calendar days from the date that each updated file is made available by the Corporation. After
downloading an updated Account range file from the Corporation, an Acquirer must return an
acknowledgment file to the Corporation confirming that:
The Acquirer has updated its systems accordingly; and
Each of the Acquirers Merchants, ATM Terminals, Bank Branch Terminals, and entities that
handle Account range files on behalf of the Acquirer or the Acquirer’s Merchant have updated
their systems accordingly as well.
Alternatively, an Acquirer of Maestro POS Transactions, ATM Transactions, and/or Manual Cash
Disbursement Transactions occurring at Bank Branch Terminals must default route to the
Interchange System any such Transaction not belonging to its proprietary network. The
Interchange System determines whether or not the Transaction is being performed by a
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territories” section at
the end of this chapter.
1.3.1 Routing Instructions and System Maintenance
Each Customer or its Sponsor must:
1. Submit to the Corporation completed institution routing table (IRT) and institution
definition file (IDF) input documents no later than five business days prior to the requested
effective date of live processing via the Interchange System.
2. Notify the Corporation of any routing updates at least five business days before the
effective date of the change. Expedited maintenance may be performed within two
business days of such notice.
3. Notify the Corporation of any scheduled downtime at least 24 hours in advance.
NOTE: A variation to this Rule appears in the "United States Region" section at the end of this
1.3.2 Chip Transaction Routing
Any chip-based ATM Transaction or Maestro POS Transaction generated by a Mastercard-
branded Application Identifier (AID) must be routed through the Interchange System, or as
otherwise approved by the Corporation.
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
This provision does not apply with respect to a Domestic Transaction for which the Issuer and
Acquirer is the same Customer (an “on-us” Transaction).
NOTE: A variation to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing
When a Card is used at an ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal in the country in which such
Card was issued and the only common brand appearing on both the Card and the ATM Terminal
or Bank Branch Terminal is a Mark, the resulting Transaction:
1. Must be routed to the Interchange System; or
2. The Issuer of the Card must report and pay a Brand Fee for such Transaction.
This provision does not apply with respect to a Domestic Transaction for which the Issuer and
Acquirer is the same Customer (an “on-us” Transaction).
NOTE: Variations to this Rule appear in the “Canada Region,” "Europe Region," and “United States
Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
Except as otherwise provided in the Standards, each Customer that acquires any ATM
transactions must at all times make available for connection to the Interchange System, and in
particular, the Mastercard
ATM Network, all of the eligible ATM Terminals established by that
Customer (including its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and Sponsored entities) in the country in
which the Customer is located and in every other country in which it has been Licensed to
conduct ATM Transaction acquiring Activity.
A Customer Licensed only to conduct ATM Transaction acquiring Activity must make at least 75
percent of the ATM Terminals it establishes available for connection to the Interchange System.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region,” “Canada Region,” “Europe
Region,” “Latin America and the Caribbean Region,” and “United States Region” sections at the end of
this chapter.
1.5 Gateway Processing
The Interchange System may be used for the routing of ATM transactions and settlement of
funds pursuant to terms governing a card that does not bear the any of the Corporation’s Marks
if such card bears the mark of one of the following authorized Gateways:
1. PLUS System USA, Inc.
2. VISA USA, Inc.
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The Interchange System technical specifications applicable to ATM Transactions apply to
Gateway Processing. Error and dispute resolution is supported within Gateway Processing to
the extent provided in the Standards that govern the individual Transaction. When a Gateway
Customer uses the Mastercard
ATM Network for Gateway Processing, error and dispute
resolution requests must be processed in accordance with the Chargeback Guide.
The Principal that submits an ATM transaction to the Mastercard
ATM Network for Gateway
Processing is deemed to have consented to comply with all applicable Standards and to pay all
applicable fees in connection with such transaction.
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
NOTE: Rules on this subject appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region” and “Latin America and the Caribbean
Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
Variations and Additions by Region
The remainder of this chapter provides modifications to the Standards set out in this chapter.
The modifications are organized by region or country and by applicable subject title.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Asia/Pacific Region or in a particular
Region country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Asia/Pacific Region geographic listing.
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Customer that acquires ATM Transactions must make available for connection to the
Interchange System at least 75 percent of its eligible ATM Terminals in the Region within one
year of the approval of its application for a License.
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
In the Asia/Pacific Region, a Customer that acquires POS Transactions must make available for
connection to the Interchange System at least 75 percent of its eligible POS Terminals in the
Region within one year of the approval of its application for a License.
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
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Canada Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Canada Region. Refer to Appendix A for
the Canada Region geographic listing.
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
When a Card issued in the Canada Region is used at an ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal
located in the Canada Region and the only common brand appearing on both the Card and ATM
Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal is a Mark:
1. The resulting Transaction must be routed to the Interchange System; or
2. The Issuer receiving such Transaction must report and pay a Brand Fee for such Transaction.
This provision does not apply with respect to a Domestic Transaction for which the Issuer and
Acquirer is the same Customer (an “on-us” Transaction) or any Transaction processed between:
1. A Principal (or its Third Party Processor) and one of its Affiliates (or its Third Party
Processor), or
2. Two Affiliates (or their Third Party Processors) Sponsored by the same Principal.
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Customer that acquires ATM Transactions must make available for connection to the
Interchange System at least 75 percent of the eligible ATM Terminals established by it (including
its parents, subsidiaries and affiliates) in each major Canadian metropolitan area in which at
least 10,000 of its debit Cardholders reside. The Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) as defined by
the Canadian government will be used as the measure.
Europe Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Europe Region or in a particular Region
country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Europe Region, Non-Single European Payments
Area (Non-SEPA) and Single European Payments Area (SEPA) geographic listing.
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For the processing of Transactions in the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, and if required by applicable
law or regulation, Payment Transactions in the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, a Customer may use any
switch of its choice that is registered with the Corporation. Back-up facilities are required and
may be provided via its chosen switch.
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
Canada Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Dual-message processing (i.e., separate messages for authorization and clearing) must be used.
A Customer is not required to use the same switch for authorization and for clearing.
1.2 Authorization Routing—Mastercard POS Transactions
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must make sure that the registered switch that it uses for authorization recognizes
all active Mastercard BINs and updates its systems using a current file obtained through the
Corporation within six calendar days from the date that the updated Account range file is made
available by the Corporation. The Acquirer must confirm to the Corporation that its chosen
switch has updated its systems accordingly. The Acquirer may submit authorization requests via
its chosen switch.
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions
1.3.2 Chip Transaction Routing
The Rule on this subject does not apply to Intra-SEPA Transactions.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Intra-EEA Transactions, Cross-border Transactions between the UK, Gibraltar and an EEA
country, and Intracountry Transactions in the EEA, UK and Gibraltar may be processed using the
registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Intra-EEA Transactions, Cross-border Transactions between the UK, Gibraltar and an EEA
country, and Intracountry Transactions in the EEA, UK and Gibraltar may be processed using the
registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System—SEPA Only
Within SEPA, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Customer must at all times accept all Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus Cards at all ATM
Terminals owned or established by that Customer (including its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates,
and Sponsored entities) within SEPA if it accepts cards issued under other acceptance brands at
those ATM Terminals.
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
1.2 Authorization Routing—Mastercard POS Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.
Refer to Appendix A for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region geographic listing.
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Customer that acquires ATM Transactions must make available for connection to the
Interchange System at least 75 percent of its eligible ATM Terminals in the Region within one
year of the approval of its application for a License.
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, a Customer that acquires POS Transactions
must make available for connection to the Interchange System at least 75 percent of its eligible
POS Terminals in the Region within one year of the approval of its application for a License.
United States Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States (U.S.) Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the U.S. Region geographic listing.
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Connection to the Interchange System for Maestro POS Transaction and ATM Transaction
processing is limited to Principals or their Designees. As used herein, “Designee” means an entity
authorized by the Corporation to connect to the Interchange System.
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions
1.3.1 Routing Instructions and System Maintenance
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
With respect to ATM Transaction processing, a Customer must provide the Corporation with
written notification of downtime at least 48 hours before any regularly scheduled maintenance
event and within five business days following the occurrence of an emergency maintenance
event. Written notification must include the date of the maintenance; the times at which the
maintenance commences and concludes; a brief description of the reason for the maintenance;
and for an emergency event, a description of the actions taken to prevent a reoccurrence of the
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Maintenance Requirements Scheduled Maintenance Emergency Maintenance
Permissible Maintenance Time Frame 01:00 to 05:00
(New York time)
Maximum Hours per Month 10 4
Maximum Hours per Week 5 2
Maximum Hours per Day 2 1
Maximum Duration (in hours) of Event 2 1
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
When a Card issued in the United States Region is used at an ATM Terminal located in the
United States Region for a Transaction other than the purchase of merchandise or a service, and
a Mark is a common brand, but not the only common brand, appearing on both the Card and
the ATM Terminal, the resulting Transaction must be routed to:
1. The interchange system specified by the Issuer; or
2. The Corporation’s Interchange System, if the Issuer has not specified to the Corporation a
different interchange system for Transaction routing.
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following.
A Customer that acquires ATM Transactions must make available for connection to the
Interchange System at least 75 percent of the eligible ATM Terminals established by it (including
its parents, subsidiaries and affiliates) in each major United States metropolitan area in which
at least 10,000 of its debit Cardholders reside. The Metropolitan Statistical Area (M.S.A.) as
defined by the United States government will be used as the measure.
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States Region and in American
Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (herein, “the
U.S. Territories”).
These Rules apply in addition to any that apply within the Asia/Pacific Region, with respect to
Customers located in American Samoa, Guam, and Northern Mariana Islands; the Latin America
and the Caribbean Region, with respect to Customers located in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands; and the United States Region, with respect to U.S. Region Customers.
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions
In the U.S. Region and U.S. Territories, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Corporation offers Merchants located in the U.S. Region and U.S. Territories the option of
routing POS transactions initiated with a debit card enhanced with Maestro functionality to the
Single Message System. The Acquirer of a Merchant located in the U.S. Region or a U.S. Territory
must support the Maestro routing indicator fields MS ATM (position 54), MS POS (position 55),
and Maestro Card-Not-Present (position 74) in the 80-byte Financial Institution Table (FIT) file.
These fields apply only when the Maestro Flag (position 42 in the FIT file) is Y. When the
Maestro Flag is N, the Maestro routing indicator fields should be disregarded.
Connecting to the Interchange System and Authorization Routing
1.3 Authorization Routing—Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter 2 Authorization and Clearing Requirements
The following Standards apply with regard to authorization processing and clearing requirements.
Where applicable, modifications by region and/or country are provided at the end of this chapter in the
section titled, “Variations and Additions by Region.
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................................ 40
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements.................................................................................................41
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements.............................................................................................................41
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements......................................................................................................43
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service................................................................................................................43
Accumulative Transaction Limits............................................................................................................ 44
Chip Cryptogram Validation in Stand-In............................................................................................... 44
2.2.3 ATM Transaction Requirements for Mastercard Credit Card Issuers...........................................44
2.3 Authorization Responses.............................................................................................................................. 45
2.4 Performance Standards................................................................................................................................45
2.4.1 Performance Standards—Acquirer Requirements...........................................................................45
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements............................................................................... 46
Issuer Failure Rate (Substandard Level 1).............................................................................................46
Issuer Failure Rate (Substandard Level 2).............................................................................................46
Calculation of the Issuer Failure Rate.................................................................................................... 46
2.5 Preauthorizations...........................................................................................................................................46
2.5.1 Preauthorizations - Mastercard POS Transactions.........................................................................46
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro POS Transactions.............................................................................. 47
2.5.3 Preauthorizations - ATM and Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions....................................47
2.6 Undefined Authorizations.............................................................................................................................48
2.7 Final Authorizations.......................................................................................................................................48
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period.................................................................49
2.9 Multiple Authorizations.................................................................................................................................49
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Completion Messages.............................................................................................51
2.10.1 Mastercard and Debit Mastercard Transactions...........................................................................51
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions.........................................................................................................................52
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals............................................................................................................................52
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals - Acquirer Requirements...................................................................... 52
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals - Issuer Requirements...........................................................................53
2.11.3 Reversal for Conversion of Approval to Decline.............................................................................54
2.11.4 Reversal to Cancel Transaction.........................................................................................................55
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals ..........................................................................................................................55
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
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2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections......................................................................................................57
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements...............................................................................58
2.13.2 Refund Transactions - Issuer Requirements...................................................................................59
2.14 Balance Inquiries..........................................................................................................................................60
2.15 CVC 2 Verification for POS Transactions................................................................................................60
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transactions—Brazil Only....61
2.17 Euro Conversion—Europe Region Only..................................................................................................... 61
2.18 Transaction Queries, Disputes, and Errors.............................................................................................. 61
2.18.1 Compliance with Dispute Procedures..............................................................................................61
2.19 Chargebacks for Reissued Cards...............................................................................................................61
2.20 Correction of Errors.....................................................................................................................................61
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway Identifier (MPG ID)................................................................................. 62
2.22 Co-badged Cards - Acceptance Brand Identifier...................................................................................62
Variations and Additions by Region...................................................................................................................63
Asia/Pacific Region...............................................................................................................................................63
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements...................................................................................................63
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements............................................................................................63
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................................64
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements................................................................................................64
2.3 Authorization Responses....................................................................................................................64
2.5 Preauthorizations..................................................................................................................................... 64
2.5.1 Preauthorizations - Mastercard POS Transactions................................................................... 65
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions......................................................................... 65
2.7 Final Authorization...................................................................................................................................65
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period............................................................65
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals—Acquirer Requirements.......................................................................66
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals.....................................................................................................................66
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections ................................................................................................66
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements......................................................................... 66
Canada Region......................................................................................................................................................67
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements...................................................................................................67
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements............................................................................................67
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................................67
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals.....................................................................................................................68
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections.................................................................................................68
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements......................................................................... 68
Europe Region........................................................................................................................................................68
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements...................................................................................................68
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements .......................................................................................................70
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service...........................................................................................................71
2.2.3 ATM Transaction Requirements for Mastercard Credit Card Issuers..................................... 71
2.3 Authorization Responses.........................................................................................................................71
2.4 Performance Standards..........................................................................................................................72
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements..........................................................................72
2.5 Preauthorizations..................................................................................................................................... 72
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions......................................................................... 72
2.5.3 Preauthorizations—ATM and Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions...............................73
2.7 Final Authorizations................................................................................................................................. 74
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period............................................................74
2.9 Multiple Authorizations............................................................................................................................75
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals......................................................................................................................75
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals - Acquirer Requirements.................................................................75
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals—Issuer Requirements......................................................................76
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals.....................................................................................................................76
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections.................................................................................................77
2.13.1 Refund Transactions—Acquirer Requirements..........................................................................77
2.13.2 Refund Transactions—Issuer Requirements..............................................................................77
2.14 Balance Inquiries.....................................................................................................................................77
2.15 CVC 2 Verification for POS Transactions...........................................................................................77
2.17 Euro Conversion......................................................................................................................................78
2.22 Co-badged Cards - Acceptance Brand Identifier..............................................................................78
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.........................................................................................................79
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................................79
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements................................................................................................79
2.5 Preauthorizations..................................................................................................................................... 79
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro POS Transactions.........................................................................79
2.9 Multiple Authorizations............................................................................................................................79
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Multiple Completion Messages........................................................................81
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions................................................................................................................... 81
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless—Brazil Only......................83
Middle East/Africa Region...................................................................................................................................83
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements ..................................................................................................83
2.7 Final Authorizations ................................................................................................................................ 83
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals.....................................................................................................................83
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway Identifier (MPG ID)............................................................................83
United States Region........................................................................................................................................... 83
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements...................................................................................................84
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements............................................................................................84
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
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2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................................84
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements................................................................................................84
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service...........................................................................................................84
2.4 Performance Standards..........................................................................................................................86
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements..........................................................................86
2.5 Preauthorizations..................................................................................................................................... 86
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions......................................................................... 86
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals......................................................................................................................87
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals—Acquirer Requirements................................................................. 87
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals—Issuer Requirements......................................................................87
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections.................................................................................................87
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements......................................................................... 87
2.14 Balance Inquiries.....................................................................................................................................87
2.18 Transaction Queries, Disputes, and Errors ........................................................................................87
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules...............................................................................................87
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements........................................................................................................88
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service...........................................................................................................88
2.5 Preauthorizations..................................................................................................................................... 88
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions......................................................................... 88
2.9 Multiple Authorizations............................................................................................................................88
2.10 Multiple Clearing and Multiple Completion Messages.....................................................................90
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions................................................................................................................... 90
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
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2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
An Acquirer and each of its Merchants must support POS Transactions (authorized online by the
Issuer or offline by the chip), and a full reversal when performed to cancel a POS Transaction
that the Acquirer cannot complete due to a technical problem.
The Acquirer of a Merchant that accepts Maestro
Cards must support Maestro POS
Transactions that either automatically access the primary account or allow the Cardholder to
choose to access the checking account or savings account ("account selection").
Effective 12 April 2024, an Acquirer must support the online authorization of Mastercard
Debit Mastercard
, and Maestro refund Transactions acquired on the Dual Message System and
enable refund Transaction authorization service for a Merchant upon request. The Acquirer must
pass the Issuer's refund Transaction authorization response to the Merchant.
An Acquirer may also support, and its Merchants may optionally offer, the following
Transaction/Payment Transaction and message types. An Acquirer that supports and any of its
Merchants that offer an optional Transaction and/or Payment Transaction or message type
must comply with the Rules applicable to the optional Transaction and/or Payment Transaction
or message type that is supported or offered.
Purchase with cash back Transactions (Debit Mastercard and Maestro only, unless otherwise
specified for a country or Region)
Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions
Payment Transactions
Maestro POS Transaction preauthorization and completion (single message processing)
Account Status Inquiry (ASI) requests
Partial approval
Balance response (prepaid only)
Full reversal, including cancellation, and partial reversal (Merchant-initiated at the POS
POS balance inquiry (Debit Mastercard and Maestro only)
Maestro refund Transactions and/or corrections acquired on the Single Message System
Offline chip processing of refund Transactions
Government Controlled Merchants
Each Authorization Request/0100 and Authorization Advice/0120 message for a Transaction
conducted by a Government Controlled Merchant must include the Merchant Country of Origin
for that Government Controlled Merchant as defined in Appendix C, whether such country is the
same as or different from the country in which the Merchant is located or the Transaction
Offline Chip Processing
If a Transaction that may be processed offline in accordance with the Terminal offline chip
authorization limit cannot be processed offline for any reason, the Transaction must be
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
processed online; if the Transaction cannot be processed online, then the Transaction must be
declined. A Mastercard Single Message System Acquirer may clear offline Chip Transaction by
transmitting the required Transaction data in an online Financial Advice/0220 message or as
part of a batch notification.
Account Status Inquiry (ASI) Requests
An ASI request is an Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
message initiated by an Acquirer or Merchant to obtain the Issuer's validation that a
Cardholder's Account is open and active.
An ASI request is identified with a value of 8 (Account Status Inquiry Service [ASI]) in DE 61
(Point-of-Service [POS] Data), subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status), and when submitted in
connection with a purchase, contains a value of 00 (Purchase) in DE 3 (Processing Code),
subfield 1 (Cardholder Transaction Type Code). A Purchase ASI request must have a Transaction
amount of zero.
Unless specifically permitted in the Standards, a purchase Transaction authorization request
must not contain a Transaction amount value of one major unit of currency or any other nominal
test amount that does not represent an actual purchase.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Europe Region," "Middle East/
Africa Region," and "United States Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
Echoing of Transaction Link ID
Effective 17 October 2025, an Acquirer must populate DE 105 (Multi-Use Transaction
Identification Data), subelement 001 (Transaction Link Identifier [TLID]) of each incremental
Authorization/0100, Authorization Advice/0120, Financial Transaction Request/0200, Financial
Transaction Advice/0220, Reversal Request/0400, and Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 message
with the value in the TLID field received in the corresponding Authorization Request Response/
0110, Financial Transaction Request Response/0210, or other original message response for the
same Transaction.
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements
NOTE: Rules on this subject appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region", "Canada Region," and “United States
Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
The Issuer of a debit Card Program or of a credit Card Program that provides cash access at
ATM Terminals and Bank Branch Terminals:
1. Must support POS Transaction authorizations and preauthorizations from a debit
Cardholder’s primary account, checking account, and savings account.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2. Must offer cash withdrawal and Merchandise Transactions from no account specified to
debit Cardholders and cash advances to credit Cardholders.
3. May offer, at its option, balance inquiry to checking, savings, and credit card accounts; and
transfers to and from checking and savings accounts.
Offline Chip Processing
A Chip Card Issuer that elects to process offline Chip Transactions must support offline
purchase and refund Transactions. If an offline Transaction type is not offered to a Cardholder,
the chip must send the Transaction online for authorization or decline the Transaction offline. An
Issuer must accept a Chip Transaction cleared online by an Acquirer following an offline
Online Authorization of Refund Transactions
An Issuer must support the online authorization of refund Transactions for all Mastercard and
Debit Mastercard Account ranges, with the exception of non-reloadable prepaid Account ranges.
If not supported, the Issuer must provide a value of 57 indicating “transaction not permitted to
issuer/cardholder” in DE 39 (Response Code) of the online authorization message.
Chip Technical Fallback
An Issuer must decline authorization of a Transaction conducted in the Canada, Europe, Latin
America and the Caribbean, or Middle East/Africa Region when technical fallback from chip to
magnetic stripe occurred.
Account Status Inquiry (ASI) Requests
An ASI request is an Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
message initiated by an Acquirer or Merchant to obtain the Issuer's validation that a
Cardholder's Account is open and active. An ASI request is identified with the values of 8
(Account Status Inquiry Service [ASI]) in DE 61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data), subfield 7 (POS
Transaction Status and 00 (Purchase) in DE 3 (Processing Code), subfield 1 (Cardholder
Transaction Type Code) and has a Transaction amount of zero.
An Issuer that receives an ASI request must provide a valid and accurate value in DE 39
(Response Code) of the Authorization Request Response/0110 or Financial Transaction Request
Response/0210 message. If a Mastercard or Debit Mastercard Account is open and active, the
Issuer must provide a value of 00 (Approved) or 85 (Not Declined) in DE 39.
Mastercard will deem an Issuer to be noncompliant with this requirement if the Issuer declines
an ASI request involving a Mastercard or Debit Mastercard Account and within 24 hours of such
decline, approves a Transaction authorization request for a non-zero Transaction amount
involving the same Merchant or Sponsored Merchant and the same Account. A noncompliant
Issuer may be subject to fees under the global ASI Transaction Processing Excellence program.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region,” “Canada Region,” “Europe
Region,” and “United States Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements
An Issuer's host system interfaces must support the online processing of:
POS Transactions
Purchase with cash back Transactions for Debit Mastercard (including prepaid) and Maestro
(including prepaid) Account ranges, effective 1 July 2022
Refund Transactions (for both Mastercard Dual Message System and Single Message
System processing)
Partial approval requests
Balance response
Reversal and correction requests
POS balance inquiries (if required in a country or Region)
Cash withdrawals and the purchase of Merchandise with no account specified at ATM
Terminals and Bank Branch Terminals; and
Payment Transactions
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Latin America and the
Caribbean Region," and "United States Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service
An Issuer is liable for all Transactions authorized (with or without PIN validation) using the
Stand-In Processing Service. The Issuer may establish Stand-In Processing Service PIN validation
at its option.
For all of its Mastercard Card Programs, an Issuer must use the Stand-In Processing Service.
Stand-In Parameters for Mastercard (including Debit Mastercard) Card Programs must be set
at or above the Corporations default limits.
For all of its Maestro and Cirrus Card Programs, an Issuer must use the Stand-In Processing
Service. This requirement does not apply if the Issuer commenced its use of an alternative on-
behalf authorization service before 1 December 2003 and such service meets the Corporation’s
performance standards as set forth in Rule 2.4.2. Stand-In Parameters for Maestro and Cirrus
Card Programs must be set at or above the Corporation’s default limits.
In the event that fraudulent activity is detected with respect to a Mastercard BIN or BIN range,
the Corporation, in its sole discretion and judgment, may take such action as the Corporation
deems necessary or appropriate to safeguard the goodwill and reputation of the Corporations
Marks. Such action may include, by way of example and not limitation, declining some or all
Transaction authorization requests received by the Stand-in Processing Service relating to the
use of Cards issued under such Mastercard BIN or BIN range.
An Issuer may employ a blocking service which declines all Transaction authorization requests
during Stand-In processing for inactive BINs or in situations where Stand-In processing does not
apply for regulatory reasons.
An Issuer’s use of the Stand-In Processing Service must include the following services:
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Card Validation Code 1 (CVC 1) Verification in Stand-In must be used for all Cards bearing a
magnetic stripe;
Dynamic CVC 3 Validation in Stand-In must be used for all contactless-enabled Cards and
Access Devices that support Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transactions; and
Dynamic AAV Verification in Stand-In must be used for all Mastercard Accounts and all e-
commerce-enabled Maestro Accounts that are enrolled in Mastercard Identity Check, unless
the Mastercard Identity Check AAV Verification Service is used.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Europe Region," "United States Region," and
"Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules" sections at the end of this chapter.
Accumulative Transaction Limits
An Issuer at its option, may use daily Stand-In Processing Service Transaction limits
(“accumulative limits”) for a Card Program that are higher than the applicable default limits set
by the Corporation. Refer to the Stand-In Processing—Accumulative Global Parameters (Form
041f) for the minimum (default) daily accumulative Transaction processing limit applicable to a
particular Card Program.
Chip Cryptogram Validation in Stand-In
An Issuer must use Chip Cryptogram Validation in Stand-In Processing for all of its Chip Card
2.2.3 ATM Transaction Requirements for Mastercard Credit Card Issuers
A Mastercard credit Card Issuer must maintain a 70 percent minimum ATM Transaction
approval rate and manage individual denial category rates in compliance with the following
Maximum Denial Rate Reason Codes
Invalid PIN 13% 55
Insufficient Funds 10% 51
Invalid Transactions 14% 57
Exceed Limit 9% 61
Restricted Card 4% 62
The Issuer determines the maximum cash withdrawal limits applicable to its Cardholders;
however, the Issuer must permit its Mastercard credit Cardholders to withdraw at least the
equivalent of USD 200 daily if the available credit exists, and there is no other reason to deny
the transactions.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
Accumulative Transaction Limits
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
To accommodate ATM Access Fees and currency conversions, the Issuer must authorize
Transactions up to the equivalent of USD 10 or 10 percent, whichever is greater, more than the
daily Transaction amount limit communicated to the Cardholder.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
2.3 Authorization Responses
An Acquirer must comply with the authorization response wait time requirements set forth in
“Maximum Response Times” in Chapter 2 of the Single Message System Specifications and in
“Minimum Authorization Response Wait Time” in Chapter 4 of the Authorization Manual, as
An Issuer must comply with the authorization response requirements set forth in “Maximum
Response Times” in Chapter 2 of the Single Message System Specifications manual and in
“Routing Timer Values” in Chapter 5 of the Authorization Manual, as applicable. If the Issuer’s
response is not received within the required time frame, then the Transaction will time out and
be forwarded via Stand-In Processing System or another alternate authorization provider as
specified by the Issuer.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
2.4 Performance Standards
An Issuer or Acquirer that fails to meet the Corporation's authorization performance standards
may be subject to the following noncompliance assessments.
First occurrence USD 15,000
Second occurrence within the 12-month period following the first
USD 15,000
Third and any subsequent occurrence within the 12-month period
following the second occurrence
USD 20,000
After completion of a full calendar year without any violations, a subsequent violation is counted
as a first violation.
2.4.1 Performance Standards—Acquirer Requirements
For Maestro POS Transactions and ATM Transactions, an Acquirer authorization failure rate
that exceeds two percent for two consecutive months is deemed to be substandard
authorization performance. The Acquirer authorization failure rate is based on Transactions
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.3 Authorization Responses
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
processed through each Acquirer connection to the Interchange System and is calculated by
taking the total number of Transactions declined due to invalid amount or format error divided
by the total number of Transactions. The Acquirer failure rate is not applied until after the
fourth calendar month of operation or upon processing 5,000 Maestro POS Transactions and/or
and ATM Transactions in a calendar month, whichever occurs first.
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements
An Issuer must comply with the following authorization performance standards.
Issuer Failure Rate (Substandard Level 1)
For Maestro POS Transactions and ATM Transactions, an Issuer authorization failure rate that
exceeds two percent for two consecutive months is deemed to be substandard level 1
performance. The Issuer failure rate is not applied until after the fourth calendar month of
operation or upon processing 5,000 Maestro POS Transactions and/or ATM Transactions in a
calendar month, whichever occurs first.
Issuer Failure Rate (Substandard Level 2)
For Maestro POS Transactions and ATM Transactions, an Issuer authorization failure rate that
exceeds three percent for two consecutive months is deemed to be substandard level 2
performance. The Issuer failure rate is not applied until after the fourth calendar month of
operation or upon processing 5,000 Maestro POS Transactions and/or ATM Transactions in a
calendar month, whichever occurs first.
Calculation of the Issuer Failure Rate
The Issuer authorization failure rate for Maestro POS Transactions and ATM Transactions is
calculated by taking the total number of Transactions declined due to Issuer unavailability,
malfunction, or timeout divided by the total number of Transactions.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” and "United States Region" sections
at the end of this chapter.
2.5 Preauthorizations
A Processed Transaction authorization request is properly identified as a preauthorization when
DE 61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data), subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) contains a value of 4.
NOTE: Additions to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region" and “Europe Region” sections at the
end of this chapter.
2.5.1 Preauthorizations - Mastercard POS Transactions
An Acquirer is advised to identify a Mastercard POS Transaction authorization request as a
preauthorization if:
1. Authorization is requested for an estimated amount that is greater than zero; or
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2. The Transaction might not be completed for reasons other than technical failure or lack of
full Issuer approval; for example:
a. When the Cardholder will be offered the choice at a later time to complete the
Transaction with another payment means (such as when checking out of a hotel or
returning a rental car);
b. When the products ordered by the Cardholder might be later found to be out of stock;
c. If the mobile phone number for which the Cardholder has requested a top-up is later
found not to exist.
The risk of technical failures, such as telecommunications failure or Terminal failure, should not
be taken into account when determining whether preauthorization coding is appropriate. All
clearing messages corresponding to a preauthorization must be presented within 30 calendar
days of the authorization approval date.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the "Asia/Pacific Region" section at the end of this chapter.
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro POS Transactions
A Maestro POS Transaction preauthorization is performed to obtain the Issuer's approval of an
estimated or Cardholder-requested Transaction amount, prior to submission of a request for
authorization of the final amount.
1. The Acquirer must ensure that preauthorizations (in the physical environment) are initiated
using a Card reader, and Cardholder verification method (including "No CVM" for
Contactless Transactions not exceeding the CVM limit).
2. The Issuer must accept all preauthorization completions provided the actual amount of the
completion is less than or equal to the amount approved in the preauthorization. A
preauthorization completion is generated from the original preauthorization response and
without use of the Card reader or a CVM.
3. If the Issuer does not receive a preauthorization completion within 20 minutes of the
preauthorization, the preauthorization approval is void, except as provided for in Rule 4.14
Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions or in Rule 2.10.2 Maestro Transactions.
4. The Acquirer is not responsible for preauthorization completions that occurred within two
hours of the initial Transaction that were stored and forwarded because of technical
problems between the Acquirer and the Interchange System, or the Interchange System and
the Issuer.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Europe Region," "Latin America and the Caribbean
Region," "United States Region," and "Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules" sections at the
end of this chapter.
2.5.3 Preauthorizations - ATM and Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the "Europe Region" section at the end of this chapter.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro POS Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.6 Undefined Authorizations
NOTE: This Rule does not apply for China domestic Transactions or in the Asia/Pacific, Europe, or
Middle East/Africa Regions.
A Processed Transaction authorization request is identified as undefined when DE 61 (Point–of
Service [POS] Data), subfield 7 (POS Transaction status) contains a value of 0 and DE 48,
subelement 61 (POS Data Extended Condition Codes), subfield 5 (Final Authorization Indicator)
contains a value of 0 or is not present.
A Mastercard POS Transaction authorization request may be identified as undefined if:
1. Authorization is requested for an amount greater than zero; and
2. The final Transaction amount may differ from the authorized amount; and
3. The Transaction is not expected to be cancelled after the authorization request is approved
in full by the Issuer (excluding non–completion for technical reasons such as
telecommunications failure or Terminal failure).
All clearing messages corresponding to an undefined authorization must be presented within
seven calendar days of the authorization approval date.
If an Acquirer submits at least 100,000 Domestic Transaction authorization requests per month
to the Interchange System, then the number of undefined Domestic Transaction authorization
requests submitted by the Acquirer in any one month must not exceed 20 percent of its total
Domestic Transaction authorization requests submitted in the same month.
2.7 Final Authorizations
A Processed Transaction authorization request is properly identified as a final authorization
when DE 61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data), subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) contains a
value of 0 and DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 61 (POS Data Extended Condition Codes),
subfield 5 contains a value of 1.
When an Acquirer or Merchant uses the final authorization, then in a dual message
1. Any Transaction corresponding to an authorization identified as a final authorization must
be presented for clearing within seven calendar days of the authorization approval date; and
2. The presented Transaction amount must equal the authorized amount.
An Acquirer is advised to identify a Mastercard POS Transaction authorization request as a final
authorization if:
1. Authorization is requested for the final Transaction amount; and
2. The Transaction is not expected to be cancelled after the authorization request is approved
in full by the Issuer, except upon Cardholder request or when non-completion is unavoidable
for technical reasons such as telecommunications failure or POS Terminal failure.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.6 Undefined Authorizations
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Europe Region," and "Middle
East/Africa Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period
A message reason code 4808 (Authorization–related Chargeback) chargeback protection period
applies to each Mastercard POS Transaction as follows.
Each Mastercard POS Transaction
identified as a...
Has a message reason code 4808 chargeback protection
period of...
Preauthorization 30 calendar days from the authorization approval date
Undefined authorization Seven calendar days from the authorization approval date
Final authorization Seven calendar days from the authorization approval date for
purchase and purchase with cash back Transactions and
effective 12 April 2024, five calendar days from the
authorization approval date for refund Transactions
The Issuer must release any hold placed on the Cardholder’s Account after the expiration of the
message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period for a particular Transaction, at the
The total authorized amount of a Transaction does not include any amount for which the
message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period has expired. The approved amount of
any authorization with an expired message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period is
deemed to be zero.
No fraud–related or other chargeback rights or Transaction processing requirements are
affected by the message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period, unless otherwise
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region" and "Europe Region" sections at
the end of this chapter.
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
NOTE: This Rule does not apply for China Domestic Transactions.
The message reason code 4808 chargeback protection for a properly identified preauthorization of an Acquirer–
financed or Merchant–financed installment billing payment arrangement is not limited in time. Refer to Chapter 4 for
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transaction processing procedures.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
To extend the duration of the message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period afforded
by an approved preauthorization of a Transaction, a Merchant may later submit an additional
preauthorization request for the same Transaction.
The following requirements apply to Mastercard POS Transactions that are Processed
Transactions when multiple authorizations are processed for a single Transaction:
1. The Acquirer must use a unique identifier from the initial approved authorization of a
Transaction in any additional authorizations requested in connection with the same
Transaction, by populating:
a. DE 48, subelement 63 (Trace ID) of each additional authorization request with the DE
63 (Network Data), subfield 1 (Financial Network Code) and subfield 2 (Banknet
Reference Number) and DE 15 (Date, Settlement) data from the initial approved
Authorization Request Response/0110 message; and
b. Effective 17 October 2025, DE 105 (Multi-Use Transaction Identification Data),
subelement 001 (Transaction Link Identifier [TLID]) of each additional authorization
request with the same value populated in this field in the initial approved Authorization
Request Response/0110 message.
These unique identifiers must also be included in the Transaction clearing record.
2. Upon receipt of the Transaction clearing record, the Issuer must use the unique identifier to
match the original and any additional approved authorizations to the Transaction.
3. Upon matching all authorizations to the clearing record, the Issuer must release any hold
placed on the Cardholder's account in connection with the original and any additional
approved authorizations that is in excess of the Transaction amount.
The use of multiple authorizations for the aggregation of separate Cardholder-initiated
purchases into a single Transaction must only occur as set forth in Rule 5.10, "Mastercard
Micropayment Solution - United States Region Only."
If the additional preauthorization request is for a zero amount, it extends the duration of the
message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period with no change in the total authorized
Transaction amount. If the preauthorization request is for an amount higher than zero, it both
extends the duration of the message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period and
incrementally increases, by the amount of the new preauthorization request, the total
authorized Transaction amount. If the message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period
has already expired, the new preauthorization request must be for the full Transaction amount
rather than an incremental amount.
This option is not available to a Single Message System Acquirer.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the "Europe Region," "Latin America and the Caribbean
Region," and "Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules" sections at the end of this chapter.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Completion Messages
2.10.1 Mastercard and Debit Mastercard Transactions
A Mastercard Dual Message System Acquirer has the option of linking multiple presentments
with partial amounts to one approved authorization identified as either a preauthorization or
final authorization. The following requirements apply to Mastercard and Debit Mastercard
Transactions acquired in the Mastercard Dual Message System:
1. In the First Presentment/1240 message, the Acquirer may populate DE 25 (Message
Reason Code) with either of the following values:
a. 1403 (Previously approved authorization - partial amount, multi-clearing); or
b. 1404 (Previously approved authorization - partial amount, final clearing). This value
indicates that the original authorization is closed; no subsequent clearing messages may
be submitted.
If the final first presentment message submitted for a preauthorized Transaction contains a
value of 1403 in DE 25, and the total authorized amount has not been fully cleared, then the
Acquirer or Merchant must initiate an authorization reversal so that the Issuer may release
any excess hold on funds in the Cardholder's Account.
2. Effective 17 October 2025, the Acquirer must populate DE 105 (Multi-Use Transaction
Identification Data), subelement 001 (Transaction Link Identifier [TLID]) of each First
Presentment/1240 message with the same TLID value received in the original Authorization
Request Response/0110 message or other original message response.
3. Upon receipt of a clearing message containing a value of 1403 or 1404, the Issuer must
match the clearing message to the authorization message by comparing the data contained
in the following fields:
a. DE 63 (Transaction Life Cycle ID), subfield 2 (Trace ID) of the First Presentment/1240
b. DE 63 (Network Data), subfield 2 (Banknet Reference Number) and DE 15 (Date,
Settlement) of the Authorization Request/0100 message; and
c. Effective 17 October 2025, DE 105 (Multi-Use Transaction Identification Data),
subelement 001 (Transaction Link Identifier [TLID]) of each lifecycle message for the
same Transaction.
NOTE: A Debit Mastercard Issuer may receive the value of 1403 or 1404 in DE 60 (Advice Reason
Code), subfield 2 (Advice Reason Detail Code) of a Mastercard Single Message System-generated
Financial Transaction Advice/0220 message.
4. Upon matching a clearing message to an authorization message, the Issuer must adjust any
hold on the availability of funds in the Cardholder's Account in accordance with its standard
Account management practice for cleared amounts:
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Completion Messages
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
If the clearing message
contains a value of... Then the Issuer is advised to...
1403 Release the hold placed on the Cardholder's Account in connection
with the approved authorization by the amount in DE 6 (Amount,
Cardholder Billing).
1404 Release any unused funds in connection with the approved
All multi-clearing messages must be presented within the applicable clearing time frame, in
order to avoid an Authorization-related or Late Presentment chargeback. Refer to Rule 2.8
regarding Authorization-related chargeback time frames and Rule 3.15.1 regarding Late
Presentment chargeback time frames.
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
NOTE: Rules on this subject appear in the "Latin America and the Caribbean Region" and "Additional
U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules" sections at the end of this chapter.
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals
An authorization reversal message is used to reduce the original approved Transaction amount.
A full reversal (where DE 95 [Replacement Amounts], when present, contains a value of zero)
cancels the original authorization request. A partial reversal has a DE 95 value that is less than
the original approved Transaction amount, including in the case of a partial approval. For
example, if a USD 100 authorization request is partially approved for USD 75, then the DE 95
value in a subsequent reversal must not exceed USD 75.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Europe Region" section at the end of this chapter.
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals - Acquirer Requirements
POS Transactions
An Acquirer must support reversals (automatic or otherwise) for the full amount of the original
Transaction authorization request whenever the Acquirer host system is unable to communicate
an authorization response to the POS Terminal.
An Acquirer must ensure that each Reversal Request/0400 or Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420
message submitted that originates from a Merchant corresponds to an original authorization
request message. Effective 17 October 2025, the Acquirer must populate DE 105 (Multi-Use
Transaction Identification Data), subelement 001 (Transaction Link Identifier [TLID]) of each
Reversal Request/0400 and Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 message with the same TLID value
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
received in the original Authorization Request Response/0110 or other original message
The Acquirer must ensure that a Merchant submits a Reversal Request/0400 message to the
Issuer within 24 hours of:
The cancellation of a previously authorized Transaction (for example, the sale was voided or
the Merchant accepted another form of payment); or
The finalization of a Transaction with a lower amount than previously approved.
The reversal may be a full or partial reversal, as appropriate. In the case of finalization of a
Transaction with a lower amount, a partial reversal is not required if the First Presentment/
1240 message is submitted within 24 hours of finalization of the Transaction.
The reversal requirement does not apply to automated fuel dispenser (MCC 5542) Transactions
or to Contactless transit aggregated or transit debt recovery Transactions.
Notwithstanding the above reversal requirement, the Acquirer must ensure that if a Merchant
cancels a Transaction or finalizes a Transaction for a lower amount than previously approved, no
reversal is submitted if such event occurs:
More than 30 calendar days after the authorization date for a preauthorization; or
More than seven calendar days after the authorization date for any other authorization
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Europe Region," and "United
States Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
Refund Transactions
A refund Transaction authorized on the Dual Message System that is not reversed by means of
an Authorization Reversal Request/0400 message must be submitted for clearing within five (5)
A clearing reversal or Single Message System adjustment of a refund Transaction must only be
submitted to correct a documented clerical error and upon agreement of the Issuer. In such an
event, the error must be reversed or adjusted no later than one calendar day after submission of
the Financial Transaction/0200 or First Presentment/1240 message for the refund Transaction.
Reversible clerical errors include, by way of example and not limitation, the erroneous capture of
Transaction data, a duplicate Transaction, or an error caused by the transposition of data.
ATM Transactions
An Acquirer must not automatically generate a full or partial reversal of an authorized ATM
Transaction when the ATM Terminal indicates that the Transaction was not completed because
the Cardholder failed to collect some or all of the cash dispensed.
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals - Issuer Requirements
An Issuer receiving a Reversal Request/0400 message or an Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420
message must release any hold placed on funds in the Mastercard or Maestro Account in the
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals - Issuer Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
amount specified within 60 minutes of matching the reversal message to the original
authorization request message.
To match the reversal to the original approved authorization, the Issuer should use:
The original authorization trace ID, as populated in DE 48, subelement 63 (Trace ID);
The original switch serial number, as populated in DE 48, subelement 59, subfield 1 (Original
Switch Serial Number); or
Effective 17 October 2025, the original authorization TLID, as populated in DE 105 (Multi-
Use Transaction Identification Data), subelement 001 (Transaction Link Identifier [TLID]).
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Europe Region" and "United States Region" sections
at the end of this chapter.
2.11.3 Reversal for Conversion of Approval to Decline
An Acquirer or Merchant may convert an approval authorization request response (herein, an
“Issuer-approved authorization”) into a decline for a Card-not-present (CNP) Mastercard or
Maestro POS Transaction believed, in good faith, by the Acquirer or Merchant to be fraudulent
solely in accordance with the following procedure:
1. The Acquirer or Merchant must determine whether to proceed with a Transaction believed,
in good faith, to be fraudulent within 72 hours of sending the original authorization request
2. Upon deciding not to proceed with the Transaction and still within 72 hours of the original
authorization request, the Acquirer or Merchant must:
a. Generate a reversal message for the full transaction amount that includes a reason
code indicating that the Transaction was declined by the Acquirer or the Merchant due
to perceived fraud,
b. Disclose to the Cardholder that the transaction cannot be completed at that time, and
provide the Cardholder with valid customer service contact information (phone number
or email address) to respond to Cardholder calls or email messages related to the
cancelled order.
The contact information should be that of the Acquirer or Merchant that made the decision not
to proceed with the Transaction. Sharing the specific reasons for the decline is not
recommended or required.
The likelihood that a Transaction is fraudulent typically is determined through fraud screening
and fraud scoring services that involve the storage, transmission or processing of Card or
Transaction data in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI
DSS). The Acquirer must register any third party provider of such services as a Third Party
Processor (TPP) as described in Chapter 7 of the Mastercard Rules. The systematic decline by an
Acquirer or Merchant of CNP Transactions arising from particular Cards, Issuers, or geographic
locations is a violation of section 5.11.1, "Honor All Cards" of the Mastercard Rules.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.11.3 Reversal for Conversion of Approval to Decline
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2.11.4 Reversal to Cancel Transaction
A single message POS Transaction may be cancelled prior to its completion by use of a
“CANCEL” or “STOP” key on the POS Terminal. If either the Cardholder or Merchant cancels the
Transaction, or a technical failure occurs involving a magnetic stripe Transaction, either before or
after the authorization request has been forwarded to the Issuer, the Cardholder and Merchant
must be informed; there must be no record of a Transaction; and a reversal advice message
must be sent to the Issuer.
If after sending an authorization request, the POS Terminal does not receive a response, the
POS Terminal must ‘time-out’ and send an automatic reversal. In such event, the Cardholder
and Merchant must be informed; the attempted Transaction must be recorded; and a reversal
advice message must be sent to the Issuer with a response code.
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals
The Acquirer and each of its Merchants that support partial approvals must establish an
education program for Merchant staff, including but not limited to POS Terminal operators,
relating to the acceptance of multiple payment methods for a single purchase. A Merchant's
support of partial approvals is indicated with a value of 1 in DE 48, subelement 61, subfield 1
(Partial Approval Terminal Support Indicator) of the authorization request (0100 or 0200)
An Issuer must not respond to a cash withdrawal or purchase with cash back Transaction
authorization request with a partial approval. A cash withdrawal Transaction must be approved
or declined for the amount requested. A purchase with cash back Transaction must be either
approved or declined for the total amount requested (purchase plus cash) or approved for the
purchase amount only.
A Customer must support partial approval as follows:
1. An Issuer must support partial approval for all prepaid Mastercard, all Debit Mastercard
(including prepaid), and all Maestro Account ranges.
2. For each Merchant identified with any of the MCCs listed below, an Acquirer must support
partial approval on Mastercard and Maestro branded prepaid and debit Account ranges.
This requirement applies to Card-present Transactions occurring at attended Terminals and
at Cardholder-activated Terminals (CATs) identified with MCC 5542 (Fuel Dispenser,
Automated) or MCC 5552 (Electric Vehicle Charging).
5310 Discount Stores
5311 Department Stores
5411 Grocery Stores, Supermarkets
5541 Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services)
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.11.4 Reversal to Cancel Transaction
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
MCC Description
5542 Fuel Dispenser, Automated (if authorization occurs prior to fueling)
5552 Electric Vehicle Charging (if authorization occurs prior to charging)
5621 Women’s Ready to Wear Stores
5691 Men’s and Women’s Clothing Stores
5732 Electronic Sales
5812 Eating Places, Restaurants
5814 Fast Food Restaurants
5912 Drug Stores, Pharmacies
5999 Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores
3. For an Acquirer in a Region indicated below, the partial approval support requirement in
item 2 includes the following additional MCCs.
Description Acquirer Region
4111 Transportation: Suburban and Local Commuter Passenger,
including Ferries
4812 Telecommunication Equipment including Telephone Sales Canada, U.S.
4814 Telecommunication Services Canada, U.S.
4816 Computer Network/Information Services Canada, U.S.
4899 Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services U.S.
5111 Stationery, Office Supplies U.S.
5200 Home Supply Warehouse Stores Canada, U.S.
5300 Wholesale Clubs U.S.
5331 Variety Stores Canada, U.S.
5399 Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores U.S.
5499 Miscellaneous Food Stores: Convenience Stores, Markets,
Specialty Stores
Canada, U.S.
5631 Women's Accessory and Specialty Stores Canada
5641 Children's And Infant's Wear Stores Canada
5651 Family Clothing Stores Canada
5661 Shoe Stores Canada
5734 Computer Software Stores Canada, U.S.
5735 Record Shops Canada, U.S.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
MCC Description Acquirer Region
5921 Package Stores, Beer, Wine, and Liquor Canada, U.S.
5941 Sporting Goods Stores Canada, U.S.
5942 Book Stores Canada, U.S.
5943 Office, School Supply and Stationery Stores U.S.
5945 Game, Toy, and Hobby Shops Canada
5947 Gift, Card, Novelty, and Souvenir Shops Canada
5977 Cosmetic Stores Canada
7399 Business Services: not elsewhere classified Canada
7829 Motion Picture and Video Tape Production and Distribution U.S.
7832 Motion Picture Theaters U.S.
7841 Video Entertainment Rental Stores U.S.
7996 Amusement Parks, Carnivals, Circuses, Fortune Tellers U.S.
7997 Clubs: Country Clubs, Membership (Athletic, Recreation,
Sports), Private Golf Courses
7999 Recreation Services: not elsewhere classified U.S.
8011 Doctors: not elsewhere classified U.S.
8021 Dentists, Orthodontists U.S.
8041 Chiropractors U.S.
8042 Optometrists, Ophthalmologists U.S.
8043 Opticians, Optical Goods, and Eyeglasses U.S.
8062 Hospitals U.S.
8099 Health Practitioners, Medical Services: not elsewhere classified U.S.
8999 Professional Services: not elsewhere classified Canada, U.S.
9399 Government Services: not elsewhere classified Canada, U.S.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific," "Canada Region," "Europe Region," and
"Middle East/Africa Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections
A refund Transaction is a payment processed by a Merchant to a Cardholders Account upon the
return of goods or cancellation of services previously purchased by the Cardholder from the
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Merchant. A refund Transaction may be a dual or single message Transaction and contains a
value of 20 in DE 3 (Processing Code), subfield 1 (Cardholder Transaction Type Code).
A refund Transaction must only be reversed for the purchase Transaction amount or adjusted for
an amount less than the purchase Transaction amount to correct a clerical error. The reversal or
adjustment must occur within one calendar day of the refund Transaction. The Settlement Date
of the Financial Transaction Request/0200 or Central Site Business Date of the First
Presentment/1240 message of the refund Transaction is counted as day zero. Reversible clerical
errors include, by way of example and not limitation, the erroneous capture of Transaction data,
a duplicate Transaction, or an error caused by the transposition of data.
A correction is a single message authorization request containing a value of 20 in DE 3
(Processing Code), subfield 1 (Cardholder Transaction Type Code) that is used in a Card-present
environment following a single message POS Transaction approval to remedy a Merchant or
Cardholder error. A correction must be performed as a Card-read Transaction initiated by or on
behalf of the Cardholder; the Transaction may be completed without a Cardholder verification
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements
Effective 12 April 2024, an Acquirer must support the online authorization of Mastercard, Debit
Mastercard, and Maestro refund Transactions acquired on the Dual Message System (with the
exception of refunds for Contactless transit aggregated Transactions) and enable refund
Transaction authorization service for a Merchant upon request. The Acquirer must forward each
refund Transaction authorization request to the Issuer at the time of the Transaction, rather
than in a batch, so that the Merchant receives the Issuer's response while the Cardholder is at
the POS and before offering the Cardholder a refund Transaction receipt.
The Acquirer must identify a refund Transaction authorization request as a final authorization,
as described in Rule 2.7.
The First Presentment/1240 message of a refund Transaction must be submitted for clearing
within five calendar days of the refund Transaction date, and if authorized, contain refund
Transaction authorization data in DE 63, subfield 2 (Trace ID).
Effective 12 April 2024, an authorized refund Transaction has a message reason code 4808
chargeback protection period of five calendar days from the refund Transaction authorization
approval date.
Effective 18 October 2024, the Acquirer must perform online authorization for refund
Transactions acquired through the Dual Message System.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Canada Region" and "United States Region" sections
at the end of this chapter.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Original Purchase Identifier
When possible, the Acquirer is recommended to populate DE 48, subelement 63 (Trace ID) of
the refund Transaction authorization request message with a unique identifier from the original
purchase Transaction, consisting of the values in DE 63 (Network Data), subfield 1 (Financial
Network Code); DE 63, subfield 2 (Banknet Reference Number); and DE 15 (Date, Settlement)
of the purchase Transaction authorization approval response message. The presence of this
identifier may assist the Issuer in linking the refund to a prior purchase and help to avoid Credit
Not Processed disputes.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region" and "Europe Region" sections at
the end of this chapter.
2.13.2 Refund Transactions - Issuer Requirements
For all Mastercard Cards except non-reloadable prepaid Cards, an Issuer must be able to receive
and respond to an Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
message for a refund Transaction.
Response Code Values
An Issuer is advised to provide a value of 00 (Approved or completed successfully) in DE 39
(Response Code) if the Account is open, so that the refund Transaction can be completed.
The following DE 39 values are invalid for refund Transactions and must not be used in the
Issuer's response to a refund Transaction authorization request:
10 (Partial approval)
51 (Insufficient funds/over credit limit)
An Issuer may only use a value of 57 (Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder) in DE 39
for a non-reloadable Prepaid Card Program. An Issuer is advised to register the Prepaid Card
Program as non-reloadable using the Prepaid Card Program registration process on Mastercard
Connect before using this response code value.
An Issuer must not decline a refund Transaction solely due to a message format error, the
absence of a PIN, or the absence of chip-related data.
Posting of Funds to the Cardholder's Account
Within one day of the Issuer's receipt of the First Presentment/1240 message or Financial
Transaction Advice/0220 message for a refund Transaction, the Issuer must post the funds to
the Cardholder's Account or adjust the Account’s "open-to-buy", as applicable. The Issuer may
place a temporary hold on the funds to the extent allowed under applicable law if the Issuer
determines that the circumstances or account history warrant the delay.
With respect to dual message online authorization requests for refund Transactions, the Issuer
is advised:
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.13.2 Refund Transactions - Issuer Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
to ensure that the refund Transaction amount is treated and displayed to the Cardholder as
a pending credit, until the clearing record has been received and matched to the
to clearly communicate that the funds due as a result of a refund Transaction will only be
deposited to the Cardholder's Account upon receipt of such funds by the Issuer; and
not to release the funds to the Cardholder until the clearing record is received.
Pending Refund Transaction Information
An Issuer must make information about pending refund Transactions available to Cardholders
upon through at least one delivery channel, such as in its online banking or other Cardholder-
facing applications or by means of Transaction alerts. The pending refund information must be
displayed in a manner similar to that used for a pending purchase Transaction.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Europe Region" section at the end of this chapter.
2.14 Balance Inquiries
The balance inquiry functionality of a Terminal allows a Cardholder to check the available
balance of funds in an Account. Balance inquiries are identified with a value of 30 in DE 3,
subfield 1 of authorization messages.
All Terminals that offer a balance inquiry functionality to debit cardholders of Competing EFT
POS Networks and other competing networks must offer the same balance inquiry functionality
to debit Cardholders.
A Terminal that offers balance inquiry must provide the Cardholder an opportunity to receive a
receipt reflecting (and may also display) Account balance information. Each ATM Terminal and
Bank Branch Terminal must display, as part of the screen information, or must print on the
receipt, the currency symbol of the local currency or three-character alpha ISO country code in
which the balance amount is given, beside each balance inquiry amount.
NOTE: Additions to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” and “United States Region” sections at the
end of this chapter.
2.15 CVC 2 Verification for POS Transactions
A Merchant must not prompt or otherwise require a Mastercard Cardholder to enter CVC 2
information when a Chip Card or Contactless Payment Device is used to complete a Chip
Transaction at a POS Terminal or MPOS Terminal. This Rule also applies to Mastercard
Consumer-Presented QR Transactions.
Refer to Chapter 3 of the Security Rules and Procedures manual for CVC 2 requirements.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.14 Balance Inquiries
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode
Contactless Transactions—Brazil Only
NOTE: A Rule on this subject pertaining to Brazil appears in the “Latin America and the Caribbean
Region” section at the end of this chapter.
2.17 Euro Conversion—Europe Region Only
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
2.18 Transaction Queries, Disputes, and Errors
A Customer must have the facilities and ensure the support of processes to handle Transaction
queries, disputes, and chargebacks.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “United States Region” section at the end of this
2.18.1 Compliance with Dispute Procedures
The Corporation administers procedures set forth in the Chargeback Guide that enable a
Customer to seek redress against another Customer for failure to comply with the Standards
applicable to a Transaction. Any filing by or on behalf of a Customer related to an arbitration
procedure (including any chargeback or re-presentment cycle) or pre-compliance or compliance
procedure must be made in good faith and only after careful review of both the Standards and
available information pertinent to the dispute.
2.19 Chargebacks for Reissued Cards
Upon reissuing a Card with the same primary account number (PAN) and a new expiration date,
the Issuer must include the expiration date in all Transaction chargeback records.
2.20 Correction of Errors
If a Customer has been unjustly enriched because of an error, the Customer must reimburse the
amount with which it has been enriched to the Customer or Customers that have suffered the
corresponding loss.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transactions—Brazil Only
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway Identifier (MPG ID)
An Acquirer must populate the MPG ID field (DE 48, subelement 37 [Additional Merchant Data],
subfield 5 [Merchant Payment Gateway ID] with the MPG ID assigned by the Corporation at the
time of registration of the MPG as a Service Provider, in authorization and advice messages for
all Card-not-present Transactions (excluding MO/TO Transactions) identified with a value of 09,
10, or 81 in DE 22, subfield 1 that are received from the particular MPG. The value 999998 must
be populated in the MGP ID field if the MPG is wholly owned by the Acquirer and so not
registered as a Service Provider. The value 999997 must be populated in the MPG ID field if the
Merchant uses no gateway and connects directly to the Acquirer. This requirement applies to
purchase Transactions, refund Transactions, and Payment Transactions initiated by Merchants
(for example, Gaming Payment Transactions).
If multiple MPGs are involved, the Acquirer must provide the MPG ID of the MPG that sends to
that Acquirer the Transaction data that the Acquirer uses to generate the authorization or
advice message.
Population of the MPG ID in authorization and advice messages for Card-present Transactions
is recommended but not required.
An Issuer must technically support the population of the MPG ID field in authorization and
advice messages for both Card-not-present and Card-present Transactions. No Issuer response
to or handling of the MPG ID is required.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the "Middle East/Africa Region" section at the end of this
2.22 Co-badged Cards - Acceptance Brand Identifier
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the "Europe Region" section at the end of this chapter.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway Identifier (MPG ID)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Variations and Additions by Region
The remainder of this chapter provides modifications to the Standards set out in this chapter.
The modifications are organized by region or country and by applicable subject title.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Asia/Pacific Region or in a particular
Region country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Asia/Pacific Region geographic listing.
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must ensure that any authorization request for an amount greater than zero is
identified as either a preauthorization or as a final authorization.
An Acquirer must support Maestro POS Transactions that access the primary account and may
also allow the Cardholder to select a checking or savings account (“account selection”).
In China, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must be able to transmit a PIN in Preauthorization Request/0100 and Financial
Transaction Request/0200 messages for China Domestic Transactions.
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements
An Acquirer in the Asia/Pacific Region must ensure that its host systems and those of its Service
Providers support online PIN:
For China Domestic Transactions occurring at POS Terminals, including MPOS Terminals; and
Effective 1 April 2023, for Transactions occurring at contactless-enabled POS Terminals in all
other Asia/Pacific Region countries and territories except Japan, Republic of Korea, and
The following Rule applies to China domestic Transactions only.
An Acquirer and each of its Merchants must support POS Transactions, Payment Transactions,
Refund Transactions, and full reversals when performed to cancel a POS Transaction that the
Acquirer cannot complete due to a technical problem.
The Acquirer may also support the below payment or transfer type transactions:
China Funds Transfer Transactions
China Deposit Transactions
An Acquirer must not discriminate.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
Variations and Additions by Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer may decline authorization of a Transaction when technical fallback from chip to
magnetic stripe occurred.
For China Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
In China, when a Chip Card is used to transact at a Hybrid Terminal, the Transaction must be
routed by means of the chip payment application.
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer that chooses to enable the purchase with cash back Transaction type for Debit
Mastercard (including prepaid) or Maestro (including prepaid) Account ranges must support the
purchase with cash back Transaction type on its host system interfaces.
A Maestro Card Issuer’s host system interfaces must support POS balance inquiry.
In China, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For China Domestic Transactions, an Issuer’s host system interface must support the online
processing of:
POS Transactions
Payment Transactions
Refund Transactions
Full Reversal
Cash withdrawals at ATM Terminals
Funds Transfer Transactions; and
Deposit Transactions.
For China Domestic Transactions, in the event that an Issuer does not offer a particular
Transaction message type to its Cardholders, the Issuer must provide a value of 57 indicating
“transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder” in DE 39 (Response Code) of the online
authorization message.
An Issuer must not discriminate against or discourage the above transaction types in favor of
any other acceptance brand or switch network.
2.3 Authorization Responses
For China Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must comply with the authorization response wait time requirements set forth in
"Maximum Response Times" in Chapter 2 of the China Switch Specifications.
An Issuer must comply with the authorization response requirements set forth in "Maximum
Response Times" in Chapter 2 of the China Switch Specifications.
2.5 Preauthorizations
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.5.1 Preauthorizations - Mastercard POS Transactions
For China Domestic POS Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All preauthorization completion corresponding to a preauthorization must be initiated within 30
calendar days of the authorization approval date.
The preauthorization completion amount must be less than or equal to the amount approved in
the corresponding preauthorization.
The Issuer must accept all preauthorization completions provided the actual amount of the
completion is less than or equal to the amount approved in the preauthorization.
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Acquirer is not liable for preauthorization completions that occurred within 20 minutes of
the initial Maestro POS Transaction but were subsequently stored and forwarded because of
technical problems between the Interchange System and the Issuer.
2.7 Final Authorization
In China, a domestic final authorization request is identified in the Financial Transaction
Request/0200 message when DE 61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data), subfield 7 (POS
Transaction Status) contains a value of 0 and DE 48 (Additional Data), 61 (POS Data), subfield
5 (Final Authorization Indicator) contains a value of 1.
Effective 3 April 2024 for India Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
When an Acquirer or Merchant uses the final authorization, then in a dual message
1. Any Transaction corresponding to an authorization identified as a final authorization must
be presented for clearing within four calendar days of the authorization approval date; and
2. The presented Transaction amount must equal the authorized amount.
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period
Effective 3 April 2024 for India Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
A message reason code 4808 (Authorization–related Chargeback) chargeback protection period
applies to each Mastercard POS Transaction as follows.
Each Mastercard POS Transaction
identified as a…
Has a message reason code 4808 chargeback protection
period of
Preauthorization 30 calendar days from the authorization approval date
Final authorization Four calendar days from the authorization approval date
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.5.1 Preauthorizations - Mastercard POS Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals—Acquirer Requirements
POS Transactions
Effective 3 April 2024 for India Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
Notwithstanding the above reversal requirement, the Acquirer must ensure that if a Merchant
cancels a Transaction or finalizes a Transaction for a lower amount than previously approved, no
reversal is submitted if such event occurs:
More than 30 calendar days after the authorization date for a preauthorization; or
More than four calendar days after the authorization date for any other authorization
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Issuers and Acquirers are not required to support partial approvals.
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections
In China, the China Switch allows the Customer to use the China Dispute Resolution Platform to
manually initiate a refund for a processed domestic Transaction. The Standards in this manual
applicable to a refund Transaction will also apply to a domestic manual refund Transaction.
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements
For China Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Effective 12 April 2024, an Acquirer must support the online authorization of Mastercard, Debit
Mastercard, and Maestro refund Transactions acquired on the Dual Message System (with the
exception of refunds for Contactless transit aggregated Transactions) and enable refund
Transaction authorization service for a Merchant upon request. The Acquirer must forward each
refund Transaction authorization request to the Issuer at the time of the Transaction, rather
than in a batch, so that the Merchant receives the Issuer’s response while the Cardholder is at
the POS and before offering the Cardholder a refund Transaction receipt.
Original Purchase Identifier
The Acquirer must follow the requirements as per the table below for population of the Original
Purchase Identifier. The presence of this identifier may assist the Issuer in linking the refund to a
prior purchase and help to avoid Credit Not Processed disputes.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals—Acquirer Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
If the online refund Transaction
occurs… The Acquirer
Within 180 days from the original
Transaction date
The Acquirer must populate DE 48, subelement 59 (Original
Network Reference Number) of the refund Transaction
authorization request message with unique identifier from the
original purchase Transaction, consisting of the values in DE 63
(Network Data), subfield 3 (Network Reference Number); and DE
15 (Date, Settlement) of the purchase of the Transaction
authorization approval response message.
After 180 days from the original
Transaction date
The Acquirer is strongly recommended to populate DE 48,
subelement 59 (Original Network Reference Number) of the
refund Transaction authorization request message with unique
identifier from the original purchase Transaction, consisting of the
values in DE 63 (Network Data), subfield 3 (Network Reference
Number); and DE 15 (Date, Settlement) of the purchase of
Transaction authorization approval response message.
Canada Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Canada Region. Refer to Appendix A for
the Canada Region geographic listing.
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements
The Acquirer of a Merchant located in the Canada Region must ensure that its host system and
those of its Service Providers:
Are capable of processing Domestic Debit Mastercard Transactions; and
Populates the value of Y in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 18 (Service
Parameters), subfield 01 (Canada Domestic Indicator) of the Authorization Request/0100
message for each Mastercard Transaction initiated at Merchants that have provided consent
to accept domestically issued Debit Mastercard Cards.
Initiating a Domestic Debit Mastercard Transaction that contains the Y, a Canada Region
Acquirer affirms that the Merchant has agreed to accept domestically issued Debit Mastercard
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer must decline authorization of a Transaction conducted in the Canada Region when
technical fallback from chip to magnetic stripe occurred.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
Canada Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
1. An Issuer must support partial approval for all prepaid Mastercard and all Debit Mastercard
2. An Acquirer must support partial approval for Card-present Transactions occurring at a
Merchant in a category listed in Rule 2.12 with a Debit Mastercard or prepaid Mastercard
Account range.
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements
In the Canada Region, the requirement for an Acquirer to perform online authorization for
refund Transactions acquired through the Dual Message System does not apply.
Europe Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Europe Region or in a particular Region
country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Europe Region, Non-Single European Payments
Area (Non-SEPA) and Single European Payments Area (SEPA) geographic listing.
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must ensure that any authorization request for an amount greater than zero is
identified as either a preauthorization or as a final authorization.
The reference to the Single Message System does not apply in the EEA.
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Requirements
If the Issuer and the Acquirer are located in an SCA Country, but the Merchant is not, EMV 3DS
authentication requests must include the Mastercard "Merchant Data" EMV 3DS Message
Extension, with Field 3 containing the Acquirer country code. In other cases, it is recommended
to provide the Acquirer country code in the Mastercard "Merchant Data" EMV 3DS Message
Extension Field 3.
The Issuer and its Access Control Server are advised to use the Acquirer country code in the
Mastercard "Merchant Data" EMV 3DS Message Extension Field 3 to determine if SCA is
required. If the Acquirer country is not provided, the Issuer is advised to use the Merchant
country to determine if SCA is required.
Authentication Outage Exception
The following Rules apply to Intracountry and Cross-border Transactions within and between
SCA Countries.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
An Acquirer may permit a Merchant to use the Authentication Outage Exception flag in
authorization request messages. The Merchant must first attempt use of a suitable exemption
(subject to the Acquirer's approval) before resorting to the Authentication Outage Exception.
The Acquirer must ensure that the Merchant does not misuse the Authentication Outage
Exception as a means to bypass authentication. Authentication failure must persist for at least
five minutes, leading all authentications to fail (i.e., no attempt responses provided) before the
Authentication Outage Exception is used. Authentication must be resumed as soon as the
outage is resolved. The Acquirer must promptly provide full and clear evidence of the outage
upon the Corporation's request.
The Authentication Outage Exception must in no case be used for a Transaction or an Account
status inquiry that sets up Merchant-initiated Transactions or recurring payment arrangements.
A Transaction completed using the Authentication Outage Exception is not protected from
fraud-related chargebacks.
For the authorization of a Remote Electronic Transaction, authentication using EMV 3DS and
Identity Check is required and may be omitted only if an Acquirer exemption to SCA applies or if
another SCA compliant method is used (e.g., alternative technical SCA solution delegation to
the Merchant), or exemption under Article 17 of the PSD2 RTS (or corresponding legislation)
applied with the Merchant's knowledge.
When SCA by the Issuer is not required, or when it has been delegated, or when SCA has been
omitted, the Merchant must provide to the Acquirer the reason for omitting authentication (e.g.,
exemption or exclusion). The Merchant must not forward a Remote Electronic Transaction
without providing the reason for omitting authentication. The Acquirer must indicate the reason
for the exemption or exclusion in the appropriate field of the authorization message as specified
by the registered switch of its choice. The Acquirer must not submit the authorization request
without indicating the reason for omitting authentication.
An Acquirer which allows its e-commerce Merchants to request a Transaction Risk Analysis
(TRA) exemption must set the TRA exemption flag for such Merchants when registering them
for the Identity Check Program in the Identity Solutions Services Management (ISSM) tool.
In order to optimize authorization approval rates for Transactions that benefit from an Acquirer
exemption, a Merchant is advised to send an EMV 3DS authentication request with the Acquirer
exemption flag.
Both Acquirers and Issuers must support the Acquirer exemption flag in EMV 3DS
authentication requests as follows:
In EMV 3DS version 2.1, Challenge Indicator value 02/No Challenge and Mastercard
"Merchant Data" EMV 3DS Message Extension Field 1 (SCA Exemptions) with value 05/No
SCA Requested, Transaction Risk Analysis performed.
Effective with EMV 3DS version 2.2, Challenge Indicator value 05/No SCA Requested,
Transaction Risk Analysis performed.
An Acquirer of e-commerce Merchants that accept corporate Cards, and an Issuer of such Cards
must support the Mastercard "Merchant Data" EMV 3DS Message Extension flag in EMV 3DS
authentication requests. This flag indicates if the conditions for the exemption under Article 17
of the PSD2 RTS (or corresponding legislation) are met, so that this exemption can be applied
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
by the Issuer. The flag is in the Mastercard "Merchant Data" EMV 3DS Message Extension Field
4 (Secure Corporate Payment).
Account Status Inquiry (ASI) Requests
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
References to ASI request messages and data fields are replaced by the corresponding message
type and data fields of the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
Echoing of Transaction Link ID
In the EEA, UK, and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
References to authorization messages and data fields are replaced by the corresponding
message types and data fields of the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer must indicate that the Transaction type is not permitted to the Cardholder in the field
of the authorization response and using the values specified by the registered switch of the
Issuer's choice.
SCA Requirements
The following Rules apply to Intracountry and Cross-border Transactions within and between
SCA Countries.
An Issuer must be able to process the Low Risk Merchant Indicator in authorization request
messages, as specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
If the Low Risk Merchant Indicator is present and populated in the authorization message, then
the Issuer must neither automatically decline the authorization request nor require the
Cardholder to authenticate the Transaction unless: a) its Transaction monitoring suggests a
high risk of fraud, or b) in the case of a low-value payment, the Transaction counters are
If an authentication request contains the Acquirer exemption flag or the delegation flag, the
Issuer must neither automatically decline the authentication request nor require the Cardholder
to authenticate the Transaction unless: a) its Transaction monitoring suggests a high risk of
fraud, or b) in the case of a low-value payment, the Transaction counters are exceeded.
An Issuer that requires authentication for more than 10% of authorization requests which
indicate the application of an Acquirer exemption or SCA delegation will be automatically
enrolled in the Smart Authentication Direct for Acquirer Exemption (SADAE) service.
Authentication Outage Exception
An Issuer must be able to receive and process the Authentication Outage Exception flag in
authorization messages. It is recommended that the Issuer indicate clearly in the authorization
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
response whether or not the Merchant should attempt authentication at a later time when the
outage is resolved.
Account Status Inquiry (ASI) Requests
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows. References to ASI
request messages and data fields are replaced by the corresponding message type and data
fields of the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For all of its Maestro and Cirrus Card Programs, an Issuer must use the Stand-In Processing
Service. This requirement does not apply if the Issuer commenced its use of an alternative on-
behalf authorization service before 17 September 2008 and such service meets the
Corporation’s performance standards as set forth in Rule 2.4.2. Stand-In Parameters for
Maestro and Cirrus Card Programs must be set at or above the Corporation's default limits.
The requirement to use CVC 1 Verification in Stand-In service, does not apply to Maestro Chip-
only Cards, as such term is defined in section 6.11, "Maestro Chip-only Card Programs,"
Chapter 13 of the Mastercard Rules.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer is not required to participate in the Stand-in Processing Service unless so required by
the registered switch of the Issuer's choice.
The registered switch of the Issuer's choice must provide a back-up service that is able to
approve authorization requests on the Issuer's behalf. The Stand-in Processing Service may be
used for this purpose. The Issuer must set its parameters in the back-up service of its chosen
switch at or above the default limits established by the Corporation for Mastercard, Maestro
and Cirrus Card Programs.
Smart Authentication Stand-In
An Issuer in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Israel, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Russian Federation (except domestic authentication processed by NSPK), Switzerland, Turkey,
Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan must participate in Smart Authentication Stand-In. Issuers in all
other Europe Region countries must participate in Smart Authentication Stand-In or an
alternative authentication stand-in solution.
2.2.3 ATM Transaction Requirements for Mastercard Credit Card Issuers
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The decline reason codes in the table in this Rule are replaced by the corresponding reason codes
specified by the registered switch of the Issuer's choice.
2.3 Authorization Responses
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
An Issuer must comply with the authorization response requirements set forth in “Routing Timer
Values” in Chapter 5 of the Authorization Manual. If the Issuers response is not received within
the required time frame, then the Transaction will time out and be forwarded via the Stand-In
Processing System or, when permitted under Rule 2.2.2, another alternate authorization
provider as specified by the Issuer.
2.4 Performance Standards
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following.
For all Transactions, an Issuer authorization failure rate that exceeds one percent for two
months in any six-month period is deemed to be substandard performance. The Issuer failure
rate is not applied until after the Issuer’s fourth calendar month of operation or upon the
Issuer’s processing of 5,000 Transactions in a calendar month, whichever occurs first. The Issuer
failure rate is calculated by taking the sum of ISO 8583 response codes 31—issuer signed off, 82
—time out at Issuer host, and 96—system malfunction, and dividing by the total number of
Transactions processed through the Issuer connection to the Interchange System.
An Issuer that has been designated as having substandard performance:
1. May be subject to noncompliance assessments as set forth in Rule 2.4; and
2. Will be mandated to implement the Stand-In Processing Service. Chip Issuers mandated to
implement the Stand-In Processing Service will also be required to register for M/Chip
Cryptogram Validation in Stand-In.
2.5 Preauthorizations
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
In a dual message environment, the Acquirer must identify each Processed Transaction
authorization request as either a preauthorization or a final authorization.
Preauthorizations occurring at an automated fuel dispenser and identified with MCC 5542
(Automated Fuel Dispenser) must be performed as described in Rule 4.10.1.
Preauthorizations occurring at an electric vehicle charging station and identified with MCC
5552 (Electric Vehicle Charging) must be performed as described in Rule 4.10.2.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The authorization request must be identified as a preauthorization in the field and with the
value specified by the registered switch of the Issuer’s choice.
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Preauthorizations are permitted for Card-not-present Maestro POS Transactions when
completed in accordance with the requirements set forth below. Preauthorizations are not
permitted for Maestro POS Transactions conducted in any Card-present environment, with the
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.4 Performance Standards
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exception of automated fuel dispenser Transactions, electric vehicle charging Transactions, and
Contactless transit aggregated Transactions.
As an exception to the preceding Rule, preauthorizations for an estimated maximum amount
are permitted for Maestro POS Transactions conducted in a Card-present environment, at
vending machines located in the Netherlands and Switzerland that are identified with MCC
5499 (Miscellaneous Food Stores—Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores). The Acquirer
must inform the Issuer of the final Transaction amount via an advice message, which must be
sent to the Issuer within 20 minutes of the authorization response message.
Issuers in the Netherlands and Switzerland, respectively, must be able to receive the advice
message and must post the Transaction to the Cardholder’s Account on the basis of the advice
message, rather than the preauthorization response. Support of Maestro preauthorizations at
vending machines in the Netherlands and Switzerland is optional for Issuers in other countries.
The Acquirer must ensure that the authorization request for a Card–not–present Maestro POS
Transaction for an amount greater than zero is identified as a preauthorization if:
1. Authorization is requested for an estimated amount; or
2. The Transaction might not be completed for reasons other than technical failure or lack of
full issuer approval; for example:
a. When the Cardholder will be offered the choice at a later time to complete the
Transaction with another payment means (such as when checking out of a hotel or
returning a rental car);
b. When the products ordered by the Cardholder might be later found to be out of stock;
c. If the mobile phone number for which the Cardholder has requested a top-up is later
found not to exist.
The risk of technical failures, such as telecommunications failure or Terminal failure, should not
be taken into account to determine if an authorization must be coded as a preauthorization.
Any Card–not–present Maestro POS Transaction clearing message corresponding to a
preauthorization must be presented within seven calendar days of the authorization approval
date. The presented Transaction amount must equal the approved amount.
2.5.3 Preauthorizations—ATM and Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
In the Europe Region, the Acquirer must ensure that any ATM Transaction or Manual Cash
Disbursement Transaction authorization request for an amount greater than zero is identified
as a preauthorization if:
1. Authorization is requested for an estimated amount; or
2. The Transaction might not be completed for reasons other than technical failure or lack of
full issuer approval; for example, if the mobile phone number for which the Cardholder has
requested a top–up is later found not to exist.
The risk of technical failures, such as telecommunications failure or Terminal failure, should not
be taken into account to determine if an authorization must be coded as a preauthorization.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.5.3 Preauthorizations—ATM and Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
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Any ATM Transaction or Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction corresponding to an
authorization identified as a preauthorization must be presented within seven calendar days of
the authorization approval date. The presented Transaction amount must equal the authorized
2.7 Final Authorizations
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Acquirer must ensure that when an authorization request for an amount greater than zero
is identified as a final authorization:
1. The Transaction may no longer be cancelled and must not be reversed after the
authorization request is approved in full by the Issuer, except upon Cardholder request or
when non-completion is unavoidable for technical reasons such as telecommunications
failure or POS Terminal failure; and
2. The authorization being requested is for the final Transaction amount.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The authorization request must be identified as a final authorization in the field and with the
value specified by the registered switch of the Issuer's choice.
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The following message reason code 4808 (Authorization–related Chargeback) chargeback
protection periods apply with respect to each approved authorization.
Each approved…
Has a message reason code 4808 chargeback
protection period of
Preauthorization of a Mastercard POS
Thirty (30) calendar days from the authorization
approval date
Preauthorization of a Maestro POS Transaction,
ATM Transaction, or Manual Cash Disbursement
Seven (7) calendar days from the authorization
approval date
Final authorization Seven (7) calendar days from the authorization
approval date
The message reason code 4808 chargeback protection for a properly identified preauthorization of an Acquirer-
financed or Merchant-financed installment billing payment arrangement is not limited in time. Refer to Chapter 4 for
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transaction processing procedures.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.7 Final Authorizations
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2.9 Multiple Authorizations
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject applies to both Mastercard POS Transactions and
Maestro POS Transactions.
Upon receipt of the Transaction clearing record, the Issuer must use the unique identifier to
match the initial and any additional approved preauthorizations to the Transaction.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is additionally modified as follows.
The Acquirer must populate a unique identifier from the initial approved authorization of a
Transaction in the appropriate field of additional authorizations and of the Transaction clearing
record, in accordance with the specifications of the registered switch of the Acquirers choice.
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
References to Reversal Request/0440 and Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 messages are
replaced by the corresponding message types of the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals - Acquirer Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
With respect to POS Transactions and Merchandise Transactions, the Acquirer or Merchant
must submit a reversal message to the Issuer within 24 hours of:
The cancellation of a previously authorized Transaction, or
The finalization of a Transaction with a lower amount than previously approved.
The reversal may be a full or partial reversal, as appropriate. In the case of finalization of a
Transaction with a lower amount, a partial reversal is not required if the clearing message is
submitted within 24 hours of finalization of the Transaction.
The reversal requirement does not apply to Transactions occurring at a Merchant identified with
MCC 5542 (Fuel Dispenser, Automated) or to Contactless transit aggregated Transactions or
transit debt recovery Transactions.
The requirement for the Acquirer to ensure that a Merchant submits a reversal within 30
calendar days for a preauthorization or seven calendar days for a final authorization does not
apply in the Europe Region.
The Acquirer of a Merchant located in Italy that is identified with an MCC listed in the table
below and that accepts Mastercard or Debit Mastercard Cards must support full and partial
reversals performed at the POI and whenever, for technical reasons, the Acquirer is unable to
communicate the authorization response to the Merchant, for all prepaid Debit Mastercard and
all prepaid Mastercard Card Account ranges:
5310 Discount Stores
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
MCC Description
5311 Department Stores
5411 Grocery Stores, Supermarkets
5541 Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services)
5542 Fuel Dispenser, Automated
5621 Women’s Ready to Wear Stores
5691 Men’s and Women’s Clothing Stores
5732 Electronic Sales
5812 Eating Places, Restaurants
5814 Fast Food Restaurants
5912 Drug Stores, Pharmacies
5999 Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals—Issuer Requirements
In Italy, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer in Italy must support full and partial reversals for all prepaid Mastercard and all
prepaid Debit Mastercard Card Account ranges.
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Customer must support partial approvals at Merchants identified with MCC 5542 (Fuel
Dispenser, Automated) for all Mastercard Account ranges if the Customer supports partial
approvals for Maestro or any other debit brand, as described in Rule 4.10.1.
A Customer must support partial approvals on Mastercard and Maestro if it supports them on
other brands, for the same product types and Merchant types as on the other brands. To the
extent that support for partial approvals is not required on other brands, then it is not required
on Mastercard or Maestro, with the exception of support at Merchants identified with MCC
5542 as set out in the preceding paragraph.
In Ukraine, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
Effective 1 July 2023, all Issuers must support and participating Acquirers may offer partial
approval on Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, and Maestro Account ranges. This requirement
applies to Card-present Transactions occurring at attended POS Terminals and Card-not
present Transactions.
In Moldova, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals—Issuer Requirements
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Effective 1 January 2024, all Issuers must support and participating Acquirers may offer partial
approvals on Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, and Maestro Account ranges, for Card-present
Transactions occurring at attended POS Terminals and Card-not present (CNP) Transactions.
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections
2.13.1 Refund Transactions—Acquirer Requirements
In the EEA, UK, and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
References to First Presentment/1240 messages are replaced by the corresponding message
type of the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
2.13.2 Refund Transactions—Issuer Requirements
In the EEA, UK, and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
References to Authorization Request/0100 messages and data fields are replaced by the
corresponding message type and data fields of the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
2.14 Balance Inquiries
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
It is strongly recommended that an Issuer in the Europe Region support domestic, inter-
European, and intra-European balance inquiries conducted at ATM Terminals.
If an Issuer provides balance inquiries for its Cardholders at its own ATM Terminals, it must also
support balance inquiries at the ATM Terminals of other Customers in the Europe Region. An
Issuer may distinguish among Cards according to their category (for example, debit, credit).
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A balance inquiry must be identified in the message type and field and with the value specified
by the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
2.15 CVC 2 Verification for POS Transactions
In Ireland and France, the following applies to Maestro Intracountry POS Transactions:
If an Issuer receives CVC 2 data in the authorization request and it is invalid (for example, the
CVC 2 field is not blank and the data does not match the data held on the Issuer’s records), the
authorization request must be declined. The Issuer cannot use a fraud-related message reason
code to charge back a Transaction after approving an authorization request for the Transaction
that contained invalid CVC 2 data.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The value indicating a non-match of the CVC 2 must be populated in the field and with the
value specified by the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections
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2.17 Euro Conversion
In the Europe Region, Transactions submitted into interchange that take place in countries that
convert to the euro must be submitted in the euro. To allow a grace period for exceptional cases,
the Interchange System will not reject Transactions submitted in currencies that have been
replaced by the euro within six months after the transition period.
Within this six-month period, an Issuer may not reject or charge back Transactions submitted in
currencies that the euro has replaced exclusively on grounds that such Transactions have not
been submitted in euro.
2.22 Co-badged Cards - Acceptance Brand Identifier
The following Rules apply for Intracountry POS Transactions in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
North Macedonia, Gibraltar, the United Kingdom, and EEA countries and for Cross-border POS
Transactions between Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Gibraltar, the United
Kingdom and an EEA country, and for Intra-EEA POS Transactions completed on Cards that are
co-badged with another payment scheme than Mastercard or Maestro at Merchants that
accept the other payment scheme as well as Mastercard and/or Maestro.
All Transactions
When the acceptance brand is Mastercard or Maestro, the Customer must ensure that the
acceptance brand selected by the Cardholder at the POI is accurately captured and recorded for
each Transaction.
If the acceptance brand selected by the Cardholder is not transported or available, then the
Transaction must be identified as Mastercard or Maestro if the Card or Account was issued
under a BIN or BIN range assigned to the Corporation.
The Corporation has the right to review the selected acceptance brand when auditing a
Customer's Transaction records, for example if reported volumes seem to be inaccurate.
Chip Transactions
A Chip Transaction is a Mastercard or Maestro Transaction when an acceptance brand identifier
that uniquely relates to Mastercard or Maestro is sent by the Terminal to the Acquirer. The
acceptance brand identifier is transmitted in the Dedicated File Name (DF Name).
All chip-capable Terminals must capture and transmit the DF Name when the Chip Transaction
is a Mastercard or Maestro Transaction.
An Acquirer must itself transport, and must ensure that the registered switch of its choice
transports, the DF Name to the Issuer in the authorization and clearing message for a
Mastercard or Maestro Chip Transaction.
Each Customer must store the DF Name along with other Transaction data and must rely on
the DF Name to identify that a Chip Transaction is a Mastercard or Maestro Transaction.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.17 Euro Conversion
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Electronic Commerce Transactions
The Acquirer and Merchant must rely on the acceptance brand selected by the Cardholder to
identify that a Transaction is a Mastercard or Maestro Transaction.
An Acquirer must itself transport, and must ensure that the registered switch of its choice
transports, the acceptance brand to the Issuer in the authorization and clearing message for a
Mastercard or Maestro Transaction.
Each Customer must store the acceptance brand along with other Transaction data and must
rely on the acceptance brand to identify that a Transaction is a Mastercard or Maestro
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.
Refer to Appendix A for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region geographic listing.
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements
In Colombia and Venezuela, an Issuer that chooses to enable the purchase with cash back
Transaction type for Debit Mastercard (including prepaid) or Maestro (including prepaid)
Account ranges must support the purchase with cash back Transaction type on its host system
2.5 Preauthorizations
2.5.2 Preauthorizations - Maestro POS Transactions
In Brazil, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Each Card-not-present Maestro POS Transaction preauthorization initiated with a debit Card
issued in Brazil and used at a Merchant located in Brazil is valid for a period of seven (7)
calendar days from the preauthorization approval date. Additional preauthorization requests
may be submitted to extend the validity period or increase the authorized amount, as described
in Rule 2.9 Multiple Authorizations of this Latin America and the Caribbean Region section.
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
In Brazil, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows with respect to Card-not-present
Maestro POS Transactions initiated with a debit Card issued in Brazil at a Merchant located in
Following Issuer approval of the initial preauthorization request, a Merchant may submit one or
more additional preauthorization requests for the same Card-not-present Maestro POS
Transaction, subject to the following conditions:
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
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1. The original and each additional preauthorization request for the same Transaction is valid
for a period of seven (7) calendar days from the authorization approval date.
2. Each additional approved preauthorization:
a. If submitted for a zero amount, extends the authorization validity period with no change
to the total authorized Transaction amount; and
b. If submitted for a non-zero amount, both extends the authorization validity period
and incrementally increases the total authorized Transaction amount.
3. If an additional preauthorization request is declined, then the most recent previously
approved preauthorization remains valid. For example, if the Issuer approved the original
BRL 100 preauthorization request on June 1 and declined an additional BRL 25
preauthorization request on June 7, then the Transaction must be completed by June 8
(when the original preauthorization expires) for BRL 100 (the original approved amount).
4. If any preauthorization request expires before the Transaction completion message is sent,
then the Merchant or Acquirer must initiate a new original preauthorization request for the
The processing of multiple preauthorization requests for the same Maestro POS Transaction
must occur as follows.
Preauthorization Message
(0200/0210) The Acquirer provides:
The Mastercard Network
Preauth1 (original
preauthorization message)
In DE 4 (Amount, Transaction),
the original preauthorization
request amount
The authorization date in DE 15
(Date, Settlement) and the
switch serial number [SSN] in DE
63 (Network Data)
Preauth2 (first additional
preauthorization message for the
same Transaction)
In DE 4, the additional
amount being authorized, or a
zero amount (to extend the
authorization validity without
increasing the authorized
In DE 15 and DE 63, the same
values as received in the
Preauth1 0210 message
Preauth2 authorization date
in DE 15
Preauth2 SSN in DE 63
Preauth1 SSN in DE 48
subelement 59 (Original
Switch Serial Number)
In DE 54 (Amounts,
Additional), subfield 2
(Amount Type), the value of
92 and in subfield 5 (Amount),
the total cumulative
authorized amount
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Preauthorization Message
(0200/0210) The Acquirer provides:
The Mastercard Network
Preauth3 (second additional
preauthorization message for the
same Transaction)
In DE 4, the additional
amount being authorized, or a
zero amount
In DE 15 and DE 63, the same
values as received in the
Preauth2 0210 message
Preauth3 authorization date
in DE 15
Preauth3 SSN in DE 63
Preauth2 SSN in DE 48
subelement 59
In DE 54, subfield 2, the value
of 92 and in subfield 5, the
total cumulative authorized
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Multiple Completion Messages
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
An Acquirer of a Maestro Merchant located in Brazil that processes a Maestro Card-not-present
Transaction involving a debit Card issued in Brazil has the option to submit one or more linked
completion messages within a period of seven days from the settlement date.
Acquirer Requirements
1. At the time of the Cardholder's purchase of goods or services, an Acquirer that supports
this processing option must populate the following values in the Financial Transaction
Request/0200: multiple completion message.
Table 1: Financial Transaction Request/0200 message: multiple completion message
Field Value
DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) The total purchase amount
DE 61 (Point of Service [POS] Data), subfield 7
(POS Transaction Status)
4 (Preauthorization Request)
DE 61, subfield 12 (POS Authorization Life
07 (Partial completion processing supported)
2. Within seven days of the date contained in DE 15 (Date, Settlement) of the Financial
Transaction Request Response/0210: multiple completion message, the Acquirer may
submit either one or several Financial Transaction Advice/0220: multiple completion
messages. Each completion message must contain the following values.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.10 Multiple Clearing or Multiple Completion Messages
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Table 2: Financial Transaction Advice/0220: multiple completion message
Field Value
DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) The Transaction amount being fulfilled with this
completion message; which may be all or a
portion of the total purchase amount
DE 15 (Date, Settlement) The same value received in DE 15 of the Financial
Transaction Request Response/0210: multiple
completion message
DE 60 (Advice Reason Code), subfield 1 (Advice
Reason Code)
290 (APS approved transaction; preauthorized
by issuer)
DE 60, subfield 2 (Advice Reason Detail Code) 1403 (Previously approved authorization:
partial amount, multiple completions)
1404 (Previously approved authorization:
partial amount, final completion)
DE 61, subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) 4 (Preauthorization request)
DE 61, subfield 12 (POS Authorization Life
07 (Partial completion processing supported)
Issuer Requirements
Upon receiving a Financial Transaction Advice/0220: multiple completion message containing a
value of 1403 or 1404, the Issuer should:
1. Match the completion message to the original Financial Transaction Request/0200 message
by comparing the data contained in DE 48, subelement 59 (Original Switch Serial Number)
to the original Switch Serial Number (SSN) in the original 0210: multiple completion
message from DE 63 (Network Data); and
2. Adjust any hold on the availability of funds in the Cardholder's Account in accordance with
its standard Account management practice. In any event, the Issuer should release any
remaining unused amount still held after seven days from the settlement date of the
Financial Transaction Request/0200: multiple completion message.
If the completion message
contains a value of Then the Issuer is advised to…
1403 Reduce the hold placed on the Cardholder's Account in connection with
the approved Financial Transaction Advice/0220: multiple completion
message by the amount in DE 4 (Amount, Transaction).
1404 Release any unused funds in connection with the approved Financial
Transaction Request/0200: multiple completion message.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless—Brazil Only
In Brazil, for each Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction, the Issuer must
verify the dynamic CVC 3 value in the authorization request and provide the result in the
response message.
Middle East/Africa Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Middle East/Africa Region or in a particular
Region country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Middle East/Africa Region geographic
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
In the Middle East/Africa Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must ensure that any authorization request for an amount greater than zero is
identified as either a preauthorization or as a final authorization.
2.7 Final Authorizations
In the Middle East/Africa Region, the Acquirer must ensure that any authorization request is
identified as a final authorization only if:
The Transaction may no longer be cancelled and must not be reversed after the authorization
request is approved in full by the Issuer, except upon Cardholder request or when non-
completion is unavoidable for technical reasons such as telecommunications failure or POS
Terminal failure; and
The authorization being requested is for the final Transaction amount.
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals
In the Middle East/Africa Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer and an Acquirer in Jordan or South Africa is not required to support partial approval.
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway Identifier (MPG ID)
The Rule on this subject does not apply in the following countries: Jordan, Nigeria and Pakistan.
United States Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States (U.S.) Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the U.S. Region geographic listing.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless—Brazil Only
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must support POS balance inquiry for all prepaid Debit Mastercard and prepaid
Maestro Accounts.
2.1.1 Acquirer Host System Requirements
An Acquirer in the U.S. Region must ensure that its POS Terminal host systems and those of its
Service Providers:
1. Are capable of processing Contact Chip Transactions and Contactless Transactions
(including both EMV Mode Contactless Transactions and Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless
2. Support the transmission of Contact Chip Transaction and Contactless Transaction
messages in accordance with the Standards;
3. Support all valid CVM options for Chip Transactions, including but not limited to PIN (both
offline and online), regardless of whether each Hybrid POS Terminal connected to the
Acquirer host system supports all of these options;
4. Support all mandatory and applicable conditional data subelements within DE 55
(Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data); and
5. Have been approved by the Corporation, with respect to each Interchange System network
interface, as enabled for Contact Chip Transaction and Contactless Transaction processing.
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Maestro Card Issuer must also support:
Partial approval from primary account, checking account, savings account, and pooled
Full and partial reversal
POS balance response for prepaid Accounts
Each Maestro and Cirrus Card Issuer must offer cash withdrawal from a savings account and
from a checking account, and may optionally offer Shared Deposit to a savings account and to a
checking account.
An Issuer may decline authorization of a Transaction when technical fallback from chip to
magnetic stripe occurred.
2.2.1 Issuer Host System Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Maestro Card Issuer’s host system interfaces must support POS balance inquiry.
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service
In the U.S. Region, the following requirements apply with respect to Mastercard Card Programs.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements
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For all Mastercard Card Programs, an Issuer must use the Stand-In Processing Service. For all
Mastercard Card Programs except Debit Mastercard Card Programs, Stand-In Parameters
must be set at or above the Corporation’s default limits.
In the event that fraudulent activity is detected with respect to a BIN or BIN range, the
Corporation, in its sole discretion and judgment, may take such action as the Corporation deems
necessary or appropriate to safeguard the goodwill and reputation of the Corporations Marks.
Such action may include, by way of example and not limitation, declining some or all Transaction
authorization requests received by the Stand-in Processing Service relating to the use of Cards
issued under such BIN or BIN range.
For Debit Mastercard Card Programs, the following requirements apply:
1. For all Transactions identified with a TCC of C, P, T, U, or Z, the Transaction category code
(TCC) limit may be set below the Corporation’s default value.
2. For all Card-not-present Transactions, the TCC limit may be set below the Corporation’s
default value.
3. For Card-present Transactions identified with a TCC of A, F, H, O, R, or X and effected with
a Debit Mastercard Card (standard), the TCC limit may be set below the Corporation’s
default value to an amount no less than USD 50.
4. For Card-present Transactions identified with a TCC of A, F, H, O, R, or X and effected with
a Debit Mastercard Card (enhanced), the TCC limit may be set below the Corporation’s
default value to an amount no less than USD 100.
5. For Card-present Transactions identified with a TCC of A, C, F, H, O, R, or X and effected
with a Debit Mastercard BusinessCard Card or Debit Mastercard Professional Card, the TCC
limit may be set below the Corporation’s default value to an amount no less than USD 400.
6. For Debit Mastercard Card (standard) Programs, the accumulative limits may be set below
the Corporation’s default values as follows.
Minimum Transaction
Transaction Count
Minimum Transaction
1 4 6 USD 50
2 6 12 USD 100
3 6 18 USD 150
4 6 24 USD 200
7. For Debit Mastercard Card (enhanced) Programs, the accumulative limits may be set below
the Corporation’s default values as follows.
Minimum Transaction
Transaction Count
Minimum Transaction
1 4 6 USD 100
2 6 12 USD 200
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service
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Minimum Transaction
Transaction Count
Minimum Transaction
3 6 18 USD 300
4 6 24 USD 400
8. For Debit Mastercard BusinessCard Card and Debit Mastercard Professional Card
Programs, the accumulative Limits may be set below the Corporation’s default values as
Day Minimum Transaction
Transaction Count
Minimum Transaction
1 4 4 USD 750
2 6 6 USD 1,000
3 6 6 USD 1,000
4 6 6 USD 1,000
2.4 Performance Standards
2.4.2 Performance Standards—Issuer Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following.
An Issuer authorization failure rate for Maestro POS Transactions and ATM Transactions that
exceeds two percent (2%) in any given calendar month is deemed to be substandard
performance. The Issuer failure rate is not applied until after the Issuer’s fourth calendar month
of operation or upon the Issuer’s processing of 5,000 Transactions in a calendar month,
whichever occurs first. Refer to “Calculation of the Issuer Failure Rate” in this chapter for the
formula used to calculate the Issuer authorization failure rate.
2.5 Preauthorizations
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Acquirer is not liable for preauthorization completions that occurred within 20 minutes of
the initial Maestro POS Transaction but were subsequently stored and forwarded because of
technical problems between the Acquirer and the Interchange System, or the Interchange
System and the Issuer.
No CVM is required for a PIN-less Single Message Transaction preauthorization.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.4 Performance Standards
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2.11 Full and Partial Reversals
2.11.1 Full and Partial Reversals—Acquirer Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must ensure that a Merchant accepting Debit Mastercard Cards supports full and
partial reversals performed at the POI and whenever, for technical reasons, the Acquirer is
unable to communicate the authorization response to the Merchant. This requirement applies
with respect to all MCCs for which the Acquirer is required to support partial approvals, as listed
in Rule 2.12.
2.11.2 Full and Partial Reversals—Issuer Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For all Debit Mastercard Card Account ranges, an Issuer must support full and partial reversals.
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections
2.13.1 Refund Transactions - Acquirer Requirements
In the United States Region, the requirement for an Acquirer to perform online authorization for
refund Transactions acquired through the Dual Message System does not apply.
2.14 Balance Inquiries
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Acquirer must ensure that a balance inquiry is initiated through the use of a PIN and a
magnetic stripe reader and is performed only at Cardholder-operated Terminals.
2.18 Transaction Queries, Disputes, and Errors
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Acquirer of a U.S. Region Merchant participating in the substantiation of certain tax-
qualified purchases (for example, medical-related, prescription drug, and vision care purchases)
must be prepared to respond to an Issuer’s request for the retrieval of documentation for a
Transaction effected with an eligible U.S. Region-issued Card. The Acquirer must provide the
requested documentation within 30 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the
Issuer’s request.
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules
The following variations and additions to the Rules apply in the United States Region and in
American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
(herein, "the U.S. Territories").
These Rules apply in addition to any that apply within the Asia/Pacific Region, with respect to
Customers located in American Samoa, Guam, and Northern Mariana Islands; the Latin America
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals
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and the Caribbean Region, with respect to Customers located in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands; and the United States Region, with respect to U.S. Region Customers.
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
2.2.2 Stand-In Processing Service
In the U.S. Region and U.S. Territories, the following additional requirements apply.
An Issuer must use the Stand-In Processing Service for all of its debit cards that provide
Maestro functionality. The Stand-In Parameters may be set below the Corporation's default
TCC limit for Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro card-not-present debit card Transactions.
In the event that fraudulent activity is detected, the Corporation, in its sole discretion and
judgment, may take such action as the Corporation deems necessary or appropriate to
safeguard the goodwill and reputation of the Corporation's Marks. Such action may include, by
way of example and not limitation, declining some or all Transaction authorization requests
received by the Stand-in Processing Service relating to Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro card-not-
present debit card Transactions.
2.5 Preauthorizations
2.5.2 Preauthorizations—Maestro POS Transactions
In the U.S. Region and U.S. Territories, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Each Maestro card-not-present (CNP) POS Transaction preauthorization initiated with a Non-
Mastercard BIN Maestro card-not-present (CNP) debit card is valid for a period of seven (7)
calendar days from the preauthorization approval date, when the preauthorization request
message contains a value of 07 in DE 61, subfield 12 (POS Authorization Life Cycle). Additional
preauthorization requests may be submitted to extend the validity period or increase the
authorized amount, as described in Rule 2.9 Multiple Authorizations of this Additional U.S.
Region and U.S. Territories section.
The Authorization-related Chargeback described in Chapter 4 Single Message System
Chargebacks for Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro Card-Not-Present (CNP) Debit Transactions of
the Chargeback Guide may apply if the Transaction amount in the preauthorization completion
message was not fully authorized.
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
In the U.S. Region and U.S. Territories, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows with
respect to Maestro card-not-present (CNP) POS Transactions effected with Non-Mastercard
BIN Maestro card-not-present (CNP) debit cards.
Following Issuer approval of the initial preauthorization request, a Merchant may submit one or
more additional preauthorization requests for the same card-not-present (CNP) Maestro POS
Transaction, subject to the following conditions:
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements
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1. The original and each additional preauthorization request for the same Transaction is valid
for a period of seven (7) calendar days from the authorization approval date, when the
preauthorization request message contains a value of 07 in DE 61, subfield 12 (POS
Authorization Life Cycle).
2. Each additional approved preauthorization:
a. If submitted for a zero amount, extends the authorization validity period with no change
to the total authorized Transaction amount.
b. If submitted for a non-zero amount, both extends the authorization validity period and
incrementally increases the total authorized Transaction amount.
3. If an additional preauthorization request is declined, then the most recent previously
approved preauthorization remains valid. For example, if the Issuer approved the original
USD 100 preauthorization request on 1 June and declined an additional USD 25
preauthorization request on 7 June, then the Transaction must be completed by 8 June
(when the original preauthorization expires) for USD 100 (the original approved amount).
4. If any preauthorization request expires before the Transaction completion message is sent,
then the Merchant or Acquirer must initiate a new original preauthorization request for the
The processing of multiple preauthorization requests for the same Maestro POS Transaction
must occur as follows.
Preauthorization message
(0200/0210) The Acquirer provides:
The Mastercard Network
Preauth1 (original
preauthorization message)
In DE 4 (Amount, Transaction),
the original preauthorization
request amount
The authorization date in DE 15
(Date, Settlement) and the
switch serial number [SSN] in DE
63 (Network Data)
Preauth2 (first additional
preauthorization message for the
same Transaction)
In DE 4, the additional
amount being authorized, or a
zero amount (to extend the
authorization validity without
increasing the authorized
In DE 15 and DE 63, the same
values as received in the
Preauth1 0210 message
In DE 105 (Multi-Use
Transaction Identification
Data), subelement 001
(Transaction Link Identifier
[TLID]), the same value as
received in the Preauth1 0210
Preauth2 authorization date
in DE 15
Preauth2 SSN in DE 63
Preauth1 SSN in DE 48,
subelement 59 (Original
Switch Serial Number)
In DE 54 (Amounts,
Additional), subfield 2
(Amount Type), the value of
92 and in subfield 5 (Amount),
the total cumulative
previously authorized and
currently requested amount
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.9 Multiple Authorizations
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Preauthorization message
(0200/0210) The Acquirer provides:
The Mastercard Network
Preauth3 (second additional
preauthorization message for the
same Transaction)
In DE 4, the additional
amount being authorized, or a
zero amount
In DE 15 and DE 63, the same
values as received in the
Preauth2 0210 message
In DE 105 (Multi-Use
Transaction Identification
Data), subelement 001
(Transaction Link Identifier
[TLID]), the same value as
received in the Preauth2 0210
Preauth3 authorization date
in DE 15
Preauth3 SSN in DE 63
Preauth1 SSN in DE 48,
subelement 59
In DE 54, subfield 2, the value
of 92 and in subfield 5, the
total cumulative previously
authorized and currently
requested amount
The Authorization-related Chargeback described in Chapter 4 Single Message System
Chargebacks for Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro Card-Not-Present (CNP) Debit Transactions of
the Chargeback Guide may apply if the Transaction amount in the preauthorization completion
message was not fully authorized.
2.10 Multiple Clearing and Multiple Completion Messages
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
An Acquirer of a Maestro Merchant located in the U.S. Region or U.S. Territories that processes a
Maestro "back of card" (non-Mastercard BIN) card-not-present Transaction involving a debit
card issued in the U.S. Region or U.S. Territories has the option to submit one or more linked
completion messages within a period of seven days from the settlement date.
Acquirer Requirements
1. An Acquirer that supports this processing option must populate the following values in the
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message initiated at the time of the Cardholder's
purchase of goods or services.
Table 3: Financial Transaction Request/0200 message
Field Value
DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) The total purchase amount
DE 61 (Point of Service [POS] Data), subfield 7
(POS Transaction Status)
4 (Preauthorization Request)
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.10 Multiple Clearing and Multiple Completion Messages
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Field Value
DE 61, subfield 12 (POS Authorization Life
2. Within seven days of the date contained in DE 15 (Date, Settlement) of the Financial
Transaction Request Response/0210 message, the Acquirer may submit either one or
several Financial Transaction Advice/0220 completion messages. Each completion message
must contain the following data.
Table 4: Financial Transaction Advice/0220 completion message(s)
Field Value
DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) The Transaction amount being fulfilled with this
completion message, which may be all or a
portion of the total purchase amount
DE 15 (Date, Settlement) The same value received in DE 15 of the Financial
Transaction Request Response/0210 message
DE 60 (Advice Reason Code), subfield 1 (Advice
Reason Code)
290 (APS approved transaction; preauthorized
by issuer)
DE 60, subfield 2 (Advice Reason Detail Code) One of the following:
1403 (Previously approved authorization -
partial amount, multiple completions)
1404 (Previously approved authorization -
partial amount, final completion)
DE 61, subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) 4 (Preauthorization request)
DE 61, subfield 12 (POS Authorization Life
DE 105 (Multi-Use Transaction Identification
Data), subelement 001 (Transaction Link
Identifier [TLID])
Effective 17 October 2025, the same value
received in DE 105, subelement 001 of the
Financial Transaction Request Response/0210
Issuer Requirements
Upon receiving a Financial Transaction Advice/0220 completion message containing a value of
1403 or 1404, the Issuer should:
1. Match the completion message to the original Financial Transaction Request/0200 message
by comparing the data contained in DE 48, subelement 59 (Original Switch Serial Number)
to the original Switch Serial Number (SSN) in the original 0200 message from DE 63
(Network Data) and effective 17 October 2025, the data contained in DE 105, subelement
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
001 (Transaction Link Identifier [TLID]) to the DE 105, subelement 001 value in the original
0200 message.
2. Adjust any hold on the availability of funds in the Cardholder's Account in accordance with
its standard Account management practice. In any event, the Issuer should release any
remaining unused amount still held after seven days from the settlement date of the
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message.
If the completion message
contains a value of... Then the Issuer is advised to...
1403 Reduce the hold placed on the Cardholder's Account in connection
with the approved Financial Transaction Advice/0220 message by
the amount in DE 4 (Amount, Transaction)
1404 Release any unused funds in connection with the approved Financial
Transaction Request/0200 message.
Authorization and Clearing Requirements
2.10.2 Maestro Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter 3 Acceptance Procedures
The following Standards apply with regard to Card acceptance at the Point of Interaction (POI). Where
applicable, variations or additions by region and/or country are provided at the end of this chapter in the
section titled, “Variations and Additions by Region.
3.1 Card-Present Transactions...........................................................................................................................96
3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance Procedures.........................................................................................96
Suspicious Cards........................................................................................................................................ 96
3.1.2 Maestro Card Acceptance Procedures.............................................................................................. 97
3.2 Card-Not-Present Transactions...................................................................................................................97
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization..........................................................................................................................97
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures................................................................97
Authorization of Lodging, Cruise Line, and Vehicle Rental Transactions......................................... 98
Authorization When the Cardholder Adds a Gratuity.........................................................................99
Card-Not-Present Transaction Declines................................................................................................ 99
Use of Card Validation Code (CVC) 2..................................................................................................100
Capture Card Response..........................................................................................................................100
3.3.2 Maestro POS Transaction Authorization Procedures...................................................................100
3.4 Mastercard Cardholder Verification Requirements...............................................................................100
CVM Not Required for Refund Transactions............................................................................................ 102
Use of PIN for Mastercard Magnetic Stripe Transactions..................................................................... 102
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements.....................................................................................102
3.6 Use of a PIN for Transactions at ATM Terminals and Bank Branch Terminals.................................. 103
3.7 Use of a Consumer Device CVM................................................................................................................103
3.8 POI Currency Conversion............................................................................................................................104
3.8.1 Cardholder Disclosure Requirements...............................................................................................105
3.8.2 Cardholder Disclosure - Transaction Receipt Information...........................................................106
3.8.3 Priority Check-Out..............................................................................................................................106
3.8.4 Transaction Processing Requirements.............................................................................................106
3.9 Multiple Transactions—Mastercard POS Transactions Only................................................................ 107
3.10 Partial Payment—Mastercard POS Transactions Only.......................................................................107
3.11 Specific Terms of a Transaction..............................................................................................................108
3.11.1 Specific Terms of an E-commerce Transaction...........................................................................108
3.12 Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damage—Mastercard POS Transactions Only....................................108
3.13 Transaction Receipts.................................................................................................................................109
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt Requirements.......110
3.13.2 ATM and Bank Branch Terminal Transaction Receipt Requirements.......................................111
Acceptance Procedures
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3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date Omission......................... 112
3.13.4 Prohibited Information.................................................................................................................... 112
3.13.5 Standard Wording for Formsets....................................................................................................113
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services........................................................................................... 113
3.14.1 Refund Transactions.........................................................................................................................114
3.15 Transaction Records..................................................................................................................................115
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment Time Frames....................................................................................... 115
3.15.2 Retention of Transaction Records..................................................................................................116
Variations and Additions by Region.................................................................................................................116
Asia/Pacific Region.............................................................................................................................................116
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services......................................................................................116
3.14.1 Refund Transactions...................................................................................................................116
3.15 Transaction Records.............................................................................................................................116
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment Time Frames..................................................................................117
Canada Region....................................................................................................................................................117
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization..................................................................................................................117
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures........................................................117
Europe Region..................................................................................................................................................... 117
3.1 Card-Present Transactions...................................................................................................................117
3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance Procedures.................................................................................117
3.2 Card-Not-Present Transactions...........................................................................................................117
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization..................................................................................................................118
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures........................................................118
Authorization of Lodging, Cruise Line, and Vehicle Rental Transactions..................................118
Authorization When the Cardholder Adds a Gratuity.................................................................118
3.3.2 Maestro POS Transaction Authorization Procedures............................................................. 118
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements............................................................................... 119
3.8 POI Currency Conversion.......................................................................................................................119
3.13 Transaction Receipts............................................................................................................................119
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt Requirements. 120
3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date Omission....................121
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services......................................................................................121
3.14.1 Refund Transactions...................................................................................................................121
Latin America and the Caribbean Region...................................................................................................... 122
3.4 Mastercard Cardholder Verification Requirements..........................................................................122
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements............................................................................... 122
Middle East/Africa Region.................................................................................................................................122
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services......................................................................................122
3.14.1 Refund Transactions...................................................................................................................122
Acceptance Procedures
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United States Region.........................................................................................................................................123
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization..................................................................................................................123
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures........................................................123
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements............................................................................... 123
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules.............................................................................................124
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services......................................................................................124
3.14.1 Refund Transactions...................................................................................................................124
Acceptance Procedures
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3.1 Card-Present Transactions
A Card-present Transaction occurs when the Cardholder has presented a Card or Access Device
to a Merchant or Customer representative in a face-to-face environment, or uses a Card or
Access Device to initiate a Transaction at an ATM Terminal or unattended POS Terminal.
A Card-present Transaction conducted at a Terminal should be processed using the highest level
of technology supported by both the Card or Access Device and the Terminal, as follows:
1. If a Chip Card or Access Device is presented at a Card-reading Hybrid Terminal, complete
the Transaction in accordance with the technical specifications set forth in the M/Chip
Requirements for Contact and Contactless; or
2. If a Card is presented at a magnetic stripe-reading Terminal that is not chip-enabled, ensure
that the Card’s magnetic stripe is “read” by the Terminal.
Each Transaction must be authorized as described in Rule 3.3.
3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance Procedures
A Mastercard Card is not required to be accepted if neither the magnetic stripe nor the contact
or contactless chip on the Card can be read for any reason. The manual completion of a
Transaction, whether by means of a manual imprinter, electronic key entry of the Card
information, or both, does not provide sufficient proof of Card presence in a fraud-related
The following steps may be performed in a face-to-face environment to determine the validity
of a Mastercard Card (but not an Access Device):
Check for the presence of the Mastercard or Debit Mastercard hologram, as applicable, or
the Premium Brand Mark.
If the POS Terminal displays the PAN encoded on the magnetic stripe and if the PAN is
present on the Card, then compare the last four digits of the PAN on the Card with the four-
digit truncated PAN displayed on the POS Terminal.
The following steps may be performed for all face-to-face unique Transactions (TCC of U) and
Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions, unless PIN or CDCVM is used as the CVM:
Request personal identification in the form of an unexpired, official government document
(for example, a passport, identification document, or driver’s license).
If a photograph is present on the personal identification, compare the photograph with the
person presenting the Card.
The personal identification type and number must not be recorded on the Transaction receipt.
Suspicious Cards
When suspicious that a presented Mastercard Card may not be valid, the Merchant or Customer
accepting the Card should follow the Acquirers “Code 10” (suspicious Card) procedures, which
Acceptance Procedures
3.1 Card-Present Transactions
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may include placing a value of 1 (Suspected fraud [merchant suspicious—code 10]) in DE 61,
subfield 8 (Transaction Security) of the authorization request message.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
3.1.2 Maestro Card Acceptance Procedures
A Maestro Card must not be accepted if neither the magnetic stripe nor the contact or
contactless chip on the Card can be read for any reason.
Electronic key entry of Maestro Card information into a POS Terminal is permitted only for
refund Transactions. An Issuer is not responsible for a Maestro POS Transaction if the PAN was
manually entered into the POS Terminal and the approved Transaction was subsequently
determined to have arisen through use of a fraudulent Card and/or unauthorized use of a PIN.
3.2 Card-Not-Present Transactions
The physical presentation of a Card or Access Device is not required and must not be requested
to complete a Transaction conducted in a Card-not-present environment, including any e-
commerce, mail order, phone order, or Credential-on-file Transaction.
A Merchant must not refuse to complete a Mastercard e-commerce Transaction solely because
the Cardholder does not have a digital certificate or other secured protocol.
NOTE: A Rule variation on this subject appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization
With respect to securing authorizations, an Acquirer must treat all Transactions at a Merchant
in the same manner.
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures
A Merchant must inform the Cardholder of any estimated amount for which authorization will
be requested and must obtain the Cardholder's consent to the amount before initiating the
authorization request. This requirement does not apply to:
Contactless transit aggregated or transit debt recovery Transactions;
Automated fuel dispenser (AFD) Transactions (MCC 5542); or
An authorization requested for an amount otherwise approved by the Cardholder as the final
Transaction amount.
Refer to Chapter 2 for requirements relating to the proper identification of a Processed
Transaction authorization request for an amount greater than zero as a preauthorization (in all
Regions), undefined authorization (in all Regions except the Asia/Pacific, Middle East/Africa, and
Europe Regions), or final authorization (in all Regions).
Acceptance Procedures
3.1.2 Maestro Card Acceptance Procedures
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A Merchant must obtain an online authorization from the Issuer for all Transactions, with the
following exceptions:
1. Transactions at a CAT 3 device.
2. Chip Transactions authorized offline by the EMV chip, including both Contact Chip and EMV
mode Contactless Transactions, when the Transaction amount is equal to or less than USD
200, or EUR 200 for a Merchant in the Europe Region.
3. Refund Transactions. Effective 18 October 2024, this exception is limited to refunds
conducted by airline Merchants and for contactless transit aggregated Transactions.
4. Transit First Ride Risk (FRR) claim Transactions that are less than or equal to the FRR limit
amount applicable in the Merchant's country, as described in Rule 5.6.1.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Canada Region" and "United States Region" sections
at the end of this chapter.
Terminal offline chip authorization limits are published in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference
A Merchant or its Acquirer may obtain a voice authorization from the Issuer, with the
understanding that the authorization code obtained in a voice authorization is not a valid
remedy to an authorization-related chargeback.
For additional authorization message requirements, including how a Merchant or Acquirer may
convert an Issuer's approval of a Card-not-present Transaction believed in good faith to be
fraudulent to a decline, refer to Chapter 2.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the "Europe Region" section at the end of this chapter.
Authorization of Lodging, Cruise Line, and Vehicle Rental Transactions
Lodging, cruise line, and vehicle rental Merchants may request an authorization for an estimated
Transaction amount, and may submit subsequent authorization requests for any additional
estimated amounts as needed. For more information, refer to Rule 2.9.
Vehicle rental Merchants:
1. May not include any charge in a Transaction that represents either the vehicle insurance
deductible amount or an amount to cover potential or actual damages when the Cardholder
waives insurance coverage at the time of the rental; and
2. Before the Cardholder enters into a rental agreement, the Merchant must disclose to the
Cardholder the amount of the authorization request to be sent to the Issuer.
Charges for loss, theft, or damage must be processed separately.
The Transaction amount of a lodging, cruise line, or vehicle rental Processed Transaction must
not exceed the authorized amount. If the Merchant obtains a preauthorization for an estimated
amount, and the Transaction amount exceeds the authorized amount, the Merchant may
request an incremental authorization. In connection with such Transactions, the Issuer must not
place a hold on the Cardholders Account in excess of the authorized amount.
Acceptance Procedures
Authorization of Lodging, Cruise Line, and Vehicle Rental Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Authorization When the Cardholder Adds a Gratuity
When a preauthorization or an undefined authorization (in all Regions except the Asia/Pacific,
Europe, and Middle East/Africa Regions) is obtained:
If the Transaction is a Card-Not-Present Transaction, Chip/PIN Transaction, Contactless
Transaction, or Mastercard Consumer-Presented Quick Response (QR) Transaction, any
gratuity must be included in the authorization request. A gratuity must not be added after
authorization is obtained.
For all other Transaction types, a gratuity may be added after authorization is obtained.
If the gratuity does not exceed 20 percent of the authorized amount, then no additional
authorization is needed.
If the gratuity exceeds 20 percent of the authorized amount, then the Merchant may
request an incremental authorization for the amount in excess of the authorized amount.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “United States Region” section at the end of this
For all Transactions, if the authorization request message contains the Partial Approval Terminal
Support Indicator, and the authorization request response message contains a value of 10
(Partial Approval) in DE 39 and a partial approval amount in DE 6, the Transaction amount
must not exceed the authorized amount.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
The Issuer must not place a hold on the Cardholder’s Account in excess of the total authorized
amount (inclusive of the 20 percent tolerance, if applicable, or any incremental authorization).
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “United States Region” section at the end of this
Card-Not-Present Transaction Declines
If a Merchant initiates an authorization request for a Card-not-present Transaction and the
Acquirer receives any one of the following declined responses in DE 39 (Response Code) of the
Issuer’s authorization request response message, the Merchant must not initiate any additional
authorization requests for the same Transaction with the same PAN and expiration date at any
Response Code Value
04 Capture card
14 Invalid card number
15 Invalid issuer
Acceptance Procedures
Authorization When the Cardholder Adds a Gratuity
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Response Code Value Description
41 Lost card
43 Stolen card
54 Expired card
Use of Card Validation Code (CVC) 2
In a Card-not-present environment, a Merchant may request a Card validation code (CVC) 2
verification from the Issuer, as a means to check the validity of a Mastercard Card.
CVC 2 data must not be stored by the Merchant, its Acquirer, or any Service Provider. Refer to
section 3.12 of the Security Rules and Procedures manual for additional CVC 2 requirements.
Capture Card Response
If the Merchant receives a “capture card” or “pick-up-card” response to an authorization request,
the Merchant must not complete the Transaction. In a face-to-face Transaction environment,
the Merchant should attempt to retain the Card by reasonable and peaceful means. The Card
retention requirement does not apply when an Access Device has been presented. Upon
recovering a Card, the Merchant must notify its Acquirer and ask for further instructions.
3.3.2 Maestro POS Transaction Authorization Procedures
A Merchant must obtain an online authorization from the Issuer or its agent for all Maestro
magnetic stripe POS Transactions. With respect to Maestro Chip Transactions, the Terminal
offline chip authorization limits published in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference Booklet apply. A
Merchant must obtain an online authorization for a Chip Transaction that exceeds the published
Terminal offline chip authorization limit and whenever the Card or the Hybrid POS Terminal
requires online authorization. Before completing a Chip Transaction for which online
authorization is required or requested, the Merchant must obtain a Transaction Certificate (TC)
and related data.
For additional authorization message requirements, including how a Merchant or Acquirer may
convert an Issuer's approval of a Card-not-present Transaction believed in good faith to be
fraudulent to a decline, refer to Chapter 2.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
3.4 Mastercard Cardholder Verification Requirements
In a face-to-face Transaction environment, the Merchant Terminal must support signature as a
Cardholder verification method (CVM) for a Mastercard POS Transaction. Signature collection is
Acceptance Procedures
Use of Card Validation Code (CVC) 2
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
If PIN, Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM), successful Cardholder authentication on a Mastercard
Biometric Card, or "No CVM" is used as the CVM in accordance with the Standards, the
Merchant must not request that the Cardholder sign the Merchant's copy of the Transaction
For a Mastercard Contactless Transaction that… Then…
Is less than or equal to the applicable contactless
CVM limit
"No CVM" is the only CVM option. The Merchant
must not request that the Cardholder sign the
Merchant’s copy of the Transaction receipt.
Exceeds the applicable contactless CVM limit The CVM may be any of the following, provided
both the Card or Access Device and the POS
Terminal support the CVM:
Signature - When signature is selected as the
CVM, the Merchant may optionally request the
Cardholder's signature
Online PIN
Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM)
With respect to Mastercard POS Transactions conducted by a Merchant using an MPOS
Terminal or a Chip-only MPOS Terminal, PIN is not required if:
1. the Merchant has less than USD 100,000 in annual Transaction volume; and
2. the MPOS Terminal has a contact chip reader and magnetic stripe-reading capability but
does not support PIN as a CVM for Contact Chip Transactions.
(The use of an MPOS Terminal or Chip-only MPOS Terminal lacking such capabilities confers no
chargeback protection. Refer to Rule 7.4 regarding restrictions on the use of certain MPOS
Terminal types.)
In a Card-not-present Transaction environment, the Merchant may complete the Transaction
without using a CVM.
Refer to Appendix D for CVM requirements at unattended POS Terminals.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Latin America and the Caribbean Region" section at
the end of this chapter.
Acceptance Procedures
3.4 Mastercard Cardholder Verification Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
CVM Not Required for Refund Transactions
No CVM is required for a refund Transaction. However, when a PIN is used as the CVM for a
refund Transaction conducted at a Hybrid POS Terminal, the Merchant must obtain a successful
PIN validation.
Use of PIN for Mastercard Magnetic Stripe Transactions
Each PIN-capable POS Terminal must meet specific requirements for PIN processing wherever
an approved implementation of PIN for magnetic stripe Transactions takes place. Refer to
chapter 4 of the Security Rules and Procedures for more information.
An Issuer should refer to the Authorization Manual for information about optional PIN
verification during Stand-In Processing.
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements
For each Card-present Maestro POS Transaction, PIN must be used as the CVM, whether
magnetic stripe or chip is used to initiate the Transaction, except in the case of:
1. A properly presented Contactless Transaction for which no CVM is required or when
Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM) has been successfully completed;
2. No-CVM Transactions conducted in the Europe Region; and
3. A Transaction occurring at a Hybrid POS Terminal in a country in which the Corporation has
consented to the use of offline PIN as the minimum CVM for a Chip Transaction and
signature as the CVM for a magnetic stripe Transaction. Signature collection is optional.
At present, the Corporation has given such consent to Customers in:
1. Finland
2. France
3. Ireland
4. Israel
5. Monaco
6. United Kingdom
As of 31 December 2023, Finland, France, and Monaco will be removed from the above list.
An Issuer must not decline authorization of a Transaction solely because the PIN was verified in
an offline mode or because the Transaction occurred in a country where the Corporation has
granted Customers a waiver allowing the use of a signature-based CVM instead of a PIN-based
CVM. An Issuer must accept and properly process (by performing an individual risk assessment
on) each Transaction verified using a signature-based CVM in the same manner as the Issuer
would if the Transaction had been verified using a PIN-based CVM.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region,” “Latin America and the Caribbean
Region,” and “United States Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
Acceptance Procedures
CVM Not Required for Refund Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3.6 Use of a PIN for Transactions at ATM Terminals and Bank
Branch Terminals
The following requirements apply with respect to Transactions occurring at ATM Terminals and
Bank Branch Terminals.
1. At an ATM Terminal and when a Maestro or Cirrus Card or PIN-preferring Mastercard Card
is accepted at a Bank Branch Terminal, the Cardholder must be verified by a PIN, whether
magnetic stripe or chip is used to initiate the Transaction.
2. For magnetic stripe Transactions, PIN verification must be online.
3. For a Cardless ATM Transaction, the Cardholder must be verified by Consumer Device CVM
(CDCVM) and may also be verified by PIN.
A Cardless ATM Transaction is identified in Authorization Request/0100 and Financial
Transaction Request/0200 messages with:
Data Element (DE) 22 (POS Entry Mode), subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry Mode) =
09 (PAN/Token entry via electronic commerce containing DSRP cryptogram in DE 55
(Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data)
DE 18 (Merchant Type) = 6011 (Automated Cash Disbursements—Customer Financial
DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), Transaction Category Code = Z (Automated Cash
DE 48, subfield 28 (Cardless ATM Order ID) = a 10-digit order ID provided by Mastercard
Cardless engine
4. The Issuer must ensure that Chip Cards support online PIN for these Transactions and
decline Transaction attempts where the PIN is entered incorrectly. For Chip Transactions,
the Payment Application or Card may also be blocked if the Cardholder exceeds the number
of PIN attempts permitted by the Issuer.
3.7 Use of a Consumer Device CVM
A Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM) may only be used as a CVM for Transactions if:
1. The CDCVM has been qualified by Mastercard, as set forth in Chapter 3 of the Security
Rules and Procedures; and
2. The person authenticated has been identified and verified as an authorized Cardholder in
accordance with Issuer-approved parameters.
When a CVM is requested or required for a Transaction and a CDCVM is used, the Issuer must
either perform CDCVM verification or confirm that CDCVM verification was successful.
Acceptance Procedures
3.6 Use of a PIN for Transactions at ATM Terminals and Bank Branch Terminals
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3.8 POI Currency Conversion
For purposes of these POI currency conversion Rules, billing currency is the currency in which the
Card was issued.
POI currency conversion is a service that may be offered by a Merchant or Acquirer. The service
enables a Cardholder to decide whether a Transaction should be completed in either the local
currency or the billing currency. POI currency conversion is also referred to as dynamic currency
conversion, or DCC. If POI currency conversion is used for a Transaction, the foreign exchange
rate is applied by the Merchant or Acquirer.
When POI currency conversion is offered, the Transaction currency is the currency selected by
the Cardholder at the Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminal, ATM Terminal, or Bank Branch Terminal.
An Acquirer that intends to acquire Transactions on which POI currency conversion has been
performed first must register with the Corporation to do so.
POI currency conversion must not be offered, as follows:
On a Contactless Transaction (including any Contactless transit aggregated Transaction)
that is equal to or less than the applicable CVM limit. POI currency conversion optionally may
be offered on a Contactless Transaction that exceeds the CVM limit.
On any Card or Account identified in the Mastercard Parameter Extract (MPE) as ineligible
for POI currency conversion, including but not limited to:
Any ATM or face-to-face Transaction effected with Mastercard and Maestro Prepaid
Cards that have single or multi-currency features;
Any Mastercard and Maestro branded debit Card that is a multi-currency Card where the
Issuer’s associated account range for all cross-border Card-present Transaction Volume of
a full calendar year is equal to or greater than fifty percent of its total Card-present
Transaction Volume in the same year.
On a Virtual Account used to purchase travel services pursuant to the Mastercard
Enterprise Solution Wholesale Travel Program.
POI currency conversion may be offered, subject to all of the following conditions:
No specific currency conversion method may be implemented as the default option, except
that when POI currency conversion is offered on the Internet, a currency conversion option
may be pre-selected. When POI Currency Conversion is offered for an e-commerce
Transaction and the currency conversion option is pre-selected, the Cardholder must be
informed of the pre-selection and provided with the means to decline the currency
A Cardholder may not be required or encouraged (i.e., “steered”) in any manner to use POI
currency conversion. For example, a POS Terminal must not ask or require a Cardholder to
choose to have the Transaction completed in a particular currency, whether by selecting
“YES” or “NO” or by displaying different currency selections in red and green colors, or
Acceptance Procedures
3.8 POI Currency Conversion
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The offer must be presented in a clear manner and must not use biased or misleading
language that may influence the Cardholder's currency selection; and
In addition to meeting any requirement under applicable local law or regulation, the offer
must comply with the following Cardholder disclosure requirements, as applicable.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
3.8.1 Cardholder Disclosure Requirements
Before an authorization or preauthorization request for the Transaction is submitted, and
before the Cardholder decides the currency in which the Transaction is to be completed:
The Cardholder must be clearly informed that the Cardholder has the right to choose the
currency in which the Transaction will be completed;
The Cardholder must be clearly informed of each of the following:
Transaction amount in the local currency;
Transaction amount in the billing currency;
Currency conversion rate to be applied should the Transaction be completed in the billing
Any other fee that can be charged in the event the cardholder selects POI currency
The Merchant and Terminal must honor Cardholder's currency selection; and
Each Terminal or Merchant Environment
identified as a…
Must include the following message to the Cardholder when
POI Currency Conversion is offered…
Unattended POS Terminal Before the Cardholder is asked to select a currency in which the
Transaction is to be completed, the unattended POS Terminal
must clearly disclose the following language, verbatim, to the
If an unattended POS Terminal cannot comply with the
Cardholder disclosure requirements set forth above, the
Merchant must satisfy the requirements by some alternative
means designed to ensure that the Cardholder understands the
POI currency conversion before the Cardholder is asked to decide
the currency the Transaction is to be completed in.
ATM Terminal
Before the Cardholder is asked to select a currency in which the
Transaction is to be completed, the ATM Terminal must clearly
disclose the following language, verbatim, to the Cardholder:
Acceptance Procedures
3.8.1 Cardholder Disclosure Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Each Terminal or Merchant Environment
identified as a…
Must include the following message to the Cardholder when
POI Currency Conversion is offered…
E-commerce Transaction Before the Cardholder is asked to select a currency in which the
Transaction is to be completed, the Merchant's website must
clearly disclose the following language, verbatim, to the
Cardholder during the checkout process:
In its sole discretion, the Corporation may approve or reject the presentation or display of
cardholder disclosure at the POI.
3.8.2 Cardholder Disclosure - Transaction Receipt Information
Refer to section 3.13 Transaction Receipts, 3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash
Disbursement Transaction Receipt Requirements, and section 3.13.2 ATM and Bank Branch
Terminal Transaction Receipt Requirements regarding provision of Transaction receipts and the
information that must be disclosed on a Transaction receipt when the Cardholder has chosen to
use the POI currency conversion service to complete the Transaction.
3.8.3 Priority Check-Out
Before initiating POI Currency Conversion for a priority check-out Transaction, a Merchant must
complete a written agreement with the Cardholder that specifies all of the following:
The Cardholder has been offered a choice of currencies for payment, whether a Transaction
should be completed in either the local currency or the billing currency;
The Cardholder has agreed that POI Currency Conversion will take place;
The specific Transaction currency agreed by the Cardholder;
That the Cardholder expressly agrees to POI Currency Conversion;
Any currency conversion commission, fees, or mark-up on the exchange rate; and
If applicable, that the exchange rate will be determined by the Merchant at a later time,
without additional consultation with the Cardholder.
If the Cardholder actively chooses POI Currency Conversion, the Transaction receipt must
include the same disclosures previously provided to the Cardholder in addition to all other
required information that is described in detail in Rule 3.8.2 Cardholder Disclosure —Transaction
Receipt Information.
3.8.4 Transaction Processing Requirements
The currency chosen by the Cardholder must be indicated as the Transaction currency in DE 49
of Transaction messages.
Acceptance Procedures
3.8.2 Cardholder Disclosure - Transaction Receipt Information
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The POI currency conversion indicator, pre-conversion currency, and amount must be provided in
DE 54 of Financial Transaction/0200 messages and First Presentment/1240 messages.
If the Cardholder does not choose to have the Transaction completed in the Cardholders billing
currency, the Transaction must be completed and processed in the local currency.
A refund Transaction must be processed in the same currency used when the returned goods or
canceled services were purchased.
Before offering POI currency conversion at an ATM Terminal, the Acquirer must either submit
the proposed screen messages and a sample receipt to the Corporation for review and potential
approval or implement screen messages and receipts in the form shown in Appendix F.
NOTE: The Mastercard standard disclaimer is shown in the Model Screen Offering POI Currency
Conversion, Appendix F.
3.9 Multiple Transactions—Mastercard POS Transactions Only
All products and services purchased in a single Transaction must be included in one total amount
on a single Transaction receipt and reflected in a single Transaction record, with the following
A Merchant may accept more than one payment method for a single purchase, provided that
the Transaction record and receipt reflects only the portion of the purchase to be paid by
means of an Account.
A Merchant may complete a consumer’s purchase of multiple products or services by
individually billing the products or services in separate Transactions to the same Account, in
accordance with the acceptance procedures.
3.10 Partial Payment—Mastercard POS Transactions Only
A Merchant is prohibited from effecting a Transaction where only a part of the total purchase
amount is included on the Transaction record and receipt, except in the following circumstances:
The customer pays a portion of the total purchase amount by means of an Account and pays
the remaining balance by another payment method, such as cash or check.
The products or services will be delivered or performed after the Transaction date, one
Transaction receipt represents a deposit, and the second Transaction receipt represents
payment of the balance. The Merchant must note the words “deposit” and “balance” on the
Transaction receipts as appropriate. The second Transaction receipt is contingent on the
delivery or performance of the products or services, and must not be presented until after
the products or services are delivered or performed.
The Cardholder has agreed in writing to be billed by the Merchant in installments, and has
specified the installment payment schedule and/or each installment payment amount to be
billed to the Account.
Acceptance Procedures
3.9 Multiple Transactions—Mastercard POS Transactions Only
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3.11 Specific Terms of a Transaction
The Merchant may impose specific terms governing a Transaction by, for example:
1. Legible printing of the specific terms on the Transaction receipt; or
2. Disclosing the specific terms by other means, such as by signage or literature, provided the
disclosure is sufficiently prominent and clear so that a reasonable person would be aware of
and understand the disclosure before the Transaction is completed.
Specific Transaction terms may include, for example, such words as “No Refunds,” “Exchange
Only,” “In-Store Credit Only,” or “Original Packaging Required for Returns.” Specific terms may
address such matters as late delivery, delivery charges, or insurance charges.
The specific terms printed on the Transaction receipt offered to the Cardholder will govern in the
event of a dispute, subject to compliance with other Standards.
3.11.1 Specific Terms of an E-commerce Transaction
In an e-commerce Transaction:
1. A Cardholder may accept specific Transaction terms by electronic means (for example, by
checking a box or clicking a “Submit” button indicating the acceptance of terms and
conditions); and
2. A Merchant must clearly communicate, and the Cardholder must specifically accept, any
terms concerning a recurring payment or installment billing Transaction arrangement
separately from any other terms (for example, by checking a box or clicking a “Submit”
button indicating the acceptance of recurring payment or installment billing terms and
The specific Transaction terms will govern in the event of a dispute, subject to compliance with
other Standards, provided that such specific terms were disclosed to and accepted by the
Cardholder before completion of the Transaction.
3.12 Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damage—Mastercard POS
Transactions Only
A charge for loss, theft, or damage must be processed as a separate Transaction from the
underlying rental, lodging, or other Transaction.
The Merchant must provide a reason for the charge and a reasonable estimate of the cost of
repairs to the Cardholder. After gaining the Cardholders authorization of the charge and the
estimated cost, the Merchant must process the Transaction as one of the following:
A Card-present Transaction. For CVM requirements, see Rule 3.4.
A fully authenticated e-commerce Transaction
Acceptance Procedures
3.11 Specific Terms of a Transaction
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The Transaction receipt must include a statement indicating that the estimated amount
charged for repairs will be adjusted upon completion of the repairs and submission of the invoice
for such repairs.
The final amount of a Transaction relating to repairs must not exceed the Merchant’s estimated
amount. If the Merchant obtains a preauthorization for an estimated amount, and the
Transaction amount exceeds the authorized amount, the Merchant may request an additional
authorization. In connection with such Transactions, the Issuer must not place a hold on the
Cardholder’s Account in excess of the authorized amount.
3.13 Transaction Receipts
A Transaction receipt (also called a Transaction Information Document, or TID) must be offered
to the Cardholder upon completion of a Transaction as required by and in a form that is
compliant with the Standards and applicable law or regulation.
All products and services purchased or cash disbursed in the same Transaction must be included
on a single Transaction receipt. A Transaction receipt must also be offered for a refund
At POS Terminals
At a POS Terminal (including any MPOS or CAT device unless otherwise stated), a paper
Transaction receipt must be offered to the Cardholder. A POS Terminal may also offer the
Cardholder the option of a receiving a Transaction receipt electronically in digital form, such as
through email, text, Merchant website, or other electronic means. The offer of a Transaction
receipt may be made verbally by the Merchant or electronically by the POS Terminal (such as a
Cardholder-facing screen asking "Receipt? Press YES or NO" or "Paper receipt? Email receipt?
No receipt?").
The following exceptions to the above Standard apply:
A Transaction receipt is not required to be offered if the Transaction is a Contactless
Transaction (including a Contactless transit aggregated Transaction) that is equal to or less
than the CVM limit but must be provided (on paper or digitally) upon Cardholder request.
The following POS Terminal types are not required to provide a Transaction receipt at the
time the Transaction is conducted, provided the Merchant has a means by which to provide a
Transaction receipt at a later date upon Cardholder request and clearly displayed the
method for such request at the Merchant location:
A POS Terminal identified as a CAT 1, CAT 2, or CAT 3 device and using MCC 5499
(Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores); and
An unattended contactless-only POS Terminal (see Rule 4.7 for information about
contactless-only acceptance).
Acceptance Procedures
3.13 Transaction Receipts
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
If the means by which the Merchant will provide a Transaction receipt involves the storage,
transmission, or processing of Card data, then the Acquirer must ensure such means comply
with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
A contactless-only POS Terminal identified as a CAT 1, CAT 2, or CAT 3 device and using MCC
8398 (Organizations, Charitable and Social Service) offering a Transaction equal to or less
than USD 15 (or local currency equivalent) may be deployed without the capability to provide
a Transaction receipt at the time the Transaction is conducted or at a later date. The inability
to provide a receipt must be clearly displayed on the CAT device prior to the Transaction
being completed.
An in-flight POS Terminal identified as a CAT 4 device must offer a Transaction receipt, as
described in Appendix D.
At ATM and Bank Branch Terminals
A Transaction receipt must be offered for a cash withdrawal or other financial Transaction
occurring at an ATM or, if technically feasible, a Bank Branch Terminal.
A Transaction receipt may be paper or electronic, such as a digital receipt through email, text,
Merchant website, or other electronic means. The offer of a Transaction receipt may be made
verbally or electronically (such as a Cardholder-facing screen asking "Receipt? Press YES or NO"
or "Paper receipt? Email receipt? No receipt?").
ATM cash withdrawals without paper receipts are allowed when the device is out of paper, the
Cardholder being duly advised.
NOTE: A variation to this Rule provision appears in the "Europe Region" section at the end of this
Card-not-present Transactions
A receipt must be provided for each Card-not-present Transaction. For each completed e-
commerce Transaction, a printable receipt page must be displayed after the Cardholder
confirms a purchase. With respect to an e-commerce Transaction, non-face-to-face recurring
payment Transaction, or any other Card-not-present Transaction upon Cardholder request, a
receipt may be sent to the Cardholder by email or other electronic means.
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt Requirements
All of the following information must be included on a Transaction receipt (no other information
is required):
1. The “doing business as” (DBA) Merchant name, city, state/province, and country, or the
financial institution location as provided in DE 43 (Card Acceptor Name/Location).
2. The Transaction type (retail sale, cash disbursement, refund).
3. The primary account number (PAN), in compliance with Rule 3.13.3. When an Access Device
is presented, the Transaction receipt must display the PAN (in truncated form) for the
Account accessed by means of that Contactless Payment Device, which may differ from the
Acceptance Procedures
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
PAN on a Card linked to the same Account. If available, the truncated Card PAN may also be
displayed for informational purposes.
4. A description and the price of each product and service purchased or returned, including
applicable taxes, in detail sufficient to identify the Transaction.
5. The total Transaction amount and Transaction currency. If no currency is identified on the
Transaction receipt, the Transaction is deemed to have taken place in the currency that is
legal tender at the POI. If the Cardholder has chosen to use a POI currency conversion
service to complete the Transaction as described in section 3.8 POI Currency Conversion, the
Transaction receipt must disclose all of the following:
The total Transaction amount in the local currency;
The total Transaction amount in the converted currency as agreed to by the Cardholder;
The currency symbol or code of each; and
The currency conversion rate used.
6. The Transaction date. (For Transaction date requirements, see Appendix C.)
7. For Card-present Mastercard POS Transactions completed with a manual imprinter, a
legible imprint of the Card (unless the Card is unembossed).
8. The authorization approval code, if obtained from the Issuer. If multiple authorizations are
obtained over the course of the Transaction (as may occur for lodging, cruise line, or vehicle
rental Transactions), all authorization numbers, the amounts authorized, and the date of
each authorization must be included.
9. For a Chip Transaction, the application identifier (AID) and the application preferred name
or application label.
10. For signature-based Transactions occurring at a Merchant that chooses to perform or is
required by applicable law or regulation to perform signature collection, adequate space for
the Cardholder’s signature on the Merchant’s copy (and optionally on the Cardholder’s copy).
A space for the Cardholder’s signature should be omitted from the Transaction receipt if the
Transaction is completed with a PIN or Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM) as the CVM or no
CVM is used. The Transaction receipt may optionally indicate that successful PIN or CDCVM
verification has occurred.
If personal identification is requested for a face-to-face unique Transaction or Manual Cash
Disbursement Transaction, the personal identification type and number must not be recorded
on the Transaction receipt (refer to Rule 3.1.1).
If a receipt is produced following an unsuccessful Transaction attempt, the receipt must indicate
the response or failure reason.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
3.13.2 ATM and Bank Branch Terminal Transaction Receipt Requirements
All of the following information must be included on a Transaction receipt (no other information
is required):
1. Identification of the Acquirer (for example, the institution name or logotype).
2. The ATM or Bank Branch Terminal location.
Acceptance Procedures
3.13.2 ATM and Bank Branch Terminal Transaction Receipt Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3. The Transaction amount (in a dual currency environment, the Transaction currency must be
identified on the receipt; in all other environments, the Transaction currency symbol is
recommended). If the Cardholder has chosen to use a POI currency conversion service to
complete the Transaction as described in section 3.8 POI Currency Conversion, the
Transaction receipt must disclose all of the following:
The total Transaction amount in the local currency;
The total Transaction amount in the converted currency as agreed to by the Cardholder;
The currency symbol or code of each; and
The currency conversion rate used.
4. The Transaction time and date.
5. The primary account number (PAN), in compliance with Rule 3.13.3. When an Access Device
is presented, the Transaction receipt must display the PAN (in truncated form) for the
Account accessed by means of that Contactless Payment Device, which may differ from the
PAN on a Card linked to the same Account. If available, the truncated Card PAN may also be
displayed for informational purposes.
6. The Transaction type (cash disbursement).
7. The Transaction sequence number.
8. An electronic recording of the magnetic stripe-read or chip-read Card data.
9. For a Chip Transaction, the application label and, at the Acquirer’s discretion, the
Transaction certificate (in its entirety) and related data.
10. For Merchandise Transactions only, a statement that the Transaction was for the purchase
of products or services.
An ATM or Bank Branch Terminal must clearly describe, by receipt, screen information, or both,
the action taken by the Issuer in response to a Cardholders request (approved or rejected).
3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date Omission
A Transaction receipt generated by an electronic Terminal, whether attended or unattended,
must not include the Card expiration date. In addition, a Transaction receipt generated for a
Cardholder by an electronic Terminal, whether attended or unattended, must reflect only the
last four digits of the primary account number (PAN). All preceding digits of the PAN must be
replaced with fill characters, such as “X,” “*,” or “#,” that are neither blank spaces nor numeric
The Corporation strongly recommends that if an electronic POS Terminal generates Merchant
copies of Transaction receipts, the Merchant copies should also reflect only the last four digits of
the PAN, replacing all preceding digits with fill characters, such as “X,” “*,” or “#,” that are neither
blank spaces nor numeric characters.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
3.13.4 Prohibited Information
The Transaction receipt or any other Acquirer or Merchant document must not reflect:
Acceptance Procedures
3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date Omission
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The PIN, any part of the PIN, or any fill characters representing the PIN; or
The Card validation code 2 (CVC 2).
3.13.5 Standard Wording for Formsets
A formset is a Transaction receipt produced by a manual imprinter. The following wording, in
English, the local language, or both (or words to similar effect) should appear on the Cardholder
copy of a formset:
“IMPORTANT—retain this copy for your records.
In addition, the following wording (or words to similar effect) should appear on each copy of a
formset for the specified Transaction type.
Retail Sale and Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions—“The Issuer of the Card identified on
this receipt is authorized to pay the amount shown as ‘total’ upon proper presentation. I
promise to pay such total (together with any other charges due thereon) subject to and in
accordance with the agreement governing the use of such Card.
Refund Transactions—“I request that the above Cardholder account be credited with the
amount shown as ‘total’ because of the return of, or adjustments on, the goods, services, or
other items of value described.
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services
A Merchant is required to accept the return of products or the cancellation of services unless
specific disclosure was provided at the time of the Transaction.
Upon the return in full or in part of products or the cancellation of a service purchased with a
Card, or if the Merchant agrees to a price adjustment on a purchase made with a Card, the
following applies:
If a Mastercard Card was used, the Merchant may not provide a price adjustment by any
means other than a credit to the same Card Account used to make the purchase (or a Card
reissued by the same Issuer to the same Cardholder).
If a Maestro Card was used, a Merchant may offer a price adjustment by means of a credit,
provided the credit is posted to the same Card Account used to make the purchase (or a
Card reissued by the same Issuer to the same Cardholder).
In a Card-present environment, the Merchant should ask the Cardholder for a Transaction
receipt identifying (by means of a truncated PAN) the payment card used for the original
purchase Transaction (but be aware that if an Access Device was used, the PAN on a Card linked
to the same Account may not match the PAN on the receipt).
In the case of involuntary refunds by airlines or other Merchants as required by law, or if the
Card used to make the purchase is not available, or the Merchant’s refund Transaction
authorization request is declined, the Merchant must act in accordance with its policy for
adjustments, refunds, returns, or the like, which may include providing a cash, check, or prepaid
card refund.
Acceptance Procedures
3.13.5 Standard Wording for Formsets
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Upon Mastercard approval, a Merchant may offer Cardholders the option of a “fast refund”
using the MoneySend Payment Transaction, as described in the Mastercard MoneySend and
Funding Transactions Program Standards. The fast refund using the MoneySend Payment
Transaction may be submitted to the same Account used in the original purchase (as identified
on the purchase Transaction receipt) or to a different Account, for example when the Issuer of
the Card or Access Device used in the original purchase declines a refund Transaction
authorization request. A Merchant enabled for the fast refund using the MoneySend Payment
Transaction must continue to support and offer the refund Transaction.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
3.14.1 Refund Transactions
A Merchant must process a refund Transaction only for the purpose of crediting funds to a
Cardholder for returned products, canceled services, or a price adjustment related to a prior
The refund Transaction:
must be processed in the same currency as used in the related purchase Transaction; and
must not exceed the authorized amount of the related purchase Transaction, except as may
occur due to currency value fluctuations or when the Merchant agrees to credit return
shipping costs.
Key entry of Card data is not permitted for Maestro refund Transactions conducted in a Card-
present environment. For information about chip-based refund Transactions, refer to the M/
Chip Requirements for Contact and Contactless manual.
When the original purchase was…
Then the refund Transaction…
A Chip Transaction May be completed without Chip Card authentication, Cardholder
verification (CVM), or online authorization from the Issuer. No
Transaction cryptogram will be produced for a refund Transaction
unless online authorization occurs. Refer to the M/Chip
Requirements for Contact and Contactless manual for details.
Authorization may occur at the Merchant's option but PIN data is
not required; an Issuer must not decline a refund Transaction
solely because of the absence of PIN data.
A dual message magnetic stripe
May be completed without CVM or online authorization from the
A single message magnetic stripe
May be completed without CVM. In a Card-present environment,
the Card must be read by the POS Terminal; in a Card-not-
present environment, the Card data may be key-entered.
Authorization must occur but PIN data is not required; an Issuer
must not decline a refund Transaction solely because of the
absence of PIN data.
Acceptance Procedures
3.14.1 Refund Transactions
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The Cardholder must be provided a copy of the refund Transaction receipt containing:
The date of the refund;
A description of the returned products, canceled services, or adjustment made; and
The amount of the refund.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Europe Region," "Middle East/Africa Region," and
"Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules" sections at the end of this chapter.
3.15 Transaction Records
Each Transaction record must reflect a valid and accurate Transaction date, as defined in
Appendix C. A Merchant must provide all products and services included in a Transaction record
to the Cardholder at the time of the Transaction unless, prior to completion of the Transaction,
the Cardholder agrees to a delayed delivery of products or performance of services.
The following applies with respect to Mastercard POS Transactions:
1. The Merchant must submit each purchase and refund Transaction record to its Acquirer no
later than three business days after the Transaction date.
2. Upon providing a full or partial refund for returned products or canceled services, the
Merchant must submit the refund Transaction record to its Acquirer within 15 days of the
refund Transaction receipt date, in order to avoid a Credit Not Processed chargeback.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region" section at the end of this chapter.
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment Time Frames
Upon receiving the Transaction record, the Acquirer must present the Transaction within the
applicable presentment time frame in order to avoid an Expired Chargeback Protection Period
The Acquirer must present a Transaction to the Issuer within the following presentment time
The authorization was identified as a preauthorization (DE 61 [Point-of-Service (POS)
Data], subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) contains a value of 4 [Preauthorized request])
and the transaction was presented or completed more than 30 calendar days after the
latest authorization approval date.
The authorization was not identified as a preauthorization and the transaction was
presented more than seven-calendar days after the authorization approval date.
For a Mastercard purchase Transaction, no later than 30 calendar days after the latest
authorization approval date for a preauthorization or no later than seven calendar days after
the authorization approval date for any other authorization, or for an offline chip-approved
purchase Transaction or other Transaction not requiring online authorization by the Issuer,
seven calendar days after the Transaction date.
Seven calendar days after the Transaction date of a Maestro purchase Transaction;
Acceptance Procedures
3.15 Transaction Records
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Seven calendar days after the Transaction date of an ATM Transaction;
Within one calendar day of the authorization date of a Payment Transaction;
Within 14 calendar days of the authorization date of a Contactless transit aggregated
Transaction; and
Within five calendar days of the Transaction date of a refund Transaction (the date on the
Transaction receipt, or if the refund Transaction was authorized by the Issuer, then the
authorization date).
An Issuer must accept Transactions submitted beyond the applicable time frame if the
Cardholder's Account is in good standing or the Transaction can be otherwise honored and
3.15.2 Retention of Transaction Records
The Acquirer must retain a record of each Transaction it receives or sends for a minimum of 13
months, or such longer period as may be required by applicable law or regulation.
Variations and Additions by Region
The remainder of this chapter provides modifications to the Standards set out in this chapter.
The modifications are organized by region or country and by applicable subject title.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Asia/Pacific Region or in a particular
Region country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Asia/Pacific Region geographic listing.
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services
3.14.1 Refund Transactions
In Australia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
When the original purchase Transaction includes a surcharge, the refund Transaction must
include the full or prorated surcharge amount.
3.15 Transaction Records
Effective 3 April 2024 for India Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
1. A purchase Transaction must be submitted to its Acquirer in accordance with its Merchant
Agreement and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
2. Upon providing a full or partial refund for returned products or canceled services, the
Merchant must submit the refund Transaction record to its Acquirer in accordance with its
Merchant Agreement and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Acceptance Procedures
3.15.2 Retention of Transaction Records
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment Time Frames
Effective 3 April 2024 for India Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
The Acquirer must present a Transaction to the Issuer within the following presentment time
Within one calendar day of the authorization approval date of a Payment Transaction;
Within four calendar days of the final authorization approval date for all other Transactions.
Canada Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Canada Region. Refer to Appendix A for
the Canada Region geographic listing.
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures
The requirement to obtain online authorization from the Issuer for a refund Transaction does
not apply to Merchants in the Canada Region.
Europe Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Europe Region or in a particular Region
country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Europe Region, Non-Single European Payments
Area (Non-SEPA) and Single European Payments Area (SEPA) geographic listing.
3.1 Card-Present Transactions
3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance Procedures
Suspicious Cards
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A suspicious Card must be identified in the field of the authorization message and with the
value specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
3.2 Card-Not-Present Transactions
The following Rule variation applies with respect to Merchants located in the Europe Region.
A Merchant must not refuse to complete a Remote Electronic Transaction solely because the
Issuer does not request Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), as Issuer exemptions from SCA
may apply.
Acceptance Procedures
3.15.1 Transaction Presentment Time Frames
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A Merchant must not refuse to complete a Remote Electronic Transaction solely because the
Issuer does not support the Mastercard Identity Check Program, given that the Issuer may use
alternative technical solutions for SCA.
The liability shift applies equally to EMV 3DS as to 3DS 1.0.2. Refer to the Chargeback Guide for
more information.
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, Contactless transit aggregated and transit debt recovery
Transactions and automated fuel dispenser (AFD) Transactions (MCC 5542) are not excluded
from the requirement for a Merchant to inform the Cardholder of any estimated amount for
which authorization will be requested and to obtain the Cardholder's consent to the amount
before initiating the authorization request. As an example, a Merchant may comply with this
information requirement by allowing the Cardholder to select the preauthorization amount at
the Terminal or via a clearly readable sticker or other notice placed at the Point-of-Interaction
At an unattended POS Terminal, the Cardholder may express consent to the amount by
continuing with the Transaction.
Authorization of Lodging, Cruise Line, and Vehicle Rental Transactions
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A partial approval must be identified in the field and with the value specified by the registered
switch of the Customer's choice.
Authorization When the Cardholder Adds a Gratuity
In the EEA, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A partial approval must be identified in the field and with the value specified by the registered
switch of the Customer's choice.
3.3.2 Maestro POS Transaction Authorization Procedures
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Merchant must inform the Cardholder of any estimated amount for which authorization will
be requested and must obtain the Cardholder's consent to the amount before initiating the
authorization request. This requirement does not apply to:
Contactless transit aggregated Transactions and transit debt recovery Transactions,
Automated fuel dispenser (AFD) Transactions (MCC 5542), or
An authorization requested for an amount otherwise confirmed by the Cardholder to be the
final Transaction amount.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the above Rule is modified as follows.
Acceptance Procedures
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization
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A Merchant must inform the Cardholder of any estimated amount for which authorization will
be requested and must obtain the Cardholder's consent to the amount before initiating the
authorization request also for Contactless transit aggregated or transit debt recovery
Transactions and for automated fuel dispenser (AFD) Transactions (MCC 5542). As an example,
a Merchant may comply with this information requirement by allowing the Cardholder to select
the preauthorization amount at the Terminal or via a clearly readable sticker or other notice
placed at the Point of Interaction.
At an unattended POS Terminal, the Cardholder may express consent to the amount by
continuing with the Transaction.
To extend the duration of the reason code 4808 chargeback protection period afforded for each
approved authorization, the Merchant may submit additional authorization requests for the
same Transaction on later dates, as described in Rule 2.1.
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Cardholder must be verified by a PIN for each Contactless Transaction conducted in the
Europe Region with a Card issued in the Europe Region that exceeds the applicable Contactless
Transaction CVM limit amount.
3.8 POI Currency Conversion
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The currency chosen by the Cardholder and the pre-conversion currency and amount must be
identified in the fields specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
The POI currency conversion indicator must be populated in the field and with the value
specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
3.13 Transaction Receipts
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
At POS Terminals
The Merchant is not required to automatically offer a paper Transaction receipt to the
Cardholder. If the Cardholder expressly requests a receipt, one must be provided, either on paper
or digitally.
In the following specific cases, a paper Transaction receipt must be automatically offered:
A Merchant that requires a paper receipt for a refund must offer the Cardholder a paper
A Merchant that applies an exchange or return policy must offer a paper receipt on which the
policy is stated, in accordance with Rule 3.11 Specific Terms of a Transaction.
If a paper receipt is otherwise required by applicable law or regulation (e.g., to document a
Acceptance Procedures
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
If the Merchant provides a paper cash register receipt, tax invoice, or other type of receipt for a
Transaction, it is not required to additionally offer a paper POS Terminal receipt.
Provision of the Transaction receipt by digital (non-paper) means is strongly recommended.
When the Merchant offers a Transaction receipt by digital means, it must clearly inform the
Cardholder how to access the receipt and whether the Merchant needs to process any
additional Personal Data, such as Cardholder contact details, to enable access to the receipt.
The Merchant must limit the processing of the Cardholder's additional Personal Data only for
the purpose of making the receipt available to the Cardholder. The Merchant must ensure that
the digital receipt is promptly available.
The Merchant's copy of the Transaction receipt need not be on paper and may be stored and
provided in digital form.
At a POS Terminal in France, a paper Transaction receipt must not be automatically provided. A
paper Transaction receipt must be provided in the following cases:
if the Cardholder expressly requests one,
in case of cancellation of the Transaction,
if the Transaction is for a refund,
if the purchase is of durable goods for which a legal guarantee applies, and
in any other case specified in applicable law, as amended from time to time.
When a paper Transaction receipt is not provided to the Cardholder, the Merchant is permitted
to provide a digital receipt.
At ATM Terminals
ATM Terminals that do not have receipt-printing capability may be deployed in the Europe
For every completed Transaction, an ATM Terminal with receipt printing capability must make a
receipt available to the Cardholder, either automatically or upon the Cardholder's request.
A cash withdrawal without a printed receipt is allowed only if the ATM Terminal does not have
receipt-printing capability or is out of paper. The Cardholder must be advised prior to the
Transaction that a printed receipt is not available.
As an exception to this Rule, an ATM Terminal in France must have receipt-printing capability
and must not automatically provide a paper Transaction receipt. A paper Transaction receipt
must be provided in the following cases:
upon Cardholder request,
in case of cancellation of the Transaction, and
in any other case specified in applicable law, as amended from time to time.
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Acceptance Procedures
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
A Terminal may print the Transaction amount in the Transaction currency and a maximum of
one different currency on the Transaction receipt.
The Transaction amount printed in a different currency must appear at the bottom of the
receipt with a clear indication that it is being provided only for information purposes.
3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date Omission
In the Netherlands, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following:
A Transaction receipt generated by an electronic Terminal, whether attended or unattended,
must not include the Card expiration date. In addition, a Transaction receipt generated for a
Cardholder by an electronic Terminal, whether attended or unattended, must reflect a
maximum of four of the last seven digits of the PAN. All non-reflected digits of the PAN must be
replaced with fill characters, such as “X,” “*,” or “#.
The Corporation strongly recommends that if a POS Terminal generates a Merchant copy of the
Transaction receipt, the Merchant copy should also reflect a maximum of four of the last seven
digits of the PAN, replacing all non-reflected digits with fill characters that are neither blank
spaces nor numeric characters, such as “X,” “*,” or “#.
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services
For intra-European and inter-European Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
If a Merchant agrees to provide a refund or price adjustment, it may provide the refund or price
adjustment by any means.
3.14.1 Refund Transactions
For intra-European and inter-European Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
1. For each refund Transaction, a service fee is paid by the Issuer to the Acquirer. Such fee is
independent of the interchange fee associated with the corresponding POS Transaction.
2. The refund Transaction may be used to return the unused gambling value to the Cardholder,
up to the amount of the original purchase occurring on a Maestro Card. The Gaming
Payment Transaction must be used to transfer gambling winnings to the Cardholder.
3. A refund of a Maestro Transaction may be processed to a Card as a MO/TO Transaction
using manual key entry of the PAN and without reading the magnetic stripe or chip on the
Card. An Issuer must technically support Maestro refund Transactions processed as MO/TO
4. A Transaction printout must be generated for a refund Transaction, with the exception of a
refund processed as a MO/TO Transaction.
Acceptance Procedures
3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date Omission
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.
Refer to Appendix A for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region geographic listing.
3.4 Mastercard Cardholder Verification Requirements
In Peru, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Merchant Terminal located in Peru may be configured so that “No CVM” is the only CVM
supported for Chip Transactions conducted with a Chip Card issued in Peru, provided the
Transaction amount is equal to or less than PEN 80.
In this Terminal configuration, “No CVM” replaces both signature and PIN in the Terminal’s list of
supported CVMs. The Acquirer must only use this Terminal configuration for Domestic Peru
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Cardholder must be verified by a PIN for:
Each Maestro Contactless Transaction conducted in Brazil, Chile, or Colombia with a Card
issued in Brazil, Chile, or Colombia that exceeds the applicable Contactless Transaction CVM
limit amount, and
Each Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction conducted in Brazil with a Card
issued in Brazil that exceeds BRL 50. A CVM is not required for a Magnetic Stripe Mode
Contactless Transaction that is less than or equal to BRL 50.
Middle East/Africa Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Middle East/Africa Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the Middle East/Africa Region geographic listing.
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services
3.14.1 Refund Transactions
In Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Ghana, Gambia, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia,
Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda,
Zambia, and Zimbabwe, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows with respect to Maestro
POS Transaction refunds:
The refund Transaction may be used to return the unused gambling value to the Cardholder, up
to the amount of the original purchase occurring on a Maestro Card. The Gaming Payment
Transaction must be used to transfer gambling winnings to the Cardholder.
Acceptance Procedures
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
United States Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States (U.S.) Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the U.S. Region geographic listing.
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures
The requirement to obtain online authorization from the Issuer for a refund Transaction does
not apply to Merchants in the U.S. Region.
Authorization When the Cardholder Adds a Gratuity
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For Mastercard POS Transactions effected at a U.S. Region Merchant with a Mastercard Card
issued in the U.S. Region, when a preauthorization or an undefined authorization is obtained:
If the Transaction is a Chip/PIN Transaction, Contactless Transaction, Mastercard Consumer-
Presented QR Transaction, or Card-not-present Transaction identified other than as
described below, any gratuity must be included in the authorization request. A gratuity must
not be added to the authorized amount.
If the Transaction is a Card-not-present Transaction identified with MCC 5812 (Eating
Places, Restaurants) or MCC 5814 (Fast Food Restaurants), a gratuity may be added after
authorization is obtained, as follows:
If the gratuity does not exceed 30 percent of the authorized amount, then no additional
authorization is needed.
If the gratuity exceeds 30 percent of the authorized amount, then the Merchant may
request an incremental authorization for the amount in excess of the authorized amount.
For all other Transaction types, a gratuity may be added after authorization is obtained, as
If the gratuity does not exceed 30 percent of the authorized amount, then no additional
authorization is needed.
If the gratuity exceeds 30 percent of the authorized amount, then the Merchant may
request an incremental authorization for the amount in excess of the authorized amount.
The Issuer must not place a hold on the Cardholder’s Account in excess of the total authorized
amount or implied authorized amount (inclusive of the 30 percent tolerance, when applicable).
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Cardholder must be verified by a PIN for each Maestro Contactless Transaction that
exceeds the applicable Contactless Transaction CVM limit amount.
Acceptance Procedures
United States Region
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No PIN is required when a POS Transaction is conducted as described in “PIN-less Single
Message Transactions” in Chapter 4, or for e-commerce Transactions (including Non-Mastercard
BIN Maestro card-not-present debit card Transactions).
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules
The following variations and additions to the Rules apply in the United States Region and in
American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
(herein, “the U.S. Territories”).
These Rules apply in addition to any that apply within the Asia/Pacific Region, with respect to
Customers located in American Samoa, Guam, and Northern Mariana Islands; the Latin America
and the Caribbean Region, with respect to Customers located in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands; and the United States Region, with respect to U.S. Region Customers.
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services
3.14.1 Refund Transactions
In the U.S. Region and U.S. Territories, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The refund Transaction must include a full or prorated Brand-Level Surcharge or Product-Level
Surcharge amount, as the terms Brand-Level Surcharge and Product-Level Surcharge are
defined in section 5.12.2, "Charges to Cardholders" of the Mastercard Rules, when the original
purchase Transaction included a Brand-Level Surcharge or Product-Level Surcharge.
Acceptance Procedures
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter 4 Card-Present Transactions
The following Standards apply with regard to Transactions that occur in a Card-present environment, at
attended or unattended Terminals. Where applicable, modifications by region and/or country are
provided at the end of this chapter in the section titled, “Variations and Additions by Region.
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals.................................................................................................... 129
4.2 Offline Transactions Performed on Board Planes, Trains, and Ships..................................................129
4.3 No-CVM Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions—Europe Region Only... 130
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals...........................................................................................131
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions..............................................................................................................131
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.........................................................131
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions...............................................................132
4.6 Contactless Transactions at ATM Terminals...........................................................................................133
4.7 Contactless-only Acceptance.................................................................................................................... 133
4.8 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions at POS Terminals..............................................134
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions................................................................................................... 135
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals........................................................................................ 136
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions......................................................................................137
4.10.2 Electric Vehicle Charging Transactions.........................................................................................138
4.11 PIN-based Debit Transactions—United States Region Only..............................................................139
4.12 PIN-less Single Message Transactions—United States Region Only.................................................139
4.13 Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions..................................................................................139
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions.......................................................................140
4.14.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Cash Disbursement Services....................................................140
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts......................................................................................140
4.14.3 Discount or Service Charges...........................................................................................................141
4.14.4 Mastercard Acceptance Mark Must Be Displayed......................................................................141
4.15 Encashment of Mastercard Travelers Cheques....................................................................................141
4.16 ATM Transactions......................................................................................................................................142
4.16.1 “Chained” Transactions....................................................................................................................142
4.16.2 ATM Transaction Branding..............................................................................................................142
4.17 ATM Access Fees........................................................................................................................................142
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees - Domestic Transactions.................................................................................. 142
4.17.2 ATM Access Fees - Cross-border Transactions............................................................................143
4.17.3 ATM Access Fee Requirements.......................................................................................................143
Transaction Field Specifications for ATM Access Fees......................................................................143
Non-discrimination Regarding ATM Access Fees............................................................................... 143
Card-Present Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Notification of ATM Access Fee.............................................................................................................143
Cancellation of Transaction...................................................................................................................143
Sponsor Approval of Proposed Signage, Screen Display, and Receipt...........................................143
ATM Terminal Signage............................................................................................................................144
ATM Terminal Screen Display................................................................................................................ 144
ATM Transaction Receipts......................................................................................................................144
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals....................................................................................... 145
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories................................................................................................145
4.18.2 Screen Display Requirement for Merchandise Categories........................................................146
4.19 Shared Deposits—United States Region Only......................................................................................146
Variations and Additions by Region.................................................................................................................147
Asia/Pacific Region.............................................................................................................................................147
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals...............................................................................................147
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions........................................................................................................ 147
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions................................................... 147
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions..............................................................................................147
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals...................................................................................148
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions................................................................................148
4.17 ATM Access Fees.................................................................................................................................. 148
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions............................................................................. 148
Canada Region....................................................................................................................................................149
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions..............................................................................................149
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals...................................................................................149
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions................................................................................149
4.17 ATM Access Fees.................................................................................................................................. 149
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions............................................................................. 149
Europe Region..................................................................................................................................................... 150
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals...............................................................................................150
4.2 Offline Transactions Performed on Board Planes, Trains, and Ships............................................ 150
4.3 No-CVM Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions....................................150
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals......................................................................................151
4.5 Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions..................................................................................152
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions................................................... 152
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.........................................................152
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions..............................................................................................153
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals...................................................................................157
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions................................................................................158
4.13 Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions............................................................................158
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions................................................................. 159
Card-Present Transactions
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4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts................................................................................ 159
4.17 ATM Access Fees.................................................................................................................................. 159
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees - Domestic Transactions.............................................................................159
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals..................................................................................159
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories.......................................................................................... 159
Latin America and the Caribbean Region...................................................................................................... 160
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals......................................................................................160
4.5 Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions..................................................................................160
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.........................................................160
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions..............................................................................................160
4.17 ATM Access Fees.................................................................................................................................. 162
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions............................................................................. 162
Middle East/Africa Region.................................................................................................................................163
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions..............................................................................................163
United States Region.........................................................................................................................................163
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals...............................................................................................163
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions........................................................................................................ 164
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions................................................... 164
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.........................................................165
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions..............................................................................................165
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals...................................................................................166
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions................................................................................166
4.11 PIN-based Debit Transactions...........................................................................................................166
4.12 PIN-less Single Message Transactions..............................................................................................166
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions................................................................. 167
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts................................................................................ 167
4.14.3 Discount or Service Charges..................................................................................................... 167
4.17 ATM Access Fees.................................................................................................................................. 168
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions............................................................................. 168
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals..................................................................................168
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories.......................................................................................... 168
4.19 Shared Deposits...................................................................................................................................168
4.19.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Shared Deposits....................................................................168
4.19.2 Terminal Signs and Notices....................................................................................................... 169
4.19.3 Maximum Shared Deposit Amount..........................................................................................169
4.19.4 Deposit Verification....................................................................................................................169
4.19.5 ATM Terminal Clearing and Deposit Processing.................................................................... 170
4.19.6 Shared Deposits in Excess of USD 10,000............................................................................. 170
4.19.7 Notice of Return..........................................................................................................................170
Card-Present Transactions
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4.19.8 Liability for Shared Deposits.....................................................................................................170
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4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals
A Customer must comply with the Standards set forth in the M/Chip Requirements for Contact
and Contactless manual, as modified from time to time, when deploying Hybrid Terminals and
processing Chip Transactions. For information about chip-related incentive interchange rates,
see the applicable regional Interchange Manual.
A Chip Transaction must occur at a Hybrid Terminal and be authorized by the Issuer or the chip,
resulting in the generation of a unique Transaction Certificate (TC). The Acquirer must send the
EMV chip data in DE 55 (Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data) of the
Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message and in DE 55 of
the First Presentment/1240 message. A value of 2 or 6 must also be present in position 1 of the
three-digit service code in DE 35 (Track 2 Data) of the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction/0200 message.
As used in this Rule, the following terms have the meanings described:
“PIN-capable Hybrid POS Terminal” means a Hybrid POS Terminal that is capable at a
minimum of performing offline PIN verification when a PIN-preferring Chip Card is
presented. It may also be capable of online PIN verification and if attended, must support the
signature CVM option (signature collection is not required).
“PIN-preferring Chip Card” means a Chip Card that has been personalized so that the offline
PIN CVM option appears in the Card’s CVM list with a higher priority than the signature
option, indicating that PIN CVM is preferred to signature CVM at any POS Terminal that
supports PIN.
A chip/PIN Transaction is a Chip Transaction that is processed at a PIN-capable Hybrid POS
Terminal with a PIN-preferring Chip Card and completed with offline or online PIN as the CVM.
The Cardholder may retain control of the Card while a chip/PIN Transaction is performed.
A non–face-to-face Chip Transaction processed using a Cardholder-controlled remote device is
permitted if the Acquirer has received an Application Authentication Cryptogram (AAC) and the
Issuer’s approval of the Merchant’s authorization request.
For information about counterfeit and lost/stolen/never-received-issue chip liability shifts, see
the Chargeback Guide.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," “Europe Region” and “United
States Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
4.2 Offline Transactions Performed on Board Planes, Trains, and
A Customer may process a Chip Transaction that takes place at the offline-only Hybrid POS
Terminal of a Merchant with no fixed location (for example, aboard a plane, train or ship), if all
the following conditions are satisfied:
Card-Present Transactions
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
1. The Hybrid POS Terminal has no online capability and does not perform fallback procedures
from chip to magnetic stripe.
2. The Hybrid POS Terminal prompted for PIN as the CVM and the EMV chip provided offline
verification of the PIN entered by the Cardholder (or CDCVM was successfully performed on
the device).
3. The Hybrid POS Terminal recommended Transaction approval. If the Hybrid POS Terminal
recommends against Transaction approval based on its own risk parameters, the
Transaction must not proceed.
4. If a Mastercard Card was presented, the Card declined the offline authorization request.
The Acquirer processes such declined Transactions at the risk of receiving authorization-
related chargebacks. If a Maestro Card was presented, the Merchant processed the
Transaction offline as a Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transaction.
5. The Merchant is identified with one of the following MCCs:
a. MCC 4111 (Transportation—Suburban and Local Commuter Passenger, including
b. MCC 4112 (Passenger Railways)
c. MCC 4411 (Cruise Lines)
d. MCCs 3000 through 3350 and 4511 (Air Carriers, Airlines)
e. MCC 5811 (Caterers)
NOTE: Duty-free purchases are not covered by this Rule.
6. If applicable, the Acquirer provides in the First Presentment/1240 message:
a. The value of F (Offline Chip) in DE 22 (Point of Service Entry Mode), subfield 7 (Card
Data Input Mode).
b. The Application Authentication Cryptogram (AAC) in DE 55.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
4.3 No-CVM Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS
Transactions—Europe Region Only
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Card-Present Transactions
4.3 No-CVM Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions—Europe Region Only
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals
When a Contactless Transaction is conducted at a POS Terminal in an amount that does not
exceed the applicable Contactless Transaction CVM limit amount, as defined by Merchant
location in Appendix E:
The Transaction must be completed without Cardholder verification (“No CVM” as the CVM);
The provision of a Transaction receipt to the Cardholder is at the Merchant’s option. The
Merchant must provide a receipt at the Cardholders request.
As an exception to the above, a CVM must be obtained for any purchase with cash back or
quasi-cash Transaction completed by means of contactless payment functionality.
As an exception to the above, a contactless-only POS Terminal identified as a CAT 1, CAT 2, or
CAT 3 device and using MCC 8398 (Organizations, Charitable and Social Service) offering a
Transaction equal to or less than USD 15 (or local currency equivalent) may be deployed without
the capability to provide a Transaction receipt at the time the Transaction is conducted or at a
later date. The inability to provide a receipt must be clearly displayed on the CAT device prior to
the Transaction being completed.
There is no maximum Transaction amount for a Contactless Transaction conducted at a POS
For CVM requirements, see Rules 3.4, 3.5, and 3.7. For Contactless Transaction identification
requirements, see Appendix C.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” and “Latin America and the Caribbean
Region” sections at the end of this chapter. Refer to “CVC 3 Verification” in the “Latin America and the
Caribbean Region” section for a related Rule.
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions
Mastercard Contactless transit Transactions are permitted only in connection with specific
MCCs and can be pre-funded, real-time authorized, or aggregated.
A Merchant offering Mastercard Contactless transit Transactions that utilizes Contactless-only
turnstile or at the point of entry acceptance for transportation are not obligated to accept a
tap with a non-reloadable prepaid Account provided that other means to make a purchase are
located in close proximity to the Contactless-only turnstile or point of entry acceptance device.
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
A Mastercard Contactless transit aggregated Transaction occurs when the transit Merchant's
Acquirer generates a First Presentment/1240 message combining one or more contactless taps
performed with one Mastercard Account at one transit Merchant. A "tap" means the
Cardholder's tap of the Card or Contactless Payment Device on the contactless reader of the
Card-Present Transactions
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
POS Terminal with each ride taken. An Acquirer submitting an authorization request to start a
Contactless transit aggregated Transaction, either deferred or in real-time, must confirm the
Issuer’s authorization response was approved, in order to submit the First Presentment/1240
message to clear the aggregated transit fare. As an exception to the foregoing Standard, the
Acquirer may submit a First Presentment/1240 message to claim transit debt, up to a specified
limit in the country for deferred authorizations that were declined and unrecoverable, pursuant
to the transit First Ride Risk (FRR) framework. For more information about transit FRR claim
Transactions, refer to Rule 5.6.1.
In order for the transit Merchant to receive chargeback protection, all of the following must
1. The Merchant must send a properly identified Authorization Request/0100 message (which
can be for any amount).
2. The Issuer must approve the Transaction.
3. The combined amount of the taps must be equal to or less than the applicable Contactless
transit aggregated CVM limit amount as described in Appendix E.
4. The maximum time period from the first tap until the First Presentment/1240 message is
generated must be 14 calendar days or less.
Upon the Cardholder's request, the Merchant must provide a list of the taps (the date and fare
for each ride taken) that were combined into a First Presentment/1240 message.
Refer to Rule 4.5.1 in the United States Region section at the end of this chapter for the
contactless transit aggregated Transaction procedures applicable to all Transactions occurring
at U.S. Region transit Merchant locations, effective 15 August 2022.
For Mastercard Contactless transit aggregated Transaction identification requirements, see
Appendix C.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Europe Region," and "United
States Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
A Maestro Contactless transit aggregated Transaction occurs when the Acquirer generates a
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message for an estimated or maximum amount in
connection with the use of one Maestro Account at one transit Merchant. A Maestro
Contactless transit aggregated Transaction must be processed as follows:
1. The Merchant sends a Financial Transaction Request/0200 message with a value of 06 in
DE 48, subelement 64, subfield 1 (Transit Transaction Type Indicator) for an estimated or
maximum amount not to exceed the applicable Contactless transit aggregated Transaction
CVM limit amount.
2. The Issuer must approve the Transaction.
3. The Cardholder may make subsequent taps for additional rides; these taps will not be sent
to the Issuer for authorization. The combined amount of the taps must be equal to or less
than the applicable Contactless transit aggregated Transaction CVM limit amount as
described in Appendix E.
Card-Present Transactions
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
4. When the limit is reached or within three calendar days, the Merchant totals the value of all
taps and generates an Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 to reverse any unused funds.
The Merchant must inform the Cardholder that the amount held from the available funds in the
Account may be greater than the cost of a single fare, and the Merchant must inform the
Cardholder of the amount of time that the Merchant requires to reverse all unused funds. This
information may be provided on the Merchant’s Website, included in call center scripts, and/or
displayed within the transit Merchant's system. The Merchant must also provide specific tap
information to the Cardholder upon request.
For Maestro Contactless transit aggregated Transaction identification requirements, refer to
Appendix C.
NOTE: Variations to this Rule appear in the "Europe Region," "Latin America and the Caribbean
Region," and "United States Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
4.6 Contactless Transactions at ATM Terminals
A Contactless Transaction conducted at an ATM Terminal must always use online PIN as the
There is no maximum Transaction amount for a Contactless Transaction occurring at an ATM
4.7 Contactless-only Acceptance
When approved by Mastercard (either on a country-by-country or case-by-case basis), an
Acquirer may sponsor Merchants that deploy POS Terminals or MPOS Terminals that utilize only
contactless payment functionality. In such event, the Acquirer must ensure that, should any of
its Merchants approved by Mastercard to deploy POS Terminals or MPOS Terminals that utilize
only contactless payment functionality subsequently deploy POS Terminals or MPOS Terminals
with contact payment functionality, such POS Terminals and MPOS Terminals accept and
properly process Transactions.
Mastercard has approved the following for contactless-only acceptance:
1. Merchants that deploy unattended POS Terminals that are identified as Cardholder-
activated Terminals (CATs), including but not limited to vending machines, parking meters,
and fare collection devices.
2. Subject to Corporation approval on a case-by-case basis, Merchants operating mass events,
festivals, and sports arenas located in Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the United Kingdom
under the following MCCs:
a. MCC 7941—Athletic Fields, Commercial Sports, Professional Sports Clubs, Sports
b. MCC 7929—Bands, Orchestras, and Miscellaneous Entertainers not elsewhere classified
Card-Present Transactions
4.6 Contactless Transactions at ATM Terminals
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c. MCC 5811—Caterers
d. MCC 7922—Theatrical Producers (except Motion Pictures), Ticket Agencies
e. MCC 7999—Recreational Services—not elsewhere classified
3. Merchants located in Hungary, Poland and Romania that use MCC 5994—News Dealers and
4. Merchants located in Hungary that use MCC 5462—Bakeries or MCC 5441—Candy, Nut,
Confectionery Stores.
5. Merchants that use MCC 8398—Organizations, Charitable and Social Service.
Unattended POS Terminals that utilize only contactless payment functionality are not required
to provide a Transaction receipt at the time the Transaction is conducted; however, the
Merchant must have a means by which to provide a receipt to the Cardholder upon request. If
such means involves the storage, transmission, or processing of Card data, then it must comply
with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The manner in which to
request a receipt must be clearly displayed at the Merchant location.
As an exception to the above, a contactless-only POS Terminal identified as a CAT 1, CAT 2, or
CAT 3 device and using MCC 8398 (Organizations, Charitable and Social Service) offering a
Transaction equal to or less than USD 15 (or local currency equivalent) may be deployed without
the capability to provide a Transaction receipt at the time the Transaction is conducted or at a
later date. The inability to provide a receipt must be clearly displayed on the CAT device prior to
the Transaction being completed.
For requirements related to the identification of Contactless-only Transactions occurring at an
unattended POS Terminal, see Appendix C. For CAT identification requirements, see Appendix D.
4.8 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions at POS
A Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction is effected through a Cardholder-presented
QR Code and by the Merchant capture of the QR Code containing the Transaction Data required
to initiate a Transaction. For each Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction:
There is no maximum Transaction amount.
The Transaction must be authorized online by the Issuer.
The Acquirer must send a properly identified Authorization Request/0100 message or
Financial Transaction Request /0200 message.
The Transaction must be completed with CDCVM. CDCVM is the only valid CVM for
Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions.
For more information about Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions, refer to the
Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments (MCBP) documentation and the M/Chip Requirements for
Contact and Contactless manual.
Card-Present Transactions
4.8 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions at POS Terminals
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
Purchase with cash back is an optional service that a Merchant may offer, subject to applicable
law or regulation and with the prior approval of its Acquirer, at the Point of Interaction (POI) in a
Card-present, face-to-face Transaction environment only. The following requirements apply to
purchase with cash back Transactions:
1. A purchase with cash back Transaction is a Transaction arising from the use of a Debit
Mastercard (but not any other type of Mastercard) or Maestro Card or Access Device.
2. In a purchase with cash back Transaction, cash may only be provided in combination with a
purchase. An Issuer must not approve only the cash back portion of a Transaction containing
both a purchase amount and a cash back amount. The cash back service must not be
offered in combination with a Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction or the sale of a
quasi–cash instrument. Contactless CVM limits do not apply to purchase with cash back
Transactions, meaning that such Transactions always require a CVM.
3. In authorization and clearing messages, each purchase with cash back Transaction must
a. The value of 09 (purchase with cash back) in DE 3 (Processing Code), subfield 1
(Cardholder Transaction Type).
b. The total Transaction amount (inclusive of the purchase and cash back amounts) in DE 4
(Amount, Transaction).
c. The cash back amount in DE 54 (Amounts, Additional).
The purchase amount, cash back amount, and total Transaction amount must all be in the
same currency.
The following requirements apply to Acquirers and Merchants:
1. An education program must be established for the staff of any Merchant that chooses to
offer purchase with cash back Transactions, including but not limited to POS Terminal
2. An offer of purchase with cash back that is promoted at the POI must be available to all
Cardholders of each Card type for which the service is supported. The Merchant may
prompt the Cardholder to use this service.
3. Acquirers or Merchants may establish a minimum and/or maximum cash back amount for
the purchase with cash back Transaction, provided that:
a. Any minimum or maximum amount is applied uniformly to all Cardholders.
b. Any minimum amount is not greater than the minimum amount established for any
other payment means accepted at the Merchant location.
c. Any maximum amount is not less than the maximum amounts established for any other
payment means at the Merchant location.
d. For Debit Mastercard purchase with cash back Transactions, a maximum cash back
amount must be established that does not exceed USD 100 or the local currency
equivalent, or as applicable in the Merchant's country.
e. For Maestro signature-verified and cross-border purchase with cash back Transactions,
a maximum cash back amount must be established that does not exceed USD 100 or
Card-Present Transactions
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
the local currency equivalent. Maestro signature-verified purchase with cash back
Transactions may be conducted in signature waiver countries only.
4. The Acquirer must obtain online authorization approval for the full Transaction amount;
support for authorization of the purchase amount only is optional.
The following requirements apply to Issuers:
1. An Issuer must properly personalize each Debit Mastercard and Maestro Card and Access
Device (including prepaid issuance) to support the purchase with cash back Transaction
type. Support is required for both Domestic and Cross-border Transactions, and on both the
contact and contactless interfaces of a Dual Interface Card.
2. The Issuer's authorization host must support the purchase with cash back Transaction data
fields and values.
3. The Issuer must make an individual authorization decision for each purchase with cash back
Transaction. An Issuer that chooses not to offer the cash back service to particular
Cardholders must be capable of providing a value of 87 (Purchase Amount Only, No Cash
Back Allowed) in DE 39 (Response Code) of the authorization request response message for
an Account in good standing and having a sufficient balance, if the POS Terminal indicates
support for purchase-amount-only approvals.
NOTE: Variations to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Canada Region," "Europe Region,"
"Latin America and the Caribbean Region," "Middle East/Africa Region," and "United States Region"
sections at the end of this chapter.
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
A POS Transaction occurring at an unattended POS Terminal is a non-face-to-face Transaction,
since no Merchant representative is present at the time of the Transaction. Examples of
unattended POS Terminals include ticket dispensing machines, vending machines, automated
fuel dispensers, toll booths, and parking meters.
A Mastercard POS Transaction that occurs at an unattended POS Terminal must be identified
as a Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transaction, as described in Appendix D.
Transaction messages used at unattended POS Terminals must communicate to the
Cardholder, at a minimum, the following:
Invalid Transaction
Unable to Route
Invalid PIN—re-enter (if PIN entry is supported)
Capture Card (if Card retention is supported)
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Card-Present Transactions
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
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4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions
An automated fuel dispenser Transaction is identified with MCC 5542 (Automated Fuel
Dispenser) and a CAT level indicator of CAT 1 or CAT 2 (for Card-present Transactions), CAT 6
(for e-commerce Transactions), or CAT 7 (for transponder Transactions), as described in
Appendix D.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region" (pertaining to Malaysia), "Europe
Region," and "United States Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
Authorization Before Fueling
Each automated fuel dispenser Transaction for which authorization is requested prior to the
dispensing of fuel is properly processed as follows:
1. The Acquirers initial authorization request (0100 or 0200) message (dual message
Authorization Request/0100 or single message Financial Transaction Request/0200) to the
Issuer must be identified as a preauthorization and reflect one of the following:
a. A maximum fuel dispense amount as determined by the Merchant or Acquirer;
b. A specific amount selected by the Cardholder; or
c. In the U.S. Region only, the amount of USD 1.
2. If the preauthorization request contains the partial approval support indicator, and the
Issuer provides a partial approval response, then the final Transaction amount must not
exceed the partial approval amount provided in DE 6 (Amount, Cardholder Billing), unless
the preauthorization request amount was USD 1.
3. After the fuel is dispensed, the Acquirer must send an advice message (dual message
Authorization Advice/0120 or single message Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420) containing the
final Transaction amount (in DE 4 [Amount, Transaction] of the 0120 message or in DE 95
[Replacement Amounts] of the 0420 message) to the Issuer. The advice message must be
sent no later than 60 minutes (in the Europe Region, 20 minutes) after the original
preauthorization request.
4. If fuel is not dispensed or the Cardholder otherwise cancels the Transaction then within 60
minutes of authorization approval (in the Europe Region, 20 minutes), the Acquirer must
send either an advice message (Authorization Advice/0120 with a value of zero in DE 4 or
Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 with a value of zero in DE 95) or a full reversal (dual message
Reversal Request/0400 with a value of zero in DE 95).
5. Within 60 minutes of receiving the advice message, the Issuer must release any hold that
the Issuer placed on the Cardholder's available funds or credit in excess of the Transaction
amount specified in DE 4 (Amount, Transaction).
If the Issuer displays pending automated fuel dispenser Transaction information in
Cardholder-facing applications, the information must be based on the advice message
Transaction amount.
6. The Acquirer must send a First Presentment/1240 or Financial Transaction Advice/0220
message with the final Transaction amount in DE 4 (Amount, Transaction).
As a best practice, the Merchant should inform the Cardholder in advance of any estimated
amount for which authorization will be requested (for example, on a screen display or sticker at
Card-Present Transactions
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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the Terminal) and obtain the Cardholders consent to the amount before initiating the
authorization request.
NOTE: A modification to the foregoing paragraph applies in the EEA and appears in the "Europe
Region" section at the end of this chapter.
Authorization After Fueling
A Merchant that instead chooses to initiate the Transaction authorization request after the fuel
is dispensed does so at the risk of a possible decline or partial approval. Such authorizations are
properly identified as final authorizations.
Refer to the Authorization Manual or Customer Interface Specification for more information
about advice message requirements for automated fuel dispenser Transactions.
4.10.2 Electric Vehicle Charging Transactions
A Transaction occurring at an unattended POS Terminal for the purchase of electric vehicle
charging services is identified with MCC 5552 (Electric Vehicle Charging) and a CAT level
indicator of CAT 1 or CAT 2 (for Card-present Transactions) or CAT 6 (for e-commerce
Transactions) as described in Appendix D. Alternatively, if the primary business of the Merchant
is temporary parking services, then MCC 7523 (Automobile Parking Lots and Garages) may be
Contactless-only acceptance is permitted (refer to Rules 4.7 and 7.3.2). A contactless-only
Terminal supporting a maximum vehicle charging amount that does not exceed the applicable
contactless CVM limit is properly identified as CAT 2. The Transaction may be authorized either
prior to or after the vehicle charging, as follows.
Authorization Before Charging
Each electric vehicle charging Transaction for which authorization is requested before vehicle
charging begins is properly processed as follows:
1. The Merchant must inform the Cardholder of any estimated amount for which
authorization will be requested (for example, on a screen display or sticker at the Terminal)
and must obtain the Cardholders consent to the amount before initiating the authorization
request. The estimated amount may be the Terminal’s maximum dispense amount or a
specific amount requested by the Cardholder.
2. The Acquirers initial authorization request (0100 or 0200) message to the Issuer must be
identified as a preauthorization. If the preauthorization request contains the partial
approval support indicator, and the Issuer provides a partial approval response, then the
final Transaction amount must not exceed the partial approval amount provided in DE 6
(Amount, Cardholder Billing).
3. If the Transaction is finalized for an amount that:
a. Exceeds the authorized amount, then the Acquirer must send an additional
(incremental) authorization request for the unauthorized amount (refer to section 2.9);
Card-Present Transactions
4.10.2 Electric Vehicle Charging Transactions
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b. Is less than the authorized amount, then within 24 hours of finalization, the Acquirer
must either send a partial reversal for the excess authorized amount, or submit the
Transaction clearing record.
4. In the case of a Transaction cancelled by the Cardholder, then within 24 hours, the Acquirer
must send a full reversal request.
Authorization After Charging
If the Merchant initiates authorization after the vehicle charging is completed, then the
Acquirer’s authorization request must be identified as a final authorization.
4.11 PIN-based Debit Transactions—United States Region Only
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “United States Region” section at the end of this chapter.
4.12 PIN-less Single Message Transactions—United States Region
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “United States Region” section at the end of this chapter.
4.13 Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions
This Rule applies to all Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions whether processed via
the Mastercard
Single Message System or the Mastercard
Dual Message System. Refer to
Chapter 3 of the M/Chip Requirements for Contact and Contactless for more detailed
information on processing Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions that are Chip
An Acquirer may elect to accept Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions from a
Merchant that accepts Maestro Cards. A Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transaction may
occur only when the POS Terminal cannot receive an online authorization for a Transaction
because of technical difficulties between the Acquirer and the Interchange System or the
Interchange System and the Issuer, or other temporary technical problems. Each Acquirer must
forward all stored Transactions by means of electronic store-and-forward as soon as the
technical problem has been resolved.
The Issuer must treat all Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions received by means of
the Mastercard
Single Message System as financial request messages. If the Issuer is
unavailable to authorize or decline a Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transaction at the time
of presentment, the Interchange System indicates this, and returns the Transaction to the
Acquirer. These returned Transactions may be submitted by the Acquirer to the Interchange
System every 30 minutes, until a response is received from, or on behalf of the Issuer.
Card-Present Transactions
4.11 PIN-based Debit Transactions—United States Region Only
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Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions settle only upon authorization by the Issuer. The
Acquirer bears all responsibility for a Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transaction that is
declined by the Issuer.
If a Merchant-approved POS Transaction is declined by the Issuer for insufficient funds, or
because the Transaction exceeds withdrawal limits, the Acquirer may resubmit the Transaction
once every 24 hours for a period ending 13 calendar days after the Transaction date. If the
Issuer accepts the Transaction on submission or resubmission, the Issuer’s liability is the same as
for an online Transaction.
An Issuer is not required to assist an Acquirer in any attempt to collect on a systemically rejected
Merchant-approved POS Transaction. The Issuer must make reasonable efforts to collect the
Transaction amount, but in doing so, assumes no liability.
NOTE: A variation to this rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
A cash disbursement may be provided to a Mastercard Cardholder by a Customer at its offices
and through its authorized agents. For purposes of this Rule, an authorized agent is a financial
institution authorized to provide cash disbursement services on behalf of a Customer pursuant
to written agreement with the Customer.
The Customer and each of its authorized cash disbursement agents must comply with the
requirements set forth in “Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Acceptance Procedures” in
Chapter 3.
A cash disbursement to a Maestro or Cirrus Cardholder is performed at a Bank Branch Terminal.
Refer to Chapter 7 for Bank Branch Terminal requirements.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the “United States Region” section at the end of this
4.14.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Cash Disbursement Services
Each Customer and each of its authorized cash disbursement agents must comply with the
following requirements at each office at which any cash disbursement services are afforded:
1. Not discriminate against or discourage the use of Cards in favor of any card or device
bearing or otherwise issued or used in connection with another acceptance brand; and
2. Provide cash disbursement services to all Cardholders on the same terms and regardless of
the Issuer.
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts
A Customer and each of its authorized cash disbursement agents may limit the amount of cash
provided to any one Cardholder in one day at any individual office. Such limit may not be less
than USD 5,000 per Cardholder in one day and uniformly must be applied to all Cardholders.
Card-Present Transactions
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
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If compliance with this Rule would cause hardship to one or more (but not all) of such individual
offices that are required or permitted to provide cash disbursement services, the Customer may
establish a maximum cash disbursement amount of less than USD 5,000 per person in one day
at each such office, provided that the maximum cash disbursement amount:
1. Is not less than USD 1,000;
2. Is not less than the maximum cash disbursement amount established for any other
acceptance brand at the office; and
3. Applies only at those offices where the Customer can, if requested by Mastercard,
demonstrate that a higher maximum would create a hardship.
NOTE: Variations to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” and “United States Region” sections at
the end of this chapter.
4.14.3 Discount or Service Charges
The Customer and each of its authorized cash disbursement agents must disburse all cash
disbursements at par without any discount and without any service or other charge to the
Cardholder, except as may be imposed to comply with applicable law. Any charge imposed to
comply with applicable law must be charged to and paid by the Cardholder separately and must
not be included in the total amount of the cash disbursement.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “United States Region” section at the end of this
4.14.4 Mastercard Acceptance Mark Must Be Displayed
A Customer and each of its authorized cash disbursement agents must display the Mastercard
Acceptance Mark as required by the Standards at each location where the Customer or any
such agent provides cash disbursements to Mastercard Cardholders.
4.15 Encashment of Mastercard Travelers Cheques
Each Mastercard Customer must encash Mastercard
Travelers Cheques issued in any currency
when presented for payment at any of its locations, provided:
1. Such encashment is permitted by law; and
2. The Customer has the ability (including a foreign exchange capability, with respect to a
currency other than U.S. currency Mastercard Travelers Cheques presented for encashment)
to encash such cheques as a result of the business it normally conducts at a location. If the
encashing Customer encashes any other brand of travelers cheques at a location, the
Customer may impose terms and conditions for the encashment of Mastercard Travelers
Cheques that it uses to encash other brands of travelers cheques.
Card-Present Transactions
4.14.3 Discount or Service Charges
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4.16 ATM Transactions
The following Rules relate to ATM Transaction processing.
4.16.1 “Chained” Transactions
An Acquirer that deploys ATM Terminals that do not retain the Card internally until all
Transactions requested by the Cardholder are completed must require the Cardholder to re-
enter the PIN for every additional financial Transaction performed. This requirement applies to
card swipe readers, card dip readers, and similar devices where a card is not held within the
device, and is removed prior to Transaction completion.
4.16.2 ATM Transaction Branding
If a Customer that does not have a Mastercard License acquires an ATM transaction initiated by
a Mastercard Card that does not display the Maestro and/or Cirrus Marks and sends it through
the Mastercard
ATM Network, that transaction is deemed to be an ATM Transaction and all
Rules regarding ATM Transactions will apply.
4.17 ATM Access Fees
An ATM Access Fee may be charged by an Acquirer only in connection with a cash withdrawal
Transaction or a Shared Deposit Transaction that is initiated at the Acquirers ATM Terminal
with a Card. The ATM Access Fee is added to the amount of the Transaction transmitted to the
For purposes of this Rule, a Transaction is any Transaction routed through the Mastercard
Network. Nothing contained in this Rule affects the right of an Issuer to determine what fees, if
any, to charge its Cardholders.
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees - Domestic Transactions
A Cardholder may not be assessed or be required to pay an ATM Access Fee or other fee types
imposed, or advised of, at an ATM, in connection with a Domestic Transaction.
NOTE: Variations to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region" (pertaining to Australia), "Canada
Region," "Europe Region," "Latin America and the Caribbean Region," and "United States Region"
sections at the end of this chapter.
Card-Present Transactions
4.16 ATM Transactions
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4.17.2 ATM Access Fees - Cross-border Transactions
Unless prohibited by local law or regulations, an Acquirer, upon complying with the ATM Access
Fee notification requirements, may assess an ATM Access Fee on a Cross-border Transaction, so
long as the Acquirer applies the ATM Access Fee in a consistent and nondiscriminatory manner.
4.17.3 ATM Access Fee Requirements
An Acquirer that applies or plans to apply an ATM Access Fee to Domestic Transactions, Cross-
border Transactions, or both must comply with all of the following requirements.
Transaction Field Specifications for ATM Access Fees
At the time of each Transaction on which an ATM Access Fee is imposed, the Acquirer of such
Transaction must transmit, in the field specified by the applicable technical specifications
manual then in effect, the amount of the ATM Access Fee separately from the amount of the
cash disbursed in connection with such Transaction.
Non-discrimination Regarding ATM Access Fees
An Acquirer must not charge an ATM Access Fee in connection with a Transaction that is greater
than the amount of any ATM Access Fee charged by that Acquirer in connection with the
transactions of any other network accepted at that ATM Terminal.
Notification of ATM Access Fee
An Acquirer that wishes to charge an ATM Access Fee must notify its Sponsoring Principal, in
writing, of its intent to do so prior to the planned first imposition of such ATM Access Fee by the
The Principal must update the Location Administration Tool (LAT) regarding its or its Affiliates’
imposition of ATM Access Fees.
Cancellation of Transaction
Any Acquirer that plans to charge an ATM Access Fee must notify the Cardholder with a screen
display that states the ATM Access Fee policy and provides the Cardholder with an option to
cancel the requested Transaction.
Sponsor Approval of Proposed Signage, Screen Display, and Receipt
An Affiliate that plans to charge an ATM Access Fee to a Transaction must submit proposed
ATM Terminal signage, screen display, and receipt “copy” that meets the requirements of the
Rules to its Sponsor in writing for approval prior to use, unless such Acquirer employs the model
form provided in Appendix F.
The Sponsor has the right to determine the acceptability of any new or changes to previously
approved signage, screen display, and receipt copy. In cases of conflict between the Acquirer and
its Sponsor, Mastercard has the sole right to determine the acceptability of any and all signage,
screen display, and receipt copy.
Card-Present Transactions
4.17.2 ATM Access Fees - Cross-border Transactions
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ATM Terminal Signage
An Acquirer that plans to charge an ATM Access Fee may optionally display signage that is
clearly visible to Cardholders on or near all Terminals at which ATM Access Fees apply.
The minimum requirement for ATM Access Fee signage text is wording that clearly states:
1. The identity of the ATM owner and of the Principal;
2. That the Transaction will be subject to an ATM Access Fee that will be deducted from the
Cardholder's Account in addition to any Issuer fees;
3. The amount of, calculation method of, or Corporation-approved generic signage regarding
the ATM Access Fee;
4. That the ATM Access Fee is assessed by the Acquirer instead of the Issuer;
5. That the ATM Access Fee is assessed on Cross-border Transactions only or Domestic
Transactions only, if applicable.
The minimum requirements for ATM Terminal signage (physical characteristics) are as follows:
1. The signage must bear the heading "Fee Notice";
2. The size of the signage must be a minimum of four inches in height by four inches in width;
3. The text must be clearly visible to all; a minimum of 14-point type is recommended;
4. The heading must be clearly visible to all; a minimum of 18-point type is recommended.
Refer to Appendix F for a model of ATM Terminal signage relating to ATM Access Fee
ATM Terminal Screen Display
An Acquirer that plans to charge an ATM Access Fee must present a screen display message
that is clearly visible to Cardholders on all ATM Terminals at which ATM Access Fees apply. If the
Cardholder is given the option of choosing a preferred language in which to conduct the
Transaction, the screen display message concerning ATM Access Fees must be presented to the
Cardholder in that chosen language.
If an Acquirer displays the Mastercard-approved generic ATM Access Fee signage, the Acquirer
must include the amount or calculation method of the ATM Access Fee as part of the ATM
Terminal screen display.
Refer to Appendix F for a model of an ATM Terminal screen display relating to ATM Access Fee
ATM Transaction Receipts
Any Acquirer that charges an ATM Access Fee must make available to the Cardholder on the
Transaction receipt the ATM Access Fee information required by this Rule, in addition to any
other information the Acquirer elects to or is required to provide.
The minimum requirements for the Transaction receipt are:
1. A statement of the amount disbursed to the Cardholder;
Card-Present Transactions
ATM Terminal Signage
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2. A statement of the ATM Access Fee amount with language clearly indicating it is a fee
imposed by the Acquirer;
3. A separate statement of the combined amount of the ATM Access Fee and the disbursed
amount, with language clearly indicating that this amount will be deducted from the
Cardholder’s Account.
Refer to Appendix F for a model of ATM Transaction receipt text relating to ATM Access Fee
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals
An ATM Terminal may dispense any merchandise, service, or other thing of value within a
Mastercard-approved merchandise category, other than any merchandise, service, or other thing
of value which:
1. Is illegal or would tend to offend the public morality or sensibility, disparage Mastercard, or
otherwise compromise the good will or name of Mastercard;
2. Mastercard has notified Acquirers must not be dispensed by an ATM Terminal; or
3. Could be used to obtain products or services at a location other than an ATM Terminal
which, if dispensed at an ATM Terminal, would be prohibited pursuant to this Rule.
Promptly upon written direction from Mastercard, an Acquirer must cease dispensing at all its
ATM Terminals any merchandise, service, or other thing of value which Mastercard has directed
is not permitted.
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories
Approved merchandise categories are as follows.
Merchandise Category
Event Tickets Admission tickets to scheduled events that upon
presentation of such tickets will admit the bearer to such
scheduled events in lieu of other forms of admission tickets.
Transportation Tickets and Passes Tickets or passes to board and ride scheduled
transportation conveyances in lieu of other forms of
transportation tickets.
Telecommunications Cards and Services Prepaid telephone cards that entitle the holder to a
specified amount of prepaid time or prepaid wireless
telephone time that is credited to a subscriber’s prepaid
telephone account.
Card-Present Transactions
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals
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Merchandise Category Explanation
Retail Mall Gift Certificates Gift certificates to be sold at ATM Terminals located in
retail shopping malls and redeemable for merchandise at
stores located in the mall where dispensed. Customers
must receive prior written approval from the Corporation
for each specific mall implementation.
Charitable Donation Vouchers Pre-valued donation vouchers that are dispensed as
receipts for donations resulting from an authorized
Transaction at a participating ATM. Customers must
receive prior written approval from the Corporation for
each specific charitable entity.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” and the “United States Region”
sections at the end of this chapter.
4.18.2 Screen Display Requirement for Merchandise Categories
The Acquirer must disclose to the Cardholder via the video monitor screen prior to the initiation
of any Merchandise Transaction the following:
1. Full identification of the price and quantity of the Merchandise;
2. Any additional shipping or handling charges (for mailed purchases only);
3. Policy on refunds or returns; and
4. Provision for recourse concerning Cardholder complaints or questions.
4.19 Shared Deposits—United States Region Only
NOTE: Rules on this subject appear in the “United States Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Card-Present Transactions
4.18.2 Screen Display Requirement for Merchandise Categories
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Variations and Additions by Region
The remainder of this chapter provides modifications to the Standards set out in this chapter.
The modifications are organized by region or country and by applicable subject title.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Asia/Pacific Region or in a particular
Region country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Asia/Pacific Region geographic listing.
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals
For China Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Chip Transaction must occur at a Hybrid Terminal and be authorized by the Issuer or the chip,
resulting in the generation of a unique Transaction Certificate (TC). The Acquirer must send the
PBoC chip data for each Chip Transaction in DE 55 (Integrated Circuit Card [ICC] System-
Related Data) of the Preauthorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
message. For each Chip Transaction, a value of 2 or 6 must also be present in position 1 of the
three-digit service code in DE 35 (Track 2 Data) of the Preauthorization Request/0100 or
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message.
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
Effective 3 April 2024 for India Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
In order for the transit Merchant to receive chargeback protection, all of the following must
1. The Merchant must send a properly identified Authorization Request/0100 message (which
can be for any amount).
2. The Issuer must approve the Transaction.
3. The combined amount of the taps must be equal to or less than the applicable Contactless
transit aggregated CVM limit amount as described in Appendix E.
4. The maximum time period from the first tap until the First Presentment/1240 message is
generated must be four calendar days or less.
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
Asia/Pacific Region Issuers are not required to support the purchase with cash back Transaction
Card-Present Transactions
Variations and Additions by Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
In Australia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
For a Debit Mastercard purchase with cash back Transaction, a maximum cash back amount
must be established that does not exceed AUD 500.
In India, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
A Merchant located in India that has received prior approval from its Acquirer may offer a
purchase with cash back Transaction with or without an accompanying purchase to a
Cardholder presenting a Debit Mastercard or Maestro Card issued in India.
The maximum daily cash back amount per Card must be in accordance with applicable law
including circulars published by the Reserve Bank of India.
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions
In Malaysia, the following Rule applies:
A Malaysia Acquirer must present Mastercard automated fuel dispenser Transactions (MCC
5542) to Malaysia Issuers within two business days of the Transaction date.
Within one business day of the presentment date of an automated fuel dispenser Transaction
(MCC 5542), a Malaysia Issuer must post the Transaction to the Cardholders Account and
release any hold amount exceeding the Transaction amount from the Cardholder’s Account.
4.17 ATM Access Fees
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions
The Rule on this subject, as it applies to Domestic Transactions occurring in Australia, is replaced
with the following:
Subject to complying with the ATM Access Fee notification requirements, an Acquirer in
Australia may assess an ATM Access Fee on a Debit Mastercard, Maestro, or Cirrus Transaction
initiated with a Card that was issued in Australia provided the Acquirer applies the ATM Access
Fee in a consistent and nondiscriminatory manner.
For the purpose of this Rule, “ATM Access Fee” means a fee charged by an Acquirer in Australia
in connection with a financial or non-financial transaction initiated at that Acquirers ATM
Terminal with a Card issued in Australia, which fee is added to the amount of the Transaction
transmitted to the Issuer.
Card-Present Transactions
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
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Canada Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Canada Region. Refer to Appendix A for
the Canada Region geographic listing.
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer must technically support and properly personalize each Debit Mastercard and prepaid
Mastercard Card and Access Device to support the purchase with cash back Transaction type.
Support is required for both Domestic and Cross-border Transactions, and on both the contact
and contactless interfaces of a Dual Interface Card.
An Acquirer must technically support the purchase with cash back Transaction for Debit
Mastercard and prepaid Mastercard Cards.
A Merchant located in the Canada Region may, at its option, support purchase with cash back
Transactions as set forth in this chapter, with the following variations:
1. The Merchant may offer purchase with cash back to Debit Mastercard and prepaid
Mastercard Cardholders.
2. Purchase with cash back is available only for chip/PIN Transactions.
3. The maximum cash back amount of the purchase with cash back Transaction is CAD 100.
Acquirers or Merchants may establish a lower maximum cash back amount, provided that:
a. Any such maximum amount is applied uniformly; and
b. Any maximum amount is not lower than the maximum amount established for any
other payment means on which purchase with cash back is offered at the Merchant
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions
In the Canada Region, if an Issuer approves an online authorization request for an automated
fuel dispenser (MCC 5542) Transaction, then within 60 minutes of the time that the
authorization request message is sent, the Acquirer must send an authorization advice message
advising the Issuer of the Transaction amount.
If, after approving the authorization request, the Issuer places a hold on Cardholder funds in
excess of CAD 1, then, within 60 minutes of receiving the Acquirers authorization advice
message, the Issuer must release any hold amount that exceeds the Transaction amount.
4.17 ATM Access Fees
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following:
Card-Present Transactions
Canada Region
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Subject to complying with the ATM Access Fee notification requirements of the Rules, an
Acquirer in the Canada Region may assess an ATM Access Fee on a Transaction initiated with a
Card that was issued in the Canada Region provided the Acquirer applies the ATM Access Fee in
a consistent and nondiscriminatory manner.
Europe Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Europe Region or in a particular Region
country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Europe Region, Non-Single European Payments
Area (Non-SEPA) and Single European Payments Area (SEPA) geographic listing.
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
EMV chip data must be provided in the field specified by the registered switch of the
Customer's choice for authorization and clearing messages.
4.2 Offline Transactions Performed on Board Planes, Trains, and Ships
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Decline of the authorization by the EMV chip must be indicated in the field and with the value
specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
4.3 No-CVM Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions
In the Europe Region, magnetic stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions may be
completed without CVM in the acceptance environments listed in this Rule, up to the maximum
Transaction amount set out below.
Acceptance Environment
Maximum Transaction Amount
Tollways (MCC 4784) EUR 100 (or local currency equivalent)
Parking Lots and Garages (MCC 7523) EUR 50 (or local currency equivalent)
Transit Vending Machines (MCCs 4111, 4112 and
EUR 25 (or local currency equivalent)
Maestro Contactless Transactions may also be completed in these environments in accordance
with the Standards applicable to Maestro Contactless Transactions.
The following Rules apply to Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions:
1. The Merchant must obtain authorization online from the Issuer or offline from the chip.
Magnetic stripe Transactions may also be authorized according to the Merchant-approved
Transaction Rules, at POS Terminals that are not located in the EEA, UK or Gibraltar. At POS
Card-Present Transactions
Europe Region
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Terminals located in the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, magnetic stripe Transactions must not be
2. The Acquirer bears the liability for fraud on magnetic stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS
Transactions completed without CVM.
3. The Transactions must be identified with one of the above-listed MCCs.
4. Transactions at vending machines and transit vending machines must be identified as
unattended Transactions.
5. A POS Terminal at which no-CVM Maestro POS Transactions are performed may have a PIN
6. An Issuer of Chip Cards must be able to authorize no-CVM Maestro POS Transactions even
when the chip data in the authorization message indicates “Cardholder verification was not
7. In the tollways environment, the Merchant may at its option maintain a negative file in the
POS Terminal, provided this is done in a PCI-compliant manner.
8. An Issuer in the Netherlands is not required to technically support no-CVM Maestro POS
Transactions at transit vending machines. Transit vending machines that support no-CVM
Maestro POS Transactions must not be deployed in the Netherlands.
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Merchants that operate tollways (MCC 4784) and parking lots and garages (MCC 7523) may
configure their POS Terminals to perform Maestro Contactless Transactions that exceed the
applicable CVM limit without a CVM.
An Issuer must not systematically decline such Maestro Contactless Transactions when
completed without a CVM.
The Acquirer is liable for a fraudulent Maestro Contactless Transaction that exceeds the CVM
Limit and is completed without a CVM.
If a Maestro Card that also bears a domestic debit brand mark is used in a Contactless
Transaction and the domestic debit brand does not support contactless payment functionality,
the Transaction must be identified in all Transaction messages as a Maestro Contactless
Transaction and all Rules regarding such Transactions apply to the Transaction. If processed by
means of the Interchange System, the Maestro Contactless Transaction is identified by the
following values, which indicate that an EMV Mode Contactless Transaction has occurred:
1. In authorization:
a. DE 22 (POS entry mode), subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry Mode) must contain the
value of 7, and
b. DE 61 (POS Data), subfield 11 (POS Card Data Terminal Input Capability) must contain
the value of 3.
2. In clearing:
a. DE 22 (POS entry mode), subfield 1 (Terminal Data: Card Data Input Capability) must
contain the value of M, and
Card-Present Transactions
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals
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b. DE 22 (POS data), subfield 7 (Card Data: Input Mode) must contain the value of M.
If the Transaction is processed via a means other than the Interchange System (including
bilateral and on-us processing), the Acquirer must ensure that corresponding data elements
contain values that enable Issuers to clearly identify the transaction as a Maestro Contactless
4.5 Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
In the EEA, UK or Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A clearing message must be identified as specified by the registered switch of the Customer's
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following.
A Maestro Contactless transit aggregated Transaction occurs when the Acquirer generates an
Authorization Request/0100 message for an estimated amount in connection with the use of
one Maestro Account at one transit Merchant. Maestro Contactless transit aggregated
Transactions must be processed as follows.
1. The Merchant sends an Authorization Request/0100 message with a value of 06 in DE 48,
subelement 64, subfield 1 (Transit Transaction Type Indicator) for an estimated amount not
to exceed the applicable Contactless transit Transaction CVM limit amount.
2. The Merchant must obtain Issuer approval of the Transaction.
3. The Cardholder may make subsequent taps for additional rides; these taps will not be sent
to the Issuer for authorization. The combined amount of the taps must be equal to or less
than the Contactless transit aggregated Transaction CVM limit amount as described in
Appendix E.
4. When the limit is reached or within three calendar days, the Merchant totals the value of all
taps and generates a Reversal Request/0400 or Authorization Advice/0120 message to
reverse any unused funds.
The Merchant must inform the Cardholder that the amount held from the available funds in the
Account may be greater than the cost of a single fare, and the Merchant must inform the
Cardholder of the amount of time that the Merchant takes to reverse all unused funds. This
information may be provided on the Merchant's Website, included in call center scripts, and/or
displayed within the transit Merchant's system. The Merchant must also provide specific tap
information to the Cardholder upon request.
For Contactless transit aggregated Transaction identification requirements, refer to Appendix
In the EEA, UK or Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Maestro Contactless transit aggregated Transactions must be identified as specified by the
registered switch of the Customer's choice.
Card-Present Transactions
4.5 Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Authorization, reversal and advice messages must be identified as specified by the registered
switch of the Customer's choice.
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
In the Europe Region, the following additional Rules apply to all types of Mastercard and
Maestro Transactions, unless otherwise specified.
Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
A Merchant must offer purchase with cash back Transactions on all Europe Region-issued Debit
Mastercard and Maestro Cards if the Merchant offers this transaction type on any other debit
A Merchant located in the United Kingdom is permitted to offer a cash back Transaction
without an accompanying purchase, upon presentation of a Debit Mastercard Card. All other
Standards applicable to purchase with cash back Transactions must be respected. The
maximum cash back amount is GBP 100.
An Acquirer in Montenegro, Romania, or Serbia must technically support purchase with cash
back Transactions in its host system and on the attended POS Terminals of its Merchants.
An Acquirer in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan that supports purchase with cash back Transactions
must technically support purchase-only approval in its host system and at all participating POS
In Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, North
Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia, an Acquirer must itself support in
its host systems and must ensure that new POS Terminals (and effective 23 July 2023, all POS
Terminals) deployed which support purchase with cash back Transactions on the contact
interface, also support purchase with cash back Transactions on the contactless interface, for
both Domestic and Cross-border Transactions.
In Moldova, the following purchase with cash back Transaction requirements apply:
an Acquirer that supports purchase with cash back Transactions must technically support
purchase-only approval in its host and at all participating POS Terminals;
POI currency conversion must not be offered on a purchase with cash back Transaction; and
a Merchant in Moldova that supports purchase with cash back Transactions must show the
cash back amount separately on the Transaction receipt.
Maximum Cash Back Amount
The maximum cash back amount of a purchase with cash back Transaction is set out in the
following table.
Card-Present Transactions
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Table 5: Maximum Cash Back Amount
Country Maximum Cash Back Amount
Armenia AMD 30,000
Austria EUR 200 (no maximum on Intracountry Maestro Transactions
completed with PIN or CDCVM)
Belarus BYN 100
Georgia GEL 150
Germany EUR 200
Kazakhstan KZT 50,000
Kyrgyzstan KGS 5,000
Moldova MDL 1,000
Poland PLN 1,000
Russia RUB 5,000
Switzerland CHF 300
Tajikistan TJS 500
Turkmenistan TKM 400
Ukraine UAH 6,000
Uzbekistan UZS 500,000
All other Europe Region countries EUR 100 or the local currency equivalent
Except as specified elsewhere in this Rule, an Acquirer or Merchant may establish a lower
maximum cash back amount, provided that:
Any such maximum amount is applied uniformly; and
Any maximum amount is not lower than the maximum amount established for any other
payment means on which purchase with cash back is offered at the Merchant location.
CVM Requirements
The following CVMs must be supported by Issuers and Acquirers for purchase with cash back
Online PIN and offline PIN must be supported for Contact Chip Transactions; and
Online PIN and CDCVM must be supported for Contactless Transactions.
As an exception to this Rule:
Card-Present Transactions
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Only online PIN is supported for Contact Chip Transactions and Contactless Transactions on
Cards issued under a BIN assigned for Russia; and
Only online PIN is supported for Contact Chip Transactions on Cards issued under a BIN
assigned for Ukraine or Switzerland.
Mastercard Cards, excluding Debit Mastercard Cards
A Merchant located in the Europe Region may, at its option, support purchase with cash back
Transactions on Mastercard Cards.
If supported, the following requirements apply to purchase with cash back Transactions on
Mastercard Cards:
1. Purchase with cash back on Mastercard Cards is not available for paper-based, key-entered,
or magnetic stripe Transactions. It is available for all other types of Mastercard
2. If a Merchant provides purchase with cash back only upon presentation of particular Cards,
then the Merchant must not promote the service at the POI location or prompt the
Cardholder to use purchase with cash back.
Intracountry Transactions
The following Rules apply to Intracountry Transactions under all brands in the country
1. For Intracountry Transactions in Poland, an Issuer in Poland must not apply a cash back limit
lower than PLN 1,000. An Acquirer in Poland that supports purchase with cash back must
not apply a cash back limit lower than PLN 1,000. A Merchant in Poland that offers
purchase with cash back must not apply a cash back limit lower than PLN 1,000.
2. An Issuer in Russia must not apply a cash back limit lower than RUB 5,000. A Merchant
located in Russia that provides purchase with cash back service must be duly signed up by
its Acquirer as a bank payment agent in accordance with the local legislation.
3. Intracountry Transactions in Ukraine must be processed in UAH only; POI currency
conversion must not be offered.
4. In Switzerland the purchase amount, cash back amount, and Transaction amount must all
be in the same currency. The cash back amount must not be lower than CHF 10. An Issuer
must decline the Transaction if the cash back amount exceeds CHF 300. The purchase
amount of a purchase with cash back Transaction must not be lower than CHF 20.
5. An Issuer in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan must not apply a cash back limit lower than those
specified in the above table of maximum cash back amounts.
6. Intracountry Transactions in Moldova must be processed in MDL only.
Issuer Requirements
The following requirements apply to Issuers:
1. An Issuer in the Europe Region must technically support purchase with cash back
Transactions on Debit Mastercard and Maestro Cards. The Issuer must make individual
Card-Present Transactions
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
authorization decisions and must not automatically decline authorization of purchase with
cash back Transactions on these Cards.
2. An Issuer must technically support purchase with cash back Transactions on Mastercard
Cards issued under a BIN or BIN range assigned for the following countries:
Country Requirement Effective date
Russia Technical support in host systems In effect
Ukraine Technical support in host systems
Newly issued and reissued Cards
and MDES tokens must have
PWCB flag.
In effect
All Cards and MDES tokens in
circulation must have PWCB flag.
1 January 2022
Armenia, Belarus, Georgia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
Technical support in host systems 16 July 2021
Newly issued and reissued Cards
and MDES tokens must have the
PWCB flag
1 January 2023
All Cards and MDES Tokens in
circulation must have the PWCB
1 December 2025
Italy Technical support for PWCB
Transactions on Prepaid Cards and
Tokens in the Issuer's host system
Newly issued and reissued Prepaid
Cards and Tokens must have the
PWCB flag
1 July 2021
Moldova Technical support in host systems 1 December 2022
Newly issued and reissued Cards
and MDES tokens must have the
PWCB flag
1 April 2023
All Cards and MDES tokens in
circulation must have the PWCB
1 January 2025
Details of Technical Support Requirements for Issuers
In addition, an Issuer must technically support purchase with cash back Transactions, including in
the Issuer authorization host system and with respect to purchase-amount-only approvals as
Card-Present Transactions
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
set forth in global Rule 4.9, on Mastercard Cards issued under a BIN or BIN range assigned for
the following countries:
Mandate applies to
Mastercard Cards issued or
reissued on or after
With the exception of the
following types of Cards
Germany 1 January 2017 Prepaid Mastercard Cards
Romania 1 September 2017 No exceptions
Russia, Ukraine 1 January 2020 No exceptions
Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
1 January 2023 No exceptions
Moldova 1 April 2023 No exceptions
1. An Issuer that intends to support purchase with cash back Transactions for its Mastercard
Cardholders must properly personalize the chip on its Mastercard Cards.
2. An Issuer that supports partial approval may use partial approval to authorize only the
purchase amount. Partial approval must not be used to authorize only the cash back
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A purchase with cash back Transaction must be identified in authorization and clearing
messages as specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice. The Transaction
amount and cash back amount must be identified in the fields and with the values specified by
the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
In SCA Countries, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A CAT Level 2 Terminal supporting contact Transactions that does not operate in a transport or
parking environment (MCCs 4111, 4112, 4131, 4784, 4789, and 7523) must:
Be upgraded to have dual capability by the addition of an offline PIN-capable PIN pad, or
Be upgraded to become a CAT Level 1 Terminal by the addition of an online PIN-capable PIN
pad, or
Have contact chip functionality removed, resulting in contactless-only acceptance, or
Be removed from deployment.
A CAT Level 3 Terminal supporting contact Transactions that does not operate in a transport or
parking environment (MCCs 4784 and 7523) must:
Be upgraded with the addition of an offline PIN-capable PIN pad, or
Have contact chip functionality removed, resulting in contactless-only acceptance, or
Be removed from deployment.
Card-Present Transactions
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
A CAT Level 4 Terminal supporting contact Transactions must:
Be upgraded with the addition of an offline PIN-capable PIN pad, or
Have contact chip functionality removed, resulting in contactless-only acceptance, or
Be removed from deployment.
CAT Transactions must be identified in authorization and clearing messages as specified by the
registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
References in Appendix D to Acquirer MIP X-Code processing are replaced by references to
corresponding authorization services of the registered switch of the Issuer’s choice.
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Support for partial amount preauthorization is mandatory for Issuers and Acquirers of Maestro
Cards if the Customer supports partial amount preauthorization for any other debit brand.
Support of partial amount preauthorization is also required for all Mastercard Account ranges if
the Customer supports partial amount preauthorization for Maestro or any other debit brand.
For more information on Maestro petrol Transaction preauthorizations, refer to “Maestro
Preauthorized Transaction Processing” in Chapter 7 of the Authorization Manual and “Maestro
Pre-authorized Transactions” in Chapter 5 of the Customer Interface Specification manual.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Merchant must inform the Cardholder of any estimated amount for which authorization will
be requested and obtain the Cardholders consent to the amount before initiating the
authorization request. As an example, a Merchant may comply with this information
requirement by allowing the Cardholder to select the preauthorization amount at the Terminal
or via a clearly readable sticker or other notice placed at the Point-of-Interaction (POI). The
Cardholder may express consent to the amount by continuing with the Transaction.
The preauthorization request amount, advice request amount, and partial approval support
indicator must be provided in authorization messages, and the final Transaction amount must
be provided in clearing messages, in the fields and with the values specified by the registered
switch of the Customer’s choice.
4.13 Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
References to the Interchange System are replaced with references to the registered switch of
the Customer’s choice.
In Belgium, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For Domestic Transactions in Belgium, the Acquirer may resubmit the Transaction once every 24
hours for a period ending 30 calendar days after the Transaction date, if a Merchant-approved
Maestro POS Transaction is declined by the Issuer for insufficient funds, or because the
Transaction exceeds withdrawal limits.
Card-Present Transactions
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions
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4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The maximum cash disbursement amounts of USD 5,000 and USD 1,000 are replaced by EUR
5,000 and EUR 1,000, respectively.
4.17 ATM Access Fees
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees - Domestic Transactions
The Acquirer does not receive a Service fee in connection with an intra-European or inter-
European Transaction on which an ATM Access Fee has been charged.
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject, as it applies to Domestic Transactions in the
countries listed below, is replaced with the following:
All countries and territories in the European Economic Area, excluding Poland
United Kingdom
Subject to complying with the ATM Access Fee notification requirements of the Rules, an
Acquirer may assess an ATM Access Fee on a Domestic Transaction, provided the Acquirer
applies the ATM Access Fee in a consistent and nondiscriminatory manner. For example, the
amount of the ATM Access Fee must not be greater than that charged on other brands or
networks (whether card scheme or other access device or app-based payment method). The
ATM Access Fee may vary according to the Card or payment application (whether access device
or app-based payment method) category (credit, debit, prepaid, commercial), on condition that
corresponding cash withdrawal transactions on other brands and payment applications at that
ATM Terminal attract an equal or higher ATM Access Fee. The ATM Access Fee must be properly
populated in Transaction messages.
"ATM Access Fee" means a fee charged by an Acquirer in connection with a financial ATM
Transaction and added to the Transaction amount that is transmitted to the Issuer. An Acquirer
must not assess an ATM Access Fee on a non-financial (anything other than cash withdrawal)
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Card-Present Transactions
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Merchandise Category Explanation
Mobile Phone Top Up The purchase of a specified amount of prepaid wireless telephone
time, to be credited to the mobile SIM card associated with the
subscribers prepaid telephone account. The Transaction is identified
with MCC 4814.
Bill Payment Payment via the ATM of utility, telephone or other bills. The
Transaction may be identified with MCC 4900 or MCC 6050.
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.
Refer to Appendix A for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region geographic listing.
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, the Rule on this subject, as it applies in Brazil, is
modified as follows.
If the Cardholder selects the “debit” option when using a Mastercard Card issued in Brazil to
initiate a Contactless Transaction at a Merchant located in Brazil, Mastercard
Single Message
System processing requirements and the chargeback procedures in Chapter 4 of the
Chargeback Guide will apply. The resulting Transaction is referred to as a Maestro Magnetic
Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction.
4.5 Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
In Mexico, when the limit is reached or within two calendar days, the Merchant totals the value
of all taps and generates an Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 message to reverse any unused
Specific Maestro Contactless transit aggregated Transaction CVM limits apply in the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela, Colombia, and Mexico.
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
In Argentina, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows with respect to Domestic
For purchase with cash back Transactions with or without an accompanying purchase, a
Merchant may accept Maestro Cards, Debit Mastercard, and Prepaid Mastercard Cards.
The following requirements apply to purchase with cash back Transactions:
Card-Present Transactions
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
1. The Acquirer must obtain online authorization approval for the entire Transaction amount;
partial approval is not permitted.
2. A surcharge must not be applied to the Transaction by the Merchant or the Acquirer.
3. Installment billing of the Transaction must not be offered to the Cardholder.
4. All Transactions must be authenticated using the highest priority CVM supported by both
the Card and the POS Terminal.
5. When cash is provided with an accompanying purchase, the total Transaction amount in DE
4 (Amount, Transaction) must be greater than the cash back amount in DE 54 (Additional
Amounts), subfield 5 (Amount).
6. When cash is provided without an accompanying purchase, the total Transaction amount in
DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) must be equal to the cash back amount in DE 54 (Additional
Amounts), subfield 5 (Amount).
7. Acquirers must not offer purchase with cash back Transactions with or without an
accompanying purchase to Cards issued outside the country.
8. Purchase with cash back Transactions with or without an accompanying purchase are not
available for Mastercard
credit card products.
In Brazil, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows with respect to Domestic Transactions.
A Merchant may offer the purchase with cash back service on the following Card types:
For purchase with cash back Transactions with an accompanying purchase, a Merchant may
accept Maestro Cards, Mastercard débito, Debit Mastercard and prepaid Mastercard Cards
enabled for Mastercard Single Message System processing.
For purchase with cash back Transactions without an accompanying purchase, a Merchant
may accept Maestro Cards, Mastercard débito, Debit Mastercard and prepaid Mastercard
Cards enabled for either Mastercard Dual Message System or Mastercard Single Message
System processing.
Issuers and Acquirers must not support Purchase with Cash Back Transactions for the
following Card types:
MBF Mastercard
Alimentação (Food)
MBM Mastercard
Refeição (Meal)
MLE Mastercard
Pedágio Prepaid Card
MLF Mastercard
Agro (available only in Brazil)
The following requirements apply to purchase with cash back Transactions:
1. The Acquirer must obtain online authorization approval for the entire Transaction amount.
Partial approval is not permitted.
2. A surcharge must not be applied to the Transaction by the Merchant or the Acquirer.
3. Installment billing of the Transaction must not be offered to the Cardholder.
4. All Transactions must be PIN-verified.
5. When cash is provided with an accompanying purchase, the total Transaction amount in DE
4 (Amount, Transaction) must be greater than the cash back amount in DE 54 (Additional
Amounts), subfield 5 (Amount).
Card-Present Transactions
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
6. When cash is provided without an accompanying purchase, the total Transaction amount in
DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) must be equal to the cash back amount in DE 54 (Additional
Amounts), subfield 5 (Amount).
In Colombia and Venezuela, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Colombia and Venezuela Issuers are not required to support the purchase with cash back
Transaction type.
In Uruguay, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows with respect to Domestic
For purchase with cash back Transactions with an accompanying purchase, a Merchant may
accept Maestro Cards, Debit Mastercard, and Prepaid Mastercard Cards.
The following requirements apply to purchase with cash back Transactions:
1. The Acquirer must obtain online authorization approval for the entire Transaction amount;
partial approval is not permitted.
2. A surcharge must not be applied to the Transaction by the Merchant or the Acquirer.
3. Installment billing of the Transaction must not be offered to the Cardholder.
4. All Transactions must be authenticated using the highest priority CVM supported by both
the Card and the POS Terminal.
5. For Mastercard purchase with cash back Transactions, a maximum cash back amount of
USD 60 or local currency equivalent applies.
6. When cash is provided with an accompanying purchase, the total Transaction amount in DE
4 (Amount, Transaction) must be greater than the cash back amount in DE 54 (Additional
Amounts), subfield 5 (Amount).
7. Acquirers must not offer purchase with cash back Transactions to Cards issued outside the
8. Purchase with cash back Transactions are not available for Mastercard
credit card
4.17 ATM Access Fees
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, the Rule on this subject, as it applies to
Domestic Transactions occurring in the countries listed below, is replaced with the following:
Subject to complying with the ATM Access Fee notification requirements, the Acquirer may
assess an ATM Access Fee on a Domestic Transaction provided the Acquirer applies the ATM
Access Fee in a consistent and nondiscriminatory manner.
For the purposes of this Rule, “ATM Access Fee” means a fee charged by an Acquirer in
connection with any financial Transaction initiated at that Acquirers ATM with a Card and
added to the amount of the Transaction transmitted to the Issuer.
Card-Present Transactions
4.17 ATM Access Fees
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chile Colombia
Ecuador Mexico
Panama Peru
Puerto Rico Venezuela
Middle East/Africa Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Middle East/Africa Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the Middle East/Africa Region geographic listing.
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
In Kenya, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
A Merchant located in Kenya that has received prior approval from its Acquirer may offer a
purchase with cash back Transaction with or without an accompanying purchase to any
Cardholder presenting a Mastercard Card, Prepaid Mastercard Card, Debit Mastercard Card, or
Maestro Card issued in Kenya.
For purchase with cash back Transactions, a maximum cash back amount must be established
that does not exceed KES 100,000.
PIN verification must be obtained for each purchase with cash back Transaction without an
accompanying purchase.
In South Africa, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
A Merchant located in South Africa that has received prior approval from its Acquirer may offer
a purchase with cash back Transaction with or without an accompanying purchase to any
Cardholder presenting a Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, or Maestro Card issued in South Africa.
PIN verification must be obtained for each purchase with cash back Transaction without an
accompanying purchase.
United States Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States (U.S.) Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the U.S. Region geographic listing.
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals
The Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
Card-Present Transactions
Middle East/Africa Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
“PIN-capable Hybrid POS Terminal” means a Hybrid POS Terminal capable of performing
both online and offline PIN verification when a PIN-preferring Chip Card is presented, and
which, if attended, also supports the signature CVM. Signature collection is optional.
“PIN-preferring Chip Card” means a Chip Card that has been personalized so that a PIN CVM
option (online PIN or offline PIN) appears in the Card’s CVM list with a higher priority than
the signature CVM, indicating that a PIN CVM is preferred to the signature CVM at any POS
Terminal that supports the same PIN CVM option.
Technical fallback occurs when a Chip Card is presented at a Hybrid Terminal but due to the
failure of Chip Transaction processing, the Transaction is completed using the magnetic stripe or
manual key entry of the PAN. The ratio of technical fallback Transactions to all Transactions
completed at Hybrid Terminals at a particular Merchant location or at an ATM Terminal for a
calendar month must not exceed five percent of all Chip Card Transactions at that Merchant
location or ATM Terminal. An Acquirer with a Merchant that has exceeded the Standard set
forth in the preceding sentence may be subject to noncompliance assessments.
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions
4.5.1 Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
In the U.S. Region, effective 15 August 2022, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the
A contactless transit aggregated Transaction occurs when one or more contactless taps
performed with one Mastercard or Maestro Account at one U.S. Region transit Merchant during
a 24-hour period (the “tap aggregation period”) are combined into a total Transaction amount
and subsequently submitted for authorization on a deferred basis. A “tap” means the
Cardholder’s tap of the Card or Contactless Payment Device on the contactless reader of the
POS Terminal with each ride taken.
The following requirements apply.
Account Verification Required
Upon the first use of a Mastercard or Maestro Account at the transit Merchant on a given day
(the “initial tap”), the Merchant starts the 24-hour aggregation period. The initial tap must be
processed as follows:
The Merchant sends an Account status inquiry (ASI) Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 message, either deferred or in real-time. An ASI request contains
a value of 8 (Account Status Inquiry Service [ASI]) in DE 61, subfield 7 (POS Transaction
Status) and a Transaction amount of zero.
If the Issuer approves or does not decline the ASI request, then the Merchant may proceed
with tap aggregation as specified in this Rule.
If the Issuer declines the ASI request, then the Merchant must not proceed with tap
aggregation. The Merchant may submit a transit debt recovery Transaction for the amount
of a single ride (if taken).
Card-Present Transactions
4.5 Contactless Transit Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Aggregation Procedures
The following requirements apply for each tap aggregation period:
1. Following successful account verification as described above, the Merchant or its Acquirer
maintains a record of each subsequent tap that occurs within the 24-hour aggregation
2. At the end of the aggregation period, the Merchant uses the last tap to initiate an
Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message for the
combined total amount of taps (rides taken) during the aggregation period. The total
aggregated amount must not exceed the applicable contactless Transaction CVM limit
amount (USD 100).
3. The Merchant must receive Issuer authorization for the Transaction. If the Issuer declines,
the Merchant may submit a transit debt recovery Transaction. If the transit debt recovery
Transaction is declined, the Merchant must not perform tap aggregation involving the
Account until debt recovery on the Account is successfully completed and the Issuer
approves a new Account verification request.
4. Upon the Cardholder’s request, the Merchant must provide a list of the taps that were
aggregated (the date, time [if available], and fare for each ride taken).
Multiple aggregation cycles may occur in the same 24-hour period, at the Merchant’s discretion.
As described in the “Contactless Transactions” section of Appendix C, Transaction messages for
the combined total amount of aggregated taps occurring in an aggregation period must
A value of 05 (Other) in DE 48, subelement 64, subfield 1 (Transit Transaction Type) of
Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/ 0200 messages and in PDS
0210, subfield 1 (Transit Transaction Type) of First Presentment/1240 messages; and
A value of 1 (Deferred authorization) in DE 61, subfield 7 of the Authorization Request/0100
or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message.
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
In the U.S. Region, effective 15 August 2022, the Rule on this subject is replaced with U.S.
Region Rule 4.5.1.
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Merchant located in the United States that has received prior approval from its Acquirer may
offer a Cardholder a cash back Transaction with or without an accompanying purchase when a
Debit Mastercard (including prepaid) Card is presented. A maximum cash back amount must be
established in an amount that does not exceed USD 200 per Transaction.
A Merchant may charge a fee on the cash back portion of a Transaction. The fee charged by the
Merchant must be:
a. The same or less than the fee charged for a cash back transaction for all other payment
Card-Present Transactions
4.5.2 Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
b. Disclosed to the Cardholder before completion of the Transaction.
c. Detailed in DE 54 (Amounts, Additional) of the First Presentment/1240 message.
d. Detailed in DE 28 (Amount, Transaction Fee) of the Authorization Request/0100 message or
Financial Transaction Request/0200.
e. Included in the total Transaction amount transmitted in DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) of
authorization and clearing messages.
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An automated fuel dispenser Merchant identified by the Corporation to be an Excessive
Chargeback Merchant (ECM) must use the Mastercard Address Verification Service (AVS) to
verify the Cardholder’s ZIP code before completing a Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Level
2 Transaction. For information about ECM criteria, refer to section 8.3, “Excessive Chargeback
Program,” of the Security Rules and Procedures. For information about ECM requirements to use
AVS, refer to United States Region section, section 5.11.4, "Additional Cardholder
Identification" of the Mastercard Rules manual.
4.11 PIN-based Debit Transactions
In the U.S. Region, a Customer may choose to acquire Transactions effected with Debit
Mastercard Cards where PIN is used as the Cardholder verification method (CVM).
4.12 PIN-less Single Message Transactions
In the U.S. Region, a PIN-less Single Message Transaction is a Transaction where the Cardholder
is not required to be verified by PIN or other CVM if all of the following conditions exist:
The Card is issued in the U.S. Region; and
The Card has an IIN/BIN that begins with a four; and
The Transaction is initiated by means of a POS Terminal located in the U.S. Region; and
The Transaction amount is equal to or less than USD 100; and
The Transaction is a magnetic stripe Transaction, Contact Chip Transaction, or Contactless
Transaction; and
The Transaction type cannot be performed at an unattended POS Terminal; and
DE 18 (Merchant Type) does not contain any of the following Merchant category code (MCC)
MCC 4829 (Money Transfer)
MCC 6010 (Manual Cash Disbursements: Customer Financial Institution)
MCC 6011 (Automated Cash Disbursements: Customer Financial Institution)
MCC 6050 (Quasi Cash: Customer Financial Institution)
MCC 6051 (Quasi Cash: Merchant)
MCC 6538 (Funding Transactions for MoneySend)
Card-Present Transactions
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals
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MCC 6540 (Funding Transactions)
MCC 7800 (Government Owned Lottery [U.S. Region Only])
MCC 7801 (Internet Gambling [U.S. Region Only])
MCC 7802 (Government Licensed Horse/Dog Racing [U.S. Region Only])
MCC 7995 (Gambling Transactions)
MCC 9405 (Intra-Government Purchases: Government Only)
If all of the conditions are met, a Corporation-assigned indicator will be populated in DE 48,
subelement 81 of the Financial Transaction Request/0200 message, indicating that the
Transaction qualifies for processing as a PIN-less Single Message Transaction.
For Transactions qualifying as PIN-less Single Message Transactions:
1. No CVM is required.
2. An Acquirer must be able to route a PIN-less Single Message Transaction to the Issuer for
3. An Acquirer must only route a PIN-less Single Message Transaction when the final purchase
Transaction amount is certain at the time of authorization.
4. An Issuer may not charge back a PIN-less Single Message Transaction for reason of fraud.
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
Subject to compliance with the Standards, each Customer within the United States Region
must provide cash disbursement services to all Cardholders at all of the Customer’s offices
where teller services are provided.
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following:
A Customer and each of its authorized cash disbursement agents may limit the amount of cash
provided to any one Cardholder in one day at any individual office. Any such limit must be
uniformly applied to all Cardholders of the same Card type. With respect to prepaid Cards, the
limit must not be less than USD 5,000 per Cardholder in one day. With respect to all other Card
types, the limit must not be less than USD 1,000 per Cardholder in one day.
4.14.3 Discount or Service Charges
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following:
With respect to the acceptance of prepaid Cards, the Customer and each of its authorized cash
disbursement agents must disburse all cash disbursements at par without any discount and
without any service or other charge to the Cardholder, except as may be imposed to comply
with applicable law. Any charge imposed to comply with applicable law must be charged to and
paid by the Cardholder separately and must not be included in the total amount of the cash
With respect to the acceptance of any type of Mastercard Card other than a prepaid Card, a
Customer or its authorized cash disbursement agent may charge a fee for performance of the
Card-Present Transactions
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions
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cash disbursement service (herein, a “Manual Cash Disbursement Access Fee”). Any Manual
Cash Disbursement Access Fee charged must be:
1. Not greater than the fee established for any other payment network.
2. Disclosed to the Cardholder before a Transaction authorization request is submitted. At the
time of disclosure, the Cardholder must be afforded the opportunity to opt out of
completing the Transaction.
3. Disclosed on the Transaction receipt.
4. Detailed in DE 28 (Amount, Transaction Fee) of the Authorization Request/0100 or
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message.
5. Detailed in DE 54 (Amounts, Additional) of the First Presentment/1240 message.
6. Included in the total Transaction amount transmitted in DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) of
authorization and clearing messages.
4.17 ATM Access Fees
4.17.1 ATM Access Fees—Domestic Transactions
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following:
In all states and territories of the United States and in the District of Columbia, upon complying
with the ATM Access Fee notification requirements of the Rules, an Acquirer may assess an ATM
Access Fee on a Domestic Transaction.
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals
4.18.1 Approved Merchandise Categories
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified to add postage stamps issued by the U.S.
Postal Service as an approved merchandise category.
4.19 Shared Deposits
In the U.S. Region, an Acquirer may choose to participate in the Shared Deposit service;
provided, if the Acquirer deploys ATM Terminals that participate in any other shared deposit
service, those ATM Terminals must participate in the Shared Deposit service.
An Acquirer may make only its ATM Terminals available for participation in the Shared Deposit
service. An Acquirer that, as an Issuer, elects to take part in the Shared Deposit service must
designate its BINs/IINs and ATM Terminals that participate in any other shared deposit service
for participation in the Shared Deposit service.
4.19.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Shared Deposits
An Acquirer may impose a dollar limit on Shared Deposits accepted at an ATM Terminal provided
that the limit imposed on Cardholders is the same or more favorable than the limits imposed on
cardholders of other networks. This Rule does not limit the application of other non-
discrimination provisions contained in the Standards.
Card-Present Transactions
4.17 ATM Access Fees
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4.19.2 Terminal Signs and Notices
An Acquirer must display a notice regarding funds availability in accordance with section
229.18(c) of Regulation CC, 12 C.F.R. § 229.18(c) on each ATM Terminal that participates in the
Shared Deposit service.
4.19.3 Maximum Shared Deposit Amount
The maximum Shared Deposit Transaction amount must be limited to USD 99,999.99.
4.19.4 Deposit Verification
An Acquirer must process its Shared Deposits as follows.
1. The Acquirer must complete an examination of each Shared Deposit no later than one
business day after the date of the Transaction;
2. Such examination must be conducted under dual control standards either by two employees
of the Acquirer or by one or more employees of the Acquirer with a surveillance camera
monitoring the examination;
3. The examination must consist of the following:
1. The deposit must be verified to ensure that the dollar amount of the deposit keyed by
the Cardholder at the ATM Terminal matches the deposit contents; the deposit envelope
is not empty; and the deposit envelope does not contain only non-negotiable items;
2. The Acquirer must identify any irregularities that would make an item in the deposit
envelope non-negotiable, such as:
The deposited currency is counterfeit;
The deposited currency, check or money order is in a denomination other than U.S.
Region currency;
The item is drawn on or payable by an institution located outside the U.S. Region;
The item has a passbook attached;
The item is a photocopy;
The item is a certificate of deposit or banker’s acceptance;
The item is a non-negotiable writing;
The item is a returned or cancelled check or draft;
A date is not present on the item;
The item is postdated;
The item is dated more than six months prior to the date of the deposit;
The payee field has not been completed;
Either the written or numeric amount does not appear on the item;
The written amount does not match the numeric amount on the item;
The amount on the item appears altered;
The item includes restrictive wording;
The item is missing an endorsement;
The item, which requires a signature, is unsigned
Card-Present Transactions
4.19.2 Terminal Signs and Notices
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3. The Acquirer must submit an adjustment within one business day of the deposit
verification date if a discrepancy exists between the deposit amount and the amount
keyed into the ATM Terminal.
4.19.5 ATM Terminal Clearing and Deposit Processing
An Acquirer that accepts Shared Deposits must clear its ATM Terminals at least once each
business day.
By the end of the business day following the day on which an ATM Terminal was cleared, the
Acquirer must forward for collection all Shared Deposits cleared from that Terminal in the same
manner it would forward its own Cardholders' deposits.
4.19.6 Shared Deposits in Excess of USD 10,000
If an Acquirer receives a Shared Deposit or series of related Shared Deposits made to a single
Account on one business day containing currency in excess of USD 10,000, the Acquirer must
notify the Issuer of this fact by telephone, facsimile, or any other means permitted by the
Corporation within two business days of the date of deposit. The Acquirer must record the
occurrence as well as the act of reporting the occurrence and must include the name of the
Issuer’s employee that received notification.
The notification must include the following:
1. Cardholder number;
2. Amount of currency;
3. Amount of currency in bills of denomination of USD 10,000 or higher;
4. ATM Terminal location;
5. Date and time of deposit.
If the Acquirer fails to provide notification of such a cash deposits and the Issuer is assessed
penalties or fines as a result of the Acquirer’s failure, the Acquirer must indemnify the Issuer for
such penalties and fines.
4.19.7 Notice of Return
If an item sent by an Acquirer to the payor bank of the item for presentment is returned to the
Acquirer for any reason or the Acquirer receives notice of nonpayment of the item for any reason
from the payor bank, the Acquirer must notify the Issuer of the receipt of such return or notice,
and must initiate return of the returned item to the Issuer no later than one business day
following the receipt of the returned item or the notice of nonpayment, whichever is received
first. Such notice to the Issuer must include the reason for nonpayment as set forth on the
returned item or notice of nonpayment received.
4.19.8 Liability for Shared Deposits
The maximum damages that an Acquirer may face for its failure to comply with these Shared
Deposit Rules is the amount of loss incurred by the Issuer with respect to a particular Shared
Deposit, not to exceed the amount of the Shared Deposit. In addition, an Acquirer will not be
liable to an Issuer for any amount of the Shared Deposit that the Issuer could have recovered
from the Cardholder. An Issuer must claim that:
Card-Present Transactions
4.19.5 ATM Terminal Clearing and Deposit Processing
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1. Its Cardholder would not accept the adjustment of an improper Shared Deposit;
2. It could not debit the Cardholder when the Issuer received notice of the improper deposit;
3. It could have debited the Cardholder if the Acquirer had complied with these Shared Deposit
In all events, the Issuer must first attempt to collect from its Cardholder.
Card-Present Transactions
4.19.8 Liability for Shared Deposits
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Chapter 5 Card-Not-Present Transactions
The following Standards apply with regard to Transactions that occur in a Card-not-present
environment, including electronic commerce (e-commerce), mail order/telephone order (MO/TO), and
recurring payment Transactions. Where applicable, variations or additions by region and/or country are
provided at the end of this chapter in the section titled, “Variations and Additions by Region.
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions.......................................................................................................... 175
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements.............................................................................................175
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements........................................................................................................................... 177
5.1.3 Use of Static AAV for Card-not-present Transactions.................................................................178
5.1.4 Debit Small-Ticket Digital Transaction Program: Brazil Only......................................................178
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transactions......................................................................178
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions................................................................................................................179
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions.............................................................................................................. 180
5.4.1 Subscription Billing Merchants......................................................................................................... 183 Applicability of Standards........................................................................................................ 184
5.4.2 Negative Option Billing Merchants..................................................................................................184
5.4.3 China Domestic Recurring Payment Transactions .......................................................................186
5.5 Installment Billing........................................................................................................................................ 186
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing..........................................................................................187 Definitions................................................................................................................................... 187 Transaction Processing Procedures.........................................................................................187
5.5.2 Multiple-Authorization Installment Billing......................................................................................188
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery...............................................................................190
5.6.1 Transit First Ride Risk Framework....................................................................................................191
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater.............................................................................................................193
5.8 Authentication Requirements—Europe Region Only..............................................................................194
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions...............................................................................................................194
5.10 Mastercard Micropayment Solution—United States Region Only.................................................... 195
Variations and Additions by Region.................................................................................................................196
Asia/Pacific Region.............................................................................................................................................196
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions.....................................................................................................196
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements....................................................................................... 197
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements......................................................................................................................197
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transactions................................................................ 197
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions...........................................................................................................198
5.4 Credential-on-File Transactions...........................................................................................................199
Card-Not-Present Transactions
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5.4.2 China Domestic Recurring Payment Transactions.................................................................. 199 Transaction Requirements for Acquirers ..........................................................................199 Transaction Requirement for Issuers.................................................................................201
5.5 Installment Billing...................................................................................................................................202
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing....................................................................................202 Transaction Processing Procedures...................................................................................202
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater........................................................................................................202
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions......................................................................................................... 202
Canada Region....................................................................................................................................................202
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater........................................................................................................202
Europe Region..................................................................................................................................................... 202
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions.....................................................................................................202
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements....................................................................................... 203
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements......................................................................................................................204
5.1.3 Use of Static AAV for Card-not-present Transactions........................................................... 205
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Maestro Transactions................................................ 205
5.2.1 Definitions.......................................................................................................................................205
5.2.2 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—Cardholder Authority.................................... 206
5.2.3 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—Transactions Per Cardholder Authority......206
5.2.4 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—CVC 2/AVS Checks........................................206
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions...........................................................................................................207
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions.........................................................................................................207
5.5 Installment Billing ..................................................................................................................................209
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing....................................................................................220 Transaction Processing Procedures...................................................................................220
5.5.2 Multiple-Authorization Installment Billing.................................................................................220
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery.........................................................................221
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater........................................................................................................221
5.7.1 Issuer Requirements......................................................................................................................221
5.7.2 Acquirer Requirements................................................................................................................. 222
5.8 Authentication Requirements.............................................................................................................. 223
5.8.1 Acquirer Requirements................................................................................................................. 223
5.8.2 Issuer Requirements......................................................................................................................224
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions......................................................................................................... 224
Latin America and the Caribbean Region...................................................................................................... 226
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions.....................................................................................................226
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements....................................................................................... 226
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements......................................................................................................................226
5.1.4 Debit Small-Ticket Digital Transaction Program: Brazil Only................................................227
Card-Not-Present Transactions
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5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater........................................................................................................228
Middle East/Africa Region.................................................................................................................................228
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions.....................................................................................................228
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements....................................................................................... 229
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements......................................................................................................................229
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater........................................................................................................229
United States Region.........................................................................................................................................229
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater........................................................................................................229
5.10 Mastercard Micropayment Solution.................................................................................................229
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules.............................................................................................230
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions ....................................................................................................230
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements....................................................................................... 230
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements......................................................................................................................231
Card-Not-Present Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions
An electronic commerce (“e-commerce”) Transaction must be authorized by the Issuer, in
accordance with the authorization requirements described in Chapter 2. An e-commerce
Transaction must not be effected using contactless payment, contactless payment or
Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR payment functionality, or as a purchase with cash back
NOTE: Additions to this Rule appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region” and “Europe Region,” and “Middle
East/Africa Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
Each Acquirer and Merchant conducting any e-commerce Transactions must comply with the
following requirements:
1. The Merchant must display the appropriate Acceptance Marks on its website where
payment methods are listed, in accordance with the Standards set forth in Chapters 4 and
5 of the Mastercard Rules.
2. The Merchant must provide a mailing address and a contact telephone number or email
address for customer queries. This information may be displayed on any page within the
Merchant’s website, but must be readily accessible to a Cardholder, and remain displayed for
at least 90 calendar days after the last day on which a Transaction was performed.
3. The Merchant must clearly display price information, including currency, and the details of
the timing of billing and fulfillment of Transactions, and provide a function for Cardholders
to confirm a purchase before the completion of the sale.
4. For each Merchant and each 3-D Secure Service Provider (as defined in Chapter 7 of the
Mastercard Rules) transacting under the Mastercard
Identity Check program, the Acquirer
must ensure the Merchant is assigned a Merchant ID and uses the Mastercard Directory
Server to complete the authentication if the Transaction is submitted for authorization and
clearing (unless such Transaction is submitted via an alternate switch due to regulatory
reasons), and ensure that the Merchant correctly populates all UCAF fields with required
data elements and complies with the Mastercard Identity Check Standards. Refer to the
Mastercard Identity Check Program for more information.
5. The Transaction amount used in the authorization message for a CIT must match the value
of the products and services in the Cardholder’s purchase order, including any additional
charges for posting and packing, etc.
6. If the purchase will be delivered in multiple shipments, the Merchant must notify the
Cardholder and ensure that the combined amount of all shipments does not exceed the
total purchase amount agreed with the Cardholder. The Merchant must obtain the
Cardholder’s agreement to any increase in the purchase amount as a result of multiple or
partial deliveries. Each shipment, and any increase to the original agreed purchase amount,
must be processed by the Merchant as a separate authorized Transaction. Each subsequent
authorization request initiated by the Merchant after the initial CIT must be identified with
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions
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the MIT value of M205 (Partial Shipment) in DE 48, subelement 22 (Multi-purpose Merchant
Indicator), subfield 5 (Cardholder/Merchant Initiated Transaction Indicator).
7. If the products or services purchased are not available at time of the Transaction, the
Merchant must inform the Cardholder and obtain the Cardholder’s agreement to a delayed
delivery (specifying the anticipated delivery date) before proceeding with the Transaction.
8. The Merchant must advise the Cardholder if the products or services ordered will not be
delivered within the time frame originally disclosed to and agreed with the Cardholder. The
Cardholder must be notified of the new anticipated delivery timeframe and given an
opportunity to cancel the Transaction.
9. The information provided on any email acknowledgment of the Cardholders order must
comply with the Transaction receipt requirements described in Chapter 3.
10. For a physical or digital product or a sample of the physical or digital product provided to a
Cardholder by a negative option billing Merchant for a trial period, the trial period begins on
the date that the Cardholder receives the product.
For purposes of this Rule 5.1.1, a trial period means a preset length of time during which the
Cardholder may evaluate the characteristics of the product such as its quality or usefulness
to determine whether the Cardholder wants to either:
Purchase the product on a one-time basis or recurring basis; or
Return the product (if possible) to the negative option billing Merchant.
11. If the Merchant is a negative option billing Merchant, then the Merchant must provide a
direct link to an online cancellation procedure for recurring payment Transactions on the
website on which the Cardholder initiated an agreement with the Merchant to bill the
Cardholder on a recurring basis for one or more physical or digital products provided by the
Merchant through the Merchant’s website.
In addition, with respect to Maestro e-commerce Transactions:
1. The Acquirer and Merchant must be capable of accepting PANs between 13 and 19 digits in
length and sending the full unaltered PAN and the expiration date (in MMYY format) to the
Interchange System. Transactions must not be declined by the Merchant or Acquirer as a
result of edits or validations performed on the BIN/IIN or expiration date;
2. The Merchant must support Mastercard Identity Check;
a. For the EMV 3D Secure 2.0 specification, a Merchant must support both browser and in-
app Transactions;
b. For the 3D Secure 1.0 specification, a Merchant must support browser Transactions and
may support in-app Transactions;
3. The Acquirer and Merchant must support the passing of authentication data in the
Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF);
4. The Acquirer must support the 3D Secure Merchant Plug-in, and be capable of handling
Transactions within a 3D Secure environment;
5. The Merchant must provide a set of “help” functions to help Cardholders that have not yet
been enabled by their Issuers for transacting via the Internet; and
6. On an ongoing basis, the Acquirer must educate its Merchants to ensure that each
Merchant has an understanding of the special risks and responsibilities associated with
accepting Transactions in an e-commerce environment.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region,” "Europe Region," "Latin America
and the Caribbean Region," "Middle East/Africa Region," and the "Additional U.S. Region and U.S.
Territory Rules" sections at the end of this chapter.
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
An Issuer must approve or decline each e-commerce Transaction authorization request. Call
referrals are not permitted.
A Region that previously implemented an intraregional Merchant-only liability shift for e-
commerce Transactions may agree to require Issuers in that Region to implement Mastercard
Identity Check.
An Issuer that uses Mastercard Identity Check to verify its Cardholders must:
Use the Mastercard Secure Payment Application (SPA) algorithm to generate the
Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV); and
Verify the validity of the AAV when present in DE 48, subelement 43 of the authorization
request message, or participate in the Mastercard Identity Check AAV Verification Service.
Mastercard Identity Check liability shifts applicable to e-commerce Transactions conducted with
a Mastercard Card are described in the Chargeback Guide.
Refer to the Chargeback Guide for information about using message reason code 4841
(Cancelled Recurring Transactions and Digital Goods Purchases Under USD 25) to charge back a
Transaction under USD 25 involving the purchase of Digital Goods.
The following applies with respect to a Maestro Card Program:
1. The Issuer is encouraged but not required to permit a Maestro Cardholder to engage in e-
commerce Transactions. An Issuer that permits its Maestro Cardholders to perform e-
commerce Transactions must be capable of recognizing and processing these Transactions
when presented by an Acquirer.
2. The Issuer should provide a registration and set-up process for Cardholders wishing to
engage in e-commerce Transactions.
3. The Issuer must provide a Cardholder wishing to engage in e-commerce Transactions with a
PAN of between 13 and 19 digits in length and an expiration date in MMYY format. The PAN
must start with a Maestro BIN/IIN, which may be a BIN that is currently used by the Issuer.
The Issuer may optionally use a PAN that is different from the PAN displayed on the Card (a
pseudo PAN”). If a pseudo PAN is used, it must be static and have an expiration date that
does not exceed five years from the PAN issuance date.
4. The Issuer must implement security techniques between the Cardholder interface device
and the Issuer server to guard against unauthorized Transactions.
5. The Issuer is responsible for deciding which CVMs are acceptable for the completion of e-
commerce Transactions, and may choose to request that a Cardholder use a chip/hardware
authentication device.
6. An Issuer should educate Cardholders of the risks of releasing Card details and PINs into
open networks and entering PINs into public terminals without using the approved methods.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
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7. An Issuer may directly implement Mastercard Identity Check and register its Cardholders
and each Cardholder’s authentication information, or delegate a specific implementation
and registration function to a designated Service Provider, in accordance with the set-up
requirements provided to the Corporation by the Issuer. The Issuer must ensure that
Cardholders are properly identified if issuing certificates.
8. The Issuer must perform an appropriate risk assessment on any Transaction for which the
UCAF field (data element 48, subelement 43) contains a Corporation-assigned static AAV.
9. The Issuer is responsible for fraud in connection with any e-commerce Transaction that the
Issuer has approved, unless it can be proved that the Merchant and/or Acquirer participated
in the fraud or the Merchant Website does not support the passing of UCAF data. However,
the Issuer will have a chargeback right for fraudulent Transactions containing the
Corporation-assigned static AAV in the UCAF field.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Europe Region," "Latin America
and the Caribbean Region," "Middle East/Africa Region," and the "Additional U.S. Region and U.S.
Territory Rules" sections at the end of this chapter.
5.1.3 Use of Static AAV for Card-not-present Transactions
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “Europe Region” section of this chapter.
5.1.4 Debit Small-Ticket Digital Transaction Program: Brazil Only
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “Latin America and the Caribbean Region” section of this
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transactions
The following requirements apply to mail order and telephone (“phone”) order (MO/TO)
Transactions effected with a Mastercard Account, and where supported, a Maestro Account,
including phone order Transactions conducted with Integrated Voice Response (IVR) technology.
MO/TO Transactions are supported for Maestro in some of the Europe Region countries, India,
and the United States Region and U.S. Territories only.
1. MO/TO Transactions must not be effected using contactless payment, Mastercard
Consumer-Presented QR payment, or as purchase with cash back Transactions. Manual key
entry of the PAN is the normal method of performing a MO/TO Transaction. Online
authorization is required.
2. The Issuer must approve or decline each authorization request. A call referral is an invalid
response to a MO/TO Transaction authorization request and must be treated by the
Acquirer and the Merchant as a decline.
3. There is no Cardholder verification procedure for MO/TO Transactions; however, an Acquirer
and Merchant may choose to support Mastercard SecureCode or Identity Check for
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.3 Use of Static AAV for Card-not-present Transactions
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Mastercard phone order Transactions conducted with Integrated Voice Response (IVR)
4. The Merchant must not request an authorization, in a single message environment, or
submit a Transaction to the Acquirer for presentment, in a dual message environment, until
the products and services are available for delivery.
NOTE: Additions to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section and, pertaining to India, in the
Asia/Pacific” sections at the end of this chapter.
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions
A Credential-on-file Transaction occurs when a Cardholder expressly authorizes a Merchant to
store the Cardholder’s Mastercard or Maestro Account data (meaning PAN and expiration date)
for subsequent use in connection with one or more later Transaction(s) with that Merchant and
subsequently authorizes that Merchant to use the stored Mastercard or Maestro Account data
in one or more Transaction(s).
For authorization, a Credential-on-file Transaction must contain the Credential-on-file indicator,
which is a value of 10 (Credential on File) in DE 22 (Point-of-Service Entry Mode), subfield 1
(POS Terminal PAN Entry).
For clearing, a Credential-on-file Transaction must contain the Credential-on-file indicator,
which is a value of 7 (Credential on File) in DE 22 (Point-of-Service Entry Mode), subfield 7 (Card
Data Input Mode).
A Transaction must contain the Credential-on-file indicator (in addition to a CIT or MIT indicator,
as applicable) when:
the Cardholder previously authorized the Merchant to store the Account data for use in
future Transactions, and
the Cardholder agreed to the Merchant’s use of the stored Account data to conduct the
Transaction being submitted.
Refer to Rule 5.9 for more information about Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs) and to
Appendix C regarding the use of CIT and MIT indicators.
The Acquirer should:
ensure that the Merchant retains the Cardholder's written agreement to the terms of a
Credential-on-file Transaction arrangement; and
advise the Merchant not to place Account data on file as a Stored Credential if the Issuer
provides a Merchant advice code value of 40 (Consumer non-reloadable prepaid card) or 41
(Consumer single use virtual card number) in an authorization response (0110 or 0210)
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region" and "Europe Region" sections at
the end of this chapter.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions
A recurring payment Transaction is a Transaction made pursuant to an agreement between a
Cardholder and a Merchant, whereby the Cardholder authorizes the Merchant to store and use
the Cardholder’s Mastercard Account or (where supported) Maestro Account data periodically
and on an ongoing basis, with no specified end date. Use may occur periodically, such as on a
monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, or as needed to “top up” the Cardholders account with the
Merchant. A recurring payment Transaction may be for a variable or a fixed amount, as
specified in the agreement. A recurring payment Transaction differs from an installment
Transaction in that the number of installment Transaction payments is specified.
By way of example and not limitation, the following are Merchant categories that frequently
process recurring payment Transactions:
MCC 4814 (Telecommunication Services including but not limited to prepaid phone services
and recurring phone services)
MCC 4816 (Computer Network/Information Services)
MCC 4899 (Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services)
MCC 4900 (Utilities—Electric, Gas, Heating Oil, Sanitary, Water)
MCC 5192 (Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers)
MCC 5968 (Direct Marketing—Continuity/Subscription Merchants)
MCC 6300 (Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums)
The Acquirer must identify the first Cardholder-initiated Transaction of a recurring payment
series with the following values.
Data Element
Subfield Value
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 1 (POS Terminal Attendance) One of the following:
0 (Attended Terminal)
1 (Unattended Terminal
Terminal {CAT}, home PC,
mobile phone, personal digital
assistant {PDA}])
2 (No Terminal used [voice/
audio response unit {ARU}
authorization; server])
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield Value
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 4 (POS Cardholder Presence) One of the following:
0 (Cardholder present)
1 (Cardholder not present,
2 (Mail/facsimile order)
3 (Phone/ARU order)
5 (Electronic order [home PC,
Internet, mobile phone, PDA])
Effective 7 June 2022 in the U.S.
Region and 14 October 2022 in
all other Regions (unless an
earlier effective date applies), the
value of 4 must be used when the
first payment in a recurring
payment series occurs in a Card-
not-present environment.
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data)
5 (POS Card Presence) One of the following:
0 (Card present)
1 (Card not present)
48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 22 (Multi-
Purpose Merchant Indicator)
5 (Cardholder/Merchant Initiated
Transaction Indicator)
One of the following:
C101 (Credential-on-file [ad
C102 (Standing Order
[variable amount/fixed
C103 (Subscription [fixed
amount/fixed frequency])
An Acquirer must identify each subsequent Merchant-initiated recurring payment Transaction
with the following values, including when a Stored Credential has been replaced with a Token at
the Merchant’s request.
Data Element
Subfield Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
10 (Credential on File)
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield Value
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 1 (POS Terminal Attendance) One of the following:
1 (Unattended Terminal
Terminal {CAT}, home PC,
mobile phone, personal digital
assistant {PDA}])
2 (No Terminal used [voice/
audio response unit {ARU}
authorization; server])
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 4 (POS Cardholder Presence) 4 (Standing order/recurring
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 5 (POS Card Presence) 1 (Card not present)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 10 (Cardholder-activated
Terminal Level)
0 (Not a CAT Transaction)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 11 (POS Card Data Terminal
Input Capability Indicator)
6 (Key entry only)
48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 22 (Multi-
Purpose Merchant Indicator)
5 (Cardholder/Merchant Initiated
Transaction Indicator)
One of the following:
M101 (Unscheduled
M102 (Standing Order
[variable amount/fixed
M103 (Subscription [fixed
amount/fixed frequency])
The recurring payment indicator must not appear in installment billing Transactions.
An Issuer should provide a Merchant advice code in DE 48, subelement 84 of the authorization
response message when declining a recurring payment Transaction authorization request. The
Acquirer and the Merchant should be able to receive and act on the Merchant advice code when
The Acquirer should ensure that the Merchant retains the Cardholders written agreement to
the terms of a recurring payment Transaction arrangement. The Merchant must not deliver
products or perform services pursuant to a recurring payment Transaction arrangement after
receiving notification of its cancellation by the Cardholder or Issuer or that the Account on file is
not to be honored.
NOTE: Additions to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
5.4.1 Subscription Billing Merchants
The following Standards apply to recurring payment Transactions initiated by a Merchant
performing subscription billing in which the Cardholder has agreed for the Merchant to provide
ongoing and/or periodic delivery of a service, membership, physical products or Digital Goods.
Refer to Rule regarding the applicability of these Standards to certain Merchant
1. The Merchant must disclose the subscription terms simultaneously with a request for Card
credentials. The disclosure must include the price that will be billed and the frequency of the
billing (for example, "You will be billed USD 9.95 per month until you cancel the
subscription). Merchants that utilize a negative option billing model must also disclose the
terms of the trial, including any initial charges, the length of the trial period, and the price
and frequency of the subsequent subscription (for example, You will be billed USD 2.99
today for a 30-day trial. Once the trial ends, you will be billed USD 19.99 each month
thereafter until you cancel.").
An e-commerce Merchant must:
a. Clearly and prominently display the subscription terms on any payment and order
summary webpages; and
b. Capture a Cardholder's affirmative acceptance of the subscription terms before
completing the subscription order.
Providing a link to another webpage or requiring the Cardholder to expand a message box or
scroll down the webpage to view the subscription terms does not satisfy this requirement.
2. Immediately after the Cardholder completes the subscription order, the Merchant must
promptly send a subscription order confirmation to the Cardholder through an email
message or other electronic communication method that includes the subscription terms.
The confirmation message must include or provide access to instructions for account
management capabilities, including instructions for canceling the subscription (and thereby
withdrawing permission for any subsequent recurring payment).
3. Each time that the Merchant receives an approved authorization request, it is
recommended that the Merchant provide the Cardholder with a Transaction receipt through
an e-mail message or other electronic communication method that includes the amount and
reason for the billing and includes or provides access to instructions for account
management capabilities, including instructions for canceling the subscription (and thereby
withdrawing permission for any subsequent recurring payment Transactions). Cardholders
may choose to opt-out of receiving these notices.
This Standard becomes a requirement when a Merchant that utilizes a recurring payment
plan is identified for four months or more in the Acquirer Chargeback Monitoring Program
(ACMP) as an Excessive Chargeback Merchant (ECM), a High Excessive Chargeback
Merchant (HECM) and/or an Excessive Fraud Merchant (EFM) within the same audit period
(refer to Chapter 8 Acquirer Chargeback Monitoring Program of the Data Integrity
Monitoring Program for more information). The Acquirer of a Merchant that has been
identified in ACMP for four months or more and has not implemented these requirements
may be subject to Category A assessments for each month of noncompliance, in addition to
the assessments applicable under the Acquirer Chargeback Monitoring Program.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.4.1 Subscription Billing Merchants
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
4. The Merchant must provide an online or electronic cancellation method (similar to
unsubscribing from email messages or any other electronic method) or clear instructions on
how to cancel that are easily accessible online (such as a “Manage Subscription” or “Cancel
Subscription” link on the merchant’s home page).
5. For any subscription where the billing frequency is every six months (180 days) or less (i.e.,
billing occurs every six months, every year, every other year, etc.), the Merchant must send
an electronic reminder to the Cardholder at least seven days but no more than 30 days prior
to the next billing date that includes the subscription terms and includes or provides access
to instructions for account management capabilities, including instructions for canceling the
subscription (and thereby withdrawing permission for any subsequent recurring payment).
The communication must clearly reference in the subject line that it relates to upcoming
charges to the Cardholder (for example, "Important Information About Upcoming Charges
to Your Account") and the message must be distinct from marketing communications that
are otherwise sent to the Cardholder. Applicability of Standards
The Standards in this Rule 5.4.1 do not apply to payments for utilities (i.e., gas, electric,
sanitation, heating oil, water), telecommunications, insurance policies, or existing debt (for
example, vehicle loan or mortgage payments).
The Standards in this Rule 5.4.1 are only best practice recommendations for any not-for-profit/
charity Merchant that utilizes a recurring payment plan. However, all five Standards (including,
for the avoidance of doubt, item three) become requirements when a not-for-profit/charity
Merchant that utilizes a recurring payment plan is identified for four months or more in the
Acquirer Chargeback Monitoring Program (ACMP) as an Excessive Chargeback Merchant
(ECM), a High Excessive Chargeback Merchant (HECM) and/or an Excessive Fraud Merchant
(EFM) within the same audit period (refer to Chapter 8 Acquirer Chargeback Monitoring
Program of the Data Integrity Monitoring Program for more information). The Acquirer of a
Merchant that has been identified in ACMP for four months or more and has not implemented
these requirements may be subject to Category A assessments for each month of
noncompliance, in addition to the assessments applicable under the Acquirer Chargeback
Monitoring Program.
5.4.2 Negative Option Billing Merchants
A negative option billing Merchant offers a Cardholder the opportunity to purchase a
subscription service to automatically receive one or more physical products (such as cosmetics,
health-care products, or vitamins), Digital Goods or services on a recurring basis (such as weekly,
monthly, semi-annually, or annually). As used in this section, the term "product" means or a
physical product or a Digital Good.
The subscription service may be initiated by an agreement between the Cardholder and the
Merchant whereby the Cardholder agrees to receive from the Merchant a sample of the product
or services (either complimentary or at a nominal price) for a trial period. The sample may be
larger, equal to, or smaller than the product provided by the Merchant during the subscription
period. For the purposes of this Rule 5.4.2, a trial period means a preset length of time during
Card-Not-Present Transactions Applicability of Standards
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
which the Cardholder may evaluate the characteristics of the product or service such as its
quality or usefulness to determine whether the Cardholder wants to either:
Purchase the product or service on a one-time basis or recurring basis; or
Return the product (if possible) to the Merchant.
After the trial period has expired, the Merchant may use Account credentials provided to the
Merchant by the Cardholder to submit Transactions on a recurring basis each time that the
product is shipped, delivered, or otherwise made available to the Cardholder, until either:
The Cardholder takes action to terminate the agreement with the Merchant (for example,
notifying the Merchant to cancel the subscription);
The Merchant terminates the agreement; or
The subscription expires.
The following Standards apply to recurring payment Transactions associated with a negative
option billing Merchant:
1. For Digital Goods and services offering a trial period longer than seven days: No less than
three days and no more than seven days prior to end of trial period, the Merchant must send
a reminder notification to the Cardholder that the subscription plan will commence if the
Cardholder does not cancel, or whenever terms and conditions will change. This notification
must include the basic terms of the subscription and clear instructions on how to cancel.
This reminder can be completed by email or any other electronic methods.
2. For physical products:
a. The Acquirer must process all subsequent recurring payment Transactions using the
same Merchant ID in DE 42 (Card Acceptor ID Code) and Merchant name in DE 43,
subfield 1 (Card Acceptor Name) as the Acquirer used for the initial Transaction.
b. After the trial period has expired, the Merchant must provide the following information
to the Cardholder and receive the Cardholder’s explicit consent in relation to this
information before the Merchant may submit an authorization request for the initial
recurring payment Transaction for the full-size or regular price product:
The date the subscription period begins
The Transaction amount
The payment date of the Transaction
NOTE: After the Cardholder has provided consent, the Merchant may not change this date;
however, a later payment date may be offered by the Merchant prior to consent, if the
authorization request results in a declined response from the Issuer due to insufficient
funds in the Cardholder’s Account.
The Merchant name as it will appear on the Cardholder’s statement
Instructions for terminating the recurring payment Transaction cycle (for example,
canceling the subscription service) at the Cardholder’s discretion
3. Each time that the Merchant receives an approved authorization request, the Merchant
must provide the Cardholder with a Transaction receipt through an e-mail message or other
electronic communication method (such as an SMS “text message”) including instructions
for terminating the recurring payment Transaction cycle (such as canceling the subscription
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.4.2 Negative Option Billing Merchants
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
service). If the Merchant provides the Cardholder with a Transaction receipt after a declined
authorization request, the Transaction receipt must state the reason for the decline
4. The Merchant must provide the Cardholder with written confirmation in either hard copy or
electronic format at least seven (7) days in advance when any of the following events occur:
The Merchant is revising the subscription billing terms
The recurring payment Transaction cycle has been terminated by either the Merchant or
the Cardholder, in which case the notice must be sent no more than seven days after the
Cardholder's decision to cancel.
For more information about registration requirements for negative option billing Merchants
selling physical goods, refer to section 9.4.10 of the Security Rules and Procedures manual.
5.4.3 China Domestic Recurring Payment Transactions
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “Asia/Pacific Region” section at the end of this chapter.
5.5 Installment Billing
Installment billing consists of payments by an Issuer to an Acquirer on behalf of a Cardholder
who authorizes a Merchant to bill the Cardholder’s Account on a continued, periodic basis
(typically based on the Transaction date, and on a monthly basis) until the total amount due for
the goods or services purchased from the Merchant or other retailer is paid. The amount of each
payment is a fixed amount determined by the total number of installments specified and the
value of goods or services purchased.
Installment billing differs from recurring payments in that there is a specified end date. For
example, a Cardholder contracted to pay BRL 500 on a monthly basis for one year for
membership in a health club. This would not qualify as a recurring payment arrangement
because there is a beginning and ending time specified for the membership.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Applicability of Rules
The Standards in Rule 5.5.1 and in message reason code 4850—Installment Billing Disputes in
the Chargeback Guide apply to an Acquirer-financed and Merchant-financed installment billing
where the Acquirer processes a single authorization request containing installment information
for the full Transaction amount. Upon Issuer approval, the Acquirer submits multiple clearing
records for the installment payments, in accordance with the terms agreed by the Cardholder at
the POI. The first installment billing may occur in a Card-present or Card-not-present
environment; all subsequent installment billings are processed as Card-not-present
Mastercard also supports Issuer-financed installment billing, which differs in that upon Issuer
approval of the authorization request containing installment information, the Acquirer submits
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.4.3 China Domestic Recurring Payment Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
a single clearing record for the full Transaction amount. The Issuer then bills the Cardholder for
the installments in accordance with the terms agreed by the Cardholder at the POI.
Mastercard supports single-authorization installment billing in participating countries only.
The Standards in Rule 5.5.2 apply when a Merchant or Installment Provider offers installment
billing to Cardholders, and each installment payment Transaction is submitted individually for
authorization by the Issuer, in accordance with the terms agreed by the Cardholder at the POI.
Upon Issuer approval, the Acquirer submits a separate clearing record for each installment
For more information about Installment Providers, refer to Chapter 7 of the Mastercard Rules.
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing
This section applies to installment billing Transactions whereby information about the
installment plan agreed between the Merchant and the Cardholder is transmitted in the
Merchant's authorization request message for Issuer approval. Definitions
Solely for the purposes of the installment billing Rules set forth herein and in “Message Reason
Code 4850—Installment Billing Dispute” in the “Domestic Chargebacks” section of the
Chargeback Guide, the following terms have the meanings set forth below:
Installment billing
An arrangement agreed between a Merchant and a Cardholder at the POI whereby a fixed
number of periodic payments will be processed to complete a total payment for goods or
services purchased.
One of a fixed number of periodic payments processed by a Merchant and submitted by its
Acquirer as a separate clearing record in accordance with an installment billing arrangement
between the Merchant and the Cardholder.
Installment acceleration
Acceleration of the processing of remaining installments for a Transaction. When installment
acceleration is requested by the Issuer, the Acquirer must immediately process all remaining
installments for the Transaction. Transaction Processing Procedures
The Authorization Request/0100 message of a Transaction to be billed in installments must
contain the following information, and must not contain the recurring payment indicator:
The appropriate installment billing indicator code in DE 48, subelement 95 (Promotion Code),
The installment plan type and the number of installments requested by the Cardholder at
the time of purchase in DE 112 (Additional Data, National Use).
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The Authorization Request/0100 message must be submitted for the total value of the
Transaction. The Acquirer must ensure that the Authorization Request Response/0110 message
contains the same number of installments indicated in DE 112 of the Authorization Request/
0100 message.
The Transaction receipt must include the number of installments agreed between the
Cardholder and the Merchant at the time of the Transaction.
Each installment payment is cleared and settled separately upon the processing of each
installment. The Acquirer may process each installment payment clearing record upon receipt
from the Merchant as the installment becomes due. The Acquirer must ensure that each
installment payment clearing record contains information identifying the original approved
authorization, as follows:
The values contained in DE 63 (Network Data) and DE 15 (Settlement Date) from the
authorization request response message must be placed in DE 63, subfield 2 (Trace ID) of
each clearing record, and
The value contained in DE 38 (Approval Code) from the authorization request response
message must be placed in DE 38 of each clearing record.
For Transactions completed with electronically recorded Card information (whether Card-read
or key-entered), the first installment must be presented within seven calendar days of the
Transaction date. For Transactions completed with manually recorded Card information
(whether imprinted or handwritten), the first installment must be processed within 30 days of
the Transaction date.
Unless otherwise agreed between the Cardholder and the Merchant, the period between
installments must be 30 calendar days. Acceleration of the processing of installments is
permitted when authorized by the Issuer.
The Issuer is responsible for ensuring that each installment is processed accurately and for
identifying each installment number on the Cardholders billing statement (for example,
installment one of six).
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific" and "Europe Region" sections at the end
of this chapter.
5.5.2 Multiple-Authorization Installment Billing
This section describes Transaction processing procedures for Merchants and Installment
Providers offering installment billing arrangements to Cardholders in connection with a retail
purchase, in which each installment payment is processed as an individually authorized and
cleared Transaction. The following requirements apply:
The installment billing arrangement terms and conditions must be fully and clearly disclosed
in advance to the Cardholder. This includes but is not limited to the total number of
installment payments, the payment schedule, the amount of each payment, and any fees
that may apply;
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5.2 Multiple-Authorization Installment Billing
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The installment billing arrangement must be conducted in accordance with the terms and
conditions offered to and agreed by the Cardholder;
The Acquirer must properly identify each installment payment Transaction as described in
the “Installment Payment Information” section; and
The Transaction receipt for each installment Transaction must include the installment
number as it corresponds to the total number of installments (for example, "Payment 2 of
Installment Payment Information
An installment payment Transaction is properly identified as described in the following table.
Table 6: Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
In This Data Field:
If submitted by a Merchant,
each Transaction must contain:
If submitted by an Installment
Provider, each Transaction must
DE 43 (Acceptor Name and
The Merchant’s name and
The full or abbreviated name of
the Installment Provider in
combination with the retailer
name, separated by an asterisk
(for example, Installment
DE 18 (Merchant Type) The MCC that best describes the
primary business of the
Merchant, or the nature of the
The MCC that best describes the
primary business of the retailer,
or the nature of the purchase
DE 48, subelement 32
(Mastercard-assigned ID)
Optional; if present, the
Mastercard-assigned ID of the
The Mastercard-assigned ID of
the Installment Provider
DE 48, subelement 77
(Transaction Type Identifier)
Not Required P10 (Purchase Repayment)
DE 48, subelement 22 (Multi-
Purpose Merchant Indicator),
subfield 5 (Cardholder/Merchant
Initiated Transaction Indicator)
C104 for the initial CIT and M104
for each subsequent MIT
C104 for the initial CIT and M104
for each subsequent MIT
The following First Presentment/1240 message fields must be populated with the same
information as provided in the corresponding Authorization Request/0100 message field:
DE 43 (Acceptor Name/Location)
DE 26 (Acceptor Business Code [MCC])
PDS 0176 (Mastercard-assigned ID)
PDS 0043 (Transaction Type Identifier)
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5.2 Multiple-Authorization Installment Billing
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The Credential-on-file Transaction indicator must be present in authorization and clearing
messages as described in Rule 5.3 for each installment payment Transaction subsequent to the
initial payment. The value of C104 or M104, as appropriate, may also be provided in PDS 0218
(Cardholder/Merchant Initiated Transaction Indicator).
If space allows, a message describing the installment being paid may optionally be provided in
authorization and clearing messages at the end of DE 43, subfield 1 (Card Acceptor Name); for
example, “PYMT 2 of 4”.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Customer Service Information
The Acquirer is recommended to provide the following information in PDS 0170 (Card Acceptor
Inquiry Information) of each First Presentment/1240 message:
A customer service phone number for the retailer in subfield 1 (Customer Service Phone
A customer service phone number for the Installment Provider in subfield 2 (Card Acceptor
Phone Number); and
The installment number and total number of installments in subfield 3 (Additional Contact
Information) (for example, “PAYMENT 2 of 4”).
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery
A transit Merchant may use the transit debt recovery Transaction to recover a Cardholder’s debt
resulting from one or more contactless taps for entry to the transit system, if the Issuer has
declined the Contactless transit aggregated Transaction authorization request (0100 or 0200)
message. A transit debt recovery Transaction is an MIT that is properly identified with:
A value of 07 (Debt Recovery) in DE 48, subelement 64 (Transit Program), subfield 1 (Transit
Transaction Type Indicator) in Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction
Request/0200 messages and in PDS 0210 (Transit Program), subfield 1 (Transit Transaction
Type Indicator) of First Presentment/1240 messages; and
An amount in DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) that does not exceed the applicable Mastercard
Contactless transit aggregated Transaction CVM limit.
Effective 14 October 2022, a transit debt recovery Transaction may also contain the MIT value
of M208 (Resubmission) in DE 48, subelement 22 (Multi-purpose Merchant Indicator), subfield 5
(Cardholder/Merchant Initiated Transaction Indicator) of Authorization Request/0100 and
Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages.
An Issuer of Maestro Cards that allows its Cardholders to perform Maestro Contactless transit
aggregated Transactions must be able to accept and must make an individual authorization
decision for each transit debt recovery Transaction identified as a Card-not-present Transaction
(for example, as a PAN key-entered, e-commerce, or mail order or telephone order (MO/TO)
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
5.6.1 Transit First Ride Risk Framework
A transit Merchant that initiates the authorization of Contactless transit aggregated
Transactions submitted via the Mastercard Dual Message System and is located in a country
implementing the First Ride Risk (FRR) framework may qualify to collect payment for first ride
debt incurred by the Cardholder. First ride debt is the amount owed by the Cardholder to the
transit Merchant for one or more rides taken upon using a Contactless tap to enter the transit
system (such as at a gate or turnstile), if the Issuer declines the Contactless transit aggregated
Transaction authorization request. The FRR framework applies solely with respect to the use of
a Card or Access Device issued in the Merchant's country, unless otherwise specified.
Under the FRR framework, a Merchant that meets all the FRR framework criteria can collect
payment for first ride debt in an amount not exceeding the FRR limit applicable in the
Merchant's country, as follows.
Submit this Transaction type:
Under these conditions:
A transit debt recovery Transaction The Issuer declined the Contactless transit aggregated
Transaction using a response code value categorized in Table
7 as "Recoverable" or "Temporarily Recoverable." The transit
debt recovery Transaction amount must not exceed the
applicable Contactless transit aggregated Transaction CVM
A Transit FRR claim Transaction 1. The Issuer declined the Contactless transit aggregated
Transaction or a subsequent transit debt recovery
Transaction using a response code value categorized in
Table 7 as "Unrecoverable." In such event, the FRR claim
Transaction can be submitted immediately; or
2. The Merchant made at least nine transit debt recovery
Transaction attempts for a period of 45 calendar days
from the date of the original Contactless Transit
aggregated Transaction decline, with the last attempt
occurring on day 45, and the Issuer declined each
attempt for a "Recoverable" or "Temporarily
Recoverable" reason. The Merchant must make no more
than one attempt per 24-hour period.
An FRR claim Transaction does not require authorization by the Issuer. The FRR claim
Transaction is properly identified in the First Presentment/1240 message with:
A value of 08 (First Ride Risk Claim) in PDS 0210 (Transit Program), subfield 1 (Transit
Transaction Type Indicator) for Post Authorized Aggregation (PAA), Authorized Aggregated
Split Clearing (AASC) or PAA-Maestro transit model only; and
An amount in DE 4 (Amount, Transaction) that does not exceed the FRR limit applicable in
the Merchant's country, as specified in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference Booklet.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.6.1 Transit First Ride Risk Framework
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The Acquirer must not submit an FRR claim Transaction if the Issuer used a response code value
categorized in this table as "Not Claimable" when declining the original Contactless transit
aggregated Transaction or a subsequent transit debt recovery Transaction.
Table 7: Authorization Request Response/0110 Message DE 39 (Response Code) Decline Value
Recoverable Unrecoverable
Recoverable Not Claimable
DE 39 Value
51 (Insufficient funds/
over credit limit)
03 (Invalid merchant) 01 (Refer to card issuer) 15 (Invalid issuer)
55 (Invalid PIN) 04 (Capture card) 05 (Do not honor)
30 (Format error)
61 (Exceeds withdrawal
amount limit)
12 (Invalid transaction) 70 (Contact card issuer) 54 (Expired card)
65 (Exceeds withdrawal
count limit)
13 (Invalid amount) 86 (PIN validation not
57 (Transaction not
permitted to issuer/
71 (PIN not changed) 14 (Invalid card number) 87 (Purchase amount
only; no cash back
92 (Unable to route
75 (Allowable number of
PIN tries exceeded)
41 (Lost card) 91 (Authorization
system or issuer system
94 (Duplicate
transmission detected)
76 (Invalid/nonexistent
"To Account" specified)
43 (Stolen card) 96 (System error)
77 (Invalid/nonexistent
"From Account"
58 (Transaction not
permitted to acquirer/
78 (Invalid/Nonexistent
account specified)
62 (Restricted card)
63 (Security violation)
88 (Cryptographic
The terms used in the headings of the preceding table are defined here.
For response codes that are recoverable, the transit acquirer must use the
debt recovery Authorization Request/0100 message to attempt debt
recovery from the issuer or cardholder.
Unrecoverable if DE 48, subelement 84 (Merchant Advice Code) contains a value of 03 (Do not try again).
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.6.1 Transit First Ride Risk Framework
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Authorization requests receiving response codes that are deemed
unrecoverable will be eligible for unrecoverable debt claims by the merchant's
acquirer to the issuer. The claim is submitted as a First Presentment/1240
clearing message without a valid authorization approval.
The transit acquirer submitting a first presentment to make an FRR claim
due to reason code 14 (Invalid card number) may be rejected with an error
from the Global Clearing Message System (GCMS) if the authorization
request was initiated from a digitized card associated with a closed account.
The transit acquirer may submit a Fee Collection/1740 message to claim the
debt for reason code 14 (invalid card number) after the first presentment
was rejected with error code 2358 when making an FRR claim.
Upon receiving a response code that indicates a temporary situation that the
cardholder may potentially be able to resolve by working with the issuer, the
transit merchant must make at least nine attempts at debt recovery from
the cardholder within 45 calendar days from the date on which the
temporarily recoverable decline response code was initially received, until the
last attempt occurring no later than day 45.
When all debt recovery attempts are exhausted, the debt becomes
unrecoverable, and the transit merchant may submit an FRR claim directly to
the issuer. The claim is submitted as a First Presentment/1240 clearing
message without a valid authorization approval.
Not Claimable
Transit merchants must deny access to expired cards and cards that do not
support deferred authorization (bit 8 of byte 3 set to 1b) in the transit
product data (an extension of third-party data defined in the M/Chip
Requirements for Contact and Contactless announced in December 2020) at
the point of entry, and will be fully liable for declines due to reason codes 54
(Expired card) and 57 (Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder).
Merchants cannot claim the debt using the FRR framework or submit a debt
recovery authorization upon receiving an expired card decline or card that
does not support deferred authorization.
Transit merchants also cannot claim the outstanding debt for response codes
that indicate formatting or network issues.
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
The Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) is used by a Customer to communicate changes to
Account information to Merchants that participate in Account-on-file and recurring payment
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
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Transactions. For information about ABU, refer to the Mastercard Automatic Billing Updater
Reference Guide, available in the Technical Resource Center on Mastercard Connect.
When applicable, an Issuer of Mastercard Cards and each Acquirer that accepts Mastercard
Cards must participate in ABU and be able to send, receive, and process Automatic Billing
Updater (ABU) data.
To participate in ABU, an Issuer must take all of the following actions:
Complete the Automatic Billing Updater Customer Enrollment Form available on Mastercard
. Regarding a newly assigned ICA or BIN, an Issuer has six months from the date of
the assignment to comply with this requirement.
Provide to ABU a one-time upload plus six months of historic ICA and BIN data changes, up
to a maximum of 50 months’ data, and all newly issued and reissued activated Accounts.
Submit to ABU all of the types of Account changes defined in the Mastercard Automatic
Billing Updater Reference Guide, excluding any such Account changes to Cards issued under
exempt Mastercard Card Programs.
The following Card Programs and Accounts are exempt from ABU participation requirements:
A non-reloadable prepaid Card Program, provided that the Issuer does not allow the prepaid
Cards to be used to enter into recurring payment arrangements;
Remote Transaction Accounts issued for a single use or other predefined purpose; and
A Commercial Card Program, except that ABU participation requirements apply to Cards
issued for use by a small business (for a list of small business Card Programs, see and select “Cards” under “Small Business”).
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Canada Region," "Europe
Region," "Latin America and the Caribbean Region," "Middle East/Africa Region," and "United States
Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
5.8 Authentication Requirements—Europe Region Only
NOTE: Rules on this subject appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions
A Merchant-initiated Transaction (MIT) is a Card-not-present Transaction that a Merchant
initiates based on a prior agreement with the Cardholder, and in which the Cardholder does not
actively participate. An MIT is often preceded by an Account Status Inquiry authorization
request or CIT.
MITs are classified as follows.
Recurring payment and installment MITs are Credential-on-file Transactions initiated by a
Merchant or Installment Provider based on the Cardholder’s agreement to be billed on a
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.8 Authentication Requirements—Europe Region Only
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scheduled or unscheduled basis for goods or services purchased from the Merchant, or for a
single purchase to be paid in several installments.
Industry Practice MITs are initiated by the Merchant based on the Cardholders agreement to
the terms and conditions of a single purchase of goods or services. Industry practice MITs may
be performed with credentials that the Merchant does not store permanently on file, but only
temporarily retains for purposes of completing the purchase. An industry practice MIT may be
one of the following:
“Partial shipment” occurs when items that were out of stock when originally ordered in a CIT
are later shipped and billed separately by the Merchant as an MIT.
“Related/delayed charge” occurs when the Merchant submits an MIT to bill the Cardholder
for additional items or fees associated with an initial CIT, in accordance with the original
Transaction terms.
“No-show” is a fee billed by a Merchant in accordance with the Merchant’s guaranteed
reservation service policy, when the Cardholder fails to cancel a reservation within the time
frame disclosed at the time of the booking.
“Resubmission” occurs when the original CIT authorization request was declined by the Issuer
for a reason that does not preclude the Merchant from resubmitting the request after a
reasonable period (for example, in 24 hours).
An Acquirer must properly identify in Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction
Request/0200 messages:
All Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs); and
Any Cardholder-initiated Transaction (CIT) that occurs in an e-commerce environment and is
used to place a credential on file for future MITs.
This requirement takes effect 14 October 2022, except that the requirement is in effect for
recurring payment, installment, related/delayed charge, and partial shipment MITs occurring in
the U.S. Region. Refer to Appendix C for MIT and CIT identification requirements.
NOTE: Additions to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section and modifications to this Rule
appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region” section at the end of this chapter.
5.10 Mastercard Micropayment Solution—United States Region
A Rule on this subject appears in the “United States Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.10 Mastercard Micropayment Solution—United States Region Only
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Variations and Additions by Region
The remainder of this chapter provides modifications to the Standards set out in this chapter.
The modifications are organized by region or country and by applicable subject title.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Asia/Pacific Region or in a particular
Region country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Asia/Pacific Region geographic listing.
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows. A Customer that
participates as an Issuer in another international cardholder authentication program must
certify that it has enabled its Cardholders and its e-commerce Merchants for Mastercard
Identity Check.
In India, the Rule on this subject, as it applies to Mastercard Intracountry e-commerce
Transactions, is modified as follows:
1. Electronic commerce Transactions occurring at a Merchant located in India with a
Mastercard Card issued in India must be authenticated. An authenticated Transaction
occurs when:
a. The Merchant is Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF)-enabled;
b. The Issuer provided the UCAF data for that Transaction;
c. All other authorization and clearing requirements applicable to the Transaction were
satisfied; and
d. The Authorization Request Response/0110 message reflected the Issuer’s approval of
the Transaction.
2. Each Issuer and e-commerce Transaction Acquirer must participate in the Activation During
Shopping (ADS) method of Cardholder enrollment in Mastercard Identity Check.
Cardholders must complete enrollment on the first attempt, and the Issuer must not permit
a Cardholder to opt-out of the enrollment process.
3. Each Issuer and e-commerce Transaction Acquirer participating in the Mastercard Assurance
Service must register with the Corporation. Each e-commerce Transaction enabled using the
Mastercard Assurance Service must contain a value of 6 (UCAF Control Byte) in DE 48,
subelement 43, position 1, and a value of MAS in DE 124 of the Authorization Request/
0100 message. For additional information, please contact
A refund for a Maestro Intracountry e-commerce Transaction must be processed as a Payment
Card-Not-Present Transactions
Variations and Additions by Region
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5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
An Acquirer must technically support in authorization and clearing the data fields and values
described in Appendix C (Transaction Identification Requirements) for e-commerce Transactions
and Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions containing UCAF data.
In India, Bangladesh, and Malaysia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Each Acquirer and each Merchant must request Cardholder authentication using EMV 3DS and
comply with the requirements set forth in the Identity Check authentication program.
In Australia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must ensure that each of its Merchants:
Prominently and clearly discloses to the Cardholder the Merchant’s participation in least cost
routing prior to the request to capture or for authorization to store the Cardholder’s Debit
Mastercard Account data. To maintain visual parity, such disclosure must be a least as
prominent as, and appear in at least the same size as surrounding content.
Present Mastercard as a payment option to the Cardholder in accordance with the
Standards, irrespective of whether the Transaction is routed or processed through the
Interchange System.
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
An Issuer must technically support in authorization and clearing the data fields and values
described in Appendix C (Transaction Identification Requirements) for e-commerce Transactions
and Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions containing UCAF data.
The requirement either to verify the validity of the AAV when present in DE 48, subelement 43
of the authorization request message or to participate in the Mastercard Identity Check AAV
Verification Service does not apply to an Issuer in China.
In India, Singapore, Bangladesh, and Malaysia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer must support EMV 3DS and respond to a Cardholder authentication request using a
solution that is compliant with the Identity Check authentication program requirements.
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transactions
In India, the Rule on this subject, as it pertains to Intracountry mail order and phone order
(including Integrated Voice Response or IVR) Transactions (“MO/TO” Transactions), is modified
as follows.
1. Mail order and phone order Transactions effected at a Merchant located in India with a
Mastercard Card issued in India must be authenticated. An authenticated Transaction
occurs when:
a. The Merchant is Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF)-enabled;
b. The Issuer provided the UCAF data for that Transaction;
c. All other authorization and clearing requirements applicable to the Transaction were
satisfied; and
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
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d. The Authorization Request Response/0110 message reflected the Issuer’s approval of
the Transaction.
2. Each IVR Transaction enabled using Mastercard Identity Check must contain a value of 2
(Identity Check phone order) in DE 61 (point-of-service [POS] Data), subfield 7 (POS
Transaction Status) of the Authorization Request/0100 message.
3. Each Issuer and MO/TO Transaction Acquirer participating in the Mastercard Assurance
Service must register with the Corporation. Each mail order and phone order (including IVR)
Transaction enabled using the Mastercard Assurance Service must contain a value of 6
(UCAF Control Byte) in DE 48, subelement 43, position 1, and a value of MAS in DE 124 of
the Authorization Request/0100 message. For additional information, please contact
4. An Issuer may not use message reason codes 4837, 4849 or 4863 to charge back a mail
order or phone order (including IVR) Transaction that occurs at a Merchant located in India,
a. The Merchant is UCAF-enabled;
b. The Issuer provided the UCAF for that Transaction;
c. All other phone order authorization and clearing requirements were satisfied, including
the presence of:
i. A value of 2 (Identity Check phone order) in DE 61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data),
subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) of the Authorization Request/0100 message
for IVR Transactions enabled with Mastercard Identity Check; or
ii. A value of 6 (UCAF Control Byte) in DE 48, subelement 43, position 1, and a value of
MAS in DE 124 of the Authorization Request/0100 message for mail order, phone
order, or IVR Transactions enabled with the Mastercard Assurance Service.
d. The Authorization Request Response/0110 message reflected the Issuer’s approval of
the Transaction.
5. Each Issuer and IVR Transaction Acquirer must participate in the Activation During Shopping
(ADS) method of cardholder enrollment in Mastercard Identity Check. Cardholders must
complete enrollment on the first attempt, and the Issuer must not permit a Cardholder to
opt-out of the enrollment process.
6. Each Issuer and mail order and phone order (including IVR) Transaction Acquirer that wishes
to participate in the Mastercard Assurance Service must register with the Corporation.
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions
In Japan, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For Acquirers in Japan, for authorization, a Credential-on-file Transaction may contain the
Credential-on-file indicator, which is a value of 10 (Credential on File) in DE 22 (Point-of-Service
Entry Mode), subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry).
For Acquirers in Japan, for clearing, a Credential-on-file Transaction may contain the Credential-
on-file indicator, which is a value of 7 (Credential on File) in DE 22 (Point-of-Service Entry
Mode), subfield 7 (Card Data Input Mode).
In Australia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
An Acquirer must ensure that each of its Merchants:
Prominently and clearly discloses to the Cardholder the Merchant’s participation in least cost
routing prior to the request to capture or for authorization to store the Cardholder’s Debit
Mastercard Account data. To maintain visual parity, such disclosure must be a least as
prominent as, and appear in at least the same size as surrounding content.
Present Mastercard as a payment option to the Cardholder in accordance with the
Standards, irrespective of whether the Transaction is routed or processed through the
Interchange System.
Must give at least 7 days notice to the Cardholder to exercise consumer choice in the event
that the recurring transaction routing option is different from the Cardholder's last
confirmation of checkout choice.
An Acquirer must ensure, within 30 days of when a Merchant begins participating in least cost
routing, subsequent to the time of the Merchant’s initial request for authorization to store the
Cardholder’s Debit Mastercard Account data, that the Merchant prominently and clearly
discloses to the Cardholder the Merchant’s participation in least cost routing as set forth above.
5.4 Credential-on-File Transactions
5.4.2 China Domestic Recurring Payment Transactions
Each Acquirer of China domestic Transactions must comply with all requirements set forth in
the Standards applicable to recurring payment Transactions, including the requirements in this
manual, in the China Switch Specifications for authorization messages, and in the China
Recurring Transaction Program Guide. Transaction Requirements for Acquirers
Adding a New Recurring Payment Series
The Acquirer must secure approval from Issuer for the recurring payment series prior to the
initial recurring payment Transaction via the entrusted relation related messages as described in
China Switch Specifications.
The Acquirer must include the China Recurring Payment Transaction – Recurring Payment Terms
via Data Element 112 (Additional Data [China Use]) Subelement 37 (Delegated Business
Information) when requesting to add a new recurring payment series.
The Acquirer may only put a credential on file for recurring payment Transactions if the Issuer
approves the request to add a new recurring payment series. The Acquirer must not submit the
recurring payment Transaction if the Issuer declines the request to add a new recurring payment
The Acquirer must identify each request to add a new recurring payment series with the
following values:
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.4 Credential-on-File Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Elements Subelement Value
4 (Amount, Transaction) 0
25 (Point of Service Condition
98 (Entrusted Relation
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 1 (POS Terminal Attendance) One of the following:
0 (Attended Terminal)
1 (Unattended Terminal
Terminal [CAT], home PC,
mobile phone, personal digital
assistant [PDA]))
2 (No Terminal used (voice/
audio response unit [ARU]
authorization); server])
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 4 (POS Cardholder Presence) One of the following:
0 (Cardholder present)
5 (Cardholder not present
(Electronic order [home PC,
Internet, mobile phone,
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 5 (POS Card Presence) One of the following:
0 (Card present)
1 (Card not present)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 7 (POS Transaction Status) 8 (Account Verification Service)
112 (Additional Data [China
37 (Delegated Business
All subfields must appear
Processing of Recurring Payment Transactions
The Acquirer must verify the China Recurring Payment Transaction – Recurring Payment Terms
before sending a recurring payment Transaction to the China Switch. If the China Recurring
Payment Transaction – Recurring Payment Terms are not consistent with the Cardholder
consent, the Acquirer must not submit the Transaction to the China Switch. If the Recurring
Payment Terms are consistent with the Cardholder consent, the Acquirer must populate the
China Recurring Payment Transaction – Recurring Payment Terms in Data Element 112
(Additional Data [China Use]) Subelement 37 (Delegated Business Information).
The Acquirer must identify each recurring payment Transaction with the following values:
Card-Not-Present Transactions Transaction Requirements for Acquirers
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Elements Subfield Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
10 (Credential on File)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 1 (POS Terminal Attendance) One of the following:
(Unattended Terminal
Terminal [CAT], home PC,
mobile phone, personal digital
assistant [PDA]))
2 (No Terminal used (voice/
audio response unit [ARU]
authorization; server))
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 4 (POS Cardholder Presence) 4 (Standing order/recurring
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 5 (POS Card Presence) 1 (Card Not Present)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 7 (POS Transaction Status) 0 (Normal Request)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 10 (Cardholder-activated
Terminal Level)
0 (Not a CAT Transaction)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 11 (POS Card Data Terminal
Input Capability Indicator)
6 (Key entry only)
112 (Additional Data [China
37 (Delegated Business
Subfields 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 and
11 must appear Transaction Requirement for Issuers
Adding a New Recurring Payment Series
The Issuer must secure Cardholder consent for the below China Recurring Payment Transaction
– Recurring Payment Terms before the completion of the initial recurring payment Transaction:
Card Acceptor Name
Merchandise or service
Payment account
Recurring frequency or condition
End date (if applicable)
The Issuer must provide a service to the Cardholder to query and manage the consented
recurring payment series.
Processing of Recurring Payment Transactions
The Issuer must verify the China Recurring Payment Transaction – Recurring Payment Terms for
each recurring payment Transaction. The Issuer must decline the recurring payment Transaction
Card-Not-Present Transactions Transaction Requirement for Issuers
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
if the China Recurring Payment Transaction – Recurring Payment Terms is inconsistent with the
Cardholder consent.
5.5 Installment Billing
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing Transaction Processing Procedures
Effective 3 April 2024 for India Domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as
For Transactions completed with electronically recorded Card information (whether Card-read
or key-entered) or manually recorded Card information (whether imprinted or handwritten), the
first installment must be processed within four days of the Transaction date.
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
In the Asia/Pacific Region, each Issuer must comply and each Acquirer may comply with the ABU
requirements set forth in this chapter.
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions
In Japan, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For Acquirers in Japan, a Merchant-initiated Transaction may contain the applicable MIT
indicator value as described in Appendix C.
Canada Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Canada Region. Refer to Appendix A for
the Canada Region geographic listing.
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
Each Issuer and Acquirer in the Canada Region must comply with the ABU requirements set
forth in this chapter.
Europe Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Europe Region or in a particular Region
country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Europe Region, Non-Single European Payments
Area (Non-SEPA) and Single European Payments Area (SEPA) geographic listing.
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
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5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
In the EEA, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must technically support the authorization and clearing of the data fields and
values described in Appendix C, Transaction Identification Requirements, for e-commerce
Transactions and Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions containing UCAF data, if the
Transactions are processed via the Interchange System. If the Transactions are processed via an
alternative switch, the Acquirer must populate the corresponding data fields in authorization
and clearing messages with the values specified by the alternative switch.
For Maestro e-commerce Transactions, the Acquirer and Merchant must be capable of sending
the full unaltered PAN to the registered switch of the Acquirers choice.
In Hungary, the following additional Rule applies.
An Acquirer of e-commerce Merchants located in Hungary must ensure that 90% of its e-
commerce Intracountry Transactions originate from Merchants that provide Cardholders the
option to save Mastercard and Maestro Account data on file, and to use the previously saved
Account data to perform a Credential-on-file (COF) Transaction. Tokenized and non-tokenized
data storage solutions qualify to show compliance with this requirement.
Compliance is calculated on a quarterly basis and is measured at authorization level. Effective
from 1 January 2023, in any given quarter, 65% of an Acquirer’s e-commerce Intracountry
Transactions must originate from Merchants that are COF-enabled. From 30 June 2023 in any
given quarter, 90% of an Acquirers e-commerce Intracountry Transactions must originate from
Merchants that are COF-enabled. A Merchant is COF-enabled if it has at least one Transaction
in the corresponding quarter that carries the Credential-on File indicator or a WID of 327.
An Acquirer must ensure that its e-commerce Merchants in Hungary offer to Cardholders a
method to provide the initial consent to the Merchant and/or its agent to store the Mastercard
or Maestro Account data on file, either in advance of or when carrying out the first Transaction
with the Merchant. The Merchant must also provide a process for deleting and updating
previously saved credentials.
SCA Requirements
The following Rules apply to Intracountry and Cross-border Transactions within and between
SCA Countries.
Authentication Amount
The authentication amount for a Remote Electronic Transaction must be an amount that the
Cardholder would reasonably expect and the authentication must use the same currency as the
As a best practice, in the UK and Gibraltar, the total Transaction amount of all authorizations
that relate to a Remote Electronic Transaction should not exceed the authentication amount for
the Transaction by more than 20 percent (20%). If the Transaction amount is not known in
advance, the authentication amount must be an amount that the Cardholder would reasonably
expect (e.g., within a tolerance of 20 percent [20%]). In this case, if the authorization amount
exceeds the authenticated amount by more than 20 percent (20%), it is recommended that the
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Merchant treat the incremental amount compared to the authenticated amount as a separate
Transaction. Transactions will require separate SCA unless an exemption applies or unless they
are handled as Merchant-initiated Transactions. If the Transaction amount exceeds the
Cardholder’s reasonable expectations, the refund right for authorized transactions may apply as
provided for in applicable legislation.
This Rule does not apply to recurring payment Transactions.
Attempt to Authenticate Following Soft Decline
In response to a decline of a Remote Electronic Transaction in which the Issuer indicates that
SCA is required, a Merchant must attempt EMV 3DS authentication with the 3DS Requestor
Challenge Indicator set to 04 (Challenge requested: Mandate) or use an alternative technical
SCA solution. Until such time as all Issuers support the response code that indicates that SCA is
required, a Merchant is advised always to send an authentication request following an
authorization that is declined for non-financial and non-technical reasons.
Secure Corporate Payments
When an authentication or an authorization is flagged as a Secure Corporate Payment, the
Acquirer must ensure that the Transaction meets the requirements set out in applicable
regulation for application of the Secure Corporate Payment exemption.
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
1. An Issuer must allow its Cardholders to engage in Maestro e-commerce Transactions on any
Maestro Card except a prepaid Card.
2. An Issuer in Italy or San Marino must allow its Cardholders to engage in e-commerce
Transactions using a Debit Card bearing the Debit Mastercard brand or the Maestro brand.
3. An Issuer in Albania, Austria, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel,
Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, or Slovenia must
not participate in the Activation During Shopping (ADS) method of Cardholder enrollment
in Mastercard Identity Check in a manner that would require the Cardholder to manually
input any personal data, including a user name and/or password. An Issuer may require a
Cardholder to confirm acceptance of Mastercard Identity Check terms and conditions
and/or acknowledgment of service activation by clicking a button. This Cardholder
confirmation must be limited to a single click and a single screen in the whole process.
4. An Issuer must technically support the authorization and clearing of the data fields and
values described in Appendix C, Transaction Identification Requirements, for e-commerce
Transactions and Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions containing UCAF data, if the
Transactions are processed via the Interchange System. If the Transactions are processed
via an alternative switch, the Issuer must technically support the corresponding data fields
and values specified by the alternative switch.
In the EEA, UK, and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The UCAF field must be identified as specified by the registered switch of the Customer's
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
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SCA Requirements
The following Rule applies for Intracountry and Cross-border Transactions within and between
SCA Countries.
An Issuer located in an SCA Country must decline authorization of a Remote Electronic
Transaction using the "soft decline" response code defined by the registered switch of its choice,
if SCA is required and is missing. In response to a CNP authorization request, an Issuer must not
use the "soft decline" response code for any reason other than requesting SCA. An Issuer must
not use this response code if an authorization request is flagged as "fully authenticated."
An Issuer must not challenge more than 5 percent of all authentication requests carrying an
Acquirer exemption or exclusion flag unless there is material risk of fraud, and an Issuer that has
not opted out of the Authentication Express program must not challenge more than 5 percent
of all authentication requests carrying a SCA delegation flag unless there is material risk of
5.1.3 Use of Static AAV for Card-not-present Transactions
In Belgium, an Issuer of Maestro Cards must technically support Card-not-present Transactions
that contain a value of 3 in DE 48 (Additional Data - Private Use), subelement 43 (Static AAV),
position 1 of Authorization Request/0100 messages. The Issuer must make individual
authorization decisions and must not automatically decline authorization of Card-not-present
Transactions containing these values. In Belgium, an Issuer must technically support the DOLM
Program coding included in AN 4727 Revised Standards for the Withdrawal of Special Maestro
Recurring Payments Programs in Europe Region and Introduction of DOLM in Belgium.
The static AAV must be provided in authorization messages in the field and with the values
specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Maestro Transactions
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
5.2.1 Definitions
Solely within the Europe Region, the following terms have the meanings set forth below:
Address Verification Service (AVS)
A process whereby the Issuer checks the address given for a Card-not-present Transaction. For
more information on AVS participation and message requirements, refer to Chapter 5 of the
Customer Interface Specification manual and Chapter 8 of the Authorization Manual.
Cardholder Authority
A Cardholder’s instructions requesting a Merchant to perform a CNP
CVC 2/AVS Check
Automated verification by the Issuer of the Card Validation Code (CVC) 2
and address details provided for a CNP Transaction.
Mail Order Transaction A CNP Transaction for which the Cardholder provides a written
Cardholder Authority.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.3 Use of Static AAV for Card-not-present Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Phone Order Transaction,
Telephone Order Transaction
A CNP Transaction for which the Cardholder provides a
Cardholder Authority through the telephone system.
An Acquirer in Ireland or France that acquires intracountry MO/TO transactions under other
debit brands must also acquire MO/TO Transactions under the Maestro brand.
Merchants located in Europe Region countries designated by the Corporation may at their
option offer MO/TO Transactions on Maestro Cards issued in the same country. Merchants in
Ireland, Turkey, and France may offer this option.
The Rules for Maestro MO/TO Transactions are the same as those for Maestro face-to-face
POS Transactions except that:
1. A MO/TO Transaction must have its own unique Cardholder Authority.
2. Merchants must collect and transmit CVC 2 for all MO/TO Transactions. AVS checking is
3. Merchants must not present the Transaction until the products or services are ready to be
4. If the Merchant does not give the Cardholder the Transaction receipt or the products and/or
services upon completion of the Transaction, then they must be either delivered to the
Cardholder by a method chosen at the Merchant’s discretion or collected by the Cardholder.
5.2.2 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—Cardholder Authority
For a Maestro Mail Order Transaction, a document signed by the Cardholder or a document
which the Acquirer considers to be acceptable in lieu of a signed document (for example, an
authority sent by facsimile transmission).
For a Maestro Telephone Order Transaction:
1. Either instructions given over the telephone by the Cardholder to the Merchant, either to the
Merchant’s staff or to equipment operated by the Merchant (for example, an interactive
voice system), or instructions given over the telephone by means of a text message from the
Cardholder to the Merchant, via equipment operated by the Merchant; and
2. The date on which the Cardholder gave her/his authority.
5.2.3 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—Transactions Per Cardholder Authority
A Cardholder Authority must contain:
1. The Card’s PAN, expiry date, and CVC 2;
2. The Cardholder’s name and home address (including postcode);
3. The Transaction amount (including postage and packaging);
4. If products or services are to be delivered, the delivery address, and if the goods/services are
to be delivered to or collected by a third party, the third party’s name.
5.2.4 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—CVC 2/AVS Checks
The following applies where the Merchant carries out AVS checking and for CVC 2 checks:
1. The Cardholder authority must include the CVC 2 shown on the Cardholder’s Card.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.2.2 Intracountry Maestro MO/TO Transactions—Cardholder Authority
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2. When entering the Transaction, the Merchant must key in the CVC 2 and numeric data in
the Cardholder’s address and postcode.
3. Online authorization must be sought for the Transaction.
4. The Acquirer must attempt to send the authorization request to the Issuer accompanied by
the data referred to in paragraph 2 above.
When the Issuer’s authorization response is an approval, the Issuer must accompany its
response with an indication as to whether:
The address, postcode, and CVC 2 data provided matches information held in its own
The address, postcode, and CVC 2 data does not match information held in its own records;
The address and postcode data provided have not been checked; or
The address, postcode, and CVC 2 data has not been supplied.
When the Acquirer sends a response to the authorization request to the Merchant’s POS
Terminal, the message must include the Issuer’s CVC 2 and AVS responses.
The Merchant must not re-use the CVC 2 or retain the CVC 2 in any manner for any purpose.
The CVC 2 on a Cardholder authority for a Mail Order Transaction must be rendered unreadable
prior to storage.
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Credential-on-file Transactions must be identified in authorization and clearing messages as
specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice.
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions
In Belgium, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Merchant with Transactions processed by an Acquirer located in the EEA, UK, or Gibraltar may
submit Maestro recurring payment Transactions on a Card issued under a Maestro BIN assigned
for Belgium, using a risk-based authentication approach in accordance with the Debit Online
Low Risk Merchant (DOLM) program requirements.
The Acquirer located in the EEA, UK, or Gibraltar must ensure that the Merchant is properly
registered for DOLM before using a Mastercard-assigned Merchant ID and static AAV on
Transactions completed on Maestro Cards issued in Belgium.
An Acquirer must ensure that a Merchant not registered for DOLM does not use the DOLM
Transaction coding set out in DOLM program documentation.
An Issuer must:
1. Permit its Cardholders to perform recurring payment Transactions on all Maestro Cards
except prepaid Maestro Cards. For prepaid Maestro Cards, it is strongly recommended that
an Issuer allow its Cardholders to perform recurring payment Transactions; and
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions
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2. Recognize all properly identified recurring payment Transactions, including the identification
of the first payment as either a face-to-face recurring payment Transaction or as an e-
commerce recurring payment Transaction, depending on the environment in which the
recurring payment arrangement is initiated.
In France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom, the
Rule on this subject, as it applies to Domestic recurring payment Transactions, is modified as
1. It is recommended that an Acquirer ensure that a Merchant only includes the Card
expiration date in the first Transaction of a recurring payment arrangement involving a
particular Mastercard or Maestro Account number. Mastercard further recommends that
the Card's expiration date not be included in any subsequent recurring payment Transaction
authorization requests involving the same PAN. An Issuer must not decline a non-face-to-
face recurring payment Transaction from a Merchant solely on the basis of missing Card
expiration date information.
2. If a recurring payment Transaction authorization request is declined by the Issuer, the
Acquirer must ensure that the Merchant resubmits the Transaction no more than once per
day for a maximum of 31 consecutive days until the Transaction is approved by the Issuer.
For recurring payment Transactions relating to a bill invoiced to the Cardholder, it is
recommended that in the First Presentment/1240 message, the Merchant name in DE 43
subfield 1 be followed by a space, the word "BILL" or the local language equivalent, a space, and
the bill reference number.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Recurring payment Transactions must be identified in authorization messages as specified by
the registered switch of the Customer’s choice. If provided, the Merchant advice code must be
provided in the field and with the value specified by the registered switch of the Customer's
SCA Requirements
The following Rules apply to Intracountry and Cross-border Transactions within and between
SCA Countries.
SCA is required on the initial authorization in a recurring payment arrangement, unless the
initial authorization takes place as MO/TO (if allowed by local authorities).
The initial authorization (either authorization request or account status inquiry) in a recurring
payment arrangement must be identified as a recurring payment using the appropriate values
in the fields specified by the registered switch of the Customer’s choice. As an exception to the
preceding Rule, if the initial authorization is a MO/TO transaction, it must be identified as either
mail order or telephone order, and not as a recurring payment.
An Acquirer must provide the unique Trace ID from the initial recurring payment authorization
response in the appropriate field of a subsequent recurring payment authorization request, as
specified by the registered switch of its choice.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
If the initial authorization took place as MO/TO (if allowed by local authorities), or occurred
before 14 September 2020, then the Trace ID may be populated with a default value as
specified by the registered switch of the Acquirer's choice.
Alternatively, if the initial authorization occurred before 14 September 2020, the Acquirer may
provide the Trace ID of any other authorization belonging to that same recurring payment
arrangement, provided that this authorization took place before 14 September 2020.
The Trace ID will be considered the reference to the first transaction of that series of recurring
transactions mandate that the Cardholder authenticated.
The Issuer must be able to use the Trace ID provided in the authorization message of a
subsequent recurring payment to retrieve and confirm the original recurring payment
5.5 Installment Billing
In the Europe Region countries where the Mastercard installment billing service is supported, the
Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
In participating countries in the Europe Region, installment billing is not limited to Domestic
Transactions only. As an exception to the foregoing, installment billing in Russia is initially limited
to Domestic Transactions. Acquirers and Issuers that wish to support installment billing on
Cross-border Transactions are advised to carry out all necessary and appropriate legal
verifications before implementing the service.
Within a single country, only one option may be supported, either Issuer-financed installment
billing or Acquirer-financed installment billing, unless otherwise noted. The Rules in this section
apply to both options unless otherwise specified.
Merchant-financed installment billing is in place in Greece. Refer to the Domestic Rules folder on
Mastercard Connect
for further information.
Issuer-financed installment billing is in place in the following countries:
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
The installment billing service is available in both face-to-face and non-face-to-face
environments and for Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, and Maestro Card payments, except in the
Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Russia and Ukraine, where support of installment
billing on Maestro is not required.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Issuer-financed Installment Billing
A participating Issuer must clearly inform its Cardholders of the terms and conditions applicable
to installment billing, the Card products that are eligible for installment billing, installment
transaction fees, and outstanding amounts in connection with installment transactions
performed by a Cardholder.
In the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, and the United
Kingdom, an Issuer that wishes to participate in the installment billing service must register for
"Mastercard POS Enabled Installments" via Mastercard Connect. Except in Russia, where there
is no impact to the authorization message, the Issuer must be able to support the enhanced
authorization request and response messages aimed at receiving and sending sufficient
information on payment options and installment parameters to the POI. A participating Issuer
must be able to split and post the billing of the Transaction amount to the Cardholder's Account
according to the option selected at the POI.
Acceptance Mark
The Acquirer must ensure that a Merchant in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania,
Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, or Ukraine that participates in the Mastercard installment billing
service displays the special MC Installments mark at the POI.
Merchant Support - Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Ukraine
The Acquirer of a Merchant identified with an MCC not contained in the Merchant Exclusions
section must ensure that the Mastercard installment billing service is supported at all POS
Terminals and Card-not-present acceptance locations of the Merchant in the specific country, as
applicable. At Cardholder-activated Terminals, support for the Mastercard installment billing
service is a recommendation and not a requirement.
Merchant Support - Romania Only
The Acquirer of a Merchant in Romania identified with an MCC in the following list must ensure
that the Mastercard installment billing service is supported at all newly deployed POS Terminals
and new Card-not-present acceptance locations of the Merchant, as applicable.
The Acquirer of a Merchant in Romania identified with an MCC in the following list must ensure
that the Mastercard installment billing service is supported at all POS Terminals and Card-not-
present acceptance locations of the Merchant, as applicable.
MCC and Description
MCC and Description
0742 Veterinary Services 5732 Electronic Sales
0780 Horticultural and Landscaping Services 5733 Music Stores - Musical Instruments, Pianos,
Sheet Music
1711 Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing
5734 Computer Software Stores
1731 Electrical Contractors 5921 Package Stores, Beer, Wine, Liquor
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
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MCC and Description MCC and Description
1750 Carpentry Contractors 5932 Antique Shops - Sales, Repairs, and
Restoration Services
1771 Concrete Work Contractors 5940 Bicycle Shops - Sales and Service
3297 Tarom Romanian Air Transport 5941 Sporting Goods Stores
4511 Air Carriers, Airlines - not elsewhere classified 5944 Clock, Jewelry, Watch, and Silverware Store
4722 Travel Agencies and Tour Operators 5945 Game, Toy, and Hobby Shops
4812 Telecommunication Equipment Including
Telephone Sales
5946 Camera and Photographic Supply Stores
4816 Computer Network/Information Services 5948 Leather Goods and Luggage Stores
5013 Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts 5965 Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and
Retail Merchants
5021 Office and Commercial Furniture 5969 Direct Marketing - Other Direct Marketers -
not elsewhere classified
5039 Construction Materials - not elsewhere
5971 Art Dealers and Galleries
5044 Office, Photographic, Photocopy, and
Microfilm Equipment
5975 Hearing Aids - Sales, Service, Supply Stores
5045 Computers, Computer Peripheral Equipment,
5976 Orthopedic Goods - Artificial Limb Stores
5047 Dental/Laboratory/Medical/Ophthalmic
Hospital Equipment and Supplies
5977 Cosmetic Stores
5065 Electrical Parts and Equipment 5983 Fuel Dealers - Coal, Fuel Oil, Liquified
Petroleum, Wood
5072 Hardware Equipment and Supplies 5999 Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores
5074 Plumbing and Heating Equipment 6300 Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums
5094 Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and
7032 Recreational and Sporting Camps
5111 Stationery, Office Supplies, Printing and
Writing Paper
7298 Health and Beauty Spas
5137 Men's, Women's, and Children's Uniforms
and Commercial Clothing
7372 Computer Programming, Data Processing,
and Integrated Systems Design Services
5139 Commercial Footwear 7379 Computer Maintenance, Repair, and Services
- not elsewhere classified
5198 Paints, Varnishes, and Supplies 7395 Photo Developing, Photofinishing
5200 Home Supply Warehouse Stores 7531 Automotive Body Repair Shops
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
MCC and Description MCC and Description
5211 Building Materials, Lumber Stores 7534 Tire Retreading and Repair Shops
5231 Glass, Paint, Wallpaper Stores 7538 Automotive Service Shops
5251 Hardware Stores 7622 Electronic Repair Shops
5511 Automobile and Truck Dealers - Sales,
Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing
7699 Miscellaneous Repair Shops and Related
5521 Automobile And Truck Dealers - (Used Only) -
7991 Tourist Attractions and Exhibits
5532 Automotive Tire Stores 7997 Clubs - Country Clubs, Membership (Athletic,
Recreation, Sports), Private Golf Courses
5533 Automotive Parts, Accessories Stores 7999 Recreation Services - not elsewhere classified
5571 Motorcycle Shops and Dealers 8011 Doctors - not elsewhere classified
5599 Miscellaneous Automotive, Aircraft, and
Farm Equipment Dealers - not elsewhere classified
8021 Dentists, Orthodontists
5611 Men's and Boy's Clothing And Accessories
8042 Optometrists, Ophthalmologists
5621 Women's Ready To Wear Stores 8043 Opticians, Optical Goods, and Eyeglasses
5631 Women's Accessory And Specialty Stores 8049 Chiropodists, Podiatrists
5641 Children's and Infant's Wear Stores 8050 Nursing and Personal Care Facilities
5651 Family Clothing Stores 8062 Hospitals
5655 Sports Apparel, Riding Apparel Stores 8071 Dental and Medical Laboratories
5661 Shoe Stores 8099 Health Practitioners, Medical Services - not
elsewhere classified
5681 Furriers and Fur Shops 8211 Schools, Elementary and Secondary
5691 Men's and Women's Clothing Stores 8220 Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools,
and Junior Colleges
5699 Accessory and Apparel Stores - Miscellaneous 8249 Schools, Trade and Vocational
5712 Equipment, Furniture, and Home Furnishings
Stores (except Appliances)
8299 Schools and Educational Services - not
elsewhere classified
5713 Floor Covering Stores 8351 Child Care Services
5714 Drapery, Upholstery, and Window Coverings
9222 Fines
5719 Miscellaneous House Furnishing Specialty
9311 Tax Payments
5722 Household Appliance Stores
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Merchant Support - Slovakia and Slovenia Only
The Acquirer of a Merchant in Slovakia or Slovenia identified with an MCC not contained in the
Merchant Exclusions section must ensure that the Mastercard installment billing service is
supported at all POS Terminals and Card-not-present acceptance locations of the Merchant, as
applicable. At Cardholder-activated Terminals (CATs), support for the Mastercard installment
billing service is a recommendation and not a requirement.
Merchant Support – Russia
In Russia, a Merchant that wishes to participate in installment billing must provide a minimum
of two months of free installments.
The Mastercard installment billing service is permitted only for purchases of goods and services.
It must not be offered on purchase with cash back Transactions.
Installments must not be offered if the clearing amount might not match the authorization
amount, for example in the case of a preauthorization or an incremental authorization, or if the
Transaction type does not require Cardholder involvement, such as a Merchant-initiated
Transaction or a recurring payment Transaction.
An Acquirer must not deploy installments-capable POS applications in an acceptance location
identified with one of the following MCCs:
4829 (Money Transfer - Merchant)
6010 (Manual Cash Disbursements - Customer Financial Institution)
6050 (Quasi-Cash - Customer Financial Institution)
6051 (Quasi-Cash - Merchant)
6532 (Payment Transaction - Customer Financial Institution)
6533 (Payment Transaction - Merchant)
6536 (MoneySend Intracountry)
6537 (MoneySend Intercountry)
6538 (MoneySend Funding)
6540 (POI Funding Transaction)
7995 (Gambling Transactions)
In Russia, the following additional MCCs are also excluded:
9311 Tax payments
9399 Government services - Not Elsewhere Classified
9211 Court Costs including Alimony and Child Support
9222 Fines
9223 Bail and Bond Payments
9402 Postal services - government only
8211 Schools, Elementary and Secondary
8220 Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
8398 Charities
7995 Gambling Transactions
In the United Kingdom, the following additional MCCs are also excluded:
6011 (Automated Cash Disbursements - Customer Financial Institution)
8999 (Professional Services - not elsewhere classified)
9311 (Tax Payments)
In the Czech Republic and Hungary, the following additional MCCs are also excluded:
6011 (Automated Cash Disbursements - Customer Financial Institution)
9406 (Government-owned Lottery)
In addition, in Hungary, support for installment billing at Merchants identified with any of the
following MCCs is neither excluded nor mandatory:
3000-3350 Airlines, Air Carriers
4111 Transportation-Suburban and Local Commuter Passenger, including Ferries
4112 Passenger Railways
4121 Limousines and Taxicabs
4225 Public Warehousing
4789 Transportation Services - Not Elsewhere Classified
5310 Discount Stores
5422 Freezer, Locker Meat Provisioners
5441 Candy, Nut, Confectionery Stores
5451 Dairy Products Stores
5462 Bakeries
5499 Miscellaneous Food Stores
5811 Caterers
5812 Eating Places, Restaurants
5813 Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs and Taverns
5814 Fast Food Restaurants
5935 Salvage and Wrecking Yards
5942 Book Stores
5947 Gift Card, Novelty and Souvenir Shops
5963 Door-to-Door Sales
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
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MCC Description
5964 Direct Marketing-Catalog Merchants
5992 Florists
5993 Cigar Stores and Stands
5994 News Dealers and Newsstands
6012 Merchandise and Services - Customer Financial Institution
6211 Securities-Brokers/Dealers
7210 Cleaning, Garment, and Laundry Services
7211 Laundry Services-Family and Commercial
7216 Dry Cleaners
7273 Dating and Escort Services
7342 Exterminating and Disinfecting Services
7523 Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
7542 Car Washes
7829 Motion Picture and Video Tape Production and Distribution
7832 Motion Picture Theaters
7998 Aquariums, Dolphinariums, Zoos and Seaquariums
8041 Chiropractors
8241 Schools, Correspondence
In Poland, the following additional MCCs are also excluded:
4784 Bridge and Road Fees, Tools
5541 Service Stations with or without Ancillary Service
5542 Fuel Dispenser, Automated
5812 Eating Places, Restaurants
5813 Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs and Taverns
5814 Fast Food Restaurants
5933 Pawn Shops
5960 Direct Marketing - Insurance Services
5962 Direct Marketing-Travel Related Arrangement Services
Card-Not-Present Transactions
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MCC Description
5964 Direct Marketing - Catalog Merchants
5965 Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchants
5966 Direct Marketing - Outbound Telemarketing Merchants
5967 Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing Merchants
5968 Direct Marketing - Continuity/Subscription Merchants
5969 Direct Marketing - Other Direct Marketers - Not Elsewhere Classified
6011 Automated Cash Disbursements - Customer Financial Institution
6012 Merchandise Services - Customer Financial Institutions
6211 Securities-Brokers/Dealers
7523 Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
9405 Intra-Government Purchases - Government Only
9406 Government-Owned Lottery (including totalizator sportowy in Poland)
In addition, in Poland, support for installment billing at Merchants identified with the following
MCCs is neither excluded nor mandatory:
3000-3350 Airlines
4511 Air Carriers, Airlines - Not Elsewhere Classified
In Ukraine, the following additional MCCs are also excluded:
5811 Caterers
5812 Eating Places, Restaurants
5813 Bar Lounge Disco Nightclub Tavern-Alcoholic Drinks
5814 Fast Food Restaurants
6011 Automated Cash Disbursements - Customer Financial Institution
6012 Merchandise and Services – Customer Financial Institution
6211 Securities-Brokers/Dealers
9311 Tax Payments
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
MCC Description
9399 Government Services - Not Elsewhere Classified
9402 Postal Services - Government Only
9405 Intra-Government Purchases - Government Only
9406 Government-Owned Lottery (Non–U.S.)
Transaction Amount
In Hungary, an Acquirer must enable the installment billing option only for Transaction amounts
above HUF 20,000.
In Poland, an Acquirer must enable the installment billing option only for Transaction amounts
above PLN 400. An Issuer must not set a different minimum amount.
In Ukraine, an Acquirer must enable the installment billing option only for Transaction amounts
above UAH 500. An Issuer may set a minimum above this amount, but not lower than this
In the United Kingdom, the minimum purchase amount above which installment billing may be
offered is GBP 150. An Issuer may set a minimum above this amount.
In the Czech Republic, the minimum purchase amount above which installment billing may be
offered is CZK 1500. An Issuer may set a minimum above this amount.
In Slovakia and Slovenia, the minimum purchase amount above which installment billing may
be offered is EUR 50. An Issuer may set a minimum above this amount.
Information Requirements
The Cardholder must be informed clearly of the installment terms before agreeing to the
installment billing arrangement. The required information includes the number, frequency, and
amount of the installments and any associated fees. The information may be provided via
screen messages on the POS terminal, or in another manner, provided that it is clear to the
The POS terminal or electronic commerce payment page of a participating Merchant must
display both payment options - full payment and installment billing. If no selection is made then
"full payment" is the default option. In the installments section of the menu, the cardholder may
have the option to choose the number and/or frequency of installments (for example, between
two and 24 installments).
Model POS Terminal and e-commerce displays are provided in Appendix F of this manual.
In Russia, the Cardholder will be provided repayment options between 2 and 12 months.
In Poland, the Cardholder will be provided repayment options of 3, 6, or 12 months.
In Ukraine, the Issuer must present to the Cardholder a maximum of three repayment options,
for example, 3, 6, and 9 months, or 6, 9, and 12 months.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
In Hungary, the authorization request must not contain the installments indicator if the
currency is not HUF.
The authorization request response message must contain the following information, at a
Total amount due
Installment amount
Interest rate
Installment fee or annual percentage rate (APR)
In Slovenia, the authorization request response message must contain the following
information, at a minimum:
Total amount due
Interest rate
Installment fee
Call center number
In Poland, the authorization request response message must contain three occurrences of the
following installment payment data, for each of 3, 6, and 12 months payments options:
Number of installments (optional)
Interest rate (optional)
Installment fee (optional)
Annual percentage rate (optional)
First installment amount (mandatory)
Subsequent installment amount (optional)
Total amount due (must include data on the total cost of funding provided to the
Transaction Receipt Contents
Transaction receipt contents must be in the local language, if the Card is issued in the
Merchant's country, and in English if the Card is issued in a different country.
In Russia, the receipt must be in Russian as installments are offered only on Domestic
The Transaction receipt or e-mail confirmation page must contain the additional information
listed below if the Cardholder has chosen installment billing and the authorization request has
been approved:
Transaction type (Installment).
If applicable, installment fee charged to the Cardholder for the transaction Total amount
charged to the cardholder (price of the product or service plus if applicable, installment
Transaction fee).
Payment plan (information summarizing the number of installments and the amount of each
installment. If the amount of the first installment is different from the subsequent
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
installment amounts, this must be clearly stated on the Transaction receipt or electronic
commerce payment page).
In Poland, the above information may be provided by the Issuer. In this case, the Transaction
receipt or e-mail confirmation page must contain a statement advising the Cardholder to
contact the Issuer for more information.
In Hungary, the Transaction receipt or e-mail confirmation page must additionally contain a
legend inviting the Cardholder to contact the Issuer for more information and a contact
telephone number.
In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the Transaction receipt or e-mail confirmation page must
additionally contain a legend inviting the Cardholder to contact the Issuer for more information.
In Slovenia, the Transaction receipt or e-mail confirmation page must additionally contain the
interest rate and a contact telephone number.
In Ukraine, the Transaction receipt or e-mail confirmation page must additionally contain the
address of the Issuer's website.
Support for Transaction Identification
Each Issuer and Acquirer must technically support the proper coding for installment Transaction
authorization and clearing messages, as must each participating Merchant.
As an exception to the preceding Rule, in Ireland each Acquirer must support the offering of
installments by integrating with the Mastercard Installment Payment Service APIs, available
through the Mastercard Developer Zone. Support for installments is optional for Issuers and
Merchants in Ireland.
In Russia, the requirement to support proper coding applies only for clearing messages, which
must contain the installment data in PDS 181. This requirement applies to participating Issuers,
Acquirers and Merchants. Effective 1 January 2023, Issuers of more than 500,000 Mastercard
Credit Cards in the preceding year must technically support the offering of the installment
billing service.
In Slovakia and Slovenia, this requirement applies to all Acquirers, to all Merchants apart from
excluded Merchants and to participating Issuers.
In the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom, this requirement
applies to all Acquirers and to participating Issuers and Merchants.
If an Acquirer's Transaction volume in the country is below a threshold determined by the local
country management, support by that Acquirer for the Mastercard installment billing service is
recommended rather than required.
The requirement to technically support the proper coding of installment Transactions does not
apply to any Acquirer that acquires only Merchants at which support for installment billing is
In participating countries in the EEA, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5 Installment Billing
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Installment billing Transactions must be identified in authorization and clearing messages as
specified by the registered switch of the Customer's choice. If provided, the Merchant advice
code must be provided in the field and with the value specified by the registered switch of the
Customer's choice.
Chargeback Rules
For Issuer-financed installment billing, chargeback message reason code 4850 does not apply.
Authorization Processing
Offline processing is not allowed for installment Transactions. Installment Transactions are not
eligible for Stand-in or X-Code authorization processing. All installment authorization requests
must be approved or declined only by the Issuer.
In the EEA, UK or Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The decline reason codes in the table contained in this Rule are replaced by the corresponding
reason codes specified by the registered switch of the Issuer's choice.
The Issuer must use the following decline response codes when appropriate, and the relevant
description must be reflected on the screen of the POS Terminal or the webpage for the
declined Transaction.
DE 39 (Response
Code) Description Reason
57 Transaction not permitted to
Invalid number of installments, issuer does not
offer Installment Transactions at all, or not for
this specific Cardholder
58 Transaction not permitted to Merchant Installment Transactions must not be initiated by
this Merchant (see "Excluded Transactions")
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing Transaction Processing Procedures
In the EEA, UK or Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Installment billing Transactions must contain the required data in authorization and clearing
messages in accordance with the specifications of the registered switch of the Customer’s
5.5.2 Multiple-Authorization Installment Billing
Installment Payment Information
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.5.1 Single-Authorization Installment Billing
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With respect to installment payments submitted by an Installment Provider, the MCC selected
by the Acquirer may describe the installment payment service rather than the primary business
of the retailer or the nature of the purchase.
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery
In the EEA, UK or Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Transit Transactions performed for debt recovery must be identified in authorization messages
as specified by the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
5.7.1 Issuer Requirements
ABU must be used for Mastercard and Maestro
Cards issued under a BIN or BIN range assigned
With the exception of the following types of
Ireland Non-reloadable prepaid Mastercard Cards in the
BIN range of 539366 to 539585.
United Kingdom Both consumer and corporate prepaid Cards that
the Issuer does not permit to be used to enter into
recurring payment arrangements, and single-use-
only Virtual Accounts.
Italy Non-reloadable prepaid Cards, single-use-only
Virtual Accounts, and those Debit Mastercard
Cards or Maestro Cards that are not required to
be enabled for e-commerce.
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Georgia, Gibraltar, Greece, Iceland, Kazakhstan,
Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North
Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
San Marino, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,
Uzbekistan, and Vatican City
Non-reloadable prepaid Cards, prepaid Cards that
the Issuer does not permit to be used to enter into
recurring payment arrangements, and single-use-
only Virtual Accounts.
Germany, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland Non-reloadable prepaid Cards, prepaid Cards that
the Issuer does not permit to be used to enter into
recurring payment arrangements, and single-use-
only Virtual Accounts.
Maestro Cards issued under a BIN assigned for
Germany, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland are also
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery
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An Issuer must be able to send, receive, and process ABU data and must accurately maintain its
entire Card portfolio in ABU, subject to the above-listed exceptions.
With respect to newly assigned ICAs and BINs, an Issuer is allowed six months from the date of
assignment to come into compliance with the ABU requirements.
All of the types of Account changes defined in the Mastercard Automatic Billing Updater
Reference Guide must be submitted to ABU.
An Issuer must not provide ABU support for Cards issued under an ICA or BIN that has not been
assigned to it.
An Issuer must participate in the Mastercard Automatic Billing Updater program by completing
ABU Customer Form 806 available on Mastercard Connect
To support the account validation process, an Issuer must report new Accounts and provide a
one-time upload plus 6 months of historic data changes up to a maximum of 40 months data to
the Issuer Account Change Database.
An Issuer is permitted to use an alternative continuity service, provided that it has an equivalent
level of functionality and supports all Merchants globally.
5.7.2 Acquirer Requirements
An Acquirer must comply with the requirements set out in this
section, with regard to Merchants located in the following
That process the following
Transaction types
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium,
Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan,
Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova,
Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United
Kingdom, Uzbekistan, and Vatican City
Recurring payment and Credential-
on-file Transactions
An Acquirer must:
1. Be technically able to send, receive, and process ABU data, and must ensure that the
acquiring host processing system used by the Acquirer incorporates ABU functionality.
2. Participate in the ABU program by completing ABU Customer Form 806 available on
Mastercard Connect
3. Register each Merchant that participates in the ABU program.
4. Submit Account number queries to ABU on behalf of each registered Merchant before
authorization. The Acquirer must then take appropriate action based on any response codes
received from ABU.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.7.2 Acquirer Requirements
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5. Submit account inquiry updates on behalf of each enrolled Merchant no less than once every
180 days.
It is strongly recommended that an Acquirer query the ABU database for brand flips to/from
another scheme on behalf of registered Merchants located in the United Kingdom or Ireland.
An Acquirer has the option to submit brand flips to/from another scheme to the ABU program
on behalf of registered Merchants.
An Acquirer is permitted to use an alternative continuity service, provided that it has an
equivalent level of functionality and supports all Issuers and Merchants globally.
An Acquirer in the United Kingdom must additionally participate in the Account validation
service and take appropriate action to inform Merchants of the response code received from the
ABU program to support Account validation as outlined in the Mastercard ABU Reference Guide.
EEA, UK and Gibraltar
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified to replace references to the
Automatic Billing Updater with references to the corresponding tool of the registered switch of
the Customer’s choice.
5.8 Authentication Requirements
The Rules in this section apply with regard to Remote Electronic Transactions and to the
Merchants that carry out such Transactions.
"PSD2 RTS" means the 2nd Payment Services Directive (Directive [EU] 2015/2366 of 25
November 2015) Regulatory Technical Standards on Strong Customer Authentication ("SCA").
"SCA Country, SCA Countries" means the countries, islands and territories that have adopted
legislation requiring Strong Customer Authentication (e.g., legislation transposing the PSD2
RTS, or similar legislation).
These countries are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ceuta,
Melilla, Azores, Madeira, Aland Islands, Jan Mayen, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique,
Réunion, Saint Martin (French Part), and Mayotte.
5.8.1 Acquirer Requirements
EMV 3DS and Identity Check
An Acquirer must ensure that its online Merchants support Cardholder authentication using
EMV 3-D Secure version 2 (EMV 3DS) and comply with the Mastercard Identity Check Program,
including display of the Identity Check brand.
An Acquirer must ensure, for itself and for its Service Providers (e.g., 3-D Secure Service
Providers) the full implementation of EMV 3DS 2.2. In addition, it must ensure that its e-
commerce Merchants and Service Providers (e.g., 3DS Service Providers) use the EMV 3DS 2.2
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.8 Authentication Requirements
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authentication to Merchant app redirection (also called 3DS Requestor App URL). An Acquirer
may implement alternative technical authentication solutions that provide equivalent
authentication features and performance.
A Merchant that already supports EMV 3DS version 2.1 must continue to support this format to
ensure interoperability with Issuers that do not yet support EMV 3DS version 2.2 (for example,
those outside of Europe).
In the EEA, Gibraltar, UK, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, and Vatican City, an
Acquirer and its online Merchants may implement alternative technical authentication solutions
that are compliant with the Mastercard Identity Check Key Performance Indicators, which are
published in the Mastercard Identity Check Program Guide.
5.8.2 Issuer Requirements
Issuer authentication requirements are contained in Rule 6.1 (Card Issuance—General
Requirements) of Chapter 13 (Europe Region) of the Mastercard Rules manual.
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions
The following Rules apply for Intracountry and Cross-border Transactions within and between
SCA Countries.
A Merchant-initiated Transaction (MIT) may represent a single payment or multiple payments
(e.g., installment payments, travel bookings, purchases at marketplaces) or a recurring payment
arrangement (e.g., utility bills, streaming services).
To set up each individual MIT mandate, SCA is required, in addition to an agreement between
the Merchant and the Cardholder specifying the reason for the payment and the payment
amount (or an estimate when the precise amount is not known).
In addition to the Rules set out below, a Merchant with Transactions processed by an Acquirer
located in an SCA Country that performs a MIT on a Card issued under a Maestro BIN assigned
for Belgium must be registered in the Debit Online Low Risk Merchant Program.
An Acquirer is only allowed to process an MIT when:
An MIT agreement has been established where the Merchant initiates a Transaction in which
the Cardholder (1) is not actively triggering the payment and (2) at the time of Transaction
initiation, is not interacting with a Merchant app or website, or
The Transaction is triggered by the Merchant, as the Transaction could not have been
triggered by the Cardholder during checkout, because:
the final amount is not known during the checkout (e.g., online groceries shopping), or
an event triggered the Transaction after the checkout (e.g., miscellaneous rental or service
charges), or
the Transaction is part of a recurring payment arrangement, or
the Transaction is segmented into different payments happening at different times (e.g.,
installments, travel bookings, marketplaces), or
the Transaction is a staged-wallet funding transaction.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.8.2 Issuer Requirements
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The MIT exclusion must not be used to bypass the SCA requirements for Transactions for which
Card data has been registered on file with the Merchant and the Cardholder triggers the
payment (a Credential-on-File CIT).
An Acquirer must identify the MIT by populating the authorization message (either an
authorization request or account status inquiry) with the appropriate value in the field specified
by the registered switch of its choice. An Acquirer must use an account status inquiry when the
MIT agreement has been established for a zero amount.
Setting up an MIT requires an authorization request or an account status inquiry, the Trace ID of
which must be provided by the Acquirer in all subsequent related authorizations. Further
processing of an MIT, including the Trace ID, must reflect the recurring payments and/or
credential-on-file processing flags and rules.
If the initial authorization occurred before 14 September 2020 and its Trace ID is not available
(for example, because it was not stored), then the Trace ID must be populated with a default
value as specified by the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
Issuers must be able to process the Trace ID, for example to validate if SCA took place to set up
the MIT.
The requirement to reference the initial Authorization’s Trace ID does not apply to reversals,
which must continue to include the Trace ID of the authorization to be reversed.
In the case of Transactions in the travel/hospitality sector that are coded as MIT, the Trace ID
must be populated with a default value which is different from that which is used in other
sectors, when necessary to indicate that proof of authentication is not available, owing to the
involvement of a third party sales agent.
If an Acquirer is not able to properly code a Transaction as MIT, the Acquirer, is allowed to code
the Transaction as MOTO, provided that SCA was performed as required by the applicable
An Acquirer is only allowed to submit an authorization for an MIT without proof of
authentication - either coded as MOTO or with MIT indicator - if the Merchant indicates to the
Acquirer that the Transaction was initiated on the basis of an MIT agreement.
When an authorization is flagged as a Merchant Initiated Transaction without proof of
authentication, the Acquirer must ensure that the Transaction meets the requirements set out
in applicable legislation.
An Acquirer must identify the specific MIT type, or in the case of a CIT occurring in an e-
commerce environment that will be followed by one or more MITs, the specific CIT type in each
authorization message in the field specified by the registered switch of its choice.
Travel/hospitality businesses are those identified with following MCCs:
Airlines & Air Carriers
MCCs 3000 through 3350 and 4511
Lodging MCCs 3501 through 3999 and 7011
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions
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Car Rentals MCCs 3351 through 3500 and 7512
Cruise Lines MCC 4411
Travel Agencies MCC 4722
Passenger Railways and Railroads-Freight MCC 4112 and 4011
Vacation Rentals MCC 6513
Bus Lines MCC 4131
Transportation, including Ferries MCC 4111
Taxi Cabs and Limousines MCC 4121
Transportation Services - Not elsewhere classified MCC 4789
Campgrounds and Trailer Parks MCC 7033
Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rentals MCC 7519
Tourist Attractions and Exhibits MCC 7991
Aquariums, Dolphinariums, Zoos and Seaquariums MCC 7998
Insurance Sales, Underwriting and Premiums MCC 6300
Direct Marketing - Insurance Sales MCC 5960
Government Services MCC 9399
Parking Lots & Garages MCC 7523
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.
Refer to Appendix A for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region geographic listing.
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
In Brazil, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
Merchant websites must not display the Mastercard Acceptance Mark accompanied by the
débito” identifier.
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
In Brazil, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
Card-Not-Present Transactions
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
An Issuer in Brazil must enable all Maestro Account ranges (including prepaid Accounts) to
perform e-commerce Transactions. The use of Mastercard
Identity Check authentication is
highly recommended.
5.1.4 Debit Small-Ticket Digital Transaction Program: Brazil Only
The Debit Small-Ticket Digital Transaction Program (the “Program”) allows a Maestro Account
issued in Brazil to conduct e-commerce Transactions at a Merchant located in Brazil.
The following Transaction eligibility requirements apply:
The Transaction is conducted with a Maestro Account (including prepaid Accounts) issued in
The Transaction occurs at a qualifying Merchant located in Brazil, as identified in DE 43,
subfield 6 (Card Acceptor Country Code) of the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 message and the Merchant Country Name field on the
Mastercard Analytics Portal. A qualifying Merchant under the Program is defined as one that
maintains monthly combined Mastercard and Maestro fraud Transaction volume that does
not exceed 40 basis points;
Transactions must be identified with all required Transaction data;
At least sixty percent (60%) of the Transactions must involve Maestro Accounts tokenized via
the Mastercard Digital Enablement Service for use in Credential-on-File Transactions
occurring at the Merchant’s website or digital application (in Authorization Request/0100
and Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages, DE 48, subelement 26 [Wallet Program
Data], subfield 1 [Wallet ID] contains a value of 327 [Merchant tokenization program]);
For Transaction amounts up to BRL 300, the Issuer must use its standard authorization
parameters when deciding whether to approve or decline a Transaction. For Transaction
amounts equal to or exceeding BRL 300, the Issuer may implement appropriate risk-based
authorization parameters at its discretion;
New Merchants have a six-month grace period from the start date of the Merchant’s
participation in the Program to become compliant with all technical requirements and two
more months to be 100% compliant with all additional Program requirements.
Current participating Merchants have two months to become fully compliant with the new
program requirements;
The Merchant must enable Debit Mastercard and Maestro acceptance, and its Debit
Mastercard Transactions must be properly submitted for dual message authorization
Each Transaction must be identified as either an original Digital Secure Remote Payment
Transaction or subsequent Digital Secure Remote Payment Transaction, or involve the
sharing of Identity Check Insights; and
At least sixty percent (60%) of non-recurring Credential-on-File Transactions must involve
the sharing of Identity Check Insights.
The Standards set forth in the Chargeback Guide apply to Transactions conducted within the
Program. The Acquirer retains fraud-related chargeback liability with respect to any Maestro e-
commerce Transaction completed without Issuer authentication of the Cardholder pursuant to
this Program.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.4 Debit Small-Ticket Digital Transaction Program: Brazil Only
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The Acquirer must ensure that e-commerce Transactions submitted by a Merchant participating
in the Program are fully compliant with all applicable Transaction data requirements. Failure to
comply with such requirements, including but not limited to the provision of valid, accurate and
complete Merchant or Sponsored Merchant name, Merchant or Sponsored Merchant ID, and
MCC information, will result in the Merchant not being accepted into the Program and its
Transactions being blocked from the Program.
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
An Issuer in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region must comply with the ABU
requirements set forth in this chapter, with the exceptions stated below.
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands,
U.S., an Issuer using a third-party service for the purpose of communicating Account change
information to Account-on-file and recurring payment Transaction Merchants is not required to
participate in ABU, provided that such third-party service supports and is accessible to all
Merchants regardless of Merchant location.
An Issuer in Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands, U.S. is not required to participate in ABU with
respect to any prepaid Card Programs the Issuer may have.
An Acquirer in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region must comply with the ABU
requirements set forth in this chapter.
Middle East/Africa Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Middle East/Africa Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the Middle East/Africa Region geographic listing.
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions
In Bahrain, Egypt, Ghana, Iraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates and effective 1 January 2024 in Nigeria, the
Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer of Accounts in Bahrain, Egypt, Ghana, Iraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Nigeria, Oman,
Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that does not meet the Minimum
Average Approval Rate (available on Data Integrity Online) for Cross-border Transactions for a
covered consumer product type in such country may be assessed for noncompliance and/or
incentivized for improved performance as described in the Data Integrity Monitoring Program
manual. In Nigeria, this requirement applies to Domestic Transactions only.
An Issuer of Accounts in Morocco that does not meet the Minimum Average Approval Rate
(available on Data Integrity Online) for Cross-border Card-not-present Transactions for a
covered consumer product type in such country may be assessed for noncompliance and/or
incentivized for improved performance as described in the Data Integrity Monitoring Program
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
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5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
In Nigeria, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Each Acquirer and each Merchant must request Cardholder authentication using EMV 3DS and
comply with the requirements set forth in the Identity Check authentication program.
In Qatar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Each Acquirer and each Merchant must request Cardholder authentication using EMV 3DS and
comply with the requirements set forth in the Identity Check authentication program.
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
In Nigeria, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer must support EMV 3DS and respond to a Cardholder authentication request using a
solution that is compliant with the Identity Check authentication program requirements.
In Qatar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer must support EMV 3DS and respond to a Cardholder authentication request using a
solution that is compliant with the Identity Check authentication program requirements.
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
Each Issuer and Acquirer in the Middle East/Africa Region must comply with the ABU
requirements set forth in this chapter.
United States Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States (U.S.) Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the U.S. Region geographic listing.
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater
An Issuer in the United States Region must comply with the ABU requirements set forth in this
An Issuer is not required to comply with the ABU requirements with respect to prepaid Card
programs the Issuer may have.
5.10 Mastercard Micropayment Solution
The aggregation of separately authorized Cardholder purchases conducted in a Card-not-
present environment into a single aggregated Transaction must only occur pursuant to the
Mastercard Micropayment Solution, as set forth in this section.
The Mastercard Micropayment Solution provides for the aggregation of multiple
individual Cardholder-initiated purchases from a single Merchant into a single Transaction
clearing record.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
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Before a Merchant may conduct Card-not-present purchase aggregation Transactions, the
Merchant must be registered in the Mastercard Micropayment Solution. To propose a Merchant
for registration:
• The Acquirer must submit the completed Mastercard Micropayment Solution registration
form to;
• The Acquirer must provide all information and material required by Mastercard in
connection with the proposed registration; and
• The Acquirer and the Merchant must each satisfy all participation requirements described
in the Mastercard Micropayment Solution guidelines.
The Mastercard Micropayment Solution guidelines and registration form are available in the
Forms Library on Mastercard Connect
Mastercard, in its sole discretion, may approve or reject any application for the registration of a
Merchant in the Mastercard Micropayment Solution.
For contactless aggregated transit Transaction requirements, refer to Rule 4.5.
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States Region and in American
Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (herein, "the
U.S. Territories").
These Rules apply in addition to any that apply within the Asia/Pacific Region, with respect to
Customers located in American Samoa, Guam, and Northern Mariana Islands; the Latin America
and the Caribbean Region, with respect to Customers located in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands; and the United States Region, with respect to U.S. Region Customers.
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions
5.1.1 Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
In addition, with respect to Maestro e-commerce Transactions:
In the U.S. Region and U.S. Territories, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
The Merchant may support EMV 3D Secure (2.0). When supported, the following
requirements apply:
a. For the EMV 3D Secure 2.0 specification, the Merchant must support both browser and
in-app Transactions.
7. The Acquirer must technically support the data fields and values described in the
"Electronic Commerce Transactions" section of Appendix C for Non-Mastercard BIN
Maestro CNP debit card Transactions occurring at a Merchant that chooses to route to the
Single Message System. Each resulting Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro CNP debit card
Card-Not-Present Transactions
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules
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Transaction (which can be for any amount) must be properly identified in the Financial
Transaction Request/0200 message.
8. The Acquirer may submit a Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro CNP debit card Transaction to the
Single Message System as an e-commerce Transaction when the e-commerce Merchant is
located in the U.S. Region or a U.S. Territory.
9. The Acquirer retains fraud-related chargeback liability with respect to any Non-Mastercard
BIN Maestro CNP debit card Transaction.
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
The following applies with respect to Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro CNP debit card Transactions
routed for processing by means of the Single Message System:
An Issuer must be able to receive and respond to a Financial Transaction Request/0200
message when presented by an Acquirer and initiated at an e-commerce Merchant located in
the U.S. Region or a U.S. Territory.
Card-Not-Present Transactions
5.1.2 Issuer Requirements
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Chapter 6 Payment Transactions and Funding
The following Standards apply with regard to Payment Transactions, including MoneySend Payment
Transactions and Gaming Payment Transactions, and Funding Transactions. Where applicable,
variations or additions by region and/or country are provided at the end of this chapter in the section
titled, “Variations and Additions by Region.
6.1 Payment Transactions................................................................................................................................ 234
6.1.1 Payment Transactions—Acquirer and Merchant Requirements..................................................234
6.1.2 Payment Transactions—Issuer Requirements................................................................................ 235
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions.................................................................................................................236
6.3 MoneySend Payment Transactions.......................................................................................................... 236
6.4 China Deposit Transactions – China Only............................................................................................... 236
6.5 China Funds Transfer Transactions – China Only...................................................................................236
6.6 Funding Transactions..................................................................................................................................237
Variations and Additions by Region.................................................................................................................237
Asia/Pacific Region.............................................................................................................................................237
6.4 China Deposit Transactions – China Only..........................................................................................237
6.4.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Maximum Transaction Amount Limit..................................238
6.4.2 ATM Access Fee..............................................................................................................................238
6.4.3 Account Verification......................................................................................................................238
6.4.4 Failed Transaction......................................................................................................................... 238
6.5 China Funds Transfer Transactions – China Only.............................................................................238
6.5.1 China Funds Transfer Transaction Terms..................................................................................238
6.5.2 Non-discrimination Regarding Maximum Amount Limit........................................................239
6.5.3 ATM Access Fee..............................................................................................................................239
6.5.4 Account Verification......................................................................................................................239
6.5.5 Funds Availability...........................................................................................................................239
Europe Region..................................................................................................................................................... 240
6.1 Payment Transactions...........................................................................................................................240
6.1.1 Payment Transactions—Acquirer and Merchant Requirements............................................ 240
6.1.2 Payment Transactions—Issuer Requirements...........................................................................240
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions............................................................................................................241
6.3 MoneySend Payment Transactions.....................................................................................................241
Middle East/Africa Region.................................................................................................................................241
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions............................................................................................................241
United States Region.........................................................................................................................................243
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
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6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions............................................................................................................243
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
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6.1 Payment Transactions
A Payment Transaction is a transfer of funds to an Account via the Corporation System.
Each Payment Transaction must comply with all requirements set forth herein, in Appendix C,
and in the technical specifications for authorization messages.
If a Payment Transaction is conducted pursuant to a Customer-to-Customer, intracountry, or
intercountry business service arrangement, the business service arrangement must be approved
by the Corporation in writing, in advance of the effecting of a Payment Transaction. The
Corporation reserves the right to audit or to monitor any Payment Transaction Program at any
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
6.1.1 Payment Transactions—Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
The following requirements apply to an Acquirer and any Merchant that conducts Payment
1. An Acquirer must submit an authorization request to the receiving Issuer (either an
Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message, as
applicable) for each Payment Transaction.
2. Each Payment Transaction must be authorized, cleared and settled separately and
distinctly. Two or more funds transfers or payments must not be aggregated into a single
Payment Transaction, nor may one Payment Transaction be separated into two or more
Payment Transactions.
3. A Payment Transaction must be effected on the date agreed to with the Cardholder whose
Account is to be funded.
4. A Payment Transaction must not be effected:
a. To “authenticate” an Account or a Cardholder; for example, by effecting or attempting
to effect a Payment Transaction for a nominal amount.
b. For any illegal purpose or any other purpose deemed by the Corporation to be
c. For the purchase of goods or services, unless that Payment Transaction is expressly
permitted by the Standards.
5. Funds for the Payment Transaction must be deemed collected and in the control of the
Acquirer before the Payment Transaction is submitted to the Interchange System.
6. In a dual message environment, the Acquirer must submit a clearing message to the
Interchange System within one calendar day of the Issuer’s approval of the authorization
request. The Acquirer must ensure that the amount of the Payment Transaction in the
clearing message matches the amount in the authorization request.
7. A reversal of a Payment Transaction (other than a MoneySend Payment Transaction) must
only be submitted to correct a documented clerical error and upon agreement of the Issuer.
In such an event, the error must be reversed within one calendar day of the date the
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
6.1 Payment Transactions
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Payment Transaction was submitted to the Interchange System (as a Financial Transaction/
0200 message or First Presentment/1240 message, as applicable) for posting to an
Account. Reversible clerical errors include, by way of example and not limitation, the
erroneous capture of Payment Transaction data, a duplicate Payment Transaction, or an
error caused by the transposition of data.
8. A reversal of a MoneySend Payment Transaction must only be submitted for reasons of (a)
timeout when the Acquirer’s time-out limit has been exceeded for receiving the
authorization request response message, or (b) incorrectly formatted response messages
where the response received by the Acquirer is not properly formatted as defined for the
request response messages in Dual Message System or Single Message System
specifications. In such an event, the error must be reversed within sixty (60) seconds of
when the original authorization message related to a MoneySend Payment Transaction was
submitted to the Dual Message System or the Single Message System (as an Authorization
Request/0100 message or a Financial Transaction/0200 message, as applicable) for posting
to an Account, and must include Data Element (DE) 90 (subfields when available). Any
other adjustment of a MoneySend Payment Transaction must be in accordance with the
Mastercard MoneySend and Funding Transactions Program Standards.
9. The Acquirer or Merchant that offers the Payment Transaction service must not request or
require that a Cardholder disclose his or her PIN. If the Payment Transaction service is
provided via a web page, the Merchant must not design that web page in any way that
might lead the Cardholder to believe that he or she must provide his or her PIN. Similarly, if
the Cardholder is asked to complete a form in order to conduct a Payment Transaction, the
contents of that form must not lead the Cardholder to believe that he or she must provide
his or her PIN. The Acquirer must ensure that the Merchant is following these procedures.
The Corporation will also, from time to time, perform audits on these Merchants to ensure
that they are compliant with this and all other requirements.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
6.1.2 Payment Transactions—Issuer Requirements
The following requirements apply to an Issuer that receives Payment Transactions, excluding
MoneySend Payment Transactions.
An Issuer that offers the Payment Transaction must make either the PAN or a pseudo PAN
available to the Cardholder. If the Issuer provides the Cardholder with a pseudo PAN, the Issuer
must be able to link the pseudo PAN to the Cardholder’s actual PAN.
An Issuer must receive, process, and provide a valid authorization response to each Payment
Transaction authorization request received.
Upon receiving a Payment Transaction, the Issuer, at its discretion, may:
1. Approve (and receive remuneration for costs incurred) or decline any requests by the
Acquirer to correct a clerical error;
2. Establish a maximum Payment Transaction amount; and
3. Determine when to make the transferred funds available to the recipient—immediately or
after a period of time defined by the Issuer.
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
6.1.2 Payment Transactions—Issuer Requirements
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A Payment Transaction must be effected in a way that does not conflict with Cardholder
agreements or instructions.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions
The Gaming Payment Transaction is a transaction that may be used to transfer winnings or
value usable for gambling or gaming to a Mastercard or Maestro Account.
NOTE: Rules on this subject appear in the “Europe Region,” “Middle East/Africa Region,” and “United
States Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
6.3 MoneySend Payment Transactions
Each Issuer and Acquirer and each MoneySend Payment Transaction must comply with all
requirements set forth in the Standards applicable to MoneySend, including but not limited to
those herein and in Appendix C, in the technical specifications for authorization messages, and
in the Mastercard MoneySend and Funding Transactions Program Standards.
An Issuer of a consumer Card Program or Eligible Commercial Card Program (excluding
anonymous prepaid and gift Card Accounts) must be able to receive, process, authorize
(meaning making an individual authorization decision with respect to each MoneySend Payment
Transaction), and post MoneySend Payment Transactions in compliance with the Standards
applicable to MoneySend. Refer to the Mastercard MoneySend and Funding Transactions
Program Standards for a list of Eligible Commercial Card Program types.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
6.4 China Deposit Transactions – China Only
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “Asia/Pacific Region” section at the end of this chapter.
6.5 China Funds Transfer Transactions – China Only
NOTE: A Rule on this subject appears in the “Asia/Pacific Region” section at the end of this chapter.
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions
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6.6 Funding Transactions
Each Issuer and Acquirer and each Funding Transaction must comply with all requirements set
forth in the Standards applicable to Funding Transactions, including but not limited to those in
the Mastercard MoneySend and Funding Transactions Program Standards.
As set forth and as from the effective dates set forth in the Mastercard MoneySend and Funding
Transactions Program Standards, the following requirements apply with respect to Funding
Transactions identified with MCC 4829 (Money Transfer), MCC 6538 (Funding Transactions for
MoneySend), or MCC 6540 (Funding Transactions):
Before submitting Funding Transactions using any of these MCCs, an Acquirer must first
register itself and each Merchant proposing to initiate such Funding Transactions with
The Acquirer must use the appropriate Transaction Type Indicator (TTI) value in DE 48,
subelement 77 (Transaction Type Identifier) of authorization request messages and in DE 48,
PDS 0043 (Transaction Type Identifier) of clearing messages.
The Acquirer must ensure that each Merchant and each Funding Transaction complies with
all applicable legal and operational requirements and that the Funding Transaction includes
any required reference data in DE 108 (Additional Transaction Reference Data) of
authorization request messages.
The Issuer must comply with requirements regarding internal controls for AML compliance
and information retention for each Funding Transaction received.
Variations and Additions by Region
The remainder of this chapter provides modifications to the Standards set out in this chapter.
The modifications are organized by region or country and by applicable subject title.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Asia/Pacific Region or in a particular
Region country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Asia/Pacific Region geographic listing.
6.4 China Deposit Transactions – China Only
This Rule 6.4 and its subsections apply to China domestic Transactions only.
Each Issuer and Acquirer must comply with all requirements set forth in the Standards
applicable to China Deposit Transactions, including the technical specifications for authorization
messages and the China Interbank ATM Deposit Program Guide.
An Acquirer may choose to participate in China Deposit Transactions; provided that if an
Acquirer deploys ATM Terminals that participate in domestic deposit transactions of other
scheme brands or networks, such Acquirers ATM Terminals must participate in China Deposit
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
6.6 Funding Transactions
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6.4.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Maximum Transaction Amount Limit
An Acquirer may impose a maximum amount limit on China Deposit Transactions accepted at
an ATM Terminal provided that the limit imposed on Cardholders is the same or more favorable
than the limits imposed on cardholders of other scheme brands or networks. This Rule does not
limit the application of other non-discrimination provisions contained in the Standards.
6.4.2 ATM Access Fee
The Acquirer may charge an ATM Access Fee or other fee types imposed, or advised of, at an
ATM Terminal, in connection with a Deposit Transaction. The Acquirer must follow the
requirements for Rule 4.18.3 ATM Access Fee Requirements in Chapter 4 of this manual.
6.4.3 Account Verification
The Acquirer may submit an account verification message to verify the validation of the deposit
account prior to initiating the China Deposit Transaction.
The Issuer must return the deposit account Cardholder name with surname truncated via the
account verification response message if the Account is valid.
6.4.4 Failed Transaction
The ATM Terminal must be able to notify the depositor and return the cash if the Deposit
Transaction fails.
6.5 China Funds Transfer Transactions – China Only
This Rule 6.5 and its subsections apply to China domestic Transactions only.
Each Issuer and Acquirer must comply with all requirements set forth in the Standards
applicable to the China Funds Transfer Transaction, including in the technical specifications for
authorization messages, and in the China Interbank ATM Funds Transfer Program Guide.
6.5.1 China Funds Transfer Transaction Terms
Key terms used in this section are defined in the following table for purposes of this section only.
Funding Account The funding source of the Originating Account
Holder, from where funds are acquired by the
Originating Institution to initiate a PTA
Funding Institution The issuer of funding account. The Funding
Institution and Originating Institution will be the
same entity if the funding institution originates the
China Funds Transfer Transaction. Funding
Institution is also referred as Funding Issuer.
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
6.4.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Maximum Transaction Amount Limit
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Terms Description
Originating Institution The Customer that notifies the China Switch to
originate a China Funds Transfer Funding
Transaction (optional) or a China Funds Transfer
Payment Transaction. Also referred to as an
Receiving Account The Account held by a Receiving Account Holder
and to which the Receiving Customer must ensure
receipt of a China Domestic Funds Transfer
Receiving Institution The Customer that receives and approves a China
Funds Transfer Payment Transaction. Also referred
to as the Issuer of Receiving Account in funds
transfer transactions.
6.5.2 Non-discrimination Regarding Maximum Amount Limit
A Funding Institution or Receiving Institution may impose a maximum amount limit on China
Funds Transfer Transactions provided that the limit imposed on Cardholders is the same or more
favorable than the limits imposed on cardholders of other scheme brands or networks. This Rule
does not limit the application of other non-discrimination provisions contained in the Standards.
6.5.3 ATM Access Fee
The Originating Institution may charge an ATM Access Fee or other fee types imposed, or
advised of, at an ATM Terminal, in connection with a China Funds Transfer Transactions. The
Acquirer must follow the requirements in Rule 4.18.3 ATM Access Fee Requirements in Chapter
4 of this manual.
6.5.4 Account Verification
The Originating Institution may submit an account verification message to verify the validation
of the receiving account prior to initiating the China Funds Transfer Transaction.
The Receiving Institution must return the receiving account Cardholder name with Surname
truncated via the account verification response message if the account is valid.
6.5.5 Funds Availability
For a China Funds Transfer Transaction that occurs at an ATM Terminal, the Receiving
Institution must post the funds to the Receiving Account immediately after the approval of the
China Funds Transfer Transaction.
Reversal is not allowed for a China Funds Transfer Transaction.
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
6.5.2 Non-discrimination Regarding Maximum Amount Limit
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Europe Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Europe Region or in a particular Region
country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Europe Region, Non-Single European Payments
Area (Non-SEPA) and Single European Payments Area (SEPA) geographic listing.
6.1 Payment Transactions
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Payment Transaction may be processed via any switch of the Customer’s choice that is
registered with the Corporation.
Each type of Payment Transaction must be identified in authorization and clearing messages as
specified by the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
In Russia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Payment Transactions in Russia may be processed through a domestic switching service.
6.1.1 Payment Transactions—Acquirer and Merchant Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
With respect to an interregional Payment Transaction involving a Europe Region Acquirer and an
Issuer located in another Region, if the Acquirer does not submit a clearing message to the
Interchange System within seven days of the authorization request, the Corporation collects the
Payment Transaction amount and any additional fees charged from the Acquirer by means of a
Fee Collection/1740 message.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Funds for the Payment Transaction must be deemed collected and in the control of the Acquirer
before the Payment Transaction is submitted to the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
The Acquirer must submit a clearing message to the registered switch of its choice within one
calendar day of the Issuer’s approval of the authorization request.
A clerical error must be reversed or adjusted within three calendar days of the date the Payment
Transaction was submitted to the registered switch of the Acquirers choice for posting to a
Mastercard Account, or within one calendar day if submitted for posting to a Maestro or Cirrus
6.1.2 Payment Transactions—Issuer Requirements
In Italy, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
1. An Issuer must support, process, and provide a valid authorization response to each
Payment Transaction authorization request received, for all prepaid Mastercard, Debit
Mastercard (including prepaid), and Mastercard charge Card Programs (revolving credit
Card Programs are excluded); and
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
Europe Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2. Except with respect to non-reloadable prepaid Cards, an Issuer must not automatically
decline Payment Transactions.
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions
In the Europe Region, in addition to the requirements for Payment Transactions, the
requirements contained in the Mastercard Gaming and Gambling Payments Program Standards
apply to Gaming Payment Transactions.
6.3 MoneySend Payment Transactions
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A MoneySend Payment Transaction may be processed via any switch of the Customer’s choice
that is registered with the Corporation.
Middle East/Africa Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Middle East/Africa Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the Middle East/Africa Region geographic listing.
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions
In the Middle East/Africa Region, in addition to the requirements for Payment Transactions, the
following requirements apply to Gaming Payment Transactions:
1. The Gaming Payment Transaction may only be used to transfer winnings or unspent chips or
other value usable for gambling to the same Card that the Cardholder used to place the bet
or purchase value used or usable for gambling.
2. The Gaming Payment Transaction must be properly identified in authorization and clearing
messages using MCC 7995, a Transaction type value of 28, and a Payment Transaction
program type value of C04.
3. The Gaming Payment Transaction must not exceed USD 50,000 or the local currency
4. Mail order and telephone order (MO/TO) Merchants may not process Gaming Payment
5. Gaming Payment Transactions must not be processed to any type of Mastercard Corporate
Card, Maestro Card, or prepaid Card. In Kenya, a Gaming Payment Transaction may be
processed to a consumer prepaid Card (excluding anonymous prepaid Cards).
6. The following Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) requirements apply:
a. The Acquirer must consider its Merchants that submit Gaming Payment Transactions as
higher risk under its anti-money laundering compliance program.
b. In addition to any requirement of applicable local law or regulation, the Acquirer must
conduct enhanced customer due diligence reviews of any Merchant that submits
Gaming Payment Transactions.
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions
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c. The Acquirer must ensure that each Merchant that submits Gaming Payment
Transactions has appropriate controls in place to identify legitimate customers and to
block suspicious activities, Cards, or Payment Transactions.
d. The Acquirer must have robust procedures and ongoing controls in place to monitor
Transactions and Payment Transactions conducted by Merchants that submit Gaming
Payment Transactions and to detect and report any potentially suspicious activity.
7. A Gaming Payment Transaction may be effected if not prohibited by applicable law or
regulation and only for Cards issued in the following countries.
Country Code Country Country Code Country
024 Angola 480 Mauritius
072 Botswana 508 Mozambique
174 Comoros 516 Namibia
180 Democratic Republic of
the Congo
566 Nigeria
262 Djibouti 646 Rwanda
232 Eritrea 690 Seychelles
230 Ethiopia 694 Sierra Leone
270 Gambia 706 Somalia
288 Ghana 728 South Sudan
404 Kenya 748 Swaziland
426 Lesotho 834 Tanzania
430 Liberia 800 Uganda
450 Madagascar 894 Zambia
454 Malawi 716 Zimbabwe
8. In Nigeria, an Issuer must support the Gaming Payment Transaction in authorization and
clearing messages.
9. Gaming Payment Transactions will not be authorized by the Stand-In Processing Service.
Authorization is entirely under the control of the Issuer.
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions
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United States Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States (U.S.) Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the U.S. Region geographic listing.
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions
In the United States Region, in addition to the requirements for Payment Transactions, the
requirements contained in the Mastercard Gaming and Gambling Payment Program Standards
apply to Gaming Payment Transactions.
Payment Transactions and Funding Transactions
United States Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chapter 7 Terminal Requirements
The following Standards apply with regard to POS Terminals, ATM Terminals, and Bank Branch
Terminals. Where applicable, variations or additions by region and/or country are provided at the end of
this chapter in the section titled, “Variations and Additions by Region.
7.1 Terminal Eligibility........................................................................................................................................246
7.2 Terminal Requirements...............................................................................................................................246
7.2.1 Terminal Function Keys for PIN Entry..............................................................................................247
7.2.2 Terminal Responses............................................................................................................................ 248
7.2.3 Terminal Transaction Log...................................................................................................................248
7.2.4 Contactless-enabled Terminals and Contactless Reader Requirements.................................. 248
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements......................................................................................................................249
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals.............................................................................................. 249
7.3.2 Contactless-only POS Terminals......................................................................................................250
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements..........................................................................................250
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements......................................................................252
7.5.1 ATM Terminals..................................................................................................................................... 253
7.5.2 Bank Branch Terminals.......................................................................................................................253
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals................................................................253
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements.................................................................................................................. 254
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements................................................................................................ 254
Hybrid POS Terminal and Chip-only MPOS Terminal Displays........................................................ 255
7.6.2 Hybrid ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements................................................ 255
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Functionality..............................................................................256
Variations and Additions by Region.................................................................................................................257
Asia/Pacific Region.............................................................................................................................................257
7.2 Terminal Requirements..........................................................................................................................257
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements.................................................................................................................257
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals..........................................................................................258
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.................................................................................... 258
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements.................................................................259
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements.............................................................................................................259
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements...........................................................................................259
Canada Region....................................................................................................................................................260
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements.................................................................................................................260
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals.........................................................................................260
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.................................................................................... 260
Terminal Requirements
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7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements.................................................................260
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals..........................................................261
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-enabled POS Terminals......................................................261
Europe Region..................................................................................................................................................... 261
7.1 Terminal Eligibility...................................................................................................................................261
7.2 Terminal Requirements..........................................................................................................................261
7.2.4 Contactless-enabled Terminals and Contactless Reader Requirements.............................261
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements.................................................................................................................262
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals..........................................................................................262
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.................................................................................... 264
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements.................................................................264
7.5.2 Bank Branch Terminals................................................................................................................. 264
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals..........................................................265
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements.............................................................................................................265
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements...........................................................................................265
7.6.2 Hybrid ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements...........................................266
Latin America and the Caribbean Region...................................................................................................... 267
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements.................................................................................................................267
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals.........................................................................................267
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements.............................................................................................................268
Middle East/Africa Region.................................................................................................................................268
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements.................................................................................................................268
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals..........................................................................................268
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements.............................................................................................................269
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements...........................................................................................269
United States Region.........................................................................................................................................269
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements.................................................................................................................269
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals.........................................................................................269
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements.................................................................................... 270
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements.................................................................270
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements.............................................................................................................270
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-enabled POS Terminals......................................................270
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules.............................................................................................271
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements.............................................................................................................271
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements...........................................................................................271
Hybrid POS Terminal and Chip-only MPOS Terminal Displays...................................................271
Terminal Requirements
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7.1 Terminal Eligibility
The following types of terminals, when compliant with the applicable technical requirements
and other Standards, are eligible to be Terminals:
1. Any ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal that is owned, operated or controlled by a
2. Any ATM Terminal that is owned, operated or controlled by an entity that is ineligible to be a
Customer, provided that such ATM Terminal is connected to the Interchange System by a
Principal or Affiliate;
3. Any POS Terminal (including an MPOS Terminal) that is owned, operated or controlled by a
Merchant and is in the Merchant’s physical possession, provided that such POS Terminal is
connected to the Interchange System by a Principal or Association; and
4. Any other type of terminal which the Corporation may authorize.
A terminal that dispenses scrip is ineligible to be a Terminal.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
7.2 Terminal Requirements
Each Terminal must:
1. Have an online connection to the Acquirer host system for the authorization of Transactions,
except where offline-only processing is specifically permitted by the Standards. If online PIN
is a supported CVM, the Terminal must be able to encrypt PINs at the point of entry and
send them to the Acquirer host system in encrypted form in accordance with the PIN
security Standards;
2. Accept any Card that conforms with the encoding Standards, including but not limited to
the acceptance of all valid PAN lengths, major industry identifier numbers and BINs/IINs,
effective and expiration dates, chip application effective dates, service code values, and
characters encoded in the discretionary data;
3. Support all required Transaction types and valid Transactions in accordance with the
4. Have a magnetic stripe reader capable of reading Track 2 data encoded on the magnetic
stripe of a Card, and transmit all such data for authorization;
5. Not perform tests or edits on Track 1 data for the purpose of disqualifying Cards from
eligibility for Interchange System processing;
6. For magnetic stripe Transactions, perform a check (either at the Terminal or in the Acquirer
host system) of the track layout, limited to the start sentinel, separator, end sentinel, and
Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC), to ensure that the Card conforms to the technical
specifications set forth in Appendix A of the Security Rules and Procedures manual. If an LRC
error occurs or the track data cannot be interpreted correctly or verified, the Transaction
must not be processed or recorded; and
Terminal Requirements
7.1 Terminal Eligibility
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7. Prevent additional Transactions from being entered into the system while a Transaction is
being processed.
A Cardholder-facing or unattended Terminal additionally must:
1. Ensure privacy of PIN entry to the Cardholder (where PIN processing is required and/or
2. Provide Cardholder operating instructions in English as well as the local language, as
selected by the Cardholder. Two or more languages may be displayed simultaneously. In the
Europe Region, operating instructions in French and German must also be available
whenever technically feasible, and Spanish and Italian are recommended; and
3. Have a screen that clearly displays to the Cardholder:
a. The Transaction amount;
b. Any Transaction data entered into the Terminal by the Cardholder; and
c. The response received as the result of the Cardholder’s Transaction request, including
the application labels or preferred names on a multi-application Card.
Refer to the Security Rules and Procedures for additional requirements related to Terminal
security, PIN processing, and use of service codes. Refer to Rule 3.9 for requirements relating to
Terminal-generated Transaction receipts, including truncation of the primary account number
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region" and "Europe Region" sections at
the end of this chapter.
7.2.1 Terminal Function Keys for PIN Entry
A PIN-capable Terminal must have a numeric keyboard to enable the entry of PINs, with an
enter key’ function to indicate the completion of entry of a variable length PIN.
In all Regions except the Canada and United States Regions, a Terminal’s PIN entry device (PED)
or encrypting PIN pad (EPP) must accept PINs having four to six numeric characters. In the
Canada and United States Regions, each PED and EPP must support PINs of up to 12
alphanumeric characters. It is recommended that all PEDs and EPPs support the input of PINs
in letter-number combinations as follows:
Q, Z 6 M, N, O
2 A, B, C 7 P, R, S
3 D, E, F 8 T, U, V
4 G, H, I 9 W, X, Y
5 J, K, L
The support of the following PED function keys is recommended:
Terminal Requirements
7.2.1 Terminal Function Keys for PIN Entry
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1. A key used to restart the process of PIN entry or entry of the Transaction amount. The
preferred color is yellow, and the preferred label is CORR or CANCEL.
2. A key used to complete the process of PIN entry or entry of the Transaction amount. The
preferred color is green, and the preferred label is OK.
3. A key used to terminate a Transaction. The preferred color is red, and the preferred label is
STOP or CANCEL. In the Europe Region, this key is mandatory. The key must allow the
Cardholder to cancel a Transaction prior to the final step that results in the submission of an
authorization request.
7.2.2 Terminal Responses
A Terminal must be able to display or print the response required in the applicable technical
specifications. The Acquirer or Merchant must provide an appropriate message to the
Cardholder whenever the attempted Transaction is rejected, either with a specific reason or by
referring the Cardholder to the Issuer.
7.2.3 Terminal Transaction Log
The Acquirer must maintain a Terminal Transaction log. The log must include, at a minimum, the
same information provided on the Cardholder receipt, including the Card sequence number, if
present. The log must include the full PAN, unless otherwise supported by supplementary
reported data, and must not include the PIN or any discretionary data from the Card’s magnetic
stripe or chip. Only the data necessary for research should be recorded. An Issuer may request a
copy of this information.
The Terminal must not electronically record a Card’s full magnetic stripe or chip data for the
purpose of allowing or enabling subsequent authorization requests, after the initial
authorization attempt. The only exception to this Rule is for Merchant-approved Maestro POS
Transactions, which may be logged until either the Transaction is authorized or the end of the
13-day period during which the Merchant may make attempts to obtain an authorization
pursuant to the Standards, whichever occurs first.
When an attempted Transaction is rejected, an indication or reason for the rejection must be
included on the Terminal Transaction log.
7.2.4 Contactless-enabled Terminals and Contactless Reader Requirements
For purposes of this chapter, “contactless-enabled” means a Terminal with a contactless reader
that is activated and that accepts Cards and Access Devices based on contactless chip
technology (“EMV Mode”) and optionally magnetic stripe technology (“Magnetic Stripe Mode”).
The reader of a contactless-enabled Terminal must:
Comply with Mastercard Contactless Reader Specification Version 3.0 (MCL 3.0) or EMV CL
Book C-2; and
For POS Terminals only (including MPOS Terminals), be configured to support Consumer
Device Cardholder Verification Method (CDCVM) and the processing of Contactless
Transactions that exceed the applicable Cardholder verification method (CVM) limit amount
up to the amount that the same POS Terminal supports on its contact interface.
Terminal Requirements
7.2.2 Terminal Responses
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Support of CDCVM is required only for Transactions that exceed the CVM limit.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
Each POS Terminal must comply with Rule 7.2, except contactless-only POS Terminals as
described below and Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-only POS Terminals. Each Merchant
is responsible for the maintenance arrangements of its POS Terminals, unless the Acquirer
undertakes this function.
For unattended POS Terminal requirements, refer to Rule 4.11. An unattended POS Terminal
that accepts Mastercard Cards must comply with the Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT)
requirements set forth in Appendix D.
All POS Terminals must be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support and enable both EMV
contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality. This requirement includes CATs and
excludes contactless-only acceptance as described in Rule 4.7 of this manual.
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region,” “Canada Region,” “Europe
Region,” and “United States Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals
A contactless-enabled POS Terminal must comply with the following.
If the contact interface of the POS
Then for Transactions exceeding the CVM limit ("high-value
Transactions"), the contactless interface of the POS
Supports online PIN Must support both online PIN and CDCVM; and
If Mastercard is accepted, must support signature CVM.
Signature collection is optional.
Does not support online PIN Must be configured in accordance with one of the following:
1. A high-value Transaction can only occur when a Mobile
Payment Device is used and CDCVM was successful. For
this configuration, CDCVM is the only CVM supported.
2. A high-value Transaction can occur with signature CVM
when Mastercard is accepted, and may also be able to
occur when a Mobile Payment Device is used and CDCVM
was successful. For this configuration, both signature
CVM and CDCVM must be supported. Signature
collection is optional.
Terminal Requirements
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Mastercard Rule 5.12.3, "Minimum/Maximum Transaction Amount Prohibited" applies to both
the contact and contactless payment functionalities of a Dual Interface POS Terminal (whether
attended or unattended).
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Canada Region," "Middle East/
Africa Region," "Europe Region," "Latin America and the Caribbean Region," and "United States
Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
7.3.2 Contactless-only POS Terminals
A POS Terminal that utilizes only contactless payment functionality, as permitted in accordance
with Rule 4.7, must comply with all of the requirements set forth in Rule 7.3 except those
applicable to contact magnetic stripe or chip functionality. In addition, such a POS Terminal
1. Request a cryptogram for all Contactless Transactions, and if the Transaction is approved,
transmit an application cryptogram and related data; and
2. If Cards and Access Devices with contactless chip payment functionality are accepted,
support both online and offline authorization.
3. Support online PIN, if required for contactless-enabled POS Terminals in the Merchant’s
Region or country.
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements
Any Merchant and any Customer or cash disbursement agent conducting Manual Cash
Disbursement Transactions may use a Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal that complies with the POS
Terminal Standards.
Any Merchant may use an MPOS Terminal that cannot print a paper Transaction receipt at the
time the Transaction is conducted, provided the Merchant has a means by which to provide a
receipt to the Cardholder upon request (for example, in an email or text message).
Only a Merchant with less than USD 100,000 in annual Mastercard POS Transaction Volume
may use an MPOS Terminal with any of the following characteristics, for Mastercard POS
Transaction processing only:
1. Has a contact chip reader and magnetic stripe-reading capability but does not support PIN
as a CVM for Contact Chip Transactions; or
2. Is a Chip-only MPOS Terminal.
All MPOS Terminals (including Chip-only MPOS Terminals) must be Dual Interface Hybrid
Terminals that support and enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment
functionality. This requirement applies regardless of Merchant Transaction Volume and excludes
contactless-only acceptance as described in Rule 4.7.
NOTE: A modification to this provision of the Rule appears in the "Asia/Pacific Region" section at the
end of this chapter.
Terminal Requirements
7.3.2 Contactless-only POS Terminals
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MPOS Terminal Identification
All authorization and clearing messages for Transactions occurring at an MPOS Terminal must
contain the MPOS acceptance device indicator, as follows:
A value of 9 in DE 61 (Point-of-Service Data), subfield 10 (Cardholder-Activated Terminal
Level) of the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message;
A value of CT9 in PDS 0023 (Terminal Type) of the First Presentment/1240 message.
PIN verification, if supported by an MPOS Terminal, must be conducted by means of a PIN entry
device (PED) that complies with section 4.10 of the Security Rules and Procedures manual.
A Chip Transaction that occurs at an MPOS Terminal must be authorized online by the Issuer,
resulting in the generation of a unique Authorization Request Cryptogram (ARQC).
Chip-only MPOS Terminal Identification
A Chip-only MPOS Terminal must use the following values:
A value of 9 in DE 61 (Point-of-Service Data), Subfield 11 (POS Card Data Terminal Input
Capability Indicator) in the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/
0200 message, as described in the Customer Interface Specification and Single Message
System Specifications manuals; and
A value of E in DE 22 (Point of Service Data Code), Subfield 1 (Terminal Data: Card Data
Input Capability) of the First Presentment/1240 message, as described in the IPM Clearing
Formats manual.
A software-based Chip-only MPOS Terminal must use the following values:
In the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message, a value
2 (Terminal does not have PIN entry capability) or 3 (MPOS Software-based PIN Entry
Capability) in DE 22 (Point of Service Data Code), Subfield 2 (POS Terminal PIN Entry
0 (Dedicated MPOS Terminal with PCI compliant dongle [with or without key pad]) or 1
(Off the Shelf Mobile Device) in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 21
(Acceptance Data), subfield 1 (MPOS Acceptance Device Type)
In the First Presentment/1240 message, a value of:
2 (Terminal does not have PIN entry capability) or 3 (MPOS Software-based PIN Entry
Capability) in DE 22 (Point of Service Data Code), Subfield 2 (Terminal Data: Card Data
Input Capability)
0 (Dedicated MPOS Terminal with PCI compliant dongle [with or without key pad]) or 1
(Off the Shelf Mobile Device) in PDS 0018 (Acceptance Data), subfield 1 (MPOS
Acceptance Device Type)
The Acquirer must comply with the MPOS Terminal requirements set forth in the M/Chip
Requirements manual, the EMV chip specifications, and section 4.10 of the Security Rules and
Procedures manual.
Terminal Requirements
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Canada Region," "Europe
Region," and "United States Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
In addition to complying with Rule 7.2, each ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal must:
1. Offer cash withdrawals from an Account;
2. Offer balance inquiry functionality to Cardholders, if balance inquiry functionality is offered
to cardholders of any other network accepted at that ATM Terminal or Bank Branch
3. During Account selection, include the word “Savings” when offering a cash withdrawal or
transfer from a savings account, and the word “Checking” or “Chequing” when offering a
cash withdrawal or transfer from a checking account;
4. Not automatically generate an online reversal for the full or partial amount of any
authorized cash withdrawal or disbursement when the ATM Terminal or Bank Branch
Terminal indicates that such Transaction was not completed because the Cardholder failed
to collect some or all of the cash dispensed;
5. Have an online connection to the Acquirer host system;
6. Encrypt the PIN at the point of entry and send the PIN to the Acquirer host system in
encrypted form, in accordance with the PIN security Standards;
7. Process each Transaction in the currency dispensed by the Terminal during that Transaction.
Terminals may process Transactions in other currencies only if done in accordance with “POI
Currency Conversion” in Chapter 3, except that a withdrawal of foreign currency may be
processed in the issuing currency of the Card if it is the same as the currency of the country
where the Terminal is located. The amount of currency dispensed, Transaction amount, and
conversion rate must be shown on the screen before the Cardholder completes the
Transaction and must also be included on the Transaction receipt.
Both single-line and multi-line screens that have a screen width of at least 16 characters are
acceptable. A minimum screen width of 40 characters is recommended.
An ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal also:
1. May offer Merchandise Transactions from no account specified; and
2. May offer MoneySend Payment Transactions.
Refer to Chapter 4 of the Security Rules and Procedures manual for PIN entry device and PIN
security requirements.
NOTE: Additions and/or variations to this Rule appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region,” “Canada Region,
“Europe Region,” and “United States Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
Terminal Requirements
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
7.5.1 ATM Terminals
In addition to complying with Rule 7.5, an ATM Terminal must permit the Cardholder to obtain
the equivalent of USD 100 in the currency in use at the ATM Terminal per Transaction, subject to
authorization of the Transaction by the Issuer.
Refer to Chapter 4 for additional requirements.
7.5.2 Bank Branch Terminals
In addition to complying with Rule 7.5, a Bank Branch Terminal must:
1. Be approved in writing by the Corporation to have access to the Interchange System;
2. With respect to Maestro and Cirrus acceptance, accept all Maestro and Cirrus Cards. A bank
branch offering the service must display the Maestro and Cirrus Acceptance Marks on the
door or window, and at the counter where the service is provided. With respect to
Mastercard acceptance, refer to Rule 4.14.4, Mastercard Acceptance Mark Must be
3. Clearly describe by Transaction receipt, screen information, or both the action taken in
response to a Cardholder's request. It is recommended that the bank branch address also
be included on the Transaction receipt;
4. With respect to Maestro and Cirrus acceptance, permit the Cardholder to obtain the
equivalent of USD 200 in the currency in use at the Bank Branch Terminal per Transaction,
subject to authorization of the Transaction by the Issuer. With respect to Mastercard
acceptance, refer to Rule 4.14.2, Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts. The currency may
be dispensed in local currency or another currency, provided the Cardholder is informed of
the currency that will be dispensed before the Transaction is performed. The Transaction
receipt, if provided, must identify the currency dispensed.
NOTE: Refer to Rule 4.15 for additional Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction
requirements. An addition to this Rule appears in the "Europe Region" section at the end of this
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals
Online PIN must be the only CVM supported for Contactless Transactions effected:
At a contactless-enabled ATM Terminal with a Mastercard, Maestro, or Cirrus Card or Access
Device; or
At a contactless-enabled Bank Branch Terminal with a Maestro or Cirrus Card or Access
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the "Canada Region" and "Europe Region" sections at the
end of this chapter.
Terminal Requirements
7.5.1 ATM Terminals
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
In addition to complying with Rule 7.2, a Hybrid Terminal must:
1. Read required data from the chip when present in Chip Cards, and either transmit or
process, as appropriate, all required data for authorization processing. Effective 1 April
2024, this includes when a magnetic stripe is not present on the Chip Card;
2. Complete the Transaction using the EMV chip if present;
3. Read and process EMV-compliant Payment Applications for each of the Corporation’s
brands accepted at that location when a Card containing any such Payment Application is
presented, if the Hybrid Terminal reads and processes any other EMV-compliant payment
application; and
4. Request a cryptogram for all chip-read Transactions; if the Transaction is approved,
transmit an application cryptogram and related data.
A chip-capable Terminal that does not satisfy all of the requirements to be a Hybrid Terminal is
deemed by the Corporation to be a magnetic stripe-only Terminal, and must be identified in
Transaction messages as such.
Chip Transactions must be processed in accordance with the M/Chip Requirements for Contact
and Contactless manual, the Security Rules and Procedures manual, and other applicable
technical specifications. In particular, refer to:
The Security Rules and Procedures manual for Hybrid Terminal security and PIN processing
The M/Chip Requirements for Contact and Contactless manual for technical fallback,
Cardholder verification method (CVM) fallback, and Card authentication method (CAM)
support requirements; and
The Chargeback Guide for information about Intracountry Transaction and Intraregional
Transaction chip liability shifts and the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for Interregional
NOTE: Modifications to this Rule appear in the “Asia/Pacific Region,” “Europe Region,” and “United
States Region” sections at the end of this chapter.
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements
In addition to complying with Rule 7.6, a Hybrid POS Terminal must:
1. At a minimum, support online authorization.
2. If Maestro Cards are accepted, support both online and offline PIN as the CVM. On a
country-by-country basis, Mastercard may permit Acquirers to, at a minimum, support
offline PIN as the CVM as outlined in Rule 3.5.
3. Perform Terminal offline chip authorization limit and Card velocity checking. Transactions
above the Terminal offline chip authorization limit programmed in the POS Terminal must
be routed online to the Issuer, as indicated by the authorization request cryptogram (ARQC).
Terminal Requirements
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
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4. Support online mutual authentication (OMA) and script processing if connected to a debit
acquiring network.
5. If offline Transactions are supported, identify all offline Transactions as such to the Issuer
when submitted for clearing and settlement.
A Hybrid POS Terminal is identified in Transaction messages with the following values:
A value of 3, 5, 8, or 9 in DE 61 (Point-of-Service Data), Subfield 11 (POS Card Data
Terminal Input Capability Indicator) in the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 message, as described in the Customer Interface Specification and
Single Message System Specifications manuals; and
A value of 5, C, D, E, or M in DE 22 (Point of Service Data Code), Subfield 1 (Terminal Data:
Card Data Input Capability) of the First Presentment/1240 message, as described in the IPM
Clearing Formats manual.
A PIN-capable Hybrid POS Terminal is indicated when in addition, DE 22, Subfield 2 (Terminal
Data: Cardholder Authentication Capability), of the First Presentment/1240 message contains
a value of 1.
A chip-capable POS Terminal that does not satisfy all of the requirements to be a Hybrid POS
Terminal is deemed by the Corporation to be a magnetic stripe-only POS Terminal and must be
identified in Transaction messages as such.
NOTE: Additions to this Rule appear in the "Asia/Pacific Region," "Europe Region," and "Middle East/
Africa Region" sections at the end of this chapter.
Hybrid POS Terminal and Chip-only MPOS Terminal Displays
A Hybrid POS Terminal (including any Hybrid MPOS Terminal) and a Chip-only MPOS Terminal
1. Display to the Cardholder all mutually supported application labels or preferred names.
Multiple matching applications must be displayed in the Issuer’s priority sequence.
2. Allow the Cardholder to select the application to be used when multiple matching
applications exist.
3. Display to the Cardholder the Transaction amount and Transaction currency, if different
from the Merchant’s or cash disbursement agent’s local currency.
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the "Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules"
section at the end of this chapter.
7.6.2 Hybrid ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
In addition to complying with Rule 7.6, each Hybrid ATM Terminal and Hybrid Bank Branch
Terminal must:
1. Obtain online authorization from the Issuer for each Transaction, whether the magnetic
stripe or the chip of the Card is used to initiate the Transaction. Offline authorization by
means of the chip, for a technical or any other reason, is not permitted;
Terminal Requirements
Hybrid POS Terminal and Chip-only MPOS Terminal Displays
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2. Support online PIN as the CVM for all ATM Transactions and for all Manual Cash
Disbursement Transactions effected with a Maestro or Cirrus Card;
3. Support full use of the multi-application capabilities of Chip Cards by:
a. Maintaining a complete list of all Application Identifiers (AIDs) for all products they
b. Receiving and retaining updates of AIDs for all products they accept;
c. Attempting to match all AIDs contained in the ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal
with those on any EMV-compliant Chip Card used;
d. Displaying all matching application labels or preferred names to the Cardholder, except
when the Standards permit a compatible product or application to take priority;
e. Allowing the Cardholder to select the application to be used when multiple matching
applications exist, except when the Standards permit a compatible product or
application to take priority; and
f. Providing the Cardholder the option of approving or canceling a Merchandise
Transaction before the products are dispensed or the services are performed.
NOTE: An addition to this Rule appears in the “Europe Region” section at the end of this chapter.
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Functionality
A Terminal may be deployed with Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR payment functionality.
For the purpose of this Rule, a "Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-enabled" Terminal is any
attended or unattended POS Terminal (including any MPOS Terminal) with a QR Code reader
that is activated and can effect a Transaction through the presentment of a QR Code by the
Cardholder and capture of the QR Code by the Merchant to initiate a Transaction.
Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-enabled POS Terminals must comply with the following:
Must support purchase and refund Transactions. The requirement to support refunds using
Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR payment is only applicable to attended Terminals.
Each Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction must be sent for online authorization
by the Issuer.
Terminal CVM processing is not supported for Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR
Must operate in accordance with the M/Chip Requirements for Contact and Contactless
manual and other Terminal-related specifications as provided by Mastercard.
The Acquirer must comply with the Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction
requirements set forth in the M/Chip Requirements for Contact and Contactless manual and the
EMV QR Code Specification for Payments Systems-Consumer-Presented Mode specifications.
An Acquirer may sponsor a Merchant that deploys POS Terminals that utilize only Mastercard
Consumer-Presented QR functionality with the condition that, should the Merchant accept
other forms of payment (e.g., contactless) for competing brands, the Merchant will also accept
those forms of payment for Mastercard.
Terminal Requirements
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Functionality
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
NOTE: A modification to this Rule appears in the "Canada Region" and "United States Region"
sections at the end of this chapter.
Variations and Additions by Region
The remainder of this chapter provides modifications to the Standards set out in this chapter.
The modifications are organized by region or country and by applicable subject title.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Asia/Pacific Region or in a particular
Region country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Asia/Pacific Region geographic listing.
7.2 Terminal Requirements
In Australia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For a Debit Mastercard Card Chip Transaction, a Terminal must not display the application label
"Credit" or any other term or abbreviation that may be construed to mean or refer to a credit
instrument. In accordance with the Standards, the Terminal must display the application
preferred name or application label corresponding to the Mastercard-branded Application
Identifier (AID).
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Effective 1 April 2023, all POS Terminals may be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support
and enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality. This
requirement includes CATs and excludes contactless-only acceptance as described in Rule 4.7.
In Japan, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Effective 1 January 2024, all newly deployed POS Terminals must be Dual Interface Hybrid
Terminals that support and enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment
functionality. This requirement includes CATs and excludes contactless-only acceptance as
described in Rule 4.7.
In China, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All POS Terminals, including CATs and MPOS Terminals and excluding contactless-only
acceptance as described in Rule 4.7, may be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support and
both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality; and
both PBoC contact and PBoC mode contactless payment functionality for China domestic
Terminal Requirements
Variations and Additions by Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
An attended POS Terminal, including any MPOS Terminal, must support online PIN for all China
Domestic Transactions, whether conducted using a magnetic stripe reader, a contact chip
reader, or a contactless reader. Refer to Rule 3.4 for requirements relating to the use of PIN for
Mastercard magnetic stripe Transactions.
In Indonesia and Republic of Korea, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All newly deployed POS Terminals must be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support and
enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality. This requirement
includes CATs, excludes MPOS Terminals, and excludes contactless-only acceptance as described
in Rule 4.7.
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Except as stated below, a contactless-enabled Terminal may support:
Contactless magnetic stripe technology ("Magnetic Stripe Mode") only;
Both contactless magnetic stripe and contactless chip technology ("EMV Mode"); or
EMV mode only.
Any contactless-enabled POS Terminal submitted to the Corporation for MTIP testing as a new
project must only support EMV Mode Contactless Transactions and must not support Magstripe
Mode Contactless Transactions.
The following requirements apply to online PIN support on the contact and contactless interface
of a Dual Interface POS Terminal and on the contactless interface of a contactless-only POS
In China, all POS Terminals (including MPOS Terminals) that accept China Domestic
Transactions must support online PIN. For Cross-border Transactions, online PIN must be
enabled in accordance with the below Asia/Pacific Region schedule.
In all other Asia/Pacific Region countries and territories except Japan, Republic of Korea, and
Effective 1 April 2023, all contactless-enabled POS Terminals submitted to the
Corporation for MTIP testing as a new project must support online PIN.
Effective 1 April 2024, all newly deployed contactless-enabled POS Terminals must
support online PIN.
Support of online PIN is optional at MPOS Terminals, except in China, as stated above.
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Effective 1 April 2023, all MPOS Terminals may be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support
and enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality.
In Japan, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Terminal Requirements
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Effective 1 January 2024, all newly deployed MPOS Terminals must be Dual Interface Hybrid
Terminals that support and enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment
In Indonesia and Republic of Korea, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All newly deployed MPOS Terminals must be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support and
enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality. This requirement
applies regardless of Merchant Transaction Volume.
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must ensure that each of its ATM Terminals and Bank Branch Terminals offer:
1. Cash withdrawals from savings accounts and checking accounts;
2. Cash advances from a credit card; and
3. Balance inquiry for checking accounts, savings accounts, and credit cards.
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
In the Asia/Pacific Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All new Terminals deployed by Region Customers and capable of accepting Chip Cards (credit or
debit) must be EMV-compliant.
For China domestic Transactions, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For a Transaction that occurs at a Hybrid Terminal, if the Card also supports Mastercard chip
technology, the Transaction must be completed using the chip. Technical fallback to magnetic
stripe is not permitted.
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements
In Australia, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
For a Debit Mastercard Card Chip Transaction, a Hybrid POS and Chip-only MPOS Terminal
must not display the application label “Credit” or any other term or abbreviation that may be
construed to mean or refer to a credit instrument. In accordance with the Standards, the
Terminal must display the application preferred name or application label corresponding to the
Mastercard-branded Application Identifier (AID).
Terminal Requirements
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Canada Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Canada Region. Refer to Appendix A for
the Canada Region geographic listing.
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All POS Terminals, including CATs, may be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support and
enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality.
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified to add the following:
All contactless-enabled POS Terminals, including any contactless-enabled Terminal submitted to
the Corporation for MTIP testing as a new project, must only support EMV Mode Contactless
Transactions and must not support Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transactions.
All newly-deployed contactless-enabled POS Terminals, including any contactless-enabled POS
Terminal submitted to the Corporation for MTIP testing as a new project, must transmit the
device type indicator in DE 48, subelement 23 (Payment Initiation Channel), subfield 1 (Device
Type) of authorization messages when present in the Card or Access Device used to effect a
Transaction. The Acquirer must also include the device type indicator, when present, in PDS
0198 (Device Type Indicator) of First Presentment/1240 messages.
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All MPOS Terminals may be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support and enable both EMV
contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality.
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Acquirer must ensure that each of its ATM Terminals and Bank Branch Terminals:
1. Offer cash withdrawal from a savings and checking (or chequing) accounts;
2. Offer cash advances from a credit card.
3. If offered via a Competing ATM Network, offer balance inquiry to a savings account,
checking account, and/or credit card account, and transfers from checking to savings and
from savings to checking accounts.
4. If cash withdrawals not requiring account selection are performed, convert the Transaction
to a withdrawal from no account specified.
An ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal may offer cash withdrawals from no account
Terminal Requirements
Canada Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals
All contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals, including any contactless-enabled
Terminal submitted to the Corporation for MTIP testing as a new project, must only support
EMV Mode Contactless Transactions and must not support Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-enabled POS Terminals
In the Canada Region, the Rule on this subject is modified to add the following:
An Acquirer must transmit the device type indicator in DE 48, subelement 23 (Payment
Initiation Channel), subfield 1 (Device Type) of the Authorization Request/0100 message when
present in the Access Device used to effect a Transaction. The Acquirer must also include the
device type indicator when present in PDS 0198 (Device Type Indicator) of the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Europe Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Europe Region or in a particular Region
country or countries. Refer to Appendix A for the Europe Region, Non-Single European Payments
Area (Non-SEPA) and Single European Payments Area (SEPA) geographic listing.
7.1 Terminal Eligibility
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Terminals may be connected to any switch of the Customer’s choice that is registered with the
7.2 Terminal Requirements
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Terminal must not perform tests or edits on Track 1 data for the purpose of disqualifying
Cards from eligibility for processing by the registered switch of the Acquirer’s choice.
7.2.4 Contactless-enabled Terminals and Contactless Reader Requirements
All contactless-enabled Terminals, including MPOS Terminals, deployed in a Europe Region
country must support Mastercard Contactless Reader Specification version 3.0 (MCL 3.0) or
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A POS Terminal that is required to support Mastercard Contactless Reader Specification version
3.0 (MCL 3.0) or above pursuant to this Rule must support a level of contactless functionality
equivalent to MCL 3.0 or above.
Terminal Requirements
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
The following requirements apply in Greece:
1. A POS Terminal must be configured to require entry of the Transaction amount before the
Card or Access Device is swiped, dipped, or tapped.
2. A POS Terminal deployed at a Merchant location where a gratuity may be added (such as a
bar, restaurant, hotel, or taxi) must contain an automated prompt to the Cardholder to add
the gratuity before the authorization request is submitted. This requirement applies for the
addition of a gratuity to all types of Transactions.
The following requirements apply in Hungary:
An Acquirer that has deployed at least 250 POS Terminals in Hungary, or that has at least two
percent (2%) of the domestic POS acquiring Volume, must technically support the selection of
the different voucher types for government-defined employee benefit programs, such as
accommodation, catering, and recreation voucher types, at Merchant locations offering the
types of goods and/or services that may be purchased under the employee benefit program. The
voucher types apply for prepaid Cards issued under a meal/food voucher product code, such as
MRJ. The Volume percentage must be calculated by the Acquirer twice per year on the basis of
the Hungarian National Bank half-yearly report.
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
Contactless Enablement
The Acquirer of a Merchant located in the Europe Region must ensure that all POS Terminals
(including MPOS Terminals) are contactless-enabled.
All contactless-enabled POS Terminals must support EMV Mode Contactless Transactions.
All newly deployed contactless-enabled POS Terminals, including any contactless-enabled
Terminal submitted to the Corporation for MTIP testing as a new project, must only support
EMV Mode Contactless Transactions and must not support Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless
Effective 1 January 2024, all contactless-enabled POS Terminals must only support EMV Mode
Contactless Transactions and must not support Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless
The Acquirer of a Merchant located in Italy and identified with one of the following Card
acceptor business codes (MCCs) must ensure that all POS Terminals at the Merchant's locations
are contactless-enabled.
5310 Discount Stores
5311 Department Stores
Terminal Requirements
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
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MCC Description
5411 Grocery Stores, Supermarkets
5499 Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores
5541 Service Stations (with or without Ancillary Services)
5651 Family Clothing Stores
5661 Shoe Stores
5691 Men's and Women's Clothing Stores
5699 Accessory and Apparel Stores - Miscellaneous
5719 Miscellaneous House Furnishing Specialty Shops
5722 Household Appliance Stores
5812 Eating Places, Restaurants
5813 Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs, and Taverns - Drinking Places
(Alcoholic Beverages)
5814 Fast Food Restaurants
5912 Drug Stores, Pharmacies
5942 Book Stores
5977 Cosmetic Stores
7230 Barber and Beauty Shops
7523 Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
7832 Motion Picture Theaters
Online PIN Support
POS Terminals deployed in Ireland and the United Kingdom may either support or not support
online PIN on the contactless interface.
In Ireland and the United Kingdom, all new POS Terminals that are submitted to the
Corporation for M-TIP testing on or after 1 April 2023 must support online PIN on the
contactless interface if they support online PIN on the contact interface.
All newly deployed POS Terminals in France must support online PIN on the contactless
Prior to 31 December 2023, POS Terminals deployed in Finland may either support or not
support online PIN on the contactless interface.
Effective 1 May 2024, POS Terminals deployed in Israel may either support or not support online
PIN on the contactless interface.
Terminal Requirements
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals
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In Israel, it is strongly recommended that all new POS Terminals submitted to the Corporation
for M-TIP testing on or after 1 May 2024 support online PIN on the contactless interface if the
POS Terminal supports online PIN on the contact interface.
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Merchant may use an MPOS Terminal that supports only Contact Chip Transactions and
Contactless Transactions and does not support magnetic stripe Transactions.
The following Rule applies in the EEA, UK and Gibraltar:
An MPOS Terminal, including any Chip-only MPOS Terminal, must be identified in authorization
and clearing messages as specified by the registered switch of the Customer’s choice.
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
1. Each ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal must be capable of dispensing, without limit
per Transaction, the authorized amount requested by the Cardholder unless for technical
and/or security considerations/constraints, the amount per Transaction is limited to at least
the equivalent of EUR 200 in local currency.
2. Transfers from one account to another and account selection are not currently supported in
the Europe Region.
3. It is strongly recommended that an Acquirer in the Europe Region support and offer
domestic, inter-European, and intra-European balance inquiry and PIN change and unblock
functionality at all of its ATM Terminals. The Acquirer must ensure that the balance amount
is not provided by the ATM Terminal before the Cardholder’s PIN has been entered. The
recommendation to support PIN change and unblock functionality applies in relation to Chip
Cards only.
An Acquirer must offer balance inquiry and/or PIN change/unblock functionality to
Cardholders if it offers these services to the cardholders of any other network accepted at
the ATM Terminal, ensuring equal treatment according to the Card category (for example,
debit, credit).
4. Except when a Transaction was not completed because the Cardholder failed to collect
some or all of the cash dispensed, the Acquirer must send a reversal or partial reversal
within 60 seconds of receiving the authorization response at the Acquirer host system when
a Transaction fails to complete.
7.5.2 Bank Branch Terminals
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
An Issuer is required to support and an Acquirer may optionally support Transactions effected
with a Bank Branch Terminal.
Terminal Requirements
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements
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7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals
All contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals must support EMV Mode Contactless
All newly-deployed contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals, including any
contactless-enabled Terminal submitted to the Corporation for MTIP testing as a new project,
must only support EMV Mode Contactless Transactions and must not support Magnetic Stripe
Mode Contactless Transactions.
Effective 1 January 2024, all contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals must only
support EMV Mode Contactless Transactions and must not support Magnetic Stripe Mode
Contactless Transactions.
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
1. At a Hybrid ATM Terminal, if the Card also supports EMV chip technology, the Transaction
must be completed using the chip. Technical fallback to magnetic stripe is not permitted.
2. Technical fallback is permitted at Hybrid POS Terminals and Hybrid Bank Branch Terminals.
When technical fallback occurs, PIN must be used as the CVM. An Acquirer may withdraw
support for technical fallback at attended POS Terminals and Bank Branch Terminals when
the Acquirer is content that technical fallback support is no longer required to ensure good
customer service. Upon doing so, the Acquirer must ensure that the POS Terminal or Bank
Branch Terminal continues to support magnetic stripe Card acceptance.
3. All Terminals deployed within SEPA must support both magnetic stripe and EMV chip
4. All Terminals deployed in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro,
North Macedonia, or Serbia must support both magnetic stripe and EMV chip technology.
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
1. CVM fallback from PIN CVM to signature CVM on a Chip Transaction conducted with a
Maestro Card is not permitted.
2. All Hybrid POS Terminals deployed within SEPA must support the use of PIN as the CVM for
intra-SEPA Chip Transactions conducted with Mastercard Cards.
All Hybrid POS Terminals deployed in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova,
Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia must support the use of PIN as the CVM for Chip
Transactions conducted with a Mastercard Card.
In the EEA, UK and Gibraltar, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Hybrid POS Terminal and a PIN-capable Hybrid POS Terminal must be identified in
authorization and clearing messages as specified by the registered switch of the Customer’s
Terminal Requirements
7.5.3 Contactless-enabled ATM and Bank Branch Terminals
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
7.6.2 Hybrid ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
In the Europe Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
ATM Terminals must be contactless-enabled in the following countries by the dates specified.
Countries Effective date
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Requirement already in effect for newly deployed ATM Terminals
19 January 2024 for all ATM Terminals in Czech Republic and
North Macedonia
19 July 2024 for newly deployed ATM Terminals and for ATM
Terminals that are already contactless-enabled for another
acceptance brand
19 July 2028 for all ATM Terminals
Where a Hybrid ATM Terminal or Hybrid Bank Branch Terminal supports more than one payment
application residing on a Chip Card (for example, the Cirrus Payment Application and a stored
value payment application), the Cardholder must be permitted to choose the preferred
payment application.
Terminal Requirements
7.6.2 Hybrid ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
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Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region.
Refer to Appendix A for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region geographic listing.
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All newly-deployed integrated POS Terminals must be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that
support and enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality.
For the purposes of this Rule, an integrated POS Terminal refers to acceptance architectures
where the Merchant’s POS solution is integrated with the Card-reading technology. They are
typically deployed by large Merchant chains and stores. This definition may include automated
fuel dispenser Terminals that have integrated payment functionality, although it does not
include any devices that can be deployed as stand-alone payment Terminals.
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All contactless-enabled Terminals, including a contactless-enabled Terminal submitted to the
Corporation for MTIP testing as a new project, must only support EMV Mode Contactless
Transactions and must not support Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transactions.
All newly-deployed integrated POS Terminals must be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that
support and enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality.
For the purposes of this Rule, an integrated POS Terminal refers to acceptance architectures
where the Merchant's POS solution is integrated with the Card-reading technology. They are
typically deployed by large Merchant chains and stores. This definition may include automated
fuel dispenser Terminals that have integrated payment functionality, although it does not
include any devices that can be deployed as stand-alone payment Terminals.
Online PIN Support
The following requirements apply to online PIN support on the contact and contactless
interfaces of a Dual Interface POS Terminal and on the contactless interface of a contactless-
only POS Terminal.
MPOS Terminals are excluded from the above requirements.
In Brazil, the following requirements apply:
1. A contactless-enabled POS Terminal must support online PIN as the CVM for a Maestro
Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction that exceeds BRL 50; and
2. For Domestic Transactions, if the Cardholder selects the "debit" option when using a
Mastercard Card or Access Device to initiate a Contactless Transaction, Mastercard
Message System processing requirements and the chargeback procedures in Chapter 4 of
the Chargeback Guide will apply. The resulting Transaction is referred to as a Maestro
Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction.
Terminal Requirements
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Online PIN support is required for: Effective as of:
All newly deployed contactless-enabled POS
Terminals except integrated POS (iPOS) Terminals
1 June 2022 except in Mexico
1 June 2024 in Mexico
All newly deployed contactless-enabled integrated
POS (iPOS) Terminals
1 March 2023 except in Mexico
1 March 2025 in Mexico
All contactless-enabled POS Terminals 1 January 2024 except in Mexico
1 December 2025 in Mexico
A contactless-enabled POS Terminal deployed in Brazil, Chile, or Colombia must minimally
support online PIN and may also support Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM) as the CVM for a
Maestro Contactless Transaction that exceeds the applicable contactless CVM limit.
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
In the Latin America and the Caribbean Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All Terminals that are newly deployed within the Region must be EMV-compliant.
Middle East/Africa Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the Middle East/Africa Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the Middle East/Africa Region geographic listing.
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
7.3.1 Contactless-enabled POS Terminals
In the Middle East/Africa Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All contactless-enabled Terminals, including a contactless-enabled Terminal submitted to the
Corporation for MTIP testing as a new project, must only support EMV Mode Contactless
Transactions and must not support Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transactions.
All contactless-enabled POS Terminals deployed in the Region must support online PIN. This
requirement applies to the contact and contactless interfaces of a Dual Interface POS Terminal
and the contactless interface of a contactless-only POS Terminal. MPOS Terminals are excluded
from this requirement.
Terminal Requirements
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
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7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements
In the Middle East/Africa Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All new or retrofitted Terminals deployed by Region Customers must be capable of upgrade to
EMV compliance.
United States Region
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States (U.S.) Region. Refer to
Appendix A for the U.S. Region geographic listing.
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements
In the United States Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All POS Terminals, including CATs, may be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support and
enable both EMV contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality.
A POS Terminal that accepts Mastercard and Maestro as well as supports contactless
acceptance for competing brands, must enable Mastercard and Maestro on the contactless
A newly-deployed POS Terminal that supports contactless acceptance must support only
EMV mode contactless. Magstripe mode contactless must not be supported.
Effective 1 April 2023, all POS Terminals that support contactless acceptance must support
only EMV mode contactless. Magstripe mode contactless must not be supported.
7.3.1 Contactless–enabled POS Terminals
In the U.S. Region, the Acquirer of a Merchant that uses a contactless–enabled POS Terminal
must comply with all of the following:
1. MCL Version 3.0The contactless reader of a newly deployed contactless-enabled POS
Terminal must support MCL version 3.0 or later.
2. Device Type Indicator—An Acquirer must ensure that any newly deployed contactless-
enabled POS Terminal transmits the device type indicator in DE 48, subelement 23
(Payment Initiation Channel), subfield 1 (Device Type) of authorization messages when
present in the Card or Access Device used to effect a Transaction. The Acquirer must also
include the device type indicator, when present, in PDS 0198 (Device Type Indicator) of First
Presentment/1240 messages.
3. CVM Support—A contactless–enabled POS Terminal deployed in the U.S. Region must
minimally support online PIN as the CVM for a Maestro Contactless Transaction that
exceeds the applicable contactless CVM limit. Any newly deployed or replacement
contactless-enabled POS Terminal must also support Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM).
Terminal Requirements
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
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7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements
In the United States Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
All MPOS Terminals may be Dual Interface Hybrid Terminals that support and enable both EMV
contact and EMV Mode contactless payment functionality.
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows:
1. An ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal must:
a. Offer cash withdrawals from savings and checking accounts and cash advances from
credit cards;
b. Offer balance inquiry for checking accounts, savings accounts, and credit cards;
c. Offer transfers from checking to savings accounts and from savings to checking
d. Offer Shared Deposit to savings accounts and checking accounts if the ATM Terminal or
Bank Branch Terminal accepts shared deposits for any other shared deposit service; and
e. Convert a cash withdrawal performed without account selection to a withdrawal from
no account specified.
2. An ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal may offer:
a. Cash withdrawals from no account specified; and
b. Shared Deposit to savings and checking accounts if the Terminal does not accept shared
deposits for any other shared deposit service.
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified as follows.
A Hybrid Terminal deployed in the U.S. Region must be configured as online-only or online-
preferring for both Contact Chip Transaction and Contactless Transaction processing. “Online-
only” means that the Hybrid Terminal seeks online authorization for all Transactions. “Online-
preferring” means that the Hybrid Terminal seeks an online authorization for all Transactions,
but may approve a Transaction that does not exceed the applicable Terminal offline chip
authorization limit when in the “unable to go online” mode. This may occur when the Terminal
temporarily loses online connectivity or does not receive an authorization response from the
Issuer. For more information, refer to M/Chip Requirements for Contact and Contactless.
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR-enabled POS Terminals
In the U.S. Region, the Rule on this subject is modified to add the following:
An Acquirer must transmit the device type indicator in DE 48, subelement 23 (Payment
Initiation Channel), subfield 1 (Device Type) of the Authorization Request/0100 message or the
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message when present in the Access Device used to effect
a Transaction. The Acquirer must also include the device type indicator, when present, in PDS
0198 (Device Type Indicator) of the First Presentment/1240 message.
Terminal Requirements
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements
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Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules
The following modifications to the Rules apply in the United States Region and in American
Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (herein, “the
U.S. Territories”).
These Rules apply in addition to any that apply within the Asia/Pacific Region, with respect to
Customers located in American Samoa, Guam, and Northern Mariana Islands; the Latin America
and the Caribbean Region, with respect to Customers located in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands; and the United States Region, with respect to U.S. Region Customers.
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements
7.6.1 Hybrid POS Terminal Requirements
Hybrid POS Terminal and Chip-only MPOS Terminal Displays
In the U.S. Region and U.S. Territories, the Rule on this subject is replaced with the following:
A Hybrid POS Terminal (including any Hybrid MPOS Terminal) and a Chip-only MPOS Terminal
1. For each debit Account (including any prepaid debit Account) on a Card, display to the
Cardholder at least one mutually supported application label or preferred name, which the
Merchant may select.
2. For each credit Account on a Card, display all mutually supported application labels or
preferred names. Multiple matching applications must be displayed in the Issuer's priority
3. Display to the Cardholder the Transaction amount and Transaction currency, if different
from the Merchant's or cash disbursement agent's local currency.
For more information, refer to the U.S. Region section in Chapter 2 of the M/Chip Requirements
for Contact and Contactless manual.
Terminal Requirements
Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Appendix A Geographic Regions
This appendix provides listings of geographic regions.
Asia/Pacific Region.............................................................................................................................................273
Canada Region....................................................................................................................................................274
Europe Region..................................................................................................................................................... 274
Single European Payments Area (SEPA).................................................................................................. 275
Non-Single European Payments Area (Non-SEPA).................................................................................275
Latin America and the Caribbean Region...................................................................................................... 276
Middle East/Africa Region.................................................................................................................................277
United States Region.........................................................................................................................................278
Geographic Regions
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Asia/Pacific Region
The Asia/Pacific Region includes the following countries or territories.
American Samoa Myanmar
Australia Nauru
Bangladesh Nepal
Bhutan New Caledonia
Brunei Darussalam New Zealand
Cambodia Niue
China Norfolk Island
Christmas Island Northern Mariana Islands
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Palau
Cook Islands Papua New Guinea
Fiji Philippines
French Polynesia Pitcairn
Guam Samoa
Heard and McDonald Islands Singapore
Hong Kong SAR Solomon Islands
India Sri Lanka
Indonesia Taiwan
Japan Thailand
Kiribati Timor-Leste
Korea, Republic of Tokelau
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Tonga
Macao SAR Tuvalu
Malaysia U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
Maldives Vanuatu
Marshall Islands Viet Nam
Micronesia, Federated States of Wallis and Futuna
Geographic Regions
Asia/Pacific Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Canada Region
The Canada Region is composed of Canada.
Europe Region
The Europe Region includes the following countries or territories.
Albania Guernsey Norway
Andorra Hungary Poland
Antarctica Iceland Portugal
Armenia Ireland Romania
Austria Isle of Man Russian Federation
Azerbaijan Israel Saint Helena, Ascension and
Tristan Da Cunha
Belarus Italy Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Belgium Jersey San Marino
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kazakhstan Serbia
Bulgaria Kosovo Slovakia
Croatia Kyrgyzstan Slovenia
Cyprus Latvia Spain
Czech Republic Liechtenstein Sweden
Lithuania Switzerland
Estonia Luxembourg Tajikistan
Malta Turkey
Moldova Turkmenistan
Georgia Monaco Ukraine
Germany Montenegro United Kingdom
Includes Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
Includes Azores and Madeira.
Includes Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.
Includes Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Includes Aland Islands.
Includes Mayotte, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, St. Martin (French Part), Réunion, and St. Barthélemy.
Includes Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.
Geographic Regions
Canada Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Gibraltar Netherlands Uzbekistan
Greece North Macedonia Vatican City
Changes in allegiance or national affiliation of a part of any of the countries listed in this
appendix shall not affect the geographic coverage of the definition.
Single European Payments Area (SEPA)
The Single European Payments Area includes the following countries or territories.
Andorra Greece Netherlands
Antarctica Guernsey Norway
Austria Hungary Poland
Belgium Iceland Portugal
Bulgaria Ireland Romania
Croatia Isle of Man Saint Helena, Ascension and
Tristan da Cunha
Cyprus Italy San Marino
Czech Republic Jersey Slovakia
Latvia Slovenia
Estonia Liechtenstein Spain
Lithuania Sweden
Luxembourg Switzerland
Germany Malta United Kingdom
Gibraltar Monaco Vatican City
Non-Single European Payments Area (Non-SEPA)
The Non-Single European Payments Area includes the following countries or territories.
Armenia Montenegro
Includes Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
Includes Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Includes Aland Islands.
Includes Mayotte, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, St. Martin (French Part), Réunion, and St. Barthélemy.
Includes Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.
Geographic Regions
Single European Payments Area (SEPA)
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Azerbaijan North Macedonia
Belarus Russian Federation
Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia
Georgia Tajikistan
Israel Turkey
Kazakhstan Turkmenistan
Kosovo Ukraine
Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The Latin America and the Caribbean Region includes the following countries or territories.
Cuba Panama
Antigua and Barbuda Curacao Paraguay
Argentina Dominica Peru
Aruba Dominican Republic Puerto Rico
Bahamas Ecuador St. Kitts-Nevis
Barbados El Salvador St. Lucia
Belize Grenada St. Maarten
Bermuda Guatemala St. Vincent and the Grenadines
BES Islands
Guyana Suriname
Bolivia Haiti Trinidad and Tobago
Brazil Honduras Turks and Caicos Islands
Cayman Islands Jamaica Uruguay
Chile Mexico Venezuela
Colombia Montserrat Virgin Islands, British
Costa Rica Nicaragua Virgin Islands, U.S.
Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba.
Geographic Regions
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
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Middle East/Africa Region
The Middle East/Africa Region includes the following countries or territories.
Afghanistan Gabon Pakistan
Algeria Gambia Palestine
Angola Ghana Qatar
Bahrain Guinea Rwanda
Benin Guinea-Bissau Sao Tome and Principe
Botswana Iraq Saudi Arabia
Bouvet Island Jordan Senegal
British Indian Ocean Territory Kenya Seychelles
Burkina Faso Kuwait Sierra Leone
Burundi Lebanon Somalia
Cameroon Lesotho South Africa
Cape Verde Liberia South Sudan
Central African Republic Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Sudan (excluding Darfur)
Chad Madagascar Swaziland
Comoros Malawi Tanzania
Congo Mali Togo
Côte D’Ivoire Mauritania Tunisia
Democratic Republic of the
Mauritius Uganda
Djibouti Morocco United Arab Emirates
Egypt Mozambique Western Sahara
Equatorial Guinea Namibia Yemen
Eritrea Niger Zambia
Ethiopia Nigeria Zimbabwe
French Southern Territories Oman
West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA)
The West African Economic and Monetary Union includes the following countries or territories.
Geographic Regions
Middle East/Africa Region
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Benin Mali Togo
Burkina Faso Niger Guinea-Bissau
Cote d’Ivoire Senegal
United States Region
The United States Region is composed of the United States.
Geographic Regions
United States Region
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Appendix B Compliance Zones
The following table identifies the noncompliance category that the Corporation has assigned to the
Standards described within this manual.
Compliance Zones.............................................................................................................................................. 280
Compliance Zones
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Compliance Zones
The following table identifies the noncompliance category that Mastercard has assigned to the
Standards described within this manual. These noncompliance categories are assigned for the
purposes of noncompliance assessments under the compliance framework in section 2.1.4,
"Noncompliance Assessments" of the Mastercard Rules manual.
Rule Number Rule Title Category
1.1 Connecting to the Interchange System A
1.2 Authorization Routing - Mastercard POS Transactions A
1.3 Authorization Routing - Maestro, Cirrus, and ATM Transactions A
1.3.1 Routing Instructions and System Maintenance C
1.3.2 Chip Transaction Routing A
1.3.3 Domestic Transaction Routing A
1.4 ATM Terminal Connection to the Interchange System A
1.5 Gateway Processing A
1.6 POS Terminal Connection to the Interchange System A
2.1 Acquirer Authorization Requirements A
2.2 Issuer Authorization Requirements A
2.3 Authorization Responses A
2.4 Performance Standards A
2.5 Preauthorizations A
2.6 Undefined Authorizations A
2.7 Final Authorizations A
2.8 Message Reason Code 4808 Chargeback Protection Period A
2.9 Multiple Authorizations A
2.10 Multiple Clearing Messages A
2.11 Full and Partial Reversals A
2.12 Full and Partial Approvals A
2.13 Refund Transactions and Corrections A
Compliance Zones
Compliance Zones
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Rule Number Rule Title Category
2.14 Balance Inquiries B
2.15 CVC 2 Verification for POS Transactions A
2.16 CVC 3 Verification for Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless
Transactions - Brazil Only
2.17 Euro Conversion - Europe Region Only C
2.18 Transaction Queries and Disputes B
2.18.1 Retrieval Requests and Fulfillments C
2.18.2 Compliance with Dispute Procedures A
2.19 Chargebacks for Reissued Cards C
2.20 Correction of Errors A
2.21 Merchant Payment Gateway Identifier (MPG ID) A
2.22 Co-badged Cards - Acceptance Brand Identifier B
3.1 Card-Present Transactions B
3.1.1 Mastercard Card Acceptance Procedures B
3.1.2 Maestro Card Acceptance Procedures B
3.2 Card-Not-Present Transactions B
3.3 Obtaining an Authorization A
3.3.1 Mastercard POS Transaction Authorization Procedures A
3.3.2 Maestro POS Transaction Authorization Procedures A
3.4 Mastercard Cardholder Verification Requirements A
3.5 Maestro Cardholder Verification Requirements A
3.6 Use of a PIN for Transactions at ATM Terminals and Bank Branch
3.7 Use of a Consumer Device CVM A
3.8 POI Currency Conversion B
3.9 Multiple Transactions - Mastercard POS Transactions Only B
3.10 Partial Payment - Mastercard POS Transactions Only B
3.11 Specific Terms of a Transaction B
Compliance Zones
Compliance Zones
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Rule Number Rule Title Category
3.12 Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damage - Mastercard POS Transactions
3.13 Providing a Transaction Receipt B
3.13.1 POS and Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction Receipt
3.13.2 ATM and Bank Branch Terminal Transaction Receipt Requirements B
3.13.3 Primary Account Number (PAN) Truncation and Expiration Date
3.13.4 Prohibited Information A
3.13.5 Standard Wording for Formsets B
3.14 Returned Products and Canceled Services B
3.14.1 Refund Transactions B
3.15 Transaction Records B
4.1 Chip Transactions at Hybrid Terminals A
4.2 Offline Transactions Performed on Board Planes, Trains, and Ships B
4.3 No-CVM Magnetic Stripe and Contact Chip Maestro POS Transactions
- Europe Region Only
4.4 Contactless Transactions at POS Terminals A
4.5 Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions A
4.6 Contactless Transactions at ATM Terminals A
4.7 Contactless-only Acceptance B
4.8 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions at POS Terminals B
4.9 Purchase with Cash Back Transactions A
4.10 Transactions at Unattended POS Terminals A
4.10.1 Automated Fuel Dispenser Transactions A
4.11 PIN-based Debit Transactions - United States Region Only A
4.12 PIN-less Single Message Transactions - United States Region Only A
4.13 Merchant-approved Maestro POS Transactions A
Compliance Zones
Compliance Zones
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Rule Number Rule Title Category
4.14 Mastercard Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions A
4.14.1 Non-discrimination Regarding Cash Disbursement Services A
4.14.2 Maximum Cash Disbursement Amounts B
4.14.3 Discount or Service Charges B
4.14.4 Mastercard Acceptance Mark Must Be Displayed B
4.15 Encashment of Mastercard Travelers Cheques B
4.16 ATM Transactions A
4.17 ATM Access Fees B
4.18 Merchandise Transactions at ATM Terminals A
4.19 Shared Deposits - United States Region Only A
5.1 Electronic Commerce Transactions A
5.2 Mail Order and Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transactions A
5.3 Credential-on-File Transactions A
5.4 Recurring Payment Transactions A
5.5 Installment Billing A
5.6 Transit Transactions Performed for Debt Recovery B
5.7 Use of Automatic Billing Updater B
5.8 Authentication Requirements - Europe Region Only A
5.9 Merchant-initiated Transactions - EEA, United Kingdom, and Gibraltar
6.1 Payment Transactions A
6.2 Gaming Payment Transactions A
6.3 MoneySend Payment Transactions A
7.1 Terminal Eligibility A
7.2 Terminal Requirements A
7.2.1 Terminal Function Keys C
7.2.2 Terminal Responses B
Compliance Zones
Compliance Zones
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Rule Number Rule Title Category
7.2.3 Terminal Transaction Log A
7.2.4 Contactless-enabled Terminals and Contactless Reader Requirements A
7.3 POS Terminal Requirements A
7.4 Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal Requirements A
7.5 ATM Terminal and Bank Branch Terminal Requirements A
7.6 Hybrid Terminal Requirements A
7.7 Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Functionality A
Appendix C - Transaction Identification Requirements A
Appendix D - Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Requirements A
Appendix F - Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display B
Compliance Zones
Compliance Zones
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Appendix C Transaction Identification Requirements
This appendix contains requirements for transaction identification. In the EEA, a Customer must identify
Transactions in authorization and clearing messages using the values and in the fields defined by the
registered switch of its choice.
Transaction Date................................................................................................................................................286
Contactless Transactions..................................................................................................................................286
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.........................................................................................288
Contactless-only Transactions....................................................................................................................290
Payment Transactions.......................................................................................................................................292
Electronic Commerce Transactions.................................................................................................................294
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions..............................................................................................296
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Chip Data................................................ 296
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Digital Payment Data........................... 298
Merchant-initiated Transactions following Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions............ 300
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions......................................................................................301
Transaction Type Identifier (TTI)......................................................................................................................302
Merchant Country of Origin..............................................................................................................................302
China Deposit Transactions..............................................................................................................................302
China Funds Transfer Transactions.................................................................................................................303
Cardholder-initiated Transactions (CITs)....................................................................................................... 305
Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs)......................................................................................................... 306
Transaction Identification Requirements
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Transaction Date
The Transaction date appearing in DE 12 (Date and Time, Local Transaction) is specified as
For the following Transaction… The Transaction date is the date on which…
Face-to-Face The products or services are exchanged.
Non–Face-to-Face The products are shipped or services performed.
Vehicle Rental The vehicle is returned, or, if applicable, the prepayment date.
Lodging Checkout occurred, or if applicable, the prepayment date.
No-show The Cardholder was expected to arrive at the lodging merchant
and failed to appear.
Airline/Railway The airline or railway ticket was issued.
Cruise Line The transportation documents were issued.
On-board Cruise Line The passenger disembarks.
Refund The Merchant grants a credit or price adjustment.
All In-Flight Commerce Transactions
except those involving mailed
The flight departs from the originating city. The Transaction date
for in-flight commerce mailed purchases is the shipment date
unless otherwise disclosed to the Cardholder.
Mastercard Contactless Transit
One or more contactless taps performed with one Mastercard
Account and occurring at one transit Merchant are aggregated in
a First Presentment/1240 message.
Maestro Contactless Transit
A Financial Transaction Request/0200 (or in the Europe Region, an
Authorization Request/0100) message is sent for an estimated or
maximum amount in connection with the use of one Maestro
Account at one transit Merchant.
Card-not-present purchase
aggregation (U.S. Region only)
The Cardholder’s multiple individual purchases involving one
Mastercard Account that occurred at a Merchant registered in the
Mastercard Micropayment Solution are aggregated by the
Merchant into a total Transaction amount and submitted to the
Contactless Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Contactless Transaction with the following values.
A Transaction must not be identified as a Contactless Transaction if the Card information is
contact chip-read, magnetic stripe-read, or key-entered. In addition, a Transaction must not be
Transaction Identification Requirements
Transaction Date
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
identified as a Maestro Contactless Transaction if the Card information is contactless magnetic
stripe-read, except in Brazil with respect to Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless
Transactions (referred to herein as "Maestro Magstripe").
Table 8: Contactless Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/
0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point of Service [POS]
Entry Mode
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
One of the following:
07 (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
91 (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic
stripe—the full track data had been read from
the data on the card and transmitted within
the authorization request in DE 35 [Track 2
Data] or DE 45 [Track 1 Data] without
alteration or truncation)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS]
11 (POS Card Data
Terminal Input Capabilities)
One of the following:
3 (Contactless M/Chip)
4 (Contactless Magnetic Stripe)
Table 9: Contactless Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point of Service Data
1 (Terminal Data: Card
Data Capability)
One of the following:
A (Contactless Magnetic Stripe [Proximity
M (Contactless EMV/Chip [Proximity Chip])
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Contactless transit aggregated Transaction with the following
Table 10: Contactless Transit Aggregated Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
18 (Merchant Type) One of the following:
4111 (Transportation - Suburban and Local
Commuter Passenger, including Ferries)
4131 (Bus Lines)
4784 (Bridge and Road Fees, Tolls)
22 (Point-of-Service [POS]
Entry Mode)
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
Any of the values shown in "Contactless
Transaction Values for Authorization Request/
0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
NOTE: Additionally, the value of 82 appears in
Contactless debt repayment Transactions.
48 (Additional Data -
Private Use)
1 (Transaction Category
Code [TCC])
X (Airline and Other Transportation Services)
48 (Additional Data -
Private Use), subelement 64
(Transit Program)
1 (Transit Transaction Type) One of the following:
03 (Post-authorized Aggregated)
05 (Other)
NOTE: This value is only for contactless
transit aggregated Transactions occurring at
U.S. Region Merchant locations.
06 (Post-authorized Aggregated Maestro)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS]
1 (POS Terminal
1 (Unattended terminal)
3 (POS Terminal Location) 0 (On premises of merchant facility)
4 (POS Cardholder
0 (Cardholder present)
5 (POS Card Presence) 0 (Card present)
6 (POS Card Capture
0 (Terminal/Operator has no card capture
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield Value
7 (POS Transaction Status) One of the following:
0 (Normal request)
1 (Deferred authorization)
NOTE: This value is only for contactless
transit aggregated Transactions occurring at
U.S. Region Merchant locations.
4 (Pre-authorized request)
10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level)
0 (Not a CAT transaction)
11 (POS Card Data
Terminal Input Capability)
One of the following:
3 (Contactless M/Chip)
4 (Contactless Magnetic Stripe)
Table 11: Contactless Transit Aggregated Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element/PDS Subfield Value
22 (Point of Service Data
1 (Terminal Data: Card
Data Capability)
One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
3 (Terminal Data: Card
Capture Capability)
0 (No capture capability)
4 (Terminal Operating
2 (On merchant premises; unattended terminal)
5 (Card Present Data) 0 (Cardholder present)
6 (Card Present Data) 1 (Card present)
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
26 (Merchant Business
Code [MCC])
One of the following:
4111 (Transportation-Suburban and Local
Commuter Passenger, including Ferries)
4131 (Bus Lines)
4784 (Bridge and Road Fees, Tolls)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element/PDS Subfield Value
PDS 0210 (Transit
Transaction Program)
1 (Transit Transaction Type) One of the following:
03 (Post-authorized Aggregated)
05 (Other) - effective 15 August 2022, applies
to contactless transit aggregated Transactions
occurring at U.S. Region Merchant locations
06 (Post-authorized Aggregated Maestro)
Contactless-only Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Contactless-only Transaction with the following values.
Table 12: Contactless-Only Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction
Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
18 (Merchant Type) An MCC approved to be Contactless-only as
published by Mastercard from time to time.
22 (Point-of-Service [POS]
Entry Mode)
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
Any of the values shown in "Contactless
Transaction Values for Authorization Request/
0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
61 (Point-of-Service [POS]
1 (POS Terminal
1 (Unattended terminal)
3 (POS Terminal Location) One of the following:
0 (On premises of merchant facility)
1 (Off premises of merchant facility [merchant
terminal - remote location])
4 (POS Cardholder
0 (Cardholder present)
5 (POS Card Presence) 0 (Card present)
7 (POS Transaction Status) 0 (Normal request)
10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level)
One of the following:
1 (Authorized Level 1 CAT: Automated
dispensing machine with PIN)
2 (Authorized Level 2 CAT: Self-service
3 (Authorized Level 3 CAT: Limited-amount
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless-only Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield Value
11 (POS Card Data
Terminal Input Capability)
One of the following:
3 (Contactless M/Chip)
4 (Contactless Magnetic Stripe)
Table 13: Contactless-Only Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point of Service Data
1 (Terminal Data: Card
Data Capability)
One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
4 (Terminal Operating
One of the following:
2 (On merchant premises; unattended
4 (Off merchant premises; unattended)
6 (Off cardholder premises; unattended)
5 (Card Present Data) 0 (Cardholder present)
6 (Card Present Data) 1 (Card present)
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
26 (Merchant Business
Code [MCC])
An MCC approved to be contactless-only as
published by Mastercard from time to time.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless-only Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Payment Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Payment Transaction, MoneySend Payment Transaction, and
Gaming Payment Transaction, as applicable, with the following values.
Table 14: Payment Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/
0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
3 (Processing Code) 1 (Cardholder Transaction
18 (Merchant Type) One of the following for Payment Transactions:
6532 for a Payment Transaction processed by
a Customer or its authorized agent.
6533 for a Payment Transaction processed by
a Merchant.
7800 for Gaming Payment Transactions
(Government-owned Lottery, U.S. Region only)
7801 for Gaming Payment Transactions
(Internet Gambling, U.S. Region only)
7802 for Gaming Payment Transactions
(Government Licensed Horse/Dog Racing, U.S.
Region only)
7994 for Gaming Payment Transactions (Video
Game Arcades/Establishments)
7995 for Gaming Payment Transactions
(Gambling Transactions, Europe, MEA, and U.S.
Regions only)
A value specified for Payment Transactions in
the applicable Customer-to-Customer
intracountry, or intercountry business service
arrangement, if one is in place.
For MoneySend Payment Transactions, as
described in the MoneySend Program Guide.
For Payment Transactions (other than
MoneySend Payment Transactions), the
program-defined MCC as described in the
applicable Standards.
48 (Additional Data -
Private Use)
TCC (Transaction Category
Refer to the Quick Reference Booklet.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Payment Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield Value
48 (Additional Data -
Private Use)
77 (Payment Transaction
Type Indicator)
Payment Transaction program type identified in
the Customer Interface Specification and the
Single Message System Specifications.
Table 15: Payment Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
3 (Processing Code) 1 (Cardholder Transaction
26 (Merchant Business
As described for DE 18 (Merchant Type) in the
Authorization Request/0100 message
48 (Additional Data -
Private Use)
PDS 0043 (Program
Registration ID)
Payment Transaction program type
The value used for the Payment Transaction program type must be that which best describes
the purpose of the Payment Transaction.
The Acquirer also should provide either the customer service phone number in PDS 0170
(Merchant Inquiry Information), subfield 1 (Customer Service Phone Number) or the URL
address in PDS 0175 (Merchant URL) in the clearing message.
A Payment Transaction Detail addendum may also be submitted with a Payment Transaction.
This addendum provides the Issuer and Cardholder with enhanced data about the Merchant, the
recipient of funds, and other Transaction details.
In the Europe and United States Regions, Customers must refer to the Mastercard Gaming and
Gambling Payments Program Standards for requirements relating to Gaming Payment
Transaction message specifications, including applicable Payment Transaction program type
Transaction Identification Requirements
Payment Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Electronic Commerce Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each electronic commerce Transaction with the following values.
Table 16: Authorization Request/0100, Authorization Advice/0120, Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420, and
Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Subfield or
Subelement Field Value Description
22 01 POS Terminal PAN Entry
09, 10, or 81 09 = PAN/Token entry via electronic
commerce containing DSRP
cryptogram in DE 55 (Integrated
Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related
10 = Credential on File
81 = PAN/Token entry via electronic
commerce with optional Identity
Check-AAV or DSRP cryptogram in
02 POS Terminal PIN Entry
2 Terminal does not have PIN entry
48 01 Transaction Category
T Phone, Mail, or Electronic
Commerce Order
42/SF 1 Electronic Commerce
Security Level Indicator
and UCAF Collection
As appropriate
61 1 POS Terminal Attendance 1 Unattended terminal (Cardholder-
Activated Terminal [CAT], home PC,
mobile phone, PDA)
3 POS Terminal Location 4 On premises of Card acceptor
facility (Cardholder terminal
including home PC, mobile phone,
4 POS Cardholder Presence 4 or 5 4 (Cardholder not present
(standing order/recurring
transactions) [If the Transaction is
the first payment in a recurring
payment arrangement]
5 (Cardholder not present
[electronic order])
5 POS Card Presence 1 Card not present
Transaction Identification Requirements
Electronic Commerce Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Subfield or
Subelement Field Value Description
6 POS Card Capture
0 Terminal/operator does not have
card capture capability
7 POS Transaction Status 0 or 4 0 = Normal request
4 = Preauthorized request
8 POS Transaction Security 0 No security concern
10 Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level
6 Authorized Level 6 CAT: Electronic
11 POS Card Data Terminal
Input Capability Indicator
6 Terminal supports key entry input
Table 17: First Presentment/1240 Message
Subfield or
Subelement Field Value Description
22 1 Terminal Data: Card Data
Input Capability
6 Terminal supports key entry input
2 Terminal Data:
Authentication Capability
0 No electronic authentication
3 Terminal Data: Card
Capture Capability
0 No capture capability
4 Terminal Operating
2 On acceptor premises; unattended
5 Cardholder Present Data 4 or 5 4 (Cardholder not present
(standing order/recurring
transactions) [If the Transaction is
the first payment in a recurring
payment arrangement]
5 (Cardholder not present
[electronic order])
6 Card Present Data 0 Card not present
Transaction Identification Requirements
Electronic Commerce Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Subfield or
Subelement Field Value Description
7 Card Data: Input Mode 7, R, or S 7 = Credential on File
R = PAN/Token entry via Electronic
commerce containing DSRP
cryptogram in DE 55 (Integrated
Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related
S = Electronic commerce
12 PIN Capture Capability 0 No PIN capture capability
PDS 0023 Terminal Type CT6 CAT Level 6 (Electronic commerce
PDS 0052 Electronic Commerce
Security Level Indicator
As appropriate
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
A Digital Secure Remote Payment Transaction is an electronic commerce Transaction that
contains cryptographic information, in the form of either full EMV chip data passed in DE 55 or
a cryptographic value derived from an M/Chip cryptogram passed in the Digital Payment Data
field. Subsequent to the initial Digital Secure Remote Payment Transaction, a related
Transaction for a partial shipment may occur, in which case cryptographic information is not
passed. When a Digital Secure Remote Payment Transaction contains tokenized account
information, the Mastercard Digital Enablement Service performs token mapping and
cryptographic validation services.
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Chip Data
Table 18: Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield or Subelement Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS]
Entry Mode)
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
09 (PAN/Token entry via electronic commerce
containing DSRP cryptogram in DE 55 [Integrated
Circuit Card [ICC] System-Related Data])
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield or Subelement Value
48 (Additional Data -
Private Use)
33 (PAN Mapping File
Present when the Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service performs token mapping.
71 (On-behalf Services) Present when the Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service performs token mapping:
Subfield 1 (On-behalf [OB] Service) = 50
(Mastercard Digital Enablement Service PAN
Mapping); and
Subfield 2 (On-behalf [OB] Result 1) = C
(Conversion of Token to PAN completed
71 (On-behalf Services) Present when the Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service performs cryptographic validation:
Subfield 1 = 51 (Mastercard Digital
Enablement Service Chip Pre-Validation); and
Subfield 2 = V (Valid)
55 (Integrated Circuit Card
[ICC] System-Related Data)
Contains chip data formatted in accordance with
EMV specifications.
61 (Point-of-Service [POS]
3 (POS Terminal Location) One of the following:
2 (Off premises of card acceptor facility
[cardholder terminal including home PC, mobile
phone, PDA]); or
4 (On premises of card acceptor facility
[cardholder terminal including home PC, mobile
phone, PDA])
4 (POS Cardholder
5 (Electronic order [home PC, Internet, mobile
phone, PDA])
10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level)
6 (Authorized Level 6 CAT: Electronic commerce)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Chip Data
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Table 19: First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield or PDS Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS]
Data Code)
4 (Terminal Operating
One of the following:
2 (On card acceptor premises; unattended
terminal); or
4 (Off card acceptor premises; unattended)
5 (Cardholder Present
5 (Cardholder not present [electronic order (PC,
Internet, mobile phone, or PDA)])
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) R (PAN Entry via electronic commerce, including
remote chip)
48 (Additional Data) PDS 0023 (Terminal Type) CT 6 (CAT level 6 [electronic commerce
55 (Integrated Circuit Card
[ICC] System-Related Data)
Contains chip data formatted in accordance with
EMV specifications.
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Digital Payment Data
Table 20: Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield or Subelement Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS]
Entry Mode)
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
One of the following:
10 (Credential-on-file)
81 (PAN/Token entry via electronic commerce
with optional Identity Check AAV or DSRP
cryptogram in UCAF)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Digital Payment Data
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield or Subelement Value
48 (Additional Data -
Private Use)
33 (PAN Mapping File
Present when the Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service performs token mapping.
42 (Electronic Commerce
Indicators), subfield 1
(Electronic Commerce
Security Level Indicator and
UCAF Collection Indicator)
All of the following:
Position 1 = 2
Position 2 = 4
Position 3 = 2 or 6
71 (On-behalf Services) Present when the Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service performs token mapping:
Subfield 1 (On-behalf [OB] Result 1) = 50
(Mastercard Digital Enablement Service PAN
Mapping); and
Subfield 2 (On-behalf [OB] Service) = C
(Conversion of Token to PAN completed
71 (On-behalf Services) Present when the Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service performs cryptographic validation:
Subfield 1 = 51 (Mastercard Digital
Enablement Service Chip Pre-Validation); and
Subfield 2 = V (Valid)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS]
3 (POS Terminal Location) One of the following:
2 (Off premises of card acceptor facility
[cardholder terminal including home PC, mobile
phone, PDA]); or
4 (On premises of card acceptor facility
[cardholder terminal including home PC, mobile
phone, PDA])
4 (POS Cardholder
5 (Electronic order [home PC, Internet, mobile
phone, PDA])
10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level)
6 (Authorized Level 6 CAT: Electronic commerce)
DE 104 (Digital Payment
001 (Digital Payment
Contains the DSRP cryptogram
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Digital Payment Data
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Table 21: First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield or PDS Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS]
Data Code)
4 (Terminal Operating
One of the following:
2 (On card acceptor premises; unattended
terminal); or
4 (Off card acceptor premises; unattended)
5 (Cardholder Present
5 (Cardholder not present [electronic order (PC,
Internet, mobile phone, or PDA)])
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) S (Electronic commerce)
48 (Additional Data) PDS 0023 (Terminal Type) CT 6 (CAT level 6 [electronic commerce
PDS 0052 (Electronic
Commerce Security Level
All of the following:
Position 1 = 2
Position 2 = 4
Position 3 = 2 or 6
Merchant-initiated Transactions following Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
Table 22: Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield or Subelement Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS]
Entry Mode)
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
10 (Credential-on-file) or 81 (PAN entry via
electronic commerce, including chip)
48 (Additional Data -
Private Use)
33 (PAN Mapping File
Present when the Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service performs token mapping.
42 (Electronic Commerce
Indicators), Subfield 1
(Electronic Commerce
Security Level Indicator and
UCAF Collection Indicator)
All of the following:
Position 1 = 2
Position 2 = 4
Position 3 = 7
NOTE: Liability will depend on whether
cryptographic data was present matching initial
DSRP transaction.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Merchant-initiated Transactions following Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield or Subelement Value
71 (On-behalf Services) Present when the Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service performs token mapping:
Subfield 1 (On-behalf [OB] Service) = 50
(Mastercard Digital Enablement Service PAN
Mapping); and
Subfield 2 (On-behalf [OB] Result 1) = C
(Conversion of Token to PAN completed
NOTE: Value 51 (Mastercard Digital Enablement
Service Chip Pre-Validation) does not appear in a
partial shipment or recurring payment.
Table 23: First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield or PDS Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS]
Data Code)
4 (Terminal Operating
One of the following:
2 (On card acceptor premises; unattended
terminal); or
4 (Off card acceptor premises; unattended)
5 (Cardholder Present
5 (Cardholder not present [electronic order (PC,
Internet, mobile phone, or PDA)])
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) S (Electronic commerce)
48 (Additional Data) PDS 0023 (Terminal Type) CT 6 (CAT level 6 [electronic commerce
PDS 0052 (Electronic
Commerce Security Level
All of the following:
Position 1 = 2
Position 2 = 4
Position 3 = 7
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions
A biometric Card Transaction with successful biometric Cardholder verification is identified as
Byte 1, bit 5 of Tag 82 (Application Interchange Profile) is set to “0”
The Cardholder verification results (CVR) present in DE 55, specifically:
Transaction Identification Requirements
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Byte 1, bit 1 will contain a value of 1 to reflect that biometric was successful.
Byte 2, bit 2 will contain a value of 1 to reflect that biometric was used.
Transaction Type Identifier (TTI)
The Transaction Type Identifier (TTI), when present in a Transaction message, must contain a
value that is valid and that most accurately describes the purpose for which the Transaction is
being conducted. A TTI value must not be used for any purpose other than as set forth in the
applicable Standards, including but not limited to the following:
Customer Interface Specification
Single Message System Specifications
IPM Clearing Formats
Mastercard Gaming and Gambling Payments Program Standards
Mastercard MoneySend and Funding Transactions Program Standards
The TTI value is populated in DE 48, subelement 77 of Authorization Request/0100 messages
and Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages and in PDS 0043 of First Presentment/1240
The following TTI values are no longer valid and must not appear in Transaction messages:
C01 = Person-to-Person
C05 = Payment Transaction for a reason other than those defined in values C01–C04
C09 = Card Activation
Merchant Country of Origin
The Acquirer must populate the Merchant Country of Origin in each Transaction conducted by a
Government Controlled Merchant, whether such country is the same as or different from the
country in which the Merchant is located or the Transaction occurs, (a) in DE 48 (Additional
Data—Private Use), subelement 37 (Additional Merchant Data), subfield 4 (Home Country ID)
of Authorization Request/0100 and Authorization Advice/0120 messages, and (b) in PDS 0213
(Home Country ID) in First Presentment/1240 messages.
China Deposit Transactions
In China, the following Transaction Identification Requirements apply.
The Acquirer must identify each China Domestic Deposit Transaction with the following values.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Transaction Type Identifier (TTI)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Table 24: China Domestic Deposit Transaction Values for Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
3 (Processing Code) 1 (Cardholder Transaction
21 (Deposit)
61 (Point of Service [POS]
7 (POS Transaction Status) 0 (Normal Request)
China Funds Transfer Transactions
In China, the following Transaction identification requirements apply.
The Originating Institution (Acquirer) must identify each China Funds Transfer Request with the
following values.
Table 25: China Funds Transfer Request Values for Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
3 (Processing Code) 1 (Cardholder Transaction
10 (Funds Transfer - Funding)
25 (Point of Service
Condition Code)
(Used for Payer Paid Funds Transfer)
66 (Used for Payee Paid Funds Transfer)
48 (Additional Data) 77 (Transaction Type
D01 (Person to Person)
61 (Point of Service [POS]
7 (POS Transaction Status) 0 (Normal Request)
102 (Account
Account Number of the Sending Account
103 (Account
Account Number of the Receiving Account
112 (Additional Data, China
050 (Cardholder
Identification Information)
If DE 25 equals 00, the Institution Region Code for
the Receiving Institution (subfield 06) is
China Switch identifies each China Funds Transfer Funding Transaction with the following
Transaction Identification Requirements
China Funds Transfer Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Table 26: China Funds Transfer Funding Transaction Values for Financial Transaction Request/0200
Data Element Subfield Value
3 (Processing Code) 1 (Cardholder Transaction
10 (Funds Transfer - Funding)
25 (Point of Service
Condition Code)
00 (Used for Payer Paid Funds Transfer)
66 (Used for Payee Paid Funds Transfer)
48 (Additional Data) 77 (Transaction Type
D01 (Person to Person)
61 (Point of Service [POS]
7 (POS Transaction Status) 0 (Normal Request)
102 (Account
Account Number of the Sending Account
103 (Account
Account Number of the Receiving Account
112 (Additional Data, China
050 (Cardholder
Identification Information)
If DE 25 equals 00, the Institution Region Code for
the Receiving Institution (subfield 06) is
China Switch identifies each China Funds Transfer Payment Transaction with the following
Table 27: China Funds Transfer Payment Transaction for Financial Transaction Request/0200
Data Element Subfield Value
3 (Processing Code) 1 (Cardholder Transaction
28 (Funds Transfer – Payment Transaction)
25 (Point of Service
Condition Code)
00 (Used for Payer Paid Funds Transfer)
66 (Used for Payee Paid Funds Transfer)
48 (Additional Data) 77 (Transaction Type
D01 (Person to Person)
102 (Account
Account Number of the Sending Account
103 (Account
Account Number of the Receiving Account
Transaction Identification Requirements
China Funds Transfer Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element Subfield Value
112 (Additional Data, China
050 (Cardholder
Identification Information)
If DE 25 equals 00, the Institution Region Code for
the Receiving Institution (subfield 06) is
Cardholder-initiated Transactions (CITs)
The Acquirer must provide a Cardholder-initiated Transaction (CIT) value in Authorization
Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages, in addition to populating all
other required data, when the Transaction occurs in an e-commerce environment and the
Cardholder is authorizing the Merchant to store the credential for subsequent use.
These values may optionally be used in CITs occurring in other acceptance environments. When
populated in an Authorization Request/0100 message, the same value may also be provided in
the First Presentment/1240 message.
Table 28: Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element/
Subelement Value Use this value when… Examples
DE 48, subelement 22
(Multi-purpose Merchant
Indicator) subfield 5
Initiated Transaction
C101 (Credential-on-file
[ad hoc])
The Cardholder is
authorizing the Merchant
to store the Cardholder's
Account data for
subsequent use in
connection with one or
more later Transaction(s)
with that Merchant (a
"COF arrangement").
The Cardholder initiates a
purchase and agrees that
the Merchant may store
the credential for future
C102 (Standing Order
[variable amount/fixed
The Cardholder is
agreeing to a COF
arrangement with the
Merchant for a series of
recurring payments of
variable amount and
fixed frequency and is
initiating the first
The Cardholder initiates
the first in a series of
monthly utility payments,
where the amounts will
vary based on electricity
Transaction Identification Requirements
Cardholder-initiated Transactions (CITs)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element/
Subelement Value Use this value when… Examples
C103 (Subscription [fixed
amount/fixed frequency])
The Cardholder is
agreeing to a COF
arrangement with the
Merchant for a series of
recurring payments fixed
amount and fixed
frequency and is initiating
the first payment. The
subscription arrangement
may include an allowance
for price changes to occur
from time to time.
The Cardholder initiates
the first in a series of
quarterly newspaper
subscription payments of
fixed amounts.
C104 (Installment) The Cardholder has
expressly authorized a
COF arrangement with
the Merchant for an
installment billing plan
and is initiating the first
payment. The installment
billing must be for a single
purchase of goods or
services with a known
amount and set frequency
over a specified duration.
The Cardholder agrees to
enter into an installment
billing plan for the
purchase of a television
and to make the first
Table 29: First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element/PDS Value
PDS 0218 (Cardholder/Merchant
Initiated Transaction Indicator)
One of the following:
C101 (Credential-on-file [ad hoc])
C102 (Standing Order [variable amount/fixed frequency])
C103 (Subscription [fixed amount/fixed frequency])
C104 (Installment)
Refer to Table 28 for usage information.
Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs)
The Acquirer must identify each Merchant-initiated Transaction (MIT) in Authorization Request/
0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages with one of the following values as
Transaction Identification Requirements
Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs)
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
applicable, in addition to populating all other required data. The value of M1XX means
"Merchant-initiated recurring payment or installment" and the value of M2XX means
"Merchant-initiated industry practice." When populated in an Authorization Request/0100
message, the same value may also be provided in the First Presentment/1240 message.
Table 30: Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element/
Subelement Value Use this value when… Examples
DE 48, subelement 22
(Multi-purpose Merchant
Indicator), subfield 5
Initiated Transaction
M101 (Unscheduled
The Cardholder has
expressly authorized the
Merchant to store the
Cardholder's Account
data for subsequent use
in connection with one or
more later
Transaction(s) with that
Merchant (a "COF
The Merchant initiates a
Transaction to "topup"
the Cardholder's tollway
account based on a
prearranged reload
M102 (Standing Order
[variable amount/fixed
The Cardholder has
expressly authorized a
COF arrangement with
the Merchant for a
series of recurring
payments of variable
amount and fixed
The Merchant initiates a
Transaction for the
Cardholder's next
monthly utility payment.
M103 (Subscription
[fixed amount/fixed
The Cardholder has
expressly authorized a
COF arrangement with
the Merchant for a
series of recurring
payments of fixed
amount and fixed
frequency, which may
include an allowance for
price changes to occur
from time to time.
The Merchant initiates a
Transaction for the
Cardholder's next
quarterly newspaper
subscription payment.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element/
Subelement Value Use this value when… Examples
M104 (Installment) The Cardholder has
expressly authorized a
COF arrangement for an
installment billing plan
relating to a single
purchase of goods or
services with a known
amount and set
frequency over a
specified duration.
The Merchant initiates a
Transaction for the
Cardholder's next
biweekly installment
payment for the
purchase of a television.
M205 (Partial
One or more items in the
Cardholder's purchase
order was out of stock
at the time that the
Cardholder initiated
payment. The Merchant
initiates a separate
Transaction for the
remaining items when
ready to be shipped.
The Cardholder originally
ordered a hat and
sunglasses, but the hat
was out of stock. The
Cardholder completes
the purchase of the
sunglasses and agrees
to wait for the hat to be
restocked. The Merchant
initiates a partial
shipment Transaction
for the hat when back in
M206 (Related/Delayed
After completing a
payment, the
Cardholder owes an
additional amount to
the Merchant based on
the original Transaction
The Merchant initiates a
related/delayed charge
Transaction for mini-bar
charges after the
Cardholder has checked
out of the hotel.
M207 (No-show) Under the Merchant's
guaranteed reservation
service policy, the
Cardholder owes a no-
show fee.
The Merchant initiates a
Transaction to collect a
no-show fee when the
Cardholder does not
cancel a guaranteed
reservation within the
previously disclosed
cancellation time frame.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Data Element/
Subelement Value Use this value when… Examples
M208 (Resubmission) The Merchant's previous
attempt to obtain
authorization for a
Transaction was
declined but the Issuer's
response does not
prohibit the Merchant
from trying again later.
The Merchant
initiates an
request after
receiving a previous
"insufficient funds/
over credit limit"
The Merchant
initiates a transit
debt recovery
Table 31: First Presentment/1240 Message
Data Element/PDS Value
PDS 0218 (Cardholder/Merchant
Initiated Transaction Indicator)
One of the following:
M101 (Unscheduled Credential-on-file)
M102 (Standing Order [variable amount/fixed frequency])
M103 (Subscription [fixed amount/fixed frequency])
M104 (Installment)
M205 (Partial Shipment)
M206 (Related/Delayed Charge)
M207 (No-show)
M208 (Resubmission)
Refer to Table 30 for usage information.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Merchant-initiated Transactions (MITs)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Appendix D Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT)
This appendix provides requirements for the use of CAT level indicators and the processing of Mastercard
POS Transactions at Cardholder-Activated Terminals (CATs).
CAT Transactions................................................................................................................................................311
CAT Level Requirements....................................................................................................................................311
Dual Capability for CAT 1 and CAT 2........................................................................................................ 312
CAT Level 1: Automated Dispensing Machines (CAT 1).........................................................................312
CAT Level 2: Self-Service Terminal (CAT 2).............................................................................................. 313
CAT Level 3: Limited Amount Terminals (CAT 3).....................................................................................314
CAT Level 4: In-Flight Commerce (IFC) Terminals (CAT 4)....................................................................315
CAT Level 6: Electronic Commerce Transactions (CAT 6)......................................................................318
CAT Level 7: Transponder Transactions (CAT 7)......................................................................................318
CAT Level 9: Mobile POS (MPOS) Acceptance Device Transactions (CAT 9).....................................319
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
CAT Transactions
The requirements in these Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Rules apply to Mastercard POS
Transactions only, with the following exceptions:
CAT 6 must be used to identify all electronic commerce Transactions; and
CAT 9 must be used to identify all Transactions occurring at a Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal,
whether attended or unattended.
An Acquirer may, at its option, use CAT 1 to identify any Transaction at an unattended Terminal
where PIN is required, such as an ATM Terminal.
A CAT Transaction must be identified with the appropriate CAT level indicator value in
authorization and clearing messages as follows:
CAT Level 1: Automated Dispensing Machines (CAT 1)
CAT Level 2: Self-Service Terminals (CAT 2)
CAT Level 3: Limited Amount Terminals (CAT 3)
CAT Level 4: In-Flight Commerce Terminals (CAT 4)
CAT Level 6: Electronic Commerce Transactions (CAT 6)
CAT Level 7: Transponder Transactions (CAT 7)
CAT Level 9: Mobile POS (MPOS) Acceptance Device Transactions (CAT 9)
In Authorization Request/0100 and Authorization Request Response/0110 messages, the CAT
level indicator is located in DE 61 (Point-of-Service Data), subfield 10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level). In First Presentment/1240, Chargeback/1442, Second Presentment/1240, and
Arbitration Chargeback/1442 messages, the CAT level indicator is located in PDS 0023
(Terminal Type). For additional requirements, see the Customer Interface Specification and the
IPM Clearing Formats manuals.
The First Presentment/1240 message of a CAT Transaction must contain one of the following
values in DE 22 (Point of Service Data Code), subfield 7 (Card Data: Input Mode):
A - (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe)
B - (Magnetic stripe reader input, with track data captured and passed unaltered; does not
apply to CAT 3)
C - (Online Chip)
F - (Offline Chip)
M - (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
S - (Electronic commerce; applies to CAT 6 only)
2 - (Magnetic stripe reader input; applies to CAT 3 only)
CAT Level Requirements
The following requirements apply to the specific CAT levels indicated.
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Transactions
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Dual Capability for CAT 1 and CAT 2
A CAT device may have dual capability as a CAT 1 and a CAT 2. Dual capability allows a CAT
device to identify each Transaction as CAT 1 or CAT 2, depending on the use of PIN (online or
offline) or Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM).
A Cardholder is prompted for a PIN or CDCVM and
enters a PIN (online or offline) or completes
The Acquirer must identify the Transaction with the
CAT Level 1 indicator.
A Cardholder is not prompted for a PIN or CDCVM
and does not enter a PIN (online or offline) or does
not complete CDCVM
The Acquirer must identify the Transaction with the
CAT Level 2 indicator.
A CAT device that supports offline PIN, CDCVM or both, but not online PIN, must have dual
capability as a CAT 1 and CAT 2 device and comply with all CAT 2 requirements (including
support of “No CVM”).
A PIN-capable Hybrid POS Terminal identified with MCC 5542 (Fuel Dispenser, Automated) that
has dual capability as a CAT 1 and CAT 2 device should:
For Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, and Maestro Transactions, always function as a CAT 1
device when a Chip Card is used or a Contactless Transaction occurs for an amount
exceeding the applicable contactless CVM limit; and
Only function as a CAT 2 device when a Mastercard or Debit Mastercard magnetic stripe
Card is used or a Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, or Maestro Contactless Transaction occurs
for an amount equal to or less than the applicable contactless CVM limit.
For Mastercard and Debit Mastercard Transactions, a PIN-capable Hybrid POS Terminal
identified with MCC 5542 that is located outside of the U.S. Region and:
Supports offline PIN but not online PIN, may function as a CAT 2 device when a U.S. Region-
issued Chip Card that supports online PIN but not offline PIN is used; or
If online PIN is supported, may function as a CAT 1 device without dual capability as a CAT 2
CAT Level 1: Automated Dispensing Machines (CAT 1)
The following CVM requirements apply to CAT 1 devices:
1. CAT 1 devices must accept PIN as the CVM.
2. CAT 1 devices must support online PIN and may also support offline PIN and CDCVM.
a. Online PIN is the mandatory CVM for magnetic stripe Transactions.
b. PIN (online or offline) is the mandatory CVM for Contact Chip Transactions.
c. Either online PIN or CDCVM must be used as the CVM for Contactless Transactions.
d. CDCVM is the mandatory CVM for Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions.
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
Dual Capability for CAT 1 and CAT 2
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3. CDCVM must be used as the CVM for Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions.
4. CAT 1 devices must not support only offline PIN as CVM.
5. CAT 1 devices must not perform CVM fallback.
6. CAT 1 devices must not accept signature or “No CVM” as the CVM.
7. The Standards relating to PIN and key management security apply to CAT 1 devices.
The following authorization requirements apply to CAT 1 devices:
1. All magnetic stripe Transactions, regardless of amount, must be authorized online by the
2. All Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transactions, regardless of amount, must be
authorized online by the Issuer.
3. A Chip Transaction must be authorized either online by the Issuer or for a Transaction less
than or equal to USD 200 (EUR 200 in the Europe Region), a Chip Transaction may be
authorized offline by the EMV chip.
4. When PIN is present, the MIP X-Code authorization response must be a decline. The Issuer is
liable for Transactions that are approved under acquirer MIP X-Code, up to the MIP X-Code
limits specified by the Corporation.
The following additionally apply to CAT 1 devices:
1. There is no maximum amount limit.
2. A CAT 1 Hybrid POS Terminal must be capable of performing fallback procedures from chip
to magnetic stripe, unless it is prohibited by a region.
3. CAT 1 devices may support Address Verification Service (AVS) and CVC 2 validation.
4. Chargeback rights apply to Transactions at CAT 1 devices under message reason code 4808,
and do not apply with respect to message reason codes 4837 and 4863.
5. Card retention at CAT 1 devices is not required; however, if the capability is available, the
Merchant may do so only at the Issuer’s specific direction and in accordance with the
procedures set forth in Chapter 5, “Card Recovery and Return Standards,” of the Security
Rules and Procedures manual.
CAT Level 2: Self-Service Terminal (CAT 2)
The following CVM requirements apply to CAT 2 devices:
1. CAT 2 devices must accept “No CVM” as the CVM.
2. CAT 2 devices must not accept signature or PIN (online or offline) as the CVM.
The following authorization requirements apply to CAT 2 devices:
1. All magnetic stripe Transactions, regardless of amount, must be authorized online by the
2. A Chip Transaction must be authorized either online by the Issuer or for a Transaction less
than or equal to USD 200 (EUR 200 in the Europe Region), a Chip Transaction may be
authorized offline by the EMV chip.
3. The Issuer is liable for Transactions that are approved under Acquirer MIP X-Code, up to the
MIP X-Code limits specified by Mastercard.
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Level 2: Self-Service Terminal (CAT 2)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The following additionally apply to CAT 2 devices:
1. There is no maximum amount limit.
2. A CAT 2 Hybrid POS Terminal must be capable of performing fallback procedures from chip
to magnetic stripe, unless it is prohibited by a region.
3. CAT 2 devices may support AVS and CVC 2 validation.
4. Chargeback rights apply to Transactions at CAT 2 devices under message reason codes
4808 and 4837 and do not apply with respect to message reason codes 4840, 4863, and
4871. With respect to Contactless Transactions, an Issuer may use message reason code
4837 if the Transaction amount exceeds the applicable CVM limit.
An Issuer in Taiwan may use message reason code 4837 to charge back a Taiwan Domestic
Transaction at a CAT 2 device identified with one of the below MCCs only if the Transaction
was a magnetic stripe Transaction:
4011—Railroads – Freight
4111—Transportation – Suburban and Local Commuter Passenger, including Ferries
4225—Public Warehousing-Farm Products Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and
5399—Miscellaneous General Merchandise
5411—Grocery Stores and Supermarkets
5422—Freezer and Locker Meat Provisioners
5542—Automated Fuel Dispensers
5812—Eating Places and Restaurants
5814—Fast Food Restaurants
5999—Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores
7011—Lodging - Hotels, Motels, and Resorts
7210—Laundry, Cleaning, and Garment Services
7278—Buying and Shopping Services and Clubs
7512—Automobile Rental Agency
7523—Parking Lots and Garages
7832—Motion Picture Theaters
9402—Postal Services - Government Only
5. Card retention at CAT 2 devices is not required; however, if the capability is available, the
Merchant may do so only at the Issuer’s specific direction and in accordance with the
procedures set forth in Chapter 5 of the Security Rules and Procedures manual.
CAT Level 3: Limited Amount Terminals (CAT 3)
The following CVM requirements apply to CAT 3 devices:
1. CAT 3 devices must support “No CVM” as the CVM.
2. CAT 3 devices may support offline PIN CVM for Contact Chip Transactions, in accordance
with the security requirements for PIN and key management.
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Level 3: Limited Amount Terminals (CAT 3)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3. CAT 3 devices must not support signature as the CVM.
Use of CAT 3 devices is restricted to the following MCCs:
4784—Bridges and Road Fees, Tolls
7523—Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
7542—Car Washes
5499—Miscellaneous Food Stores—Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores (solely
for Contactless-only Transactions)
4. CAT 3 devices may accept Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM) for EMV Mode Contactless
The following authorization requirements apply to CAT 3 devices:
1. The CAT 3 device must not have online capability. Chip Transactions may be authorized
offline by the EMV chip.
2. The CAT 3 device must check the Account number against the Electronic Warning Bulletin
when the device has such capability.
3. X-code processing does not apply.
The following maximum Transaction amount requirements apply to CAT 3 devices:
1. At CAT 3 devices with both contact and contactless payment functionality, the maximum
Transaction amount for Contactless Transactions must be the same as for Contact Chip
2. At Contactless-only CAT 3 devices, the maximum Transaction amount is the CVM limit for
the Merchant location provided in Appendix E.
3. For all CAT 3 Transactions that are Domestic Transactions occurring in Hong Kong SAR and
Macao SAR and identified with MCC 7523 (Automobile Parking Lots and Garages), the
maximum Transaction amount is HKD 500.
4. For all CAT 3 Transactions occurring in the Europe Region, the maximum Transaction
amount is EUR 50, or its local currency equivalent.
5. For all other CAT 3 Transactions, the maximum Transaction amount is USD 40, or its local
currency equivalent.
6. The maximum Transaction amount for a magnetic stripe Transaction, including a Magnetic
Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction, is zero.
The following additionally apply to CAT 3 devices:
1. A hybrid CAT 3 device that also is a Hybrid POS Terminal is prohibited from performing
fallback procedures from chip to magnetic stripe.
2. Chargeback rights apply to Transactions at CAT 3 devices under message reason code 4808
and do not apply with respect to message reason codes 4837, 4863, and 4871.
3. There is no card retention requirement for CAT 3 devices.
CAT Level 4: In-Flight Commerce (IFC) Terminals (CAT 4)
The following CVM requirements apply to CAT 4 devices:
1. CAT 4 devices must accept "No CVM" as the CVM.
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Level 4: In-Flight Commerce (IFC) Terminals (CAT 4)
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2. CAT 4 devices must not accept signature or PIN (online or offline) as the CVM.
The following authorization requirements apply to CAT 4 devices:
1. Prior to authorization, the Merchant must conduct a Mod-10 check digit routine to verify
Card authenticity and must confirm that the Account number is within Mastercard BIN
range 222100 to 272099 or 510000 to 559999.
2. A Chip Transaction must be authorized either online by the Issuer or for a Transaction less
than or equal to USD 200 (EUR 200 in the Europe Region), a Chip Transaction may be
authorized offline by the EMV chip.
3. Online authorization by the Issuer may occur either air-to-ground during the Transaction or
in a delayed batch.
4. An authorization request must not contain a key-entered Account number or expiration
5. The Acquirer must convert all "refer to card issuer" and "capture card" messages received
from Issuers to "decline."
6. The Issuer is liable for Transactions that are approved under acquirer MIP X-Code, up to the
MIP X-Code limits specified by the Corporation.
The following requirements also apply with respect to CAT 4 devices:
1. Acquirers must ensure timely delivery and installation of the IFC Blocked Gaming File to
gambling service providers. IFC Blocked Gaming File access is required before every
gambling Transaction.
2. Transactions at CAT 4 devices are conducted on interactive video terminals by passengers
on airline flights.
3. Use of CAT 4 devices is restricted to the following six MCCs:
4899 - Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio Services
5309 - Duty Free Stores
5964 - Direct Marketing - Catalog Merchants
7299 - Other Services - not elsewhere classified
7994 - Video Game Arcades/Establishments
7995 - Gambling Transactions
4. For each flight, Acquirers must generate one Authorization Request/0100 message per
MCC for each Account number. "Flight" is defined as one or more segments of a continuous
air flight with the same flight number.
5. The Authorization Request/0100 message must contain a Transaction category code (TCC)
of U for gambling Transactions or R for any other Transactions.
6. DE 43 must include the airline Merchant name and flight identification in subfield 1. The city
field description must contain the Merchant customer service telephone number for mailed
purchases and gambling Transactions; for all other CAT 4 Transactions, this information is
optional. The telephone number is not required to be toll-free.
7. For all transactions at CAT 4 devices, except mailed purchase Transactions, the Transaction
date is defined as the date that the flight departs from the originating city. The Transaction
date for mailed purchases is defined as the shipment date unless otherwise disclosed to the
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Level 4: In-Flight Commerce (IFC) Terminals (CAT 4)
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
8. The Acquirer must ensure that the Merchant provides full disclosure to the Cardholder via
the CAT 4 device before the initiation of any Transactions, as detailed below. The CAT 4
device must prompt the Cardholder to acknowledge these disclosure terms before initiating
Transactions. Disclosure must include the following:
a. Full identification of the Merchant and provision for recourse in terms of Cardholder
complaints or questions
b. Notification that Transactions will be billed upon the Issuer's approval of the
authorization request
c. For mailed purchase Transactions only, any additional shipping or handling charges
d. Policy on refunds or returns
e. Provision for a paper or electronic TID
For gambling Transactions (where permitted), Merchants must additionally disclose the
a. Maximum winnings (USD 3,500) and maximum losses (USD 350)
b. Notification that the total net Transaction amount (whether a net win or loss) will be
applied to the Card account
c. Notification that Cardholder must be at least 18 years of age to play
d. Notification that some Issuers may not allow gambling
9. The Acquirer must ensure that the Merchant can provide an itemized TID to the Cardholder
by printing a TID at the passenger's seat, printing a TID from a centralized printer on the
plane, or sending the TID to the Cardholder by mail or electronic means. The device must
describe any TID delivery offer and, if accepted, must require the Cardholder to input such
information as may be required to complete the delivery (for example, name and address,
email address, or mobile phone number). For gambling Transactions, the Merchant must
provide a printed TID. Each TID must contain:
a. Identification of the passenger's flight, seat number, and date of departure
b. Itemized Transaction detail
c. Gambling Transaction specified as a net win or net loss
d. The truncated Card account number
10. The Acquirer must not submit declined Transactions into clearing.
11. No surcharges or service fees may be assessed on any Transaction, including gambling
The following additional requirements apply with respect to gambling Transactions:
1. Gambling Transactions are not permitted at CAT 4 devices acquired within the Europe
2. Net gambling losses cannot exceed USD 350 per flight per Account. Net payouts to
Cardholders for gambling wins cannot exceed USD 3,500 per flight per Account. The
Merchant must monitor losses and winnings throughout the flight to ensure compliance.
3. A gambling win Transaction will result in posting of net winnings (credit) to the Card
account. Under no circumstance may winnings be paid in cash or other form of payment.
4. Before participating in gambling Activity, the Acquirer must undertake all reasonable and
necessary steps to assure itself and, if requested, the Corporation, that such gambling
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Level 4: In-Flight Commerce (IFC) Terminals (CAT 4)
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Activity will be effected in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. By
participating in gambling Activity, the Acquirer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the
Corporation harmless with respect to any claim, damage, loss, fine, penalty, injury, or cause
of action arising or resulting from or attributable to the Acquirer's gambling Activity.
5. The Card account number must be checked against the IFC Blocked Gaming File.
Cardholders whose Card account numbers are listed on the IFC Blocked Gaming File must
be prohibited from initiating gambling Transactions. Updates to the IFC Blocked Gaming
File will be effective on the first and the 15th day of each month. The Corporation must
receive Card account ranges or BINs that Issuers choose to list on the next effective updated
IFC Blocked Gaming File at least two weeks before the effective date.
6. All gambling losses authorized post-flight must be submitted for authorization for the net
amount. All gambling Transactions authorized during the flight will be for the full wager
amount (USD 350 or a lower amount predetermined by the airline and gambling Merchant).
No gambling wins will be submitted for authorization.
7. Gambling Transactions submitted for clearing must be for the net amount won or lost.
Gambling win Transactions will be submitted as a refund Transaction (DE 3, subfield 1 must
contain a value of 20). Interchange will be paid to Issuers by Acquirers on gambling win
Transactions. An Acquirer may resubmit a gambling Transaction for a different amount
within the specified Transaction limits if it previously was rejected for exceeding the
specified Transaction limits - USD 3,500 for wins and USD 350 for losses.
The following additionally apply to CAT 4 devices:
1. There is no maximum amount limit for any Transaction at CAT 4 devices, except for
gambling Transactions.
2. A CAT 4 device that also is a Hybrid POS Terminal is prohibited from performing fallback
procedures from chip to magnetic stripe.
3. CAT 4 devices may support AVS and CVC 2 validation.
4. There are no chargeback restrictions for Transactions at CAT 4 devices.
5. There is no Card retention requirement for CAT 4 devices.
CAT Level 6: Electronic Commerce Transactions (CAT 6)
Refer to Appendix C for requirements regarding the identification of electronic commerce
CAT Level 7: Transponder Transactions (CAT 7)
The following CVM requirements apply to CAT 7 devices:
1. CAT 7 devices must support “No CVM” as the CVM.
2. CAT 7 devices must not support signature CVM or PIN CVM (online or offline).
The following authorization requirements apply to CAT 7 devices:
1. All magnetic stripe Transactions, regardless of amount, must be authorized online by the
2. Chip Transactions must be authorized either online by the Issuer or offline by the EMV chip.
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Level 6: Electronic Commerce Transactions (CAT 6)
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
3. The Issuer is liable for Transactions that are approved under Acquirer MIP X-Code, up to the
MIP X-Code limits specified by the Corporation.
The following additionally apply to CAT 7 devices:
1. There is no maximum amount limit for Transactions at CAT 7 devices.
2. A CAT 7 device that also is a Hybrid POS Terminal is prohibited from performing fallback
procedures from chip to magnetic stripe.
3. CAT 7 devices may support AVS and CVC 2 validation.
4. There are no chargeback restrictions for Transactions at CAT 7 devices.
5. There is no card retention requirement for CAT 7 devices.
CAT Level 9: Mobile POS (MPOS) Acceptance Device Transactions (CAT 9)
The Acquirer must submit the following values in Transaction messages for each Transaction
conducted at an MPOS Terminal:
A value of 9 (MPOS Acceptance Device) in DE 61 (Point-of-Service[POS] Data), subfield 10
(Cardholder-Activated Terminal Level) of the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 message; and
A value of CT9 (MPOS Acceptance Device) in PDS 0023 (Terminal Type) of the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Transactions
CAT Level 9: Mobile POS (MPOS) Acceptance Device Transactions (CAT 9)
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Appendix E CVM and Transit Limits
This appendix specifies Contactless Transaction and Contactless transit aggregated Transaction CVM
limit amounts and transit First Ride Risk limits.
Overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 321
CVM and Transit Limits.....................................................................................................................................321
CVM and Transit Limits
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
This appendix presents information on Contactless and Contactless transit aggregated
Transaction Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) limit Amounts and transit First Ride Risk
limits. See Chapters 3 and 4 of the Transaction Processing Rules for more information.
CVM and Transit Limits
Access the CVM and transit First Ride Risk limit amounts in Microsoft
Excel file format, which
can be copied and pasted as needed.
From the HTML edition of this document, you can access the CVM and Transit Limits
1. Click the paperclip icon.
2. Click the CVM and Transit Limits attachment to download the file.
NOTE: The CVM and Transit Limits spreadsheet is very large. Before printing this document, be aware
that depending on your printer settings and paper selection, the printed spreadsheet may exceed 250
From the PDF edition of this document, you can access the CVM and Transit Limits
1. From the left-hand panel, click the paperclip icon. The Attachments panel appears.
2. Right-click the attachment and click Save Attachment.
3. Save the file to a location on your computer.
CVM and Transit Limits
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Appendix F Digital Goods and Lodging Merchant
This appendix contains best practices for Merchants conducting sales of Digital Goods and information
about the Mastercard Guaranteed Reservation Program for lodging Merchants.
Digital Goods Purchases....................................................................................................................................323
Guaranteed Reservations..................................................................................................................................324
Advance Resort Deposit....................................................................................................................................325
Digital Goods and Lodging Merchant Services
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Digital Goods Purchases
A Merchant conducting e-commerce Transactions for the purchase of Digital Goods is advised
to offer Cardholders, at a minimum, all of the following purchase controls:
The option, enabled as a default setting, for the Cardholder to disable all Digital Goods
The time period during which a Digital Goods purchase can be made on the Cardholders
account with the Merchant (the “account open” period) should not exceed 15 minutes after
the Cardholder’s entry of account authentication credentials;
Functionality that allows the Cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total
Transaction amount of each pending Digital Goods purchase before completion of the
If a Merchant conducting e-commerce Transactions of under USD 25 for the purchase of Digital
Goods does not implement these purchase controls, the Acquirer may be subject to chargebacks
under message reason code 4841 (Cancelled Recurring Transactions and Digital Goods
Purchases Under USD 25).
The following additional Digital Goods purchase controls are strongly recommended for
application (for example, games, books, and music downloaded onto an electronic device) and
in-application (for example, game pieces, books, and music used within a multi-player electronic
game) purchases:
Cardholder authentication for each purchase if purchasing is enabled (no default option);
The closure of the “account open” period immediately after completion of the initial
For application purchases:
The maximum number of Transactions permitted during the “account open” period should
not exceed 10 Transactions, with a maximum of one Transaction as the default setting; and
The maximum Transaction amount permitted during the “account open” period should be no
more than USD 500 (or the local currency equivalent), with a maximum Transaction amount
of USD 100 (or the local currency equivalent) as the default setting.
For in-application purchases:
The maximum number of Transactions permitted during the “account open” period should
not exceed 30 transactions, with a maximum of one Transaction as the default setting; and
The maximum Transaction amount during the “account open” period should not exceed USD
100 (or the local currency equivalent), with a maximum Transaction amount of USD 10 (or
the local currency equivalent) as the default setting.
The Merchant should use the default settings set forth above if a Cardholder has not
established purchase control settings. If established, the Merchant must honor a Cardholder’s
purchase control settings.
Digital Goods and Lodging Merchant Services
Digital Goods Purchases
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Guaranteed Reservations
All lodging Merchants who accept Mastercard are automatically enrolled in the Guaranteed
Reservation Program. Lodging Merchants are not required to process Guaranteed Reservation
transactions; however, each Merchant has the ability to create Guaranteed Reservation (No-
Show) transactions.
When a Cardholder guarantees their reservation with a Mastercard, the Merchant is ensuring
that a room will be available for the Cardholder when the Cardholder arrives at the property.
Merchants have the following responsibilities when accepting a Guaranteed Reservation:
The Merchant must keep a room available until check-out time on the day following the
When accepting the Card as a guarantee, the Merchant will provide the Cardholder with a
confirmation number for the reservation.
The Merchant must inform the Cardholder of the cancellation time and conditions.
Merchants may set cancellation limits up to 72 hours prior to the stay. When the Cardholder
makes a reservation within the Merchant’s cancellation period (for example, the Cardholder
makes a reservation 24 hours in advance when the Merchant has a 48-hour cancellation
requirement) the Merchant agrees the default time of cancellation for that reservation will
be 18:00 Merchant local time.
Merchants must accept a cancellation from the Cardholder when provided prior to the
agreed upon time frames. Upon acceptance of the cancellation, the Merchant will provide a
cancellation number.
Cardholders who cancel beyond the cancellation policy may be billed for one night of room
and tax only.
No-Show transactions must be authorized prior to billing. Effective 14 October 2022, a no-
show Transaction authorization request must be identified with a Merchant-initiated
Transaction (MIT) value of M207 (No Show Charge) in DE 48 (Additional Data: Private Use),
subelement 22 (Multi-Purpose Merchant Indicator), subfield 5 (Cardholder/Merchant
Initiated Transaction Indicator).
In the event the Merchant is unable to provide a room to a Cardholder who guaranteed the stay
with a Mastercard, the Merchant must do all of the following:
Not bill the Cardholder a No-Show charge
Provide the Cardholder with an option to take accommodations at a lodging establishment
rated equal to, or better than, the reserved property
Ensure the Cardholder is not charged more than the rate of the guaranteed stay
Receive complimentary transportation to the new location, and
A complimentary call when necessary for the Cardholder to inform others of the new
Merchants billing No-Show transactions are advised to keep notation that the transaction was
a No-Show in the event of a chargeback or retrieval request.
Digital Goods and Lodging Merchant Services
Guaranteed Reservations
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Should a Cardholder dispute a No-Show charge for any reason other than as an unauthorized
transaction, the Merchant may support their cancellation policy and No-Show billing only with
documentation verifying the Cardholder received the cancellation policy and failed to adhere to
Advance Resort Deposit
A Merchant participating in the Advance Resort Deposit service must follow these procedures:
1. Explain the terms of the advance resort deposit reservation to the Cardholder, including the
cancellation and refunds policies. A "no refund" policy must be clearly disclosed to the
2. Request the card account and Cardholder address information and confirm the room rate
and location.
3. Obtain authorization from the Issuer and include on the TID the reservation confirmation
number and the words “advance deposit” in place of the Cardholder’s signature. The
Merchant is recommended to note on the TID any special terms and conditions regarding its
cancellation and refund policy.
4. Provide confirmation, a copy of the TID (including the reservation confirmation number),
and information concerning its cancellation and refund policies (including a "no refund"
policy, when applicable) to the Cardholder. This information must be provided by letter,
email, fax, or other message.
5. If a Cardholder cancels his or her reservation in accordance with the agreed upon
procedures, the Merchant must follow the cancellation and refund policy previously disclosed
to the Cardholder.
Digital Goods and Lodging Merchant Services
Advance Resort Deposit
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Appendix G Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
This appendix provides ATM Terminal and unattended POS Terminal signage, screen, and receipt text
display requirements.
Screen and Receipt Text Standards................................................................................................................ 328
Models for ATM Access Fee Notification at ATM Terminals........................................................................329
Models for Standard Signage Notification of an ATM Access Fee............................................................ 329
Asia/Pacific Region.......................................................................................................................................329
Canada Region.............................................................................................................................................. 330
Europe Region................................................................................................................................................331
United Kingdom.......................................................................................................................................331
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.................................................................................................332
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and
Middle East/Africa Region...........................................................................................................................333
United States Region....................................................................................................................................334
Models for Generic Terminal Signage Notification of an ATM Access Fee............................................... 335
Asia/Pacific Region.......................................................................................................................................335
Canada Region.............................................................................................................................................. 336
Europe Region................................................................................................................................................337
United Kingdom.......................................................................................................................................337
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.................................................................................................338
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and
Middle East/Africa Region...........................................................................................................................340
United States Region....................................................................................................................................340
Models for Screen Display Notification of an ATM Access Fee...................................................................341
Asia/Pacific Region.......................................................................................................................................341
Canada Region.............................................................................................................................................. 343
Europe Region................................................................................................................................................343
United Kingdom.......................................................................................................................................344
Latin America and the Caribbean Region.................................................................................................345
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Middle East/Africa Region...........................................................................................................................346
United States Region....................................................................................................................................347
Model for an ATM Access Fee Transaction Receipt.......................................................................................348
Model Screen Offering POI Currency Conversion......................................................................................... 348
Model Receipt for Withdrawal Completed with POI Currency Conversion..............................................349
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments........................................................................350
Model Receipt Texts for Installments..............................................................................................................360
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Screen and Receipt Text Standards
Response Code Recommended Screen Text
Recommended Receipt
Format error
Invalid acquirer
Cardholder not on file
Do not honor/Restricted card
Unable to process/System
ATM processor inoperative
Cardholder processor
inoperative/Not found
“I am sorry. I am unable to process your
request. Please contact your financial
“Denied Unable to
Invalid transaction
Invalid transaction selection
“I am sorry. You have selected an invalid
transaction. Do you want to try another
“Denied Invalid
Invalid amount “You have selected an invalid amount.
Please select an amount in multiples of
“Denied Invalid
Insufficient funds “I am unable to process for insufficient
funds. Please contact your financial
“Denied Insufficient
Invalid PIN You have entered your PIN incorrectly. Do
you want to try again?”
“Denied Invalid PIN”
PIN tries exceed permitted
number of attempts
“You have exceeded the number of
attempts permitted to enter your PIN.
Please contact your financial institution.
“Denied Invalid PIN”
Exceeds withdrawal limit “You have exceeded the withdrawal limit.
Do you want to select another amount?”
“Denied Invalid
Denied—Capture card “Your card has been retained. Please
contact your financial institution.
“Denied Card Retained”
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Screen and Receipt Text Standards
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Models for ATM Access Fee Notification at ATM Terminals
The following table sets forth minimum screen height, screen width, heading text, and body text
requirements for ATM Access Fee signage and screen displays at ATM Terminals.
Object Dimension
Screen height Minimum of ten (10) centimeters
Screen width Minimum of ten (10) centimeters
Heading text Must be at least 18 point type
Body text Must be at least 14 point type
Models for Standard Signage Notification of an ATM Access Fee
Each of the following model forms illustrate the standard ATM Terminal signage notification
that an ATM Access Fee may be charged, including the fee amount.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Asia/Pacific Region, except Australia.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Models for ATM Access Fee Notification at ATM Terminals
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
Australia only.
Canada Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Canada Region only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Europe Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Europe Region only, except the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the United Kingdom only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Europe Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
Latin America and the Caribbean Region except the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
only the following countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region: Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.
Middle East/Africa Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Middle East/Africa Region.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
United States Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the United States only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
United States Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Models for Generic Terminal Signage Notification of an ATM Access
Each of the following models illustrate the generic ATM Terminal signage notification that an
ATM Access Fee may be charged.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Asia/Pacific Region, except Australia.
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
Australia only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Models for Generic Terminal Signage Notification of an ATM Access Fee
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Canada Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Canada Region only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Canada Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Europe Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Europe Region only, except the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the United Kingdom only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Europe Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following model form illustrates dimensions for ATM Terminal signage notification of an
ATM Access Fee for Latin America and the Caribbean Region except the following countries:
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.
Use the following dimensions.
Screen height Minimum of ten (10) centimeters
Screen width Minimum of ten (10) centimeters
Heading text Must be at least 18 point type.
Body text Must be at least 14 point type.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
only the following countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region: Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Middle East/Africa Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Middle East/Africa Region.
United States Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the United States only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Middle East/Africa Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Models for Screen Display Notification of an ATM Access Fee
Each of the following model forms illustrate the ATM Terminal screen display notification that
an ATM Access Fee will be charged if the Cardholder chooses to proceed with the Transaction.
Asia/Pacific Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Asia/Pacific Region, except Australia.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Models for Screen Display Notification of an ATM Access Fee
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
Australia only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Canada Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
Canada only.
Europe Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Europe Region, except the United Kingdom.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Canada Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
United Kingdom
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
United Kingdom only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
United Kingdom
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Latin America and the Caribbean Region except the following countries: Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
only the following countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region: Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Middle East/Africa Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
the Middle East/Africa Region.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Middle East/Africa Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
United States Region
The following model form illustrates ATM Terminal signage notification of an ATM Access Fee for
United States only.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
United States Region
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Model for an ATM Access Fee Transaction Receipt
$100.00 Paid to Cardholder
$ 1.00 Terminal Owners Fee
$101.00 Withdrawal from checking
Model Screen Offering POI Currency Conversion
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model for an ATM Access Fee Transaction Receipt
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Model Receipt for Withdrawal Completed with POI Currency
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Receipt for Withdrawal Completed with POI Currency Conversion
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
Figure 1: POS Terminal Displays in Hungarian
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 2: POS Terminal Displays in English
Figure 3: POS Terminal Display One in Polish
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 4: POS Terminal Display One in English
Figure 5: POS Terminal Display Two in Polish
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 6: POS Terminal Display Two in English
Figure 7: E-commerce Display One in Polish
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 8: E-commerce Display Two in Polish
Figure 9: E-commerce Display Three in Polish
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 10: E-commerce Display Four in Polish
Figure 11: E-commerce Display Five in Polish
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 12: E-commerce Display One in English
Figure 13: E-commerce Display Two in English
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 14: E-commerce Display Three in English
Figure 15: E-commerce Display Four in English
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 16: E-commerce Display Five in English
Figure 17: POS Terminal Displays in Ukrainian
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Figure 18: POS Terminal Displays in English
Figure 19: E-commerce Displays in Ukrainian
Figure 20: E-commerce Displays in English
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Screen Displays for Offering Installment Payments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Model Receipt Texts for Installments
Czech Republic
For Receipts in Czech For Receipts in English
“Celkové náklady: XXXXXX CZK” Total cost: XXXXXXX CZK”
“Počet splátek: YY” “Number of payments: YY”
“První splátek: XX CZK” “First payment: XX CZK”
“Následující splátek: XX CZK” “Subsequent payment: XX CZK”
“Úroková sazba: XX %” “Interest rate: XX%
“Roční procentní sazba nákladů: XX %” APR: XX%
“Poplatek: XX CZK” “Fee: XX CZK”
For Receipts in Hungarian
For Receipts in English
“teljes összeg: XXXXXX Ft”
“Részletek száma': YY”
“Total amount: XXXXXXX HUF”
“Number of payments: YY”
“Első Havi részlet: XX Ft” “First Monthly payment: XX HUF”
“Havi részlet: XX Ft” “Subsequent payment: XX HUF”
“Kamat: 00, X%” “Interest rate: XX%” subfield 2
“THM: 00, XX%” APR: XX, XX%”
“Díj: XX Ft” “Fee: XX HUF”
Receipt Text
Polish Plan ratalny zostanie uruchomiony. W razie pytań
skontaktuj się ze swoim bankiem.
English Installment plan will be launched. If you have any
questions, please contact your issuing bank.
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Receipt Texts for Installments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
For Receipts in Ukrainian For Receipts in English
«Загальна вартість: XXXXXXX ГРН» "Total cost: XXXXXXX UAH"
«Кількість платежів: YY» "Number of payments: YY"
«Перший платіж: XX ГРН» "First payment: XX UAH"
«Наступні платежі: XX ГРН» "Subsequent payment: XX UAH"
«Реальна річна процентна ставка: XX%» "Interest rate: XX%"
«Комісія: XX ГРН» "Fee: XX UAH"
«З умовами та правилами, які застосовуються
до послуги оплати частинами на [bank’s
website address] ознайомлений та згоден»
"I've read and agree with the rules and conditions
of payment in installments posted on [bank's
website address]"
Signage, Screen, and Receipt Text Display
Model Receipt Texts for Installments
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Appendix H Definitions
This appendix contains defined terms used in this manual. Additional and/or revised terms may also
appear in a particular chapter or section of this manual.
Acceptance Mark................................................................................................................................................368
Access Device...................................................................................................................................................... 368
Account Enablement System...........................................................................................................................369
Account Holder....................................................................................................................................................369
Account PAN........................................................................................................................................................369
Account PAN Range........................................................................................................................................... 369
Acquirer................................................................................................................................................................ 369
Affiliate Customer, Affiliate..............................................................................................................................369
Area of Use.......................................................................................................................................................... 370
Association Customer, Association..................................................................................................................370
ATM Access Fee...................................................................................................................................................370
ATM Owner Agreement.....................................................................................................................................370
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)....................................................................................................................370
ATM Terminal.......................................................................................................................................................370
ATM Transaction.................................................................................................................................................371
Bank Branch Terminal........................................................................................................................................371
Brand Fee.............................................................................................................................................................371
Brand Mark..........................................................................................................................................................371
Cardholder Communication............................................................................................................................. 372
Cardholder Verification Method (CVM)..........................................................................................................372
Cardholder-initiated Transaction (CIT)...........................................................................................................372
China Deposit Transaction................................................................................................................................372
China Funds Transfer Funding Transaction....................................................................................................372
China Funds Transfer Payment Transaction..................................................................................................373
China Funds Transfer Request......................................................................................................................... 373
China Funds Transfer Transaction...................................................................................................................373
China Recurring Payment Transaction – Recurring Payment Terms.........................................................373
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China Switch Manual Transaction...................................................................................................................373
Chip Card (Smart Card, Integrated Circuit Card, IC Card, or ICC)........................................................... 373
Chip Transaction.................................................................................................................................................373
Chip-only MPOS Terminal................................................................................................................................. 374
Cirrus Acceptance Mark.................................................................................................................................... 374
Cirrus Access Device...........................................................................................................................................374
Cirrus Account.....................................................................................................................................................374
Cirrus Brand Mark...............................................................................................................................................374
Cirrus Card...........................................................................................................................................................374
Cirrus Customer..................................................................................................................................................375
Cirrus Payment Application..............................................................................................................................375
Cirrus Word Mark................................................................................................................................................375
Competing ATM Network..................................................................................................................................375
Competing International ATM Network.........................................................................................................375
Competing EFT POS Network......................................................................................................................... 375
Competing North American ATM Network....................................................................................................376
Consumer Device Cardholder Verification Method, Consumer Device CVM, CDCVM...........................376
Contact Chip Transaction.................................................................................................................................376
Contactless Payment Device............................................................................................................................376
Contactless Transaction....................................................................................................................................377
Control, Controlled.............................................................................................................................................377
Corporation System...........................................................................................................................................377
Credential-on-file Transaction......................................................................................................................... 377
Credentials Management System...................................................................................................................378
Cross-border Transaction..................................................................................................................................378
Customer............................................................................................................................................................. 378
Customer Report................................................................................................................................................378
Data Storage Entity (DSE)...............................................................................................................................378
Device Binding.....................................................................................................................................................378
Digital Activity(ies).............................................................................................................................................379
Digital Activity Agreement................................................................................................................................379
Digital Activity Customer..................................................................................................................................379
Digital Activity Service Provider (DASP)........................................................................................................ 379
Digital Activity Sponsoring Customer.............................................................................................................379
Digital Goods.......................................................................................................................................................379
Digital Wallet.......................................................................................................................................................379
Digital Wallet Operator (DWO).......................................................................................................................380
Digital Wallet Operator (DWO) Security Incident, DWO Security Incident ........................................... 380
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Digital Wallet Operator Mark, DWO Mark.................................................................................................... 380
Digitization, Digitize...........................................................................................................................................380
Domestic Transaction........................................................................................................................................380
Dual Interface......................................................................................................................................................380
Electronic Money.................................................................................................................................................381
Electronic Money Issuer.....................................................................................................................................381
Electronic Money Institution.............................................................................................................................381
EMV Mode Contactless Transaction...............................................................................................................381
Funding Transaction...........................................................................................................................................381
Gaming Payment Transaction..........................................................................................................................382
Gateway Customer............................................................................................................................................382
Gateway Processing...........................................................................................................................................382
Gateway Transaction.........................................................................................................................................382
Global Collection Only (GCO) Data Collection Program.............................................................................382
Government Controlled Merchant...................................................................................................................382
Host Card Emulation (HCE).............................................................................................................................382
Hybrid Terminal...................................................................................................................................................383
Identification & Verification (ID&V).................................................................................................................383
Independent Sales Organization (ISO)...........................................................................................................383
Installment Lending Agreement...................................................................................................................... 383
Installment Provider...........................................................................................................................................383
Interchange System...........................................................................................................................................384
Inter-European Transaction..............................................................................................................................384
Interregional Transaction.................................................................................................................................. 384
Intracountry Transaction...................................................................................................................................384
Intra–European Transaction.............................................................................................................................384
Intra–Non–SEPA Transaction...........................................................................................................................385
Intraregional Transaction..................................................................................................................................385
License, Licensed.................................................................................................................................................385
Maestro Acceptance Mark................................................................................................................................385
Maestro Access Device...................................................................................................................................... 386
Maestro Account.................................................................................................................................................386
Maestro Brand Mark..........................................................................................................................................386
Maestro Card...................................................................................................................................................... 386
Maestro Customer............................................................................................................................................. 386
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Maestro Payment Application..........................................................................................................................386
Maestro Word Mark...........................................................................................................................................386
Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction...........................................................................................387
Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction........................................................................................................387
Mastercard Acceptance Mark.......................................................................................................................... 387
Mastercard Access Device.................................................................................................................................387
Mastercard Account...........................................................................................................................................388
Mastercard Biometric Card.............................................................................................................................. 388
Mastercard Brand Mark.....................................................................................................................................388
Mastercard-branded Application Identifier (AID).........................................................................................388
Mastercard Card.................................................................................................................................................388
Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments............................................................................................................... 388
Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction.......................................................................................388
Mastercard Customer........................................................................................................................................389
Mastercard Digital Enablement Service.........................................................................................................389
Mastercard Europe.............................................................................................................................................389
Mastercard Incorporated.................................................................................................................................. 389
Mastercard Payment Application....................................................................................................................389
Mastercard Safety Net......................................................................................................................................389
Mastercard Symbol............................................................................................................................................390
Mastercard Token...............................................................................................................................................390
Mastercard Token Account Range................................................................................................................... 390
Mastercard Token Vault.....................................................................................................................................390
Mastercard Word Mark..................................................................................................................................... 390
Member, Membership........................................................................................................................................ 391
Merchandise Transaction.................................................................................................................................. 391
Merchant Agreement.........................................................................................................................................391
Merchant Card-on-File Tokenization...............................................................................................................391
Merchant Token Requestor............................................................................................................................... 391
Merchant-initiated Transaction (MIT).............................................................................................................392
Mobile Payment Device..................................................................................................................................... 392
Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal.......................................................................................................................... 392
MoneySend Payment Transaction...................................................................................................................392
Multi-Account Chip Card...................................................................................................................................392
Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro card-not-present (CNP) debit card...........................................................392
Non-Mastercard Funding Source.....................................................................................................................393
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Non-Mastercard Receiving Account................................................................................................................393
Non-Mastercard Systems and Networks Standards...................................................................................393
On-behalf Token Requestor..............................................................................................................................393
On-Device Cardholder Verification..................................................................................................................393
Originating Account Holder.............................................................................................................................. 393
Originating Institution (OI)............................................................................................................................... 393
Ownership, Owned.............................................................................................................................................394
Pass-through Digital Wallet............................................................................................................................. 394
Pass-through Digital Wallet Operator (DWO)..............................................................................................394
Payment Account Reference (PAR).................................................................................................................394
Payment Application..........................................................................................................................................394
Payment Facilitator........................................................................................................................................... 395
Payment Transaction.........................................................................................................................................395
Payment Transfer Activity(ies) (PTA)..............................................................................................................395
Personal Data......................................................................................................................................................395
Point of Interaction (POI)..................................................................................................................................395
Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminal...........................................................................................................................395
Point–of–Sale (POS) Transaction....................................................................................................................396
Principal Customer, Principal............................................................................................................................396
Processed PTA Transaction...............................................................................................................................396
Processed Transaction.......................................................................................................................................396
Program Service..................................................................................................................................................397
PTA Account.........................................................................................................................................................397
PTA Account Number.........................................................................................................................................397
PTA Account Portfolio........................................................................................................................................397
PTA Agreement...................................................................................................................................................397
PTA Customer.....................................................................................................................................................397
PTA Originating Account...................................................................................................................................398
PTA Program....................................................................................................................................................... 398
PTA Receiving Account.......................................................................................................................................398
PTA Settlement Guarantee Covered Program..............................................................................................398
PTA Settlement Obligation ..............................................................................................................................398
PTA Transaction..................................................................................................................................................398
Quick Response (QR) Code .............................................................................................................................. 398
Receiving Account Holder..................................................................................................................................399
Receiving Agent...................................................................................................................................................399
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Receiving Customer............................................................................................................................................399
Receiving Institution (RI)....................................................................................................................................399
Remote Electronic Transaction........................................................................................................................ 399
Service Provider.................................................................................................................................................. 400
Settlement Obligation.......................................................................................................................................400
Shared Deposit Transaction............................................................................................................................. 400
Solicitation, Solicit..............................................................................................................................................400
Special Issuer Program......................................................................................................................................400
Sponsor, Sponsorship.........................................................................................................................................400
Sponsored Digital Activity Entity.....................................................................................................................401
Sponsored Merchant..........................................................................................................................................401
Sponsored Merchant Agreement.....................................................................................................................401
Staged Digital Wallet........................................................................................................................................ 401
Staged Digital Wallet Operator (DWO).........................................................................................................402
Standards............................................................................................................................................................ 402
Stand-In Parameters.........................................................................................................................................402
Stand-In Processing Service............................................................................................................................. 402
Stored Credential............................................................................................................................................... 402
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)........................................................................................................ 403
Third Party Processor (TPP)..............................................................................................................................403
Token Aggregator...............................................................................................................................................403
Token Requestor..................................................................................................................................................403
Token Vault...........................................................................................................................................................404
Tokenization, Tokenize........................................................................................................................................404
Transaction Data................................................................................................................................................404
Transaction Information Document (TID)......................................................................................................404
Transaction Management System..................................................................................................................404
Trusted Service Manager...................................................................................................................................405
Virtual Account....................................................................................................................................................405
Wallet Token Requestor.....................................................................................................................................405
Word Mark...........................................................................................................................................................405
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Acceptance Mark
Any one of the Corporation’s Marks displayed at a Point of Interaction (POI) to indicate brand
acceptance. See Cirrus Acceptance Mark, Maestro Acceptance Mark, Mastercard Acceptance
The Merchant, Sponsored Merchant, ATM owner, or other entity that accepts a Card pursuant
to a Merchant Agreement, Sponsored Merchant Agreement, or ATM Owner Agreement for
purposes of conducting a Transaction.
Access Device
A device other than a Card that has successfully completed all applicable Mastercard
certification and testing requirements, if any, and:
Uses at least one Payment Application provisioned to the device by or with the approval of a
Customer to provide access to an Account;
Supports the transmission or exchange of data using one or both of the following:
Magnetic stripe or chip data containing a dynamic cryptogram to or with a Terminal, as
applicable, by implementing the EMV Contactless Specifications (Book D) to effect
Transactions at the Terminal without requiring direct contact of the device to the Terminal
Chip data containing a dynamic cryptogram to or with a Terminal, as applicable, by
implementing the Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments (MCBP) documentation to effect
Transactions at the Terminal by capture of a QR Code containing the Transaction Data
May also support the transmission of magnetic stripe data containing a dynamic cryptogram
to a Terminal to effect Transactions identified by the Acquirer in Transaction messages as
magnetic stripe Transactions.
A Cirrus Access Device, Maestro Access Device, and Mastercard Access Device is each an Access
Device. Also see Mobile Payment Device.
An account maintained by or on behalf of a Cardholder by an Issuer for the processing of
Transactions, and which is identified with a bank identification number (BIN) or Issuer
identification number (IIN) designated by the Corporation in its routing tables for routing to the
Interchange System. Also see Cirrus Account, Maestro Account, Mastercard Account.
Acceptance Mark
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Account Enablement System
Performs Account enablement services for Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments, which may
include Account and Access Device eligibility checks, Identification & Verification (ID&V),
Digitization, and subsequent lifecycle management.
Account Holder
A user who holds a PTA Account and has agreed to participate in a PTA Transaction.
Account PAN
The primary account number (PAN) allocated to an Account by an Issuer.
Account PAN Range
The range of Account PANs designated by an Issuer for Digitization.
A Customer in its capacity as an acquirer of a Transaction.
The undertaking of any lawful act that can be undertaken only pursuant to a License granted by
the Corporation. Payment Transfer Activity is a type of Activity. Also see Digital Activity(ies).
Affiliate Customer, Affiliate
A Customer that participates indirectly in Activity through the Sponsorship of a Principal or,
solely with respect to Mastercard Activity, through the Sponsorship of an Association. An
Affiliate may not Sponsor any other Customer.
Account Enablement System
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Area of Use
The country or countries in which a Customer is Licensed to use the Marks and conduct Activity
or in which a PTA Customer is permitted to Participate in a PTA Program, and, as a rule, set
forth in the License or PTA Agreement or in an exhibit to the License or PTA Agreement.
Association Customer, Association
A Mastercard Customer that participates directly in Mastercard Activity using its assigned BINs
and which may Sponsor one or more Mastercard Affiliates but may not directly issue
Mastercard Cards or acquire Mastercard Transactions, or in the case of a PTA Association, may
not directly hold PTA Accounts, without the express prior written consent of the Corporation.
ATM Access Fee
A fee charged by an Acquirer in connection with a cash withdrawal or Shared Deposit
Transaction initiated at the Acquirer’s ATM Terminal with a Card, and added to the total
Transaction amount transmitted to the Issuer.
ATM Owner Agreement
An agreement between an ATM owner and a Customer that sets forth the terms pursuant to
which the ATM accepts Cards.
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
An unattended self-service device that performs basic banking functions such as accepting
deposits, cash withdrawals, ordering transfers among accounts, loan payments and account
balance inquiries.
ATM Terminal
An ATM that enables a Cardholder to effect an ATM Transaction with a Card (and if
contactless-enabled, an Access Device) in accordance with the Standards.
Area of Use
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
ATM Transaction
A cash withdrawal effected at an ATM Terminal with a Card and processed through the
Mastercard ATM Network. An ATM Transaction is identified with MCC 6011 (Automated Cash
Disbursements—Customer Financial Institution).
Bank Branch Terminal
An attended device, located on the premises of a Customer or other financial institution
designated as its authorized agent by the Corporation, that facilitates a Manual Cash
Disbursement Transaction by a Cardholder.
A bank identification number (BIN, sometimes referred to as an Issuer identification number, or
IIN) is a unique number assigned by Mastercard for use by a Customer in accordance with the
Brand Fee
A fee charged for certain Transactions not routed to the Interchange System.
Brand Mark
A Word Mark as a custom lettering legend placed within the Corporation’s interlocking circles
device. The Mastercard Brand Mark, Maestro Brand Mark, and Cirrus Brand Mark is each a
Brand Mark. The Mastercard Symbol is also a Brand Mark.
A card issued by a Customer pursuant to License and in accordance with the Standards and
that provides access to an Account. Unless otherwise stated herein, Standards applicable to the
use and acceptance of a Card are also applicable to an Access Device and, in a Card-not-present
environment, an Account. A Cirrus Card, Maestro Card, and Mastercard Card is each a Card.
The authorized user of a Card or Access Device issued by a Customer.
ATM Transaction
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Cardholder Communication
Any communication by or on behalf of an Issuer to a Cardholder or prospective Cardholder. A
Solicitation is one kind of Cardholder Communication.
Cardholder Verification Method (CVM)
A process used to confirm that the person presenting the Card is an authorized Cardholder. The
Corporation deems the following to be valid CVMs when used in accordance with the Standards:
The comparison, by the Merchant or Acquirer accepting the Card, of the signature on the
Card’s signature panel with the signature provided on the Transaction receipt by the person
presenting the Card;
The comparison, by the Card Issuer or the EMV chip on the Card, of the value entered on a
Terminal’s PIN pad with the personal identification number (PIN) given to or selected by the
Cardholder upon Card issuance; and
The use of a Consumer Device CVM (CDCVM) that Mastercard approved as a valid CVM for
Transactions upon the successful completion of the certification and testing procedures set
forth in section 3.11 of the Security Rules and Procedures.
In certain Card-present environments, a Merchant may complete the Transaction without a
CVM ("no CVM" as the CVM), such as in Contactless Transactions less than or equal to the CVM
limit and Transactions at an unattended Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminal identified as Cardholder-
activated Terminal (CAT) Level 2 or Level 3.
Cardholder-initiated Transaction (CIT)
A Transaction in which the Cardholder actively participates by presenting a Card or Access
Device at the POI or agreeing to the use of a Stored Credential to complete the Transaction,
and may be required to perform a CVM or other Cardholder authentication.
China Deposit Transaction
A domestic deposit to an Account conducted at an ATM Terminal located in China, initiated with
a Card issued by a China Customer, and processed through the China Switch.
China Funds Transfer Funding Transaction
A domestic financial transaction sent by the China Switch on behalf of the Originating
Institution to the Funding Institution to fund the subsequent associated China Funds Transfer
Payment Transaction.
Cardholder Communication
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
China Funds Transfer Payment Transaction
A domestic financial transaction sent by the China Switch on behalf of the Originating
Institution to the Receiving Institution to transfer the funds into a receiving account.
China Funds Transfer Request
A domestic non-financial transaction sent by the Original Institution to the China Switch to
initiate the China Funds Transfer Transactions.
China Funds Transfer Transaction
China domestic Transactions that facilitates the funds transfer from an Account to another
Account. Each China Funds Transfer Transaction contains two associated transactions, the
China Funds Transfer Funding Transaction and the China Funds Transfer Payment Transaction.
China Recurring Payment Transaction – Recurring Payment Terms
The recurring payment terms are the terms and conditions agreed by Merchant and Cardholder
for China domestic recurring payment Transactions. It includes card acceptor name,
merchandise or service, payment account, recurring payment frequency or condition, and ending
date (if applicable). The Acquirer must populate the recurring payment terms in each China
domestic recurring payment Transaction message.
China Switch Manual Transaction
China domestic Transactions, manually initiated by the Acquirer via the China Dispute
Resolution Platform, that includes manual preauthorization reversal, manual preauthorization
complete and manual refund.
Chip Card (Smart Card, Integrated Circuit Card, IC Card, or ICC)
A Card with an embedded EMV-compliant chip containing memory and interactive capabilities
used to identify and store additional data about a Cardholder, an Account, or both.
Chip Transaction
A Contact Chip Transaction or a Contactless Transaction.
China Funds Transfer Payment Transaction
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Chip-only MPOS Terminal
An MPOS Terminal that has a contact chip reader and no magnetic stripe-reading capability
and that must:
1. Operate as an online-only POS Terminal for authorization purposes;
2. Support either signature or No CVM Required as a Cardholder Verification Method, and may
also support PIN verification if conducted by means of a PIN entry device (PED) that is in
compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) POS PED Security Requirements and
Evaluation Program; and
3. Otherwise comply with the Corporations requirements for Hybrid POS Terminals.
Cirrus Acceptance Mark
A Mark consisting of the Cirrus Brand Mark placed on the dark blue acceptance rectangle,
available at
Cirrus Access Device
An Access Device that uses at least one Cirrus Payment Application to provide access to a Cirrus
Account when used at an ATM Terminal or Bank Branch Terminal.
Cirrus Account
An account eligible to be a Cirrus Account and identified with a BIN/IIN associated with a
Portfolio designated by the Corporation as a Cirrus Portfolio in its routing tables.
Cirrus Brand Mark
A Mark consisting of the Cirrus Word Mark as a custom lettering legend placed within the
Corporation’s interlocking circles device. The Corporation is the exclusive owner of the Cirrus
Brand Mark.
Cirrus Card
A Card that provides access to a Cirrus Account.
Chip-only MPOS Terminal
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Cirrus Customer
A Customer that has been granted a Cirrus License in accordance with the Standards.
Cirrus Payment Application
A Payment Application that stores Cirrus Account data.
Cirrus Word Mark
A Mark consisting of the word “Cirrus” followed by a registered trademark
(depending on its trademark status in a particular country) or the local law equivalent. “Cirrus”
must appear in English and be spelled correctly, with the letter “C” capitalized. “Cirrus” must not
be abbreviated, hyphenated, used in the plural or possessive, or translated from English into
another language. The Corporation is the exclusive owner of the Cirrus Word Mark.
Competing ATM Network
A Competing International ATM Network or a Competing North American ATM Network, as the
case may be.
Competing International ATM Network
A network of ATMs and payment cards, other than the Corporation, identified by a common
brand mark that is used exclusively or primarily for ATM interchange that:
1. Operates in at least three countries;
2. Uses a common service mark or marks to identify the ATMs and payment cards which
provide account access through it; and
3. Provides account access to at least 40,000,000 debit cards and by means of at least 25,000
Competing EFT POS Network
A network, other than any network owned and operated by the Corporation, which provides
access to Maestro Accounts at POS Terminals by use of payment cards and has the following
1. It provides a common service mark or marks to identify the POS Terminal and payment
cards, which provide Maestro Account access;
Cirrus Customer
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
2. It is not an affiliate of the Corporation; and
3. It operates in at least one country in which the Corporation has granted a License or
The following networks are designated without limitation to be Competing EFT POS Networks:
Interlink; Electron; and V-Pay.
Competing North American ATM Network
A network of ATMs and access cards, other than the Corporation, identified by a common brand
mark that is used exclusively or primarily for ATM interchange and that possesses each of the
following characteristics:
1. It operates in at least 40 of the states or provinces of the states and provinces of the United
States and Canada;
2. It uses a common service mark or common service marks to identify the terminals and cards
which provide account access through it;
3. There are at least 40,000,000 debit cards that provide account access through it; and
4. There are at least 12,000 ATMs that provide account access through it.
Consumer Device Cardholder Verification Method, Consumer Device
A CVM that occurs when personal credentials established by the Cardholder to access an
Account by means of a particular Access Device are entered on the Access Device and verified,
either within the Access Device or by the Issuer during online authorization. A CDCVM is valid if
the Issuer has approved the use of the CVM for the authentication of the Cardholder.
Contact Chip Transaction
A Transaction in which data is exchanged between the Chip Card and the Terminal through the
reading of the chip using the contact interface, in conformance with EMV specifications.
Contactless Payment Device
A means other than a Card by which a Cardholder may access an Account at a Terminal in
accordance with the Standards. A Contactless Payment Device is a type of Access Device that
exchanges data with the Terminal by means of radio frequency communications. Also see Mobile
Payment Device.
Competing North American ATM Network
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Contactless Transaction
A Transaction in which data is exchanged between the Chip Card or Access Device and the
Terminal through the reading of the chip using the contactless interface, by means of radio
frequency communications. Also see EMV Mode Contactless Transaction, Magnetic Stripe Mode
Contactless Transaction.
Control, Controlled
As used herein, Control has such meaning as the Corporation deems appropriate in its sole
discretion given the context of the usage of the term and all facts and circumstances the
Corporation deems appropriate to consider. As a general guideline, Control often means to have,
alone or together with another entity or entities, direct, indirect, legal, or beneficial possession
(by contract or otherwise) of the power to direct the management and policies of another
Mastercard International Incorporated, Maestro International Inc., and their subsidiaries and
affiliates. As used herein, Corporation also means the President and Chief Executive Officer of
Mastercard International Incorporated, or his or her designee, or such officers or other
employees responsible for the administration and/or management of a program, service,
product, system or other function. Unless otherwise set forth in the Standards, and subject to
any restriction imposed by law or regulation, or by the Board of Directors of Mastercard
International Incorporated, or by the Mastercard International Incorporated Certificate of
Incorporation or the Mastercard Incorporated Certificate of Incorporation (as each such
Certificate of Incorporation may be amended from time to time), each such person is authorized
to act on behalf of the Corporation and to so act in his or her sole discretion.
Corporation System
The Interchange System as defined in this manual.
Credential-on-file Transaction
A Transaction initiated at a Merchant location with a Stored Credential, pursuant to the
Cardholder’s express authorization for the use of such Stored Credential to effect the
Contactless Transaction
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Credentials Management System
Facilitates credential preparation and/or remote mobile Payment Application management for
Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments.
Cross-border Transaction
A Transaction that occurs at a Card acceptance location in a different country from the country
in which the Card was issued.
A financial institution or other entity that has been approved for Participation. A Customer may
be a Principal, Association, Affiliate, Digital Activity Customer, Sponsored Digital Activity Entity,
or PTA Customer. Also see Cirrus Customer, Maestro Customer, Mastercard Customer, Member.
Customer Report
Any report that a Customer is required to provide to the Corporation, whether on a one-time or
repeated basis, pertaining to its License, Activities, Digital Activity Agreement, Digital Activities,
PTA Agreement, Payment Transfer Activities, use of any Mark, or any such matters. By way of
example and not limitation, the Quarterly Mastercard Report (QMR) is a Customer Report.
Data Storage Entity (DSE)
A Service Provider that performs any one or more of the services as DSE Program Service.
Device Binding
The process by which a Wallet Token Requestor binds a Mastercard Token corresponding to a
Cardholder’s Account to that Cardholders Mobile Payment Device, which may consist of:
The provisioning of the Token and its associated encryption keys into the secure element
within the Mobile Payment Device;
The loading of an application for a remotely-managed secure server into the Mobile Payment
Device and the successful communication of the device with the application; or
Other methodology acceptable to the Corporation.
Credentials Management System
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Digital Activity(ies)
The undertaking of any lawful act pursuant to approval by the Corporation as set forth in a
Digital Activity Agreement or other written documentation. Participation in the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service as a Wallet Token Requestor is a Digital Activity.
Digital Activity Agreement
The contract between the Corporation and a Digital Activity Customer granting the Digital
Activity Customer the right to participate in Digital Activity and a limited License to use one or
more of the Marks in connection with such Digital Activity, in accordance with the Standards.
Digital Activity Customer
A Customer that participates in Digital Activity pursuant to a Digital Activity Agreement and
which may not issue Cards, acquire Transactions, or Sponsor any other Customer into the
Digital Activity Service Provider (DASP)
A Service Provider that performs any one or more of the services described in Rule 7.1 of the
Mastercard Rules as DASP Program Service.
Digital Activity Sponsoring Customer
A Principal Customer or Digital Activity Customer that sponsors a Sponsored Digital Activity
Entity to participate in Digital Activity.
Digital Goods
Any goods that are stored, delivered, and used in electronic format, such as, by way of example
but not limitation, books, newspapers, magazines, music, games, game pieces, and software
(excluding gift cards). The delivery of a purchase of Digital Goods may occur on a one-time or
subscription basis.
Digital Wallet
A Pass-through Digital Wallet or a Staged Digital Wallet.
Digital Activity(ies)
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Digital Wallet Operator (DWO)
A Service Provider that operates a Staged Digital Wallet or a Customer that operates a Pass-
through Digital Wallet. A Merchant that stores Mastercard or Maestro Account data solely on
its own behalf to effect Transactions initiated by the consumer is not deemed to be a DWO.
Digital Wallet Operator (DWO) Security Incident, DWO Security
Any incident pertaining to the unintended or unlawful disclosure of Personal Data in connection
with such Personal Data being processed through a DWO.
Digital Wallet Operator Mark, DWO Mark
A Mark identifying a particular Pass-through Digital Wallet and/or Staged Digital Wallet, and
which may be displayed at the POI to denote that a retailer, or any other person, firm, or
corporation, accepts payments effected by means of that Pass-through Digital Wallet and/or
Staged Digital Wallet. A “Staged DWO Mark” and a “Pass-through DWO Mark” are both types
of DWO Marks.
Digitization, Digitize
Data preparation performed by, or on behalf of, an Issuer prior to the provisioning of Account
credentials or a PTA Customer prior to the provisioning of PTA Account credentials, in the form
of a Mastercard Token, onto a Payment Device or into a server. Digitization includes
Domestic Transaction
See Intracountry Transaction.
Dual Interface
The description of a Terminal or Card that is capable of processing Contactless Transactions by
means of its contactless interface and Contact Chip Transactions by means of its contact
Digital Wallet Operator (DWO)
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Electronic Money
Electronically (including magnetically) accessed monetary value as represented by a claim on the
Electronic Money Issuer which:
1. Is issued on receipt of funds for the purpose of making transactions with payment cards;
2. Is accepted by the Electronic Money Issuer or a person other than the Electronic Money
Electronic Money Issuer
An Electronic Money Institution with respect only to its issuing activities.
Electronic Money Institution
An entity authorized by applicable regulatory authority or other government entity as an
electronic money institution,” “e-money institution,” “small electronic money institution,” or any
other applicable qualification under which an entity is authorized to issue or acquire Electronic
Money transactions under applicable law or regulation.
EMV Mode Contactless Transaction
A Contactless Transaction in which the Terminal and the chip exchange data, enabling the chip
to approve the Transaction offline on the Issuer’s behalf or to request online authorization from
the Issuer, in compliance with the Standards.
Funding Transaction
A Funding Transaction is a Point-of-Sale (POS) Transaction for the purchase of funds transfer
services that involves the transfer of funds from an eligible Account by an Acquirer on behalf of
the Cardholder (directly or indirectly) for the purpose of either: (a) funding a subsequent and
linked funds transfer from the Cardholder to another person or entity or (b) transferring funds
into another eligible financial account held by that same Cardholder. Eligible Accounts and
eligible financial accounts are set out in the Mastercard MoneySend and Funding Transactions
Program Standards.
Electronic Money
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Gaming Payment Transaction
A type of Payment Transaction that transfers winnings or value usable for gambling or gaming
to a Mastercard or Maestro Account.
Gateway Customer
A Customer that uses the Gateway Processing service.
Gateway Processing
A service that enables a Customer to forward a Gateway Transaction to and/or receive a
Gateway Transaction from the Mastercard ATM Network
Gateway Transaction
An ATM transaction effected with a payment card or other access device not bearing a Mark
that is processed through or using the Mastercard ATM Network
Global Collection Only (GCO) Data Collection Program
A program of the Corporation pursuant to which a Customer must provide collection-only
reporting of non-Processed Transactions effected with a Card, Access Device, or Account issued
under a Mastercard-assigned BIN via the Corporation’s Global Clearing Management System
(GCMS), in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Mastercard Global Collection Only
Government Controlled Merchant
A Merchant that is a government entity or an entity that is at least fifty percent (50%) owned
or controlled (either directly, indirectly, legally or beneficially) by a government or government
Host Card Emulation (HCE)
The presentation on a Mobile Payment Device of a virtual and exact representation of a Chip
Card using only software on the Mobile Payment Device and occurring by means of its
communication with a secure remote server.
Gaming Payment Transaction
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Hybrid Terminal
A Terminal, including any POS or MPOS Terminal (“Hybrid POS Terminal,” “Hybrid MPOS
Terminal”), ATM Terminal (“Hybrid ATM Terminal”), or Bank Branch Terminal (“Hybrid Bank
Branch Terminal”), that:
1. Is capable of processing both Contact Chip Transactions and magnetic stripe Transactions;
2. Has the equivalent hardware, software, and configuration as a Terminal with full EMV Level
1 and Level 2 type approval status with regard to the chip technical specifications; and
3. Has satisfactorily completed the Corporation’s Terminal Integration Process (TIP) in the
appropriate environment of use.
A unique number assigned by the Corporation to identify a Customer in relation to Activity.
Identification & Verification (ID&V)
The identification and verification of a person as the Cardholder to whom the Issuer allocated
the Account PAN to be Tokenized.
Independent Sales Organization (ISO)
A Service Provider that performs any one or more of the services as ISO Program Service.
Installment Lending Agreement
The agreement between the Installment Service Provider and an End User, which includes terms
and conditions governing the relationship between the parties, such as lending amount and
repayment terms.
Installment Provider
An Installment Service Provider that accepts a Card for the remittance phase of the Installment
Lending Agreement, or other entity that accepts a Card pursuant to the Cardholders
agreement to remit payment in installments for the purchase of goods or services from a
retailer on whose behalf the Installment Provider offers installment billing services.
Hybrid Terminal
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Interchange System
The computer hardware and software operated by and on behalf of the Corporation for the
routing, processing, and settlement of Transactions and PTA Transactions including, without
limitation, the Mastercard Network, the Mastercard ATM Network, the Dual Message System,
the Single Message System, the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS), the Settlement
Account Management (SAM) system and the China Switch system.
Inter-European Transaction
A Transaction completed using a Card issued in a country or territory listed in Single European
Payments Area (SEPA) at a Terminal located in a country or territory listed in Non-Single
European Payments Area (Non-SEPA) or Transaction completed using a Card issued in a country
or territory listed in Non-Single European Payments Area (Non–SEPA) at a Terminal located in a
country or territory listed in Single European Payments Area (SEPA).
Interregional Transaction
A Transaction that occurs at a Card acceptance location in a different Region from the Region in
which the Card was issued. In the Europe Region, the term “Interregional Transaction” includes
any “Inter-European Transaction,” as such term is defined in the “Europe Region” chapter of the
Mastercard Rules.
Intracountry Transaction
A Transaction that occurs at a Card acceptance location in the same country as the country in
which the Card was issued. A Transaction conducted with a Card bearing one or more of the
Brand Marks, either alone or in combination with the marks of another payment scheme, and
processed as a Transaction, as shown by the Card type identification in the Transaction record,
via either the Interchange System or a different network, qualifies as an Intracountry
Transaction. “Domestic Transaction” is an alternative term for Intracountry Transaction.
Intra–European Transaction
An Intra-Non-SEPA Transaction or an Intra–SEPA Transaction, but not an Inter–European
Interchange System
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Intra–Non–SEPA Transaction
A Transaction completed using a Card issued in a country or territory listed in Non–Single
European Payments Area (Non–SEPA) at a Terminal located in a country or territory listed in
Non–Single European Payments Area (Non–SEPA).
Intraregional Transaction
A Transaction that occurs at a Card acceptance location in a different country from the country
in which the Card was issued, within the same Region. In the Europe Region, this term is
replaced by “Intra-European Transaction,” as such term is defined in the “Europe Region”
chapter of the Mastercard Rules.
A Customer in its capacity as an issuer of a Card or Account.
License, Licensed
The contract between the Corporation and a Customer granting the Customer the right to use
one or more of the Marks in accordance with the Standards and in the case of Payment Transfer
Activity, includes a PTA Agreement. To be “Licensed” means to have such a right pursuant to a
A Customer or other person authorized in writing by the Corporation to use one or more of the
Maestro International Incorporated, a Delaware U.S.A. corporation or any successor thereto.
Maestro Acceptance Mark
A Mark consisting of the Maestro Brand Mark placed on the dark blue acceptance rectangle, as
available at
Intra–Non–SEPA Transaction
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Maestro Access Device
An Access Device that uses at least one Maestro Payment Application to provide access to a
Maestro Account when used at a Terminal.
Maestro Account
An account eligible to be a Maestro Account and identified with a BIN/IIN associated with a
Portfolio designated by the Corporation as a Maestro Portfolio in its routing tables.
Maestro Brand Mark
A Mark consisting of the Maestro Word Mark as a custom lettering legend placed within the
Corporation’s interlocking circles device. The Corporation is the exclusive owner of the Maestro
Brand Mark.
Maestro Card
A Card that provides access to a Maestro Account.
Maestro Customer
A Customer that has been granted a Maestro License in accordance with the Standards.
Maestro Payment Application
A Payment Application that stores Maestro Account data.
Maestro Word Mark
A Mark consisting of the word “Maestro” followed by a registered trademark
(depending on its trademark status in a particular country) or the local law equivalent.
“Maestro” must appear in English and be spelled correctly, with the letter “M” capitalized.
“Maestro” must not be abbreviated, hyphenated, used in the plural or possessive, or translated
from English into another language. Maestro is the exclusive owner of the Maestro Word Mark.
Maestro Access Device
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction
A Contactless Transaction in which the Terminal receives static and dynamic data from the chip
and constructs messages that can be transported in a standard magnetic stripe message
format, in compliance with the Standards.
Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction
A disbursement of cash performed upon the acceptance of a Card by a Customer financial
institution teller. A Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction is identified with MCC 6010 (Manual
Cash Disbursements—Customer Financial Institution).
The names, logos, trade names, logotypes, sounds, animations, haptics, visual depictions,
trademarks, service marks, trade designations, and other designations, symbols, and marks that
the Corporation owns, manages, licenses, or otherwise Controls and makes available for use by
Customers and other authorized entities in accordance with a License. A “Mark” means any one
of the Marks.
Mastercard International Incorporated, a Delaware U.S.A. corporation.
Mastercard Acceptance Mark
A Mark consisting of the Mastercard Brand Mark or Mastercard Symbol placed on the dark blue
acceptance rectangle, as available at
Mastercard Access Device
An Access Device that uses at least one Mastercard Payment Application to provide access to a
Mastercard Account when used at a Terminal.
Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless Transaction
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Mastercard Account
Any type of account (credit, debit, prepaid, commercial, etc.) identified as a Mastercard Account
with a primary account number (PAN) that begins with a BIN in the range of 222100 to 272099
or 510000 to 559999.
Mastercard Biometric Card
A Mastercard or Maestro Chip Card containing a fingerprint sensor and compliant with the
Corporation’s biometric Standards.
Mastercard Brand Mark
A Mark consisting of the Mastercard Word Mark as a custom lettering legend placed within the
Mastercard Interlocking Circles Device. The Corporation is the exclusive owner of the Mastercard
Brand Mark. The Mastercard Symbol is also a Mastercard Brand Mark.
Mastercard-branded Application Identifier (AID)
Any of the Corporation’s EMV chip application identifiers for Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus
Payment Applications as defined in the M/Chip Requirements manual.
Mastercard Card
A Card that provides access to a Mastercard Account.
Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments
A specification that facilitates the provisioning of Digitized Account data into a Host Card
Emulation (HCE) server and the use of the remotely stored Digitized Account data, along with
single-use payment credentials, in Transactions effected by a Cardholder using a Mobile
Payment Device. The Mastercard Digital Enablement Service offers Mastercard Cloud-Based
Payments as an on-behalf service.
Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction
A Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction is an EMV Chip Transaction effected
through the presentment of a QR Code by the Cardholder, using a Mobile Payment Device, and
Mastercard Account
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
the capture of the QR Code by the Merchant containing the Transaction Data required to
initiate a Transaction.
Each Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction must comply with all requirements set
forth in the Standards applicable to a Mastercard Consumer-Presented QR Transaction,
including but not limited to those herein, in the technical specifications for authorization
messages, in the M/Chip Requirements for Contact and Contactless manual, and in the
Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments (MCBP) documentation.
Mastercard Customer
A Customer that has been granted a Mastercard License in accordance with the Standards. Also
see Member.
Mastercard Digital Enablement Service
Any of the services offered by the Corporation exclusively to Customers for the digital
enablement of Account and/or PTA Account data, including but not limited to ID&V Service,
Tokenization Service, Digitization Service, Token Mapping Service, Mastercard Cloud-Based
Payments, Digital Card Image Database, CVC 3 pre-validation and other on-behalf
cryptographic validation services, and Service Requests.
Mastercard Europe
Mastercard Europe SA, a Belgian private limited liability (company).
Mastercard Incorporated
Mastercard Incorporated, a Delaware U.S.A. corporation.
Mastercard Payment Application
A Payment Application that stores Mastercard Account data.
Mastercard Safety Net
A service offered by the Corporation that performs fraud monitoring at the network level for all
Transactions processed on the Mastercard Network. The service invokes targeted measures to
provide protective controls on behalf of a participating Issuer to assist in minimizing losses in the
event of a catastrophic fraud attack.
Mastercard Customer
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Mastercard Symbol
A Mark consisting of the Mastercard interlocking circles device. The Corporation is the exclusive
owner of the Mastercard Symbol. The Mastercard Symbol is also a Mastercard Brand Mark.
Mastercard Token
A Token allocated from a Mastercard Token Account Range that the Corporation has designated
to an Issuer or PTA Customer and that corresponds to an Account PAN or a PTA Account
Number. The Corporation exclusively owns all right, title, and interest in any Mastercard Token.
Mastercard Token Account Range
A bank identification number (BIN) or portion of a BIN (“BIN range”) designated by the
Corporation to an Issuer or PTA Customer for the allocation of Mastercard Tokens in a particular
Token implementation. A Mastercard Token Account Range must be designated from a BIN
reserved for the Corporation by the ISO Registration Authority and for which the Corporation is
therefore the “BIN Controller,” as such term is defined in the EMV Payment Tokenization
Specification Technical Framework (also see the term “Token BIN Range” in that document). A
Mastercard Token Account Range is identified in the Corporation’s routing tables as having the
same attributes as the corresponding Account PAN Range or the range of PTA Account
Mastercard Token Vault
The Token Vault owned and operated by Mastercard and enabled by means of the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service.
Mastercard Word Mark
A Mark consisting of the word “Mastercard” followed by a registered trademark
symbol or the
local law equivalent. “Mastercard” must appear in English and be spelled correctly, with the
letters “M” and “C” capitalized. “Mastercard” must not be abbreviated, hyphenated, used in the
plural or possessive, or translated from English into another language. The Corporation is the
exclusive owner of the Mastercard Word Mark.
Mastercard Symbol
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Member, Membership
A financial institution or other entity that is approved to be a Mastercard Customer in
accordance with the Standards and which, as a Mastercard Customer, has been granted
membership (“Membership”) in and has become a member (“Member”) of the Corporation.
“Membership” also means “Participation.
Merchandise Transaction
The purchase by a Cardholder of merchandise or a service, but not currency, in an approved
category at an ATM Terminal and dispensed or otherwise provided by such ATM Terminal. A
Merchandise Transaction is identified with MCC 6012 (Merchandise and Services—Customer
Financial Institution), unless otherwise specified.
A retailer, or any other person, firm or corporation that, pursuant to a Merchant Agreement,
agrees to accept Cards when properly presented.
Merchant Agreement
An agreement between a Merchant and a Customer that sets forth the terms pursuant to
which the Merchant is authorized to accept Cards.
Merchant Card-on-File Tokenization
The use of the Mastercard Digital Enablement Service (MDES) to replace Mastercard or
Maestro Account data (meaning PAN and expiration date), that the Cardholder expressly
authorized a Merchant to store for use in a future Transaction, with a Mastercard Token.
Merchant Token Requestor
A Merchant approved by the Corporation to conduct Digital Activity and authorized to connect
directly or indirectly to the Mastercard Digital Enablement Service (MDES) for the purpose of
Tokenizing a Mastercard or Maestro Account primary account number (PAN) provided by a
Cardholder for use in a future Transaction with the Merchant. A Merchant Token Requestor is a
type of Token Requestor.
Member, Membership
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Merchant-initiated Transaction (MIT)
A Card-not-present Transaction that a Merchant initiates based on a prior agreement with the
Cardholder, and in which the Cardholder does not actively participate. An MIT may be a
recurring payment (standing order, subscription, unscheduled COF, or installment payment) or
industry practice (partial shipment, related/delayed charge, no-show, or resubmission).
Mobile Payment Device
A Cardholder-controlled mobile device containing a Payment Application compliant with the
Standards, and which uses an integrated keyboard and screen to access an Account. A Mobile
Payment Device may also be a Contactless Payment Device or a Mastercard Consumer-
Presented QR payment device.
Mobile POS (MPOS) Terminal
An MPOS Terminal enables a mobile device to be used as a POS Terminal. Card “reading” and
software functionality that meets the Corporations requirements may reside within the mobile
device, on a server accessed by the mobile device, or in a separate accessory connected (such as
via Bluetooth or a USB port) to the mobile device. The mobile device may be any multi-purpose
mobile computing platform, including, by way of example and not limitation, a feature phone,
smart phone, tablet, or personal digital assistant (PDA).
MoneySend Payment Transaction
A type of Payment Transaction that is effected pursuant to, and subject to, the Mastercard
MoneySend and Funding Transactions Program Standards.
Multi-Account Chip Card
A Chip Card with more than one Account encoded in the chip.
Non-Mastercard BIN Maestro card-not-present (CNP) debit card
A U.S. Region or U.S. Territory issued debit card with a Primary Account Number starting with a
four and enhanced with Maestro functionality that transacts card-not-present at a Maestro
Merchant located in the U.S. Region or a U.S. Territory.
Merchant-initiated Transaction (MIT)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Non-Mastercard Funding Source
Any funding source used to fund a PTA Transaction other than an Account.
Non-Mastercard Receiving Account
Any receiving account used to receive a PTA Transaction other than an Account.
Non-Mastercard Systems and Networks Standards
The applicable rules, regulations, by-laws, standards, procedures, and any other obligations or
requirements of an applicable payment network or system that is not owned, operated, or
controlled by the Corporation.
On-behalf Token Requestor
A Digital Activity Customer, other Customer, Network Enablement Partner, or other entity
approved by the Corporation to conduct Digital Activity and authorized to Tokenize a
Mastercard or Maestro primary account number (PAN) using the Mastercard Digital
Enablement Service (MDES) on behalf of a DWO or Merchant. Also called a Token Aggregator.
On-Device Cardholder Verification
The use of a CDCVM as the CVM for a Transaction.
Originating Account Holder
The Account Holder originating the PTA Transaction.
Originating Institution (OI)
A PTA Customer that Participates in a Payment Transfer Activity as an originator of PTA
Non-Mastercard Funding Source
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Ownership, Owned
As used herein, ownership has such meaning as the Corporation deems appropriate in its sole
discretion given the context of the usage of the term in all facts and circumstances the
Corporation deems appropriate to consider. As a general guideline, ownership often means to
own indirectly, legally, or beneficially more than fifty percent (50 percent) of an entity.
The right to participate in Activity, Digital Activity, and/or Payment Transfer Activity granted to
a Customer by the Corporation. For a Mastercard Customer, Participation is an alternative term
for Membership.
Pass-through Digital Wallet
Functionality which can be used at more than one Merchant, and by which the Pass-through
Digital Wallet Operator stores Mastercard or Maestro Account data provided by the Cardholder
to the DWO for purposes of effecting a payment initiated by the Cardholder to a Merchant or
Sponsored Merchant, and upon the performance of a Transaction, transfers the Account data
to the Merchant or Sponsored Merchant, or to its Acquirer or the Acquirer’s Service Provider.
Pass-through Digital Wallet Operator (DWO)
A Digital Activity Customer or other Customer, approved by the Corporation to engage in Digital
Activity, that operates a Pass-through Digital Wallet.
Payment Account Reference (PAR)
A unique non-financial alphanumeric value assigned to an Account PAN or PTA Account Number
that is used to link the Account PAN or PTA Account Number to all of its corresponding Tokens.
Payment Application
A package of code and data stored in a Card, an Access Device, a server, or a combination of
Access Device and server, that when exercised outputs a set of data that may be used to effect
a Transaction, in accordance with the Standards. A Mastercard Payment Application, Maestro
Payment Application, and Cirrus Payment Application is each a Payment Application.
Ownership, Owned
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Payment Facilitator
A Service Provider registered by an Acquirer to facilitate the acquiring of Transactions by the
Acquirer from Sponsored Merchant, and which in doing so, performs any one or more of the
services as PF Program Service.
Payment Transaction
A PTA Transaction that transfers funds to an Account. A Payment Transaction is not a credit
that reverses a previous purchase. Includes MoneySend Payment Transaction and Gaming
Payment Transaction.
Payment Transfer Activity(ies) (PTA)
The undertaking of any lawful act that can be undertaken only pursuant to a PTA Agreement or
pursuant to a License granted by the Corporation. Participation in a PTA Program is Payment
Transfer Activity.
Personal Data
Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural
person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an
identification number or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological,
mental, economic, cultural, or social identity.
Point of Interaction (POI)
The location at which a Transaction occurs or a PTA Transaction originates, as determined by
the Corporation.
Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminal
One of the following:
An attended or unattended device including any commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) or other
device enabled with mobile point-of-sale (MPOS) functionality, that is in the physical
possession of a Merchant and is deployed in or at the Merchant’s premises, and which
enables a Cardholder to use a Card or Access Device to effect a Transaction for the purchase
of products or services sold by such Merchant; or
A Bank Branch Terminal
Payment Facilitator
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
A POS Terminal must comply with the POS Terminal security and other applicable Standards.
Point–of–Sale (POS) Transaction
The sale of products or services by a Merchant to a Cardholder pursuant to acceptance of a
Card by the Merchant, or a Manual Cash Disbursement Transaction. A POS Transaction
conducted by a Merchant may be a Card-present Transaction taking place in a face-to-face
environment or at an unattended POS Terminal, or a Card-not-present Transaction taking place
in a non-face-to-face environment (for example, an e-commerce, mail order, phone order, or
recurring payment Transaction).
All Cards issued bearing the same major industry identifier, BIN/IIN, and any additional digits
that uniquely identify Cards for routing purposes.
Principal Customer, Principal
A Customer that participates directly in Activity using its assigned BINs/IINs and which may
Sponsor one or more Affiliates.
Processed PTA Transaction
A PTA Transaction which is:
1. Initiated by or on behalf of the Originating Institution via the Corporation System in
accordance with the Standards; and
2. Cleared, meaning the Originating Institution transferred the PTA Transaction data within
the applicable time frame to the Corporation via the Corporation System, for the purpose
of a transfer of funds via the Corporation System, and such PTA Transaction data is
subsequently transferred by the Corporation to the Receiving Customer for such purpose.
Processed Transaction
A Transaction which is:
1. Authorized by the Issuer via the Interchange System, unless a properly processed offline
Chip Transaction approval is obtained or no authorization is required, in accordance with the
Standards; and
2. Cleared, meaning the Acquirer transferred the Transaction Data within the applicable
presentment time frame to the Corporation via the Interchange System, for the purpose of
Point–ofSale (POS) Transaction
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
a transfer of funds via the Interchange System, and such Transaction Data is subsequently
transferred by the Corporation to the Issuer for such purpose.
A Customer’s Card issuing program, Merchant acquiring program, ATM Terminal acquiring
program, Digital Activity program, and/or a PTA Program in which a Customer, a Network
Enablement Partner, or other entity approved by the Corporation Participating.
Program Service
Any service described in the Standards that directly or indirectly supports a Program and
regardless of whether the entity providing the service is registered as a Service Provider of one
or more Customers. The Corporation has the sole right to determine whether a service is a
Program Service.
PTA Account
A PTA Originating Account and/or a PTA Receiving Account.
PTA Account Number
The account number allocated to a PTA Account by a PTA Customer.
PTA Account Portfolio
All PTA Accounts issued by a PTA Customer.
PTA Agreement
The agreement between the Corporation and a PTA Customer granting the PTA Customer the
right to Participate in a PTA Program, in accordance with the Standards.
PTA Customer
A Customer that Participates in a PTA Program pursuant to a PTA Agreement.
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
PTA Originating Account
The funding source of the Originating Account Holder, from where funds are acquired by the
Originating Institution to initiate a PTA Transaction.
PTA Program
A type of Payment Transfer Activity that is identified in the applicable Standards as being a PTA
Program, including the MoneySend Program, the Mastercard Merchant Presented QR Program,
the Mastercard Send Cross-Border Service, and the Mastercard Gaming and Gambling
Payments Program.
PTA Receiving Account
The Account or, if applicable for a particular PTA Program (as set forth in the Standards for such
PTA Program), the Non-Mastercard Receiving Account, held by a Receiving Account Holder and
to which the Receiving Customer must ensure receipt of a PTA Transaction.
PTA Settlement Guarantee Covered Program
A PTA Settlement Obligation arising from a PTA Transaction conducted pursuant to a PTA
Program that is identified in the applicable Standards as being a PTA Settlement Guarantee
Covered Program.
PTA Settlement Obligation
A financial obligation of a Principal or Association PTA Customer to another Principal or
Association PTA Customer arising from a PTA Transaction.
PTA Transaction
A financial transaction in which funds are transferred from an Originating Institution to a
Receiving Customer on behalf of Account Holders pursuant to a PTA Program.
Quick Response (QR) Code
An ISO 18004-compliant encoding and visualization of data.
PTA Originating Account
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Receiving Account Holder
The Account Holder receiving the PTA Transaction.
Receiving Agent
A PTA Customer that Participates in Payment Transfer Activity as an agent for the purpose of
receiving a PTA Transaction.
Receiving Customer
A Receiving Agent or a Receiving Institution.
Receiving Institution (RI)
A PTA Customer that Participates in Payment Transfer Activity as a receiver of PTA
Transactions on behalf of a Receiving Account Holder.
A geographic region as defined by the Corporation from time to time. See Appendix A of the
Mastercard Rules manual.
Remote Electronic Transaction
In the Europe Region, all types of Card-not-present Transactions (e-commerce Transactions,
recurring payments, installments, Card-on-file Transactions, in-app Transactions, and
Transactions completed through a Digital Wallet). Mail order and telephone order (MO/TO)
Transactions and Transactions completed with anonymous prepaid Cards are excluded from this
The Standards set forth in this manual.
Receiving Account Holder
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Service Provider
A person or entity that performs Program Service. The Corporation has the sole right to
determine whether a person or entity is or may be a Service Provider and if so, the category of
Service Provider. A Service Provider is an agent of the Customer that receives or otherwise
benefits from Program Service, whether directly or indirectly, performed by such Service
Settlement Obligation
A financial obligation of a Principal or Association Customer to another Principal or Association
Customer arising from a Transaction.
Shared Deposit Transaction
A deposit to a savings Account or checking Account conducted at an ATM Terminal located in
the U.S. Region, initiated with a Card issued by a U.S. Region Customer other than the Acquirer,
and processed through the Mastercard ATM Network.
Solicitation, Solicit
An application, advertisement, promotion, marketing communication, or the like distributed as
printed materials, in electronic format (including but not limited to an email, website, mobile
application, or social media platform), or both intended to solicit the enrollment of a person or
entity as a Cardholder or Account Holder or as a Merchant. To “Solicit” means to use a
Special Issuer Program
Issuer Activity that the Corporation deems may be undertaken only with the express prior
consent of the Corporation. As of the date of the publication of these Rules, Special Issuer
Programs include Affinity Card Programs, Co-Brand Card Programs, and Prepaid Card
Programs, and with respect to Mastercard Activity only, Brand Value Transaction and
proprietary account, Remote Transaction Mastercard Account, and secured Mastercard Card
Sponsor, Sponsorship
The relationship described in the Standards between:
Service Provider
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
a Principal or Association and an Affiliate that engages in Activity indirectly through the
Principal or Association, in which case, the Principal or Association is the Sponsor of the
Affiliate and the Affiliate is Sponsored by the Principal or Association;
a Payment Facilitator and a Sponsored Merchant, in which case the Payment Facilitator is
the Sponsor of the Sponsored Merchant and the Sponsored Merchant is Sponsored by the
Payment Facilitator; or
a Digital Activity Sponsoring Customer and a Sponsored Digital Activity Entity, in which case
the Digital Activity Sponsoring Customer is the Sponsor of the Sponsored Digital Activity
“Sponsorship” means the Sponsoring of a Customer, a Sponsored Merchant, or a Sponsored
Digital Activity Entity.
Sponsored Digital Activity Entity
A wholly-owned subsidiary (or other affiliated entity as approved by the Corporation) of a
Digital Activity Sponsoring Customer. The Sponsored Digital Activity Entity may be approved at
the sole discretion of the Corporation to participate in Digital Activity pursuant to a Digital
Activity Agreement or other agreement with the Corporation.
Sponsored Merchant
A merchant that, pursuant to an agreement with a Payment Facilitator, is authorized to accept
Cards when properly presented. A Sponsored Merchant is also referred to as Submerchant.
Sponsored Merchant Agreement
An agreement between a Sponsored Merchant and a Payment Facilitator that sets forth the
terms pursuant to which the Sponsored Merchant is authorized to accept Cards. A Sponsored
Merchant Agreement is also referred to as Submerchant Agreement.
Staged Digital Wallet
Functionality that can be used at more than one retailer, and by which the Staged Digital Wallet
Operator effects a two-stage payment to a retailer to complete a purchase initiated by a
Cardholder. The following may occur in either order:
Payment stage—In the payment stage, the Staged DWO pays the retailer by means of:
Sponsored Digital Activity Entity
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
A proprietary non-Mastercard method (and not with a Mastercard Card); or
A funds transfer to an account held by the Staged DWO for or on behalf of the retailer.
Funding stage—In the funding stage, the Staged DWO uses a Mastercard or Maestro
Account provided to the Staged DWO by the Cardholder (herein, the “funding account”) to
perform a transaction that funds or reimburses the Staged Digital Wallet.
The retailer does not receive Mastercard or Maestro Account data or other information
identifying the network brand and payment card issuer for the funding account.
Staged Digital Wallet Operator (DWO)
A registered Service Provider that operates a Staged Digital Wallet.
The organizational documents, operating rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the
Corporation, including but not limited to any manuals, guides, announcements or bulletins, as
may be amended from time to time.
Stand-In Parameters
A set of authorization requirements established by the Corporation or the Issuer that are
accessed by the Interchange System using the Stand-In Processing Service to determine the
appropriate responses to authorization requests.
Stand-In Processing Service
A service offered by the Corporation in which the Interchange System authorizes or declines
Transactions on behalf of and uses Stand-In Parameters provided by the Issuer (or in some
cases, by the Corporation). The Stand-In Processing Service responds only when the Issuer is
unavailable, the Transaction cannot be delivered to the Issuer, or the Issuer exceeds the response
time parameters set by the Corporation.
Stored Credential
Mastercard or Maestro Account data (meaning PAN and expiration date) retained by a
Merchant or its Acquirer in accordance with the Cardholder’s express authorization for the
Merchant to store such Account data (or a Tokenized replacement of the originally provided
Account data generated by Merchant Card-on-File Tokenization) for use in future Transactions.
Staged Digital Wallet Operator (DWO)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
Authentication as required by the 2nd Payment Services Directive (Directive [EU] 2015/2366 of
25 November 2015) Regulatory Technical Standards on Strong Customer Authentication (as
amended and replaced from time to time).
A person authorized in writing to use a Mark either by a Licensee in accordance with the
Standards or by the Corporation.
Any attended or unattended device capable of the electronic capture and exchange of Account
data that meets the Corporation requirements for Terminal eligibility, functionality, and security,
and permits a Cardholder to effect a Transaction in accordance with the Standards. An ATM
Terminal, Bank Branch Terminal, and POS Terminal is each a type of Terminal.
Third Party Processor (TPP)
A Service Provider that performs any one or more of the services as TPP Program Service.
A numeric value that (i) is a surrogate for the primary account number (PAN) used by a
payment card issuer to identify a payment card account or is a surrogate for the PTA Account
Number used by a PTA Customer to identify a PTA Account; (ii) is issued in compliance with the
EMV Payment Tokenization Specification Technical Framework; and (iii) passes the basic
validation rules for a PAN, including the Luhn Formula for Computing Modulus 10 Check Digit.
Also see Mastercard Token.
Token Aggregator
See On-behalf Token Requestor.
Token Requestor
An entity that requests the replacement of Account PANs with Mastercard Tokens.
Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Token Vault
A repository of tokens that are implemented by a tokenization system, which may also perform
primary account number (PAN) mapping and cryptography validation.
Tokenization, Tokenize
The process by which a Mastercard Token replaces an Account PAN or a PTA Account Number.
A financial transaction arising from the proper acceptance of a Card or Account bearing or
identified with one or more of the Brand Marks, either alone or in combination with the marks of
another payment scheme, at a Card acceptance location and identified in messages with a Card
Program identifier.
Transaction Data
Any data and/or data element or subelement that the Standards and/or the Corporation’s
interface specifications require to be used to initiate, authorize, clear, and/or settle a
Transaction or PTA Transaction (whether authorized, cleared, and/or settled via the Interchange
System or otherwise) or that the Corporation requires to be provided.
Transaction Information Document (TID)
The record of a Transaction generated by the Card Acceptor and provided in electronic or hard
copy format to its Acquirer, with a copy provided to the Cardholder upon request or as required
in accordance with the Standards or applicable law; a Transaction receipt.
Transaction Management System
Performs Transaction management services for Mastercard Cloud-Based Payments, which may
include credential authentication, application cryptogram mapping and validation, ensuring
synchronization with the Credentials Management System, and forwarding of Transactions to
the Issuer for authorization.
Token Vault
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Trusted Service Manager
Provisions an Access Device with the Payment Application, personalization data, or post-
issuance application management commands by means of an over-the-air (OTA)
communication channel.
Virtual Account
A Mastercard Account issued without a physical Card or Access Device. A Virtual Account cannot
be electronically read.
The aggregate financial value of a group of Transactions. “Volume” does not mean the number
of Transactions.
Wallet Token Requestor
A Wallet Token Requestor is a Pass-through DWO that connects directly to the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service (MDES) for the purpose of Tokenizing a Mastercard or Maestro
Account primary account number (PAN) provided by a Cardholder for use in a future
Word Mark
A Mark consisting of the name of one of the Corporation’s brands followed by a registered
symbol (depending on its trademark status in a particular country) or the local
law equivalent. See Cirrus Word Mark, Maestro Word Mark, Mastercard Word Mark.
Trusted Service Manager
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Following are policies pertaining to proprietary rights, trademarks, translations, and details
about the availability of additional information online.
Proprietary Rights
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to Mastercard
International Incorporated, one or more of its affiliated entities (collectively “Mastercard”), or
This material may not be duplicated, published, or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the
prior written permission of Mastercard.
Trademark notices and symbols used in this document reflect the registration status of
Mastercard trademarks in the United States. Consult with the Global Customer Service team or
the Mastercard Law Department for the registration status of particular product, program, or
service names outside the United States.
All third-party product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners.
is a registered trademark of EMVCo LLC in the United States and other countries. For
more information, see
Mastercard makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect
to the contents of this document. Without limitation, Mastercard specifically disclaims all
representations and warranties with respect to this document and any intellectual property
rights subsisting therein or any part thereof, including but not limited to any and all implied
warranties of title, non-infringement, or suitability for any purpose (whether or not Mastercard
has been advised, has reason to know, or is otherwise in fact aware of any information) or
achievement of any particular result.
A translation of any Mastercard manual, bulletin, release, or other Mastercard document into a
language other than English is intended solely as a convenience to Mastercard customers.
Mastercard provides any translated document to its customers “AS IS” and makes no
representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the translated document, including,
but not limited to, its accuracy or reliability. In no event shall Mastercard be liable for any
damages resulting from reliance on any translated document. The English version of any
Mastercard document will take precedence over any translated version in any legal proceeding.
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Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024
Information Available Online
Mastercard provides details about the standards used for this document, including times
expressed, language use, and contact information, on the Technical Resource Center (TRC). Go
to the Rules collection of the References section for centralized information.
2013–2024 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Transaction Processing Rules • 11 June 2024